You will get no respect talking trash.
Posted By: Left does this all the time.nm on 2008-09-11
In Reply to: You can take the woman out of the trailer-park, but - you can't take the trailer-park out of the woma
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Old news -- instead of trash-talking Obama
 I haven't heard any initiatives out of him yet! Just the trash-talking!
With all due respect, I didn't bring up white racists (which I know exist), I was talking about s
the people who are zealous about white power and who will feel compelled to do something bad about a black president. I know it could go either way, but my post was stated because of the high probability that our next President will be black. I understand you completely when you say that there are white racists.
As for Louis Farrkhan, my college roommate was a member of the Nation of Islam and was so racist. She once told me that the reason white folks have those red dots in their eyes
when pictures are taken is because they are all evil and are satan's children. She truly believed that. It was very difficult living with her and I tried to get a transfer out of there, but couldn't and had to put up with A LOT of racism from this black woman. So, I know all about reverse racism.
I guess that black smut on my fireplace needs to be put in the trash.......after all, it's sitting around and not accomplishing a thing
And more trash......
I guess that white toilet paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe needs to be flushed as it is just dragging me down and is the subject of ridicule.
Trailer trash?
Unfortunately for you, my dear, your use of the expression "trailer trash" negates any of your statements as worthwhile. It's rather comical how you rant about the evils of someone with ambition and goals in one sentence, and then in the next sentence insult all those who live in a trailer park. I guess I'm guilty of a little prejudice myself, as anyone who calls anyone "trailer trash" I consider that person a "snob", and a much less desirable person than the one who lives in a trailer park. It's a juvenile and over-used term and actually reveals a flaw in YOUR character.
Time to take out the trash
Uhhh, the FPJ question, the only one I see in this post, was answered in the PS, i.e., “FPJ, one in the same.” Guess you didn’t make it down that far before you threw this latest tantrum. The retreat snipe, like most of your rhetoric, was so predictable that I included a pre-emptive reference to it in the post... but you probably couldn’t recognize that either. Looks like you need someone to translate English into English for you. That would be the kick ‘em when they’re down reference. Let me break it down for you (AGAIN), to make sure this point does not go over you head.
I have no choice but to “retreat.” That would not be on account of “you win / I lose”....that’s your mentality, not mine. No white flag waving, no surrender in sight. Fact is, I have to look for a job. I will be the first to concede victory to you in the sense that it isn’t too hard to win arguments you will be having with yourself in my absence. So the kick ‘em when they’re down reference refers to taking advantage (i.e., taking the ball and running with it) of that imperative (needing to look for a job)....which is precisely what you are doing in this response.
I’m not going to explain this more than twice to you....that ought to be enough for you to grasp this basic concept. Pen names, aliases and assumed names are something I use within the CONTEXT (something you seem to hate as much as fact) of the post-at-hand. It adds a little dimension and intrigue to the board. Just a little innocent fun on my part and perfectly legitimate literary license. It’s done all the time. It certainly seems to get under your skin and “push your buttons” for reasons I have already discussed. It disarms you momentarily and impels you to hold back on the insults since you cannot quite figure out who you are talking to. Miss America....why does freedom of speech that seeks to examine and exercise alternative viewpoints bother you so? Now, which is taking this “wayyy too seriously?”
Don’t need to support those alternative viewpoints by inventing imaginary proponents as you would like to imply. Fact is, most liberals will not even bother with this type of “Sam and choir” forum. They recognize what a waste of time it is to approach the degree of ignorance they encounter in bigots and do not enjoy indulging in this level of insult-punctuated, dead-end dialog. Like I just said in the previous post, I have illustrated the point I was trying to make, blah, blah, blah...will not repeat the content of what I just wrote to you. You obviously were not paying attention anyway.
