Your opinion is about as unbiased as
Posted By: my big toe! ! NM on 2008-10-13
In Reply to: Campaign - gourdpainter
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I don't know that there is an unbiased
I don't watch a great deal of news anymore, but I do try to watch a variety of networks to get different takes on events. I also watch C-SPAN, especially for political speeches and events so I don't have to listen to commentators chatter.
Mostly, I do a lot of reading. I read international and national newspapers online, and I renew my subscription to The Economist every year for my birthday. got that FROM Air America. Not exactly unbiased I would say. nm
60 minutes is hardly unbiased....
I am sure the participants were screened, and anyone who had anything good to say about the war were not talked to or left on the cutting room floor. CBS is liberal media at its best. That is no secret. That being said, as I read in Brunson's post, yes I am sure there are a lot of soldiers who probably do not agree with what is going on....probably because the military was not allowed to fight the war LIKE a war (Viet Nam revisited). You know, if I believed liberals really wanted the soldiers home and safe because they wanted the soldiers home and safe, it would be different. But it is a political ploy...they really could care less about the soldiers. Otherwise they would not play directly into the enemy's hands by going public with the lack of will to carry on the fight. I find it really hard to listen to you crow about soldiers' are actually happy when you hear we are losing. To me, that is as unpatriotic as it gets. THAT being said, let me say this: NO soldier WANTS war. War is sometimes necessary because, believe it or not, there are people out there who want to kill you and are not interested in peace with you, only with conquering you. That is a lesson none on the left have learned. I fear for our future if, God forbid, a liberal Democrat gets into the White House.
It cannot be heartening to any soldier on the battlefield to hear that a new man is in charge (confirmed unanimously by the Senate) and in the next breath have their funding threatened and a resolution from THEIR Congress that they are losing the war. No wonder they are depressed. And liberals fall all over each other wanting to drive that point home. And I think you should all be ashamed. But, that is just me.
And said anti-war. Conservatices are not pro-war. No one in their right mind is pro-war. Conservatives just happen to have sense enough to realize that to give peace a chance the enemy has to also be interested in giving peace a chance. When was the last time you saw a Muslim carrying a sign to give peace a chance? When was the last time you saw a Muslim he/she could live beside a Christian in harmony? Or live beside a non-Muslim in harmony? They cannot even live next to each other in harmony.
As I have said before, my husband is certainly not pro-war. He is the gentlest person I know. But he also realizes the threat we face, has been lifelong military now retired and still serving as a civilian working for the Army. He started as an MP, then went into MI, then into force protection, etc. Believe me, he KNOWS the threat we face. And it breaks his heart to see the young soldiers damaged by the nonsupport from home. And whether you believe it or not, public backpedaling and spinelessness when the going gets tough is damaging to them. No wonder they want to come home. I can hardly blame them. Maybe this country, the way it has become, is NOT worth dying for anymore. And that is too profoundly sad to even think about.
"womenagainstsarahpalin", wow how unbiased
I think your news isn't so unbiased either
This has NOT been about race, if anything, that is the one subject everyone has ignored. The only ones who bring up race is the Obama supporters who claim that's why the Republicans don't want him as president, forgetting the myriad other reasons why. Also, it seems that is why Obama is handled with kid gloves, rather than really anyone grilling him as to his plans. So, in that way, perhaps race HAS been a factor. In Obama's FAVOR.
Not exactly an unbiased source!
Charles Krauthammer isn't someone whose judgment I would trust. He's been 100% pro-war policy all the way. Not surprising at all that he'd opt for McCain. What we really see is a lot of former Bush policy supporters abandoning that destructive policy and endorsing Obama instead. Can anyone cite an instance of a well-known real Democrat opting for McCain over Obama? I've been keeping my eye out (fair is fair), but have yet to see one endorsement of that type.
Thanks for an unbiased link. (nm)

Totally unfair. Fox is the only unbiased
Wow - local news from NY - how unbiased.
Obama wants a thorough and unbiased investigation and so he sm
has called for a special prosecutor.... you know Acorn is signing up dems and repubs...these repubs are so desperate that they are even turning off their long time followers.
Al Jazeera? Oh, get real. They have no unbiased
As totally unbiased as the smear campaign on the CON board....?
And before casting aspersions on others?
Unbiased opion? Oh, gourdpainter, you're my new hero.
I mean, I thought that Macaque Obama was full of sh it. But, lady, YOU take the cake. I mean, YOU make Macaque look downright HONEST by comparison.
Maybe you could work for his campaign. I hear he pays REAL well. (You don't mind changing your name to Chicago Joe's Kid Kamp or Chi-Town Youth Enrichment or something, do you? 'Cuz then he could throw you HEAPS of money and no one would ever figure it out.
