Yeah, and guess who he'll blame the whole four years....yep...bush...nm
Posted By: nm on 2008-11-12
In Reply to: A BIG WELCOME TO FOUR YEARS OF SOCIALIST/MARXIST STATE - everything tanking soon thanks to O
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Right, it'll be "it's Bush's fault" for at least the next two years. I wonder when O
and his own white house. I'm fearing he won't. It will be "Bush's fault" for a long, long time to come.
Marmann's just proved it.
Yeah and guess what the Bush family has tight ties with the Bin Ladin family....
so give it all a rest would you.
I guess we'll see. n/m
Well, of course you do, because it's something else to blame Bush for. nm
Bush really is to blame for everything
including natural disasters and including the fact that people built a city below sea level with water on all sides and was told that anything over a Cat 3 storm would wipe out the city. The city failed in adequately planning to evacuate the people in case of such an emergency. While I'm absolutely heartbroken to what is happening to people there, especially those who couldn't evacuate themselves the city has been told this would happen for years. Even if Bush had not cut some funds to the area adequate plans would have still not been in place. Everyone has said at one time or another that New Orleans was a disaster waiting for a Cat 4 or higher storm to happen. You can pin this on Bush like you do everything else that happens in this world, but Bush is hardly to blame for the devastation. Finger pointing does no good at this point. We all must dig deep and do what we can do for those in New Orleans. Arguing the political aspects of this disaster will not hydrate one dehydrated baby or feed one hungry person or build one adequate shelter.
My advice to everyone is to step away from your computer, go buy some non-perishable items and get it to a relief point tomorrow.
We cant blame Bush?
Yes we can, yes we can. Have you not heard that one before? I see no reason to stop now.
Oh, they blame Bush for everything. If we get
So I guess you haven't had enough of a nightmare from the last eight years??
I guess we'll just wait and see.
I think by the end of this year, his reelection will be in question - of course, we may be bankrupt by then or bought out by China. Either way, I think he's gonna be a one-termer and I wouldn't be surprised if it was his own party that turns on him.
I guess that means we'll need... build a bigger fence.
They can't call themselves "Texaco," I guess, since the name is already taken by an oil company (of all things).
I guess that means we'll need... build a bigger fence.
They can't call themselves "Texaco," I guess, since the name is already taken by an oil company (of all things).
Either way, I agree with you. I hope they secede, as well.
Guess we'll take your word for that.
One is always tempted to believe you whenever you call someone an id1ot, because you of all people on the board are most intimately and personally familiar with idiocy. In this case, however, we will decline to accept your expert assessment.
Oh, I'll be here with bells on. Waited 8 long years for this day....
Don't forget your smelling salts, cold rags for the forehead and be sure to pack a few anxiolytics while you're at it.
blame on bush's shoulders
Not my point at all. Bush caused thousands of deaths, not I. I am glad the American people are finally seeing him for what he is, a truly callous, self centered, immature, lying, vulgar man..I read a study by a psychiatrist who analyzed Bushs behavior and he labels Bush a sociopath. The behaviors that Bush shows America and the world do fit criteria for sociopath. I am not glad of any of the deaths. Im just glad the Americans are seeing Bush in the true light. He is not a uniter, he is a divider. He is not a compassionate conservative, he is a hard core rich boy who caters to his class and the ones who have him in their pockets. Our country has not been this divided since Nixon and the Vietnam War and Watergate. He is so disconnected from reality and what the working class, middle class, who keep this country together really wants, needs and feels. Put the blame where it belongs, on Bush's shoulders.
Wow, that's just ranting. Who will you blame once Bush is gone?
with some facts instead of raving like a lunatic. It sounds like you've been watching too many Michael Moore mockumentaries. Katrina is a good example, people were told to evacuate and didn't, then figured out hmm, maybe we shoulda evacuated. Sorry we didn't listen, but can you help us out NOW? Yes, the buses not being mobilized were troubling, but those buses that sat unused weren't Bush's fault.
