Well I have a brain and I'm not voting for McCain. That to me is a no brainer.
Posted By: for pete's sake on 2008-08-29
In Reply to: Interesting summation of both sides.... - ms
I guess I could go and pick out all the negatives about John McCain (there are plenty) while putting Obama on a pedestal and parading him around as though he is the second coming of Christ. For pete's sake. Looks like it took no brains to write this one.
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Yes...I'm voting for McCain.
From the beginning, I've always known I would not vote for Obama. His plans will not work. He will destroy small businesses with his taxes causing loss of jobs. His plans of taking from the rich to give to the poor will only enable the low-life scum we have in this country to remain lazy and worthless. His associations with certain individuals and his membership for 20 years to a church designed on black power and the hate of whites........I cannot trust this man to be the commander and chief. I do not agree with his plans for healthcare. I do not agree with his extremist view point on abortion. I do not condone gay marriage. I cannot under good conscience vote for Barack Obama. If we elect Barack Obama to be the president, we will sorely regret it.
So bash me as you will. Obviously, from posts below, this is a support Obama political board and should anyone differ......OMG....you should be thrown off of the board. You all have been sucked into this mainstream media love affair with a man that we cannot trust, a man who doesn't have the experience, and a man who promises change that he cannot bring. The one thing I can agree with Obama is this.....his campaign does give me hope.....it gives me hope that enough people get their heads out of their butts and John McCain wins this election and becomes the next President of the United States of America!!!!
Go McCain & Palin!!!! 
he doesn't condone KILLING BABIES!!!!!!
I take it you are voting for McCain.
I am voting for McCain because........sm
1. I am against the FOCA.
2. I am against gay marriage.
3. I am against taxing the upper income bracket in order to redistribute that money to the lower income bracket.
4. I believe that McCain's 20+ years of service in the government and his leadership abilities and character as demonstrated by his actions as a POW give him more experience than Obama and that Palin's experience as a mayor and governor in Alaska give the Republican party's candidates the experience needed to lead this country.
5. I do not agree that Obama's past associations are what he makes them out to be. I believe that consorting with known marxists and, worse yet, actually seeing out marxist professors to learn at their feet is likely the single most dangerous part of who Obama really is.
There are more, but these are the most important points that make me favor McCain over Obama.
57% obama; still voting for McCain
Some things like abortion, death penalty and guns really aren't as important as my taxes and his spending of my taxes.
I'm an independent, voting for McCain. I have
Voting for McCain too, even if I have little hope of
If us McCain supporters were voting
purely on good looks.......there would definitely be something wrong with us because McCain ain't pretty. LOL! He has yellow teeth, that swollen cheek, and he can't move his arms. So obviously looks have nothing to do with our decision to vote for McCain.
I am voting for John McCain because
he is for smaller government and less government spending. He has more experience with foreign policy. He has been in the military and knows first hand what our troops go through. He won't raise taxes during an economic crisis. He won't tax businesses more which will help them survive and be successful therefore creating more jobs for Americans. He wants alternative energy sources which (once you get the crazy freaks who are environmentalists to shut up) will create even more jobs for Americans and keep money here in the USA instead of giving it to people who want us dead. I also in good conscience cannot vote for Obama because of his beliefs when it comes to abortion and gay marriage. I also believe that when it comes to party politics, John McCain will stand up to his own party if he doesn't see eye to eye with them and I just feel that is something Obama will not do.
This is excluding other feelings I have about Obama, particularly his associations that people refuse to see and acknowledge. One radical association is one thing, but Obama has many and I've always been raised to believe that birds of a feather flock together.
Well I had every intention of voting for Mccain
but when I walked in I all of a sudden saw the light and I couldn't control my hand. It went straight to Obama's name!
LOL Just Kidding. Of course I voted Mccain! I don't like to kill babies! :)
Me too, and this Independent is voting McCain-Palin.
Was before the speech. Nothing changed. What is great about her is that she is everyperson. You can see her as your neighbor, chatting across the breakfast table. Regular people can identify with her. She is not a member of the "Washington cocktail circuit." She has been there, done that. She is a true reformer...thinks that politicians should not have planes, chefs and chaffeurs on the people's dime. I am tired of elitist politics as usual. I think she will have a very positive effect on Washington.
