Wrong questions. Right candidate.
Posted By: Best choice. on 2008-10-30
In Reply to: Of course... - TTMT
Get over it already.
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Why are they the wrong questions?
Why has he never answered the questions truthfully?
More questions...
When and where did Democrat deny in the past being African-American? I don't recall seeing a post to that effect and can't even imagine the reasons or circumstances under which such a post would even be posted. If you want to be believed, produce the post. Otherwise, it's just another necon lie, designed to take the focus off the real problem, which is a racist who apparently is proud to be such a deplorable human being.
More importantly, why are you so aggressive in your defense of such a deplorable human being when your own president has condemned what he said? Sounds like you and Bennett were cut from the same cloth, which frankly isn't surprising.
Better be careful, though. The next inconvenient group of people he might be interested in exterminating could be poor, uneducated, clueless, hateful, bigoted, ignorant white neocons.
Questions....! And more
Yep, cover their ears and yell la la la the whole way, that's the MO of the staunch repubs. What I really want to know is, what all exactly of this Bush admin are they so proud of?? What exactly have they accomplished, or even planned, that would actually succeed?? Health care? Social Security? Prescription program? Job security? Immigration? Judges and other appointees? Mishandling and misbehaviors? The environment? A straight answer for continually dumping billions overseas? But I've noticed any kind of even polite queries on that board get blasted off as usual, like a year and 2 years ago when I frequented these discussions. No direct answer whatsoever, just some name calling of us, the dumb ones. Hmmmm. Like I always say, if you're not outraged, you're not thinking....
Few questions.
I'm curious about a few things.
What do you personally do to help in your community?
What do faith do you have?
Do you have a mortage and what is the status? Been able to make payments on time, behind, lost your home?
Do you have health insurance? If not, why?
Do you have young children?
Were you for the bailout?
Do you have money invested in stocks? Have you/are you going to cash it in?
Think we should bring our troops back?
Now, who do you think you will vote for?
That's what I got, 66.67%, or 22 out of 33 questions right, I think it said...sm
I had a brain freeze on several of them, where several answers seemed right on each one....
wrong, full of wrong statements, see my upper post...nm
Answers to your questions.
Why would I not want you to post here anymore?
I'm happy now and was happy prior to this also. Why do you ask?
Those may be good questions.
But I probably won't take the time to research them. Politics and corruption seem to go hand in hand. Democrat or Republican.
Joe McCarthy actually started out as a Democrat.
Oh, I should mention that very big business and corruption also seem to go hand in hand -- often -- not always.
Let me answer your questions:
I'm going to repost your post and answer the questions in context:
I happen to agree with you, but does this also mean:
That all liberals aren't as bad as they are routinely portrayed on the conservative board? I'm sure there are some liberals that aren't as jaded as you and some others here. They routinely show up here only to be labeled a conservative when they don't go to the extremes that you do.
That all Muslims aren't death-seeking people? Maybe there are Muslims that are not death seeking. Where are they? Point them out to me? Why are they allowing their faith to over-run by extremists? Many of us keep waiting for the good Muslims to stand up against the radical Islamofascists, but they are strangely silent which leads me to believe that they are either scared of the extremists or they stand behind what the extremists are doing. I mean, there are a lot of people on many different forums and appearing on television to relay the fact that the *Jesus Camp* is an extreme fringe of Christianity and not true Christianity, but there is not a vocal majority coming out within the Muslim community to say the extremists are not representative of mainstream Islam.
That extremist fringes in any group are bad? I think I made that clear in my first post.
Muslims are routinely portrayed on this board and by the media and by Bush as lumped together in one violent clump. This is unfair, untrue and does nothing to promote peace and understanding.
Again, I don't see how it's unfair or untrue based on the evidence all around us, because the Muslim community is doing nothing to try and counter that they are anything but a religion of war (Jihad). They do not want peace. They do not want understanding They want annihilation of anyone who does not convert. If you can prove to me that the Muslim MAJORITY is peaceful then I will listen, but all the evidence I have studied up to and including some of the Koran proves otherwise.
All religions need to be respected and tolerated in America. Isn't that what America is supposed to stand for? Well sure...that is if the religion is not dead set on destroying America. America is to protect America and the Judeo-Christian beliefs it was founded upon. We tolerate any peaceful religion who wants to tolerate us in return, but if your sole purpose is to destroy America, well, common sense tells you that America has to defend herself and other weaker countries that are susceptable to bullying from the warmongering religion.
A couple of questions...
what proof do you have that the war has anything at all to do with oil...and what do you mean...you "bought" your patriotism? "Served it?" Curious as to what that means. And ya know...I have been kinda tired for YEARS as the terrorists picked off our people by the hundreds until they hit the big one on 9-11 and took out 3000 at one time. Just wondering if you think that was worth fighting over. Just wondering. If not...what? When they kill 8,000? 10,000? How many will it take? Just wondering. How much innocent blood will have to be spilled here to get you as angry at the terrorists as you are at conservatives? Just wondering.....
