Well, I've heard and read he's a pretty rough character
Posted By: Rep on 2005-10-03
In Reply to: President Chavez offered to help America's - Libby
much less a peace prize candidate. In all seriousness, enlighten me as to what he's done to deserve a peace prize? I can only assume it's because of his socialistic practices that seem to now be a pre-requisite for being a peace prize candidate...
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Those who assassinate the character of people they've never met
only succeed in illuminating their own shortcomings.
I won't be responding to you any more. It's pointless. You're not here to debate. You're here to insult.
Have a lovely evening. 
Well I've heard
that Castro wrote a column calling Obama "the most progressive presidential candidate" etc and also I've seen videos and pictures of Obama's campaign office with Che Chavez flags? I mean I know that some of it is republicans twisting words and what not, but I don't think it can ALL be refuted as that.
I've also seen some videos of other leaders endorsing Obama. I'll try to find them. Like I said I know some of them are probably fake, but I doubt all of them are. Sorry I can't name names right off the top of my head, I'll try to take some time to do some research and find exactly which ones have been talked about. I'm not a political whiz so I have to do a lot of research! :-D
What I've heard is
that McCain's first pick was Lieberman, but he was forced by the GOP into the pick of Sarah Palin. I figure right about now he's sitting back and watching them self destruct. Of course, the facts about all of this are not out yet.
Now I've heard it all!!!!! s/m
Does anyone besides me remember the 1960 elections??? Then it was anti-Catholic rhetoric and no one made any bones about it. It was said that JFK was the antichrist, the pope would take over the world, he would be the ruination of this country....come to think of it pretty much like what we have going now except that it ended after the election. I voted for Kennedy and I doubt I'm on my way to hades because of it. I also voted for Obama.
I've heard that also........... sm
I don't understand why Israel is all of a sudden Bush's fault.
The CV joints on my car need replacing. It's a Nissan, but I think I will just blame Bush for it anyway. Would make about as much sense.
I've heard other people say that...
I would only imagine that she's lapping up all the attention as well. I have no faith she can run this country and I never thought he would have picked a woman. Obama/Biden... Looking better and better.
Oh and the pic of his shoes with holes just shows he's a hard worker and does not squander money in my opinion. Also, some workers at my hubs place of employment purposefully wear holey shoes to show they need a raise. If management says something about the holes in the shoes, they answer with when they get a raise; gotta eat first! Maybe Obama really is for the working class!
Not interested, really... we've heard it all before
I've heard of that happening here too
in town. Our house was broken into a few weeks ago. Our food wasn't taken but a fairly good amount of cash which my husband had left on the dresser WAS taken.
I've heard that excuse before.
Who cares how we got here. What we need now are solutions. Iraq ring a bell? It certainly DOES matter how we got here and who was in charge when it happened.
I've never heard JM say "when" - sm
I've heard him say "if". However Obama continues to say in almost as many times as McCain says "My friends"
I'd like links from the people who say he always says "when"
They must've heard it on blogcaca
blogcaca has an amazing number of followers. See "Oh. My. GOD." below.
I've always heard people say...
..."If you don't like living in America, then leave." I guess that option would no longer be open. This all seems to be going on right in front of us. Maybe that's one of the reasons we have U.S. troops stationed in the United States now, to "control" those of us who never agreed, voted or signed on to this "deal."
There might be no escape from the one-world government, but I did come upon one very unique way to leave this earth. 
(To the MOON, Alice!)
This is the most ignorant cr@p I've ever heard
Why aren't you talking about the anchor babies born in the U.S.? How can they be natural born citizens when there parents are illegal? That is a much bigger problem to our economy than Obama's birth certificate. Use your brains...if you have one....Obama is an American citizen, his birth certificate is on the internet and when you're following these idjits that keep this stuff going, your mind isn't on the real problems of this country and that's what these radical groups who keep the ridiculous lawsuits going want you to do.
OMG, I've heard so many stories like this one
from my Canadian friends! I can't understand why anyone who knows how that system works would want to bring it to the US! If this is what we have to look forward to our country is in DEEP trouble!!!
Oh, yeah. We've heard that one
Did they reimburse the expenses for the $300 thousand "photo shoot" that scared the bejezus out of everyone in New York City?
