An John McCain supported the secret sale of weapons...sm to Iran during Iran/Contra to raise money to support the contras in Nicaragua (sp)when Congress refused to fund them. Talk about criminal activity. IRAN I am telling you, Iran! McCain thinks it is OK to keep you and I in the dark and take us from a democracy to a fascist nation for our "own good". Several republican presidents in my lifetime have been guilty of this. We do need fixing. I do not envy anyone who gets elected. I think I would run the other way. It is not going to be easy, but I have hope with Obama and do not trust John McCain. Oh yes, closer attention to their oil assets in the Middle East.....remember those invisible weapons nm Don't think they returned any from Hamas. nm nm And Hamas? Are they innocents? - sm Heard one of the leaders of Hamas today state that they will never accept a peace agreement with Israel - that the "occupation" must stop. Occupation, occupation! Excuse me but didn't Israel win the war? And why not accept a peace agreement, better than doing what they are doing, what THEY are doing to their own people. How about all the buses, restaurants, etc. in Israel that have been blown up with innocent people and children in them? It is time for everyone perpetuating this hatred to give it up and try peace for a change. Hamas is a hate-filled bunch of terrorists and radicals. Maybe your beloved Hamas SHOULD put God in it. Then they might stand a chance. As it is, they're on the way to defeat. (And good riddance to 'em.) How many Hamas do you supposed they killed when they bombed the women's dormitory at the University? Explain to me what threat the five Ba'lousheh sisters, ages 17, 14, 8, 4 and 2 and residents of Jabalya refugee camp, posed to Israel? All five were buried today. It is not enough for Israel cripple and starve the refugees with its ongoing strangling blockade of food, supplies and medicine and turn Gaza and he West Bank into one huge armed prison camp. These blood thirsty barbarians will not rest until they have satisfied their appetites with their latest fix of Arab slaughter. After all, it's already been 2 long years since Lebanon....way too long for the more ravenous among them to endure. Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinian National Authority and has won many local elections in Gaza, Qalqila and Nablus. The hold 72 of the 136 seats in the Palestinian Parliament, having unseated the former Fatah ruling party. Apparently, the Palestinian people do not agree with O. He will have quite a dilemma on his hands reconciling this rhetoric with what democracy looks like in the Middle East, so let the games begin. Hamas live in Gaza. That makes them civilians, too, the same way our elected officials are also citizens and live in their respective states. If living in their own houses in their own neighborhoods is "hiding," then that statement is accurate. HAMAS is a terrorist group nm Yes, and Hamas once again broke the peace. nm Those "schools" are also where Hamas hides and nm There was a truce. Hamas broke it and sent nm Baloney. Israel is targeting Hamas, who are nm How many Hamas in UNRWA, media buildings? Israel's national security is threatened by "symbols of power," ie reporters and aid workers? Just one more US-backed pack of war crimes based on lies. Refer to article for details. Lie #1) Israel is only targeting legitimate military sites and is seeking to protect innocent lives. Israel never targets civilians. Lie #2) Hamas violated the cease-fire. The Israeli bombardment is a response to Palestinian rocket fire and is designed to end such rocket attacks. Lie #3) Hamas is using human shields, a war crime. Lie #4) Arab nations have not condemned Israel’s actions because they understand Israel’s justification for its assault. Lie #5) Israel is not responsible for civilian deaths because it warned the Palestinians of Gaza to flee areas that might be targeted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008%E2%80%932009_Israel%E2%80%93Gaza_conflict Palestinian fatalities: 1055, 670 of which are civilians, more than 300 children. Israel fatalities: 13, 3 civilians, 10 soldiers, 4 BY FRIENDLY FIRE. Palestinian injuries: 4560, over 1500 children. Israel wounded: 178, 120 soldiers and 58 civilians. IDF forces: 176,500 who accumulated 2360 air strikes BEFORE the ground assault. Hamas militia: 20,000 total How many Hamas in UNRWA, media buildings? Israel's national security is threatened by "symbols of power," ie reporters and aid workers? Just one more US-backed pack of war crimes based on lies. Refer to article for details. Lie #1) Israel is only targeting legitimate military sites and is seeking to protect innocent lives. Israel never targets civilians. Lie #2) Hamas violated the cease-fire. The Israeli bombardment is a response to Palestinian rocket fire and is designed to end such rocket attacks. Lie #3) Hamas is using human shields, a war crime. Lie #4) Arab nations have not condemned Israel’s actions because they understand Israel’s justification for its assault. Lie #5) Israel is not responsible for civilian deaths because it warned the Palestinians of Gaza to flee areas that might be