WASHINGTON-- The Supreme Court upheld Oregon's one-of-a-kind physician-assisted suicide law Tuesday, rejecting a Bush administration attempt to punish doctors who help terminally ill patients die. Justices, on a 6-3 vote, said that a federal drug law does not override the 1997 Oregon law used to end the lives of more than 200 seriously ill people. New Chief Justice John Roberts backed the Bush administration, dissenting for the first time. The administration improperly tried to use a drug law to punish Oregon doctors who prescribe lethal doses of prescription medicines, the court majority said. Congress did not have this far-reaching intent to alter the federal-state balance, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for himself, retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer. Kennedy is expected to become a more influential swing voter after O'Connor's departure. He is a moderate conservative who sometimes joins the liberal wing of the court in cases involving such things as gay rights and capital punishment. The ruling was a reprimand to former Attorney General John Ashcroft, who in 2001 said that doctor-assisted suicide is not a legitimate medical purpose and that Oregon physicians would be punished for helping people die under the law. Kennedy said the authority claimed by the attorney general is both beyond his expertise and incongruous with the statutory purposes and design. Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for himself, Roberts and Justice Clarence Thomas, said that federal officials have the power to regulate the doling out of medicine. If the term 'legitimate medical purpose' has any meaning, it surely excludes the prescription of drugs to produce death, he wrote. Scalia said the court's ruling is perhaps driven by a feeling that the subject of assisted suicide is none of the federal government's business. It is easy to sympathize with that position. Oregon's law covers only extremely sick people-- those with incurable diseases and who are of sound mind, and after at least two doctors agree they have six months or less to live. For Oregon's physicians and pharmacists, as well as patients and their families, today's ruling confirms that Oregon's law is valid and that they can act under it without fear of federal sanctions, state Solicitor General Mary Williams said. The ruling backed a decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which said Ashcroft's unilateral attempt to regulate general medical practices historically entrusted to state lawmakers interferes with the democratic debate about physician-assisted suicide. Ashcroft had brought the case to the Supreme Court on the day his resignation was announced by the White House in 2004. The Justice Department has continued the case, under the leadership of his successor, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. The court's ruling was not a final say on federal authority to override state doctor-assisted suicide laws-- only a declaration that the current federal scheme did not permit that. However, it could still have ramifications outside of Oregon. This is a disappointing decision that is likely to result in a troubling movement by states to pass their own assisted suicide laws, said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, which backed the administration. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and a supporter of the law, said the ruling has stopped, for now, the administration's attempts to wrest control of decisions rightfully left to the states and individuals. Thomas wrote his own dissent as well, to complain that the court's reasoning was puzzling. Roberts did not write separately. Justices have dealt with end-of-life cases before. In 1990, the Supreme Court ruled that terminally ill people may refuse treatment that would otherwise keep them alive. Then, justices in 1997 unanimously ruled that people have no constitutional right to die, upholding state bans on physician-assisted suicide. That opinion, by then-Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, said individual states could decide to allow the practice. Roberts strongly hinted in October when the case was argued that he would back the administration. O'Connor had seemed ready to support Oregon's law, but her vote would not have counted if the ruling was handed down after she left the court. The case is Gonzales v. Oregon, 04-623.
Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Copyright © The Sun-Times Company LOL...I mean **woman**! Mrs. M, are you a woman? I'm kind of doubting this, based on Mrs. M's preoccupation with various women's looks. Who was this woman? An eagle also needs to land sooner or later. Barak is neither left or right. Yes, he does lean a bit to the left, but for years we've had Bush lean to the extreme right thanks to his righteous evangelical radicals. This scares me a lot more. Please read and enlighten yourselves. Those of you who are still undecided are to be pitied. This campaign has been going on for so long, if you still don't know who to vote for....I would say you have a hell of a problem. Take your blinders off, Falwell is dead and I wish Limbaugh was too. The American people have brainwashed themselves and they like it. There are other great countries in the world, not just the U.S. They are proud patriots also and believe their country is the best. So wake up, READ about history and other countries. I live in a country that I would bet hardly of you know, let alone the capital. The country is called Canada and the capital is Ottawa. I too am proud of my country and I think IT IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! Stop listening to those stupid radio talk shows who are nearly all republican........get a life. Vote for Barack, my God you folks need a change!!! Monique
that woman is a ...........sm stupid, FUGLY, racist BIATCH! So a woman has a right to abort with no questions asked because it is her uterus and no one's business. Yet you wish to take away the rights of people who don't believe in abortion and work in the medical field. No job should require you to do something that you find unethical. If you want to abort your child....fine....that is your decision and one that you will have to answer for and live with. So many people are on here screaming about their rights and how dare their rights be taken away. Forcing someone in the medical field to be involved in something they feel is unethical......isn't that taking away their rights. They have a right to refuse. There are other people in the medical field who would willingly perform an abortion....so why force those who find it unethical? That is just wrong. A better woman? OMG! Do even know what a better woman is? I will tell you - one who can say he** with that SOB rapist, I'm living my life my way and moving on! You sound more angry than I do? Have you lived your life to the fullest without being taken advantage of? Are you happy? Is it easier for you to point fingers and say what others should do? I am a very happy person who believes bad things sometimes happen to good people. This has nothing to do with being a better or stronger woman. American Woman American Woman, Dont leave, Im the one *they*, whomever (I frankly dont care..smile) tried to ban..Im the one they reported like back in grade school..oooohhhh..gonna tell the teacher..Im still here and NO ONE is gonna get rid of me or my opinions or beliefs unless they ban me and then I will move onto another political board..Dont leave, American Woman..I enjoy your posts and think you are an intelligent person who shows she cares through her posts..We need that here..heck if you leave, I probably will end up leaving, so will Lurker, Observer and all the rest and then what will become of this board..Please stay..Ya know what I do when it gets too much, I spend a half hour or so on Bill Mahers board (they are so friendly)..What you post about is the truth in America, dont deny others of reading the truth that you post..Please stay. Hey, American Woman!! Glad to read ya! Come back here, we all must maintain the liberal site, no matter what, ya know? I have been posting at Bill Maher's site, GCT is my *handle*. I usually go into the Current Events arena. I posted a hi to you on Bill Maher's site about one week ago. I didnt see your post, was focused on posts concerning crazy lady Barbara Bush mostly, LOL. Tell ya what, put a clothing pin on ya nose and come back here. I alternate between here and Bill Maher's site. To American Woman Dont ya know when I get off this board, I feel like I need a shower after dealing with the attack conservatives? It bugs the heck out of me at times..however, I enjoy reading what other democratic liberals are posting and knowing we are the future for America, the liberal people..There is no way the me-me, lock me behind a gated community, who cares about you, I got mine society will exist..It is not workable in an expanding world. So, as much as sometimes the conservatives, for some reason or another cannot stay on their own board and bug the heck out of me, I check back here every once in a while..I wish you would too. We need you here as a compassionate sane poster..I was on Bill Maher last night in Current Events, talking about jury duty, which I have to do in October..Blah!! Hi American Woman! Hi American Woman! Come on back here regularly. We have some really good liberal posters now. Yes, Im in CA. The fires are all around me but havent come to the desert yet (where I am). They have been moving towards the ocean instead (opposite direction). With a change of the wind, though, the fires could change direction, then they would come over the Sierra Nevada Mountains to get to the desert. About two years ago a fire came up over the mountains and you could see it from my house and the air was thick with smoke and soot. Was quite scary..but the firefighters were able to get it out. Yup, CA, the land of mudslides, wildfires, earthquakes, torrential rains (when it does rain..smile). So good to hear from ya..Come on back here. The board isnt the same without ya. :o). P.S. American Woman I should have included this in my last nights post..thank you for thinking of me and praying for me and my family. You are so kind. :O) gt: Where's American Woman?? I haven't read too far yet tonight but is she back? And don't know what you're referring to in terms of your family but please let us all know if there is anything we can do to help? It's actually a woman speaking. sm This is very significant because this was on Al-Jazeera TV and what she says is pretty chilling. I clicked on it and it worked for me. I am sure you can find it somewhere else on the internet. Just for the record, I am not so sure he is president material myself. I dont doubt his leadership in the war on terror, but I am disappointed in other