Okay, here's a hint. The answer isn't "yes".
Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
The only time I've heard Obama
talk about religion where it concerns POLICY is with the abortion issue. In the 3rd debate he said he was pro-choice because he felt it was a moral issue, guided by religion, lack of religion, or whatever. To me this means he is (unlike McCain) inclusive of the beliefs of ALL the people, not just some or those who have the same religious beliefs.
Isn't that the most absurd thing you've ever heard?
Now there's the best reason I've heard yet to vote
Waa, I'm Muslim, nobody likes me Waa, I have terrorist associations so nobody will vote for me Waa, I wanna take everyone's money and redistribute it evenly (that's like restarting Monopoly because you're losing)
Then, when I win, we can have a big pity party!!!!
THAT is the most insane statement I've ever heard!
How the heck can a baby born in this country to ILLEGAL parents be a legal citizen. You're fine with that? Makes me wonder if you are an American citizen.
FANTASTIC!! Best news I've heard all day. (nm)
Read his letter. That pretty much proves it.
I've heard no rude or bad words from Gourdie
Only from that nawnau
The best explanation I've heard thus far for economic crisis..(sm)
The Real Deal
So who is to blame? There's plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn't fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn't do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility ... with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here's a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:
- The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
- Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
- Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
- Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
- The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
- Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
- Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
- Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
- The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
- An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
- Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.
The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.
–by Joe Miller and Brooks Jackson
I've heard Chatty Cathy in several places on news.
No original thoughts.
I've heard that natural gas heating costs are expected to TRIPLE this winter!
I have gas heat, and so does my daughter.
Your mother is fortunate to have you and your sisters to help her. Makes me worry about all the elderly people barely scraping by on Social Security who have no family. I guess they and the other poor people are just considered to have no value and are disposable. I guess someday I'll be disposable, as well.
I totally agree with what Putin said. Of ALL the places in the world to force change upon, the Middle East is probably the worst one! Change does have to come from within. Their culture is so different from ours, and I believe we should respect all cultures that are different from ours. Sometimes I wonder who would win an election in Iraq if Saddam was suddenly back on the ballot. When Bush debated Gore in 2000, Bush claimed to be against nation building (though he said Cheney was in favor of it, which leads me to believe that Cheney really IS running the administration, as has often been alleged).
I always watch closely when Putin and Bush have press conferences. Putin should be called Pukin because he's always got this look of disgust on his face, as if he's about to run out of patience with Bush and his idiocy.
I remember when we first began to brag that the Cold War is over. I always thought that was a stupid thing to say, because it's never over till it's over. History will be the judge of that. I often wondered how a country full of people who were accustomed to having their vital needs met by their government as a RIGHT, rather than a privilege, could possibly survive in the dog-eat-dog, sometimes unscrupulous atmosphere of capitalism. As far as I know, Putin isn't all that enamored with capitalism, and I'm just waiting for Russia to once again become communistic or maybe socialistic. I guess time will tell. 
must be rough...
going through life being the only one who knows the facts, huh?
I have heard and read about how he kept safe
Well, 9/11 happened while he WAS president, what about that or is that not considered. The absolute worst event on US soil by us being attacked. Give me a break!
Things are rough here.
I live in central Indiana and factories are closing, people are getting laid off, stores or closing, car dealership are closing. I think the only places that are doing well right now in our area are McDonalds and Wal-Mart. Everyone else is reporting low sales, etc. It is truly scary right now. People are having a hard time finding jobs.
This is by far the best post I've ever read
And it's 100% true, too.
I've read too much about this package
and it will not help the people that need help. It doesn't provide help to the regular "joe's" out there that need help. It is all about the greed again. Most of it will only help regular "joe's" by the year 2011, not now. By that time, we will either be down the tubes or everything will have corrected itself on its own.
I don't think government should meddle in ways to try to turn the economy around. It only mkes it worse. Look at all the handouts in the first stimulus package. Did the regular "joe's" get any help out of it? Nope. It will be the same with this one. Did you see Glen Beck's breakdown on the package posted below? If not, I suggest you look at it or else I can post it here.
