By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press
Writer 35 minutes ago
More than four years after the Sept. 11 attacks, U.S. intelligence agencies
still are failing to share information while Congress battles over security
funding, a panel that investigated the terrorist hijackings will conclude in a
new report.
In interviews Friday, members of the former Sept. 11 commission said the government should receive a dismal grade for its lack of urgency in
enacting strong security measures to prevent terror attacks.
The 10-member, bipartisan commission disbanded after issuing 41
recommendations to bolster the nation's security in July 2004. The members have
reconstituted themselves, using private funds, as the 9/11 Public Discourse
Project and will release a new report Monday assessing the extent their
directives have been followed.
Overall, the government has performed not very well, said former commission
chairman Thomas Kean, former Republican governor of New Jersey.
Before 9-11, both the Clinton and Bush administrations said they had
identified Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida as problems that have to be dealt with,
and were working on it, Kean said. But they just were not very high on their
priority list. And again it seems that the safety of the American
people is not very high on Washington's priority list.
A spokesman at the Homeland Security Department declined to comment until the
report is issued Monday. Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Homeland
Security Committee, acknowledged that some areas continue to be vulnerable but
have not been addressed due to disagreements with the Senate.
Congress established the commission in 2002 to investigate government
missteps that led to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. It found that the United
States could not protect its citizens from the attacks because it underestimated
al-Qaida. Since June, the former commissioners have held hearings to examine
what they described as the government's unfinished agenda to secure the
Among the main concerns, which former Democratic commissioner Timothy Roemer
said would receive the worst grades:
_The United States is not doing enough to ensure that foreign nations are
upgrading security measures to stop proliferation of nuclear, biological and
chemical materials. Such materials could be used in weapons of mass destruction,
and over 100 research reactors around the world have enough highly enriched
uranium present to make a nuclear device.
We've seen that Osama bin Laden likes to do spectacular things, said Roemer,
a former Indiana congressman. Is a dirty bomb next? ... We're not doing enough,
and we're not doing it urgently enough.
_Police, firefighters, medics and other first responders still lack
interconnected radio systems letting them communicate with each other during
emergencies. Responders from different agencies at the World Trade Center were
unable to coordinate rescues — or receive information that could have saved
their own lives — on 9/11.
Congress last year approved spending nearly $1 billion on interoperable
systems, but King said the matter is a very difficult issue.
_Both the Bush administration and Congress have continued to distribute
security funding to states without aiming most money at high-risk communities.
The Homeland Security Department gave $2.5 billion in grants to states and 50
high-risk cities last year, but some rural states, like Wyoming, received more
money per resident than terror targets like New York.
The House and Senate have been unable this year to agree on a funding formula
that distributes money based solely on risk, threats and vulnerability. King
said the Senate's proposal is still living with a pork-barrel formula. But
Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairwoman Susan Collins said in statement
that her bipartisan plan provides a meaningful baseline of funds to each state
so that the nation as a whole can achieve essential levels of preparedness.
Kean said information-sharing gaps among turf-conscious federal intelligence
agencies continue to exist. He also chastised the Transportation Security
Administration for failing to consolidate multiple databases of passenger
information into a single terror watch list that would make it easier for
airlines to screen for suspicious travelers.
Moreover, expanded governmental powers to seek out terror-related
intelligence have not been adequately balanced by civil liberties protections or
oversight, said former Democratic commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste. He said
President Bush was tardy in naming a civil liberties protection board, whose
funding is anemic and which has not yet been met to get underway.
A bright spot in the government's performance is the creation of a national
intelligence director to help coordinate all government terror information,
Roemer said.
Generally, the grades range all the way from A to F, Kean said.
Still, No parent would be happy with this report card, said former Democratic
commissioner Jamie Gorelick.
At age 79, Rep. John Dingell is known for his prickly demeanor and blunt words, which have earned him respect. Rep. Dingell's Web Site
Morning Edition, December 13, 2005 · John Dingell (D-MI) marks 50 years in the House on Tuesday. Only two others in history have served longer.