At least try to keep up with the content of your own snipes and digs. “Me thinks you need to trot off to...” Hence, the sunset imagery. So much for the Obama put dodge here. Your question was answered. I did not have time to read some of the other posts that appeared between my last one from yesterday and this morning, and I am sincere when I say I meant no disrespect by having to ignore them. Aside from the job search, I had one of those life-and-death immigration fires to put out last night for a Somali woman, here illegally, trying to declare political asylum for herself and her two youngest daughters, ages 6 and 8, in an effort to spare them from female genital circumcision / mutilation, a fate she and her eldest daughter could not escape in time. Seems the visa quotas for Somalia are full for the next century or so. She needed help filling out some of the mountains of immigration paperwork. I kinda thought that was an issue a tad more important than swapping our latest round of whatevers. This reality check helped me decide that I really do have bigger fish to fry than this petty, pathetic, bickering banter.
Others in my “camp” believe bigotry deniers are just about one step under Holocaust deniers. WOT to “belabor” that issue one more second with you. Not bigoted against conservatives, but I will concede another point to you. I am bigoted against bigots. Not terribly fond of plagiarists either. Your denials are a really weak defense and transparent to anyone who is paying even the slightest bit of attention. No need to bury you under a mountain of examples. Don’t have all that spare time you seem to have to go back and review old posts that were nauseating enough on first pass. For me, it is kind of like copying someone else’s homework or cheating on a test, pretending to be smart, letting others do your thinking for you, being too lazy to do your own homework, stealing ideas out of somebody else’s head and words out of their mouths. Full-blown authors take it pretty seriously and, as a matter of fact, so does the law, intellectual properties notwithstanding. Fodder of plenty of lawsuits so yeah, it was worth mentioning. Like Bush and McCain, you would prefer to make tacky jokes.
Speaking of tacky jokes, I know you heard the one about Wall Street being drunk. Wondering if you also heard about the woman who committed suicide yesterday (a mere 12 hours after Bush got his rocks off in the middle of all those laughing pubs) an hour before her home went up for auction? Faxed a suicide note to the mortgage company and another one to her family members, telling them to use the insurance money to pay off the mortgage. Must have been too distraught to realize they wouldn’t pay a dime for suicide. The pubs really can be a cold-blooded, mean-spirited bunch of blankety-blanks, being blind to the misery of all the hoi polloi. Reminds me of some people I know. Elitism at its finest hour, I must say. BTW, it’s just a rhetorical question. No need for an answer.
Miss the point, MS miss-the-point re channeling theory building. In any case, this is no fun anymore, so call the ciao for now whatever you like...retreat, surrender...whatever. You just love to delude yourself. Knock yourself out. Wear that spiteful vixen moniker with great pride. You don’t have the sense to be embarrassed by it all.
Neverending trash. No one in their right
TRASH is all you have posted.....
Talk about venomous and spitting like a run over have spewed nothing but nasty, tasteless, useless blobs of opinion - NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE - Ignorance doesn't cover it - dumb does.
how racist was that? No white trash in the ERs
Pure trash from beginning to end.
Are you not aware how old this smear campaign is and how ineffective it has been thus far? Though it seems like a couple of lifetimes ago, I do recall it being around at least as far back as February. It was kept alive all the way up until Obama successfully clenched the nomination of his party despite the Hannity cult's diligence to make it stick. It finally faded out after their original mission had failed miserably and he emerged from the primaries on top. You can post this stupidity until the end of time but it isn't going to accomplish anything except to make you look like the ignorant, out of touch bigot that you are, marginalize the fringe that subscribes to these beliefs and make your own party look like fools.
I am a WASP American who has many more Moslem friends than Christians for reasons that would be a waste of time to explain to someone with such a narrow, tiny brain. My relationship to that community spans more than 5 decades and my life has been enriched tenfold because of it. I have traveled there, lived amongst them, married into a Moslem family, born Christian children from that union and buried a few along the way. I speak 2 of their languages, have read the Quran, their literature and appreciated their extensive historical contributions to the arts, music and the sciences.
