Our soldiers, the ones who are in the front lines, not the ones promoted to captain, colonel, etc., because of family influence..the REAL patriots..sadly, to this administration they are just warm bodies to take a bullet for Bush's war. I have never seen an administration so disrespectful for those who put the lives on the line for America. To not even let us view the caskets of those who have fallen. But, if you look at Bush's history of being governor of Texas, he just LOVED to put prisoners to death..even smirked when asked about possibly saving the life of Carla Faye Tucker.
First, if (more like when) the Bush tax cuts expire, what does that yield? Hmmmm....
Also, those in the $42K salary will get honked, too. I'll look for it and post it.
Make it a fuzzy bunny and I'm out!
Having snaffled all the cookies, Fuzzy Bunny won't come
I'll see if we can lure him out with some carrot liquer as he must be getting a dry throat by now from eating all those cookies. (Mom likes to give her cookies an extra couple of hours in the oven at 500 degrees, just in case of Salmonella.)
liberal fuzzy math....the fact remains....
she has a higher approval rating than most of the governors in the lower 48...quite possibly THE highest. Nice try...no cigar.
find out. I find sam's posts to the point
I couldn't find that one but I did find this
S.Amdt.4170: To protect families, family farms and small businessees by extending the income tax rate structure, raising the death tax exemption to $5 million and reducing the maximum death tax rate to no more than 35%; to keep education affordable extending the college tuition deduction; and to protect senior citizens from higher taxes on their retirement income, maintain U.S. financial market competitiveness, and promote economic growth by extending the lower tax rates on dividents and capital gains.
NAY: Biden and Obama YEA: McCalin
I.E., this is in the voting record in the public records. There are not too many voting records there for the O since he started his campaign and most of those he voted NAY or say Not Voting.
Well, then, please find me one that you find to be racist.
So you and your buds bash us on *your* board and suddenly, once you reach this board,
some respect?
You publicly post on the other board that you *try not to visit the bog of eternal stench.*
Well, doesn't look like you are trying all that hard. Or is that another example of Conservative honesty, like your buddy on the other board lies 3 times before suddenly deciding to be *up front* (in her own words) about the whole bogus line of crap she was spouting.
You and your 2 friends don't respect anyone unless they're a member of your little club, think exactly as you think, belong to the same political party as you belong, and believe in the very same little narrow SUBsection of one particular religion.
That's what I interpret from YOUR WRITTEN WORDS. Your posts don't show respect. They only show twisted *facts*, ignorance, anger and hatred.
You can't be *respectful* on your own board but suddenly, when you come here - HERE - the place YOU call *the bog of eternal stench* you suddenly discover some respectability during your mouse click from there to here?
Please. Some of us aren't as stupid as you think we are.
You're becoming quite a bore. You and your friends stated you don't want us on your board, but you're not happy unless you're picking a fight. You and your *gang* told us to leave and not to post on *your* board. Maybe that should work both ways.
Out of ALL the problems with radical Conservatives, maybe the most annoying thing is that you don't believe in equality at all. You believe in SUPERIORITY. Somewhere along the line, someone made you think you were special and above everyone else. Sheesh! You're not happy unless you're dictating to everyone else in the country what they're allowed to do in their own personal lives regarding life, death, science, etc. You even think YOUR GOD IS BETTER than everyone else's.
You want to make the rules, censor people and tell them which boards they can and cannot post on, but YOU want to invade them all and spew your ignorance and hatred.
In my heart, I believe there are sincere, honest, intelligent Conservatives out there who are capable of a sensible debate. I've seen them. (I hope you don't chase them away, too.) But and your crew don't fall in that category, and this will be the last of your inane posts I will subject myself to.
Talk about stench. Just read your very own posts.
Can we bring the board back to the true reason for the board
Can we get the political board back to the true purpose of this board – to share opinions of why we like our candidate. Not bash and cut down others because they don’t agree with you.
I stayed away from this board for the past couple days because anyone who had anything positive to say about Sarah Palin got slammed, bashed, kicked down, etc. After awhile I found it all too draining, and was not seeing any reason to come. Yes, I did see some of it towards people who favored Barack Obama, but if you read the posts again it is mostly towards anyone who favored Sarah Palin/John McCain.
I thought the political board was for posting information regarding politics and candidates. What I have seen for the past few days is that it has been an attack board. Especially if you have anything positive you want to share about Sarah Palin. You say something good about her and you get attacked, you answer back, and you get attacked more, and then when you get mad and pretty much say stop attacking me, they come back with this “Geez, I’m allowed to have an opinion”.
Another thing I am tired of seeing is the slanderous, hate filled, really off the wall comments about Sarah Palin. The latest was something about her daughter actually had her baby. Talk about just bizarre comments. I thought what’s next, she’s an alien from another planet? The more I kept reading the more the comments were getting just really weird and bizarre. Of course nobody ever having any proof of any of these allegations. I then came to realize that the posters were just trying to get a fight going.
