Adopted: Sanders/Grassley Modified Amendment No. 306 (to Amendment No. 98), to require recipients of TARP funding to meet strict H-1B worker hiring standard to ensure non-displacement of U.S. workers.
By 73 yeas to 24 nays (Vote No. 51), Coburn Amendment No. 309 (to Amendment No. 98), to ensure that taxpayer money is not lost on wasteful and non-stimulative projects.
By a unanimous vote of 97 yeas (Vote No. 52), Coburn Amendment No. 176 (to Amendment No. 98), to require the use of competitive procedures to award contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements funded under this Act.
Baucus (for Dodd) Modified Amendment No. 145 (to Amendment No. 98), to improve the efforts of the Federal Government in mitigating home foreclosures and to require the Secretary of the Treasury to develop and implement a foreclosure prevention loan modification plan.
Cantwell Further Modified Amendment No. 274 (to Amendment No. 98), to improve provisions relating to energy tax incentives and provisions relating manufacturing tax incentives for energy property.
Wyden Amendment no. 468 (to Amendment No. 98), to require financial institutions receiving TARP assistance to redeem from the United States preferred stock in an amount equal to excess bonuses from 2008 or to pay a 35 percent tax on such amount.
Rejected: By 39 yeas to 57 nays (Vote No. 53), Graham/Conrad Modified Amendment No. 501 (to Amendment No. 98), to limit wasteful spending, to fund a systematic program of foreclosure prevention, to be administered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
By 47 yeas to 49 nays (Vote No. 54), Grassley Amendment No. 297 (to Amendment No. 98), to provide the same temporary increase in the FMAP for all States and to permit States to choose the period through June 2011 for receiving the increase.
By 45 yeas to 51 nays (Vote No. 56), Vitter Amendment No. 107 (to Amendment No. 98), prohibiting direct or indirect use of funds to fund the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
By 41 yeas to 55 nays (Vote No. 57), Bunning Amendment No. 531 (to Amendment No. 98), to temporarily increase the limitations on offsetting ordinary income with capital losses and to strike the 5-year carryback of general business credits.
I wanted to put them in some sort of order, but gave up and just put them in the numerical order. You will see lots of numbers not there because they haven't been voted on yet, not agreed to, were tabled, ruled out of order, or withdrawn.
450.S.AMDT.50 to H.R.2 To restore fiscal discipline by making the Medicaid and SCHIP programs more accountable and efficient. Sponsor:Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] (introduced 1/27/2009) Cosponsors (None) Latest Major Action: 1/29/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 50 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
95.S.AMDT.95 to H.R.2 To make technical corrections to the State option to provide dental-only supplemental coverage. Sponsor:Sen Baucus, Max [MT] (introduced 1/29/2009) Cosponsors (1) Latest Major Action: 1/29/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 95 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
96.S.AMDT.96 to H.R.2 To clarify that no eligible entity that receives an outreach and enrollment grant is required to provide matching funds. Sponsor:Sen Baucus, Max [MT] (introduced 1/29/2009) Cosponsors (1) Latest Major Action: 1/29/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 96 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
102.S.AMDT.102 to H.R.1 To ensure that assistance for the redevelopment of foreclosed and abandoned homes to States or units of local government impacted by catastrophic natural disasters may be used to support the redevelopment of homes damaged or destroyed as a result of the 2005 hurricanes, the severe flooding in the Midwest in 2008, and other natural disasters. Sponsor:Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA] (introduced 2/2/2009) Cosponsors (6) Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 102 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
104.S.AMDT.104 to H.R.1 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow an above-the-line deduction against individual income tax for interest on indebtedness and for State sales and excise taxes with respect to the purchase of certain motor vehicles. Sponsor:Sen Mikulski, Barbara A. [MD] (introduced 2/2/2009) Cosponsors (7) Latest Major Action: 2/3/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 104 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
106.S.AMDT.106 to H.R.1 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a Federal income tax credit for certain home purchases. Sponsor:Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] (introduced 2/3/2009) Cosponsors (3) Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 106 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
125.S.AMDT.125 to H.R.1 To limit compensation to officers and directors of entities receiving emergency economic assistance from the Government. Sponsor:Sen McCaskill, Claire [MO] (introduced 2/3/2009) Cosponsors (8) Latest Major Action: 2/5/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 125 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
138.S.AMDT.138 to H.R.1 To provide for reports on the use of funds made available under this Act and the economic impact made by the expenditure or obligation of such funds, and for other purposes. Sponsor:Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND] (introduced 2/3/2009) Cosponsors (1) Latest Major Action: 2/5/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 138 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
176.S.AMDT.176 to H.R.1 To require the use of competitive procedures to award contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements funded under this Act. Sponsor:Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] (introduced 2/3/2009) Cosponsors (None) Latest Major Action: 2/6/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 176 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 97 - 0. Record Vote Number: 52.