I have lost count of how many of them I have known. I can tell you they are an intelligent, educated and spiritual people. They have family values every bit as strong as Americans and an even stronger sense of community. They take pride in humility and honor. In all those many years, never ONCE have I known a terrorist among them. I know they are out there and I know that unfortunately the politicized version of Islam is every bit as ugly as the politicized version of Chritianity.
It makes no difference whether Obama is a Christian with Moslem ties or a Moslem who has converted (which he is not). As a matter of fact, I have also known many Moslems who have converted, but Obama is not one of them. He is a remarkable human being and this country is blessed to have him as a choice for leadership in this election. What I can tell you is that the ugly, bigoted sentiments expressed here are universally repulsive to all people of faith. Today, you have made me feel ashamed to call myself a Christian.
Why should he lower himself to explain any such trash?
I have heard trash talk
it is not just the republicans.... and i will say this... obama can say what he wants as far as his proposals but he has flip flopped on those many times during his campaign... if he can't get what he proposes correctly during the campaign, what do you suppose he is going to do if he gets into office? mccain has plans and he has not offered up anything that he has had to flip flop on. it amazes me.. you seem like such an intelligent woman, why do you not see the simplicity in that?
You are right about the trash talk losing
all the trash talk from the biased liberal media trying with all their might to destroy individuals, politically and personally. And all of you liberals still cannot give it up, trash talk anyone who has any moral values at all. Try to trash talk everyone who does not want our whole world to be generic.
do you just hate white trailer trash?
all poor people and people of other colors?
blame it on businesses who won't clean up their trash..................NM
You have really gone around the bend. Talk about spewing forth hate and trash.
Mindboggling that republicans would rather throw the cells in the
Than put them to use to save a life and in the same sentence call themselves PROlife. I'd really like to understand this reasoning.
I don't agree with cloning or using aborted fetuses for this research (the latter because I am a prolifer), but when an embryo is headed for the dumpster why not use it for research and medicine.
I saw a MJF ad run on Fox News Channel and it was probably the only ad I've taken seriously. He's dedicated to finding a cure.
In answer to AG's question, why do celebrities become the spokeperson's for different causes? They have the finances, fame and connections to rally support. Sure, there are smaller organizations out there, but many would not get the air time or financial support as MJF.
With great power comes great responsibility.
More gutter trash, no substantiation....dems are so scared...
they have to make things up.
You can put lipstick & a clean dress on trailer-trash,
trash or treasure? gotta have checks and balances......
Obama campaign discarded 84 trash bags full of American
after they left Invesco field, after the DNC convention.
You tell me, after reading this article.....who has more character, and who is more patriotic? I feel as if the flag has been spit upon, 12,000 times.
Night and day, my friends. Night and day, between these two candidates.
What a trash mouth....make you feel real good to be profane with a stranger on a posting board??
and yes, it is murder. When you kill a human being, its murder. You can justify it, rationalize it, whatever it takes so that you feel good about killing it....but it is murder. Very is living and growing. You introduce a foreign object and slice it into pieces and suck it out of the one place that should be SAFE. Biology 101...the child is alive. It is growing. would not grow if it was not alive. The life was terminated. That's murder.
And of the 1.2 million abortions performed in this country every year, how may do you think are due to rape (by anyone), incest, or to protect the life of the mother? Less than 20%. All the others are oops abortions. So let's start with delegalizing abortion except in the case of rape, incest, and endangering the life of the mother. That would save about 800,000 babies a year. That would be a great place to start. It might also encourage better stewardship of those uteruses you want the government to stay out of. You don't mind the government going in there to kill babies though, do you?
So now you want to round up all the pregnant women who are poor and abort their kids? You hinting that poor kids aren't loved by their parents?
