Why didn't Clinton kill bin Laden when he had the chance?
Posted By: he's an arkansas crook too on 2008-12-22
In Reply to: A good question for Bush/Cheney - gourdpainter
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Actually Bill Clinton had the chance
To get Osama and he never did. This started long before GW ever got in the white house. You may not like GW - I can't stand him, but I'm not going to blame him for something that started in the Clinton administration.
oh please. Clinton. The Sudan offered him bin Laden...
long before 9-11 and he did not take him. Now YOU tell ME who failed to protect the American people. Good grief.
Bill Clinton gets part of the blame == refused to take out bin Laden...sm
when he had the chance.
Germany didn't kill
The whole fricken country didn't kill jews - the leadership of that country did!!!!! Just like every Muslim is not a terrorist, every person who lives south of Maryland is not a red neck. I don't agree with prosecuting Rumsfeld for Murder, but let's keep the bigotry off the liberal board and take it back over to the conservative board where it is welcome.
Bin laden's family are NOT bin laden. They disowned him years ago. Please. nm
OK then why didn't Clinton send Chelsea
to Mogadishu or Bosnia? See what nonsense you're spouting. You and Cindy Sheehan. Maybe Cindy will take up a real cause and move a few hundred miles East and do something worthwhile and help the hurricane victims, but I doubt it.
Sheesh....Clinton didn't go to funerals either....
and yes, soldiers died on his watch too (Somalia, Bosnia,etc). I did not see CNN covering flag-draped coffins then. Yes, more have died in Iraq; however, a soldier killed is a soldier killed. Clinton did not go to the funeral of that US serviceman who was killed and then his body dragged behind a Jeep in Somalia. Was that because Clinton felt guilty? Come on!! It is impossible for a President (ANY President) to show up at a private funeral without causing a media circus, and frankly, I would not want Bush there because along with him would come Cindy Sheehan, the pink ladies, the nutso religious group, the ones who hold up signs saying your son died for nothing, yada yada. Maybe THAT is why Bush does not go to funerals. Ya think???
As to stopping the media...what planet to you live on? As if Bush could stop the liberal media from showing anything they want...ala CNN and their terrorist-made sniper video as the terrorists stalked our soldiers. Good grief, new guy!!! The liberal media doesn't give a rat's patootie about who they hurt as they strive to take Bush down....ya think???
And frankly, new guy, do you think the public need to see a flag-draped coffin to know about the death toll in Iraq? I am surprised CNN has not installed a ticker to count them. Get a grip, get a clue, buy a vowel. You and other Bush haters like you just need to admit it. You hate the man, anything connected with the man, to the point that you criticize him for doing a wonderful thing by showing up at Virginia Tech. I think that shows a remarkable lack of human compassion on your part. Yeah...I THINK.
It didn't happen on Clinton's watch
I know, the truth can be so annoying sometimes, can't it?
If it Clinton screwed something up - why didn't Bush fix it? He had 8 years!
As much as you want to blame Bill Clinton......don't forget who held the reins for the last 8 years......who let them run amuck? Why was nothing done?
Check out the mortgage failures. Tell me which failed more, prime or subprime Tell me what is the rate of failures under the CRA or even Bush's ADDI (which i attack alll the time) Once again, REALITY AND THE DATA doesn't fit ya'lls claims.
Basically what happened was.. we reformed bankruptcy laws.. so that people who ran into dire straights could not restructure.
We packaged the loans into commodity derivatives. These are sorta mirror bets on the loans. Sorta..as the same loan will be sold many times in many derivative packages.. that's why the housing derivatives are worth more than all the real estate in the US. Derivatives are actually not that bad.. when a market is stable and only has to deal with natural forces. The housing market was bubbled.. partially due to low interest rates that encouraged everyone to buy, even the rich, and partially due to the CRA and the ADDI.. which did add customers to the market (helping form the bubble was the extent the CRA and the ADDI had in this mess)
All it took was a few failures to pop the bubble..and make real estate prices drop,. and mind you, it was mainly prime loans (READ not loans given to poor people and not loans under the CRA) that failed. The derivative market.,.which like I said, is really mirrors of the same loans.. cause the defaults to explode with ten times the ferocity, because one loan could effect the price of dozens of derivatives.
Really the poor and even irresponsible people .. simply did not have the economic ability to cause this mess. Pool all their money together and waste it on hookers.. it would have zero effect without help from the rich elites and their magnifying packaged derivatives.