Your opinion of torture is your opinion. Tough
Yeah, TOTALLY unbiased. whooeee... Can't stand this shrew!
Conservative outright spin and BS, spread on Fox by Gregg Jarrett, for the real whole unbiased story, there was one slight recession in 1937-1938 because of spectacular growth when it took off, read the rest of the story. Pubs will say anything to rewrite history and try to save face. IMO
History is history and opinion is opinion. You need to learn the difference.
That's your opinion
I don't think the liberal justices have been able to put their own views aside to make constitutionally sound decisions in the last few years, but again, that's my opinion as much as you are basing your judgements on your opinion. I think Bush is a brillant man, and I won't castigate you for thinking he's not, but it is your opinion and you have a right to it. Do I think Harriet Miers is best choice? No, but given her credentials I don't think she's a disaster either. The whole Roe vs. Wade issue has been controversial from it's inception, and yes I do think abortion is wrong, because it's killing innocent human life. I think it should be revisited. Roe has had a change of heart over the years about it, and to me that speaks volumes. However, I doubt you will agree and I don't expect you to.
Okay, if a justice should be excluded because of their abortion views then all the justices would have to be excluded, because they all have taken sides one way or the other.
I second your opinion except
I do believe, based on all information available, that Plame was truly outed. There is no "opinion" involved here. It is either true or false, and in this case, it is true she was outed. Throw as much distraction and verbiage at it as you want, but the fact remains.
What is your opinion...???
You mention abortions in this country that occur. How do you feel about Iraqi women having abortions? Does it bother you as much as abortions in the US? Would you go to Iraq at the present time and implore upon the women there not to have an abortion? "Life, what a terrible thing to waste."
Your opinion, and
Get a grip.
that's your opinion
I think that's a "desperate" attempt by dems because you must be scared of his pick!
I am a woman and a proud woman but i don't vote for one just because of that fact! (take Hillary for example!!)
you can have your opinion - and so can I
You just don't like to hear the truth. Hurts doesn't it!
I think I said in my post I commend you both for being able to stay at home and raise your kids. Good for you.
Your the one cutting down Sarah Palin for no good reason and just spewing lies. So I am giving my opinion.
Goes both ways.
As Austin Powers would say - Yeah, baby!
It is just my opinion ...
once again, just because I don't like his personna does not mean that I am not voting for him.
I truly have not decided.
Just my
This is all pretty much a matter of opinion, why does one have to be stupid to vote for who they FEEL is the best candidate. None of them truly are qualified. We can gave education and we can gain experience, but when given the task at hand, how many actually succeed. I feel that the Bush administration has been the worst ever since I have become involved in politics over the years, but that is my personal opinion. Not only was he given one term and failed, but a second term and things got worse.
I am not pushing any buttons or trying to step on anyones toes. To me it does not matter what race, religion, or gender, have always been a democrat and nothing and no one can ever make me vote republican, but the replican administration that had the task of leading our country for the last 8 years has definitely turned some die hard republicans to say they will vote republican.
This is my thing, I'm poor in a sense that I do not have millions of dollars in the bank, the rising gas prices and food prices affect me tremendously, and I live below my means. The economy has changed, it is not good. I want to survive. I want to know that my job is safe, if I need financial assistance to save my home or feed my kids that it is available. There are more issues that hit home for me, just a few named above. I do not care that the gentleman who started AIG lost 3 billion dollars, so what how many millions do he have left. If I lose $100 that's a sore spot for me. They are saving financial insitutions with buyouts, spending billions on a war, and nothing to help the working Americans who lost their job and lost their homes and they were working hard just to survive.
I'm torn in a sense, but I do feel sorry for our country. How much more will we working Americans have to suffer.
Just my thought, part of the money that is been sent to fund this war, can we have it here in America to give to our people who are suffering from natural disasters (hurricanes, raging fires, jobs moved overseas, and all the other major crises surrounding us). What are we really striving for?
This is my opinion.....
From reading her thesis....she just made it sound like ivy league colleges are directed towards the "Whites" and wondered if it was really beneficial for "Blacks" to attend these colleges in a predominant white setting. Stating that "Blacks" who attended Princeton found themselves grouped together but at the end of their education came to finding their way in the "White" world and forsaking the "Black Community." How some "Blacks" felt guilt because they felt they should help the low-income black community and hadn't and others felt no guilt and strived for a position in the white world like Princeton was to blame for these "Blacks" building a life for themself and their family instead of putting everything back into the black community.
It sounds to me like Michelle Obama is a bitter and arrogant black woman and her involvement and membership at Rev. Wright's church for 20 years is just more proof of that. As many times as Rev. Wright showed up in interviews and spatted hate and the empowerment of blacks against their white cannot tell me honestly that Barrack and Michelle NEVER heard any message like that when it seems like that is all that comes out of Rev. Wright's mouth.
