Washington -- House Republicans, after weeks of negotiations, narrowly passed a budget bill early Friday to cut $50 billion from Medicaid, food stamps, student loans and other programs over the complaints of Democrats that Congress is squeezing students, the elderly and the poor to pay for tax cuts for the rich. The House approved the bill 217-215, after GOP leaders agreed to demands from moderate Republicans to jettison a measure to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and to slightly reduce proposed cuts to food stamps. Still, the vote was so politically sensitive that House leaders didn't begin debate until 10 p.m. Thursday and didn't pass the measure until nearly 2 a.m. -- when most news reporters gone and only a few C-SPAN junkies could witness the fiery floor action. No Democrats voted for the bill, and 14 Republicans opposed it. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco said in a floor speech that cutting money for Medicaid, child support enforcement and foster care as the House prepares to vote on $70 billion in tax cuts was a sin. Republicans are launching an attack on America's children, on America's families, Pelosi said. They are also launching an attack on America's middle class, all of this to give tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country. But House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., responded that the proposed cuts were needed to rein in the growth of federal spending on health care and other programs. Medicaid is growing at a 7.3 percent growth rate per year, Hastert said. It has been growing for years. Is there a better way to do it? Is there a more efficient way to do it? Should we find some reforms to make it better? Yes, we should. The House bill also would split the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, a goal of conservatives who have long complained the court is too liberal. But the breakup of the appellate court, which covers the country's Western region including federal cases that arise in California, is not part of the Senate budget bill. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are seeking to strip it from the final package. The battle over the budget reconciliation bill now moves to a joint House-Senate conference committee, where lawmakers will have to make several critical decisions, including: -- Will the final budget bill allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? The Senate version would allow drilling, but a group of House Republican moderates has pledged to oppose any final bill that would open the Alaskan wildlife refuge for development. -- How deeply will lawmakers cut student loans? The House bill would cut student loan programs by $14.3 billion, while the Senate version cuts them by $8.8 billion. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the House bill would cause a typical college student with the average of $17,000 in student loans to pay an additional $5,800 in interest and fees over the length of the loans. -- Will some legal immigrants lose their food stamps? The House bill would cut off 220,000 people from food stamps by allowing legal immigrants to qualify for the food aid after seven years, instead of the current five years. The Senate bill does not cut food stamps, and moderate lawmakers are urging that it be dropped from the final budget package. -- How will the cuts affect Medicaid recipients? The House bill calls for $11.4 billion in cuts to Medicaid, while the Senate bill trims spending by only $4.3 billion. The House bill also would allow co-payments to rise over time with inflation and would deny Medicaid nursing home benefits to people with $750,000 in home equity. -- Will child support enforcement be cut? The House bill would slash funding for child support enforcement by $4.9 billion. The Senate did not include any cuts to child support enforcement. -- Will Medicare be cut? The Senate voted to eliminate $5.4 billion in subsidies for some regional insurance companies that agreed to participate in President Bush's Medicare prescription drug program. The House bill does not cut the subsidies. Congress watchers expect that lawmakers are likely to split the difference between the House's $50 billion in cuts over five years and the Senate's $35 billion in trims. But the negotiations will be difficult for GOP leaders. Conservatives, especially in the House, have been pushing for deeper cuts. Republican moderates plan to lobby to restore funding for some programs. House Republicans argue the heated rhetoric over the budget bill's effects is overblown because many cuts are simply limiting the growth rate of certain federal programs. For example, the proposed cuts to Medicaid would lower the annual growth rate in spending on the program from 7.3 percent to 7 percent. But Democrats complained the cuts hit the wrong targets, including students struggling to pay for college. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill would increase costs to students and families by $8 billion, including nearly $5.5 billion in costs when students consolidate loans. You're hurting the students of this nation, Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, told Republicans in an angry floor speech. You're putting their families in debt. You're piling on the interest rates. You ought to be ashamed of it. E-mail Zachary Coile at zcoile@sfchronicle.com. She said ACORN bullied banks into giving the loans.... she just said Obama was associated with them. ACORN did bully banks, and Obama WAS associated with them, through Project Vote. He trained the ACORN folks how to get out and get people registered, hired them to work on his senate campaign, and ACORN endorsed him. And they are under investigation for voter fraud in ALL the swing states. Admitted in Ohio today: yes, there will be fraud, its not our fault, we can't check every registration. Sounds like "He was just a guy in the neighborhood" excuse. Looks like he taught them well. This guy is so dirty. Dont talk to me about Debt. Dems wanted loans for nm GMAC Resumes Sub-Prime Loans In Order To Sell Cars So, let's see. I know that I have been known to lapse into a coma from time to time, but haven't we been here before - making subprime loans in order to stimulate sales and to hell with what happens next? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please, but I'm having such a strange sense of deja vu here. Probably won't ever happen though. But,what will probably happen.. is that she will get elected anyway, and to many's surprise be one of the most effective president's yet. What I like about her is that she is energetic, is a workaholic, very very smart, has political clout, and even since her high school and college days has always tried looking out for the underprivileged. Obama has too always looked out for the underprivileged. That could happen On another topic, Alan Colmes is not a right-winger, and he said for all the world to hear that Sarah Palin caused her infant to have Down Syndrome due to poor prenatal care. The only "prenatal" care that would have stopped the Down Syndrome is to ether not get pregnant or have an abortion. This is an example of nothing but ignorance and it is fostered by Alan and repeated by the blogs. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was a nice guy that has passion for his political views, but I'll have to hear an apology from him for that statement before I'll again think of him as anything other than a moonbat. That tends to happen when there's... sm Nothing a person CAN say. My question is, why do you and your buddies (sam, Chele, etc.) feel the need to post something nearly EVERY SINGLE TIME a post shows up (like this one you just responded to, for example) that you don't agree with? Your response was basically, well, no response. Sort of a "No comment." Why do you feel the need to do that? What is the point? Are you that insecure in your views that you have to try to do something, anything to negate every opposing opinion? Because it sure seems that way to me. You guys are still constantly crying about being picked on by all the "liberals" (aka anyone who doesn't agree with you) on this board. How funny, because - news flash - you've chased most of them away! LOL This board has become like watching the Jerry Springer show. I feel like I lose IQ points just scanning over it. Aside from the occasional interesting link, there is very little of value here anymore. And that is exactly what can happen if enough American people wake up and stop using their head just for a hat rack!!! Here's to the revolution I believe is coming. It won't happen........ Do you see the FBI jumping in to investigate? What are they waiting on? We have an election in a few days? Do you see any democrats calling for an FBI investigation into any of this? No!!! Why? I'm not sure if it would ever happen People do not want to see the wrong in their candidate. I think a lot of people are so angry they want to blame the other side whether it is their fault or not. There is a lot to be angry about. We as Americans have the right to be asking questions. Blame needs to be accepted on both sides. What I see in Washington right now is if there are good issues they are voted against solely because someone from the other party came up with the idea. Both sides are at fault and I believe both dems and republicans are both to blame. But until we can stand back and say "I was wrong" nothing will get accomplished. I say fire every single person in congress no matter what side they are on and lets start over. If it were to happen... ...she very well may not have the opportunity to tell you anything. ![]() Oh it will happen all right Unfortunately the majority have been blissfully ignorant too long and the die has already been cast. Obama will just be the "fall" guy. He's already sold out to the Clintons, should have seen that coming. Wouldn't have made any difference if McCain was elected either, you can bet he's on the Bush side of the wagon which is on the same wagon as the Clintons IMHO. ![]() It would never happen to me. be planted by a political party at an opponent's campaign rally and claim to be somebody I'm not for the sake of posing scripted rhetorical questions. People who put themselves out there like that during a heated campaign should expect to become hounded by the media and to lose their privacy....especially if they have something to hide. Besides that, in W's world of warrantless wiretapping and the Patriot Act's system of "preventative justice," nothing surprises me anymore. It can't happen soon enough for me! I don't ever want to see that ridiculous smirk on his face again! There's no way that would happen unless they outlawed the two parties which, we all know, will never happen. People will always vote for one or the other and not give independents a chance. Heck, one year a long time ago, I even voted for the Libertarian (sp) party cause I didn't like who was running on the dem or pub ticket and there was no indpendent candidate. I agree, there should not be any "party" (whoever thought of that terminology must have had a great sense of humor). We are not getting anywhere with the 2 parties we have now. Bush had his goofball cabinet and O has his. Some of O's are worse IMHO. They open their mouths and stocks fall. The press secretary doesn't know how to answer a straight question. He looks very uncomfortable when asked a question he doesn't know how to answer. It doesn't help matters. Why they really don't include the forerunner of every party to debate in public forums isn't fair or right. The "minor" parties don't really get their message out because of financing and a debate would be great for them, but it's always dems and pubs. I think if things don't turn around in the next 4 years, an independent might have a better chance.