THE CRA and ADDI both had stricter requirements than loans you got from normal banks.. both required income data.. where many prime loans did not.. they also greatly limited you on how much home you could purchase..whereas private banks did not care if you tried to buy something you could not afford. Don't believe me?.. Look in the phone book.. call your own housing authority - you can get a loan for 106% the purchase price of a home even today.. if you're poor enough.
Ask to hear the red tape and hoops you must go through.. Heck, it is probably easier to just get a real job and earn real money than go through the FHA.
Okay to kill one but not the other?
I heard her on Sean Hannity's radio show a few days ago.
Another real dandy is that Killer the Baby Killer in Kansas.
This so-called pro-choice types are the same ones who tore into Joe Horn for killing an illegal thug who was threatening private property. Diane Sawyer is only one of these utopian elites.
Funny how the twisted logic of the left works.
Who have they threatened to kill?
I'm serious. WHO? I honestly don't know because I don't listen to them, either. But if they have aired similar threats upon a group of people, then I believe they are equally wrong.
If you are offended by my liberal beliefs being posted on the LIBERAL BOARD, then perhaps you would feel more comfortable on the Conservative Board. Just a thought. 
He did kill his own people
Hundreds of mass graves prove it. Saddam's sons killed their own people for bloodsport.
To Kill an American...sm
Disclaimer: Not sure if this is a true story or not, but it is a great write.
To Kill an American
You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.
So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!!)
An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, Puertorican, South American, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.
An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.
An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim.
In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.
An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.
The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence , which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.
An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.
When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!
As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan . Americans welcome the best of everything...the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services. But they also welcome the least.
The national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America .
Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.
So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.
Thou shall not kill
If we follow your logic, then we better not remove warts or cancer growths, either. They are both alive and growing.
Regardless, this means we kill them all?
It is their right to live the way they chose. We can't go attacking every one who is a possible threat on more levels than I'm going to go into here. I would rather see our leaders spend the time and money on securing things here rather than wage war there. We are just formulating more hatred. We CAN change whether we are the ones in the war by not going to war, and I shall not blindly trust our leaders to do the right thing because it has been proven time and again that they rarely do.
Geez. You kill me....
however, I do like the moniker "spiteful little vixen." I may get stationery printed.
Good grief...you are the one exhibiting intolerance and hatred...yikes, someone must have spit in your post toasties this morning!!
You have slipped off the deep end, my friend. I don't know what cliches you mean, but if you are talking about the prayer at the top that was sincere...try to get hold of this, although your monster ego may not allow you to...there are OTHER posters here who live in South Texas or have family there, perhaps some I don't even know about, that was posted out of genuine concern and although I think you are several bricks shy of a load, I don't want to see you blown off the face of the earth, and whether you can get off your high horse down here to where there is enough air for your brain to work properly, I don't want illegals blown off the face of the earth either. I just want them to obey the law, come here legally, pay taxes like the rest of us and live happily ever after. And for that you want me tarred and feathered. Go figure.
And now that I have ascended to your level of sniping (thank you, I am learning much from you about verbal abuse), here's hoping I never do again...you have that area well covered.
What happened to that sabbatical? Gotta have the last word...sister, you got it. LOL. Signed, the spiteful little vixen....LOL
Better to kill it....?? sigh. nm
You got it, Sam.... and socialism will kill our
Don't kill people in other
countries where terrorists are plotting against use....but by all means let viable infants die if they are failed abortions because it would be detrimental to the mother's health for her child to survive after she tried to murder it.
Ah. Okay to kill a child rather than own up to ...
responsibility. I see. Why not just force feed "the pill" from the time a girl reaches menarche. Better than killing the "mistakes" from "raging hormones" along the way. If you can't teach responsibility, and don't intend to make them responsible...put them on the pill.
pay to kill people?
what an awful thing to say about our men and women who are put in harm's way every day
they are doing theiR JOB, you are saying we are paying them to kill??? no we are paying them to do their job... and that is what they are doing!
you should be ashamed of that statement
We don't kill an adult
when they are found to have terminal cancer. Why then should we kill a baby who is terminal? No logic there whatsoever.
. . .so where is Bin Laden?
He protected nothing. He made the rest of the democratic world hate the US, throwing his weight around like a ridiculous cowboy, talking like a redneck. All he did was allow AL Queda to regroup, and they're stronger than ever.