178.S.AMDT.178 to H.R.1 To provide an additional $6,500,000,000 to the National Institutes of Health for biomedical research. Sponsor:Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 2/3/2009) Cosponsors (None) Latest Major Action: 2/3/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 178 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
236.S.AMDT.236 to H.R.1 To establish funding levels for various offices of inspectors general and to set a date until which such funds shall remain available. Sponsor:Sen McCaskill, Claire [MO] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (1) Latest Major Action: 2/5/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 236 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
237.S.AMDT.237 to H.R.1 To amend certain provisions of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, related to the surety bond guarantee program. Sponsor:Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. [MD] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (2) Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 237 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
274.S.AMDT.274 to H.R.1 To improve provisions relating to energy tax incentives and provisions relating manufacturing tax incentives for energy property. Sponsor:Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (11) Latest Major Action: 2/6/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 274 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
300.S.AMDT.300 to H.R.1 To clarify that the Buy American provisions shall be applied in a manner consistent with United States obligations under international agreements. Sponsor:Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (4) Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 300 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
306.S.AMDT.306 to H.R.1 To require recipients of TARP funding to meet strict H-1B worker hiring standard to ensure non-displacement of U.S. workers. Sponsor:Sen Sanders, Bernard [VT] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (1) Latest Major Action: 2/6/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 306 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
309.S.AMDT.309 to H.R.1 To ensure that taxpayer money is not lost on wasteful and non-stimulative projects. Sponsor:Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (None) Latest Major Action: 2/6/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 309 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 73 - 24. Record Vote Number: 51.
354.S.AMDT.354 to H.R.1 To impose executive compensation limitations with respect to entities assisted under the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Sponsor:Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (None) Latest Major Action: 2/5/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 354 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
359.S.AMDT.359 to H.R.1 To expand the number of veterans eligible for the employment tax credit for unemployed veterans. Sponsor:Sen Udall, Tom [NM] (introduced 2/4/2009) Cosponsors (2) Latest Major Action: 2/6/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 359 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
468.S.AMDT.468 to H.R.1 To require financial institutions receiving TARP assistance to redeem from the United States preferred stock in an amount equal to excess bonuses for 2008 or to pay a 35 percent tax on such amount. Sponsor:Sen Wyden, Ron [OR] (introduced 2/5/2009) Cosponsors (3) Latest Major Action: 2/6/2009 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 468 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
How is this relevant? sm
So everyone knows he is an alcoholic. Yes, he is. And what is your point? I swear I don't know. Ted Kennedy is an alcoholic. So what?
How is this relevant?...nm
I believe it is relevant....I don't want someone with zero...
integrity in the white house either. John McCain's temper or the lack thereof has never resulted in bad decisions. It is ridiculous to assume because he got angry and said the F word disqualifies him. YOu might as well disqualify the entire Armed Forces.
He is not as dangerous as Barack Obama who knows absolutely nothing about foreign policy...who wants to sit down and chat with terrorist nations...and would be crippled without Joe Biden.
go back 60 years in history. Times were different then, the mind set was different, so it is not possible to have any kind of logical comparrison. However, if he were still around now doing that, then yes, he would be a war criminal.
The amazing thing is that you guys sound just like the extreme jihadists to me. All you want to do is destroy others and spread your religion. And for what reasons? Fear and revenge. You like to talk about being religious, just like the jihadists, but when it comes to something like revenge or torture, you put that religion aside --that same religion you would have everyone else believe is your life -- and you take your revenge and put it in a box with a bright pink bow to sell it. That is what I call a blight on humanity.
Why I am relevant...very simple!
This is the liberal board and I am a liberal. You are not. You and your playmates enjoy degrading the liberal posters on this board. It gets really tiresome. You and your bully friends need to find a different group to pick on, as it obviously brings you very much perverted pleasure as you CANNOT seem to stop and you REFUSE to quit bashing the posters on this board even when asked to by the moderator multiple times.
Who are you and do you have anything relevant to add to the posts?
