Hey, that's the American dream - I'm all for sitting on my butt and making $$$ Hurrah!! Ayers doesn't regret the bombings, doesn't feel like they did enough sm In a story that appeared in the Times on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Ayers told a reporter while promoting his memoir "Fugitive Days": "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough." Mr. Ayers, now a professor of education in Chicago, was a founder of the Weather Underground, which bombed government buildings in the early 1970s. He was indicted on conspiracy charges that were thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct. He served with Mr. Obama on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago, a charitable organization, and, along with his wife, the former Weather Underground member Bernardine Dohrn, hosted Mr. Obama at his home in 1995 when he was running for state office. Mr. Obama has called Mr. Ayers "somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old."...so because it was 40 years ago, and Ayers is still proud of what he did, how is it justifiable for a US presidential candidate to now be friends with this man? Unless he has the same view of America. Let me rephrase that. It doesn't *seem like* my vote doesn't count...sm It does not count because its in the bag that our 3 electoral votes will go to the republican party. I don't like to use that term. to be referred to as that either, but then again if she's referring to herself as a pitbull, then maybe she does.
First or second term I wonder when they will make Obama's birthday a national holiday.
What term would you prefer? I am sure you have nm still doubtful he will win a second term. That he'll only have 1 term.... If 2 terms equals 8 minutes, 1 term equals 4. Late term...(sm) If the infant is able to survive outside the womb, then it would fall on the physician to do whatever possible to save that life (even if that includes refusing to do an abortion), just like any other. I don't think you'll find too many docs who will actually do abortions that late because it's increasingly dangerous for the mother. I think most clinics only go up to about 15 or 16 weeks anyway. I do think that if you are going to have an abortion it should be done in a timely manner anyway for the mother's health. I also believe that if the mother's life is in danger from the pregnancy, a late-term abortion may be necessary. And then there's the money. I wonder how many people have to opt for late-term abortions because it takes them that long to get the money for the abortion. Yet another reason to add in abortion to family planning services. We can't wait until the end of his term as you put it People are underwater every day and more following. Trying to pass a budget before it's necessary is just another way of spending money and has nothing to do to help the economy, especially with the thousands of earmarks in it. The congress and senate are still on the so-called honeymoon and O thinks everything will go smooth for the first 100 days. Well, it's not. It's not better than when Bush was office. The house and senate are still fighting and nothing O says helps. Of course, NP and her threats don't help. Bipartisanship my foot! NP wants to take over and she's doing a very good job of being "acting president."
The term 'fundamentalist' has acquired a negative interpretation. But all it really means is adherence to the fundamentals of any given religion. Militance and intolerance are implied in the term Islamism. These are not just ''fundamentalist Muslims' but a whole step beyond that. He did not start that term FYI! He was quoting what others had nicknamed the man already. You just can't let crazy people be crazy people, can you? Instead you have to pick some conservative leaning person to blame everything on. The man who shot Tiller is to blame for this...no one else. Or how about this....if Tiller had never aborted so many fetuses late term for questionable reasons, other than the mother's health, he never would have been under investigation and he would never have been publically exposed. So whose fault is this really? I personally feel that if Tiller had stayed within the guidelines on this, he never would have made nation wide news in the first place. However, regardless of his actions and whether or not I find them to be disgusting, he still should not have been gunned down. The man who killed him is a crazy wacko. No one told him to do it. He took it upon himself to do it. He is to blame for his actions....not Bill O'Reilly. So how about you stop the spin, stop the blame game, and actually make people take responsibility for their own actions. That is a big problem with our country today. Too many people pointing the finger at others and not enough people admitting their own faults and taking blame for what they have done. Much easier to point the finger and blame someone else. The term *Christian Right* was given our by liberals so, giving us the defination of Christian right is condeming us for the title your group gave us. In 35 years, I have never known of an ectopic going to term. nm ![]() You are still misusing the term Neocon. sm Not that you will stop, but it is irritating. That was in his Illinois senate term... this one was in the US Senate. Yeah, he shows up for the important votes like against the Infant Born Alive Act...twice...and now we find out FOR the bridge to nowhere and AGAINST Katrina victims. Still makes me question his judgments and his priorities. Sorry, that is the way I see it. Christian was actually a derogatory term used to describe the followers of Christ. Christian means "little Christ" because TRUE Christians are supposed to strive to be like Jesus. We are to beware of false prophets and those who go around claiming to be Christians. You will know them by the fruit that they bear. Jesus told the parable of the wheat and the tares. It is hard to discern them by looking at them, but in the end the tares will be cast into the fire. The tares are those who say "I am a Christian" but then go about killing, plundering, etc. You are not a true Christian if you do these things. The wheat are the Christians who strive to be like Christ. Although they fail everyday, they get up and try again. When they sin they ask forgiveness and try their darnest not to do it again. When we mess up we feel conviction and that leads us to ask for forgiveness. No true Christian will go out and sin without guilt or remorse. That is like slapping God in the face. I am a Southern Baptist. Anything taught at our church comes straight from the Bible. We look at all verses IN CONTEXT. My pastor won't even paraphrase! We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. We