Washington -- House Republicans, after weeks of negotiations, narrowly passed a budget bill early Friday to cut $50 billion from Medicaid, food stamps, student loans and other programs over the complaints of Democrats that Congress is squeezing students, the elderly and the poor to pay for tax cuts for the rich. The House approved the bill 217-215, after GOP leaders agreed to demands from moderate Republicans to jettison a measure to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and to slightly reduce proposed cuts to food stamps. Still, the vote was so politically sensitive that House leaders didn't begin debate until 10 p.m. Thursday and didn't pass the measure until nearly 2 a.m. -- when most news reporters gone and only a few C-SPAN junkies could witness the fiery floor action. No Democrats voted for the bill, and 14 Republicans opposed it. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco said in a floor speech that cutting money for Medicaid, child support enforcement and foster care as the House prepares to vote on $70 billion in tax cuts was a sin. Republicans are launching an attack on America's children, on America's families, Pelosi said. They are also launching an attack on America's middle class, all of this to give tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country. But House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., responded that the proposed cuts were needed to rein in the growth of federal spending on health care and other programs. Medicaid is growing at a 7.3 percent growth rate per year, Hastert said. It has been growing for years. Is there a better way to do it? Is there a more efficient way to do it? Should we find some reforms to make it better? Yes, we should. The House bill also would split the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, a goal of conservatives who have long complained the court is too liberal. But the breakup of the appellate court, which covers the country's Western region including federal cases that arise in California, is not part of the Senate budget bill. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are seeking to strip it from the final package. The battle over the budget reconciliation bill now moves to a joint House-Senate conference committee, where lawmakers will have to make several critical decisions, including: -- Will the final budget bill allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? The Senate version would allow drilling, but a group of House Republican moderates has pledged to oppose any final bill that would open the Alaskan wildlife refuge for development. -- How deeply will lawmakers cut student loans? The House bill would cut student loan programs by $14.3 billion, while the Senate version cuts them by $8.8 billion. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the House bill would cause a typical college student with the average of $17,000 in student loans to pay an additional $5,800 in interest and fees over the length of the loans. -- Will some legal immigrants lose their food stamps? The House bill would cut off 220,000 people from food stamps by allowing legal immigrants to qualify for the food aid after seven years, instead of the current five years. The Senate bill does not cut food stamps, and moderate lawmakers are urging that it be dropped from the final budget package. -- How will the cuts affect Medicaid recipients? The House bill calls for $11.4 billion in cuts to Medicaid, while the Senate bill trims spending by only $4.3 billion. The House bill also would allow co-payments to rise over time with inflation and would deny Medicaid nursing home benefits to people with $750,000 in home equity. -- Will child support enforcement be cut? The House bill would slash funding for child support enforcement by $4.9 billion. The Senate did not include any cuts to child support enforcement. -- Will Medicare be cut? The Senate voted to eliminate $5.4 billion in subsidies for some regional insurance companies that agreed to participate in President Bush's Medicare prescription drug program. The House bill does not cut the subsidies. Congress watchers expect that lawmakers are likely to split the difference between the House's $50 billion in cuts over five years and the Senate's $35 billion in trims. But the negotiations will be difficult for GOP leaders. Conservatives, especially in the House, have been pushing for deeper cuts. Republican moderates plan to lobby to restore funding for some programs. House Republicans argue the heated rhetoric over the budget bill's effects is overblown because many cuts are simply limiting the growth rate of certain federal programs. For example, the proposed cuts to Medicaid would lower the annual growth rate in spending on the program from 7.3 percent to 7 percent. But Democrats complained the cuts hit the wrong targets, including students struggling to pay for college. