I'm sorry, that is a separation I cannot make. My faith and religious convictions are part of the whole person that I am. I vote my conscience. I want political leaders who reflect my morality. I also happen to believe there are many Christians out there like me. There is no "separation" of church and state for me, which by the way was a concept (nowhere specifically mentioned in the constitution) meant to protect the church from the government more so than the government from the church.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that commercial. There are condom commercials, "personal" lubricant commercials, and penis and sexual performance enhancing commercials -- why would anyone be offended by a pro-life commercial? The fact that anyone would be offended is a testament to just how twisted society has become!
They call it worst security glitch to date in state's voting machines and a 'big deal'
By Stephanie Desmon Sun reporter
May 12, 2006
Computer security experts say they have found the worst security flaw yet in the oft-criticized touch-screen machines that Maryland voters will use in this year's elections, leaving one computer scientist to warn that the state should have stacks of paper ballots on hand in case of a complete Election Day breakdown.
The machines, made by Diebold Elections Systems, are much, much easier to attack than anything we've previously said, said Avi Rubin, a Johns Hopkins University computer science professor who first cast doubt on the reliability of the technology in a 2003 report.
On a scale of one to 10, if the problems we found before were a six, this is a 10. It's a totally different ballgame, he said.
The new problem is being described as an intentional hole left in the system to allow elections workers to update voting software easily. Instead of using pass codes or other security protocols, anyone with access to a voting machine could install new software that could easily disable a precinct full of machines, Rubin said.
Diebold officials say they are aware of the situation and, although they say any problem can be avoided by keeping a close watch on voting machines, they are developing a permanent fix.
Still, said company spokesman David K. Bear, it's one more what-if scenario. ... It's becoming somewhat ridiculous.
Maryland elections officials said they have known about the latest concerns for two weeks and will have an independent security consultant look into them next week to ensure that the state's Diebold machines are safe.
We are taking steps, said state elections administrator Linda H. Lamone. She said she is confident that the problem will have little effect in Maryland because of strict rules about who is permitted to handle voting machines in the state. Everyone that has access to them has to undergo a criminal background check, she said.
Before the Diebold machines were distributed statewide about two years ago, questions arose about whether hackers might be able to get into the automated-teller-like computers and alter their software, allowing multiple votes, vote-switching and other problems.
Computer experts, including Rubin, said security measures were insufficient and poorly designed. Activists pushed to add a paper ballot component to the machines in case a recount was needed.
Still, the state moved forward and nearly every voter in Maryland used a touch-screen machine in the 2004 presidential election. There were few complaints or problems.
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. called on the state this year to abandon its touch-screen machines, saying he had no confidence in the technology, in part because lawmakers adopted other voting changes such as early voting.
He put money into his budget to pay for optical scan machines, which were used in the state for years before 2004. The General Assembly did not approve a voting machine switch during this year's session, which ended last month.
Rubin said he fears that the latest security problem could be serious enough to cause an Election Day meltdown that could put precincts of machines out of action. He recommends that counties have a pen-and-paper alternative on hand as insurance.
Joseph M. Getty, the governor's legislative and policy director, called the newly disclosed security flaw not really a new problem.
It's the same problem of vulnerability to outsiders, he said.
Getty said the latest Diebold problem bolsters the administration's case against early voting, which was approved by the legislature last year. He said any security risk can be minimized in one day of voting but is multiplied when machines are in public use for six days.
Michael Shamos, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a Pennsylvania voting machine examiner, pushed his state, which will have a primary election next week, to lay out strict new rules for installing software and sealing machines for safety.
It's a big deal. It's a very big deal, Shamos said. The good part is it's very easy to fix. You have to repair it. You can't just do nothing. ... It's not just like leaving the key to your door under the mat. It's like leaving the key dangling from a string from the door.
The temporary fix, Shamos said, involves reinstalling the proper software just before the election, preferably in a public setting, then locking the machines to keep them from being tampered with before voting begins.
In 2004, Shamos testified on behalf of the state of Maryland in a suit filed by a citizens group asking a court to compel the state to address possible security problems and give voters the option of using paper ballots instead of the new machines. The state won.
If I had known about this problem then, I wouldn't have had good things to say, he said.
The latest security hole was discovered by Finnish computer scientist Harri Hursti, who was doing work in Utah for Black Box Voting Inc., a nonprofit group that has focused on computerized voting.