Dingell came to Congress in December 1955, when he won a special election to replace his late father. Dingell speaks fondly of working on massive, important legislation he helped shepherd through Congress, including Medicare, food stamps, student loans, consumer product protection and the Endangered Species Act.
There are a few disappointments, Dingell says. In every single Congress for the last 50 years, he has introduced a bill to create a national health care system -- and it has never passed. The Patient's Bill of Rights he championed in the 1990s also failed. And now, with Republicans in control of the House, Senate and White House, Dingell worries they're dismantling the earlier work of his career.
But you have your choice between sitting back and being depressed and letting it go forward, or standing and fighting, he says. I choose the second course.
NEW YORK To mark what it called the 1000 Days of the Iraq war, the London daily The Independent offered extensive coverage today, featuring a by-the-numbers approach.
Here are some of their calculations:
$204.4 billion: The cost to the U.S of the war so far.
2,339: Allied troops killed
15,955: US troops wounded in action
98: U.K troops killed
30,000 : Estimated Iraqi civilian deaths
0: Number of WMDs found
66: Journalists killed in Iraq.
63: Journalists killed during Vietnam war
8: per cent of Iraqi children suffering acute malnutrition
53,470: Iraqi insurgents killed
67: per cent Iraqis who feel less secure because of occupation
$343: Average monthly salary for an Iraqi soldier. Average monthly salary for an American soldier in Iraq: $4,160.75
5: foreign civilians kidnapped per month
47: per cent Iraqis who never have enough electricity
20: casualties per month from unexploded mines
25-40: per cent Estimated unemployment rate, Nov 2005
251: Foreigners kidnapped
70: per cent of Iraqi's whose sewage system rarely works
183,000: British and American troops are still in action in Iraq.
13,000: from other nations
90: Daily attacks by insurgents in Nov '05. In Jun '03: 8
60-80: per cent Iraqis who are strongly opposed to presence of coalition troops
* In an accompanying piece from Baghdad, the newspaper's Patrick Cockburn adds one more stat: A BBC poll yesterday showed that half of the Iraqis questioned say that Iraq needs a strong leader--while only 28 per cent cited democracy as a priority.
Iraqis are cynical about their political leaders, Cockburn writes. The election results are likely to show that the great majority of Iraqis will vote along ethnic or religious lines as Shia, Sunni or Kurds. The country is turning from a unitary state into a confederation.
There is no sign yet of the thousand-day war ending. Every month up to a thousand fresh corpses arrive at the mortuary in Baghdad. A new Iraq is emerging but it is already drenched in blood.
There have to be at least 15 things going on in Washington and the world right now that might have merited an intelligent comment. But wait...what am I saying?
What's so boring about it? Because
this woman speaks from the heart? Because she put in writing what a lot of Americans feel right now?
I, too, wrote an open letter to the Congress and Senate, emailed all that I could when this TARP, Stimulus, and the last legislation passed back then. You know what kind of answer I received? Nada. No comment. Nothing. That's how much our government cares for us anymore.
Wake up. A lot of items in that letter hold true for a lot of people. Take extra caffeine and read it. It might do you some good.
I've been at the computer all day. I think I'm working harder now than I did before I retired. Today I've been working on a website for our grist mill restoration project. I guess I'm a professional nonprofit fund raiser now. Maybe that statement fits on the politics board since there's a lot of politicking involved. LOL
In enjoy your posts whether we always agree or not!
America is becoming a very scary place indeed. I believe, as you do, that there are people who are eagerly awaiting the *Rapture* and indeed believe they have the *inside track* to heaven. Unfortunately, it look as if this country might actually suffer from their self-fulfilled prophecy if it continues going backwards in time under Bush's completely inept leadership.
I wish it was that easy
Problem here is I don't know what to give up that would make a difference. Only 2 of us, we both work at home, so only drive to grocery store on weekend, or an errand here and there. We spend maybe $10 a month in gas, however, close to $200 a week on food (sometimes more). We have been cutting back on meat. Not so much because of cost but more because of constantly getting home and its bad. I'd love to get my food bill down but it is so hard and I don't know how without starving ourselves.
