Thinking before you speak
Posted By: Gimme A Break on 2008-12-16
In Reply to: Yes, one should always think before they lie - me
What masses are you talking about? Who exactly thinks they're going to get freebies? Who worships the ground he walks on?
The guy thinks before he speaks because he's a thinker. He wants to make sure that what comes out of his mouth is exactly what he wants to convey.
It's easy to hurl unfounded insults, isn't it? You don't have to think to do that.
Gimme a break.
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Subject: Thinking is > dangerous > > > > > > It started out innocently enough. > > I began to think at parties now and then -- to loosen up. > > Inevitably, though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than > just a > social thinker. > > I began to think alone -- to relax, I told myself -- but I knew it > wasn't > true. > > Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I was thinking > all > the time. > > That was when things began to sour at home. One evening I had turned off > the > TV > and asked my wife about the meaning of life. > > She spent that night at her mother's. > > I began to think on the job. > > I knew that thinking and em! ployment don't mix, but I couldn't stop myself. > > I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka. > > I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, What is it > exactly > we are doing here? > > One day the boss called me in. > > He said, Listen, I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your > thinking > has > become a real problem. If you don't stop thinking on the job, you'll have > to > find another job. > > This gave me a lot to think about. > > I came home early after my conversation with the boss. > > Honey, I confessed, I've been thinking... > > I know you've been thinking, she said, and I want a divorce! > > But Honey, surely it's not that serious. > > It is serious, she said, lower lip aquiver. You think as much as &! gt; college > professors, and college professors don't ! make any money, so if you keep on > thinking, we won't have any money! > > That's a faulty syllogism, I said impatiently. > > She exploded in tears of rage and frustration, but I was in no mood to > deal > with > the emotional drama. > > I'm going to the library, I snarled as I stomped out the door. > > I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche. > > I roared into the parking lot with NPR on the radio and ran up to the big > glass > doors... > > They didn't open. The library was closed. > > To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that > night. > > Leaning on the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster > caught > my > eye. > > Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life? it asked. > > You probably recognize that line.! It comes from the standard Thinker's > Anonymous poster. Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker. > > I never miss a TA meeting. At each meeting we watch a non-educational > video; > last week it was Porky's. Then we share experiences about how we avoided > thinking since the last meeting. > > I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home. > > Life just seemed...easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking. > > I think the road to recovery is nearly complete for me. > > Today, I registered to vote as a Republican... |
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WHAT was I thinking!!!!
I forgot only your opinion counts. Please forgive me.
Whatever was I thinking? NT
W's thinking (or not)
W. finds time to attend the services for the VT students (as he ought), yet fails to attend a single funeral of any one of the soldiers he has sent into war; no excuse in my book. I am currently listening to the service on TV and the Governor of VA is saying how W knows **first as a governor and now as president the importance of comfort and consolation necessary in these sad times.** (paraphrased a bit) Soldiers and their families don't need comfort or consolation...that is just wrong. People who have voluntarily put their lives in danger at the behest of their president and in duty to their country are not afforded the respect of the man's (who sent them there presence??) This is not to minimize in any way the tragedy at VT. I realize that one cannot attend 3300 funerals but maybe at least 1 in each state or something. These soldiers deserved better.
Gee, with this way of thinking, I should
be VP, a heartbeat from the presidency. I am NOT Washingtonian. I am a normal person. My husband is a blue collar worker. I have three children and six grandchildren. Hmmmm.... Why wasn't I called!? Since 1984, I have felt that the American people are so stupid, and as it turns out, I am right.
Like he said...he kept thinking they would do something...
and they aren't. ANd you would think that the man who is going to be president would want to BE THERE and hear things FIRST HAND on the biggest crisis of the country. Good grief, admit it, if Obama had done it first you would be singing his praises and saying all the things we are saying about McCain. Just admit Geez.
What are they thinking???!!!
I am a republican, and plan to vote for McCain. Why in the world did they allow Sarah Palin to go on that piece of crap Saturday Night Live??
Your thinking about this too much!
Here this should put you to rest! LOL (this is the most unbiased one I could find)
I am thinking that
it is a bad idea to kill any industry while bailing others out in a failing economy, but that's just my way of thinking. It seems silly to throw money at industries that are doing poorly while trying to bankrupt industries that are doing well.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Now that I am thinking about it.....
That we should transcribe ESL without complaining! We should be politically correct and polite, and understanding, but the different accents just kept coming from all over the world and we were expected to be professional and productive, but that has been hard also.
Just what I was thinking of
I'm thinking about doing that too...(sm)
I'm 45 with at least 20 yrs to go. I figure I'll only put in money that I can spare--yeah that's a joke. Instead of buying extra stuff I don't need (assuming that's an option in the future), I'll save that back for investing.
I was thinking 7 too....are we right, m?....nm
HA HA HA HA HA - That's what I was thinking.
