awww, don't want to go there so this thread
Posted By: sm on 2008-09-07
In Reply to: And I'll bet YOU don't, right? We all have - 'em, honey. Get used to it.
has ended? "Case closed" I guess.
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Other related messages found in our database like me? LOL!
I'm not naive enough to think that politicians are honest. I mean....if they were honest...they would stop playing the blame game in this economic crisis and actually take responsibility for their own greedy actions....particularly Dodd and Frank who I personally think should be put in separate jail cells with a large sweaty cell mate who is looking for some loving....if ya know what I mean. LOL!
Neither candidate, IMO, has a great plan to help our economy. I have to look at other issues like abortion, gun control, etc. There are a lot more things that I disagree with that Obama supports. Also, when it comes to making a living, my husband runs a car dealership and that business is hurting big time. He is running a skeleton crew, works long hours to cover for the lack of employees, and is happy to just break even. The other dealerships in his group are all talking about who they can fire if things continue to get worse to save the dealerships money. Under Obama's plans....the dealerships will suffer more and my husband and I can't afford for it to get much worse. Just another example of a small business that will have its taxes raised and will actually hurt it rather than help it which will equal loss of more jobs.
I have so many issues right now with government. The spending is WAY out of control. I'm realistic enough to know that under both Obama and McCain's plans that they BOTH will add to the national deficit and that IS A FACT. I'm just tired of government having control of so much and that is another reason why I'm voting McCain. I don't want a bigger government like Obama wants. Government has screwed up enough for us as it is....I don't want it bigger.
I also feel that in the matter of national security that I feel more comfortable with McCain. He has the military experience and he has been there, suffered through war, etc. I also think that other countries know this about McCain and would think real hard before they actually did something to us knowing that McCain has that background. Obama, on the other hand has never been tested and we could very well be hit with something just to see how he would handle it. Would he buckle and do nothing and let them bully us or would he hit them back? His own running mate said he would be tested.
In all honesty, Obama has just never run anything. He was a community organizer and the housing in his district were so bad that people didn't have heat during the winter. He has a little over 140 days in the senate and that is it. I want more experience. Palin doesn't have much experience either but at least she has run a whole state and made executive decision in running that state. Her approval rating is still one of the highest if not highest in the country. Is she perfect? No...of course not. But she is running for VP and not pres. Obama is running for pres with no experience and that doesn't settle well with me in addition to all the other things I've mentioned before as well as the issues with Wright, Rezko, Ayers, Farrakhan, etc.
Also, the fact that Obama has supported more earmarks and pork in his four years in the senate than McCain has his whole political me that says a heck of a lot about the type of pres Obama will be. He will do nothing but spend spend spend on special interest groups and government assisted programs that we cannot possibly afford.
awww come on lighten up
i think it is a hilarious article. but then again, i find politics funny because, if i didnt, id be crying every night. :)
Awww c'mon now
Christian...don't be hatin! yes as a matter of fact I DO know what an ARM is and was smart enough NOT to get one thank you. It still goes back to my original thought that one that does not make much money each month should not be looking at houses in the 300 to 400,000 range to begin with. And if they were silly enough as to believe that they even COULD afford that well, that is their own fault. Predatory lending falls under the greed catagory as well. Why is it that when one has a differing opinion they are called uneducated, misinformed etc. point and counterpoint. I cannot believe adults cannot have an intelligent argument without resorting to school yard tactics.
Awww you just know I'm right so try to change the subject ... and also sm
Were you upset your raggedy post was deleted?
Awww...poor Obama.
Let's all just give him a free pass and not hold him accountable for the stupid crap he signs while in office because he is black. boohoo! Cry me a river. You can't criticize him because that is racist. You can't disagree with him because that is racist.