It's not easy
I can usually find socks and underwear made in the US, some jeans, sheets and tools, but when it comes to buying toys, there isn't much. (I think Slinky is still made in the US.)
But I read labels and check the descriptions when I buy on line and I try to buy American when I can. Same with cars; we're a big GM family. Take it easy
May we please discuss matters w/o using angry, foul language? Because this leads us to nowhere. Thanks.Won't go there. Too easy. :-) nm
My gut feeling is that every promise and idea and plans for our future that has ever come out of Barack Obama's mouth is a lie, or else it's couched in such a way that he will be able to twist it later. It's all socialism, being called by other names. (Most recent point being, his 250,000 tax the rich, which is now down to 120,000). I can never, ever, believe anything that he says. Slick Barry does not inspire trust in me at all.
McCain, well, honestly, only about half of his stuff do I disagree with. Sure, he probably has told some whoppers, but they don't kick me in the gut and make me gasp for air, the way the other one does.
So I'm voting for McCain. It's a matter of trust. I trust and truly believe he is the better choice, and will be better for America, in the short and long term. There you go. That could not have come easy for you.
it's easy to say that
you wouldn't mind paying a higher percentage if you don't have to do it. you may well be singing a different tune if you actually had to pay it. I am not making light of your situation. I am simply saying the percentage should be even. just to make it easy - if you make $250,000 and pay 25% in taxes that comes out to paying 62,500. It you earn 50,000 and pay that 25% in taxes you pay $12,500. don't you think the 62,500 is already enough; why should they pay more. I don't understand. But if I was earning the 250,000 and paying that much in taxed, I should wouldn't want someone telling me I should pay more because I actually did well for myself.
That's easy....(sm)
If you don't want your kids looking at porn on the internet, teach them not to do it. Provide your kid with internet access and put a block on that computer. If they are visiting a library during class hours and are looking at porn on the internet, I would say they have some behavioral problems anyway, and porn is about the last thing you need to worry about in that case.
You guys scream smaller government, but then you want the govt to raise your kids.
Title of you post is lifted straight out of TT112OldTimer's post responding to Free Speech Rocks.When spinning soooo out of control that the brain becomes blank, you can always resort to plagiary.Hello.Are you listening?Vitriol out, vitriol in.You might be shocked by how much respect you earn with just the simple gesture of extending some. Respect is NOT a 4-letter word.
Common sense is exactly what I used when I decided to attack my own bigoted tendencies back when I was still a teenager.I did not learn any of that from books or courses I took in school.I took it to the streets and reaped benefits beyond measure from those lessons.
Au contraire.The bluster of bigots is easy to bury under fact and logic.No need to be thwarted by that.Their reservoir of insults runs very shallow, but the intellect is a well that one can dig as deep as is necessary.Fact/truth is another arch-enemy of the bigot.You at least had the wisdom not to attempt to ridicule the context post since you knew you would be in way over your head and besides, you are allergic to the other side of the coin. As they say, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.It can’t be much fun to find yourself dumbfounded by your own narrow mind.Frustrating too...remember it well.
On the shortcut post:That was your snipe, not mine.Snipe begets tripe.Vtriol out/vitriol in.Garbage out/garbage in.Is there an echo in here?
Not the slightest bit interested in agreement, validation or vindication.I am secure enough by now not to need all of that.But in political contexts, the journey down the road to consensus will never begin in the absence of flexibility, open-mindedness and a good dose of patience.
What part of my posts reflect your tactics do you not understand? You absolutely refuse to look at yourself in the mirror, but you do know enough to be outranged when someone sends you your own reflection.It’s not a pretty sight and furthermore, you become every bit as enraged as you seem to think I am.You are constitutionally incapable of seeing what a spiteful little vixen you become when your brick-wall logic is thrown back in you face.
No surprise there.Bigotry is always blind.Here’s another example you are bound to ignore:You are so driven by your hatred of illegals that you would actually weigh in on the side of transnationals and cast your vote for the party who empowers them to outsource your profession overseas and drive your own wages into the ground.
