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This was one of his stronger speeches.

Posted By: piglet on 2007-11-12
In Reply to: What are some of your thoughts on Obama? - kam

I have great respect for Obama and I hope that his numbers pick up. He has a lot of work to do, but I like what he has to say.

I am a Hillary fan myself and I have to say at this moment if I had to vote tomorrow, I would probably vote for Obama in the primary. Even though I believe in Hillary's ability to lead the country, I think that Bill will be her downfall and I have doubts. Seems that Bill made a better president than a husband. Not sure how much I want him as First Man either. He just can't keep his mouth shut.

I am looking forward to future debates. John Kerry doesn't strike me as having enough passion or backbone to do well, but I like his stance on the environment.

This election is going to be so exciting! Gets me jiggy ~

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You actually think O is stronger than McCain
the best speeches by SP

Onward Christian Soldiers marching onto war..........................

What I have not done is by his speeches....
and not look into his history. I have looked into McCain's history as well. Because I want to make an informed decision. I don't want to see a socialist America. I want someone in the white house for a CHANGE who is there to serve the people who put him there, not serve his own political ambitions and agenda. Barack Obama is not that man. I cannot ignore he is a socialist. I cannot ignore his church theology of 20 years. I cannot ignore his Chicago connections and Bill Ayers, his wife's thesis and comments...any one of those things alone is not alarming...all those things together tell me I do not want that man in the white house. So you vote for him, and if he is elected, when you are driving around small town PA the sign in my yard will say "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him." And I'm not. Have a great day!
did you see any of her speeches?
or even any of her "handler controlled" interviews? She's dumber than Bush. I'll take brains over "refreshing" any day to run my country.
Have you listened to their speeches? sm
Because Jr. and Sr. both frequently quote the New World Order.

The NWO is not a conspiracy theory. This stuff was discussed in my family for decades because my grandfather was a high ranking Mason and city councilman. All of them are Masons, and their symbols are everywhere.

In several of McCain's speeches, he's said
in the world", and yada yada yada. Yet I didn't hear him once say he was for fining or taxing companies that send American work overseas. If he thinks we're so great, why isn't he planning on doing anything about offshoring?
Spare me the speeches...(sm)

As far as I'm concerned there is no "reward" to be reaped.  There is no he11.  There is no heaven, and there is no god.  I think what ticks you guys off more than anything is the fact that I am actually free to live my life without fear of that dreaded "after life" that you all aspire to.  What will you think when you figure out at the very end that all you did was for nothing and all you could have done was denied?  How will it feel when you realize you have done nothing but waste your life for the sake of a man-made fear-mongering religion?  It must be miserable to be you.

Boy, that never gets old. Never. You should write Osamabama's speeches.
Listen carefully to his speeches, in
by saying "we will change the world" and this is one of the things that puts a knot in my stomach about this man.
O is doing very well with the doom and gloom speeches

He doesn't need the pubs to help him. He's doing it all by himself. This writer can't make  excuses for that so he attacks the pubs with his rhetoric. Another one-sided opinion.


Why Obama's speeches are good
Obama has better speech writers. That's it. While I give Obama credit for giving excellent speeches, you also have to know he does not write them himself. He is an excellent presenter and public speaker. Probably due to his years in law, where you have to be an excellent speaker.

The difference between Obama and Bush (imho) is that Bush is not a good speaker. It's the tone of the voice. Obama has a good strong, deep, calming voice (he'd be great in an emergency situation trying to calm someone down), however, he does not write his own speeches, he just presents them.

Also he depends too much on the teleprompter and not enough time reviewing the speeches before hand. I don't know if he is so busy and has himself spread so thin (what with going on all the TV shows - which by the way is just wrong, do we have a President here or a celebrity making the round on the local TV shows), but he really should spend some quality time reading the speeches. As we saw with the huge error when he was giving a speech and someone put the wrong speech up on the teleprompter and he was reading the other countries leader's speech instead of his own and he didn't even realize it, even when he was praising himself up and down.
Well good for him. I missed all of his speeches about the hurricaine.
So you say he's been all over the TV before the hurricaine making speeches about it. I'll take your word for it.

Fact still remains he was on vacation, officially or unofficially. But I'd expect you to debate this point down to the end, so enjoy :)
O is "just words, just speeches", little substance.
How do Arab leaders make their speeches? (sm)
If you could post a link to a video it would be appreciated.  I really would like to see what you're talking about here.
You didn't watch Obama's speeches before the
He said "I will close Gitmo". All the O lovers were on here posting how wonderful that was; how glad they were to hear it. And now, you act as if you know nothihng about that? Obama wouldn't do such a thing? All he had to do was say, no, things will go forward, a trial will be had NOW, and there will be no freeze.

He didn't do that! And so it has started..

I do "cringe" when Obama makes speeches


He was on the weather channel (his speeches were) constantly on the weekend. BUT SM
I am probably lying.
Pretty word, elegant speeches, charismatic,
but no substance. Kind of like a marshmallow, soft inside and out, no substance and not good for you.
The White House releases pieces of the speeches
Are you for real? His "please excuse my country" speeches
And George kept up with those "we are not in a recession" speeches, hilarious but tragic....nm