Personally....I think this whole "stimulus" package is stupid and therefore anyone who wrote it, voted for it, or signed the bill, IMO, is as dumb as monkey. That is my take on the cartoon. obama's stupidity has nothing to do with the fact he is black. It is the fact that once again our government is spending billions of dollars that we don't have for something that will not work. Doesn't take a lot of brains to fling poo like monkeys do and as far as I"m concerned this bill is nothing but the government flinging poo at us. weren't supposed to tell anyone!! Can't keep a secret worth a dang!!
Every thread of yours
New thread above.
And, that has what exactly to do with this thread?? SM
BTW it's Western KY University. There is no Southern KY University.
The thread was that someone said he never...
talked about religion. I pointed out that he DOES.
actually this thread is about...
whether the members of military support the effort or not. you turned into something about info available when you claimed that you have more info and a more clear picture than they do and that they are "just following orders" And you are the one who didn't agree with the sentiment of the original post and started the "i don't like people who disagree with me," not dnh, when you started saying you had a clearer picture than they. You are simply out to argue and stir the pot. Not worth the effort to debate with you.
And no actually, if you follow the thread SM
I was posting to American Woman.
I read this whole thread here. sm
MT was very careful to say it was not word for word. Gosh, all the calling people liars. It's terrible. She said it wasn't word for word more than once. How about recalled incorrectly? Liar is a horrible word and I have been called it so many times on these boards for no good reason. Anyway, as I said, I am mixed race and I am not offended. That's all I am going to say because there is no use posting here. Flame away gt. Call me a liar yet again. I really don't care and as Republican said, you don't scare me. I think you are sad and pathetic and I think your life must be very empty to be as hate filled as you are.
This whole thread is stupid!
MT did not say she was going back to Iraq...she was answering a poll!!!! Where's the lie?
The subject in this thread is a cat.
How did we get to this? And is it really necessary to call names? I mean, we are civilized people after all. It's rather hard to understand why you attack someone even when they are AGREEING with you. I try to be respectful here, but it's very hard to communicate when the subject is changed constantly in a thread. Perhaps an I hate Bush and all conservative thread would be best started and all posts to that effect might go there. Nothing is being furthered here except what seems to be a very bad grudge. In a public forum. Really not cool.
Your 1st post in this thread had NOTHING to do
pardon me for being a bit puzzled about why you brought it up.
Dead thread.
The only bash under this thread is
Just can't resist slamming a different perspective, can you? Not even one time is this possible.
Have you not read this thread?
Simply stating Christian beliefs. This country, although based on religious freedoms, was founded by Christians. In God We Trust ring a bell?
I'm sorry, it's not me. Wrong thread?
let this thread die. The stupidity
of it speaks louder than any response trying to explain things because they don't "understand" They want to keep the subject off the issues.
Sorry, got tripped up in the thread... the ol'
Evidently you are not following your own thread
The rational people are the Obama folks who will not engage in the foolishness of the conspiracy theory to nowhere and the brick wall...well, that would be you, "Everyone should be interested!"
I might have missed that thread but I...
didn't miss the thread of negativity in your posts.
If you are not able to follow my thread,
at least try to follow your own. I was replying to your right-from-wrong post where, in an attempt to avoid the points I had made about Israel, you stated I had listed all of Palestinian atrocities. My reply followed consecutive order.
The first item on the list you were trying to attribute to them began with occupation. Since you made the blanket, all-encompassing statement that I had just listed ALL of their atrocities, I began my reply with occupation and followed point-by-point with responses to the other listed items. You would probably have a vague understanding of that if you actually engaged in debating substance rather than simple vollies of empty, vacuous put-downs and denials.
He sure does have a relevance to this thread
Because your comment was same sex people can't ever have sexual intercourse. The relevance is that Bill Clinton came out on national TV and told the world "I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman...Ms. Lewinski?" Both are bold face lies.