targeted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008%E2%80%932009_Israel%E2%80%93Gaza_conflict Palestinian fatalities: 1055, 670 of which are civilians, more than 300 children. Israel fatalities: 13, 3 civilians, 10 soldiers, 4 BY FRIENDLY FIRE. Palestinian injuries: 4560, over 1500 children. Israel wounded: 178, 120 soldiers and 58 civilians. IDF forces: 176,500 who accumulated 2360 air strikes BEFORE the ground assault. Hamas militia: 20,000 total Well, they already made him give back Hamas' money. nm Good. Hope Israel can destroy HAMAS. nm Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've said before that you're leaving, but you and your goons can't sta ![]() So.....3000-4000 rockets lobbed by Hamas into Israel...sm in the last year, what about that? Does that bother you in the slightest? Or in your twisted view of the world, please explain why that is A-0kay in your book. Are you suggesting Hamas has 1017-mile-long tunnels? Do you hear yourself? You are regurgitating more propaganda from US media sources, which act as mouthpieces of the US, AIPAC, and Israel policies. Do you understand how one-sided US news coverage really is? The only smuggling of any significance going on is between Gaza and Egypt and, for the most part, the contraband is food, clothing, medicine, fuel and cash, which they have been cut off from for the past 18 months due to Israel's blockade. If there is weapon smuggling, the majority of it would be coming from the Muslim Brotherhood who is not exactly able to engage in such activities openly since they are repressed by the Egyptian government and are not even allowed to run for office as a legitimate political party, are subjected to mass arrests, etc. The Brotherhood is a Sunni organization and does not even operate in Iran, whose relations with Egypt are pretty icy, to say the least. These factors make high-level, successful arms smuggling connected to Iran difficult at best and fairly unlikely. It should come as no surprise that Iran is entirely supportive of Palestine, but the way US depicts the relationship between Iran and other Islamic political parties is highly exaggerated and often inaccurate. In any case, the weapons that have been able to be smuggled in quite OBVIOUSLY do not measure up to the caliber of weapons Israel has been able to amass with US financial backing and direct arms provisions. Take a long look at the list I put in the other post. Israel is able to conduct its wars FROM OUTER SPACE. If Hamas had such weaponry, we would not have a 125:1 fatality ratio between the two sides, would we now? I hate to break this to you, but Iranians DO NOT imbed themselves in Gaza. You really need to educate yourself on the difference between an Arab and a Persian, when and how they support each other and where they draw their lines. BTW, no place in any of my posts have you seen me say I think Hamas is "so great." In fact, I support secular social democratic parties in the Middle East, including Iran. I simply view the area's politics from a different standpoint than most Americans because I have had occasion to live there, to work with refugees, to marry into a Moslem family and to befriend man Iranians, Iraqis Jordanians, Syrians, Turks, Lebanese, Palestinians and even a couple of liberal Israelis over the last 40 years. yeah, yeah, yeah.....what he failed to mention... is that the Dems are responsible for the mortgage meltdown which is responsible for the wall street meltdown. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank...totally to blame. Blocked every attemmpt by Bush Admin and yes, McCain, to regulate fannie/freddie. Dems certainly have selective memories...convenient bouts of amnesia. lol. No. "Evil" is Saddam. "Evil" is Hamas. nm Oh, yeah yeah, whatever. There's plenty of satan here, that is for sure! ![]() Yeah, yeah, everything is funny. Wont nm Yeah, yeah, yeah....still protesting too much. (nm) nm Oh yeah. It says a lot. ![]() Yeah, you are probably right. sm After all, everyone must be lying. Everyone on the right, all liars. Al Franken says so, so it must be true. You know what is wrong with you guys. You cannot handle confrontation or anyone who doesn't agree with you at all! Well, yeah.....nm nm. Yeah really.nm x yeah, you are sure right about that. Almost every single post on that board is like it was written by a bunch of annoying, redneck teenage boys!!!! Yeah. Whatever. Yeah? So what? That's exactly what I said. Scarborough has always supported Bush. There is a difference between supporting and blindly following. For example, you see nothing wrong with how this case was handled. You see nothing wrong with Bush lying every time he opens his mouth. That's blind faith. Scarborough is an objective Republican who believes in honesty. I realize this is a difficult concept for some CONS to understand. Once upon a time, honesty was considered a good thing in the United States. People who were honest were considered to have moral character and integrity. Scarborough is one of those rare of Republicans, totally foreign to you, I'm sure. To blindly follow (which I'm sure you're quite familiar with) means worshiping a man as if he's some kind of god, believing every