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Tonight: Frontline -- The Dark Side

Posted By: PK on 2006-06-20
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The Dark Side

coming Jun. 20, 2006 at 9pm (check local listings)

(60 minutes) On September 11, 2001, deep inside a White House bunker, Vice President Dick Cheney was ordering U.S. fighter planes to shoot down any commercial airliner still in the air above America. At that moment, CIA Director George Tenet was meeting with his counter-terrorism team in Langley, Virginia. Both leaders acted fast, to prepare their country for a new kind of war. But soon a debate would grow over the goals of the war on terror, and the decision to go to war in Iraq. Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and others saw Iraq as an important part of a broader plan to remake the Middle East and project American power worldwide. Meanwhile Tenet, facing division in his own organization, saw non-state actors such as Al Qaeda as the highest priority. FRONTLINE's investigation of the ensuing conflict includes more than forty interviews, thousands of pages of documentary evidence, and a substantial photographic archive. It is the third documentary about the war on terror from the team that produced Rumsfeld's War and The Torture Question. (read the press release)


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Yeah, he turned....gone over to the dark side...nm

The dark side of faith (title of article)

(Considering how much importance the *right* religion is going to play in our future Supreme Court, I thought it was ironic that I found this at the Professional Ethics site. http://ethics.tamucc.edu/article.pl?sid=05/10/01/1656216)


The dark side of faith


October 1, 2005

IT'S OFFICIAL: Too much religion may be a dangerous thing.

This is the implication of a study reported in the current issue of the Journal of Religion and Society, a publication of Creighton University's Center for the Study of Religion. The study, by evolutionary scientist Gregory S. Paul, looks at the correlation between levels of popular religiosity and various quantifiable societal health indicators in 18 prosperous democracies, including the United States.

Paul ranked societies based on the percentage of their population expressing absolute belief in God, the frequency of prayer reported by their citizens and their frequency of attendance at religious services. He then correlated this with data on rates of homicide, sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy, abortion and child mortality.

He found that the most religious democracies exhibited substantially higher degrees of social dysfunction than societies with larger percentages of atheists and agnostics. Of the nations studied, the U.S. — which has by far the largest percentage of people who take the Bible literally and express absolute belief in God (and the lowest percentage of atheists and agnostics) — also has by far the highest levels of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

This conclusion will come as no surprise to those who have long gnashed their teeth in frustration while listening to right-wing evangelical claims that secular liberals are weak on values. Paul's study confirms globally what is already evident in the U.S.: When it comes to values, if you look at facts rather than mere rhetoric, the substantially more secular blue states routinely leave the Bible Belt red states in the dust.

Murder rates? Six of the seven states with the highest 2003 homicide rates were red in the 2004 elections (Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina), while the deep blue Northeastern states had murder rates well below the national average. Infant mortality rates? Highest in the South and Southwest; lowest in New England. Divorce rates? Marriages break up far more in red states than in blue. Teen pregnancy rates? The same.

Of course, the red/blue divide is only an imperfect proxy for levels of religiosity. And while Paul's study found that the correlation between high degrees of religiosity and high degrees of social dysfunction appears robust, it could be that high levels of social dysfunction fuel religiosity, rather than the other way around.

Although correlation is not causation, Paul's study offers much food for thought. At a minimum, his findings suggest that contrary to popular belief, lack of religiosity does societies no particular harm. This should offer ammunition to those who maintain that religious belief is a purely private matter and that government should remain neutral, not only among religions but also between religion and lack of religion. It should also give a boost to critics of faith-based social services and abstinence-only disease and pregnancy prevention programs.

We shouldn't shy away from the possibility that too much religiosity may be socially dangerous. Secular, rationalist approaches to problem-solving emphasize uncertainty, evidence and perpetual reevaluation. Religious faith is inherently nonrational.

This in itself does not make religion worthless or dangerous. All humans hold nonrational beliefs, and some of these may have both individual and societal value. But historically, societies run into trouble when powerful religions become imperial and absolutist.

The claim that religion can have a dark side should not be news. Does anyone doubt that Islamic extremism is linked to the recent rise in international terrorism? And since the history of Christianity is every bit as blood-drenched as the history of Islam, why should we doubt that extremist forms of modern American Christianity have their own pernicious and measurable effects on national health and well-being?

Arguably, Paul's study invites us to conclude that the most serious threat humanity faces today is religious extremism: nonrational, absolutist belief systems that refuse to tolerate difference and dissent.

My prediction is that right-wing evangelicals will do their best to discredit Paul's substantive findings. But when they fail, they'll just shrug: So what if highly religious societies have more murders and disease than less religious societies? Remember the trials of Job? God likes to test the faithful.