Few questions......don't sweat...
Who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve?
Who wants smaller government? No more taxes? No government interference in our lives?
Who is for abolishing the IRS?
Who believes that government should only be in place to run our military for OUR safety?
Who wants government out of our public schools?
Character questions
We all know that we can go back and forth on which candidate is the best for our country. We also know that when running for president candidates can promise a lot. Since it is not possible to know how each candidate's economic, tax or any other policy will turn out until they are actually in office, I will be basing my vote on how they feel about moral issues, i.e. marriage, abortion, etc. Each candidate has a platform/an agenda they will be pushing once elected. Their platform can be seen on the internet by googling 2008 Democratic Party Platform or 2008 Republican Party Platform. There is some very interesting stuff in there. Check it out.
He has answered the questions
by what authority do you determine he has not answered the questions truthfully?
So I'm bringing my questions right along behind you.
Never said you were lying. Simply asked for what you have provided and I was able to finally find on my own. So here is the post you would like to leave buried below while you celebrate your victory. Still need these answers.
So, it seems that McCain also has a refundable tax credit in his plan too...larger, in fact than Obama's. $2500 for individuals and $5000 for couples for health insurance. This begs my original question, which yet have to answer.
Whe Obama adjusts taxs rates within our historical progressive tax structure, it's socialism. When anybody else does it, it's not. So, I am wondering...if Obama has a smaller refundable tax credit in his plan than McCain, why is it welfare under Obama and not under McCain?
I agree with you, Lu! So many questions about O.
Here's 3 links. Any questions?
Page 4 of this document. Includes a video.
This leads me to other questions.
Think epidemics and isolating towns and/or cities with military.
this is exactly why I asked the questions I did -
everybody else either has to make it on their own or fail - they obviously have been ripping the American public off for years - a quality product could have been made for a lot less money. Why should we have to bail them out now? The problem is they don't want to lose those big bonuses and big paychecks and actually have to get a job like the rest of us do!
No one seriously questions that the attack on
Actually, I'm embarassed that our notion of "torture" is so wimpy. "You can put a caterpillar in his cell, but you must inform him that it is not a stinging caterpillar". PUHLEEZE.
What is pathetic is you liberals calling any of this torture - which you are doing purely to make political points, pure and simple. How people like Jews who survived the Holocaust and who have really been tortured must laugh at your quaint ideas!
"Oooh - they gave a prisoner a nasty look! Oooh - they spoke loudly to a prisoner! Oooh - they piped bad music into their cells! Oooh - they burned the prisoner's toast! Oooh - they didn't fluff the prisoner's pillows! Oooh - they opened the prisoner's mail! Oooh - they didn't give the prisoner a second helping of Beef Wellington!"
You people make me sick, and it makes me sick to think that, thanks to Obama, what AL Qaida actually knows is that our notion of torture amounts to nothing more painful than making them watch old episodes of "I Love Lucy" (with a doctor in attendance, of course, in case the prisoner faints from boredom).
Each candidate has to have a
minimum of 15% in the opinion polls to be invited to participate in the presidential debate. That is why it is usually just the republican nominee and democratic nominee. I don't know that I agree with this, but if you actually look at ALL the candidates....you have so many parties who nominate a runner and most of the time you don't even hear about them. We have Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Barry Obama, McCain and that doesn't include the green party, etc. If they just automatically included all of them in the debate......we wouldn't get anywhere.
Yea, that's it....he's the best candidate... we all know
another candidate
If we could get the parties (I'm also one of those not to thrilled by either candidate) to come together and choose ANOTHER candidate and vote him in we may seem some change. As it stands now, I feel like Obama is the kid running for class president in high school promising the extra days off and more soda machines and when he wins (because he's cute and popular) he won't be able to deliver. Mccain on the other hand, I believe he will try and make some changes, but he isn't going to completely revamp Washington, which is basically what we need.
We need someone who can go in with NO ties, not owing anything to anyone, and who will throw out all the dirty crooks in the congress. A no-name guy (or girl!) who is middle to lower class, smart, and bipartisan. Who has no agenda other than to fix what is wrong. I don't believe anyone can say that either of these candidates is like that.
Obama owes some people for getting where he has gotten. NO ONE climbs the ladder that quickly without a little help. And Mccain, well he's frugal, and he may not make enough change for us down here on the ladder to see the difference. And I'm sure he has people and interest groups he is particular to also.
But, instead of us all getting out, banding together, and trying to make some real change in Washington, we will just sit back and let it be politics as usual. The fact is, America is to lazy to do anything but whine and complain about how bad we've got it. But we sure aren't going to get up and fix it!