It goes to show that the democrats don't give a darn about us, just their agenda even though 11 democrats voted against it. That has to say something. Evidently, the democrats (and I don't mean this harshly) didn't get enough calls from their constiuents to knock this package into oblivion. They were in a hurry to pass it? Why? Not because it would help us, but because they wanted it passed before anyone really got a chance to see what it entailed.
Sorry, but I disagree with you whole heartedly. This will not help. It will only hurt. This will take our dollars down to zero and the next thing you know, we will be taking wheelbarrows of money to the store to buy a loaf of bread if you can even find it in the stores.
We're in for a rough ride
either way. I agree the Democrat congress has done no more than the Republican congress before it. Therefore, I don't see how anyone can expect anything different after the coming election. We need change and a good place to start would be term limits on Congress. The first one I would vote (and I'm not in his district) is the good Senator Edward Kennedy. As a matter-of-fact.....I may be tarred and feathered but I personally believe that a lot of the ills in our present government started with the JFK administration and I voted for him.
That's probably the most ignorant post I've read in a while
Please consider re-reading your post and see if you truly think you have done *any* real research.
Example: Giving our money to countries (who hate us anyway)? Please give that a rest. We "give away" a pittance to countries who need it while often RAPING their resources (Africa being a great example). And we ship BILLIONS to Israel - why do they need to be subsidized by the US? THINK about it before you answer.
As a matter of fact THINK about a lot of your comments - like the ridiculous notion that we would ROB the rich to pay the poor. You clearly don't get Obama's message of empathy my friend - but more importantly your comments about this and welfare are just not FACTUAL.
When I read posts like this I am more sad than I am when I look at the current crop of corrupt politicians who want us to vote them into the whiteouse in November.
Example: Obama says he wans to stop nuclear proliferation! WHAT A JOKE. OUR #1 EXPORT is weapons of mass destruction.
How do you stop proliferation when you are the world's biggest supplier?
Best description of the Samunist I've read yet.
This post is truly one of the most digusting I've read
And there have been lots of them. "John McCain has broken up a lot of marriage?" Oh please, show me the proof. Give me the names of the marriages he broke up.
Once again another lame attempt at the liberals trying to paint an untrue picture of reality.
And can you be any more disgusting in your "glee filled" description. Anyone can make up anything and make one side look worse than the other, and that's what this looks like. Although I do have to say it's a poor attempt.
I know you think Obama is the second coming of Christ, but please don't spread your malicious rumors and lies. Is it not enough you don't like McCain and don't want him to win, that's fine and that's your perogative, but to put up an absolute piece of trash post like this shows just how low and disgusting the dems will go.
As for checking out someones butt???? You are truly a piece of work. A lot of times I will be in line and looking down towards someone's butt but it doesn't mean "I'm checking them out".
As for this post - what goes around comes around.
I've listened, watched and read
about as much as anyone and I believe the 95% applies to people who PAY taxes. Common sense.......how can you give someone a reduction in taxes who doesn't pay taxes. Nonsense.
That's the most sensible thing I've read on this board
in a looooong time. Why should somebody who works hard (or inherits) for their money have to pay more taxes than someone who makes (or inherits) less money. Everybody paying the same - that is equality.
First time I've read that quote...scary (nm)
Thank you - the wisest thing I've read yet today
I keep posting there are bad and good on both sides. Neither side is perfect. There are a lot of democrats I agree with and I think they are right on (Kucinich, Richardson, and others in the senate). Actually there are more democrats I agree with than I would rather admit to. HA HA, but there are some I absolutely do not agree with (Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and others). On the other side there are some republicans I agree with (Ron Paul and others, can't think of any others right now just cos I'm so tired) and those that I think really stink (Bush at the top of them), but unless we get on this board praising Obama and every single democrat and cut down and destroy every republican, we will get bashed over and over. I have said many times there are good and bad on both sides and if people are going to follow the group think and not think for themselves, well that's when they lose a part of their sense. My mom is a great one. I don't know how many arguments I will have with her. She hates Bush so much with such a vengence she has come right out and said what she want to happen. "He's a liar, he's this, I don't have any money because of Bush, etc, etc. But the minute I say to her If you want to talk about liars lets hit on Clinton, or lets talk about what Obama said. Ohhhh no, can't do that. I was also told by her "If you know what is good for you, you'll stop saying those bad things about him". I asked her what exactly does that mean and she said I just better watch it. Then I said to her, well how can you say what you say about Bush but I tell you I disagree about something Obama said and your ready to report me to the authorities. Funny how someone mysteriously happened to be knocking on her door at that moment and she had to leave (btw, I didn't hear anything in the background and her phone is in the halway near her front door). So unless people will admit when they are wrong there will always be arguments.
