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Other related messages found in our database Get it right...President-elect Barack Obama stated it
was people's choice if they chose to have an abortion. Nevertheless, you live in america and he is your president as well, just go ahead and face the fact. It does not matter whether you trust him or not, he is your president, RESPECT him as such!!!!!!!
2006 Elections - The Fix Is In
They call it worst security glitch to date in state's voting machines and a 'big deal'
By Stephanie Desmon Sun reporter
May 12, 2006
Computer security experts say they have found the worst security flaw yet in the oft-criticized touch-screen machines that Maryland voters will use in this year's elections, leaving one computer scientist to warn that the state should have stacks of paper ballots on hand in case of a complete Election Day breakdown.
The machines, made by Diebold Elections Systems, are much, much easier to attack than anything we've previously said, said Avi Rubin, a Johns Hopkins University computer science professor who first cast doubt on the reliability of the technology in a 2003 report.
On a scale of one to 10, if the problems we found before were a six, this is a 10. It's a totally different ballgame, he said.
The new problem is being described as an intentional hole left in the system to allow elections workers to update voting software easily. Instead of using pass codes or other security protocols, anyone with access to a voting machine could install new software that could easily disable a precinct full of machines, Rubin said.
Diebold officials say they are aware of the situation and, although they say any problem can be avoided by keeping a close watch on voting machines, they are developing a permanent fix.
Still, said company spokesman David K. Bear, it's one more what-if scenario. ... It's becoming somewhat ridiculous.
Maryland elections officials said they have known about the latest concerns for two weeks and will have an independent security consultant look into them next week to ensure that the state's Diebold machines are safe.
We are taking steps, said state elections administrator Linda H. Lamone. She said she is confident that the problem will have little effect in Maryland because of strict rules about who is permitted to handle voting machines in the state. Everyone that has access to them has to undergo a criminal background check, she said.
Before the Diebold machines were distributed statewide about two years ago, questions arose about whether hackers might be able to get into the automated-teller-like computers and alter their software, allowing multiple votes, vote-switching and other problems.
Computer experts, including Rubin, said security measures were insufficient and poorly designed. Activists pushed to add a paper ballot component to the machines in case a recount was needed.
Still, the state moved forward and nearly every voter in Maryland used a touch-screen machine in the 2004 presidential election. There were few complaints or problems.
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. called on the state this year to abandon its touch-screen machines, saying he had no confidence in the technology, in part because lawmakers adopted other voting changes such as early voting.
He put money into his budget to pay for optical scan machines, which were used in the state for years before 2004. The General Assembly did not approve a voting machine switch during this year's session, which ended last month.
Rubin said he fears that the latest security problem could be serious enough to cause an Election Day meltdown that could put precincts of machines out of action. He recommends that counties have a pen-and-paper alternative on hand as insurance.
Joseph M. Getty, the governor's legislative and policy director, called the newly disclosed security flaw not really a new problem.
It's the same problem of vulnerability to outsiders, he said.
Getty said the latest Diebold problem bolsters the administration's case against early voting, which was approved by the legislature last year. He said any security risk can be minimized in one day of voting but is multiplied when machines are in public use for six days.
Michael Shamos, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a Pennsylvania voting machine examiner, pushed his state, which will have a primary election next week, to lay out strict new rules for installing software and sealing machines for safety.
It's a big deal. It's a very big deal, Shamos said. The good part is it's very easy to fix. You have to repair it. You can't just do nothing. ... It's not just like leaving the key to your door under the mat. It's like leaving the key dangling from a string from the door.
The temporary fix, Shamos said, involves reinstalling the proper software just before the election, preferably in a public setting, then locking the machines to keep them from being tampered with before voting begins.
In 2004, Shamos testified on behalf of the state of Maryland in a suit filed by a citizens group asking a court to compel the state to address possible security problems and give voters the option of using paper ballots instead of the new machines. The state won.
If I had known about this problem then, I wouldn't have had good things to say, he said.