As much as I would like to see this happen... I don't think anything can be done. These were contractual obligations, bonuses built into a contract, not based on performance. Lawsuits that could be brought on by this would only financially endanger the company further, cost the taxpayers more in legal fees, and probably result in the bonuses being paid out anyway. Hopefully there will be a legal loophole that will make it possible to keep those bonuses from being paid, but I'm not optimistic on this one - definitely a story to keep watch on. it does happen! My son is a FF for sm 9 years and has told me stories where they have done this. They also lower the physical standards for women. I guess that means if you have a fire you don't want a woman FF?? Its not fair. They should all have to pass the same test. That could actually happen if he is unable to give away enough stuff and make enough concessions. Or, if like the whole Palestinian conflict, the stated disagreement (we want our own homeland) is not the actualy purpose of the conflict (we all really want to wipe Israel off the map.) It's like the schoolyard bully. He wants your money, so you give it to him. Now he wants your lunch, so you give him that. Then he likes your jacket, so that becomes his as well. Pretty soon you've run out of stuff to buy him off with and it dawns on you.....he was only looking for a way to puff himself up and reason to pound on you. The other stuff he gained was just icing on the cake. Sure but that won't happen...........don't ya know You obviously don't know or have never bothered to read or understand economics or anything else, let alone SOCIALISM or communism for that matter or you wouldn't be go glib about the future of your government. I realize that you no doubt think that bigger government equates to MORE jobs; it does not. It equates to more government and MORE jobs and more waste of your money............. that's not jobs, that's a government controlled country. Sorry you just don't know the difference and seemingly just do not care that private industries are going to the crapper thanks to Obama. Do you really not understand capitalism? Obviously not! Or you would be outraged over what you are seeing. You'll be singing a difference tune when the "cap and trade" tax hits YOU to the tune of $3,000 per household and no, that ain't for the rich hon, that's for YOU!!!! Maybe you'll wake up and see the light then! You got an extra $3,000 you wanna spend to keep your lights on JUST because your president wants socialism? Could never happen. . . . . . she would have to have a vision for the future in order to be president! JTBB cannot get out of the past, she only dwells on her hate for GWB! There is much more involved than revenge and that is what she thrives on, as evidenced by her every post. I know it means nothing to her, but for those who know, thank God, vengence is not hers. I wonder what would happen.......... sm if US citizens renounced their citizenship and jumped on the bandwagon for all the freebies that noncitizens are "entitled" to? Not that I would want to do anything like this, but someone somewhere is probably going to come up with this idea. Can you imagine what that would do to our country? I happen to believe..........sm that EVERYTHING written in the Bible is true, so it would be really hard to give just one example. Because I happen to know that the nm What will happen...... If this thing passes, what will happen is YOU and I will become completely OWNED by the govt.... Those that still think Obama is just wonderful will SOON realize, when they can't pay their electricity or buy groceries, that they made a terrible terrible terrible decision in voting for him... If everyone would get off their party line butts and start caring about this country, they would realize this is a HUGE mistake. Problem is,triggger happy, they are so complacent in their behavior, they really don't know what goes on in their govt and don't care. I will say it again...Obama got in there for 2 reasons... there were those that voted for him JUST because he is a black man and there were those that voted out of fear. The ones that voted out of fear are quickly realizing the mistake they made and are sick about it!!! Those that voted JUST because he is black really don't give a rat's butt. Govt welfare is going to be out of control like you wouldn't believe and all they see are dollar sign and more freebies!! They are THAT ignorant!!!I live in a town full of that thought process.... all they see is a black man and that's exactly what Obama was betting on. OLf course, if you tell them his wonderful wife, Michelle, three indigent black patients out the front door of the Chicago hospital she worked for making $317,000 A YEAR, they shrug their shoulders. When you tell them she was quietly dismissed of her job and the job was done away with after discovery of her illegal doings, they stand like deer in the headlights. They aren't about to call a spade a spade.... so to speak! Those that actually work for a living are sickened by what he is doing...because they know what it is to make a living only to see their taxes paying for wrought iron fences around govt projects, our ERs stormed with lazy mothers and their babies every Friday night because they are TOO lazy to go to the free clinics during the week, and their grocery buggies (2 and 3 buggies) loaded down with groceries, while the working class are struggling just to buy groceries!! For those that don't live around communities that have a large population of moochers, they will NEVER get the picture!! He knows the more ignorant everyone stays, the better for him and his criminal administration! It's a simple as that... Now those that don't like what I have to say can flame all you want. I really DON'T care. I see it everyday and I am sick to death of lazy fat butted moochers who just keep reproducing with 10 different fathers (who by the way NEVER work themselves or pay child support...just hang out on the street corner holding up their pants)while my paycheck dwindles away while I PAY FOR THEIR SORRY BUTTS!!! did catastrophe have to happen? Did New Orleans Catastrophe Have to Happen? 'Times-Picayune' Had Repeatedly Raised Federal Spending Issues
By Will Bunch Published: August 30, 2005 9:00 PM ET PHILADELPHIA Gee, who could have expected that would happen. nm x I would love to see that happen! not everybody thinks/believes the same way you do. Thanks for your response. That is probably what would happen.... just did not know for sure. Q: 'How did this happen?" No misunderstanding. Just don't happen to If he stood around and let it happen... so did Obama. They are both senators, and Obama's has the majority. So where was he? Who said I was for Biden -- I just don't happen to trying to start an argument on this board. I don't like the woman. Do I have to like her to vote for McCain? Some would say yes, since if elected she will probably be Pres in a year or 2 when McCain kills over. She's probably the biggest turnoff to me in McCain's whole campaign. Why couldn't he have picked someone else -- like Hillary? When did this supposedly happen? nm . If it did happen it will mostly likely turn up on . Well, if and when it is time, it will happen (sm) and whichever candidate is supposed to be in office will. I was worried about this too and talked to some family members about it. If it is time for things to end, we can't change the course of that by making sure one candidate or the other is elected. Well, I happen to be one who believes God has a sense of humor. After all He created us didn't He? Yeah, I "profess" to be a Christian but I take a pretty dim view of self-righteous "Christians" who question other's opinions and thoughts that don't fit into their definition of "Christian." Christian = "one who follows Christ" or tries to in my case. I am not perfect but I'm not the one to tell you that you "profess" to be a Christian. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't, I don't know. ![]()
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