Two woman are perfectly capable of having a sexual relationship as are two men. And that is why we have sperm donors and other means to allow woman the capability of having a child without having sex with a man. Maybe if you got out of the "puritan" mind set you might just even have a little fun. But somehow I doubt that. Reminds me of my aunt telling me that sex is only for pro-creation. Once you don't want to have kids anymore then you shouldn't be having sex anymore. Is this you aunty???????
Maybe you could begin in another thread.
Day of Prayer and the absolute vicious lies about Obama's faith.
Just because you believe he lied about other things does not automatically make him a Muslim.
Patty, just get off this particular thread.
It is very obvious that you are a minority here and you're just trying to stir the pot, as you always do. Nobody wants to hear your bigoted idiotic statements about something you know nothing about, so just keep handling your snakes and leave everybody else's sex life alone. It is none of your business!!
After reading all the posts in this thread,
You definitely won, hands down, no contest because you speak the truth.
(Don't ya just love the word "insufferable?" I think it's used mostly by those "tater" people when they start sputterin' and spoutin' and spittin'!) 
Thank you Dem for adding some saneness to this thread.
While I agree that Bill C. caught flack you have to remember it was for things he lied about and then was proven to have done such as getting a BJ in the chambers of the oval office and then committing the documented crime of perjury by lying about it. If it is solidly proven by investigation that GWB has lied to the country under oath I will raise my white flag and cry uncle, and then all this hatred and uproar will be just. The far left, and I include GT in that group, has gone off the deep end with all this unsubstantiated speculation about this war and GWB. I do not believe Cindy Sheehan is truly honoring the memory of her son by doing what she's done. While she has every right to do it does not mean it is the correct interpretation about how the majority of this country feels nor is it what her son wanted his legacy to be. From the statements of Casey Sheehan his thoughts about this war were entirely different from his Mom's and in large part of the rest of the Sheehan family.
What's missing here is your understanding of this thread....
it is about infants born alive after botched abortions and left to die without care. Partial birth abortion is when they turn the baby around in the womb, let all but the head be born, then stick a needle in base of skull and suck the brain out to collapse the skull and make sure the baby is dead before it comes out, to avoid that pesky being born alive thing that proabortion people so hate.
At least get your facts straight and know what you are denying before you deny it.
And yes, he does support partial birth abortion. He supports removing the ban on that heinous procedure. His wife sent out a campaign letter while he was running for senate in Illinois that said that very thing.
This whole thread is a vast wasteland of
I'm taking my response to a new thread
This thread is worthwhile for grown ups.
No way, no how can you lay the abysmal Bush/republican response to Katrina at the feet of the DNC, Obama, Biden, Hillary, Bill or the Hope Train, so the best you can do is make a childish joke and dismiss it? You really ae just as cold blooded as your leaders.
Imagine this. It's Monday night, and the opening speaker of the RNC takes his place behind the podium. He is the very same guy that McCain is desperately trying to distance himself from. The media is trying to cover the event AND a category 3, 4 or 5 hurricane, as it makes landfall just west of New Orleans, placing it on the dirty side of the storm.
What will the media do? Perhaps the best they can….they cover the speech and split the screen with streaming video and scenes of the levies bursting at the seams or the FEMA trailers being smashed to smitherines as huge chunks of metal siding are being blown around like sheets of paper, slamming into buildings, trees being uprooted, and cars disappearing under flood waters raging through streets/canals of the city.
Meanwhile, GW is preaching to the choir and singing the praises of the party as he promotes the candidacy of the RNC's best pick. It will not be that easy for the TV viewing audience to block out the image of Bush and McCain eating cake last time around while New Orleans drowns again. So this beg the question….what sort of damage control do you think they can pull out of their magic hats to make it go away?
What a retarded thread...get a life
Then start a thread. No one is stopping you.
Exactly, that is the common thread in Democratic...
party these days. And the only way to end that stalemate in Waashington is for that, for lack of a better word...crap to stop. McCain and Palin are reaching across the aisle, saying they are willing to work with democrats to stop the first. McCain says he wants Democrats and Independents in his cabinet. Country first. This election is a no-brainer for this Independent. McCain/Palin.
