Ummm, Kruschev has been DEAD for EONS.
Posted By: Who cares what he would think? on 2009-04-01
In Reply to: Kruschev said they (meaning, their philosophy) would take us over from within. - HomeAlone
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Kruschev said they (meaning, their philosophy) would take us over from within.
One only has to imagine: Would Kruschev be laughing or crying over the direction the current administration is taking?
Not a tough question to answer, so there's no prize offered.
It's better off dead than dead AND rude and OBNOXIOUS.
Please respect the monitor's rules, even though you think they're stupid.
Ummm....ummm....nope, I'd best not touch that one. nm
Ummm...yes you did....
You said take it to the conservative board. And I do not see what in the post was bashing. It was stating an opinion, which anyone, no matter what their political affiliation is, still has the right to do on this board or any other to my knowledge. If you perceive the truth as bashing, that is your prerogative. And the truth IS, liberals continue to defend Clinton even though he was and is a morally corrupt individual who broke the law of the United States while a sitting President. He did it, that is the truth, there is no way around that. Yet your party continues to say it was about sex. I will try this one more time...perjury is perjury no matter what it is ABOUT. It is a felony. He broke the law and his oath of office. Never apologized for either. And took his last hours in office an opportunity to pardon all the crony crooks he could. And yet you continue to defend him as a great man. Pardon me if that seriously undermines the credibility of your party. That is NOT bashing. That is the TRUTH.
The way I read that is these units would be activated in case of natural or manmade diaster, not out on the streets everyday. Good greif.
Ummm, so maybe they can
Then the guilty can be punished, and the innocent prisoners who are not terrorists (or at least weren't when they were initially locked up) can be set free.
Kinda a no brainer, dontcha think?
source of the info and the fact that you "don't know anybody who would think it's right" yada yada yada, chances are you and the author are jumping to conclusions that are most likely a tad over-stated. It might be helpful to keep in mind that the "government" is not some block of concrete buildings or master computer somewhere. They are flesh and blood just like the rest of us and are not likely to be party to placing "control" of the heath care of themselves, their parents and their own children in the thoes of such a scheme. Sorry. Jury's still out on this.
source of the info and the fact that you "don't know anybody who would think it's right" yada yada yada, chances are you and the author are jumping to conclusions that are most likely a tad over-stated. It might be helpful to keep in mind that the "government" is not some block of concrete buildings or master computer somewhere. They are flesh and blood just like the rest of us and are not likely to be party to placing "control" of the heath care of themselves, their parents and their own children in the thoes of such a scheme. Sorry. Jury's still out on this.
Get over yourself. If you have something intelligent to say, I'm all ears, but until that time.....
So you don't think waterboarding is illegal -- even though it goes directly against at least 4 existing treaties? If we aren't going to be held accountable by treaties that WE agree to, what's the point of being in them?
This is actually where I do disagree with Obama. He doesn't want to make this into a partisan thing and is seemingly not too interested in prosecutions. My opinion is that its not partisan to enforce existing laws. As far as I'm concerned the whole bunch from the Shrub gang need to be prosecuted. Maybe we can just extradite them to Spain. That would work for me.
Doesn't this belong on the gab board? What's wrong....don't want to talk about your heros, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld going down for torture?
I think I would go with conventional interrogation know....the ones that actually worked on KSM before the waterboarding.
"what right does the government have to take MY money and give to an organization like ACORN to pass out to democratic candidates for their campaigns"
Well, that was straight out of O'Reilly's mouth. LOL. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's just about exactly what he said last night.
So you think that there is a direct funnel that takes our tax dollars and just hands them over to Acorn? Here's a news flash --- as the ladies noted last night on Billo's show, they are a nonprofit organization and have to apply and compete for grants and loans just like everyone else.
As for whether they are completely on the up and up, I have no idea, but I don't think I'll base that judgment on the commentary of a right-wing show host.
Exactly how is it that Fox's ratings prove that O'Reilly is not far right? LOL.. Ratings have absolutely nothing to do with the discussion.