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill would increase costs to students and families by $8 billion, including nearly $5.5 billion in costs when students consolidate loans. You're hurting the students of this nation, Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, told Republicans in an angry floor speech. You're putting their families in debt. You're piling on the interest rates. You ought to be ashamed of it. E-mail Zachary Coile at zcoile@sfchronicle.com. Half sister ---college student --- left that nm Terrific video by high school student in Alabama A friend sent me this email and thought it was great I wanted to share it here. Link included at bottom This will stir your patriotism, it’s good. Wow! This is spectacular. Tea Party commercial by an Alabama teenager... I asked Justin if he could help me make a commercial for my group's Tea Party. He sat down at the laptop for about an hour and then brought this to me and asked "is this okay, Mom?" After I finished watching it, my stomach was in my throat. Everyone that I have sent it to has really enjoyed it so I wanted my friends to see it. I am so proud! Enjoy! A PROUD MOM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkFFwyyjZC8 Ohio At any time of day or night, you can see a McCain add followed by an Obama add or vice versa. November 4th cannot come soon enough!!! I am in ohio c SE Ohio I haven't seen any local or area news today, but ours isn't until this evening, so there'll probably be more coverage on the 6 and 11 o'clock news. Do you live in Ohio? x And if you did live in Ohio - sm You might be able to vote three or four times. :) Ballot in Ohio.....sm This should really raise some concerns. I wonder if there are any Ohio posters on this forum???? http://www.hillaryclintonforum.net/discussion/showthread.php?t=40477 Unless you live in Ohio and had to put up with the crap that Taft was throwing out and saw first hand what Kenneth Blackwell did against his own party to try to make things right, you really can't make any kind of judgment calls. He's a good man, one of the very few left in politics these days, and I wish there were more like him. And yes, I do live in Ohio. I'm really surprised in Ohio... I figured Brown would vote yes, but am surprised Voinovich voted no - he's very much a RINO. I guess he figures he's got nothing to lose now that he's decided not to run for reelection. Come on Ohio!!! Where's the money!! Gov. Strickland’s Plan for Ohio a Blueprint for America’s Energy Future? With oil hovering at $40 a barrel, and the price of gasoline nose-diving from all-time highs, do you think the worst-case scenario is behind us? So you’re saying we can’t afford to sit still? What other energy sources are being developed in Ohio? Ohio? Solar energy? That’s produced in the desert, not in the Midwest. Xunlight is another Toledo-area company that is a major solar panel producer. The company is a spin-off from the University of Toledo and was started by a young doctor, Xunming Deng. Xunlight manufactures microthin, three-foot wide solar panels that can be produced in sheets up to a mile long. They are completely portable and can be rolled up, transported, and easily installed. And when investors tried to lure Dr. Deng overseas to set up production for Xunlight in a lower cost market, he said, “No. The University of Toledo took a chance on me, and now I’m going to stick by them. From employment opportunities to increased funding in higher education and a broader tax base, that’s going to pay huge dividends. Gov. Strickland of Ohio... can't wait to get his hands on that money. He's been talking about how he's gonna spend it since before it even passed. NE Ohio - big turnout - on my ![]() 8,000 in Dayton, Ohio! nm Obama leads in Ohio win Ohio, win the election.
Ohio is already starting to vote Just heard on the news that in Ohio they have already starting holding the election and people can vote for president. I don't know who this benefits and don't care at this point, but I thought election day was 11/4. Can someone explain why people are allowed to vote ahead of time. LOL. I am in Ohio. ACORN is blatantly asking nm Exactly. And the fact that the governor of Ohio... ordered a background check on him is a violation of his civil rights and he should sue him. That is absolutely ridiculous. Yep still in Ohio and you're still wrong sm Guess we play by different rules down here. Ya'll come down and see us some time. I don't know where you found your info, but here is info I found at this website under food stamps fact sheet: http://jfs.ohio.gov/families/food/index.stm Doesn't say anything about being taxable or not and definitely does not specifically forbid soda. What can be bought with food stamp benefits? Food stamp benefits can be used to buy most food or food products intended for human consumption. Items which may not be purchased with food stamps include alcoholic beverages, tobacco, hot food and hot food products that are prepared to be eaten immediately. Individuals who receive food stamp benefits may not sell or trade food stamp benefits, buy nonfood items or use food stamp benefits to buy food for someone who is not a member of the household.