single word he says, even when you see evidence to the contrary right before your eyes. He lies every day; those who follow blindly believe him every day. And when it becomes common knowledge that he's lied and when they can't twist and manipulate the lie out of recognition any more, then his blind followers make excuses for him, usually blaming democrats or anyone else who is handy but never blaming the liar himself. And they justify all the lying because they have that special *connection* with God. They can lie all they want and God just winks at them and says it's okay because their place in heaven has already been guaranteed, unlike the rest of us poor slobs out there without that special connection. The only thing that scares me more than Bush having the same credibility as Al Qaeda is the fact that there are so many morons who blindly follow him, who just aren't smart enough to figure out that Bush was never on their side - he's only on the side of big money. He even joked about his *base* - the *haves* and the *have nots.* By the way, you are on the liberal board. If you don't care for the liberal point of view, the CON board is ----> Yeah. Whatever. Yeah, whatever!!! ....nm Yeah probably, but it's only okay when you do it? Right? The rest of us should be ashamed. Yeah. Whatever you say. I was responding to this: *And know a lot PK. I know A LOT about your posting habits more than you could ever imagine.* I was accused of doing something I simply didn't do, so that just shows me how much you people really DO know, and, yes, I can *imagine* a LOT when faced with this kind of ominous post. Those of your ilk have dark histories of murdering people of different beliefs (for example, personnel at abortion clinics), and the latest tactic of the Neocons is intimidation and retribution. Just ask Valerie Plame, who used to have a career before her husband spoke the truth. If someone said that to you on your board, you'd be accusing them of threatening to assassinate you and contacting the FBI. Who are you KIDDING? Typical neocon double standard and hypocrisy at work again. Yeah, so did LBJ. but the point is, the far left hates Cheney as much or more than Bush, so impeach Bush, get Cheney, then what? Impeach Cheney? Then you get Hastert. I know the far left doesn't like him. Impeach him and get Ted Stevens. He's a Republican, too. (President pro tempore of the Senate). Impeach him and get...Condi Rice...if she isn't buying shoes. What have you gained. Absolutely nothing. Well...maybe some payback for Clinton, which is what this is all about anyway. Why not just wait until 2008 and vote the bums out. Yeah...I know...sm And I didn't agree with Pat Roberson calling for his death, and in the wake of Katrina Bush could have accepted his olive branch for fuel. However, I think Chavez's speech was disrespectful being how the UN is hosted by the US. We can't think Dem vs Rep. He disrespected the US. Yeah, yeah, yeah... Two posters identifying themselves as liberals stated it was more important to investigate Bush than to concentrate on terrorism. That does not stem from anything but hatred and revenge. Fact, ma'am. No bumper sticker talk. Nancy Pelosi yelled impeachment right up until two weeks before the election and how it was first on her list when they got power. Had they not filled the seats with conservative Democrats rather than liberal ones I am pretty darn sure that would have gone forward. And that also stems from hatred of conservatism first, George Bush second, and a desire for revenge. She talks about ridding Washington of corruption on the one hand, and then supports Murtha (I will not go into his corruption) and Hastings (a Federal judge who was impeached and who she voted to impeach) for a chairmanship. She has absolutely no credibility in my eyes, and apparently the new conservative Democrats in the house don't think so either, as they did not goose step in line and vote in her choice. Good for them! Also had another liberal post that aborting a child was like removing a wart or a cancer. That is not hate, that is completely morally bankrupt. Somewhere along the line the liberal morality meter has gone wonky, and in my humble opinion it is BECAUSE of rational and analytical thought devoid of emotion, and stopping listening to that small still voice inside you, that soul that God put in you when he created you. Yes, I am emotional, because I believe it was leading to the decay of the American soul. I will fight it the best way I know how, and that is to stand for what I believe in, and kneeling to pray for this country and EVERYone in it. God bless, Lurker. Yeah, I know..... you would think I would stop trying. However, I keep thinking that maybe, somehow, somewhere, something might sink in....sighhh. Yeah, it goes like that. SM Teddy says they all communicate by e-mail or are related, so it's not surprising since they all kind of show up at one time. It's been that way so long. Anyhoo, we can take and they can't! Yeah, you are right. SM And you guys stalk people, wish them to die, and wished the president and his family burn in hell. That's so much better. ![]()
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