However, since you mentioned Obama and fulfilling his promises, it may not turn out like you think. For the most part people who voted for him are pretty happy with how he's handling the economy and foreign affairs. However, there are a few things that have gotten to a lot of dems. For example, he hasn't gotten rid of "don't ask don't tell" yet. He hasn't fulfilled promises he made to the LGBT community. He's carrying on seemingly with "indefinite detention." He ran on a platform that promised these things would be fixed. Granted, he hasn't been there long and can still come around on these things. However, if he doesn't my guess is that the country will go even farther to the left than they did this time. Now that is what you should be worried about, not Fox ratings.
And just as a side note, if he gets healthcare reform through, it will be decades before a pub sets foot in the White House.
Now who's making assumptions? You don't know what he paid for either. Secondly, I am fully aware of what is going on in this country. Spending, printing money, spending, printing money, etc., etc. Get over Bush He is gone. Obama has in four shorts months spent more money than the 43 presidents who preceded him COMBINED. So yeah, I worry about the cost of his date. Because it's just plain wrong. You want logic - you don't spend taxpayer money on a DATE in this failing economy. Logic would be to lead by example, not telling other people to sacrifice and then do something so excessive. Furthermore, who said I voted for Bush? You? Shows what you know. Next time don't vote in Obama and maybe free enterprise in this country will survive so we will all have jobs.
Obama has writtent 2 books ---- the first, "Dreams From My Father," was published in 1995. The second, "The Audacity of Hope," was published in 2006. --- Both before the election.
Ummm....actually it does...(sm)
The Declaration of Independence is not and was not a legal document. It simply stated the intent of the US to separate from Great Britian and why. It did not define any rules or regulations to be imposed in this nation.
Explain the Treaty of Tripoli that says "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
Another note: Not everyone in this country is in the business of impressing your god and therefore has no need of any kind of "blessing" from your god. What if I were a pagan and told you that the sun god was going to scorch the US unless everyone prayed to him/her. Would you do it? That's what you expect everyone else to do to impress your god. Why? Because YOU don't want to be in the mix when your supposed wrath of god experience comes. I would put that in the category of trying to make others do something they don't agree with just to save your behind. Don't even bother with the "but we want to save you too" speech. Believe me, we don't want or need saving.
Your main point was what you initially stated, and that was that there was no mention in the MSM about this incident. Unfortunately for you, I can undoubtedly come up with even more proof of MSM coverage if you'd like, but that would only serve to embarass you further.
As far as Obama not saying much about it, I think that was a good choice. At the time he was only a couple days out from his speech in Cairo. --- That would be the speech where he is seeking to calm tensions between our religous nuts and their religious nuts. Yeah....that would have been just a perfect time to bring that up. How about using your brain for a change instead of just spitting out the right wing talking points.
I do believe I've more than proven I can take the heat on this board....LOL, even from the loons like you who just lurk around waiting for me to post something so you can jump on it, which is rather funny and pathetic all at the same time, as well as from the paranoid lunatics like Patty.
BTW, you can now take "paranoid lunatic" out of the insinuation box and put in the statement box......just so you don't get confused.
A gag order was issued:
The whole point of the gag order (which the prosecutors asked for, btw) is so they can come up with a jury that has not been overexposed to the case. I guess Fixed Noise wants to ensure that everyone hears about this so we can have a really hard time prosecuting this guy. Way to go Fox! 
Any problem with 300,000 dead due to another lie?
Clinton lie: Shameful, tsk tsk.
Bush/Rove lies: Massive death and destruction and maiming, depleted uranium poisoning of an entire nation and generations to come, collapse of the only secular nation in the region which is now heading for a fundamentalist Islamic regime. We could go on for pages.
Now come on, get real. How can you even compare the two? It's just absurd. And none of this ooh you can't PROVE he lied! The proof was provided by the Downing Street memos if you want hard copy, and thousands of other sources if you'd just open your eyes and look at/hear them and use some common sense. Just look at where this war has gone for all the proof you need.