things. Why would any self-respecting woman vote for a man who calls his wife a "cu_t" and a trollope? I don't get it. This is his wife- supposedly the one he loves. Apparently doesn't respect! What does he believe about other women? PS....all as a married woman, I might add. 0 You can't speak for all of us. As a woman, nm What woman did he diss? sm I'm being sincere here, I don't know who it was. I know it wasn't HC because I thought she said she wouldn't consider VP. But maybe it is her and she changed her mind. I think it is a woman's right to choose. IT has been debunked. The woman who... said she was a member has recanted. She has always been registered republican. Her husband was a member several years ago. Obama's pastor as recently as last year said "God dam* AMerica." Both Obama and his wife attended that church for 20 years. Comparing the statements...and the person who made them...I would say there is no room to accuse Sarah Palin about her husband than to accuse Obama and his wife about their pastor/mentor/friend who married them and baptized both of their children. Can we leave this nonissue now? one intelligent woman The fact that you can write that in such a classy way should make the libs choke on their words. Nice job and don't let anyone ever silence your beliefs. My favorite part of what you said was this "There is nothing wrong with nor to be ashamed about in the way we feel and we are as much entitled to that as liberals are to liberalism". For the party that claims tolerance, they are the most intolerant people I encounter. Happy Friday girl hello? the statement that the woman loves to fire people? pretty simple what i was responding to. You silly woman Where on earth do you get your so-called news? Moveon, Kos, or DemocraticUnderground? If you care to ignore the teachings of Saul Alinsky, what do you think about his "church" associations? Bill O'Reilly will be doing "The Obama Chronicles" on his show this week (or however long it runs), starting with Wm Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn. If you're looking for documented accuracy, Rush Limbaugh is certified 98%-ish right. I hear it so often that the way it's said escapes me, but the libs know it, too. That's only one reason they hate him so much. Of course, the first is that he's got over 20 million listeners. Nobody can touch those numbers. Incidentally, I'm one of them. Probably the first time he saw a woman But she is an attractive woman so that obviously makes her stupid and even though she has more experience than Barrack Obama......he has promised change and that is all they hear. Hang a mannequin by a rope dressed like her and that is okay....just silly Halloween pranks. Just don't do that to one looking like Obama because you will be charged and end up in jail. Always double standards. You can't hang a black man because that is racist, but go ahead and hang a white woman because obviously that isn't sexist at all. Makes me sick. yes, I believe woman have a choice i also believe that homosexual marriage will grow the economy in ways no one will ever imagine. It's too bad you don't believe in change. Women have for many rights why not the right to bear or not bear a child if she so sees fit. No one knows everyone's circumstances. When you stand before God and take those vows it means for better or for worse, not "if I feel like cheating I will." If anyone posted on here that their husband was cheating; everyone would say counseling or dump him! Why not McCain???? How is he better? I won't go into abortion because I feel a woman has a choice. If you want backyard hacks killing young mothers in a nonclinical setting, go right ahead and try to have abortion illegalized. Also, get ready to pay for the welfare... MAYBE it was just the heart of a much better woman!! nm This woman is not stable She is calling Obama the president of death and Hitler. Saying Planned Parenthood has some hidden agenda and that the public school system is basically set up to sway your child from God. This isn't worth our time and she has many issues she needs to deal with besides being against abortion. If she wants to send the red envelopes, let her. Some of us know it won't do any good, but maybe being part of something is all this woman has. Who knows? I personally think we need to start an MT Envelope Project with money stuffed inside to help all of us struggling VR MTs!! Pick my address first! What do ya say?? HA HA!!! Goodnight guys, have a good one! Where do babies come from? 1 man and 1 woman I understand these relationships, but I don't think traditional marriage between a man and a woman should cover gays/lesbians. They have civil unions in my state and now they want marriage. Leave the tradition of marriage alone. Marriage is for one man and one woman If gays and lesbians want to show their commitment, then a civil union is for them. Don't redefine something thousands of years old just because it's "politically correct." I am so sick of it political correctness. I understand civil unions so that G/L couples can have health insurance, etc., but don't change what marriage means to so many of the rest of us. It is so much more than a legality and a commitment, it's about becoming one and having children, and continuing the tradition for generations. UGLY woman. Looks like an Hence, the full-time makeup artist, who should get a medal for merely making her sufficiently presentable that she doesn't break more than a couple dozen cameras wherever she appears in public. LOL! How did that woman get elected nm Please note that American Woman is not AG Thanks Brunson for you objective views....it is refreshing. You know how to respectfully post and carry on an adult conversation. The only reason I am posting here is to state this even though it's blatantly obvious American Woman is not me. I read here, but I don't post here. I might post my responses to posts here on the C board....but other than to clarify like I'm doing now I don't post here....I made a mistake on Friday posting here, but I got my boards mixed up. Have a great day! American Woman is most likely gt and Observor. ![]() I second that American Woman. Don't leave. You have added much to the liberal board. Don't let them run you off. That's what they come here for. Don't give them what they want. American Woman - email sent Hi American Woman. I sent you an email. Hope you get it. |
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