The latest security hole was discovered by Finnish computer scientist Harri Hursti, who was doing work in Utah for Black Box Voting Inc., a nonprofit group that has focused on computerized voting.
Most computer scientists don't want to disclose too many details about the problem because they fear that would provide hackers with the tools needed to cause havoc during an election. They waited many weeks before making their findings public.
We were worried the threat was so serious that if the details were to get out, someone could actually do it, Rubin said.
Asked whether former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 52 percent said he was not, but 43 percent said they believe he was. The White House has denied Hussein's 9/11 involvement -- most recently in a news conference August 21, when President Bush said Hussein had nothing to do with the attacks.
Was supposed to read 2006 campaign
You are wrong. It was repub congress until 2006.
And then GW was in there vetoing everything including stem cell... kiss my grits you repubs.
What's your point? A 2006 article? BORING..nm
Air America declared bankruptcy in October it...
No, actually that was in 2008
Woodstock 2008...LOL (sm)
I wanted to go to that, but we couldn't afford it because of hotel price gouging. So, instead we are going to have a big party here. Is it Jan 20 yet? Election 2008
This is a great post. The facts speak for themselves. These are the facts. Sarah Palin is out for herself and her family. Does anyone really think she cares about the country when she is busy charging the state for her trips to ritzy hotels with her children. How many of us can do that? Some of these were $200.00 per night hotels. There are kids in this country going to bed hungry. Here the majority of us are cutting coupons to make ends meet. John McCain owns over 7 expensive homes. Cindy McCain wore a $300,000 dollar outfit to the convention. Do you really think the McCain/Palin ticket has empathy for struggling American families?
How much you want to bet these same problems will exist in 2008? nm remembered of the 2008 dem conv know, the one in the football stadium with the big white columns, fireworks and confetti. Already, everybody is so busy dissing Gov. Palin, the acceptance speech from Thursday night has been forgotten. Just goes to show how important the celebrity theatrics are to Mr. Obama.
I posted this on this board on 11/05/2008. SM I won't flame you! I totally agree. Obama as president only weakens -
this country and makes us ripe for the end. He does not support Israel. Keep your eyes on Israel. I look for them to bomb Iran before Bush's term is up because they know Obama will not suport them. (2008-11-05)
So they didn't attack Iran, they invaded the Gaza Strip, but they made their move before Mr. Bush's term was up. I also posted Biden's own words regarding Obama - "Mark my words, it will not be six months for the world tests Barak Obama...."
Looks like Obama's test has begun. I hope he's ready, but I know he is not. He doesn't support Israel and that will be a huge mistake!
This is the year 2008 - times have changed
So you think that because you work at home that's the way it should be for everyone. Sorry but this is the year 2008. I for one am glad that woman are out working in society/public. I'm glad that a mother can also be a govenor or senator or anything they want to be. My working at home is my choice. Thank goodness we as woman have that choice. And thanks to people like Sarah Palin it can only get better for us.
2.6 million jobs lost in 2008 alone.
There are plenty of able-bodied folks out there who are out of work ALSO through no fault of their own, in view of this ever shrinking job market. Handicapped have to overcome THAT obstacle, too.
Picture of Sarah Palin in March 2008 sm staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.
ALEXANDRIA, VA. --- The Media Research Center today announced its Best Notable Quotables of 2008: The 21st Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting, and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews “won” the dubious honor of Quote of the Year for gushing over a Barack Obama speech back in February: “I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often….And that is an objective assessment.”
Top runner-up for Quote of the Year went to Reuters for this ridiculous post-election headline: “Media bias largely unseen in U.S. presidential race.”
MRC President Brent Bozell: “Year after year, the liberal media outdo themselves in providing conservatives the sheer joy of laughing at their own words. The year of the Obama Paparazzi was no different, as they salivated over their savior and did everything in their power to crush conservatives. And we wonder why Americans don’t trust the media.”