Sheez almighty, after what this administration has done to America and the rest of the world, and there are still people harping about Clinton's dirty little lie that harmed no one and would never have even been a public event if not for the entire frame-up for which the Wrong Right was responsible in the first place. You don't think they have their own dirty little secrets? Please. Their vendetta wasn't righteous, it was the highest form of stinking hypocrisy the American public has ever had forced down their throats.
pssst....two more words....BASE CLOSINGS. Remember when gutting the military was the battle scream of the day? Oooh, you hated him for that! What a scoundrel, presiding over a few base closures during peacetime (on schedule with the plan REAGAN devised, and argued for by Cheney).Now they tell you in the midst of the largest round of base closings ever in the history of America - during wartime!!! - that it's streamlining. It's all good. Just part of the Wrong Right legacy of telling you when to be enraged and when to smile and nod.
wishing you dead? Me?
Sweetie, I dont want anyone dead and I mourn the dead in the gulf due to our governments inactivity..I dont wish you dead, I wish no one dead..I want us all to be happy and one as a nation and world..I want happiness, I want peace, I want contentment..However, if you attack me personally, I most certainly will stand my ground..because I am not a fool.
2000 dead: How many is
2000 Dead: How Many Is Too Many?
By Mike Hoffman
When I left for the Middle East in February 2003 with a Marine artillery unit, I was told Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction, had been assisting Al Qaeda, was partly responsible for 9/11 and was an imminent threat to the United States and Iraq’s neighbors.
We destroyed Iraq’s under-equipped and demoralized military – the imminent threat to our nation -- in a little over a month. Since the invasion, no weapons inspection team has found evidence of any weapons of mass destruction and the claims that Saddam Hussein was working with Al Qaeda have been shown to be nonsense. When I left Iraq for home in May 2003, after President Bush told us “Mission Accomplished,” 139 Americans had died.
After the invasion was over and the occupation began, Iraqis didn’t throw flowers and candy at our feet. Instead roadside bombs and ambushes awaited us down every street. The administration said we were about to turn a corner. We were told that once Saddam and his sons were captured or killed the insurgents would give up, demoralized by the loss of their leader; peace would reign. By the time Saddam was captured in December 2003, 463 Americans had died in Iraq.
The capture of Saddam had no effect, and daily attacks against American forces and Iraqi security forces continued. It was during this time that the bloody Shiite Rebellion occurred. This was some of the fiercest fighting yet in Iraq. Even with this rebellion happening, we were told there was still hope. Sovereignty would soon be handed over to the Iraqis and another corner would be turned. But we needed to stay and provide the Iraqis security until we could “officially” turn the country back over to them. This would empower the Iraqis and end the Insurgency. By then, June 2004, 958 had come home in boxes.
Most Iraqis didn’t seem to care they had sovereignty, since we still occupied their country. They were still without electricity and faced an average unemployment rate of 70%. Every time US soldiers walked outside the wire they were still taking their lives in their hands. Then, we were told, elections would fix this. The Iraqis would have their own government in place and begin drafting a constitution. This would demoralize the terrorists and end the fighting. On the day of the elections, January 30, 2005, the U.S. death toll was 1,537.
What’s wrong with this picture?
The first time we were told the war was over we had lost 139 American; now we have lost 2,000 American lives in Iraq. Time and time again we are told things are getting better, that we have “turned a corner.”
In the Viet Nam War we didn’t “turn corners;” instead policy makers talked about the “light at the end of the tunnel.” We know now that by 1968 President Johnson knew there was no light at the end of the tunnel; he knew his war was lost. The Pentagon Papers showed this; Robert McNamara admits it today. Over 22,000 American troops died in Viet Nam after 1968 in a war our leaders knew was hopeless and just piling up American and Asian bodies.
Again, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and we’ve turned so many corners we’re going in circles. Our leaders know they can’t win this war, but, like Johnson and McNamara, they refuse to admit it to the American people. Meanwhile, our troops remain a huge provocative force in the region and each individual soldier a prized target. Failure to face this reality is exacerbating the current chaos in Iraq and preventing real regional diplomatic solutions.
