They are not scientific, but do show a growing
Posted By: LVMT on 2006-08-03
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The Rocky Mountain News is a mainstream paper in a conservative state. All everyone wants is for this to be properly investigated, by independent investigators. The 911 Commission pretty much admitted the first one was a whitewash.
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Should be noted that this is not a scientific poll
It's one those click here to vote deals. Not credible in the least.
I have noticed this trend..
starting about Katrina time. A lot happened at the same time, Katrina, over 2000 dead, CIA leak, erroneous intelligence, gas prices, etc. etc. I have felt that even on my side of the street that there just is not much to's all being exposed...for myself it is a confirmation that what I have believed all along seems to be true and for conservatives, I would guess they are staying on other boards, those that are extremely partisan in nature simply because it would be very difficult to defend much of what has taken place recently and from the get go. In 2004 I was very frightened that this country could not take 4 more years of George W. Bush but I had NO IDEA the enormity that prediction would take on. The whole thing is extremely mind-boggling and frightening.
Michael Savage, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Malkin...Seeing a trend here? sm
Let the conservatives quizz him because as long as the liberal press keeps giving "The Anointed One" a pass, then he will continue with his snake-oil statements. And he can't speak without a teleprompter. He stutters. From what I saw of the convention, Sarah Palin managed very well. But in the grand scheme of things....time will tell. However, I do not think the American people have that luxury any more.
This is growing tiresome....
Your hatred of liberals is causing you to cover your eyes and ears and pretend nothing is wrong, or could possibly be wrong with our government. There is a growing majority who do not believe as you do (or disbelieve as you do).
If you find gt's posts so virulent and hateful why do you come on the liberal board? The board posts obviously upset you. And with your repeated personal attacks on the posters you are truly providing a negative advertisement for your belief system. You need to think about that.
Wow. List growing by the minute.
by hate mail after daring to have his own opinion and is leaving the National Review, the magazine founded by his dad. So much for family tradition.
I always remember what my mom and dad taught me growing up
Treat others how you want to be treated. Don't call people names if you wouldn't want to be called names. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you don't like what is being said (this pertained more to racial slurs in public when they would look at me and call me a name) keep walking and soon you will not hear them talk anymore.
Hope the board will now come back to what it is meant for. You have a good night and don't let people get to you. You are a valuable person with valuable ideas and thoughts and that's what makes our country a wonderful place.
I ate my fair share of soup growing
We lived on a farm and my dad grew a big garden every year....peas, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, butter beans, onions....and when the first pickings of the garden came in, mom would make a pot of vegetable soup with a little of all the different ear of corn, a few tomatoes, an onion, a few peas and a few butter beans. Best soup I ever ate and I wish I could have some now. Mom would always can and freeze a lot of vegetables to last us through the winter and sometimes a pot of peas and a pan of cornbread was all we had for supper. But it sho was good eatin'!
Actually, the black middle class is the fasted growing population, but
Makes you wonder, with technology growing faster than the human
something is bound to crash! I think my kids are probably responsible for about half of those text messages, thank goodness for unlimited!!
Too bad we can't develop the technology to come up with a decent government!
Just goes to show the j@ckas@es/crooks running the show!
Beck says - almost every show - that he is NOT doing a news show.
He does an opinion show - meaning HIS opinion. As such, he's entitled to stick pins in little Obama dolls for all I care.
I can hear Chris Wallace laughing at you folks from here because it's pretty obvious whoever wrote that knows zip about Beck, or Wallace for that matter. In fact, I can't think what Wallace has to do with Beck anyway. Everyone of INTELLIGENCE who watches Beck and Wallace is perfectly aware that one does one type of show and the other does another.
But what do you expect from one of George Soros' puppet sites like Media Matters and Move
You really should delete your Favorites list and start over.
Saw the show. It was a guest on the show....
not a commentator. Why don't you post the link to the clip so everyone can decide?
Show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are.’
This subject is not old, and is very, very relevant.
Obama's friends/associates (supposedly former friends and associates, only since this campaign):
The company he keeps:
I find it very, very troubling, that this man has no visible friends, other than the ones above (not Michelle, although she has been kept under lock and key out of public sight for some time now, so as to keep her from embarrassing herself again).