We are slowly imploding on ourselves and we don't even realize it. We look at third world countries and think "that can never happen to us" but it can and more than likely will if we continue down this road of overspending and living by the moment.
He's VP candidate.
That's why the hoopla. Sen. Biden may have had some health issues, but he's the VP (could possibly need to step in), but Obama is young, healthy, good looking, and seems popular amongst the voters who do want to see change, and not the same old grampa running our country into the ground with the "rich" buddies getting richer.
Biden had a problem with stuttering. I'd much rather have Biden misspeak and accept his experience on foreign policy (especially as an MT and what we deal with) then Palin who has no idea what she's doing being a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Get it now?
Yes, because he is the only candidate
and we are all fellow prisoners.
Hey, Bush..soldier wants to ask you a few questions
Hey Bush: Specialist Young Would Also Like to Speak With You...

U.S. Army Specialist Tomas Young has some questions for George W. Bush. He's never met with the Commander-in-Chief who sent him into Sadr City, Iraq in a canvass covered truck during a massive uprising in that city on April 4, 2004. The same city on the same day that Cindy Sheehan's son Casey was killed.
Tomas was lucky. He was only paralyzed from the chest down. Amongst other things he'd like to ask of Bush, is why he won't allow funding for stem cell research which might eventually restore the spine that he lost in Bush's War. A spine which apparently Bush has never had.
Tomas and his new wife Bree (also pictured), came to Crawford from Kansas City on their honeymoon to stand in support of Cindy Sheehan.
You have failed to answer any questions
You have been asked several times by different posters what you would propose to do to keep America safe. You avoid that question. All you seem to be able to do is criticize and insult others and essentially run people off this board who deviate from your extreme views. Sorry I invaded your hatefest.
I can square it because they are questions not statements.
Biblically, only those who accept Jesus as their savior will go to heaven. That is a CHRISTIAN view. Jews have their own Messiah and their own belief as to heaven. As for me, I would gladly welcome all to heaven. But I am not God.
He looks a few questions away from losing control...nm
Answers to rhetorical questions...
You keep saying you guys... again lumping a group of people together which you keep telling ME not to do...
My comment about Lurker was made because you invoke her to beat me over the head with. I did not say you were or were not her *equal.* I did not use that word. I said you were not in her league. What I meant by that is that Lurker, even when angry, makes a clear and concise post, devoid of things like you are delusional, you make me feel defecated upon, to name a few. She makes her point and moves on. She does not engage in derogatory diatribes and post things like they are disturbing in their being out of touch with reality and accusations and they waste my time. In other words, she is not hateful. In other words, you are not in her league, as I stated. Merely an OBSERVATION.
HA HA.. Obama needs to answer MANY questions
He already has answered tough questions and without a
teleprompter. Now it is about time they let Palin answer a few.
Right, Indy! Anyone who questions O is termed a
Questions regarding mail in ballots
Here in OR we mail in our ballots. I filled mine out and signed the back of the envelope as it says its not valid unless signed. However, I signed my husbands envelope by mistake (din't realize they had our printed names off to the side). Do you think it will make any difference if I cross out my name and he signs or do you think the state would have a problem with this and just throw it out?
Just wondering.
My questions are not meant to attack.
So, what freedoms (aside from the ones we have already sacrificed on the altar of the Patriot Act) do you think you will lose? Your right to bear arms is protected by the constitution. Do you have any idea how hard it is to pass a constitutional amendment? Stricter gun control of assault weapons and enforcement of existing point-of-sale checks are hardly going to put a dent in that.
Government already has power over your money...or hadn't you noticed that...especially lately. Revising tax rates, giving tax cut and tax credits is the prerogative of any president. What was it that Bush did that wasn't about controlling your money, by taking it out of your hands and moving it on up the ladder so you could wait for it to trickle down again?
Making health care more affordable and accessible, providing better coverage and giving people a CHOICE to keep their existing policies or enroll in a really good national plan is hardly taking control. The national plan will not be CONTROLLED by the government....it will be offered by them. Otherwise, it works like the existing policy that currently covers Congress, the Senate and federal employees. And by the way, it is a GREAT plan...a whole lot better than anything you will find offered by the MTSOs.
I'm curious. How can we get any more vulnerable than we already are? Got a 401K? Did yours lose 40% in the last 2 months?
MSNBC will be the only station they will allow to ask questions...
they must be talking to Hugo Chavez about how to handle the press.
Please explain to me how my legitimate questions
I am simply trying to get somebody to help me make some sense out of Reagan's statement and what the devil it has to do with anything under heaven.
He was answering the questions posed to him - nm
Reporters are supposed to ask those questions....