So the question falls to ordinary Americans: How many more brave men and women are we willing to sacrifice before we force our leaders to bring the troops home? I pray that it does not take another 56,000 like it did in Viet Nam.
Mike Hoffman was a lance corporal in a Marine artillery unit during the invasion of Iraq. He is a member of Iraq Veterans Against The War. The link says sm
it contains a malformed video id. That's what it says when you paste it into the address bar and it takes you to You Tube.
Fox is #1 among the BRAIN DEAD
LOL - studies have proven FOX viewers to be significantly LESS informed about current events than ANY of the other networks (though they are all back)...
FOX tells the brain-dead WHAT THEY WANT to hear -
Hey, I think I hear Bill O'LIEly calling you!
tired of watching you run around making up jobs for yourself and causes that you can't do anything about in a way that will cause change. Why are you so certain that our soldiers are bad? What makes you so sure those children will be victims of "war crimes?" Think about that for a moment. You must have a really low opinion of most American soldiers.
I have children and let me assure you that even were I dead or my husband dead and they were 12 and tried to kill others I would feel like they would have to be accountable for what they had done. That is because I brought them up to be accountable. They were when they were 12 and they are today.
My words may be unacceptable to you, but are acceptable to many others. I have to tell you that I am related to some of those people by marriage and they have no love for us, no appreciation of who we are, what we want, what we give, or anything about us. They want to control us and take what we have. The males OWN the children and OWN their wives and those children and wives better do what they are told and nothing you can do personally can change their viewpoint in a timely enough manner to make a difference.
Comparing our culture with theirs and what we would do and want is futile. You cannot even imagine the true depths of their hatred of us unless you are close to them, are related to them, or live with them. We have chosen not to associate with or speak with any of them because after 20 years of beating your head on a wall you tend to tire out and move along to something you can do that will work. I personally try to focus on things closer to home that I can and do work on, causes for which I can make a difference and which will not wear me out in the process. Sometimes after you have exhausted yourself, your ideas, and every avenue you can think of to effect change it is best to walk away if you want to have anything left of yourself.
There are dead beat
dads all over, white, black, hispanic, etc. Honestly, there are a lot of dead beat moms out there too.
One thing I don't get and maybe I don't get cause I'm white.....but Jesse Jackson made a comment about Obama not doing anything about blacks in prison. What the heck is Obama supposed to do? I do the do the time. So what is it that Obama is supopsed to do here.....or anyone for that matter?
Dead-end dialog
The phrase "sending up a prayer" is not your exclusive property and no, that is not the cliche I was speaking of. Just another sign of how shallowing your thinking really is and how next to impossible it seems for you to "catch my drift." I am out of the business of trying to reach insult parity with you so forgive me if I skip over the rest of this garbage. No matter how hard you try, you cannot pass off insult for intelligence, so please don't waste your time or mine.
You are welcome for the infusion of new insults and verbal abuse. Your repertoire really was getting stale. Verbal abuse is not my strong suite, but unfortunately, it seems to be the only thing you are willing to respond to. Cerainly, the issues seem to be a big taboo.
No, I don't need to have the last word. Just trying to have a little fun but I have had enough of the mud bath for the time being. My condescending self is in need of something a little more productive and uplifting.
BTW, would you please try to resist the urge to plagiarize? A little bit of originality in thought and content would be a welcome surprise.
Off now in search of the job...and a little bit of substative conversation. This horse has been thrashed enough.
Ths is not my choice, but unfortunately,
Dead thread.
Campaign was already dead. That's why
Ummm...Which America would that be?
How many dead-end bashes are you going
What a talent, she was dead on. nm
It was not a dead end. The information was there...
you just chose to ignore it, because it was not flattering to Obama. Period.
Ummm....they do, actually, just as they take issue with
and ran with it.
Ummm....for starters
managed to assemble more than a dozen transitional economic advisors in 3 days, and I am certain he will not confine himself to those guys before it's all over. He has a 15 cabinet positions, 6 cabinet-level administrations positions and 3 Level 1 Executive Schedule offices to consider.