To the truly nonrational, even evidence that on its face undermines your beliefs can be twisted to support them. Absolutism means never having to say you're sorry.

And that, of course, is what makes it so very dangerous.

You are in the dark......just the way O wants it
Dark Hole Sun
I hope some day, the medical community can figure out how to remove those sticks from up these self-righteous a$$es. Oh, I am so offended. Cover my eyes! You said the a-word!!!!  Oh, oh........don't read 'em - it's that simple.
Seems you are really into dark foreboding.
floats your boat, go fo it. I prefer to take my comfort in, "...to those who would tear the world down, we will defeat you."
I'm praying for you and your dark soul.

For those that want to continue to live in the dark
I do not care to do that. As a democrat, I have watched this man whom so many think will be their saving grace. This man was raised Muslim, is Muslim through and through, and only went Christian on us after he came here and started attending Rev Wright's church.

He is very careful about skirting around questions posed to him. He has never been able to prove US citizenship...refuses to put forth a legitimate birth certificate proving it, and is now facing a suit to hopefully force him to prove just that. I am not so easily led as some O lovers.

I have a close friend in Atlanta, GA, who is an aware winning journalist. This is where one of the most recent honor killings took place. As all campaigns are questioned when something important surfaces, they want to know how the candidate feels about certain things. Well, knowing Obama is Muslim by birth and upbringing, this question was posed out of Georgia to his camp, who would not give a straight answer. They refused to let Obama speak to this. They went round and round the question, but wouldn't even come out and say he would condemn such things. Not even a condemnation of these acts.

Just not easily led about this man.
"I am sorry your future is so dark and meaningless"
He has got to paint as dark a picture as
pretty good job of it, so when just a glimmer of light shines through, he can tell you, Yes, I Did!

But, I sure hate to bust your bubble, we are noncombustible, we are not going extinct, we ain't going anywhere! We just here praying for our country.
My dear....during some of this country's dark days....
whites with mental illness were also sterilized. How about slavery? How about thousands of white soldiers who died on battlefields to free them? How about the thousands of WHITES along the underground railroad who helped escaped slaves find homes?

YES, the preacher is hateful, the theology is racist.
well, i would call it dark but not necessarily meaningless
I watched it and I have no idea where this is coming from....dark orifices? nm
It's a dark day in America when voters dare to feel inspired and hopeful?
tonight on CBS

Katie Couric will ask her to discuss any supreme court case other than Roe v Wade.  She sits there blankly.  She knows of no other cases. Nobody makes her appear anything.  They ask her questions relevant to history and our government and she demonstrates her lack of knowledge.



where would I see him tonight?
I want to hear it! thanks.
The trolls are out to tonight..the trolls are out tonight
When they smell blood in the water they come swimming.
That ought to work well for you, at least for tonight.
On 60 minutes tonight

mr Mcclain said he had no problem with going to war with Russia as per NATO if they attack Georgia again.  I dont know even where Georgia is so I was not sure I would agree the US should have a war with the big country over some were I don't know even where it is.  Aren't we enough war already?


I cannot believe this board tonight!!!

I actually come here for some stimulating conversation and lately it has gotten to where I wonder why I do it anyway -- nothing but ranting and raving and bashing - YES, FROM BOTH SIDES -- but what is on here tonight is just ridiculous!!!

Who cares if there is a spelling mistake?  When you are a beautician, do you always fix your own hair when you are off work?  When you are a mechanic, is your car always in perfect condition?  If you are a janitor, is your house always perfect?  If you are a carpenter, is your home always in perfect repair?  My goodness, what is the problem?  I come here to unwind and have a conversation with somebody besides the cat and the dog and who cares if I have a problem typing the correct spelling sometimes? 

And why can't we discuss what we want to discuss without someone telling us how wrong we are, or how we are going to be regretting the decisions we made in a few months, or how terrible Obama is, or what he is doing wrong already (when he is not even the POTUS yet), or how big a mistake it was for McCain to pick Palin, or how terrible it was that she spent all that money on clothes? 

Issues, folks!  Issues and answers - that is what we should be worrying about.  How many of us are going to be homeless ourselves in a few months through no fault of our own?  How many of us are going to be losing what little we have left in a few months through no fault of our own? 

Have any of you took a minute to think that when people can't eat, they don't go to the doctor, and when people don't go to the doctor, we have no work?  That means no pay for most of us...  that is what I am worrying about - my pay has already gone down about $50 a day in the last month because the hospital I work for has no work for me...  I am worried about losing my home that I bought "responsibly", I am worried about not eating one day soon because I have no money to buy groceries... 

