This is bulls**t. Pure and simple. But you guys LOVE the troops. News flash. SM
Posted By: sm on 2005-08-22
In Reply to: Poster asked for the link and I provided it. - Observer
Recruiters are troops.
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You guys are wussies. Pure and simple. Wussies. nm
You are a liar, pure and simple
While parts of this may be from a court brief, they are taken wholly out of context and your entire posting is a cut and paste from a neocon website article. Time to 'fess up!
Your source of "facts" will always be totally different from the liberal board's source of facts so we are never going to agree on much of anything in general. SO therefore we cannot debate.
Because it's a lie, pure, plain and simple...
We do have free speech but it is wrong to make things up about people. Didn't your mom teach you that? The stuff about Palin and Bush are facts. What you put about Obama being compared to Hitler is trouble making slander and liable and hateful. I won't even respond to you anymore on this board because it gives attention to a person who doesn't deserve it. All I can say is OBAMA WON AND THAT MEANS THE MAJORITY WANTED HIM SO TOUGH NOOGIES.
This is brainwashed hogwash, pure and simple.
You've been lied to since the get-go; 1948, to be precise.
Thanks...glad you could see it for what it was. Star Wars, pure and simple...nm
News Flash. sm
Using the term living in ignorance is not calling a name. If you are that sensitive, political boards are not for you.
News flash
from an old crohn who has lived a long time. If you are expecting things to be any better under EITHER regime, I think you're whistling in the wind. Both candidates supported the bail-out that is going to put us all under and I expect we'll become the newest Third World Country. When all is said and done, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We've allowed our country to be overrun by illegal aliens thanks to many bleeding hearts. BOTH of these candidates support "comprehensive immigration reform." We only need the laws already on the books to be enforced. BOTH of them want to reward the illegals already in this country knowing full well that it will further depress wages and benefits but it will sure please the big businesses that they BOTH cater to. We pay lip service to wanting change but how the heck do we get it when we keep wanting "experience" or more of the same when we say we want "change." Ain't gonna happen. I refer to the definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." To quote the person who constantly says it..........SHEESH!!
News flash...(sm)
I have had an abortion. Was it for my own convenience? No. Did I have to have escorts into the building because people like you were outside throwing bottles and yelling murderer? Yes. By the way, they set a bomb the next day that killed quite a few people. I guess that wasn't murder though because it was name of the lord. Did I enjoy ripping my child apart limb by limb and decapitating him/her as you so eloquantly put it? Not so much. Was it really like that even? No. How did I know? Well, let's just say the tape they used to hold the material over the *collection jar* didn't stick very well. What you don't understand is that having an abortion is not an easy decision, but sometimes it is a necessary decision.
So why did I have an abortion? I had 2 choices. I could have the child who was fathered by the man who was my husband at the time, who would have beaten the child just like he beat and raped me, or I could have had the child so it could end up in that list of children you just turned your nose up at. You see, not everybody fits into that nice little box you like to call *girls who just want to get pregnant,* but if that makes it prettier for you, then go right ahead.
I don't have a problem with faith, I have a problem with religion, especially when it impacts social issues that would take away rights of others who are not represented by that religion, or when it presents a double standard (you really don't have to look too hard to find those). A person on this board wrote that politics don't belong in the pulput. I agree. But I also believe that the pulput doesn't belong in politics. Keep your religion, let it teach you whatever it will, abide by it's rules. Just don't expect others to have the same set of rules.
Helping my community: You have no idea what I do and don't do, so I wouldn't be so quick to judge someone you don't know. Maybe you should spend less time running all over the world trying to find that perfect baby that will look just like mommy and daddy and spend more time using that money spent on the kids here that need help. I guess that would be too much to ask for because those children here are just too much of a pain in the a$$ for you.
You just keep on rambling on about how wonderful you are and how $hitty everyone else is. Oh, and might I point out that most christians I know don't help others for recognition (your boasting is disgusting), they help others because they want to and because that is what their faith teaches them to do.