If not, I suggest you HaHaHa yourself somewhere else.
the reason that I think it is relevant--
and I am sure that you will attack me for this--is that I seem to hear a lot of people saying that Obama is going to do this and that for them (money issues, etc.). So, I am afraid that if everyone puts their faith in him, our freedoms are going to slip away. More gun control, more government power over our money and our health care, etc. Eventually, we will become vulnerable. If you disagree, that is fine. It was just food for thought.
what is for you a relevant source?...nm
The most relevant portion of the article was cut out. This is the
Attendees of Bilderberg include central bankers, defense experts, mass media press barons, government ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders from Europe and North America.
Some of the Western world's leading financiers and foreign policy strategists attend Bilderberg. Donald Rumsfeld is an active Bilderberger, as is Peter Sutherland from Ireland, a former European Union commissioner and chairman of Goldman Sachs and of British Petroleum. Rumsfeld and Sutherland served together in 2000 on the board of the Swedish/Swiss engineering company ABB. Former U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary and former World Bank head Paul Wolfowitz is also a member. The group's current chairman is Etienne Davignon, the Belgian businessman and politician.
[edit] Mainstream Criticism
Critics claim the Bilderberg Group promotes the careers of politicians whose views are representative of the interests of multinational corporations, at the expense of democracy.[8] Journalists who have been invited to attend the Bilderberg Conference as observers have discounted these claims, calling the conference "not much different from a seminar or a conference organized by an upscale NGO"[9] with "nothing different except for the influence of the participants."[10]
[edit] Conspiracy Theories
The group's secrecy and its connections to power elites encourages speculation and mistrust by such groups or individuals who believe that the group is part of a conspiracy to create a New World Order. This is further encouraged by the frequent use of the term 'New World Order' by its members when referring to their ultimate goal of world integration. The group is frequently accused of secretive and nefarious world plots by groups such as the John Birch Society.[11] This thinking has progressively found acceptance within both elements of the populist movement and fringe politics. [12] According to investigative journalist Chip Berlet, the prominent origins of Bilderberger conspiracy theories can be traced to activist Phyllis Schlafly. [13]
Radio host Alex Jones claims the group intends to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and other countries into a supra-national structure similar to the European Union. This accusation is also linked with theories asking for a merger of Canada with United States, hoping Canadian influence will be calming to American society and foreign policy.
From "The Hunt for Red Menace:" "The views on intractable godless communism expressed by [Fred] Schwarz were central themes in three other bestselling books which were used to mobilize support for the 1964 Goldwater campaign. The best known was Phyllis Schlafly's A Choice, Not an Echo which suggested a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose policies would pave the way for global communist conquest. Schlafly's husband Fred had been a lecturer at Schwartz's local Christian anti-communism Crusade conferences." [14]
Jonathan Duffy, writing in BBC News Online Magazine states "In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg."[15]
Denis Healey, a Bilderberg founder and former British Chancellor of the Exchequer, decries such theories. He was quoted by BBC News as saying "There's absolutely nothing in it. We never sought to reach a consensus on the big issues at Bilderberg. It's simply a place for discussion."[15]
Some popular media references to the group are in Fredrick Forsyth's novel "The Icon" where the group decides to undermine a nationalist Russian leader loosely modeled on Vladimir Putin (among others).In the movie Nixon by director Oliver Stone, Nixon, played by Anthony Hopkins blames "the cabal" for his defeat, Vietnam war and other things, as the edited portion of the Nixon tapes.
Bilderberg has been accused of having kingmaker power as prominent politicians are seen to attend the group before being elected while their political rivals do not attend. [16]
[edit] Meetings
1954 (May 29-31) at the Hotel DE Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands
1955 (March 18-20) at the Hotellerie Du Bas-Breau in Barbizon, France
1955 (September 23-25) at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany
1956 (May 11-13) at the Hotel Store Kro in Fredensborg, Denmark
1957 (February 15-17) at the King and Prince Hotel in St. Simons Island, Georgia, USA
1957 (October 4-6) at the Grand Hotel Palazzo della Fonte in Fiuggi, Italy
1958 (September 13-15) at the The Palace Hotel in Buxton, United Kingdom
1959 (September 18-20) at the Çinar Hotel in Yeþilköy, Istanbul, Turkey
1960 (May 28-29) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland
1961 (April 21-23) at the Manoir St. Castin in Lac-Beauport, Quebec, Quebec, Canada
1962 (May 18-20) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
1963 (May 29-31) in Cannes, France
1964 (March 20-22) in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
1965 (April 2-4) at the Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy
1966 (March 25-27) at the Nassauer Hof Hotel Wiesbaden in Wiesbaden, West Germany
1967 (March 31-April 2) in Cambridge, United Kingdom
1968 (April 26-28) in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada
1969 (May 9-11) at the Hotel Marienlyst in Helsingør, Denmark
1970 (April 17-19) at the Grand Hotel Quellenhof in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
1971 (April 23-25) at the Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, Vermont, USA
1972 (April 21-23) at the LA Reserve di Knokke-Heist in Knokke, Belgium
1973 (May 11-13) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
1974 (April 19-21) at the Hotel Mont d'Arbois in Megeve, France
1975 (April 22-24) at the Golden Dolphin Hotel in Çeþme, Ýzmir, Turkey
1976 no conference. The 1976 Bilderberg conference was planned for April at The Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia, USA. Due to the ongoing Lockheed scandal involving Prince Bernhard at the time, it had to be cancelled.