That being said, she is the #2. McCain has it hands down as far as national security is concerned. He won't tax us into oblivion, which will not help the economy, it will just make it worse. You cannot continue to put ALL the tax burden on the people who provide most of the jobs in this country. That makes absolutely no sense.
He has what she lacks; she has what he lacks. Win-win.
Definitely voting McCain-Palin. THAT is the change you can believe in.
And you my dear are one of the top reasons I'm voting for McCain
Backwards thinking is those people like yourselves who won't admit that your candidate has flaws. Truth is he has more flaws than McCain. - you know is it too much to ask to get his name correct. I know people think its cute to put Mc in front of other words, but the guy was a vietnam war hero. He deserves the respect. Otherwise we can go on down that road and start putting names at the end of Obama's name (Ono, Obrother, Oliar, Osocialist, etc. The names could go on and on), but at least the conservatives are respectful of the candidates.
As for his age, then you can say do we realy want someone of Biden's age to be one heartbeat away from being president, after all anything could happen to Obama. (don't go down that road unless your ready for the mud).
Obama is a radical. Sure he wants change - but change for the worse and for everyone else except he and his 1% rich friends. I'm sorry but I don't want to live in a socialist country where our health care is now been socialized. I had it with being in the poor house the last time we had a democrat president. Truth is looking at Obama is more like voting in Bush again. Obama and Bush have agreed on stuff and this bail out plan is one of the biggest. The people who own Obama are the same people that own Bush. The same people that are telling Bush he better fix it because they want their money are the same ones who are running Obama telling him he better vote for it. If your going to link anyone to Bush you should link Obama. McCain has always been in the middle. You can stop spreading the lies that they voted the same cos they didn't. McCain has gone against both dems and pubs.
So irresponsible is voting in a new guy with no experience who is going to raise your taxes, socialize our health care, all while trying to convince us is the patriotic thing to do by having the government steal our hard earned money so they can give to the poor less advantaged individual. So now instead of working 60 hours a week to make ends meet you are going to have to work 80 hours. Cripes, when are you going to sleep? Let alone any relaxation time. Under the Clinton years my tax bracket was over 40% and even that wasn't enough cos at the end of the year I had to take out a loan to pay the extra $2500 that I didn't pay throughout the year. Each year I kept having them take out an extra $40 per paycheck over what was normally taken out and I still got socked with having to pay extra every year.
You want someone who is going to destroy the military so our country will not be safe anymore like Clinton did, then by all means vote in Barack OBush
Glad to hear you are voting for McCain!
I was referring to the fact that Obama supporters cannot accept the truth of his policies, they just want to ignore them and argue. Ignore the message and beat up the messenger. The issue is not about how the OP paid her employees, it is how Obama's economic plan is going to change her business.
Voting McCain, and still a Hillary supporter...nm
I'm voting McCain partly because he is the lesser
of two evils. I am not voting for Obama because I am completely pro-choice and completely against gay marriages. I know people who have had abortions and I know who people who are gay. I hold nothing against them, but I can't with a good consicence vote for someone who believes these 2 major things are okay. I am by no means judging anybody for their choice of lifestyle. I personally just think it's wrong. Also, being of the pentecostal faith, I am happy that Sarah Palin (also of the pentecostal faith) was chosen as his running mate. I'm simply voting with my conscience.
My main reason for voting for McCain because
1. TRUST. Don't trust O.
2. TRUTH. He is more truthful than the O. I didn't hear him waver much from what he has been saying through the whole campaign, while O has changed his mind a few times.
3. AMERICA. He believes in this country and its freedoms. O wants to curb our freedom.
4. "MAVERICK". He does cross party lines and buck the system. O will vote specifically with the dems all the time,,, and I really hate the word Maverick.
5. SAFETY. He will keep us safer. O would rather talk. Talking gets you nowhere with the radicals in the world today. The radicals give their word and the next day will kill.
6. I believe he will TRY to cut government spending. This one is iffy since it depends on who runs the house and senate, but I believe he will try his darndest to get this done.
There are so many more reasons why I chose McC and those include those in the below posts.
Voting for McCain-Palin. Not reading any more hate
Voting for McCain doesn't make you a republican
I couldn't agree with you more!! I'm voting McCain for the same reason. nm
There are other choices. I find Obama and McCain equally offensive, so I am voting for Ralph Nader.