News flash for you.
Palin lost.
Get a new hobby.
News flash, m...
Not everyone believes the same as you. You can be shocked and disappointed all you like, it is not going to change anyone's mind. As a matter of fact, the more I learn about the mindset of the the extreme conservatives, the more liberal I become.
News flash....(sm)
The current debt of the US BEFORE this plan is $10,765,494,601,610.69 as of Feb 14, 2009. It has continued to increase by about $3.58 billion PER DAY since Sept 28, 2007. Hmmmm.....
I wonder what could be costing us so much? How about this?
And you want to complain about spending money that will actually BENEFIT people. 
News flash for you......
We get the fact that this deficit was there before Obama took office. However, there were many dems who voted in favor of the war in Iraq...including Hillary Clinton. Bush didn't do all of this on his own. He did all of this with the help of the rest of the government and within the last few years or so....I do believe dems controlled congress.
All this being said, it still does not make spending 1 trillion dollars okay because....hey Bush already racked up a huge deficit first. Government spending is part of what got us in this mess in the first place and now what is government doing.......SPENDING MORE. I can't help but cringe.
As far as blaming all this money being spent on about all the money that goes to illegal aliens daily. We are talking billions of dollars going to illegal aliens in this country....and I do believe Obama's own aunt is one of those.
news flash
A ton of people are already smoking pot. Probably people you would never suspect. I know teachers, lawyers, doctors, grandmothers, and even the minister of my church.
I think it is a great idea! Besides the income from the tax, we can quit wasting resources on something so absurd.
News flash....(sm)
That wasn't "god" commiting murder. That was one of your run of the mill wacko pro-life supporters. You must be so proud. Since you believe that life begins at conception, what makes it okay to take one life and not okay to take another's? You have to be the most hypocritical excuse for a human I've ever had the misfortune to meet.
News flash - yourself, you need to read
are the one trying to involve religion and "social issues."
News flash, Shelly.
There are millions of people who believe in the concept of God and not all of them believe in the same God you claim to believe in. It may be "your" one and only true God, but you cannot speak for anyone else.
Love that race card. Pure class. sm
This is coming from someone who trained at the gym for 2 years with a black guy. Yeah, I'm racist, all right.
Like Bill Clinton said, "they played the race card from the bottom of the deck!"
???? Um. News flash. Hillary didn't win - - - nm
News flash. Bush is not running.
News flash for you.......their women are scared
They are afraid to even move the wrong way for fear of retribution. THey are afraid to let their daughters go to school because they fear what will happen to them on the way to school. Of course, the women will treat you with respect. The women aren't usually the problem. It's the beliefs the men have forced down their throats and those of their daughters. Don't misinterpret respect for fear, fear of doing anything that could get them beaten to death. There are some more liberal areas where beliefs are not as harsh and families are not so demanding of their women and daughters; Saudi Arabia and Iran are two of them, but even Iranian women are coming under attack again and are fearful of even crossing the street.
Like I have been told by Muslim women in this country who are no longer under the control of men from those countries, they feel such a relief and do not have to fear for their lives every day. They will tell you their sons are taught from a small age to chant verses of hate over and over again, brainwashing them. Only those that are lucky enough to be in a more liberal environment and even leave the country abroad for education purposes realize the difference in the teachings from other religions, where love is actually taught.
NEWS FLASH....prostitutes' business
One madam reported her girls were getting $260 for 60 minutes but now they're hurting because of the economy. Boy, it's pretty bad when our news media thinks it's noteworthy to note the whores are hurting.
Hey, news flash - This isn't O's personal life
And sure you don't care about'd be all over him in a second criticizing him up and down. This is not the O's personal life. I could care less what the O, Michelle, his daughters and relatives do in their own lives.
This is his public life, and the people (our servants) that he has invited to his parties, and the fact that he's spending our tax money to fund his parties!!!!!!!
News flash, Jon Voight is mentally ill.