Does this man not have any other friends/associates, other than the ones above?
I know most of it's for show
But how does she get on TV saying things like she did about Jewish people? How does she sleep at night after saying something like that? She just gets more and more outrageous just to get a reaction - and yeah sometimes it works because what she says is hateful. I have no problem with anyone giving their views, but she's hateful about it and that is what I have a problem with (and no, as I've said before I don't condone hateful things on either board)
goes to show
even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Just goes to show you that you need to
have an inquiring mind and not take as gospel what is spoon fed to you by either party. I particularly like the "fact checks" on both party's candidates. The perception is that we American voters are fools and will believe anything we are told.
Show me a pic
I can't find a pic with a lump on his jaw.
show me
show me refusal to acknowedge - I haven't seen it.
Goes to show you - sm
McCain is concerned about the people. Obama is concerned about himself.
McCain was absolutely right on the spot when he said there needs to be an investigation, just as there was when 9-11 happened, we need one now for this crisis.
One more plus to show McCain is interested and will work for us, while Obama....well Obama is for Obama.
Once again....goes to show
how people who get their tail feathers all ruffled after someone personally attacks an Obama supporter on the board, but they have no problem calling McCain supporters names and personally attacking them by stating they lack intelligence.
Look in the mirror....your hypocracy is showing.
Don't believe it. Show me. nm
You show me anywhere where he said...
95% of American workers WHO PAY TAXES. SHOW me where it says that. But, supposing that is what he means...there are still that 30-40%. Those people pay taxes. Then they get deductions and credits. They get back every dime they paid in and THEN some. They are part of that 95% who "pay taxes." Got it? And about 30-40% of the working public fall into that category. so it is back to square one. Yes, they "pay taxes." Taxes are deducted. Then they file. They get the deductions and the credits and whatever (I am talking about NOW). They get back every dime they paid in. These people technically "pay taxes." If you work one day a year and have deductions, you "pay taxes" and will be included.
I understand that you don't see it. I understand that you are filling in the blanks that he left open. I don't see it the way you see it. He is counting on people seeing it the way you see it. So be it.
YOu can yell BOGUS until you are blue in the face. I will yell NAIVE just as loud.
"He is assuming it is understood." Well, he is hoping that everyone will understand it the way YOU understand it. I am not so enamored of him that I cannot read between the lines. And frankly, as BOGUS as my line of thinking appears to me, YOURS is naive at best. So we will agree to disagree. If he went on television and told you tomorrow that he was going to cut checks to people who don't pay taxes because it is the right thing to do, you would be on this board defending the decision tomorrow night.
You show me where he says it is not.
You assume it is not. I assume that it will be. Based on everything his history is, based on everything he has said, including starting at the BOTTOM. Just where do you think Mr Obama perceives the bottom to be? What is your assumption on that?
Please show me where....(sm)
Obama has said that he will "give to those who would not [work]." And by the way, does that include Social Security?
OK show me
Where does it say the Secret Service blames McCain/Palin?
There were people who spoke about potential threats to Obama before he even became the Democratic candidate. To act now like it's all because of McCain and Palin stirring them up is ludicrous.
Bigotry is out there. Or do you honestly believe no one would have noticed that Obama is an African-American?