Let's talk about these things and figure out where to go or what to do from here to build our country up and our friends up, to help the person that is reading the next message you post to have some hope that things are going to get better, or at least that they are not getting worse - quit tearing each other down and fussing and arguing all the time!!! 


I heard tonight sm
that the reason people get so outraged when Israel retaliates is that the Hamas purposefully hide themselves among civilians so that when they are struck, so are the civilians and that makes the Israelis look bad - at least worse than when the Hamas send their missiles over.
Mrs M - are we just a little bit RIPPED tonight?
If anyone can catch Hardball tonight

on MSNBC, there's a wonderful interview with parents of one of the Marines who was killed in the last couple days in Iraq.

These people gave the ultimate sacrifice, and IMHO their voices are very important.

Me too, MS....I look forward to all who are speaking tonight.
Guiliani is speaking, Huckabee....though I am not a Republican, I have to admire them. When one of theirs has some issues that they disagree on (like Guiliani being pro choice), they don't excommunicate and demonize them. MUCH more democratic party than the Democratic party.
I am as well.. can't wait for the speakers tonight, especially SP
Anybody watch ABC News tonight?

Charlies Gibson had a personal interview with JM about Sarah. Very interesting. He has the utmost confidence in her as VP. 

Most of the news tonight was on the convention.

Trace Adkins Tonight at RNC
He'll be singing the National Anthem at about 7:30 PM EST.
my goodness....am I ever popular tonight....lol...
almost as much as you sam!!

When I told them to carry on, they reallllyyyyy carried on.....lol....

Gotta love those dems....
Bidens 14 lies tonight

1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.

2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.

3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”

4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it’s passage.

5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he’s always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.

6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to FactCheck.org, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain’s record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.

7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false

8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.

9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.

10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.

11. IRAQ: When Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was “dead wrong on Iraq”, because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where they John McCain has been proven right.

12. TAX INCREASES: Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn’t see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.

13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn’t meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of “part of a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20.”

14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama, Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan.

True - it's been all over the news tonight how
So yeah, I hope she and the rest of 'em keep it up. It's gonna cost 'em the election.
The vile posts tonight.
I understand and appreciate the fact that the moderators do not want to censor this forum, but the posts tonight by someone who shall remain nameless are beyond vile. Unfortunately, by responding to this person's posts, we are encouraging her to continue spewing hate. There is no way to reason with someone like this, and I think it is best to do as the moderators suggest and ignore the posts in the hopes that she will just go away. Tonight's posts have been absolutely sickening.
How many thread do you need to dominate tonight?
You could post your question down under your newly brought up to the top post and while you are at it, you might consider answering the questions I have been posing to you since lunch time. Otherwise, do you mind if I solicit opinions on this progressive tax table from posters other than yourself?
I heard tonight that Obama

was planning on asking Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State.  Remembering back to the primary days, I'm not sure I think this is a good idea.  For that matter, I'm not even sure it's true; just something I heard, nothing official.

I'm having a rough night and feel there's another hospitalization for me looming in my very near future, so I might not be able to post on here for a while for feedback from you on this.  (To some on this board, go ahead and flame away.)  Good thing they have TV sets in the hospital, though, so I can at least keep up with the news.  LOL.

Anyway, take care. 

About Hannity, don’t have to watch tonight
I swear, if you miss him 1 day you can tune in next week, the week after or next year and he will repeat word by word by word what he has been talking about. I do not listen of a day except yesterday drove down to my store, about 5 minutes away and then back- he was STILL talking about Rev. Wright. He sounds like a broken record, should give it up, did not work the first time around, not working now.
There's a special on PBS tonight about Lincoln

The author stated Lincoln suspended the right of habeus corpus and the constitution to justify his causes....so maybe this is why O is following along those lines.

Hope it's not on late. I can't stay awake past 8:30 anymore.


Just saying something to placate before the "speech" tonight.
The weather man is better in his predictions!
What will you be watching instead of ObamABC tonight?
Let's all give ABC the lowest rating they've ever had, which will still be more than the scumbags deserve.
I wasn't talking about your posts tonight, gt, and you know it. sm
Your old posts are still on this board.  Like the poster who asked if you were strapped to the White House gate, I found your posts out of control and over the line.  Laugh all you want. 
Watch "Dead Wrong" tonight on CNN at 8 pm ET.
It will go into detail of how Colin Powell was given faulty intelligence before his address to the UN to present the case for war in Iraq. He was hoodwinked, and he says for that he will have to live with it.
It's just that the other posters tonight were much more respectful and better informed.
Will post back later tonight after work. nm
Obama does it again!!! Wins 3 states tonight!!!
is anybody else as excited about this as much as I am!  I hope he gets the nom
the fact that he admits tonight on nightline....
that he did have an affair...he told the woman that his wife's cancer was in remission...like that gives him license to cheat on his wife...he says the baby isn't his, yeah, right....
McCain to air "good job Obama" ad tonight

Who knows if the motivation is sincere or not, but I'm just going to assume that it is and give him kudos.  Here is what he will say in the ad tonight (courtesy of AP):


 "Senator Obama, this is truly a good day for America. Too often the achievements of our opponents go unnoticed. So I wanted to stop and say, congratulations. How perfect that your nomination would come on this historic day. Tomorrow, we'll be back at it. But tonight Senator, job well done."