Oh my gosh I laughed so hard at your reply. That's the funniest all morning. Thanks for the laugh.
LOL! Thanks for saying what I was thinking, JBB.
What ARE they thinking?
report on anything whatsoever that does not help to advance the culture wars? You are so right. What we need is a 24/7/365 media blitz belittling the evil prez and drumming up as much opposition as possible to any avancement toward a fix for the economy. Good luck with that. Seriously. It's about the only hope the GOP has for being able to make face in 2012 or to orchestrate that all important revolution in Congress in 2010. Hang all those pesky folks who are losing their jobs and homes.
I'm thinking that the only ones to be
bummed out by all these developments are the productive members of society, who see their lives not really being improved by all this hope and change. So it would be in the government's best interests to keep us from checking out, so that we can be kept subsidizing everyone else. This is not really concern. They are just trying to prevent escape.
Well I can only speak on what I saw.
I didn't see a post about Nan being old and to die in hell, so pardon me on that.
And I didn't say that you had left before. Reread the post. I was walking about Nan having left before basically, and said she wasn't coming back.
Odd, that you should speak for gt SM
One might think she doesn't have a voice of her own. Or one might think other things.
Sure, but I can't speak for the others. nm
So now you speak for God. Wow, gt. sm
You are more of an elitist pig than I thought possible. But I mean that in a good way. Am I fried now?
So now you speak for God.
That was only one of the sites. And God forbid people are brought to Christ.
Nobody told her she doesn't have the right to speak.
That's quite a stretch even for YOU, MT. 
as we speak
POTUS is lamenting the state of government -- of course it is all the fault of Congress. He tries and tries but "they" prevent any movement. Poor chimpie.
I have a right to speak
out about the incompetency of the supposed "leader" of the free world. Each episode of ignorance, distortion of facts, and deception needs to be brought into the light and examined repeatedly. It is cumulative. I brush aside the label of "bush bashing" as another neocon attempt to frame the issue. I will continue to post as I wish and to refuse to engage in discussion with anyone whose purpose is simply to gain attention, even if negative. I do feel compassion for those so abused and ignored throughout life that they will take any acknowledgement as life-affirming, but I do not take it upon myself to feed their insatiable desire to be noticed. I am encouraged by the split in the repub party into small groups of supporters, but the dems have got this pres election in the bag anyway not only due to their fresh, positive approach but the self-destruction of the repubs by their own arrogance and corruption.
I can only speak to myself....
but I pray concerning basically every decision I make. Not because I think the decision is God's will, but that whatever His will will be done. I saw the same clip (I think) and I think that is what Palin meant, not that the pipeline itself was specifically God's will, but to pray for the success of the venture, ask that it go well, but in the end, God's will be done. God is very real to us and praying is just communicating with him. Talking to him. It is a relationship, like with a dear friend. That is the best short description I can give. This is from my experience only. Others may not have the same experience.
speak for yourself
Speak for yourself
I have briefly (mercifully) lived in an fabulous neighborhood consisting of a bunch of old guys who only cared about golf and their wives who had faces stretched back to their spine and stapled. It was really very boring. Give me the rich vibrancy of a middle-class neighborhood any day. Just my opinion!
did he ever speak out against it at all? nm
sorry to say, he is on Fox as we speak
with all their promises, which sound just great, but who is going to pay for all these great promises?
Perhaps you would like to speak
letters that are being sent to pastors of churches in our area (and maybe nationwide, I haven't researched it yet) that tells them if they mention anything political in the pulpit, then their church will lose its tax-exempt status. While I don't go for politics in the pulpit, I also don't go for the government telling pastors what they can and cannot preach about.
It would seem to me that one side is just as guilty of "crossing party lines" as the other.
Once again, you know not what you speak.....
Indonesian lawyer DOES give the parent the right to renounce the child's citizenship to another country. The U.S. does happen to recognize this with Indonesia, so it was done and the papers were there to prove it. Only when Obama turns of age could he RENOUNCE his citizenship with Indonesia, which he has not done.
The attorney I speak of is in New York and has been doing this for over 30 years. He deals with foreign adoptions every day and each country has its own red tape and laws. Indonesia is one he has spoken of many times with regards to Obama and those attorneys who have dealt one-on-one with Indonesian law know this.
You seem to belive all countries recognize the United States.....they don't. BTW, during the time Obama was in Indonesia and adopted by his stepfather, the laws were clear that no one could go to school in Indonesia unless they were an Indonesian citizen, i.e., Obama.
And, yes, it does matter what Indonesian law says because Obama is Indonesian by adoption. He has NO papers proving his U.S. citizenship in the first place but he does have papers proving INdonesian citizenship, of which he has not renounced as of today.
Matter of fact, the only papers he has proving ANY citizenship is that of Indonesia and Kenya, when his father was alive.