This year’s winners were selected by a panel of 44 judges, consisting of radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, editorial writers, and media observers. Judges this year include columnist Cal Thomas, radio host Neal Boortz, economist Walter Williams, American SpectatorEditor R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., and former National Review publisher William A. Rusher. To read all the award-winning quotes, along with audio and video clips of the broadcast quotes, please visit
The Obamagasm Award "Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope." — Time’s Nancy Gibbs in the November 17 cover story.
Half-Baked Alaska Award for Pummeling Palin "The fact of the matter is, the comparison between her [Sarah Palin] and Hillary Clinton is the comparison between an igloo and the Empire State Building!" — MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Hardball, October 14.
The Irrelevant Reverend Wright Award "To see his [Jeremiah Wright’s] career completely destroyed by three 20-second soundbites, all of the work he has done, his entire legacy gone down the drain, has been absolutely devastating to me — to him, sorry....We are still a racist country." — Washington Post writer Sally Quinn on PBS’s Charlie Rose, April 30.
From Camelot to Obamalot Award "Today, the audacity of hope had its rendezvous with destiny....Obama is now an adopted son of Camelot. His candidacy blessed not just by the Lion of the Senate, patriarch of the clan, but by JFK’s daughter." — David Wright on ABC’s Nightline January 28.
The Crush Rush Award for Loathing Limbaugh Author/humorist P.J. O’Rourke: "It’s the twilight of the radio loud-mouth, you know? I knew it from the moment the fat guy [Rush Limbaugh] refused to share his drugs...." Host Bill Maher: "You mean the OxyContin that he was on?...Why couldn’t he have croaked from it instead of Heath Ledger?" — HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, February 8.
Politics of Meaninglessness Award for the Silliest Analysis "Not doing it [fighting global warming] will be catastrophic. We’ll be eight degrees hotter in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years, and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals." — CNN founder Ted Turner on PBS’s Charlie Rose, April 1.
Madness of King George Award "When somebody asks you, sir, about the cooked books and faked threats you foisted on a sincere and frightened nation; when somebody asks you, sir, about your gallant, noble, self-abnegating sacrifice of your golf game so as to soothe the families of the war dead; this advice, Mr. Bush: Shut the h@!! up! Good night and good luck." — MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann in a "Special Comment" on Countdown, May 14.
Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award for Celebrity Vapidity "If you have a few hundred followers, and you let some of them molest children, they call you a cult leader. If you have a billion, they call you ‘Pope.’ It’s like, if you can’t pay your mortgage, you’re a deadbeat. But if you can’t pay a million mortgages, you’re Bear Stearns and we bail you out. And that is who the Catholic Church is: the Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia." — Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, April 11.
Admitting the Obvious Award “When NBC News first assigned me to the Barack Obama campaign, I must confess my knees quaked a bit....I wondered if I was up to the job. I wondered if I could do the campaign justice.” — NBC reporter Lee Cowan in an article for NBC’s “The Peacock” advertising supplement, March 23-29.
Other 2008 Award Categories:
• The "Pay Up You Patriots" Award • D%$N Those Conservatives Award • Let Us Fluff Your Pillow Award for Soft & Cuddly Interviews • Media Hero Award • The Great Goracle Award • Good Morning Morons Award • The John Murtha Award for Painting America as Racist • MSNBC = Maudlin Sycophantic Nutty Blathering Chris Award
In a stinging blow to the Bush administration, the Supreme Court has ruled prisoners in Guantanamo Bay can challenge their detention in civilian federal courts. The ruling marked the third time in four years the Supreme Court has ruled against the Bush administration concerning the rights of Guantanamo prisoners.
In the year 1993 the Palestinians concentrated in the 'Gaza Strip', this is a tiny, tiny land strip where 1.5 million Palestinians are living under horrible circumstances and in fear of Israeli attacks.
November 2008 Israel invaded Gaza and massacred Palestinians living there and the whole world condemned this act.
I sickens me how the victims of this disaster are now being blamed and vilified by people on the conservative board!