Relax. It is the law. You are free to kill at will...
does not make it right.
They support NRA so you can kill the guy who rapes you but
xx stupid you are
According to the bin Laden family sm
They disowned Osama a long long time ago. In fact, the bin Laden family owns probably the largest construction company in the Middle East. They built the new U.S. military installation in Saudi Arabia. I am thinking they were allowed to leave for fear of retribution by Americans. That was always my thought and I never really questioned it because I knew of the alienation between Osama and his family.
Bin Laden got what he aimed for.....
economic ruin...........GW played right into his hands...........4 more years, 4 more years, yeah!!!! RUIN!!!!!! McSame even has a cheerleader to inspire the masses.....
Are you talking about bin Laden?
Or are you talking about an old washed up hippie terrorist who probably couldn't swat a fly?
You Republicans come back and defend the fact that bin Laden has not paid for 9/11. Don't tell me that our military could not have taken him out in 7 years!!! I suspect Cullen Powell knows more than he has ever said and that it is no accident that he is supporting Obama and not because he happens to be black either.
Osama Bin Laden
Perhaps I am missing something here but what strikes me about the above is the fact that this man has not been found (can't find someone if your'e not REALLY looking). They sure FOUND Saddam Hussein. The other thing was that when 9/111 took place, when perhaps you or a loved one was trying to get home from college, business trip, etc - all air transportation was shut down but the relatives of Bin Laden were ALLOWED to be flown OUT OF the U.S...maybe it's just me thinking about it this way...hmmm
What happened to Bin Laden? sm
Watch this Clinton interview by Mike Wallace. Clinton lets him have it with both barrels and defends why he did not get Bin Laden.
So, show me bin Laden! I'm sure you
that he is alive and well somewhere.
Even bin Laden is Saudi..........nm
It appears that Bin Laden
has threatened Americans again in a new audio tape, saying President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. by ordering Pakistan to crack down on militants in Swat Valley and block Islamic law in the area.
You just can't win with terrorists. No matter how nice we try to be to Muslims.....the extremists are still going to hate us and want to kill us.
Any chance you could get down here
next Sept. 20-21? If you could I promise you a position in the judge's tent for the Dutch oven cook-off judging. Each cook makes 3 D. O. dishes, bread, main dish and dessert. There are usually around 15 teams entered. You'd love it.
Any chance
the mother ship will come back and get them?
Obama's plan will KILL our economy. You think
Palin says kill all polar bears
and ship all MT jobs overseas
No. Obama will kill jobs with his tax plan.
We do not purposely kill, cut off heads, torture.
Are you okay with police shooting a man who's about to kill his wife?
I'm sure you are, unless you're really as nutz as I think you are.
So...'Splain the difference to me, Lucy! The justification is precisely the same regarding a terrorist who's planning to kill thousands - except MORE SO.
You pathetic boob.
Bush and Bin Laden were (are) friends!
Knew of this way back when 9/11 happened. He also had Saudi Arabians escorted out of the U.S. safely that night or the next night. Good grief! Keep up with the news!
A mission accomplished for bin Laden.
In a 1998 interview, Osama bin Laden — the terrorist organizer of 9/11 who still roams free — listed as one of his many grievances against the U.S. that Americans “have stolen $36 trillion from Muslims” by purchasing oil from Persian Gulf countries at low prices. The real price of a barrel of oil should be $144, bin Laden demanded.
Ten years ago today, the price of a barrel of oil was just $11. Heading into this holiday weekend, the price of a barrel of oil rested at $144 — a thirteen-fold increase. One month after 9/11, the New York Times wrote of possible “nightmare” scenarios that would deliver bin Laden’s goal. Neela Banerjee warned that among the “misguided decisions” that would put oil supplies at risk would be “that the United States attacks Iraq.” The Times included this quote in its story:
“If bin Laden takes over and becomes king of Saudi Arabia, he’d turn off the tap,” said Roger Diwan, a managing director of the Petroleum Finance Company, a consulting firm in Washington. “He said at one point that he wants oil to be $144 a barrel” — about six times what it sells for now.
