You could start by considering Lincoln's
Posted By: imperative to unite a divided on 2008-11-06
In Reply to: If you want to know the future - crystal ball
and take it from there. Keep in mind, Lincoln was republican. IMHO, Obama could do worse when it comes to mentors.
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O reads Lincoln. O admires Lincoln.
O identifies with Lincoln (a Republican, I might add). O refers to Lincoln. O researches Lincoln. O appreciates Lincoln. O values Lincoln. O respects Lincoln. O holds Lincoln in high regard.
Nobody said O was Lincoln, but because of the affinity he has for Lincoln, it is very likely you will hear O linked with Lincoln hundreds and hudreds of times more. O. Lincoln. Get used to it.
He's no Lincoln
Getting sick of people interjecting Lincoln's name as though it will convince people that Obama is like Lincoln. He is NO Lincoln. Far from it.
Second Rahm Emanuel is advising the O and the O is doing what Emanuel says.
No, he's not Lincoln...(sm)
However, he does seem to be influenced by Lincoln's approach to government--the same argument that pubs made that he was influenced by Ayers.
He's doing whatever Emmanuel says? I think I'll wait for some proof of that.
Then they should try Lincoln, too.
For approving Sherman's march to the sea.
Honestly, BB, are you getting all your news via msnbc suppositories these days?
Rembering A. Lincoln s/m
This might be a good time to do some research on the Civil War and it's causes. It actually started years before the war. The agricultural South demanded cheap labor (sound familiar?) and the more industrialized North trampled States rights (sound familiar???) Members of Congress whupped up on each other (Republicans vs. Democrats???) Eomotions ran high (sound familiar?????). End result: The saddest war of all time with brother fighting against brother, father against son.
My G-Grandfather died on the battlefield where the December re-enactment takes place, one of some 2700 soldiers on both sides to die. Family stories handed down tell that my G-Grandmother and other women would carry food to the soldiers in the evening when they stopped fighting and the Union and Confederate soldiers would talk and exchange tobacco together. The Civil War was not entirely about slavery.
Do we see history about to repeat itself? I think it is a serious possibility. We had all better stop fighting about Republican/Democrat and get to the issues. No one is talking in this election about serious illegal immigration and its impact on jobs and the economy.
To the poster below with whom I have been talking about good ole Southern food, our menu will be pinto beans, johnny cakes and dried apple cobbler, prepared in cast iron pots, way better than the maggot-infested salt pork and hard-tack the soldiers ate as food was in very short supply. There will be other food vendors preparing more modern fare.
Well there is always the Lincoln bedroom....
LOL. Bill and Hill rented that one out for campaign contributions. LOL. Sigh.
I can hardly think of a poor man who ever ran for president. Lincoln maybe.
My Republican values are just as strong as they ever were. But I have been disappointed in President Bush at times. I will stick with him though. But not without question.
Lincoln and civil rights
Although you are correct that Lincoln was a Republican, in those days, Republican was not what it is today, nor Democrat, no Tory nor Whig, etc. How could it be, the times they have-a-changed. He called himself a Democrat many times during his career and was extremely anti-slavery but did not fall in with the abolitionists. What with Republicans, Democrats, Whigs, Jacobins, etc. it would be really difficult to say one party abolished slavery.People from all sides supported and opposed it. Lincoln just happened to be president and the **War of Northern Aggression** quelled those who had seceded.
Lincoln was very anti-war, did not like the idea at all so the civil war was distasteful to say the least. He did, however, have no problem enlisting and personally fighting in the European versus Sac Indians war which makes him not my most favorite president...but then, everyone makes mistakes. He did that in his younger years.
The civil rights act I have always believed rests with LBJ. He is not my favorite either. In fact, I did not like him much at all, but he did, in his predecessor's memory, carry the civil rights act to fruition. I remember him saying on the day that he signed it, the south is lost to Democrats as of this day. Here is a link of the timeline. It is pretty straightforward, comes from LBJ for kids site so it is not overly lengthy or boring.
omg. Lincoln and roosevelt. Nuff said. nm
There's a special on PBS tonight about Lincoln
The author stated Lincoln suspended the right of habeus corpus and the constitution to justify his maybe this is why O is following along those lines.