When McBush is talking, he isn't talking to you unless you are wealthy or CEO
who provides campaign funds. Do you know why lobbyists are making the headlines? Because they are bribing the politicians of both parties - lobbyists work for private interests (AIPAC) along with the pharmaceutical company ($280.00 for a bottle of pills? Only in America, folks), oil industry (record profits at your expense) credit card companies and unethical banking procedures (Funny isn't it how Visa wrote the reformed BK bill, making virtually everyone end up in ch 13 (garnishing income, including SS) after raising credit limits and offering transfer balances at 0 percent to everyone with a last name and a roof over their head? Along with mtgs that were bound to turn into bad loans when house prices dropped which they always do after a bubble. God, I could go on and on here but I get tired. The nation is in such trouble. Serious serious trouble. There is a huge loan to an unfriendly country (did you watch the Olympics? did you ever see Bush look more uncomfortable other than during the Stephen Colbert roast during the national press conference. lol.
Well I want you to know what fascism. And I want you to know that those treasury notes are backed up by the taxpayers (you) and real estate including roads and govt buildings and parks. Have you noticed why Save-Mart Center is owned by savemart and not a community business or the community itself? There is somethign happening slowly and surely and it is NOT going to benefit middle class america one iota. You must know that as a poor person, you have no power, no voice. Elections are rigged and the politicans cease to care whether you like them or not - oh wait, that has already happened.
THINK ABOUT THIS!!!! Your 401Ks and investments/assets are what at are stake!
Fascist governments nationalized key industries and made massive state investments. They also introduced price controls, wage controls and other types of Soviet-style economic planning measures.[12] Property rights and private initiative were contingent upon service to the state.[13].[14] Fascists promoted their ideology as a "third way" between capitalism and Marxian socialism.[15] Fascists in Germany and Italy claimed that they opposed reactionaries, and that they were actually revolutionary political movements that fused with conservative social values.
Talking to them is talking to a brick wall.
I am, not talking about Clinton, I am talking
about the torture of prisoners, crimes against the Geneva conventions.
It seems that you did not read the last sentence in my former post.
Are you saying that crimes from the near past should all be forgotten?
With all due respect,
all the posts I've seen you post have come across to me as very confrontational. You seem to be limited to posting only posts that defend these three, and I haven't seen you post anything on any political issue -- just confronting posters and complaining about their behavior, sympathizing with poor AG, Nan and MT. That's ALL you've posted on this board, and to say it was YOU who was attacked shows, at the very least, the very same mindset that precludes you from seeing things objectively. Afraid I have to agree with GT above. I, too, smell a conservative in liberal clothing, and it also wouldn't surprise me if you were either one of those three or one who is very closely allied with them.
But I will take you at your word that this is your last post. In addition, I will make this my last post to you. I'm happy that at least temporarily we're free of all the intolerance and hatred and rage and battles that ensue when those three are around. I refuse to get back into that, and I feel that you're trying to take me down that path, and I'm not buying it.
Have a blessed day.
With all due respect.
One source is a personal blog. Those are strictly opinion pieces and carry no weight on either side. The Chicago Sun piece is more interesting, but merely makes vague statements without a single name of anyone who is bashing. Now don't get me wrong, I have serious concerns with President Bush, stem cell research not being one of them. I am alarmed at the big government policies and also at the illegal alien fiasco (which I am reading has some surprises in store). At any rate, this really is a nonstory. Remember when Lieberman gave the speech on the Senate floor criticizing Clinton. It happens. I feel no connection to the country club wing of the republican party (any more than the country club wing of the democratic party). They certainly don't speak for me.
With all due respect..
... it doesn't say very much about an Army mom who would use his service -- his putting his life on the line -- in order to try to bully, shame and coerce people who would rather see her son home with his family and safe.
It doesn't say very much about an Army mom who would sacrifice her own flesh and blood because she's too busy worshiping a very false idol in Bush.
But most of all it doesn't say very much about a president who couldn't care less about her son, a president who has recklessly, negligently and uncaringly tossed America's young people into harm's way for an unnecessary, very possible illegal war.