Read this closely. You've confused me with other posters.
And you jump on me like I'm the other poster(s) that you were railing about.
Geez, at least try to address the correct poster when you go on your rants.
It's very unbecoming.
Either you can't read, or you've just proved her point. Nice going.
Now THAT's the smartest thing I've read in a long time! nm
East Ohio Gas has been using natural gas to fuel their utility trucks for years - why hasn't that caught on? Makes ya wonder..............
What does it say about a man's character when he...
stiffs folks on campaign bills when he steps out of the race?
FW: Joe Biden (You WON'T see THIS "reported"....ANYWHERE!!!)
I feel an obligation to honesty and truth to share with you some facts. My Father and Mother instilled in me the values and morals of treating people fairly and always being honest. If you purchase something, you pay for it. If you borrow something, you give it back.
I have been "stiffed" three times in my 30 year professional career by someone who I rendered services to, gave a finished product to, but who refused to pay for those services even though they acknowledged the services and products were correct, were what they asked for, and were never challenged for not being correct. I am lucky in having only three, but those three hurt badly.
Joe Biden was one of those people. I worked on his 1988 Presidential campaign financial disclosure engagement. I busted it for him and got everything right. He stiffed me for over $15,000 worth of work. He refused to pay once he dropped out of the race. I did similar Capitol Hill campaign financial disclosure work for Bob Dole, Pat Buchanan, and a Democratic candidate for Ambassador to New Zealand. All of those folks paid even though they lost the election or did not get the appointment. That type of work is very demanding and very tedious because your efforts are scrutinized by Congress. Biden did not care.
I am on the Board of Directors of a company that owns a majority position in a private jet management company in Northern Virginia. They manage jets for businesses and rich folks. They also charter planes to the public. This past winter John Thompson chartered over $250,000 worth of air time. He paid every penny.
Joe Biden, in his latest unsuccessful run for President, chartered over $150,000 worth of air time. He PAID ZERO. He continues to refuse to pay stating his race is over and he is out of money. He never once complained about his flights. Joe Biden is a rich man. He could pay.
Joe Biden is a liar and a cheat. I know it first hand. Character is what life is all about. Joe Biden is a man of bad character and sets a bad example for America.
I feel compelled to share this dark side of a man who asks for your vote and trust.
Best Regards,
Bruce D. Riddle, CPA, CFP BDR Associates, LLC
This email went out 9-2. Biden has now paid the bill. Well go figure...LOL.
Unless there is a new candidate, I see no character in any of the candidates. The only one who gets any real sympathy from me is Joe Biden; how horrible it must have been to lose a wife and a child in a terrible accident.
As for McCain, by his own admission, he was not faithful in marriage, yet we expect him to be faithful to those of us who are small time people that he doesn't even know? I think not.
Yes, I read what McCain's ex-wife had to say about him. I greatly admire and respect her for not bad-mouthing the father of her children. I think many women would do well to follow her example. But can anyone tell me with a straight face that the ex-wife, scorned and pubically at that, can remain a great fan of the ex-husband for any reason than out of love and respect for her children or perhaps for money? No? I didn't think so.
Everyone thankfully is free to vote for whomever they wish. I will not vote for a rat that ran out on his disabled wife. Whether he did it for Cindy's youth and beauty or for her money, I don't know, but it surely advanced his political aspirations. What I do know is that I would not like to see such an immoral man in the White House. Is Obama any better? I don't know. His administration might be worse than McCain's but I'll take a chance on him by voting, not FOR him but AGAINST John McCain.
Honestly I think McCain has less character than Obama but then I respect your opinion.
At least she has character.........unlike some
character is not an "issue" to them. Well, it is
One word: Character....nm
What does it say about a candidate's character
1. Dumps his crippled wife and mother of his children to have affair with wealthy heiress, then turns around to apply for marriage license before his divorce is final.