NEWS FLASH - Michelle wears flat shoes a lot!!
What in the world can we read into this?
Oh, I can beat that. A picture of liberal tolerance and love for the troops. SM
I know. I love these guys. (NT)
Oh, how I love to rile you guys up! Thanks for making my day...
We are leaving on a vacation now, but please feel free to add any snarky quips you want; I'm bringing my laptop with me and just might get to see them! I do hope your messiah wins, can't wait to see the long, hard fall he's gonna take when he doesn't live up to your expectations and can't keep his promises. That will be a sure bet!
Wrong! You guys love to blow things up just to slam
If it were so free (of religious bulls#it), then
Closing Gitmo is not as simple as simple
simple exercise or simple mind
ever heard of thyroid dysfunction, ever heard of drugs that cause weight gain (such as steroids) or any other cause for obesity? Don't be so self-righteous.
Love, love, love John Stewart. . .
the bit about the open microphone on McCain during the debate was brilliant!!! I laughed until I literally cried!! By the way, Michelle Obama was warm, intelligent, sincere and very much First Lady material!!!
I think it all shows that Christianity is valued with the love of the dollar, not the love of Christ
Pure hysteria, much of what you say.
I might also add, that as a casual observor, your hatred of conservatives, or as you so sweetly call them *CONS* is very evident. It's ludicrous to deny it. Anyone who does not agree with you, even when they are not of the political persuasian you accuse them of being, they are labeled and you send up a cry to the moderator and THEN you insult the moderator! LOL. You duplicity is quite obvious. Except, perhaps, to you. Let the flames begin!
Pure Class.
Adults acting like children once again. Proves my point every time.
That's pure propaganda
Right down to the music that is being played in the background. Anyone can take bits and pieces of articles and flash them on the screen. Those aren't facts.
The democrates did not cause the financial crisis. Here are some real facts:
Since 1960 the nation's deficit has risen during every republican administration and dropped during every democratic administration.
The standard of living and income has improved for everyone in the country during every democratic administration since 1960, EVEN for the top 1% of the country. It has gotten worse for everyone in the country during every republican adminstration EXCEPT the top 1%.
While Nixon and Ford were in office interest rates for mortgages had ballooned to 11%-13% and many people in this country could not afford to buy a home. Carter brought those rates down so that more people in this country could afford to buy homes.
What caused this mess is not the people who were extended credit. Here is part of what caused it: Banks issued subprime mortgages to people at a rate they could initially afford but which would increase to an inflated rate after a period of time. Those banks then immediately sold those mortgages at the inflated rates to other banks. First-time home buyers were especially targeted. A lot of them didn't understand what they were getting into because it was misrepresented to them. They didn't know, for example, they could not refinance for a period of time without huge penalities. Then the market started to decline and many of those homeowners found themselves upside down on their loans and they were unable to refinance. Their interest rates had ballooned to rates they could no longer afford. As homeowners lost their homes the banks who were sold the loans at inflated prices were no longer able to collect on those loans. But the banks (and the CEOs) that initated those loans walked away with a great deal of money.
It was because of greed. And the deregulation that the republicans passed allowed it to happen.
pure supposition and
not supported by any available information.
That's because it is pure hogwash.
I love democrats! I love most of the past democratic presidents (sm)
I would love for there to be a good democrat I could vote for. I want good leadership and I want change. But I truly believe to purposely ignore a symbol speaks volumes. He is not just asking the symbol to wait, he is ignoring it on purpose. Avoiding it on purpose. Why do you think that is? There is a reason. Can you not see it?
If it's high you flash it, if it's low you hide
like everything else, isn't it?
Pure trash from beginning to end.
Are you not aware how old this smear campaign is and how ineffective it has been thus far? Though it seems like a couple of lifetimes ago, I do recall it being around at least as far back as February. It was kept alive all the way up until Obama successfully clenched the nomination of his party despite the Hannity cult's diligence to make it stick. It finally faded out after their original mission had failed miserably and he emerged from the primaries on top. You can post this stupidity until the end of time but it isn't going to accomplish anything except to make you look like the ignorant, out of touch bigot that you are, marginalize the fringe that subscribes to these beliefs and make your own party look like fools.