strive to do everything that is commanded of us by Christ. No, we do not follow OT rules, because when Christ came he brought a new law. When Peter was in Goppa he was told by God that all animals were fit for eating, therefore we are not required to not eat certain foods any longer. We are not required to offer sacrifice anymore since Christ was the ultimate sacrifice. One of the biggest commandments Jesus gave us was The Great Commission - to go and tell the world of what He did and the saving grace of the cross. We are to care for "widows and orphans" and to help those in need. We are to love our neighbor, but we are to use the Word to rebuke and teach GENTLY. If another Christian is out of line, we are to remind them of what Christ told us. We are not to judge the sinner, as we are also sinners. But we are to hate the sin, and we are to worn others of the sins they commit. Why? Because that sin SEPARATES them from God and in the end will cause them to spend eternity in he11. I believe on Judgment Day there will be many people who say "I did not know!" and Christ will say "you heard so many times and refused to believe!" It's amazing at the ease of which people can be saved yet they refuse to accept it. Jesus did all the work for us. All that is required is to accept that He did that and give Him the glory for saving you. If you are a parent with older children, I'm sure you remember a time when your child was a teen and the closeness you had when they were younger seemed to disappear. Hopefully as they got older you again became close. That is what God wants with us. He wants a close, personal relationship with each one of us. But because of our sin that cannot be achieved without accepting Christ. Christ is the tie between us and God. it is a term that Michael Savage came up with. But then he may not be the only one. sm Michael Savage uses the term in talking about people who follow in a group blindly, just like sheep in a flock. He uses it a lot when referring to people who don't think for themselves and just follow the crowd along repeating what the crowd wants them to. And he uses it as a bipartisan term. SOS, justice lifetime term. nm x I'd say at least wait until his term BEGINS. nm x No, necessary evil is just a term used to excuse @2 Does it really matter in the long term.......... sm who is blamed if this goes into effect? It will still negatively impact healthcare for all Americans, but more especially those who are elderly and have multiple comorbid conditions or anyone whom the government deems "terminal." Again, we have an instance of the government taking over an area in which they have no expertise. What's next? Ever heard of the term "full of it" You most certainly are forcing your prayers and viewpoints on us. When my son comes home upset because the "church lady" came to his school and got all of his classmates rounded up to pray and be "saved" and then go out to the church van for cookies and juice, but only after they've "given their life to christ, blah, blah, blah". YES YOU ARE CRAMMING YOUR RELIGIOUS VIEWPOINTS DOWN OUR THROATS. When he said we don't believe in that and all his classmates and friends made fun of him and laughed and the "church lady" not saying anything like "that's not nice to do" or "that's not what Jesus would do". Making fun of children so that they will pray and get juice and cookies just like their friends did, and now showing up at their school to pray regularly. When I called the office of the Principal and asked what was going on he said, "oh that's Mrs. --- from our local church, she comes to pray with the kids who aren't getting it at home. Then told me if he doesn't want to join in he can sit in the classroom while the others are out getting refreshments. When the teachers in the lunch room have all her students stand in a circle holding hands saying a prayer before they eat. When your church lady roams the stores and corners us in the produce section and says to us "do I know you, you both look familiar", and we say no, and she says "have you given your life to christ" and we don't answer and she grabs our hands and says let me pray with you, and then holds on while she prays out loud, and us not wanting to be rude just stand there and look around at the other customers watching us. Then we continue on shopping and we see her heading down the bread isle and she walks up to another couple and says to them "do I know you, you both look familiar to me", and they guy looks like he wants to escape and the girl doesn't want to be rude and there goes the church lady grabbing their hands and praying. Yeah, I would say you are forcing your religion and prayers on us and our children. But you know what. Gay people are not forcing you to have a gay relationship. So what if a homosexual teacher is at the school teaching about the different lifestyles. If you don't agree with it, then talk to your kids and tell them what your viewpoints and feelings are. It's no different than having a black teacher talking about Martin Luther King, or a Hispanic teacher talking about some way of life in Mexico. I'd rather have a homosexual teacher anyday teaching my kids and have them come home and ask questions with me and my husband rather than some church goers coming in to force my children into praying, and telling them they are going to go to he!! if they don't change their ways and join their "club" - a perverted practice in itself. So what if our kids have a day of silence. It is an act to protest the name-calling, bullying and harrassment of lesbian and gay students and their supporters. If your against that I guess you are all for harrassing and calling gays and lesbians names (which reading your posts below I understand you think that is an okay behavior). For Martin Luther King you get a whole day off. For Jesus Christ you get a whole week off. So what if there is a day of silence. There is no double standard. The word God is used in our schools and all over the place. This lie that you can't even mutter the word God in school without getting expelled is complete rubbish. It's just not true. I go to the schools and see the kids praying together on the bleachers, before sports games, in the hallways, ALL the time. Kids in the hallways talking about what they did in church, etc, etc. I can't even go to my quilt guild without the clique of "church goers" talking about church and sunday school and what they learned. Then in the next breath they make snippy and nasty remarks about other people they don't like. One girl left the meeting crying (they said something about they don't think they would like her husband very much to which she replied well good