I honor her son, and I respect his courage very much. I thank him for putting his life on the line in service to his country. And I profusely apologize to him for the way his life has been devalued by Bush. Maybe if Bush had the integrity and courage to actually serve in a war himself, he wouldn't be so hasty about killing our young people. Her son, by virtue of having the courage to serve, is way, way, WAY above George Bush in the integrity and courage categories. Wouldn't we be fortunate if someday her son went on to become president? He's already more fit to serve than Bush is.
I hope and pray that he can return home to his family (where he belongs) and that his return is safe and without injury. I'm just very, very sorry that his mother can't see that just because we don't worship an idiot like she does, that doesn't mean we don't support our troops because we want them safe and home with their families instead of fighting an unnecessary, immoral war.
No respect
No respect for the owners of this board who have requested republicans/conservatives to not post here..Do I have to report you?
With all due respect...yes you did...
you posted that you loved to find the errors and do the research. That certainly implies that you enjoy trying to prove people wrong. And that is fine, if that is what trips your trigger. Again, what I said was we had more social programs, and again, the comparison to other nations, I would like to know what other nations and their population in relation to ours before I put a lot of stock in the data. Respectfully.
With all due
*Civil debate* has not gotten us anywhere. In order for there to be debate BOTH sides would have to listen to each other, and meet somewhere in the middle.
With all due respect, I
disagree. I have read the words Dems and lefties and socialists used interchangeably. Look through the archives and I did not say it was you.
Well, I find the posts title a bit disrespectful. I mean, I wouldn't come to the conservative board and post with a title "Glad to not be a republican." Seems to me like "Me" was looking to stir the pot with that title.
With all due respect...
the moderator has posted several times that we can cross post. Apparently the moderator does believe in freedom of expression.
If "most of you" want to speak among yourselves, don't answer my posts, don't pile on with the crass remarks that are totally unnecessary. To coin your own words, ignore me. Quash dissent. Be intolerant of other views. To each his/her own.
There are those on the liberal board who do not mind a discussion and are actually able to do so in true liberal fashion without the personal gotchas. And as far as the gotchas...I only gave as I got. At least there were those true liberals who did not mind...but I believe you quashers have run them all off too.
So, if you do not wish to have a discussion, certainly your right. Don't answer my posts.
And...just a side note...liberal posters cross over too, and I have yet to ask them to get on back to their "own" board or stay on their own board. You see...I don't just say I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression...I act on it...unlike you.
With all due respect....
Your quote of:
"What is wrong with this picture? First, it should be obvious that it is not the job of the U.S. government to tell people what version of Islam to embrace on pain of permanent incarceration. As long as people are not committing or fomenting acts of violence, it is not our role to pressure them into changing their faith. When did it become acceptable to set religious conversion of any kind as the price that frightened people must pay for their freedom?"
These kids at Camp Cropper were committing acts of violence..setting roadside combs, firing at soldiers, etc. Your quote came from a different article about a different program dealing with adults...not with children. Two different programs I think. No one is asking them to change their faith. Are you saying that all Islam is radial jihadist? Of course it is not. These children are being taught by Iraqi teachers, not Americans. The article I posted describes it more clearly.
If it can turn a few away from jihad to what most Muslims call "true Islam," that is a good thing, right? If it can get sunni and shiite teens talking with one another, listening to one another, interacting with one that not where change begins? Like you rightfully said, it was the young people in Venezuela who helped turn the tide in that country. Perhaps the same can happen in Iraq. Are you saying it is a bad thing to present these kids with a different view of Islam, that perhaps killing other Muslims is not a good thing to do? When it is presented to them by other Muslims, not by Americans? How can that be a bad thing by any stretch?