Bob Barr might also be a good choice.
For me, it's a no brainer.
enters into this decision lightly. Unplanned pregnancies are perhaps THE most challenging personal dilemma a young woman can ever face. I would venture to say it is almost NEVER her FIRST choice, so in that respect, abortion is a world of pain which is never negotiated in the same way from one woman to the next. How they view themselves for having made the choice and grieve the loss is something that will haunt them for the most of their adult lives. It is never really far behind them, always in front of them and, at times is carried around 24/7 for days and weeks at a time. Regret...you bet. Self deprecation...of course. Would they like to do it again...never. Would they fight to preserve thier right to choice...probably.
This is a no brainer.
69,456,897 voters gave Obama a nice roomy 7.2% margin of support over McCain and 192-electoral vote clobber. Evidently, they saw something in him that you do not. I am not exactly alone in my opinion that, given the choices we had, he was without a doubt the most qualified of the candidates and had the leadership qualities our country desperately needs and that the voters did not see in McCain, DESPITE his 26 years in office and the GOP's very best Rovian efforts to smear him into the ground.
Yup another no brainer wrote this one too.
I listened to his speech and found it very good. In all fairness I will be listening to McCain's speech with an open mind. I want to hear what he has to say. I'm listening to both sides and taking it all in and then will base my decision.
I get pretty sick of one side making it look like their candidate is the second coming while the other side is whatever. It's all very childish.
A no brainer for the right-wing fringe.
Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still voting for evil. sm
The 2 main choices are horrible. They only offer a continuation of the status quo. Nothing on bringing the troops home (now not 5 years from now), no sound monetary policy, reinstating our civil liberties, etc. Third party candidates have better platforms. People should be voting principles over party, or you deserve whatever you get.
Many repubs voting for Obama in my experience..OR NOT VOTING ..only
only a few stragglers left, like the 26 percent who don't hate Bush.
Most people voting for Obama are voting on emotion...sm
You may be the exception.
All that matters is hope and change. At what cost, my friend, at what cost, will your hope and change come at.
He will try to change the very foundation of this country, the constitution, and our very way of life.
If I wanted that, I'd move back to Russia where some of my ancestors came from.
I can recognize socialism and Marxism, even if half the country cannot.
They only care for hope. And change.
Voting present and not voting, who has
the highest record in DC of simply not voting - McCain. Yes, Obama is up there too but ole' McCain is #1 for no votes.
And one brain..........mn
OMG! ! ! Have you ever been brain-
washed. Or, either you are JTBB posting under still another moniker, which is very likely! These certainly sound like some of her childish name callings. Grow up for heavens sake! You are just another Fox hater because you know cannot stand the fact that they present the truth to people and are not ashamed to do so.
You think you got your brain all by yourself? WOW....
brain study
I read a study where they did brain scans on democrats and republicans and while scanning showed pictures of war. The republican brains lit up on the opposite side than the democrat brains. So, the study surmised that just maybe our brains were built to work differently and that could be why we have a take on things so radically differently. I will try to find the article and post the net address.
If the scarecrow had a brain (sm)
they would be smart enough to know that not everyone being paid an hourly wage less than the minimum wage is EARNING lessing than minimum wage. Or are they so cheap they've never left a tip?
If they had a brain they also would have checked their facts before they posted Al Franken's butt talk.
And if it didn't have a brain, it would be
Bush brain
This is how his mind works: How am I supposed to evacuate New Orleans.
His mind says, I KNOW ROW VERSUS WADE, I believe I heard that somewhere.
What an idiot, what a jerk. He took responsibility for this mess, did not have enough balls to mention Iraq. The saddest thing is he has several extreme right believing him. I have nothing against conservative right, just extreme right. Hey, I am born again. I am not into organized religion, I am just into the teachings of Jesus Christ. I have strong beliefs, but this administration has decided we should all be organized religion. There has to be, has to be, a separation of church and state, that is where this idiot went wrong. Yes, things are different, kids cannot pray in schools or do the pledge of allegiance, but anyone with a mind knows you can pray silently or do anything silently. Prob is they want it crammed down everyones throat. I have enough of a relationship with my God, I can pray anywhere, privately, do not have to do it like a marter with everyone looking on, it loses its power that way.