thing your not married to him then because I love him). Then she picked up her stuff and left. Then they looked at each other and said what's her problem. I looked at them and said "Do they teach you in your church and sunday school how to be rude and hurt other's feelings like you just did?" I walked out and haven't been back. You know, a gay teacher is not going to turn your child gay, but the church people coming to our schools to covert and pray with the students, and getting caught in every store I got to telling me if I don't go to their church I'm a sinner and I'm on the path to he!! is totally different. And it's always the haters of gays people that always use that as an excuse "oh you can't utter the word god or you'll be hauled off to prison". Sheesh! I'd say nice try but its just complete and utter lies. Ever heard of the term "full of it" You most certainly are forcing your prayers and viewpoints on us. When my son comes home upset because the "church lady" came to his school and got all of his classmates rounded up to pray and be "saved" and then go out to the church van for cookies and juice, but only after they've "given their life to christ, blah, blah, blah". YES YOU ARE CRAMMING YOUR RELIGIOUS VIEWPOINTS DOWN OUR THROATS. When he said we don't believe in that and all his classmates and friends made fun of him and laughed and the "church lady" not saying anything like "that's not nice to do" or "that's not what Jesus would do". Making fun of children so that they will pray and get juice and cookies just like their friends did, and now showing up at their school to pray regularly. When I called the office of the Principal and asked what was going on he said, "oh that's Mrs. --- from our local church, she comes to pray with the kids who aren't getting it at home. Then told me if he doesn't want to join in he can sit in the classroom while the others are out getting refreshments. When the teachers in the lunch room have all her students stand in a circle holding hands saying a prayer before they eat. When your church lady roams the stores and corners us in the produce section and says to us "do I know you, you both look familiar", and we say no, and she says "have you given your life to christ" and we don't answer and she grabs our hands and says let me pray with you, and then holds on while she prays out loud, and us not wanting to be rude just stand there and look around at the other customers watching us. Then we continue on shopping and we see her heading down the bread isle and she walks up to another couple and says to them "do I know you, you both look familiar to me", and they guy looks like he wants to escape and the girl doesn't want to be rude and there goes the church lady grabbing their hands and praying. Yeah, I would say you are forcing your religion and prayers on us and our children. But you know what. Gay people are not forcing you to have a gay relationship. So what if a homosexual teacher is at the school teaching about the different lifestyles. If you don't agree with it, then talk to your kids and tell them what your viewpoints and feelings are. It's no different than having a black teacher talking about Martin Luther King, or a Hispanic teacher talking about some way of life in Mexico. I'd rather have a homosexual teacher anyday teaching my kids and have them come home and ask questions with me and my husband rather than some church goers coming in to force my children into praying, and telling them they are going to go to he!! if they don't change their ways and join their "club" - a perverted practice in itself. So what if our kids have a day of silence. It is an act to protest the name-calling, bullying and harrassment of lesbian and gay students and their supporters. If your against that I guess you are all for harrassing and calling gays and lesbians names (which reading your posts below I understand you think that is an okay behavior). For Martin Luther King you get a whole day off. For Jesus Christ you get a whole week off. So what if there is a day of silence. There is no double standard. The word God is used in our schools and all over the place. This lie that you can't even mutter the word God in school without getting expelled is complete rubbish. It's just not true. I go to the schools and see the kids praying together on the bleachers, before sports games, in the hallways, ALL the time. Kids in the hallways talking about what they did in church, etc, etc. I can't even go to my quilt guild without the clique of "church goers" talking about church and sunday school and what they learned. Then in the next breath they make snippy and nasty remarks about other people they don't like. One girl left the meeting crying (they said something about they don't think they would like her husband very much to which she replied well good thing your not married to him then because I love him). Then she picked up her stuff and left. Then they looked at each other and said what's her problem. I looked at them and said "Do they teach you in your church and sunday school how to be rude and hurt other's feelings like you just did?" I walked out and haven't been back. You know, a gay teacher is not going to turn your child gay, but the church people coming to our schools to covert and pray with the students, and getting caught in every store I got to telling me if I don't go to their church I'm a sinner and I'm on the path to he!! is totally different. And it's always the haters of gays people that always use that as an excuse "oh you can't utter the word god or you'll be hauled off to prison". Sheesh! I'd say nice try but its just complete and utter lies. My @sscream is right! "Feminist" is a very outdated term. The term *Islamist* was coined There are no moderate Islamists, just as there are no moderate KKK members or moderate Black Panthers. However, there are moderate Muslims. I used the term "lynch" loosely meaning they would be "up in arms." forget one term, wouldn't you like to see him sm impeached and thrown out along with Biden and Pelosi too? 34 major scandals during bush's first term
34 Major Scandals during Bush's first term: Child Rapist Gets 60 Day Jail Term Please contact the governor of Vermont to let him know that his is WRONG. See link below for his contact information. -------------------------- January 7, 2006 Wcax reports:
You have just defined the term unmitigated gall. .... Most on the left misuse the term neocon. sm I think they just like the sound of it, especially the *con* part. maybe if you're black... or the VP...he's not going to live out his term o "income redistribution" is just a fancy term for nm |
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