Again...we are there, piglet. Whether we leave now, next week, next month, or next year, we are there. Why should we not try to help while we are there? Like the soldier is a positive thing and he is proud of what he was able to accomplish. If it turns one kid, two kids...they may be the future of Iraq. Someone had to start teaching kids in Venezuela another way...why can't we show those kids another way while we are there? If we can stop one from strapping a bomb to himself or getting his arms and legs blown off trying to set a roadside that not a good thing? I don't see the down side to this. Honestly.
I have a lot of respect
for any man or woman in the armed forces. I think that their opinion in our next president is very important. However, even with military personnel, there are still going to be some of them who vote strictly because of race or political party.
If our votes don't really count....this is pointless, but you can't screen people and question their motives for voting and who they choose to vote for and why before you let them vote.
with all due respect...
the only one WITHOUT a voice here is the child. We are speaking for the child. If that chaps you so severely, I'm sorry. No one is judging anyone. When Scott Peterson killed laci and connor, 12 people judged him and he is in jail for the rest of his life. It is somehow different because Scott chose to kill the baby instead of Laci? Please tell me how that makes sense. If it is wrong to kill, it is wrong to kill, and it certainly wrong to let one person have the choice to arbitrarily kill another. It is the act and the procedure that is being judged here...or that is what should be judged here.
Moral wrongs are judged by people every day. Stealing is wrong. Murder is wrong. Killing someone is murder. Cutting a defenseless baby to pieces with no one to defend it and nowhere to run to is horrific. At least admit it. If you want to give a person a right to murder another person, at least call it what it is.
With all due respect...
I don't think making it through an ivy league school on student loans indicates character. But to each his own and you are entitled to think so.
Yes, this is a democracy, and frankly I don't think there should be any parties. I don't think there should be an electoral college. I think it should really be up to the people. But that is just me.
I beg to differ...majority may rule but majority is not always right. I refer you to the Carter years.
Again, with all due respect, Obama's speech last night, was nothing new. It was the same thing Democrats always promise. The same things Bill Clinton promised. He had the country for 8 years and none of the promises happened. That happens on both sides, I realize. But it is politics. It is give them what they want to hear and when we get elected we do what we want. No matter which man is elected, that is what is going to happen. The only thing that makes Barack Obama different from any other Democrat who has run is that he is African American. And yes, he did make history last night, and he should be commended for having the will to work his way up to where he is. That should tell him he should be backing off social programs and figure out a way to instill that ambition in other folks, instead of rewarding people by keeping them dependent on the government for everything. If he can do it, why not others? But that is not the Democrat way.
We are up to our eyeballs in China because of Bill Clinton, not a Republican. If the truth really matters to you, check it out. Bill forged alliances and trade with China during his administration. You don't remember the big flap about the contributions gotten for Clinton by the Chinese. And I don't look for Obama to change anything about how we trade with the Chinese. Have not heard anything about him doing that, and I have listened to most of his speeches. Didn't see anything about it on the website either...but I could have missed it.
Please...the Democratic party is as corrupt as the Republican party. They are both corrupt. That is the nature of the beast, because they are controlled by money people who all have agendas and while they pay lip service to the little people, they do whatever they want, including trashing their own, as was so eloquently demonstrated in Denver this week.
I say this to your party...STOP TRYING TO MAKE the US A SOCIALIST STATE and destroy the greatest nation on earth.
Like I said....I don't want your respect nor do I need it.
Your posts prove constantly that what I say is right. Keep piling it on.
With all due respect....
if providing birth control to teenagers would stop teen pregnancies we would not have 1.2 million abortions every year. I do not want to start an abortion thread...just making a point.
I respect you even more - your the first....
to say anything of substance that is positive about Obama without cutting down McCain.