1977 (April 22-24) at the Paramount Imperial Hotel in Torquay, United Kingdom
1978 (April 21-23) at the Chauncey Conference Center in Princeton, New Jersey, United States
1979 (April 27-29) at the Grand Hotel Sauerhof in Baden bei Wien, Austria
1980 (April 18-20) at the Dorint Sofitel Quellenhof Aachen in Aachen, West Germany
1981 (May 15-17) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland
1982 (May 14-16) at the Rica Park Hotel Sandefjord in Sandefjord, Norway
1983 (May 13-15) at the Château Montebello in Montebello, Quebec, Canada[17]
1984 (May 11-13) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
1985 (May 10-12) at the Doral Arrowwood Hotel in Rye Brook, New York, United States
1986 (April 25-27) at the Gleneagles Hotel in Gleneagles, Auchterarder, United Kingdom
1987 (April 24-26) at the Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy
1988 (June 3-5) at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Telfs-Buchen, Austria
1989 (May 12-14) at the Gran Hotel de La Toja in Isla de La Toja, Spain
1990 (May 11-13) at the Harrison Conference Center in Glen Cove, New York, United States
1991 (June 6-9) at the Steigenberger Badischer Hof Hotel, Schlosshotel Bühlerhöhe in Bühl (Baden) in Baden-Baden, Germany
1992 (May 21-24) at the Royal Club Evian Hotel, Ermitage Hotel in Évian-les-Bains, France
1993 (April 22-25) at the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece
1994 (June 2-5) at the Kalastajatorppa Hotel in Helsinki, Finland
1995 (June 8-11) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland
1996 (May 30-June 2) at the CIBC Leadership Centre aka The Kingbridge Centre in King City, Canada
1997 (June 12-15) at the Pine Isle resort in Lake Lanier, Georgia, United States
1998 (May 14-17) at the Turnberry Hotel in Turnberry, United Kingdom
1999 (June 3-6) at the Caesar Park Hotel Penha Longa in Sintra, Portugal
2000 (June 1-4) at the Chateau Du Lac Hotel in Genval, Brussels, Belgium
2001 (May 24-27) at the Hotel Stenungsbaden in Stenungsund, Sweden
2002 (May 30-June 2) at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, United States
2003 (May 15-18) at the Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles, France
2004 (June 3-6) at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees in Stresa, Italy
2005 (May 5-8) at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Germany[18]
2006 (June 8-11) at the Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada[19] See picture of meeting location at time of meeting.
2007 (May 31 - June 3) at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel,[2] in Þiþli, Istanbul, Turkey.[20]
2008 (June 5-8) at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, United States[3]
[edit] See also
Trilateral Commission So there has to be a discussion of posts for it to be relevant?
what a stupid, anonymous comment
What you say is true, but if relevant evidence is denied sm
or falsified, an objective approach is impossible. This is what the family members faced. They had to force Bush to form that commission to investigate. Coulter is now attacking them for that. They had a list of 400 questions, and got no answers. I agree with you on the wacky theories. I became interested in doing some research on the issue after hearing things around the area I live - Colorado Springs. This is the neocon capital of the United States, and home to Norad and Space Command, Ft. Carson, USAFA, Peterson AFB, Falcon AFB. They live and breathe Bush & military. At first, I thought they were only rumors. Norman Mineta's testimony to the 911 Commission confirmed them to be true. The second question I had was about WTC building 7. This building only had small fires and was not hit by an airplane. It came straight down like the other 2 into a nice neat pile. The owner of the building Silverstein said they made a decision to pull it. This is a demolition term for demolishing the building. Well, this is something that takes careful planning weeks in advance, not several hours. I am also hearing bizarre stories from troops returning from Irag and their family members. Mineta's testimony was shown on C-Span and here is the link.