Hope it's not on late. I can't stay awake past 8:30 anymore. 
A message from Abraham Lincoln-1863
Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle, or the ship; the axe had enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years, with large increase of freedom.
No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.
It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-eighth.
By The President: Abraham Lincoln
William H. Seward, Secretary of State
On 2/16 on history channel a program about Lincoln
Think its called Stealing Lincolns body. Looks interesting.
I'll be sure to watch this one tonight. I saw it advertised the other night when I was watching Sense and Sensibility.
Reality: Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy,
Truman, Nixon x2, Ford x2, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton x2, Wx3....all targets of assassination, 4 successful....not to mention RFK, MLK, Medgar Evers, etc.
Assassinations happen. I have seen 17 of them in my own lifetime. Of the 17, at least 8 of them were directly related to hate speech. What is REALLY frustrating is to witness the same tired cycle play itself out over and over and over again and have people attempt to extract the hate speech out of the equation. Intentional or not, it was there during this campaign out of the mouths of McCain and Palin, their campaign staff and their followers. To deny this is insane and indicates to me that the value of human life for some is very tenuous and equivocal.
I wish he would start! nm
Yes, why don't we start with them?
You are definitely the chosen people: Chosen to be banned from heaven. This is what the people who pretend to support you really believe. And it must be true, because according to them, you and I will be spending eternity together, and no doubt that will be hell for us both.
Jerry Falwell: Jews and Muslims Can't Go to Heaven
Jerry Falwell gets further and further out there. His latest knucklehead theory is that Jews and Muslims can't go to heaven.
While I am a strong supporter of the State of Israel and dearly love the Jewish people and believe them to be the chosen people of God, I continue to stand on the foundational biblical principle that all people -- Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Jews, Muslims, etc. -- must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to enter heaven. -Jerry Falwell
March 14, 2006
Wow...where to start....
Yes, I do agree about those entering our country to a point. I believe that they need to have respect for our laws or not be here. Yes, we are a government of the people BY the people. There is no clause that says "unless we don't find that convenient right now."
Respect for those in office...not so much unless it is earned. Respect for their office itself, yes.
Now, I'm not so sure about the rest of your post or where that came from about me believing I have a final word on everything and my way is the only way and that I am a one person catalyst to change. That was really out there, especially for the very little I have posted. I don't care for the daily Kos. I have never said where I get my news. I do not believe everything everyone tells me...actually very little that anyone tells me. My research is very accurate, however. Though I have never posted any of it on this board and have never needed to as I tend to stay out of these little spats because of the level to which they quickly degenerate. I don't mix emotion with politics. That's the wrong road for me and it is my belief that it's a big problem with politics today. People take hot button emotional issues and try to legislate with them and politicize them. BS as far as I'm concerned, and I don't really care what anyone else's opinion is of that.
So! If you want me to answer to all that, you'll have to actually explain what planet or universe it's coming from first because I am at a loss.
Why don't you start? How much do YOU think?
0%, 10%, 20%? Flat tax? Only some types of income? No taxes at all, and we pay as we go for everything, like school, toll roads, police, fire, federal sales tax?
here's a start
Eliminating Wasteful Spending
Stop Earmarks, Pork-Barrel Spending, And Waste: John McCain will veto every pork-laden spending bill and make their authors famous. As President, he will seek the line-item veto to reduce waste and eliminate earmarks that have led to corruption. Earmarks restrict America's ability to address genuine national priorities and interfere with fair, competitive markets.
Leadership, Courage And Choices: Reducing spending means making choices. John McCain will provide the courageous leadership necessary to control spending, including:
Eliminate broken government programs. The federal government itself admits that one in five programs do not perform.