Bin Laden didn’t have to become king of Saudi Arabia to achieve his goal; in fact, Bush’s policies delivered it for him. The Bush administration’s catastrophic decision to invade Iraq, sink the nation into debt to pay for that war, and consequently, weaken the dollar have all caused oil prices to soar astronomically. Testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee last May, Anne Korin, the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, reminded Congress about bin Laden’s goal:
[A]bout ten years ago, Osama bin Laden stated that his target price for oil is $144 a barrel and that the American people, who allegedly robbed the Muslim people of their oil, owe each Muslim man, woman, and child $30,000 in back payments. At the time, $144 a barrel seemed farfetched to most. […] I would like to impress upon this Committee that $144 a barrel oil will be perceived as a victory for the Jihadist movement and a reaffirmation that the economic warfare component of its campaign against the West is a resounding success. There is no need to elaborate on the implications of such a victory in terms of loss of U.S. prestige and our ability to prevail in the Long War of the 21st century.
Only if you want to say Obama Biden Laden
Which I don't know where the Laden comes in. I don't see the similarity unless you want to see it. You need to get Osama Bin Laden out of your minds and grasp reality. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are two great men in politics. Osama? He's been out of my mind ever since Benazir Bhutto said she knew who had killed Bin Laden (then she was assissinated).
Bin Laden wanted to bankrupt the US. sm
Supporters of the Bush administration like to say that there have been no terrorist attacks on US soil since the tragedy of September 11, 2001, suggesting that President Bush has kept the country safe from terrorism. What they forget is that Osama Bin Laden clearly outlined his strategy for battling America, not by flying more planes into new buildings, but by driving the US into bankruptcy.
Show me bin Laden and maybe I'll be
a little bit.
Yes. Bush most definitely Osama Bin Laden's
We've Found Bin Laden
Osama bin Laden may be hiding out in one of three walled compounds near the Pakistani border, according to scientists who've used satellites and geographic analysis in an attempt to pinpoint the fugitive terrorist's location.
University of California-Los Angeles researchers used nighttime satellite images and population-detection methods to target what they believe to be the 9/11 mastermind's hiding place - Parachinar, a town mere miles from the southern Pakistani border, according to USA Today.
The researchers took into consideration where bin Laden has been spotted and where he would likely frequent since he went underground in 2001, mapping out potential nearby lairs where the AL Qaeda leader could set up house.
The amount of available electricity and the population density of the areas bin Laden was likely to travel through were also a factor in the study's conclusions.
Geographer Thomas Gillespie, who led the UCLA research team, previously used similar techniques to locate endangered species and criminals. The bin Laden study was born out of a seminar Gillespie was teaching to undergraduates on how to use mapping techniques to solve real-life problems, USA Today reported.
Government officials told USA Today that Gillespie's conclusions could potentially hold weight once they are fleshed out and published in journal form.
"The combination of physical terrain, socio-cultural gravitational factors and the physical characteristic of structures are all important factors in developing an area limitation for terror suspects," John Goolgasian of the federal National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency told USA Today.
President Barack Obama has said on the campaign trail and in office that one of his main priorities in the White House will be to locate the terrorist leader.
"My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him," Obama told Katie Couric in a January interview.
Last week, Obama said that he would begin actions to disable al Qaeda activities in Afghanistan, though he did not have a precise timetable mapped out for action in the region.
"What I know is that I'm not going to allow al Qaeda and bin Laden to operate with impunity attacking the U.S.," Obama said on Feb. 9.
are you obsessed, per chance?
Are you obsessed with gt? This post must have been from a while ago, I don't remember reading it. To actually spend time to find it and repost it, I don't know about that. I guess my point is, do you really think your reposting is changing anything political-wise when it comes to ideology and trying to open other's minds or understand the opposite political spectrum? What is your purpose of reposting something from weeks ago other than to cause disruption and conflict on the board and to actually try to cause hate which, from what I have read, the liberals posting on this board have been doing a good job trying to keep harmony. Can I make a suggestion, let it go.
It probably has no chance of passing sm
and was just a symbolic parting shot, but some of us are grateful anyway. Rallies from coast to coast today are honoring and thanking Cynthia. Wonder what makes you think her party has disowned her.
My favorite clip of Cynthia vs Rumsfeld below:
Snowball's chance
I don't think Ron Paul has a snowball's chance of winning, but I wouldn't vote for him anyway.
There is a good chance....since we get most of our oil from...
foreign countries. However, if you inflate your tires properly, we could be of dependence on foreign oil pretty soon. Good chance your gas came from the same place. You a supporter of terrorism? Not hardly, any more than McCain is. Geez.