I never saw the movie The Siege. Not a Bruce Willis fan. Anything with Matt McConaughey in it, I have seen. That's why most of the states are red. sm
The majority are just blind sheep and ignorant of facts. And that's why Fox News, the so-called conservative channel, is #1. People are just so stoopid, especially those big dummies, the conservatives. That's why they keep getting elected. It's just that the majority of Americans are too dumb to know any better.
You are right, when someone states that
about "hating me since 1996" one does question. But there is information in there that can be factualized. For example, leaving a small town of 5000-6000 people 20 mil. in debt is something that can be verified (I have also read that elsewhere) and that does not seem very conservative to me.
Just because information comes from a blog (though this 1 did not), does not mean it has some facts in it. And no, I don't mean the blog of kos or the way right website of audacity of hope.
I bet she knows how many states we have though!!!
Do you know what states?
I can guarantee mine isn't included. He's blasting all over the state how much money we are getting and what it's for, then turns around and states what HE's going to spend it on, which doesn't include anything that is in the stimulus plan.
which states
Can anyone tell me which states those are?
Dear Red States
Dear Red States...
We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren't aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California.
To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay. We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood. We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom. We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss. We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states pay their fair share. Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms.
Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently willing to send to their death for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their children's caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq, and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire.
With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce,
92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners) 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools, plus Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.
With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.
We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.
Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy bastards believe you are people with higher morals then we lefties.
By the way, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.
I don't mean for that to sound rude, just an honest question. I seem to remember you saying you wanted more power to go to individual states, so do you agree with the states having control in this case? I appreciate the information and will check it out. I already know my state's income eligibility requirements and will post them below if anyone is curious. I found them at
For Montana:
2007 CHIP Income Chart Effective July 1, 2007 *Annual Adjusted Gross Income (before taxes)
Household Size (Children and Adults)
Household Income
Family of 2
Family of 3
Family of 4
Family of 5
Family of 6
Family of 7
Family of 8
Some employment-related and child care deductions apply. These guidelines are effective July 1, 2007. Income guidelines may increase in 2008. * If a child qualifies for Medicaid, health insurance will be provided by Medicaid.
Just to narrow their choices down to who they want instead of letting the people decide, as in a free democracy, even the states are changing their rules without the knowledge of its citizens..........
not necessarily. I don't know about other states, but...
here in Michigan they want to allow voting online, not needing to actually be "absent" to get an absentee ballot, and no ID needed. And they were also tossing around early voting like Ohio did. If this is all allowed like the Dems want, then all the "dead dems" in Cook County will be moving to Michigan to vote, and then move back to Chicago.
What is scary about all these "proposals" is that you have the opportunity for out and out voter fraud the likes of which will make Cook County politics look like a Sunday school picnic. Especially if they decide to do this in all the states. JMO though.
Maybe denial is one of his 57 states.
because she states if people
worked their butts off . . . I don't understand how two people working their butts off comes out to $24K. That would be 40 hours each at minimum wage to make that little. We have two kids. My husband works 56 hours a week and I have been averaging 30 hours, more if there was work available. Next week, I am taking on another job, so I will then be working 50+ hours a week and DH will still be working 56 hours a week. That is working your butt off.
Don't forget about the states. Why
do you think Rendel hosted the Governor's meeting in Phila. last week? They want some money too, but Rendel is just covering his tracks by calling this meeting because the state is almost bankrupt after giving every nickel away of the road repair money to 2 cities and just last week before the meeting, he gave another couple Million or Billion away for something else.
Really dumb, 57 states out of 58!!
"there are 57 states in the us"
Do you think they knew the U.S. has only 50 states, too?nm Obama/57 states
That is so false (and keep your nasty inflammatory racist comments to yourself)
All the states can approve
homosexual marriage. It still doesn't make it a reality. Very few people will ever recognize it as reality. In fact, it's best just to ignore it completely and not validate the assylum.;-)
Not all states require 2...most will take a DL...
and we already know that most of the illegals in this country have a DL. Not every state requires that you prove citizenship to get a DL. Some states will take one of those picture ID's you can get anywhere and let you vote. Some states don't require any ID and most certainly don't ask for a SS card. If they did, that would nix it in a heartbeat. I came from PA and they don't require an SSN, just a DL, and only once when you register. After that, it is never checked again. Where I live now they do not require an SSN. Only a DL when you register.