Reform our civil service system to promote accountability and good performance in our federal workforce.
Reform procurement programs and cut wasteful spending in defense and non-defense programs.
Gee....where to start??....
I would close the borders. Nobody in unless comes through the LEGAL channels.
Then I would get rid of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jack Murtha, and others who ride their coat tails.
And then I would give myself the power of line item veto.
I could probably list more, but you only wanted 3. LOL.
i should start using a name on here
i was the one who asked about the father's rights and i agreed to your comment.
It may be a start.......... sm
but like I said, I think energy costs and environmental conservation will be the last thing on folks minds in a few short years.
Then I would start with....
taking away the right for christians to assemble. What you guys don't seem to realize is that when you start taking away rights, it sets a precedence for others to follow.
LOL....that's a start...(sm)
I would mess with you about the foot channel, but since you took the time to agree with me, I'll let it go this time.
But why start
at the bottom? Why not set an example and tell congress, sorry you are NOT getting your raise?
I think we should all start asking
to speak to an American when we get phone calls or call a place and get an ESL on the line. Maybe if we refuse to speak to them....they might realize they need to hire some Americans.
Are we really going to start this again?
Let it go, already.
Me too! They always start my day off
And we keep some of her posts behind the desk in the Emergency Room, too. They've proven to be reliable emetics in poisoning cases.
I don't know where to start...
Lead him down the right path? and you do that by calling people dysfunctional, disgusting, etc, and all the other things I have seen you post. Patty, I won't argue this with you as I am afraid I may say something pretty unChristian. I am out of here.
That's start of the war in *2003* nm
Again, what if? That was my question to start with.
I'm not accusing anyone, I merely asked *what if*? I can't say with complete certainty that this happened anymore than you can say with complete certainty that it didn't. Minority status is fine with me, given the evidence and pervasive secrecy and lying of this administration. Have a nice day.
Very good
Thanks for the info LVMT.
What I wanted to know to start with...
is how can I know that Democrats/liberals/the left, WHOEVER, will keep this country safe, when half of them deny there is a threat and the other half have no idea how to deal with it? What I said it was not political, I meant it. Both sides should be trying to protect this country, but frankly I only see one who seems to understand the threat. As I have said numerous times, I am not a registered Repbulican. I am not thrilled with any party in this country right now, but I have to register as SOMETHING to vote, so I am registered independent. Yes, I am conservative, I have conservative moral values and I believe if we had stuck closer to moral values we would have a lot fewer issues these days, but I digress. My concern is, Dem, that I don't think your party and many of its members grasp what a real threat radical Muslims are, and if you don't perceive the threat you don't take steps to fight it, and that is the reason I referred to Clinton, because in all honesty I do not think he perceived the threat. I do not want to think that he did and ignored it. And my point is, I don't think your party to this day perceives the enormity of the threat, and yes, that scares me. This is not rhetoric. This is the way I, me, personally, feel and has nothing to do with left or right Dems or Republicans, other than the Republicans do seem to have a better grasp on the threat than the Dems do. What I would like to see is America united against the threat, with politics out of it. That is what I would REALLY like to see.
Here's why SP need to start vetting
OK. I'll take a crack at breaking this down for you. While SP was building her candidate resume back at the hut in Wasilla, her predecessor in the governor's office teed her off after he SELECTED her (not an elected position) as Chairman of the Ethics Committee. When she started whistle-blowing on those entrenched Juneau cronies, he tended not to take her housekeeping recommendations to heart. Being such a strong and powerful woman, she launched a campaign of her own to take his seat away from him based on her ethics platform. Once in that chair, she spent a great deal of time and taxpayer's money scrapping more than 300 of his development plans in the name of fiscal responsibility and kicked out 30-some-odd of his other appointees, being the woman scorned and all.
FF back to the future. Once JM has ridden to victory on her coattails and puts her back in that token female corner where she belongs, McWayne proceeds to run the same style of corrupt, unethical administration of his mentor, the W. She takes the backseat VP position and waits for him to become incapacitated and gets bored waiting around to cast a tie-breaking vote in the senate. She falls back on the only experience she has…ethics butt-kicking.