I don't like her either, but she has every right to be on the show
I don't like Ann Coulter at all. I think she's obnoxious and arrogant. But then again I don't like the View. I think it's filled with old "has been" housewives and mothers who just sit and gab and give their opinion and put down anyone who doesn't agree with them (i.e. anyone who is not a liberal). I watched the View a couple times and there was nothing interesting or entertaining about it. If they don't like a guest they won't even look at them (Joy Bear (or however you spell her last name) is such a pig! - I can explain and prove that in another post if anyone is interested). Anyway...for anyone to come out and say there is no reason to have someone (no matter who it is) on their show is a bit Nazi-ism. Who are you to say who they should have on and who they shouldn't. Her opinion of Barbara Walters is just that, her opinion. I didn't see the show, but when she said that I'm sure she was jumped on by the others. None of them can stand any person who is not a liberal and they try (and I use the word loosely), try to ridicule them. Luckily it doesn't work. From my understanding of what I've read on this board and elsewhere is that Ann Coulter says things to inflame others. She says things for what they call "shock value". I'm sure Barbara Walters is a big girl (I like Barbara Walters - just can't stand the others on the show), but Barbara is a big girl and can stand up for herself. She's smart and a quick thinker so I'm sure she had an intelligent comeback. But as for Ann Coulter saying things, that's just the way she is and they all know that and knew well before hand that she would most likely do that. Besides they do have a script they follow to some degree with questions prepared ahead of time and what they say and how they plan to cut down a non-liberal.
But for you to come out and say there is no reason to have such a person featured on TV? That is a bit too Nazi-ism for me. Everybody deserves to go on whatever show they want to. Her views have no value? According to you and other liberals they may not, but there are others who like her and would like to hear her interviewed. And certainly the View wanted her on the show otherwise she would have not been there.
I'm just glad your not in charge of who is allowed to go on what shows, or what books we can read (burn all those you don't agree with) - sound familiar?
Just goes to show ya
Fringers can't recognize a clean election when they see one and don't have a clue what the word "mandate" means. Uninformed? You seem to have cornered the market on that one.
same old show
Don't fret.
We get the same old show no matter what party is in office. It is a continual ball game with Republocrats versus the Democans. It keeps the American sheeple amused, cheering and fighting for its favorite team while the big boys play games with the global elite, keeping the spectators slaves to their greedy ideas. Been watching this show too long.......
But it would at least show that he
was attempting to keep his promise whether he was overrun by congress or not. If that is the case, then let congress take the fall for it and we can vote those fools out as soon as we can. But for him to just go along with it after he made promises to us. The only reason Obama turned his back and broke his promises to the American people is so that he kept the support of the dems in congress.
For once, I want a president who will stand up to his party and the other party and know what....I promised the American people and they come first because WE work for them. Instead we continue to get liar after liar in office with a government system that is more interested in how much money they can spend with our tax dollars.
All this does is show him, as you said...for what he is.
a corrupt power-hungry politician, just like the rest of them. "Yes we can.." uh, no, "Yes I can." And he certainly, priceless. As they have shall they reap. Problem is, we are going to have to reap right along with them. Thank all of you who so ill-advisedly cast your vote for this charlatan...(tongue firmly in cheek). Next thing you know he will be asking us all to work for nothing like British Airways did...LOL.
The show and Powell
I thought the show was wonderful and illustrated very clearly how bits and pieces of intelligence were selected and manipulated and turned into something they weren't. (They referred to it as a "Chinese menu" that the administration used to pick and choose from.)
I taped this show and watched it a couple times. As far as Powell is concerned, it did show how Powell's relationship with George Tenet began to disintegrate.
It further showed how Tenet was, at Bush's father's urging, kept as CIA director when Dubya took office, and all the events leading to his resignation. He was one of Dubya's sacrifical lambs. I guess Bush thought giving him the Medal of Freedom made up for that.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Powell's chief of staff, said that Powell told him, "I wonder how we'll all feel if we put half a million troops into Iraq and march from one corner of the country to the other and find nothing."
Powell said, "I will forever be known as the one who made the case. I have to live with that." (That made me feel really bad for Powell, who I have always trusted and considered to be an honest, ethical man. His association with Bush really dragged him down, and his statement about having to live with that just tells me that he's still an honest, ethical man, the kind of man who had a spectacular military career, actually had the guts to go fight in wars himself, someone who truly IS Presidential material, someone who doesn't belong in an underhanded, lying, foolish administration like Bush's.)
The show also pointed out how if you are someone who works for this president and you discover something not right or in alignment with his "plans," if you tell him, you'd better be prepared to resign or be fired.
This show clearly illustrated how Bush wanted to go to war with Iraq, and all he needed was a reason, even if he had to invent a fictional one.
Again, I thought it was an excellent show, and if you ever have the opportunity to watch it or obtain a transcript of it, I would highly recommend it. 