Well shut my mouth! Could it be that you have finally run out of insults in the face of the realities of logic and have arrived on the threshold of the next level where most other right-wingers eventually find themselves...running for the hills and back into the open arms of the choir members?You are big on cliché.Here’s one for can run, but you can’t hide.Have a safe journey and I am “sending up a prayer” that you find the sanctuary you seek.
The rest of us will try to counter that, though, and drag McCain over the finish line if we have to.
Anything is better than O and a democratic congress in power.
Naw, I'm not easy to offend s/m
I did change my mind though, if I have to eat that crow, could I have BBQ sauce instead of just plain ole salt and pepper??? LOL
It didn't come easy, but what are you going to do
I still really feel Obama is the wrong person for the job. There were just too many thing wrong and suspicious of this O guy. First everyone has to verify they are eligible by providing their bc except him. Then everyone is required to submit their medical records except him. In all truth I feel he bought his way in. There is just too much that is not sitting right with me about him. And I'm going to keep my eye on him. When I hear of something wrong you can bet your bippy I'm going to post.
In all honesty I hope he does well for the people, but I know from past experience (B. Clinton) they always break their promises with lame excuses. When my taxes go up you bet I'll be on this board screaming and shouting. Too much serious stuff going on in the world and I don't trust him. He has lied to us throughtout the campaign and I'm not real thrilled with people running around thinking (and actually believing) he is the messiah, and the latest I read was people said he is Moses.
So I just will say a prayer for the country tonight we're going to need all the prayers we get.
But he won and he deserves a congratulations. It was a long race. And at the same time can we please stop bashing McCain and Palin. They did the best they could and McCain gave a sincere and gracious speech with good words about Obama.
Rest easy
she'll probably have you posthumously converted and you will be okey-dokey in the hereafter. Thanks a boatload, Sis!
Yes, right, because all of the women who
have abortions are simply sluts who can't keep their legs closed. Nobody has an abortion because they were raped and victims of a horrible abuse.
Unfortunately there are people who still believe the lies of Bush, even now that he's finally said something honest: That there were NO WMDs and that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Sorry, you just make it 'way too EASY.
You'll be surprised how easy it is
I cooked a Crown Roast of Pork in the D.O. once. A pineapple upside down cake is a very easy dessert to start with. I won 1st place with it the first time I entered a contest. I also make a killer Pecan Cobbler. Just got it perfected for the D.O. and will cook it in the next contest we enter. It's easy too. I made one for the bean supper fund raiser last Saturday just to see what people would think about it and based on the way people came back for seconds I'd say I've got a possible winner. With the holidays coming up if you would like the recipe...well, I love to share my recipes.
and it is way too easy to irritate the dems
It's easy...all you have to do is read the posts.
The only difference between the hate crimes in Los Angeles and the posts on the Politics and Faith forums is a can of spray paint. Using a keyboard to spew hate and intolerance is just as disgusting.
Don't mind him in my face. He's easy
Canning is sooo easy.
Just moved from a city with a population of around 4 millon to a suburb in Oregon. I live about 1 to 4 miles away from 6 farms and we have lots of Farmer Markets around. I pick all my produce and flowers from these farms during summer and fall months. I have learned how to can strawberries, peaches, blackberries, marionberries, raspberries, pears, plum jam, fig jam, tomatoes, pickles, and applesauce. Also have plenty of nuts.
I also have a huge pantry now stocked with paper products, canning good, potatoes, staple items. I tend to worry about inflation coming or even a depression.
I have been told I am a "horrible mean hoarder" on this board, but in reality, I love to help others. In fact, I am a member of the CERT and help out neighbors, family, and friends and my community, ESPECIALLY during a time like this when we know of special people and families who are hurting because of job layoffs. Our neighborhood has families with all kind of special skills and if we need to, ever down the road, we can all come together and what do you call it, bartering? We have mechanics, doctors, IT, nurses, financial, business owners, police officers, etc., and we all come together to help each other out.
Anyway, canning is very, very easy. Should try it. It is fun and I also have canning goods that I give away as Christmas gifts and people in my area and family and friends outside of the state of Oregon just LOVE these as gifts. It really saves money too all the way around.
Guess being president is any easy job.