I watched the family closely tonight

For the first time I took a long look at Cindy McCain and her reaction to the speeches and how she acted with everyone around her.  She is a beautiful lady and will make a very gracious first lady.  Kind of reminds me of how Jackie O was (the lady like quality.  Not frailty, but just someone that is very much the part.  What a stunning outfit she wore (I'm not into the fashion thing, but I just thought she looked very beautiful tonight).  I loved how she interacted with Sarah Palin's children.  And how cute was that of the young girl holding the baby and then licking her hand to keep the baby's hair in place.  Talk about a crack up.  All of Todd & Sarah Palin's kids are so cute.

I will be very happy with Cindy McCain as first lady & Todd Palin as "first dude?"  HA HA.  Actually I don't think they call the VP's spouse anything do they?

An email I recieved tonight and my answer

"Much is made of McCain's age.  Has anyone brought up the fact that Obama smokes and both of his parents died at an early age. Plus Biden has had two brain aneurysms which could have killed him.  If they both died while in office; that would leave Nancy Pelosi as president.  

I can't think of a better reason to vote for McCain & Palin – and McCain's  mother is 96 and still living!"

My answer

I  can think of a better reason. SOCIALISM is NOT FOR THE USA. Age doesn't matter. True love for this country does. I will not "hobnob" with a socialist who will be a "fanatic" against the rich. The rich could be anyone who makes over $250,000 a year but is that gross or net? He aint's sayin'. I'd rather somebody who knows Washington and tries to change it rather than somebody who is trying to be an old-fashioned "Robin Hood".


Do you really think this will play well with the senate and congress  who makes that kind of money? No, I don't think so.


Do we want Venezula as an ally? How about Cuba, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, etc.? No, I don't think so. I'd rather live "poor" than give my money away. I'd rather they try to stop illegal aliens, businesses moving out of the country because of  low taxes,. etc. If I was McC, I would have sat down with the businesses and asked  what it would take to keep them in this country, but if it was an outrageous answer, then I would tell them to take it or leave it. If they leave it, then no tax breaks for them. Stiffer taxes for them.


I do not buy Hershey's candy because they moved most of their production to Mexico and other countries. Am I alone? Apparently I am.  I will buy M&M (Mars) for the reason that they have not done that as far as I know.  I try to buy American as much as I can except if I want authentic Mexican food, authentic Italian cheeses, etc. But for an American company to move because of cheap wages and tax breaks, NO! I am trying to find a list of those, but don't have much time to do so.


McCain/Palin is the only way to go if you are a true American.




When Obama gave his speech tonight, I...

noticed the audience was made up of different ethnic groups.  What I also noticed was how they embraced one another - whites were hugging blacks, blacks were hugging whites, etc,etc.  Obama said he wanted to bring about change and he already has begun to accomplish that.  When he says, "Yes We Can," he is talking about overcoming adversity.

A lot of you may not have voted for Obama, but don't be bitter and angry because he won.  When you become bitter and angry, you only hurt yourself in the long run.

"I thought not" (sm talking to herself later tonight after dancing.....nm)

I need to apologize for any posts I made tonight

I'm so tired of trying to make a living but betwen the state and federal government taking it all away when we get finally get near the top of things I really, really get nasty sometimes. My grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be paying for what we could not stop; i.e., stimuls, TARP, and everything else coming down the pike, and I don't think any of it is right. I feel our country is down the tubes and there is no getting out of it. I hope I am wrong, but between the state and federal government and what they are creating, they will take, or try to take, everything we all worked hard to achieve.  Big Brother has come to the USA even if it did take more than 25 years. You all know this country is going down but what, really, is anyone doing to stop it? Not much, because we are not a unified body, and unless we do band together and try, we are doomed. JMHO

Disclaimer: I will not apoligize for any answers I post because I feel they were not out of line.


Daily Show is gonna be killer tonight :)
Anybody here watch The DailyShow with Jon Stewart?
Holycrap, you are totally STONED tonight, aren't you?

Glen Beck has a good program tonight.

He's on again at 9 p.m. EST. I'm watching it now and it's very interesting. Watch if you can.