Maybe not, but I did not start that part of the thread....
was just replying to it. Sorrreeeee.
I think you responded to the wrong thread.
Best post of the thread, Kaydie. nm
Is someone in this thread related to Senator
Is that his nick name for McCain supporters? Hey how about McCain sell a few of those houses and give it to the financial companies???? How about the rich do something for a change???? How about that????
This makes me sick, all of it! We need to be addressed by these candidates and not set aside until oil companies and rich folks figure out what happened!!!! We are looking at who is going to be our next President and all Bush cares about are his pockets being lined? Poor thing; did he invest in the wrong stock???
I must be really whacked, but I feel this candidacy is waaaaay more important than IGA, IGM, Wash Mut, Bank of America, Lehman, Looman, Dooman, or dooofus, whatever!!!!! These lenders loaned the money to people who they knew couldn't pay it back and now it has come back to bite them and now its the rest of us having to bail them out. No sympathy here! I stayed within my budget; so sorry others did not!!!!!!!! These candidates are going to run this country. I think Obama is right; let's get it on with the debates.... JMO...
have you read the rest of the thread?
Before you start firing off, maybe you should read the thread. In a lot of areas in the US, the wait for access to healthcare is a lot more than 6 weeks.
Also, a lot of folks in the US don't have any kind of insurance, so they would wait a lifetime for a CT.
That was a truly lame comeback to this thread.
Read the thread. It's about a local -
New York's not exactly a swing state.
Not with all the ghetto crack addicts and abortion-loving welfare moms.
Dems all the way, baby!
The facts were given in the links above in the thread nm
really now
Can you not recognize a dead thread
Try to follow the thread. OP said he/she was bored....
and felt compelled to post that he/she was bored. I merely said it was boring to read posts about people complaining that they are bored. If you are bored by my posts, don't read them. Simple fix.
How many thread do you need to dominate tonight?
You could post your question down under your newly brought up to the top post and while you are at it, you might consider answering the questions I have been posing to you since lunch time. Otherwise, do you mind if I solicit opinions on this progressive tax table from posters other than yourself?
Sorry Shelly, but the common thread
parental responsibility versus government interference. You folks can't have it both ways. I have no problem, big or otherwise, understanding these concepts, but you, on the other hand, need to take off those blinders. Government interference in responsible parenting applies to both situations in exactly the same context, that being one of expecting laws to act as the eyes, ears and voices of reason for parents on behalf of their children.
What's that you say? Parents don't have time to be with their children while in the library? Huh? If they don't, what makes you think the government sould be held responsible for this?
I'm not interested in straw issues. Rather, I want to see the constitutional ban on government censorship enforced with clenched teeth while parents stop whining and expecting government to do their jobs for them. Government censorship is a steep and slippery slope. I can't think of ANYTHING that poses more of a threat to our democracy than that and am happy to see a deputy AG nominee who understands that.
i call stupid on this whole thread.
Does no one understand that this big stimulus plan comes with massive *tax cuts*? Two hundred eighty-eight billion dollars worth of them? (That's $288,000,000,000)
Follow my logic here: The plan cuts your taxes. So it's just not right to take the cost of the bill, divvy up amongst all the taxpayers, and say, aha, here's how much it raised my taxes--the overwhelming burden of the cost is because it's taking the burden off the taxpayer.
Now, we can debate whether this is the right way to go (it isn't--again, tax cuts aren't terribly effective). But to portray a tax cut as a tax increase is just...well, did I use the word "stupid" too many times already?
(Please note I'm not calling *you* stupid, just the website calculator and the trillions of well-paid pundits and congresspeople who insist that a tax cut is a tax increase, to attempt to resuscitate their dying agenda.)
This thread is about bailing out illegals,
but I don't agree with bailing out the banks and CEOs either.