That is your opinion...
Obama doesn't know how many states are in the country he is actually running for President of. Joe Biden can't keep his foot out of his mouth.
Real Clear Politics has McCain ahead in electoral votes, and that is where the election is decided, not the popular vote. They are virtually neck and neck or within margin of error in Pennsylvania and Michigan...which nearly always are double digits for the Democrat at this time in elections. Just a little perspective on polls. That being said, polls are what they are. We will not know until election night.
deRothschild's remark doesn't mean as much to me as the "clinging bitterly to their guns and religion" comment of Obama's about Pennsylvanians...that is why he lost his lead in Pennsylvania and why it may very likely go Republican for the first time in how many years.....?
And that comment tells me all I need to know about the character of Barack Obama and how he feels about the common person out here in the flyover states.
My opinion
I voted for the first time in 1960. The issue then was "Catholic." People were "scared" of a Catholic president.........much like Obama being "Muslim." Not much new since then except for the extensive media and internet. Of course the "Catholic" won. Some still say that election was bought by the Senior Kennedy. I happen to believe that now and I voted for him. At that time I was a young voter, JFK was young, good-looking and talked a good talk.
You say the media picked their "darling." I've watched TV consistently since the beginning of all this mess, starting with the primaries and I have seen no bias on CNN where I usually get my news and watch debates, etc. I did notice that Tom Tancredo (whom I supported) and Ron Paul were NOT given equal time in the debates. Anything I hear that does not come directly from the horse's mouth, I research and make up my own mind, thus I consider myself about as well-informed as anyone can be who doesn't personally know any of the candidates. I continue to be dismayed by posters on this board such as the above poster who says "Obama caught in the act." If this is the kind of ill-informed voters who actually vote and elect our leader, God save us all.
The ACORN thing. If I understand it correctly, the actual voter registration office that "discovered" the fradulent registrations is run by Republicans. So there you have it again...Dem vs. Pubs. They say they "don't have time to sort out the legitimate registrations"...Isn't that their job? Do you REALLY think ACORN is the only one guilty of voter fraud? I most certainly do not. Why do you think both parties steer far away from illegal immigration? Not a word have I heard from either candidate about illegal immigration. Why? Both are in favor of giving the free-loading, criminal invaders of our country "a path to citizenship," because both parties want the Latino vote, legal or otherwise.
To answer your question....I think our next leader will be decided by rabid voters who support the ticket, whichever group has the most rabid voters that actually turn out, and it looks to me like it may be the Republican ticket so it will not surprise me if John McCain is the next president. I personally know many people who say they are not going to vote because they, like myself, cannot support either candidate. I think there will probably be a huge voter turn-out and much of the turn-out will be newly registered voters and those who have bought into the Obama is a scary fellow campaign. Fear is the scary thing, it brings out the fight or flight instinct just as it is designed to do in this election. Seems many people can't see the forrest for the trees. 
So, did you have an opinion on
Well if it is just your opinion then you need to say that
If it is not a fact that she uses her religion to gain money and power then you are slandering her without saying "in my opinion".
So you can post something hateful about aggressive women starting trouble and then needing their male counterparts to back them up, but when someone questions you, they are being over aggressive?
Everybody has their own opinion.
My opinion
that it is hateful in its message that basically ridicules Christianity and I believe it is hateful in the manner in which it was displayed right next to a Nativity scene. If the sign had not ridiculed the Christian faith and had been displayed in another area away from the Nativity, then perhaps it may have remained intact. For example, why not just say something like "Happy Winter Soltics" with the name of the organization at the bottom if they were truly just promoting the winter soltice and giving people information on atheist service organizations? The Nativity scene displays no hate language. It is a statement of the love of our God that Christians celebrate at this time of the year. Like GP, I think the atheists protest way too much over something they don't believe in. I don't believe in the boogie monster, but I don't go around posting signs about it.
That may be, but it is just that..HIS opinion....
and he is pretty much spot on. I listen to him whenever I get a chance...which is not often working during the day. LOL.
Well.......that's YOUR opinion.
*I* am not impressed by anyone who can only badmouth someone else. If McCain has something better to offer, where is it????????
Yes, that is my opinion
and we are all entitled to our own opinion. I don't trust someone who is so evasive about his past, and will not answer questions thoroughly
That is your opinion
I don't agree with it. If killing any life is murder, than don't we all need to be vegetarians? if an opinion comes from something other
some left-wing controlled media who is privileged to ride in Obama's private jet it is automatically discounted? Rense may talk about UFO sitings, but he also covers a variety of other things as evidenced by his home page. A journalist is not required to reveal his/her says the LA Times. LOL
in your opinion...