I also saw posts that had nothing to do with politics but attacking a poster named Sam. Again, probably trying to get another fight going for no good reason and on things that have nothing to do whatsoever with politics. I’ve read “Sam is like an annoying nat that you sway away”, “Sam, please let me know where you work” or “she must have her quota” or “sam is to the politics board as oracle is to the” This childish rhetoric is getting old. I’m not defending sam she is a big girl and I can see by her posts she can take care of herself, but my point is that this has nothing to do with politics. If you want a fight maybe you could request that the administrator create a separate “fight and degrade” section.
I’ve read the administrators post a couple different times called Beware of Flaming. She/he said as long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree we shouldn’t wear our feelings on our sleeves and a little more oversight on here would be good. Let people express his or her opinion and move on. If you don’t like someone just ignore that person. “It’s not rocket science, you know” (I liked that statement) 
I consider posting on this board a privilege and not a right. If you don’t agree with something and you post that you don’t agree and state the facts why (and are civilized about it) that’s one thing, but when you bash and degrade others without showing proof and just want to start fights and belittle others it just seems a bit juvenile to me.
I come to the politics board to hear ideas and stuff (facts) about the candidates. That is how I’m learning about each one, but I don’t want to read people attack other posters for no good reason. I'd like to hear about Obama/Biden & McCain/Palin, but I want to hear facts.
If you like to fight so much why don’t you pick on people that you can fight to face to face.
Your on the wrong board - you need to preach on the faith board
You just delivered a sermon (or quote). Either way it doesn't belong here. What does this have to do with politics. The democrat and republican party did not start up until after the 1800s. Socialism also wasn't created until the 1800s.
To me your post describes the way humans should treat other humans. This has nothing to do with politics - imho.
Because you posted on the Main board not Politics board.
It was removed, as we do not have an option of moving from Main to Politics.
This could have easily been avoided had you posted on the correct board.
The response from another poster to not post political viewpoints on this board was becuase you posted it on the Main board.
the conservative board is a liberal board now
you all aren't happy until you infect everyone out there with your hatred. It's not something I'd very proud of.
Politics board = political topics. Faith board = religious topics.
Please keep all religious/faith topics and discussions on the Faith board. This would involve your beliefs, whether Christian or atheist, etc.
The Politics board is strictly for political topics and discussions.
Ya gotta understand the rules. We have to post on this board only. They can post on any board they
Find it yourself...
I used to answer all of these posts requiring that I go back and find the names and dates and places of anything that I posted to prove what I was saying. What usually happened was that it would still be discounted for some reason or another as biased, meaningless or just untrue so I have stopped reresearching for the nonbelievers. I read papers. I watch news shows. I watch senate proceedings. David Gergen, Ed Gillespie, William Buckley, Susan Collins, Peter King, Bill Bennett are a few off the top of my head but if you need proof, you do the legwork. I assure you it is out there. C-SPAN is a good source. You can see and hear them in action.
You know what I find to be
OFF-THE-WALL mindboggling about the king's apologists/cultists is that they shriek about illegal immigration with *They're breaking the LAW!*....hmmm, so they don't hold their king to the standard they expect from noncitizens of this country? It's hard work drinking all that Kool-Aid!
Meanwhile, Cheney claims he hasn't seen the senate report re: no connection between Osama and Saddam, and Rice insists there WERE ties and it was all Tenet's fault. HUH?! So now I'm wondering, does this mean Tenet has to return his medal of freedom? After all, it's not like he said he was pressured to manufacture the intelligence to suit Bush and Co.
Took me a while to find this....
And Clinton is a serial rapist. So what is your point? sm
[Post a Reply] [View Follow Ups] [Politics] --> [Conservatives]
Posted By: Brunson on 2006-05-03,
In Reply to: Hitchens is a public and private severe alcoholic - Mind
Everyone knows that Hitchens is an alcoholic. You are adding nothing to this conversation. Act like an adult or leave.
I cannot find it
but I have also seen a picture where Obama is standing on a platform with other people who are pledging allegiance to our beautiful flag with their hand over their hearts, and Obama is just standing there. This is the picture that really made me wonder what this guy is made of, where he is coming from, and where he wants to take us!
I find it odd.....
I find it odd that people won't follow the constitution written about 200 years ago by our founding fathers (people we know what they looked like). They say it's old and archaic and has no place in today's world - times have changed.
Yet...they will follow the bible word for word that was written around 1500 to 400 BC. - which by the way was written by men keeping in the parts they wanted to and not putting in other parts they didn't want to.
Where is the sanity?
why can't they find them?
They have to put the info into a computer somewhere? Why can't it just tell them that it is invalid - my local office was able to tell me within 24 hours that I was okay to vote this year.
Where did you find this?
Once again, you only want to find something to
Won't be able to find you and your ilk. You;ll be
living under the same rock you crawled out from under. Bye-Bye, sad Brad.
If you can't find them...well (sm)
you obviously have a problem already. Sources I've used include a direct link to the US Senate, factcheck.org (an organization that even Fox uses), going to bills/legistation directly....etc.
We can find these all day...
long, but until you actually look at McCain's voting record, posts like this (including the one below) are nothing but opinion.