I guess your not counting the states he won either
On the news today it showed popular vote from all the states that voted. He has over 300 more votes than her for the popular vote. She is saying she has the popular vote but she is not counting the states he won in. Funny math to me. Oh but I guess she should be nominated as one of her supporters said because she did win Puerto Rico today.
U.S. now only 2 states away from rewriting Constitution...
U.S. now only 2 states away from rewriting Constitution Critic: 'This is a horrible time to try such a crazy scheme'
A public policy organization has issued an urgent alert stating affirmative votes are needed from only two more states before a Constitutional Convention could be assembled in which "today's corrupt politicians and judges" could formally change the U.S. Constitution's "'problematic' provisions to reflect the philosophical and social mores of our contemporary society."
"Don't for one second doubt that delegates to a Con Con wouldn't revise the First Amendment into a government-controlled privilege, replace the 2nd Amendment with a 'collective' right to self-defense, and abolish the 4th, 5th, and 10th Amendments, and the rest of the Bill of Rights," said the warning from the American Policy Institute.
"Additions could include the non-existent separation of church and state, the 'right' to abortion and euthanasia, and much, much more," the group said.
The warning comes at a time when Barack Obama, who is to be voted the next president by the Electoral College Monday, has expressed his belief the U.S. Constitution needs to be interpreted through the lens of current events.
Tom DeWeese, who runs the center and its education and grassroots work, told WND the possibilities stunned him when he discovered lawmakers in Ohio are considering a call for a Constitutional Convention. He explained that 32 other states already have taken that vote, and only one more would be needed to require Congress to name convention delegates who then would have more power than Congress itself.
The U.S. Constitution places no restriction on the purposes for which the states can call for a convention," the alert said. "If Ohio votes to call a Con Con, for whatever purpose, the United States will be only one state away from total destruction. And it's a safe bet that those who hate this nation, and all She stands for, are waiting to pounce upon this opportunity to re-write our Constitution."
DeWeese told WND that a handful of quickly responding citizens appeared at the Ohio Legislature yesterday for the meeting at which the convention resolution was supposed to be handled.
State officials suddenly decided to delay action, he said, giving those concerned by the possibilities of such a convention a little time to breathe.
According to a Fox News report, Obama has stated repeatedly his desire for empathetic judges who "understand" the plight of minorities.
In a 2007 speech to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, he said, "We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges."
Obama also committed himself to respecting the Constitution but said the founding document must be interpreted in the context of current affairs and events.
Melody Barnes, a senior domestic policy adviser to the Obama campaign, said in the Fox News report, "His view is that our society isn't static and the law isn't static as well. That the Constitution is a living and breathing document and that the law and the justices who interpret it have to understand that."
Obama has criticized Justice Clarence Thomas, regarded as a conservative member of the court, as not a strong jurist or legal thinker. And Obama voted against both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, two appointees of President Bush who vote with Thomas on many issues.
Further, WND also reported Obama believes the Constitution is flawed, because it fails to address wealth redistribution, and he says the Supreme Court should have intervened years ago to accomplish that.
Obama told Chicago's public station WBEZ-FM that "redistributive change" is needed, pointing to what he regarded as a failure of the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren in its rulings on civil rights issues in the 1960s.
The Warren court, he said, failed to "break free from the essential constraints" in the U.S. Constitution and launch a major redistribution of wealth. But Obama, then an Illinois state lawmaker, said the legislative branch of government, rather than the courts, probably was the ideal avenue for accomplishing that goal.
In the 2001 interview, Obama said:
If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it I’d be OK
But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you, but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.
And that hasn't shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.
OBAMA WATCH CENTRAL U.S. now only 2 states away from rewriting Constitution Critic: 'This is a horrible time to try such a crazy scheme'
A public policy organization has issued an urgent alert stating affirmative votes are needed from only two more states before a Constitutional Convention could be assembled in which "today's corrupt politicians and judges" could formally change the U.S. Constitution's "'problematic' provisions to reflect the philosophical and social mores of our contemporary society."
"Don't for one second doubt that delegates to a Con Con wouldn't revise the First Amendment into a government-controlled privilege, replace the 2nd Amendment with a 'collective' right to self-defense, and abolish the 4th, 5th, and 10th Amendments, and the rest of the Bill of Rights," said the warning from the American Policy Institute.
"Additions could include the non-existent separation of church and state, the 'right' to abortion and euthanasia, and much, much more," the group said.
The warning comes at a time when Barack Obama, who is to be voted the next president by the Electoral College Monday, has expressed his belief the U.S. Constitution needs to be interpreted through the lens of current events.