Most computer scientists don't want to disclose too many details about the problem because they fear that would provide hackers with the tools needed to cause havoc during an election. They waited many weeks before making their findings public.
We were worried the threat was so serious that if the details were to get out, someone could actually do it, Rubin said.
Asked whether former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 52 percent said he was not, but 43 percent said they believe he was. The White House has denied Hussein's 9/11 involvement -- most recently in a news conference August 21, when President Bush said Hussein had nothing to do with the attacks.
FWIW, I don't believe I have ever mentioned the LA Times before this prior post as I really do believe that a journalist has the right to not divulge their source. HOWEVER, I do not believe that any politician has the right to squelch potentially incriminating evidence from the public. This, in my opinion, is government getting bigger by the minute.
You are supposed to be an MT
and supposed to know how to spell
So, exactly how is anyone supposed...(sm)
to distinguish you in particular as not being a pub when you use no moniker?
pay for all the spending his administration is doing? I hope this is the final nail in his coffin so to speak. Remember when Bush #1 said read my lips...no new taxes and he went back on the promise and wasn't re-elected. Well....let us hope that the 95% of Americans that he professed to not have ANY kind of taxes raised on them will get p!ssed and we can say goodbye to Mr. Obama in 2012.
Obama outlines the mission to his military leaders, relies upon their input, and, if in his judgment the plan sounds good, he says "okay."
During the last eight years, Bush (who had his "mission" in mind long before 9/11 happened) insisted on invading and occupying Iraq, and every single military leader that advised AGAINST Bush's plan was fired by Bush, right down to Rumsfeld at the very end. This is NOT how it's supposed to be. The Bush way was the wrong way, which is one of the reasons people were (still are) so upset with him.
to help us. So when does it start? Where has all that money gone? So far I've seen nothing but our government take control of more and more things and want to institute more government programs to tell us what we can do with our money. That is what YOU don't seem to get. As for the GOP....they are crooks just like the crats. None of them care unless they are in power and that is all either party wants and that is something that amazingly both pubs and crats don't see because they are too blinded by their party lines.
And for the last time....I understand that this didn't just happen during Obama's watch. In fact, a lot of this crap started way back in ole Bill's administration but all you seem to remember is everything is Bush's fault. I admit....he had both greedy hands in the cookie jar but if you are going to hold him accountable, you need to look at so many other politicians than just him because a lot of them had their grubby little hands in the cookie jar of greed.
You have people like Barney Frank who made money off of Freddie and Fannie and him telling us that they were completely sound right before they took a huge nose dive. Then we have Dodd who got money from AIG, got sweetheart loans through them and slipped in the bonuses for AIG for congress to pass. You have Clinton who pushed for high-risk loans, etc. There are just so many people who you can point the fingers at here.
As for these bailouts and pork bills that are supposed to help us, how in the dickens are we supposed to pay off this deficit? The only way is to raise taxes and you can't just do it on the rich because even they can't afford it all. Obama will raise everyone's taxes....mark my words. He may want to help others by healthcare, but he is going to cause many more to go under when he gets cap n trade passed like he wants to. That will hurt so many people.
I'm tired of Obama going to every country and apologizing. What the heck do we have to apologize to the French for? It if wasn't for us, they'd be speaking German right now. I mean.....come on.
As for the liberals outnumbering the conservatives.......I highly doubt that considering that Fox News ratings are way higher than any liberal media's ratings are.
There's a huge difference between a demonstration and the real thing. Hannity goes in knowing he won't be killed and that the situation is controlled. However, prisoners of a foreign country who do not speak our language and are already scared don't have that luxury.
So let me guess....After Hannity does this, he'll turn around and say there can't be anything wrong with it because I'm okay. What a moron.
of the troops? And his love affair with war is the entire reason they need to be recruited in the first place.
Too bad you think it's just fine and dandy to recruit handicapped people. Speaks volume about the kind of person you. The despicable kind that doesn't deserve any further response from me.
Now hurry along and don't forget to kiss King George's ring as you kneel at his feet, worshipping a false god. What a fool.
The media are supposed to be acting as sm
civil and political watchdogs, not government censors and apologists.
AAMT was supposed to be our voice
in Washington. I finally dropped my membership in disgust at their lack of action. All I saw them do was puff themselves up, making up all sorts of education and standards wish lists that have never been applied to the field which certainly would have helped keep work on shore and our wages more in line with our knowledge and services to the medical community.