The ones I find concerning:
"The president-elect has promised changes in policies. There is a capacity for the improvement of ties between America and Iran if Obama pursues his campaign promises, including not confronting other countries as Bush did in Iraq and Afghanistan, and also concentrating on America's state matters and removing the American people's concerns."
In other words, sit down with us with no preconditions and let's powwow.
"The news we are receiving on the results of the American presidential election shows that everyone has the right to hope for a freshening of US approaches to all the most complex issues, including foreign policy and therefore relations with the Russian Federation as well."
In other words, come into my parlor said the spider to the fly...
The rest kind of backs up his citizen of the world mantra. Will wait and watch for how that plays out.
The one I find amusing:
"We don't expect any change through our previous experience with the Democrats. When it comes to foreign policy there is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats."
They won't find it. LOL (nm)
I always find that the most
vociferous against religion are the ones who are so afraid there is a God that when their time comes and their life is judged, they know what's coming, and feel guilty for the life they are leading.
I don't want to find out what comes after
trillion but if our government continues to spend the money, I fear we may find out the hard way. All I've heard about is how Bush doubled our deficit in 8 years. Well, Obama has been in office not even a full month and wants to add 1 trillion dollars to it....although he continues to say 800 billion in his charismatic speeches. I'm also so tired of the blame game. Obama himself made sure in his speech last night at the democratic retreat (which, BTW, taxpayers helped pay for, thanks O) to mention that government is a group of people throwing out ideas and it isn't one person dictating everything. Yet he continues to blame one person, Bush, for our crisis. This crisis has been a long time coming people and started before Bush, although he didn't help either. I blame government as a whole and I intend to hold both dems and pubs feet to the fire and since the dems are currently in control......they are most definitely getting more criticism from me because they are in charge at this point. Doesn't mean I'm not keeping an eye on the pubs too cuz Lord knows there are crooks in both parties.
Find it For Yourself
what I did find out
Each province administers their own so perhaps what I said in jest is actually true. Montreal has figured out something Ontario has not. It seems some provinces have got this down pat, no long waits, no refusal of particular cares, etc., etc., etc., and their residents are extremely satisfied. Costs are quite low, can be as low as $98 per month for a family of four, which covers basically everything except prescriptions. Not to worry, however, as prescription costs are much lower in Canada. Plus most employers cover the full cost for their employees (not the prescriptions but the insurance). All the things we hear of as awful are just not true - in some provinces. However, in other provinces they are true - long waits, no care, etc., etc., etc. If we could but have the good parts of their plan!
Does anyone else find it
interesting that Obama ridiculed McCann for taxing healthcare benefits during his campaign and yet that is now something on the table Obama is considering to help fund his healthcare reform. Funny how something that was once ridiculous to him is now something okay to do and how dare we question him.
Once again.....why aren't democrats holding Obama's feet to the fire here? Lie after lie and broken promise after broken promise. If anyone from any other party flip flopped and lied like this....you guys would crucify him/her. What gives?
Okay, now that I know where to find it...
has anyone read this crap? I'm about 100 pages in and none of it sounds good yet.
Have I just not gone far enough to get to the good part?
Where did gt do that? Show me please because I can't find it.

I find it hard to believe you don't see it.
Couldn't find it.
All I could find on that board was complaining and whining about liberals and how they're all terrible and godless, etc., etc. 'Nuff said. 
I I find it difficult to take anything that ..
O'Reilly says to heart. His demeanor is the true definition of a blowhard bully. I tend to tune out when people are screaming at me or really dishing out the hate stuff. Having said that, I do not believe that the Marine thing is about **good** or **bad** apples. War is an unnatural state. War without end is even worse. I don't know any details - none of us do - but in a setting where soldiers are deployed and redeployed and redeployed over and over in a hostile tribal environment where they do not know who is friend or foe, this tragedy does not come as a surprise. I certainly don't condone this, no one would, but I understand how it could happen and I believe that if it did happen that those involved are not necessarily **bad apples.** Everyone keeps saying that 99.9% of the military are exemplary soldiers. I am not so sure that those involved are not as well. Gross mismanagement of the troops, a complete lack of understanding of the tribal nature of Iraq, in other words, a failure from the Pentagon on down would be the culprit in my opinion. These are the people who should be held accountable but that, of course, will not happen. A few very low-on-the-totem-pole soldiers will be the scapegoats in this and generals and civil service Pentagon folks will just walk away. I am still waiting for the dogs from Abu Ghraib to be indicted. That is just about how inept and ridiculous the management of the war has been. As far as Murtha goes...I believe he truly believes what he says and is extremely concerned about the troops themselves, the real people fighting on the real ground in real Iraq. I think he speaks from his heart and could care less about payback or whatever. I think that he is frustrated and angry and feeling helpless as many of us are over a situation that has good outcome possible.
Where did you find this story? sm
I can't find anything anywhere on this. Thank you!
If they can find the right spin they will..sm
But they have to be careful how the approach active duty soldiers you know. Especially since they have spent the last 3 years saying liberals were not supporting the troops.
Encouraging? How anyone could find any...
of this encouraging...sigh.