Tom DeWeese, who runs the center and its education and grassroots work, told WND the possibilities stunned him when he discovered lawmakers in Ohio are considering a call for a Constitutional Convention. He explained that 32 other states already have taken that vote, and only one more would be needed to require Congress to name convention delegates who then would have more power than Congress itself.
(Story continues below)
"The U.S. Constitution places no restriction on the purposes for which the states can call for a convention," the alert said. "If Ohio votes to call a Con Con, for whatever purpose, the United States will be only one state away from total destruction. And it's a safe bet that those who hate this nation, and all She stands for, are waiting to pounce upon this opportunity to re-write our Constitution."
DeWeese told WND that a handful of quickly responding citizens appeared at the Ohio Legislature yesterday for the meeting at which the convention resolution was supposed to be handled.
State officials suddenly decided to delay action, he said, giving those concerned by the possibilities of such a convention a little time to breathe.
According to a Fox News report, Obama has stated repeatedly his desire for empathetic judges who "understand" the plight of minorities.
The final vote from the 1787 Constitutional Convention
In a 2007 speech to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, he said, "We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges."
Obama also committed himself to respecting the Constitution but said the founding document must be interpreted in the context of current affairs and events.
Melody Barnes, a senior domestic policy adviser to the Obama campaign, said in the Fox News report, "His view is that our society isn't static and the law isn't static as well. That the Constitution is a living and breathing document and that the law and the justices who interpret it have to understand that."
Obama has criticized Justice Clarence Thomas, regarded as a conservative member of the court, as not a strong jurist or legal thinker. And Obama voted against both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, two appointees of President Bush who vote with Thomas on many issues.
Further, WND also reported Obama believes the Constitution is flawed, because it fails to address wealth redistribution, and he says the Supreme Court should have intervened years ago to accomplish that.
Obama told Chicago's public station WBEZ-FM that "redistributive change" is needed, pointing to what he regarded as a failure of the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren in its rulings on civil rights issues in the 1960s.
The Warren court, he said, failed to "break free from the essential constraints" in the U.S. Constitution and launch a major redistribution of wealth. But Obama, then an Illinois state lawmaker, said the legislative branch of government, rather than the courts, probably was the ideal avenue for accomplishing that goal.
In the 2001 interview, Obama said:
If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it I’d be OK
But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you, but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.
And that hasn't shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.
The video is available here:
DeWeese said the Constitutional Convention effort was begun in the 1980s by those who wanted to rein in government with an amendment requiring a balanced budget for the federal agencies.
"Certainly all loyal Americans want government constrained by a balanced budget," the alert said. "But calling a Con Con risks a revolutionary change in our form of government. The ultimate outcome will likely be a new constitution, one that would possibly eliminate the Article 1 restriction to the coinage of real money or even eliminate gun or property rights."
He noted that when the last Constitutional Convention met in 1787, the original goal was to amend the Articles of Confederation. Instead, delegates simply threw them out and wrote a new Constitution.
"We were blessed in 1787; the Con Con delegates were the leaders of a freedom movement that had just cleansed this land of tyranny," the warning said. "Today's corrupt politicians and judges would like nothing better than the ability to legally ignore the Constitution - to modify its "problematic" provisions to reflect the philosophical and socials mores of our contemporary society."
DeWeese then listed some of the states whose legislatures already have issued a call: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.
"You may have heard that some of those 32 states have voted to rescind their calls. This is true," the warning continued. "However, under Article V of the Constitution, Congress must call a Constitutional Convention whenever two-thirds (or 34) of the states apply. The Constitution makes no provision for rescission."
The warning also suggested that the belief that a Constitution Convention could be directed in its purpose is misplaced.
"In truth no restrictive language from any state can legally limit the scope or outcome of a Convention! Once a Convention is called, Congress determines how the delegates to the Convention are chosen. Once chosen, those Convention delegates possess more power than the U.S. Congress itself," the warning said.
"We have not had a Constitutional Convention since 1787. That Convention was called to make small changes in the Articles of Confederation. As a point of fact, several states first passed resolutions requiring their delegates discuss amendments to the Articles ONLY, forbidding even discussion of foundational changes. However, following the delegates' first agreement that their meetings be in secret, their second act was to agree to debate those state restrictions and to declare the Articles of Confederation NULL AND VOID! They also changed the ratification process, reducing the required states' approval from 100 percent to 75 percent. There is no reason to believe a contemporary Con Con wouldn't further 'modify' Article V restrictions to suit its purpose," the center warning said.
The website Principled Policy opined it is true that any new document would have to be submitted to a ratification process.