Here's the scenario time and again: People don't listen or heed warnings and when there are consequences to that, they want to blame someone else. There were rescuers that risked their lives to save people who didn't listen to evacuation orders, what about them?? Would you do that for someone who didn't listen when you told them to get out of dodge?
But that aside, let's fast forward to Gustav. People are evacuated successfully when a cat. 4 hurricane is headed their way, but when Mother Nature (not Bush, Nagin, the weathermen, or anyone else) decides it will make landfall with less strength, then people complain because they were evacuated and safe! They complain that the RNC stopped to request aid for victims, oh that's all just a show. So they're all damned if they do and damned if they don't, and even if it's the beloved and revered Barack in office, it will be exactly the same in a few years from now. It will all be his fault because he's inexperienced, no matter that the majority of the people in the USA chose to vote him into office. (Oh, but that will be because of corruption at the ballots, no doubt, because we gotta blame anything but ourselves!)
No matter who is elected, I feel sorry for them because the majority of people want their hands held and handouts, few want to be accountable for themselves and their own actions, and MANY people want to place blame on someone or something for all their problems, even the ones that they brought upon themselves. No one person or agency can be there to save every person from every disaster, every pitfall, or just from themselves, so no matter who makes POTUS, they will be blamed and called names regardless because so many people in this country have lost any semblence of respect for their fellow human beings.
And here's the don't blame anyone but Bush rebuttal
like clockwork.
Even the republicans blame BUSH, where have u been? nm
Yep! That's it! Blame what Bush has done on Obama...
...again! LOL!
How pitiful. 
No, we are IN the toilet, and guess who has been in office the past 8
I guess we'll all find out next week, huh?
I guess we'll see how the gov. responds this time. nm
Not to worry, you'll get your facts soon enough I guess.
Guess what? I'll take SOME health care over
Betsy McCaughey? Uh-huh.
Didn't vote for Bush, can't blame me for that...nm
I'm a pagan - I guess that'll really freak 'em out, huh?
Talking with the people you describe is like going back to the Dark Ages.
mmmm....and in 4 years I'll have to subscribe to the weight watcher channel
If they have one.
The Patriot Act is up but some want to keep it, including Schumer. Don't blame Bush for that. nm
well, if this is true, I blame Bush, Cheney and all the damage
they have done to this country. The republicans will always go down in history as to blame.
They have had full control and yet still manage to blame everyone else for the problems.
Look around, because Bush has left this country with no other option but for the government to step in. This has been breeding because of his carelessness and ineptitude. He ruled like a king/tyrant in the white house.
This will be on his hands.
"we" blame Bush for what he did wrong, sorry if you cannot bear
take the blinders off. I thought Bill Clinton was a great Preident and humanitarian, but a LOUSY husband, but the country did not marry Clinton, and the Pubs with Ken Star and his WITCH HUNT went after Bill for what he did in his private sexual life that had nothing to do with his job as President. Wow, we impeached the guy and spent millions of tax dollars doing it!!! Yay! But he still led us one of the most prosperous times in American History budget-wise, and if he is kinky in his bedroom, so what? Do you want someone in your bedroom? What do you guys use as a measure for success? Blind loyalty was what REALLY got all the people to drink the Kool-Aid down in Jonestown, and with all the denial about the Bush years, I feel like we are down there in that jungle.
Yeah, let her take us back 40 years so everyone can have
at least a sister, daughter, cousin, grandchild, mother, wife, neighbor or aunt who dies from a botched illegal abortion. Then, we can all start over again.
Sarah hasn't earned the right to run this country. Obama has clearly been working night and day, the proof is in the number in his audience worldwide. Even Canada and Germany want Obama. The truth is in the numbers.