Where did gt do that? Show me please because I can't find it.

It's COMEDY show
and the last I watched he was an equal opportunity offender....
I saw a show on TLC about this family...
To each his own, especially if you're footing the bill yourself, but this family is just uplain creepy. The children are all homeschool and virtually isolated from any other children other than another family or two who share the same nutty religious convictions. They even have their OWN church at home. The girls all wear these horrid sad-sack Little House on the Prairie identical plaid potato sack dresses that look like they were made from discarded curtains and when asked their only aspirations are to have lots of children and to be a mother. The boys also dress identically in little Leave it to Beaver short-sleeved dress shirts. It's called Full Quiver parenting, as in having as many kids as you get before you get to menopause or your uterus falls out, whichever comes first. I find the whole thing rather odd, but who am I to judge I suppose.
Again, please show me where I was disrespectful. Thank you.
Who is they?
Bush should take in a show
So funny, well neocons (cause I KNOW you are reading our board, just cant help yourselves), all I meant by **you got that right Abe** was that Bush should take in a show, oh my gosh, his job is so stressful he would really enjoy taking in a play..LOLOLOLOL..if you thought otherwise, then you are the **terrorist** in my opinion because you are thinking that someone wants to destroy our dear elected president..I have never wished that, thought that or advocated that..
It doesnt show up..nm
Just trying to show how silly all of this is.
Why not think of ways to make the world better on your own instead of cooking up stuff. That's all I am saying.
For those who show no remorse, SM
They should never see the light of day again. Never.
Sometimes posts show..
up in between posts; how many times have we said, **that was supposed to go under blah blah blah.** I know you didn't post the chickenhawk piece but I am still interested in what any of your definitions of winning **the war** are. When we will know we have won? How will we know we have won?
Show our support
A friend sent this to me........ but like she said, please don't do this! It's just all in good fun....
Show Your Support
It's time that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike.
If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support Obama or Hillary, please drive with your headlights off at night.
did you even SEE the Daily Show?
Too afraid to show up at RNC.
Actually, I show 50 to 46, which is good,
Can you believe how long this show
been on and always with high ratings? Almost 40 years? It tells us that we need to be not so serious and laugh at ourselves and take a break from being so serious all the time. My favorites are still the originals but haven't watche it much the last few years,
Link did not it is again...
Show our support
Show your support. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. So: To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike and let our candidates know we are behind them.
So, until the election, if you support the policies and character of Barack Obama, please drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support John McCain, please drive with your headlights off at night.
Thank you for your participation in this patriotic endeavor! Let's let our candidates know we are behind them.
You ashamed to show us your name?
I guess I would be too if I were you. You talk about rants! Shucks, guess I am just being obnoxious again.
Show me something...anything...that confirms HC and Ms O
Believe it or not, the Today show
spent some time on this issue this morning. I was surprised since it's supposed to be buried. They cited all the lawsuits from the different states. But, since I was a bit shocked, my ears went dead and I didn't hear the rest of the story.
No. Show me where he has said the tax CREDIT will
Becuase if it is not a refundable credit (like he earned income credit is) then it can only apply toward tax LIABILITY...meaning you cannot get it unless you owe tax. This is not the same thing as a tax cut. A tax CREDIT has more value than a tax cut, because it is paid directly against owed tax liability.
With regard to the tax CUT, this is simply a TAX RATE DECREASE. He is not proposing to send every man, woman and child $500 or $1000. In fact, the language clearly states "up to" $500 for an individual worker and "up to" $1000 for working couples. This is a top cap limiting the benefit on can receive from the adjusted tax rate.
An economic stimulus is a SEPARATE I have pointed out below and as SAM herself has referred to. It is a one-time issuance of monies that will be paid to 95% of workers. The stimulus would be structured very similar to the one we have already received under Bush.
Now here this. The ONLY WAY that a person who has no tax liability could receive any benefit would be if the tax CREDIT (not tax cut) is a refundable credit. THAT is the language I am looking for. Where does it say that the tax credit is a refundable credit?