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There is a time line. It was agreed

Posted By: Backwards typist on 2009-06-18
In Reply to: There is no timeline - just me

by the Iraq government and President Bush that the troops would be out of there by...August 2011. This time line was agreed upon and signed last year, but I can't remember what month.

O really should honor that agreement unless Iraq agrees on an earlier date of departure.

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geez. Look at your own time line...
Nagin asked that Bush declare an emergency. Bush declared an emergency. That's all Nagin asked for.

Bush tried to get Blanco to abrigate authority to the feds so they could do what they needed to do. Did you not listen to any of her press conferences where she said she was not going to do that? She was a Democrat, it was a Republican administration,. You do the math. You should at least be fair enough to distribute blame to ALL.
erroneous time line
Those orphans died between 1892 and 1980
last line of Matthews piece cut off in error. 1 line sm
complained in a letter to his boss that Matthews had shown a pattern of sexism.
Actually, I answered your posts line by line
about not "allowing" you to have an opinion. Those are your words, not mine. This is a good example of how this discussion has escalated from a simple link to this utter squashed bug nonsense. Why are you not able to simply debate the original issue at hand...the Eric Holder appointment? Too much of an intellectual challenge when somebody presents a THIRD-PARTY alternative viewpoint? You are the one who mentioned losing sleep and I remarked that it was probably unnecessary since you were blowing something out of proportion....something you have been doing all afternoon. You takes things WAY too personally.
Agreed. nm
Yes, agreed.
Will ignore them and not read them.  I feel better already.
Of course not everyone feels the same, but there are a large enough number of current and former military that do feel that way. Not everyone thinks this was/is a valuable effort, and feel the cost is high, both financially and otherwise.
Agreed, but we need to take it one war
If we can't take on a little po-dunk country like Afghanistan and finish the job, then what on earth makes him think we can take on TWO countries simultaneously? (And we'll never finish the job in Iraq, either.) If we'd done what we SHOULD have done to Afghanistan after 9/11, we could have finished the job in a couple of days, and sent a HUGE 'Don't mess with us' message to the rest of the Middle East.
agreed :) nm
If she wants to play in the big leagues, she needs to act like she should be there. She is a total embarrassment and not qualified to be where she is.
Yes, I said that. I never said I agreed with everything...
McCain said. He, in fact, is not as conservative as I would like him to be. I don't agree with every word that rolls out of his mouth (unlike Obama fans). I certainly see there are flaws. However...none of them come minutely close to Obama's flaws. So, yes, I am supporting him. Do I live to hear or hang on every word that falls out of his mouth...no.

You just can't keep from ridiculing can ya? Is it part of your DNC DNA?
that in the 11th hour of the campaign, the conservative base trots out a token black intellectual elitist, the likes of whom out of the Obama camp they have been trashing for weeks now as being socialist/communist, terrorist "elite" (in a 4-letter word context) Anti-American militants. Mr. Sowell makes a mockery of his own credentials by endorsing the gloom and doom Armageddon you have been hawking ad nauseum for months and months, all falling on deaf ears, thrusting McC poll numbers into a deep plunge and turning off their own party members who are defecting over to the other side in droves. You are preaching to the choir here and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that, except to say the ones you need to be "ENERGIZING" would be the undecideds who have resoundingly rejected these scare tactics in a preference to embrace the simple notion of hope...and still you haven't caught on.

But I doubt we will stay out of it.  In fact, this act is probably right on schedule to help Bush with his martial law plan.  All we "need" is another attack to "help" it along.

I understand the desire of some to never turn our backs on Israel.  What if Israel has a corrupt, deadly government that commits heinous deeds that are against everything the Bible stands for?  Do we support that kind of government or do we support the people who inhabit the land of Israel?

As we've seen from our own recent election, sometimes there's a big difference between a government and its people.

Just wondering.

Agreed. (NM)
Of course, all the leftists here will come out of the woodwork to profess how open-minded and non-judgemental they are.

Yet these are the same bitter, spiteful vipers who took tremendous glee in pouncing on Palin and jeering at McCain.

I cannot believe how self-righteous they have turned lately.

The 'bandwagon' has become an armored tank.

Can't wait for the pendulum to swing back to sanity after the next four years of this lousy social experiment.

Yeah, I was the first to snap during the posted farewell to Bush below.  I apologize.  Regardless of my opinions of Bush, I should have shown more respect for those who thought differently and should have just not said anything at all.  Thankfully, you have shown me what a butt head I was.

I appreciate your post, as should others, from both sides, and I join you in the hope for prosperity for all.

Disclaimer:  This does not mean I won't continue the fight...LOL.


Agreed. (nm)

Agreed! nm
I never assumed all agreed with it. sm
But no one condemned it.  It's like that movie, the Accused.  Those who stood and watched were as guilty as those who raped the girl. It's a comment on today's society in general, no matter what your political persuasian.
Agreed about earning except
that is on a more personal level. People who come to our country need to respect us because they are our guests. As hosts, we do deserve respect. Anyone who disrespects their host is not welcome again, right? If you can't respect your host, then you need to excuse yourself and LEAVE.