I am a WASP American who has many more Moslem friends than Christians for reasons that would be a waste of time to explain to someone with such a narrow, tiny brain. My relationship to that community spans more than 5 decades and my life has been enriched tenfold because of it. I have traveled there, lived amongst them, married into a Moslem family, born Christian children from that union and buried a few along the way. I speak 2 of their languages, have read the Quran, their literature and appreciated their extensive historical contributions to the arts, music and the sciences.
I have lost count of how many of them I have known. I can tell you they are an intelligent, educated and spiritual people. They have family values every bit as strong as Americans and an even stronger sense of community. They take pride in humility and honor. In all those many years, never ONCE have I known a terrorist among them. I know they are out there and I know that unfortunately the politicized version of Islam is every bit as ugly as the politicized version of Chritianity.
It makes no difference whether Obama is a Christian with Moslem ties or a Moslem who has converted (which he is not). As a matter of fact, I have also known many Moslems who have converted, but Obama is not one of them. He is a remarkable human being and this country is blessed to have him as a choice for leadership in this election. What I can tell you is that the ugly, bigoted sentiments expressed here are universally repulsive to all people of faith. Today, you have made me feel ashamed to call myself a Christian.
What a load of pure dung! nm
Hmmmm, pure dung? Definitely an
FLASH! Your cheap methods won't work here.
Sadly for you, people on this forum are beginning to learn how to think.
First, you don't give your source - THE HUFFINGTON POST! Get a clue that we're on to you and won't let you get away with this crap for even one minute. Try this deception again and we'll bury you.
Second, the way Boehner used the word "torture" was taken entirely out of context as he did not call our methods torture, nor did he agree that this is what they amounted to.
Here's what Boehner said - and you'll notice that it is completely different from what you are TRYING so very hard to mis-portray:
"House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is upset with the Obama administration for releasing the torture memos and thinks the time for a public debate is over — even though the debate just seems to be heating up.
"I don't — I don't see a lot of value in looking back. ... This is another side show here in Washington," he told reporters during his weekly news conference.
"When it comes to what our interrogation techniques are going to be or should be, I — I'm not going to disclose, nor should anyone have a conversation about what those techniques ought to be. It's — it's inappropriate. All it does is give our enemies more information about us than they need."
A reporter (me) interjected: "Do you think it's inappropriate to have a public conversation about the techniques we use?"
Boehner: "Oh, I think that conversation has occurred. The president has made decisions, and we should move forward."
Me, again: "But you think — you just said it was inappropriate. You don't think ..."
Boehner: "I don't — I don't see that we're going to learn anything that — that clearly members in a bipartisan way, the congressional leaders, didn't already know about these techniques."
John Bresnahan: "Shouldn't the American public know [inaudible]? Shouldn't they have an idea?"
Boehner: "Well, listen, I — I'll take a deep breath here. [Grabs podium and inhales.] We're talking about terrorists who are hell bent on killing Americans. All right? And — and 3,000 of our fellow citizens died. And there were techniques that were used by Americans and our allies around the world that helped keep America safe."
Read between the lines....pure sarcasm.....nm
Pure garbage. I actually think the repubs leaked
personal baloney about Sarah to gain her the sympathy vote.
I investigated this and your allegations are pure garbage. nm
Eden Pure Heater answer
We had one last year for the bedroom. It died a week after the warranty ran out. Didn't last a full winter and we only turned it on 2 hours before going to bed.
Try getting in touch with them. Couldn't find a phone number. Found the ad and wrote a letter. Never heard a thing.
Pure Race Definition: One Without Neglect & Abuse
Pure entertainment (or possibly not) see link inside...,2933,415441,00.html
Disgusting! Pure racism and fear tactics. nm