Is that supposed to be scarey? We're already there.
Shhhh! That's supposed to be a secret.
Do you know how much it costs, in today's economy, to snooker one billion people?
Their messiah hasn't spent all those millions and millions of dollars on advertising for nothing.
If they know he's a blowhard fluke with a goose egg for experience, how will he win the election?
"The media's worried about whether I've paid my taxes, they're worried about any number of silly things that have nothing to do with America," Wurzelbacher told the former Republican presidential hopeful on his show, "Huckabee."
This is what is so funny. In Joe's eyes "taxes" are silly things. So, you see he's not worried at all about his taxes being raised IF he were to purchase a company. He thinks taxes are silly and have nothing to do with America. So, you don't think we're footing this Joe the Plumber's bill already????? He can't even pay his own taxes. How will he ever purchase a company worth more than $250,000.00 with an "outstanding" bill?
When you do a post (not a quick reply) it will give you some smileys at the bottom that you can drag into your post, but if your not careful you can accidentally delete or add a letter into the javascript and it will just put a bunch of crud in there! (Like I did!)
How many Hamas do you supposed they killed
when they bombed the women's dormitory at the University? Explain to me what threat the five Ba'lousheh sisters, ages 17, 14, 8, 4 and 2 and residents of Jabalya refugee camp, posed to Israel? All five were buried today. It is not enough for Israel cripple and starve the refugees with its ongoing strangling blockade of food, supplies and medicine and turn Gaza and he West Bank into one huge armed prison camp. These blood thirsty barbarians will not rest until they have satisfied their appetites with their latest fix of Arab slaughter. After all, it's already been 2 long years since Lebanon....way too long for the more ravenous among them to endure.
Reporters are supposed to ask those questions....
OUR government is supposed to be transparent....the citizens are supposed to run the government, not the other way around....but our society has gotten so far away from knowing what freedom actually feels like and GOd knows they aren't taught true patriotism through history in school, so most citizens don't realze they have every say in what their government does and says, and the reports have every right to ask those questions. If Obama thinks they are irritating, then he is in the wrong position to begin with; answering those questions is his job. He is supposed to be working for us, as so many have forgotten. Of course, Obama is a dictator and has already shown he doesn't want the press around, unless he hand picks them, he doesn't want talk radio around, unless they are Obama lovers, etc.
Either way, Obama was supposed to be CHANGE
Here is what full lips are supposed to look like:
I hope this works - I have never posted a picture before. This is my daughter right after she had her braces off. She has the most beautiful full lips. She got them from my mother. Notice they are not puffy!
of an angry mob, but I was unable to view it, but I get it!! That's hilarious. But I will say the comment about "first they laughed and then they died" will haunt my nightmares -- not so funny.
JTBB, I have to admire your tenacity dealing with these people. Tell me, what is it like being a pariah? I know this won't jive with your atheist beliefs, but you know that Jesus was the most famous pariah, so your're in good company!! LOL
but unfortunately many see it as a temporary situation. Some people honestly cannot help their marriages dissolve, however, even if you throw the religion aspect out of it homosexuality doesn't even make sense in Darwin's theory. Homosexuals would naturally die out, because they aren't procreating.
I've not had children either, but just because I haven't and you haven't doesn't make a case for homosexual marriages.
The way I understand it, he was supposed to tape letterman....
to tape letterman at a certain time, and letterman's people wanted to change it. The time they wanted to change it to was when he was taping with Couric. He can't be two places at one time. Letterman should be happy...he still got to skewer him, this time to his back and not to his face, but he still got to skewer him. It's not like Letterman is not in the tank for Obama...lol
He is not supposed to attend since he's only the President-elect.
This summit is for leaders of the country, not leaders that will be.
Your supposed "friend" who is a lawyer is a farce. nm
I does not matter what Indonesian law says. US law says that NO ONE can involuntarily take away ANY American's citizenship without their consent which can only be given at the age of majority, 21. Tell that to your friend.
On the reverse side, if a couple legally adopts a child from China, at the age of 21 they may decide whether they want to be an American citizen or a Chinese citizen.
Another example is if a pregnant woman from another country gives birth in the US, that child is automatically an American citizen and remains so until 21 when they can legally decide for themselves what country they want to be a citizen of. Get it? David Rees is a satirist. This is supposed to