If you had a brain, you'd have a clue. sm
Unfortunately, you don't have either. And you are dangerous. You put us all at risk. Especially the military you PRETEND to support. And it is a pretense. We all know it. Cowards. You are all cowards.
Yes, the brain is evil.
I don't know what else you could call it. Just the fact that Bush relies on a man with Rove's kind of history says all there is to say about this administration - the addition of the rest of the Nixon-era chickenhawks is icing on that sh**cake. It's creepy beyond belief how some Bush supporters actually applaud that kind of dirty business and call it political saavy. Let's call it what it really is - just plain amoral and reprehensible sociopathic behavior.
Fox is #1 among the BRAIN DEAD
LOL - studies have proven FOX viewers to be significantly LESS informed about current events than ANY of the other networks (though they are all back)...
FOX tells the brain-dead WHAT THEY WANT to hear -
Hey, I think I hear Bill O'LIEly calling you!
Yes I have a heart and a brain
which are 2 things you lack. If you were raped by your father would you have the baby? Take a walk (not a ride) through the homeless or less than privledged areas in your community. Get a grip lady - deal with reality and stop turning away every time you see someone who has alot less than you. It's not murder you jack a-hole!
have a brain. Well, nevermind.. nm
While you're at it, get a brain!
I guess that's why you and you're kind hate Hillary Clinton, because you're JEALOUS of her. What a good argument.
Please grow a brain. Look up what the
I was not alluding to real trains hitting each other, okay?
Taking everything you read literally is the best way I know of to be brainwashed, cheated, fooled, hoodwinked, taken advantage of, screwed, you name it.
What I alluded to is that I don't want MY tax dollars, or anyone ELSE's, bailing out a bunch of crooks who STOLE money from a bunch of people, sold 'em bad loans, etc., and got RICH BEYOND ANYONE'S WILDEST DREAMS by doing so.
Wall Street & Corporate America have turned into one giant con-man's shell-game, and it's about time there was a major shakeout and restructuring. Would it be difficult in the short-run? You bet. (Like it isn't already?) But in the long-run, if the system were reinvented and rebuilt, it might come out a lot better in the end.
Thank you.....nice to know someone has a brain
Do you have a brain and just choose not to use it?
Are you seriously denying that Obama began his political career in the living room of an infamous domestic terrorist?
NObody's that stupid, gourdpainter. Not even you!
Did you brain even process what I just said?...sm
It does not matter if he was born on Mars or in a spaceship, his mother was an American citizen when he was born and was until the day she died. That makes him a natural-born American citizen and eligible to run for president. Do I need to repeat myself again? What is it that you do not understand?
Thank you! That is the problem. Using a brain is
sorry, my little brain got confused by all the
If my grandma, mother, etc died today, I wouldn't say any of those things because I would be with my family grieving the loss. Obviously, Obama doesn't care that much or he'd be there with his family.
Unfortunately, he never had a brain or a conscience
Why do I have this image here of that brain-
A narrow-minded believer in fantasy until the bitter end.
And some of us with a full brain knows this is (sm)
also about Israel.
From another Republican under the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts: http://www.vdare.com/roberts/090508_hate_crime.htm
Since the passage of the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act in 2004, the US Department of State is required to monitor anti-Semitism worldwide. The State Department is not required to monitor anti-Americanism or sentiments against Christians, Muslims or Arabs. Thus, the act created a specially protected class worthy of careful monitoring by the US Department of State of negative sentiments expressed against Jews.
In order to monitor anti-Semitism, the term must be defined. The definition is subjective and will be widely, rather than narrowly, interpreted.
The State Department has come up with its attempt. The State Department’s approach could include any truthful statements about Israel and its behavior toward the Palestinians that the Israeli government or AIPAC or the Anti-Defamation League would deny or contest.
Anti-Semitic speech can be interpreted as inciting hatred. Inciting hatred can be interpreted to be a violent act. “Excessive” criticism of Israel is a subjective, indefinable concept that can be used to determine anti-semitic speech. It is easy to conflate “excessive” with “strong”.
Thus, demands that Israel be held accountable for war crimes committed in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, or elsewhere become acts of the “hate crime” of anti-semitism.
are you o.k? Or did your UTI reach your brain?....nm