I do agree with you 100% I can't afford to pay any more taxes. Food, gas, and cost of living expenses are skyrocketing but my pay isn't. Do you think we paid so much in taxes the last time we had a democratic president (Clinton) because of congress. It was absolutely horrible during his pregnancy. We were being taxed over 40% of our pay (we didn't own our own place, we drove a used car, could only afford to live in a 1-bedroom apartment, so it was not like we were living high off the hog), but we were getting taxed so much when Clinton was in that we could hardly afford to do anything. When Bush became president our taxes went down and we started getting rebates, so wondering if it has anything to do with a different congress/senate (the real people who vote). The presidents in my opinion are a bunch of talking mouths but don't make any real decisions. They are told what they will do. They are there just to look pretty (ooh, is that a sexist remark HA HA).
I totally agree that corporations are not paying their fare share and jobs keep going overseas - that absolutely has to stop or we'll be forced to move overseas just so we can get a job.
I'm just scared all round because in the past both democrat and republican have always said on their campaign trail it will be better, yet it just seems to get worse and no president ever keeps the promise they made during their campaign trail.
I like the idea of new ideas, but I also like for people to be truthful too. I think why I'm starting to fall away from supporting Obama is because he keeps changing his mind and that's starting to scare me. Now I hear he's not bringing the troops home. He said he plans to keep them there for at least 5 years, and, he said he's for the draft. When will our tax money start coming back to the US to be used to rebuild the US, not support military in countries we don't belong in and a war we should not have started in the first place.
Thank you again for your opinions on Barack Obama without being cutting down John McCain. One of them will be president and I just hope whoever gets in will make America a better place than it's been. I'm open to everything.
I respect your opinion even though we disagree. What I am looking for in a leader is a moral man or woman with a HUGE dose of common sense and honesty. I don't think we have that in any of the candidates. That's just my opinion and I thank God every day that we have the right to express and differ in our opinions. I have to wonder how long we will have that freedom. I don't think many of us realize just how much freedom we actually lost with the Patriot Act.
So, in the same respect,
do you admire Sarah Palin for standing up against her own party in Alaska for the good of her state?
Probably not, I would guess. Double standard.
With all due respect,
I care what she thinks. That is different than I don't care for what you think.
I had a lot more respect for him
before I watched the video of him being VERY ugly to the lady who was testifying before the senate committee wanting to know what happened to her SON who is still MIA!!!. He had absolutely no compassion for her whatsoever. I also had more respect for him before he started every other sentence "I was a POW and have the scars to prove it." He is no more deserving of credit for his military service than the many POWs and MIAs. His military service is no greater than the lowest boot in the military, many who have and are continuing to make the ultimate sacrifice. If you want to think I'm "cheapening" his service, go ahead and think what you will With his "experience" one would not think he would have been so quick to side with Bush to send our young men and women into harm's way in this ridiculous Iraq war, many of them have made a much greater sacrifice than he and he promises to keep it going for "100 years if necessary." How many more will die? I would think being a POW would be preferable to being DOA!!!
is something that is totally lacking in our society today, Kendra, and not just in displays of drunkeness and the likely ensuing brawling and revelry such as what sounds like is the plan for the inauguration, but also in our families and work and practically every area of society. It's time we started showing a little less "me-me-me" and started thinking of what we can do to help each other and how we can show honor for those in positions of leadership at all levels.
Out of respect
could we not give this man a rest and let him mourn the passing of his grandmother without all the rhetoric? I'm sure even John McCain would agree with that. . I think by now most people have made up their minds how they are going to vote and posting this old tired stuff over and over and over and over and not going to change anyone's mind that I can imagine.
look, I can respect
the man because he is president of the US. I have no problem with that. I didn't vote for him OR McCain for that matter. The problem is such that when you speak up and say you have a good point, but what about this? There are some on these boards that take it as an attack and state you are uneducated, a sore loser, fascist, misinformed or whatever. I respect the fact that Obama stepped up and tried to reassure us as a nation when Bush did not. I have no problem with talking to someone as it can help me to learn something I may not have known. What I do have a problem with is a bunch of adults that cannot tolerate anything negative said.
You don't have respect for
us. As Joy Behar says, "Who cares? So what???