2. Calls his wife C-word.
3. While speaking at a biker's rally, volunteers his wife as a contestant in the "Miss Buffalo Chips" topless modeling contest, including it's legendary banana competition.
4. Tries to blame his wife for the Keating 5 scandal when it becomes public.
5. Screams at and thoroughly humiliates a young pub volunteer who set up his podium at a rally.
6. Jokes about ape rape and killing off Iranians with cigarettes and "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb."
7. Describes Arizona's elderly as "seizure world."
8. Throws temper tantrums, punctuated with the casual use of the F-word.
9. Calls fellow senators Aholes and sh-heads.
10. Ignites a culture war to get elected.
11. Questions the patriotism of his opponent and fails to renounce his supporters who question his faith, endlessly insinuate he lies about it and portray his wife as a militant with hidden agendas to stage a socialist/Black Power takeover of the country.
12. Embraces endorsement from a pastor who disparages Catholics, women, African Americans, Muslims and LGBT Americans, believes that Hurricane Katrina was punishment from God because "New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God and they were recipients of the judgment of God," announced a "slave sale" at the church to raise funds and believes that "the coming nuclear showdown with Iran is a certainty,"
13. Overlooks the Bush-Rove campaign strategy of unleashing a landslide of racist attacks on him, including calling his own daughter an illegitimate half-black love child, turns around in 2004 to campaign for W's second term, throughout it all supported 9 out of 10 of his disastrous policies that has brought the nation to it knees and then embraces Rove as senior campaign adviser in 2008.
14. Stood silently by while fellow war hero/veteran John Kerry was swift-boated without mercy.
Before any rebuttal ensues that would seek to deny, dodge and deflect, keep in mind that character assassination has been a benchmark of JM's campaign and of his supporters, so no whining allowed. Finally, this is legitimate inquiry, given that 90% is striving so diligently not to be 90% and has hawked character as his main qualification for presidential leadership.
Simple ? What does it say about a man's character when he
1. Dumps his crippled wife and mother of his children to have affair with wealthy heiress, then turns around to apply for marriage license before his divorce is final.
2. Calls his wife C-word.
3. While speaking at a biker's rally, volunteers his wife as a contestant in the "Miss Buffalo Chips" topless modeling contest, including it's legendary banana competition.
4. Tries to blame his wife for the Keating 5 scandal when it becomes public.
5. Screams at and thoroughly humiliates a young pub volunteer who set up his podium at a rally.
6. Jokes about ape rape and killing off Iranians with cigarettes and "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb."
7. Describes Arizona's elderly as "seizure world."
8. Throws temper tantrums, punctuated with the casual use of the F-word.
9. Calls fellow senators Aholes and sh-heads.
10. Ignites a culture war to get elected.
11. Questions the patriotism of his opponent and fails to renounce his supporters who question his faith, endlessly insinuate he lies about it and portray his wife as a militant with hidden agendas to stage a socialist/Black Power takeover of the country.
12. Embraces endorsement from a pastor who disparages Catholics, women, African Americans, Muslims and LGBT Americans, believes that Hurricane Katrina was punishment from God because "New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God and they were recipients of the judgment of God," announced a "slave sale" at the church to raise funds and believes that "the coming nuclear showdown with Iran is a certainty,"
13. Overlooks the Bush-Rove campaign strategy of unleashing a landslide of racist attacks on him, including calling his own daughter an illegitimate half-black love child, turns around in 2004 to campaign for W's second term, throughout it all supported 9 out of 10 of his disastrous policies that has brought the nation to it knees and then embraces Rove as senior campaign adviser in 2008.
14. Stood silently by while fellow war hero/veteran John Kerry was swift-boated without mercy.
Before any rebuttal ensues that would seek to deny, dodge and deflect, keep in mind that character assassination has been a benchmark of JM's campaign and of his supporters, so no whining allowed. Finally, this is legitimate inquiry, given that 90% is striving so diligently not to be 90% and has hawked character as his main qualification for presidential leadership.
character issue
McSame was unfairly attacked by Bush machine when they ran in primaries together. Bush people insinuated he had a black child out of wedlock. They even claimed he was mentally unstable due to his time as a POW. McSame was deeply wounded by the attacks. But now he is willing to use same diversion techniques against Obama. That, my friends, speaks of the character of the man.