"However fighting a new Constitution would be a long, hard, ugly and expensive battle which is guaranteed to leave the nation split along ideological lines. It is not difficult to envision civil unrest, riots or even civil war as a result of any re-writing of the current Constitution," the site said.
American Policy cited a statement from former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger that said, "There is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda."
"This is a horrible time to try such a crazy scheme," the policy center said. "The majority of U.S. voters just elected a dedicated leftist as president. … Our uniquely and purely American concept of individual rights, endowed by our Creator, would be quickly set aside as an anachronistic relic of a bygone era; replaced by new 'collective' rights, awarded and enforced by government for the 'common good.'
"And state No. 34 is likely sitting silently in the wings, ready to act with lightning speed, sealing the fate of our once great nation before we can prevent it," the center said.
A Constitutional Convention would be, DeWeese told WND, "our worst nightmare in an age when you've got people who believe the Constitution is an antiquated document, we need to have everything from controls on guns … all of these U.N. treaties … and controls on how we raise our children."
"When you take the document that is in their way, put it on the table and say how would you like to change it," he said.
WND also has reported an associate at a Chicago law firm whose partner served on a finance committee for Obama has advocated simply abandoning the U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural-born" citizen.
The paper was written in 2006 by Sarah Herlihy, just two years after Obama had won a landslide election in Illinois to the U.S. Senate. Herlihy is listed as an associate at the Chicago firm of Kirkland & Ellis. A partner in the same firm, Bruce I. Ettelson, cites his membership on the finance committees for both Obama and Sen. Richard Durbin on the corporate website.
The issue of Obama's own eligibility is the subject of nearly two dozen court cases in recent weeks, including at least two that have gone to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Herlihy's published paper reveals that the requirement likely was considered in a negative light by organizations linked to Obama in the months before he announced in 2007 his candidacy for the presidency.
"The natural born citizen requirement in Article II of the United States Constitution has been called the 'stupidest provision' in the Constitution, 'undecidedly un-American,' 'blatantly discriminatory,' and the 'Constitution's worst provision,'" Herlihy begins in her introduction to the paper titled, "Amending the Natural Born Citizen Requirement: Globalization as the Impetus and the Obstacle."
Why go on and on in defense of the ඁ states"
remark? My God! and.. if it had been McCain making the same mistake, you probably would have been all over him. You want to insult me as if I pay no attention and do no research. I am 45 years old, take the presidency VERY seriously, and I do pay attention. So, "get smart" yourself and wake up! I do not believe that Obama has the experience or policies to lead and defend the United States of America. I do not care what color he is and I don't appreciate it when anyone, including himself, makes race an issue. We should not vote against or for someone because of color, yet it will happen. The way I feel about Obama has nothing to do with race, it has to do with "substance" as I said. You can feel the way you want. You certainly have not changed my mind. We all have a right to decide what WE feel is best.
His website states his ideas and how he
I was undecided until McCain picked Palin. C'mon people - she was the mayor of a town with 9,000 people. God forbid if something should happen to McCain - would you want her to step in. It's Obama for me - I've always liked Joe Biden - he doesn't think he's above everyone else and even commutes to and from work like us "normal" folk.
new study states political
leanings are partially genetic. Those who startle easily are more likely to be republican. Those who are on a more even keel and do not startle at small noises or movements are more likely to be democrats. I would say this board supports those conclusions.
57 caucuses and primaries in the states, commonwealth, territories, districts and citizens abroad. In order they are:
Iowa New Hampshire Michigan Nevada South Carolina Florida Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Georgia Idaho Illinois Kansas Massachusetts Minnesota Missouri New Jersey New Mexico New York North Dakota Oklahoma Tennessee Utah Louisiana Nebraska U.S. Virgin Islands Washington caucus Maine Democrats Abroad District of Columbia Maryland Virginia Hawaii Wisconsin Ohio Rhode Island Texas primary Texas caucus Vermont Wyoming Mississippi Pennsylvania Guam Indiana North Carolina West Virginia Kentucky Oregon Puerto Rico Montana South Dakota
Right. Some are called states, commonwealths,
etc., generically referred to as "states." There's also Washington, DC, which is listed on the list of 57 I previously posted, which isn't a state, either.
He does not present the certificate that states the
Qualifications for Prez of US states
one has to be 35 years old and a US citizen. And, yes, when young people fight wars, even preemptive wars, they should most definitely be able to vote for whomever they think will have their best interests in mind. Thank GOD you do not run the gov't.