He's not been sworn into office, so there is not a whole lot he can do directly except to articulate his intent. No time for ego for a man who is preparing to face one of the greatest challenges as president in the history of our country. BTW, the Office of the President Elect has been around since 1963...not O's idea.
Ummm, think we should be concering ourselves
nm surely know!!
Ummm, this may come as a surprise to you
There are between 1.3 and 1.6 BILLION Moslems in the world. Estimates of how many live in the US are widely disputed, but range between 2 and 7 million. Among them, only a very small percentage of them are extremist. That leaves about a BILLION of them, give or take, for Obama to "win over." Got it? goes with the territory...
It is their responsibility to entertain ambassadors, foreign heads of state, etc., etc. Use you freaking brain box. At least they didn't REDECORATE.
Ummm....I have a question...(sm)
Exactly what is it that Obama is doing that causes fear?
tens of thousands dead
and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's and 1,744+ brave American soldiers are dead. So..lets see here..Saddam was responsible for killing thousands and Bush is responsible for killing tens of thousands.hmmm..hey, are Bush and Saddam brothers separated at birth..two fools with a thirst for blood? Seems like they are both war criminals. Saddam thumbs his nose at the world community and does what he wants..Bush thumbs his nose at the world community, the International Court of Justice and Geneva Convention and does what he wants..hmmm..they gotta be brothers, well, at least blood brothers.
Yes? Tell that to 40 million dead Jews. NM
and what about the dead in Uganda? The Sudan?
North Korea?
Oh, I forgot. THEY don't have oil.
and your board is dead most of the time anyway
You all can't discuss issues among yourselves, because you have no ideals. All of you are so different in your ideolgies that you don't even discuss amongst yourselves. You all have no glue, nothing to bond you together except...oh let's not forget the one thing is that you all hate Bush and conservatives. Other than that.nothing, zilch, nada. It's really amazing to see that the conservative board talks about human interest issues and other topics, but liberals, those who are supposed to be all about human issues and solving social problems seem to do nothing but bash, bash, bash. There's no problem solving going on in the democratic party nor is there any problem solving going on here. It's obvious to anyone who comes to these boards who are the most active politically and socially and that's the conservatives. We don't always agree about our president and some of us differ in ideals, but we have some set moral values that we go by, unlike you all where it's anything you all end up going no where.
If we are so dead and have no issues, what brings you here? sm
In the same boat eh?
Ummm..Martha my dear this gonna be a **Martha Stewart moment**?
The CON board is dead. No fighting going on there.
They need to fight like a fish needs water.
I used to be mad at them. Now I pity their poor, sad lives if the only pleasure they get is from trying to cause discomfort to others. Either way, they are unpleasant, tedious and offer nothing substantive, intelligent or worthwhile.
I say we ignore them and not even read their posts any more.
They're toxic.
Things are dead on both these boards
because posters who have any interest in rational debate have either been driven away or have easily found better places to go for discussion. Congratulations.
He's beating a dead horse.
Even Bush finally came clean and said there were none. That's when the *reason* for the war changed from WMDs to freeing the Iraqis (while ignoring bin Laden in Afghanistan).
I find it very, VERY interesting that his sudden *find* came less than 24 hours after PBS aired a very revealing show (*The Dark Side*) about the Iraq war, Bush, Tenet, Rumsfeld and Cheney, with the majority of the people interviewed being CIA agents, who generally had more than 20 years of service with the CIA, and they said some pretty shocking (but not too surprising) things about this whole war. (If you'd like to see this show, you can view it in its entirety on line by going to; I'd personally recommend it.)
When it's all said and done, though, regardless of how many facts are presented, Santorum could have declared to the world that there's evidence that Saddam had SLINGSHOTS, and some unfortunate souls on these boards would still say, *See? We told you he had WMDs.* It's really difficult to even be upset, frustrated or angry with them any more. I just mostly feel sorry for them. 