The United States today finds itself threatened by three interlocking crises. The first of these crises is economic and cultural, the second political, and the third military. All three share this characteristic: They are of the GOP making.
the good ole' boys don't deserve a second chance. The grand ole party has failed the people by selling out to China to pay for a war and at the same time, gave tax cuts to the wealthiest and corporations (they provide jobs my arse). McCain with Lieberman and the voting jews will have us at war with Iran and well, looks like a battle with russia is in the making as we speak. How do you figure this country will be a better place with four wars, a deficit that will send the country into bankrupty and a female VP who has the statemanship of a redneck fundamentalist.
Yeah, let's just hope it is 4 years and
Bush....they will still blame Bush.
Yeah and they'll
be just the ones to bring meaningful change to this great country...either way...Democrat or Republican.
Yeah, I guess you would know about
that -- with all those kisses you've planted on sam's derriere.
Yeah. It's the same one. Next week she'll
yeah we'll leave you to your
leave you to your bong and love beads. You all talk a big game but your brain cells are too fried to actually do anything for this country
Yeah, they'll only count the ones for O
plus a couple for McCain to appear as though they are fair.
Another reason that IF O wins it will be a stolen election.
yeah, okay, I'll take your word for it
Yeah right. Served under Reagan, Bush I and Bush II
Yeah, that's cool to you. I
You know what they say, *one man's trash is another man's prize.* Or vice versa.
Yeah, I guess I do have some issues...
especially with folks who have selective memories. And I am wondering why you think I have issues and Michelle Obama does not? lol.
Yeah, right. Guess you bought into the lie
Just send me a check.
Guess you haven't read the real news. There was no surplus.
Yeah those nasty old rich. Well, after 4 years of Obama...
there certainly won't be those anymore...except those closest to him, and you won't be a bit better off than you are right now. And when the rich aren't there anymore, who is going to pay for your health care then? You might want to have a contingency plan, because if Obama doesn't have the rich to tax anymore, how is HE going to pay for your health care? Another thing to think about...they will all move to Europe before they allow him to bleed them dry. Survival of the fittest. Where do you think you will fall in that food chain?
Just asking.
Yeah, I'll BET you "work with" them. You offer
away from any others that might be out there. I've seen your kind practicing what amounts to terrorism in front of our local Planned Parenthood clinic.
Based on all the propaganda you've been spewing the last week or so, I don't believe one word of what you just wrote about 'helping' women.
You so-called 'pro-life' enthusiasts are just a buncha self-righteous, old-world, Bible-belt hags, nothing more.
Yeah, I'll talk about unions s/m
Two husbands who were union workers. One IBEW, one Teamster. BOTH said there were workers who didn't carry their share of the work load...not much different than MTs who cherry pick for instance.
#1 IBEW husband said at the time or Reganomics, when Ronald Reagan, himself a card-carrying member of the actor's union, said he would break the unions, it would be the downfall of the American workers.. Regan succeeded in breaking the backs of the unions. When union workers lost the ability to bargain, they had to start taking wage concessions......and guess what? Union wages went down, so did non-union wages follow suit. When union workers got better working conditions, better wages and better benefits, so did non-union workers.
#2 Teamster husband is a radical retired Teamster. While he also complained that there were lazy workers who rode on the backs of the hard-workers, he also said that the union does not support such and more times than not the union would uphold the firing of such a person. He has a Teamster retirement that is the envy of most people and he has retiree health care benefits even though we pay about $700 a month for that. While he was working, his union dues were around $35 a month and that covered our insurance. Teamster retirees today will not enjoy those benefits.
Do some research on the history of unions. Might not hurt to watch the movie Norma Rae as well.
Yeah but, what about the comedy we'll miss!! LOL. nm

Yeah, you're right; I'll try to ignore them in the future.
Yeah. We'll be falling right into the leadership shortly
8 years under 'Herr Bush' can do that
You mean 16 years - Both Bush AND Clinton
Bush = 6 years before Dems took
a tiny barely majority in Congress, but not enough to override his vetos, and the damage was already done by then, so yes, BUSH and the republicans are completely to blame.