My son (age 20) told me that he met some people last night who were speaking the same way - in essence, that it was the fault pf the citizens of New Orleans for not getting out in time, etc, that they deserved to not be rescued sooner, and that the government was not to blame at all.
And I'm sure those conservative posters on the other board probably consider themselves good Christians and not racist at all.
Meanwhile, it is apparent that our president could do (or not do) anything at all and they will blindly defend him...
I'm going to focus on the positive and not visit that board at all.
We have sent money to the Red Cross and all my children donated clothes to the Salvation Army. This morning our priest said that some evacuees may be relocating to our area, and our parish will welcome them! These are our brothers and sisters in Christ...
good night and peace to ya'll
As I stated above.......... sm
if this situation were to occur, and it does seem that it is with the advent of ASR, then our line rates would be lowered to those paid to Indian MTS, just as the UAW was offered what is paid to foreign auto workers. I could not survive on 0.05 cpl or less in our economy. I doubt anyone else could either.
I'm really sorry to hear about your hubby's situation. I know anyone in the housing industry is facing much the same situation. There is really not a lot of new house construction going on and there is no much call for a trim carpenter in most commercial building.
My opinion is to bring MT back inhouse and pay us a decent HOURLY salary. We deserve it as much as the next person.
he also stated that he
respects other people's beliefs that are different from his own and supports separation of church and state. I guess all we can learn from this issue is that Joe Biden will never personally have an abortion. Good job, Joe.
As stated above . . .
according to her a heterosexual relationship can be equated to a plastic cup and a turkey baster.
You stated
"My point is proven by your post. You stated that when Obama gets into office, for me to look around and see how many names I can pronounce.. "
This happened under Clinton before Bush. Can't pronounce half the names now. Guess I fell down on my research a bit as I didn't see anything about the "Muslim for Stowe, OH" appointed by Bush.
is that one of the issues that should be foremost on people's minds is why did we go to war with Iraq after 9/11 when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11? At the time the Bush administration linked Iraq to 9/11 as justification for going to war with them. He lied. He knew the people of this Country were vulnerable after 9/11 and he used that vulnerability. Look at what his lie has cost us. Not only should the people in this Country be outraged, they should be asking why.
John McCain supported this war, as did many others at the time. Barack Obama did not. He knew the facts, understood the situation and made the right choice, though it wasn't a popular one at the time. Why didn't John McCain?
Read Bob Woodward's books. He got his information directly from interviews with Bush and his admininstration. Remember the 9/11 Commission Report? These are not opinions - they are facts.
People are being diverted from the issues for a reason. John McCain doesn't want people to think about his lack of sound judgment at such a crucial time.
My mom told me once, if you don't stop spending your not going to have anything for retirement or pay off your bills. I would think its the same way with government. If they keep taxing us more and more and more, why isn't the deficit going down? Every president that gets in promises us he will get the deficit down and have a balanced budget. Not one president (to include Bill Clinton) as done this. The deficit keeps growing and growing and the following president inherits it.
MSNBC just stated that the FEC is is going to audit (sm)
Barack Obama. Supposedly, he accepted donations from foreign nationals. Most of these donations were made over the internet and they are going to check into this.
FEC ordered O's compaign to provide more information about large sums of money coming into his campaign recently. Someone donated $11,000 to his campaign under the name of Good Will, and that he worked for YOU. Plus gave the address of Good Will Industries. When contacted, GWI stated they did not donate this money.
Another donation was supposedly by a liquor store in NY, but when contacted, they knew nothing about it.
Although they do not have to disclose small donations ($100-$250), Good Will donated the $11,000 in small increments thinking they would not be found out.
Could it be that the sh## is going to hit the fan soon...hopefully?
I am sure they will figure it out if O wins. I also heard it could go to 41,600K.
The last presidental speech with O and M, Obama stated 200K and not 250K. It came right out of his mouth.
That's okay, too. You just stated you wanted our reasons
why, so I stated mine. Won't let that happen again, though. From now on, I think I'll just read and not post. I didn't think my reasons would be dissected. I thought this was only a poll. Have a blessed day!