I respect your views
eventhough I don't mirror all of them. I am a Republican but I tend to me more libertarian in my views. I think privacy rights are a big issue, but my views part ways with yours when it comes to abortion. I also really disagree with you about the Terri Schiavo case. I don't agree with euthanasia in any form. I don't think feeding Terri was a heroic measure, but that's not the point. When when we as mere humans start judging whether innocent people should live or die or not I think we've crossed a huge moral boundary, and Roe versus Wade was that boundary. The morals in this country have been riding a snowball to hades since that time. I see things from a spiritual perspective. I believe that everything that happens has spiritual consequences, and every decision we make has spiritual consequences...that's just the way I believe, and yes, Libby you have every right to state your views, and I will fight for your right to say them to the death...I hope you would do as much for me.
I respect your views, as well.
That's what makes America so great. The freedom of all people to have different views, based on different principles (religious or otherwise). And I would certainly fight to the death for your freedom of speech to say whatever you believe. 
I firmly believe in a woman's right to choose as much as I firmly DON'T believe in partial birth abortions. That's my opinion. That doesn't make it right, and it doesn't make it wrong. It just makes it my opinion.
As such, I don't feel I have the right to force my opinion on someone who might feel differently. I believe this is a privacy issue, based on an individual's religious/spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof if that is the case) and not an issue that should be overturned because one Supreme Court Judge believes her religious views should be imposed on an entire nation. Harriet Miers answered a questionnaire (I believe) in 1989, wherein not only did she say she's against Roe v. Wade, but she also promised to use the *influence* of her elected office to ban abortion. If she has, in the past, promised to use the influence of her elected office to effect such a ban, why wouldn't she do the same with an appointed office? The only solid *qualification* she has is her anti-choice religious views, which happen to coincide with those of Bush's *base.* America has a lot of brilliant legal scholars and attorneys and judges who have devoted their entire careers specializing on Constitutional issues. Why wasn't one of THOSE people considered for this appointment?
Regarding euthanasia, I can promise you right now that if I am ever terminally ill with an incurable disease and my pain progresses to the point where I just want to die with some dignity and not endure agonizing pain any longer, I certainly will not permit a bunch of people who have never met me to claim they know what's best for me and force me to obey THEIR religious beliefs and die on THEIR terms. This notion is so arrogant on its face, it's even hard to write about. I would hope my physician would be caring and compassionate and assist me in ending my suffering if I were to reach that level of agony. Why do we show more kindness and compassion to our pets than we do to our humans? My own spiritual beliefs would not preclude me from doing that, and I refuse to be forced to obey YOUR religious beliefs. If forced to do so, then MY freedom of religion ceases to exist.
These are definitely privacy issues that, in my opinion, should be left to individuals. What if the *right* religious belief in this country doesn't believe in contraceptives? Will they be outlawed, as well? That's not as far-fetched as it sounds.
As far as dwindling morals in this country, I agree there are more heinous crimes being committed, particularly against children, than I can ever recall, and I'm outraged that our children are allowed to be raped and murdered, with the perpetrators of those crimes receiving what seem to be minimal prison sentences.
I also think it's clearly immoral that our ability to live or die is directly related to the number of dollars we have in our wallet. Healthcare in this country has become a very immoral commodity, along with legal care. I find it disgustingly immoral that American children are starving to death every day.
Morality has to come from someone's heart. It can't be forced, and it can't be legislated. Each of us has our own conscience, our own soul, and our own *creator.* Mine might not be the same as yours. It doesn't mean one is right or one is wrong. Just different. That's the beauty of America: Freedom of religion for all.
I can only end this as I started it, by saying that's what makes America so great. The freedom of all people to have different views, based on different principles (religious or otherwise).
Thanks for posting. I appreciate the opportunity to engage in a debate with someone who is friendly and respectful and doesn't resort to calling names. And I do respect your opinion and especially your right to say it, even though I respectfully disagree. 