for this and could potentially lose her seat but Obama mentioned people clinging to their guns and religion and no one seems to give a rats behind about what he said. Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth" and instead of having him explain that exactly.....his campaign has attacked an innocent American man instead. Spreading the wealth is socialism yet when Obama was linked with that was the pubs that got blasted for it and not Obama when Obama is the one that said "spread the wealth around."
I'm so sick and tired of one-sided point of views. She screwed up. She apologized. You've got Biden on TV saying stupid crap all the time and that is okay. He is a democrat. It just sickens me. I've seen Michele on other interviews and what she says is very good. She is a smart lady, but she screwed up and the media and the dems are devouring her.
You have morons like Nancy Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Barney Frank, Murtha, Biden saying stupid crap and doing stupid stuff all the time....but that is always overlooked.
I think they're starting to figure out that prices for everyday goods all over this country are on the rise after Katrina, that they can't afford to fill up their gas tanks any more, and they're probably trying to figure out how they're going to heat their homes this winter. They probably feel very much like the cornered animals they are acting like. And they can't EVER even CONSIDER that their hero in the White House isn't lifting a finger to help them. In addition, more and more former Bush supporters are waking up every day.
So they come here and spew their venom and release some of the boiling rage and anger and hate that's overflowing inside of them, and they attack people who are basically in the same boat as they are in, people who are independent thinkers and don't worship false cowboys in the oval office.
Congress was "snookered" again by Bush with this immediate economic "crisis," just as they were "snookered" into the Iraq war "mushroom cloud" crisis. 
Palin Nailed in another Ethics Scandal
Award-winning journalist, filmmaker and historian
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin today settled a state ethics complaint, filed against her in Alaska last October, by agreeing to pay back the state approximately $6,800 for nine trips claimed for her children to various functions paid for by Alaska's tax payers.
The ethics complaint was originally filed during last year's presidential election by retired electrical lineman Frank Gwartney, from Anchorage, who called the travel expenses claimed by Palin "such a blatant misuse of state money."
A second-generation Alaskan native whose parents arrived on the Kenai Peninsula in the 1930s, Gwartney said he filed the complaint simply because he was "sick and tired of corruption in Alaska's government." He also charged the governor with altering travel records to indicate that her family members were on "official business" while traveling with her.
The response from the McCain-Palin campaign at the time was to attack Gwartney:
This is a purely political stunt less than six days from the election that not only violates the law that requires Personnel Board complaints to be confidential, but raises serious questions about the motives of Mr. Gwartney, a stated Obama supporter. Governor Palin has always acted with the highest standards of ethics.
Apparently not.
Today's "settlement agreement," as the document is titled, involves no admission of wrongdoing, blaming the expenditures on "little statutory or regulatory guidance."
Palin contended that her administration viewed the travel expenses as "official First Family business" and that Palin only takes her children on the taxpayers' nickel "to events they're
invited to."
Nonetheless, according to the Anchorage Daily News, lawyer Tim Petumenos, who was hired by the state Personnel Board to investigate the complaint (and who earlier exonerated Palin in the Troopergate affair), found that for nine trips claimed by Palin for her children, "the personal benefit outweighed the public benefit."
In a letter addressed directly to Gwartney, Puetnomos declared:
Following your complaint, I conducted an investigation and concluded that portions of your complaint merited action. A settlement with Governor Palin has been reached in lieu of the filing of an accusation...
According to Petumenos it didn't matter if Palin's children had been "invited" to an event or not. Included in those expenses where "the personal benefit outweighed the public" included the cost of Palin's daughter Piper flying on a state plane to the start of the Iron Dog race in 2008--a race in which husband Todd Palin was participating as a contestant.
It has not been a good week for the Last Frontier's ambitious governor. The ethics settlement comes in the immediate aftermath of Palin turning in her state-purchased Chevy Surburban and announcing that she had to pay taxes on reimbursements she received for living in her Wasilla home.
Only yesterday, Palin's chief political flak Bill McAllister held a news conference in which he declared:
The news media have been focused on the $8,500 the governor has collected in per diem annually while working in Anchorage, almost 50 miles from her home in Wasilla. But aside from the fact that the governor is legally entitled to these payments, the media have missed the larger point that the governor actually has saved the state money by not living year-round in the official residence in Juneau....Expense reports for per diem, lodging and travel for the governor and the first gentleman show a savings of more than $900,000 for calendar years 2007 and 2008, compared with the last two years of the previous administration.
Say what? Didn't Palin run against her predecessors as a reformer? And now she's comparing her record to theirs?
In fact, Palin spent more annually in 2007 on "conference fees" and "meals and incidentals" than either of her two predecessors in any given fiscal year.
What Palin, McAllister and those entrenched around her apparently don't get is that the Governor touts herself as a "reformer" and "fiscal conservative," while she herself has tapped the public trough frequently for her family's private benefit. Their hypocrisy apparently knows no bounds.
"Governor Palin ran on an ethics platform," said Gwartney from his home in Anchorage, "but she's no different than the rest of them. Apparently, she thinks she was elected Queen."