OUR government is supposed to be transparent....the citizens are supposed to run the government, not the other way around....but our society has gotten so far away from knowing what freedom actually feels like and GOd knows they aren't taught true patriotism through history in school, so most citizens don't realze they have every say in what their government does and says, and the reports have every right to ask those questions. If Obama thinks they are irritating, then he is in the wrong position to begin with; answering those questions is his job. He is supposed to be working for us, as so many have forgotten. Of course, Obama is a dictator and has already shown he doesn't want the press around, unless he hand picks them, he doesn't want talk radio around, unless they are Obama lovers, etc.
What is worse, anyone who questions Obama's
It would have been nice if they would have let him answer their questions
I have never seen the group on The View come down so hard on anybody like they did Glen. All because of a stupid comment he made in his radio program? Wait a minute.....he DID NOT say what they said he said. I listened to the tape and he did not do what they said.
I'm not a real big Glen Beck fan, I like him somewhat, but he does speak about things that concern us...like ACORN and the government. Did you know they have been investigating ACORN for the past week and finding out all sorts of problems with this group from the "horse's mouth" not from his mouth. Probably not because you don't believe ACORN wears a halo.
Who is your top democratic candidate?
Barack Obama is who I am rooting for, but I'd like to know what democrats are thinking about the other candidates.
No enthusiasm for their candidate. sm
I am not an Obama supporter, but go ahead and post what you like about him. I am conservative, but find McCain as the nominee unacceptable.
Could it be that Candidate #5's "emissary"
was one who was bugged? Has anybody heard anything about who blew the whistle on the senate seat sale?
What does it say about a candidate's character
1. Dumps his crippled wife and mother of his children to have affair with wealthy heiress, then turns around to apply for marriage license before his divorce is final.
2. Calls his wife C-word.
3. While speaking at a biker's rally, volunteers his wife as a contestant in the "Miss Buffalo Chips" topless modeling contest, including it's legendary banana competition.
4. Tries to blame his wife for the Keating 5 scandal when it becomes public.
5. Screams at and thoroughly humiliates a young pub volunteer who set up his podium at a rally.
6. Jokes about ape rape and killing off Iranians with cigarettes and "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb."
7. Describes Arizona's elderly as "seizure world."
8. Throws temper tantrums, punctuated with the casual use of the F-word.
9. Calls fellow senators Aholes and sh-heads.
10. Ignites a culture war to get elected.
11. Questions the patriotism of his opponent and fails to renounce his supporters who question his faith, endlessly insinuate he lies about it and portray his wife as a militant with hidden agendas to stage a socialist/Black Power takeover of the country.
12. Embraces endorsement from a pastor who disparages Catholics, women, African Americans, Muslims and LGBT Americans, believes that Hurricane Katrina was punishment from God because "New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God and they were recipients of the judgment of God," announced a "slave sale" at the church to raise funds and believes that "the coming nuclear showdown with Iran is a certainty,"
13. Overlooks the Bush-Rove campaign strategy of unleashing a landslide of racist attacks on him, including calling his own daughter an illegitimate half-black love child, turns around in 2004 to campaign for W's second term, throughout it all supported 9 out of 10 of his disastrous policies that has brought the nation to it knees and then embraces Rove as senior campaign adviser in 2008.
14. Stood silently by while fellow war hero/veteran John Kerry was swift-boated without mercy.
Before any rebuttal ensues that would seek to deny, dodge and deflect, keep in mind that character assassination has been a benchmark of JM's campaign and of his supporters, so no whining allowed. Finally, this is legitimate inquiry, given that 90% is striving so diligently not to be 90% and has hawked character as his main qualification for presidential leadership.
You know your candidate....look up his earmarks...
A million to the hospital his wife works for after they nearly doubled her salary. Yep, he is against those pesky earmarks. The bridge to nowhere was a huge one. He is Washington politics as usual. There is no change there.
Yes, he is careful with his votes. Voted against the Infants Born Alive act twice. Managed, with the 130 presents, to show up for what was important to him..denying medical care for an infant who managed to survive an abortion. yeah, there's something to be real proud of.
New VP candidate allowed to appear
for 30 seconds - no talking - for news cameras with world leaders. Now, let's hear you say she doesn't have any foreign experience -- here look at this picture.
What possible write-in candidate has all the necessary
exists, then why were they not nominated?
Whatever. But I think your candidate was losing
Sometimes he actually looked a little confused. Petit mal, perhaps?
McCain the best candidate
I agree
The candidate who ran from the economy...
Obama voted for the bailout and that is ALL he did. That is not running from it? He still wants to spend trillions, won't say he is willing to cut spending, and wants to RAISE taxes in an economic downturn. You can't turn around the markets by raising taxes on corporations and the so-called "rich." Common sense should tell you that.
McCain has run from nothing. All Obama does is repeat the same old vagaries and NEVER gets specific about anything, but why should he? You obviously don't care. lol.
That's easy. Because he is the best candidate