She's not afraid to bulldoze her own party members, as her record so clearly indicates, so kick butt she does. If she can't successfully take aim at her boss man, like she did before, maybe JM will simply expire and thrust her up into the Prez chair. Failing that, riding on the crest of the hypnotic spell she has cast over the pub party and taking advantage of the leftover collective amnesia the nation finds itself suspended in the aftermath of the 2008 pub campaign, she mounts a successful pub candidacy for Prez, in which case she will need to choose a running mate. Got the picture?
Oh, REALLY? Like you guys don't start to -sm
soil your panties everytime you come across another person who doesn't think exactly like you in every way?
I know -- but everytime you start to
feel a scintilla of sympathy for them, they lunge at ya with the retracted lips and missing, yellowed teeth.
Not to start a race war
People can raise this question over and over again but what I would like to know is this: Has anyone ever raised the same questions regarding white candidates in this and/or past elections and why people voted for them? Of course not...I wouldn't care if Obama were multicolored - people are going to vote for whomever they choose and I for one am weary of the constant references to race...
Do you just try to start fights?
I asked you a simple question. You got out of whack about it. Yes, I know caps is yelling. I wasn't yelling at you I was yelling because you are making me crazy with your freak out of "stop picking on me!!" Please, grow up. It is unfair for you to make statements without backup. If you can't take someone asking you questions, don't post slander on this board. End of story.
Start at the top and work you way down.
then why not remove yourself from the dialog?
Oh brother - where to start is right.
His father left his mother when he was a baby? Yet Obama was able to write a whole book based on him? He has some communication with Kenyan relatives but not all? Where did you hear this? Wait...from him? Is that his explanation? So where did you study African Tribal Family Structures and the American family strucures? I think maybe people should take a break from the Survivor TV show. If the sheeple want to be led around blindly and actually buy into the same ol retoric of oh poor Obama, he didn't know he had an aunt or a cousin or an uncle because that's the way the "tribes in Africa" are, but he knows about all these others relative (Cheney & Irish ones). Glad I'm awake through all of this. Staying away from Survivor and doing some research does the mind some good.
That was not necessary. Let's not start bashing again
Had enough of that before the election. She voiced an opinion. Let it rest.
And to think, the head of the KKK at the start
start a phoney war
Even mr. So? cheney admitted they were going to do it whatever the results of inspections were, let people drown in Katrina, let the terrorists kill 2000 people -- but dodge that shoe, and my, my what a great leader you are. Groan. I am so glad the majority of citizens woke up.
start a phoney war
Even mr. So? cheney admitted they were going to do it whatever the results of inspections were, let people drown in Katrina, let the terrorists kill 2000 people -- but dodge that shoe, and my, my what a great leader you are. Groan. I am so glad the majority of citizens woke up.
AND, this is it. The start of government
Before you know it, no more talk shows, no more Christian radio stations, no more Christian music. Just government taking over EVERYTHING.
Dems can say horrible things about Bush, but GOD FORBID IF ANYONE DARE SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT OBAMA.
Off to a good start? Do you have a TV?
He's is so NOT off to a good start to the point his white house (MY white house) is being overwhelmed with phone calls of the American people saying NO, NO, NO! They want his stimulus package dumped! How is that off to a good start? Nobody even wants anything so far he has to offer..............
If that's the case, why did you start this one?
Didn't you start this?
Aren't you the original poster? Who were you trying to speak for? Maybe you should follow your own advice. There are plenty of people who didn't see this as a racial cartoon, but you sure had to put it out there.
When you start talking about...(sm)
free healthcare, you start getting into the pockets of the drug companies and those they support, and guess who that is.
That would be a nice start...
but don't see it happening!
Those two morons deserve each other, though. Talk about two people that can open mouth and insert foot.
They are going to HAVE to start arming