What is the normal outcome of a pregnancy? Generally speaking, a child. Those two merged cells, if left alone, even by your way of thinking, will become a child unless someone screws with them. Perhaps, instead of teaching your daughter that if she becomes pregnant, that it is okay to stop this life from becoming the child that it should become, you should teach her to not become pregnant. There are other ways to avoid pregnancy than the pill.
just my opinion
I think American car makers will be forced to produce green cars by the government, and will not be allowed to fail, but forced to comply, and I will be the first in line to buy one.
my opinion on that -
My opinion is if they were taking naps and playing cards, then they were not needed. It looks to me like that kind of waste is what the problem is.
If they were only needed sometimes, then there should have be some kind of on call system or something so that they are not wasting their money paying them to take naps and play cards.
for m: opinion......s/m
You should broaden your mindset and not make generalized statements and then try unsuccessfully to retract them.
If I have sex and the consequence is a baby, then I and my partner created this child.
But, that is just your opinion, you have
can either give us a reliable source or just suck it up and accept the fact that he is still alive and well.
that is your opinion
based on your dark interpretation of facts. I look at the same data - Obama's record, his choice of high-level officials and see a hopeful future. What you believe and forecast is an OPINION based on a skewed filter, surely not accurately predictive.
that is your opinion
based on your dark interpretation of facts. I look at the same data - Obama's record, his choice of high-level officials and see a hopeful future. What you believe and forecast is an OPINION based on a skewed filter, surely not accurately predictive.
yup, it is and yours is your opinion
Facts are facts. You actually believe by picking all the same Clintonites that made Clinton's presidency a disaster, you actually believe it's now a hopeful future. Oh please, you certainly must have been asleep during the Clinton administration. Even some die hard democrats are coming out saying what in the world is he thinking. They follow that with "he's not thinking". What I see is that he owes everyone big time for everything he promised them and they've come collecting. I see the country is in for some very hard times. A lot of it is due to the idiocracy of the current administration, so Obama is going to be inheriting a lot of problems, but he has to be smarter than what he is and pick people who actually have knowlege of how to help rebuild our country. Not just give all of his little buddies jobs because they did favors for him and now he owes them. Facts are facts about Os connections/tie's, and past records. Those certainly will not lift this country out of the depression we are facing. All his promises he made while on the campaign trail? You can kiss them all goodbye, unless of course the people who lead him on their leash tell him that something will be done. And where is all that "bipartisan" he talked about during his campaign. His speeches of "I'm the only one who can bring republicans and democrats together" and "I will have people from both sides in my cabinet". Well at least he is keeping consistent with the lies he told. He's going to be so busy running around covering up everything he's done it's just going to be a disaster. All I say is I can't wait for 4 years to pass so that Arnold Schwartenzegger can run.
Just my opinion --
I think that President Bush has also encouraged congress to act on the stimulus measures so that when Obama is the acting President he can then already have the necessary funds in place to do something with.
At this very low point in our history, I don't think anyone should worry about who does what, but just that somebody does something to help Americans - if Bush wants to do something, then by all means, he should darn well do it. If the homeless man in the cold today can do something, then I don't care if he is an elected official or not, do something!!!
My opinion is I don't care right now who steps in and takes care of the mess, the people that created it or the people that are inheriting it, just as long as somebody takes care of it!
All I said was it was my own opinion
I was listening to McCain on C-span. What he said made sense to me about the American people know that the plan is filled with pork and items that are not going to stimulate the economy and we don't want it. The post was not about what has happened for the last 8 years. What I don't get is what is so hard to understand that the American people do not want to be paying for dog parks, birth control, and other useless things that do not create jobs. As for McCain being president - just was not in the books (and never was) and it had nothing to do with having a plan to stimulate the economy or not. P.S. - I really didn't miss the election results but they have been a bit misconstrued. Mr. Obama may have won 52% of the popular vote (which is only 7% more than McCain), but remember 37% of population of America that were eligible to vote didn't.
Besides, what does the current pork filled bill that Obama is presenting have to do with the election?
That's your opinion, not everyone's opinion.
Many people are very happy with what President Obama has done during his first few weeks in office, especially given the nightmare he inherited from Georgie Porgie.
Just my opinion
Just because some of us don't like him doesn't mean we don't support our country and hope that we can pull out of the mess we are in. I don't like the guy, but pray that he will be safe, successful and stand up for the ones who need help. What does liking the guy have to do with wanting what is best for the country? You think we hope our country will go down in flames just so we can watch him fail? Come on!
And I have the right to my opinion...... sm
but that wasn't the whole intent of my post. I merely added my opinion, as I am free to do, at the end. The point was what is the difference between what this woman did and an abortion? People seem to be clammering that what she did was murder, but if she had the money to go to an abortion clinic, the terminology would have been much different among those who, like yourself, are pro-choice.