Sorry to disappoint ya......
Maybe you should just speak for yourself...(sm)
instead of assuming that everyone is like you.
You have my empathy. I had been seriously thinking
of relocating down south, but I think it's prudent to steer clear of it because I don't want to live amongst people like that any more than they would want me to live amongst them. Feels very much like a new age of segregation, only based on religion/politics instead of race. If you visit the Conservative board, it's clear to see the tactics they use, and it shows depth of character to me. I've made a list of people who aren't worth the click of a mouse because they've proven themselves to have no credibility, and I don't feel like wasting time.
People's views vary on a number of issues, and I usually really enjoy reading opposing views if they're presented in an intelligent, credible manner without insults or attacks or falsehoods.
Anyway, it's great to see someone who's a NICE, cheerful, venomless person post, regardless of your views. I hope you keep visiting. 
I was thinking the very same thing.
It seems like some dark force has taken over Lurker. I will pray about that.
Thanks for your reply. I was thinking that the more...
moderate and even conservative leaning Independents might be swayed. Enough of them swayed to vote him back in as an Independent as a senator. I realize that is only one state, but there are others of like mind across the country who are pretty sick of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party...and McCain is more moderate, as is Lieberman...not hard right or hard left. That is very appealing to some people right now who are tired of the infighting and the extremes. I think Lieberman is VERY astute and realizes this.
As to the war in Iraq...both Clinton and Obama have said they would not be for immediate withdrawal of troops. The only candidate I have heard who said they would end the war immediately is Ron Paul. Which, I know is an unpopular stance you. The only thing I can say at this point is that for whatever reason we went...which we cannot change...we are there. And you can't unscramble eggs. We need to do the best fix we can in the shortest time possible, and Petraeus is doing that. Amazing strides have been made. Hopefully they will continue and we are able to get most of our forces out of there in a year or two. Which is better than the 5-6 years they used to talk about. And to me, that is an amazing stride.
At any rate, thanks for your answer. I won't hold my breath to hear you, DW, being criticized as a one-issue voter (you said that you would not vote for McCain because of his stand on the war). lol.
Have a great day!
you said exactly what I've been thinking
The democratic party needs to kick the Clintons out. They need to tell them they are dividing the party. I've heard many people say there are actually 3 parties. The democrats, republicans, and the Clintons. And that is no joke. I don't know where they came from but they only surfaced about 16 years ago when Billy ran and now they are like a virus. I wish the Dems had some "cahonas" and just told Bill & Hillary they are not wanted in the democratic party and they remove them. They have not done anything good for the party. As for saying Hillary inspires woman - oh please - there are tons more women in poltics who are aspiring. The only thing Hillary inspires are the liars and cheats. And I'd like to rip their fingers off. Didn't their mother's ever teach them it's rude to point to people.
I am thinking the same thing..
like everyone wants it to... It's just not that type of thing you can just "forget about." Maybe John McCain should have done some digging on his own before choosing her.
Thank you. I have been thinking the same thing of her. nm
I am not bullying anyone into my way of thinking....
simply presenting the other side. That is what democracy is about. If you are saying women should not involve themselves in politics, I could not disagree more. Decisions affect us, just like they affect men.
Of course I don't know everything...I just give research due diligence because I don't accept anything from either side at face value. The whole basis of our political system is that there are two sides to everything and you choose whichever side most closely meets what you think is best for the country.
What is wrong with defending someone if you believe that person is right? The other side defends Obama just as aggressively, if not more so.
Actually, the beatitude says the meek shall inherit the earth, not the weak. In my interpretation, "meek" does not mean "weak."
Really? Well, your ignorance of thinking O has any
BACKWARDS thinking?
Do a little research on McBush before you think he'll do a better job.
It's entirely IRResonsible to elect a 72-year-old bush wannabe with a half-baked right wingnut in the wings as second in line to the still most powerful office in the world.
Like war and paying for REBUILDING SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY instead of your own?
Most likely she is. Alot of that thinking seems
Thanks sam - was just thinking about you yesterday
We miss you here. We need people to post with knowledge and sanity (and links that back up things they say). All I'm reading are nasty hate-filled posts and its quite nauseating. Especially when they don't have facts.
Where's the logic in this way of thinking?
it should be.....backwards thinking
You got nothing there but your own circular thinking.
gag me
Seems to me he isn't thinking straight
in a lot of areas. "Not thinking straight" is a qualification for the highest office in the land? I should hope not.
I was thinking the same thing
if I MUST eat it, please doctor it up as best you can and parboil it pretty long in advance, my teeth ain't what they used to be. LOL
I was thinking more on the lines of a
decent steak and baked potatoes if the budget would handle it. If not, they shoulda made hot dogs and baked beans.
We're paying for this, ya know. That's what's so sickening. We down the tubes and they're feasting as if nothing is wrong.