As for our leaders, my personal opinion of Billie Bob C. is very low, in fact so low that it probably could not get any further down there and for reasons that should be self-evident. However, when he was my president I did respect his office, his right to govern, and his decisions in governmental matters. Though he was sadly lacking in integrity, he was the president, had more education than I do, and certainly more knowledge of foreign affairs. I gave him benefit of the doubt because he was the elected president of my country. I did not vote for him. I did not like him. I did not use him for a role model for young people. I was ashamed of him. I did respect his office and that is something that liberals could take a good hard look at in themselves. Do you really believe that everything that our government and president does should have full disclosure in the here and now? Do they need to run everything they do by YOU? That is pretty funny. The posts I see let me know that you believe you should have the final word on everything and that your way is the only way and that you are a one-person catalyst to change. That is admirable, but in order to be effective you need to take a look and investigate things more clearly and quit falling for the BS at the Kos and all those other pathetic sites. Do you ever look further? Do you believe everything everyone tells you? After you research more you may find that you will change a few of your beliefs. Seriously.
I would have agreed with if he had chosen...
Ridge or Lieberman.....but I think he'll do just fine with Gov. Palin.
Agreed. And when it does mislead
Agreed. He'd bury her too. She could
I agreed with your comment....sm
about thinking that the people that are responsible for all this, should pay for it. Like all the people who walked away with millions from these institutions, as well as running them into the ground. But how could they do that?

I hate the fact that the taxpayers will have to pay for it. Did you hear that Nancy Pelosi and the democrats have added something like a 50 million dollar social package to this bill? So their little socialist agenda will be met, and make us pay even more.

I just don't get it sometimes....it goes on and on and on.....

Thanks for the link. I'll go read it later on my break.

Agreed. Just who will be doing the partying....
remains to be seen. lol.
Agreed - I don't particularly care for him either
I only watched last night because Rush was going to be on and I wanted to hear what he had to say. I don't always agree with Rush, but I am interested in hearing what he says.

The thing I don't like about Hannity's show is the panel discussion. Meatloaf and Fran Drescher? Please!!!
Agreed - all this is from the same folks...
who weren't afraid to refer to Bush as Hitler.

I think, though, it has more to do with him being a dem than being black, JMHO.
Agreed - all this is from the same folks...
who weren't afraid to refer to Bush as Hitler.

I think, though, it has more to do with him being a dem than being black, JMHO.
Some of them were surprised, but still agreed and
one even thought he was intelligent...all except that one woman who choked.
I'm not bashing and I never agreed to leave
but I am growing tired of this so that should give you some hope.
Agreed. And anyone who looks at it objectively and not through partisan...
glasses could see it too. Fox has a lot more Democrat contributors and commentators than MSNBC, the major broadcast outlets or CNN. And Fox has more viewers, so apparently it is the choice of a lot of Americans.

And as to the debates...Obama didn't want anything near a town hall before his convention. I read he was going to come up through the floor in a set that looks like a Greek temple to accept his nomination. I thought to myself you have GOT to be kidding. His spokesman didn't deny it, just said it was tastefully done. Okay, a tastefully done temple. Oh my. Well, I reserve any opinion until I see it.
Agreed. That electoral map is lookin'
Also agreed....let's try to find that place...
where we were all Americans and party lines disappeared. If we could get that back without a major disaster to provoke it...therein lies the real hope and change for this country.
Agreed. That is your stipulation...and in fact...sm
can be applied to how the dems view Senator Obama, as well, and to again agree with your words, "ignore any evidence to the contrary" that may be facts.

You know, the fact that Gov. Palin stumbled a little in a few questions, because Charlie tried to trip her up on multiple occasions, just proves that she's human. She still aced the interview in my opinion, and I looked at all the facts.

We think you blindly follow the Obama, and conveniently ignore certain truths about him, his past, and his policies he wishes to institute.

It's much the same for both sides, isn't it.

I still agree to disagree.

Agreed, The stakes ARE high. nm
Agreed....my only regret at the moment...sm
...is the ton of work that just showed up on my desk from my two itsy bitsy GT accts I have, which ain't so itsy bitsy....I won't be able to be around very much for the next week, and there looks like a bunch of new topics up above, which I may have to skim later...

Take it easy....

Agreed. I thought she did great
Not to mention she pointed out all the false statements Biden made and he just stood there with that simpy smirk on his face. He reminds me of a used car salesman, and not a very good one at that!
I agreed with your post! I was referring to the
I'm on YOUR side!
Agreed! Glad we have been safe.
Undecided, my foot. Anyone who agreed with that 98% .....
would not vote for McCain if his/her life depended on it. You were undecided until you took that test? LOL. Pull the other leg now. :-)
Agreed, O is going to be a nightmare. I am stocking
Agreed - I wish that's all I had to worry about in my life.
Wouldn't life be grand to have no problems to deal with and that my only problem would be getting myself in a tizzy over the Palins.

Agreed, it was a loaded question...
and really had no place at this competition. And even if it did cost her the crown, at least she stood by her morals and didn't just give the PC answer.

What I found unbelievable was Hilton's blog after the pageant - calling her a b!tch - grow up Perez! Maybe I live under a rock or something, but I didn't even know who this guy was until he was on The Apprentice a few weeks ago - so I guess his opinion matters very little to me - and should the rest of the country. Another poster put it quite correctly - he is a bottom feeder.
Agreed - and add intelligent to that list. (nm)
Agreed - and add intelligent to that list. (nm)
OK, they agreed. Doesn't mean the intelligence was correct, and it obviously
wasn't, hence, no WMDs, no connection to Al Quaeda. Just getting rid of a brutal dictator - hey, I can live with that. So, does that mean we are now the world police?

Clinton has never, I mean never as far as I can recall or read made a connection to Al Quada and Iraq as was done by this admin. Our reasons for attacking Iraq under the Clinton admin. was in response to Saddam not complying with UN sanctions. Two different things.

The links to Al Quada that are operating in Iraq today are there in oposition to the US preemptive military action in Iraq. They simply were not there before this war began. Our president knew there was no connection before we went to war.
Agreed. Problem is that concept consistently
Agreed. It's abuse of power AND a crime