Yep, in Ohio here. Unemployment problem still nm Ohio War Veteran Running for Senate... sm Hackett has his work cut out for him, but I hope the vets keep running. It is a good sign of potential changes in the WH soon.Ohio War Veteran Running for Senate
I'm in Ohio. It's aimed at college students for O. nm Actually, it was the Ohio State Supreme court, not... the Supreme Court of the United States. That was then appealed to the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals, who upheld the state supreme court ruling. I guess that puts you and Sarah on about the same footing as far as the Supreme court? Just asking. FYI. Joe the unlicensed required to be licensed in Ohio. Joe the unlicensed's 15 minutes has raised the ire of Tom Joseph, business manager for Local 50 of the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics of Ohio, who claimed that Joe didn’t undergo any apprenticeship training. "When you have guys going out there with no training whatsoever, it’s a little disreputable to start with," Mr. Joseph said. "We’re the real Joe the Plumber." "This individual has got no schooling, no licenses, he’s never been to a training program, union or nonunion, in the United States of America," Mr. Joseph said. Working for a licensed plumber does not quite cut it. Wondering if your husband has read Obama's plan for small business, for example the Making Work Pay tax credit (not a rate cut, a direct tax credit)? There is a lot of information there under issues and subheading economics. There is a section there on small business. Not a good idea to buy into the spreading the wealth mantra without that information. The exposure of Joe the Plumber as a sham makes one raise the question of his autheticity and the possibility of his being a McCain campaign plant at that rally. The bigger picture on this is that Joe himself is being exploited by McCain's campaign (currently not something he is enjoying, having lost his privacy) in their assertions that they will look after the interests of the working class. Flies in the face of the fact that McCain himself has not even spoken the phrase middle class out of his own mouth. The "welfare" rhetoric characterizing spread the wealth as socialism sounds a bit hostile toward the middle class...the economic class of most small business owners he claims to be so concerned about. I heard that too, in Ohio, one of the many states of Acorn They will try to steal the election. Just curious...is it true that in Ohio there is no law against voting more than once? nm x Excuse me! Get the facts. I live in Ohio. sm In Ohio one can buy soda with food stamps. Obviously the rules aren't the same everywhere. Ohio GOP fundraiser sentenced 18 years...see link nm Bailout is Not the Solution, Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio http://www.youtube.com/watch? No doubt this is a centrist Democrat. Being Republican, I didn't even know if any centrists were left now that they've been hijacked by moveon, who has openly bragged about owning the Dems. Anyway, this is really something. Incidentally, the Dems had enough votes to pass this thing day one. They know better than to do that and end up being responsible. This is why we're subjected to this dog & pony show by them now. And to think, they are not only working on a filibuster-proof election and an Obama presidency. Can y'all afford this tax ticket? I know I can't. Media in the tank for O,early voting in Ohio nm Hey! I live in Ohio! I didn't get a free Coke! LOL! * Ruling on Ohio voter fraud.....hmmmmm http://thurbersthoughts.blogspot.com/2008/10/breaking-federal-court-says-ohio.html He was right here in my hometown (Lima, Ohio) Friday evening (nm) nnnn get on back, neocon, get on back Tell ya what, sweetheart, last I checked this is the LIBERAL BOARD and I havent been banned, as I dont break the rules, so I can stay as long as I want..Seems to me, conservative, you are the one who should mosey on by and get back to drink more Kook-Aid. Think again - nothing has been voted on yet I guess you really don't get it, do you. I don't care if McCain or Obama is ahead but these polls mean absolutely nothing. Nothing has been settled yet. If Obama wins on 11/4 then that's fine. If McCain wins on 11/4 then that's fine, but for pete's sake stop acting like children spinning that your candidate has already won and they have more this or that. I've been watching the news on every station and reading all the websites and I have not found anything yet to say one has more votes than the other. Polls mean diddly. The real thing will happen on 11/4. Til then it would be a good idea to put a lid on your arrogance. Like I say either way I don't care. Whoever gets in gets in. Either way the country is really really screwed! The question now is do you want someone to tell you your screwed to your face or do you want some to hide it in fluff and make you feel good while your being screwed. They all voted against us No one in Washington is standing up for us. You are being pitted against each other by CNN and Fox. There is no difference between the two candidates at all. They are both wimps. Had he done so I would have voted for him most likely x but he could have voted against it - He did not have to sign that bill; even if it was for show because he knew it was going to pass, he could have not signed it just to prove the point that he does not support any pork barrel spending. Just goes to show, he is going to do whatever he wants to do when he gets in office - no matter what he promised. If he wants something done and he has to give away a lot of money to get it, he is going to give away a lot of money. He's no different than anyone else. He voted against it, and he said why... he said he was afraid that people would use the bill to somehow circumvent abortion rights. And for that he was willing to sacrifice even those babies who survived that heinous procedure. Does it matter WHY he voted against it? Does that change the fact that he DID? i voted against O, however... i strongly opposed obama in the white house. however, i do believe that now he is pres-elect, that we should be respectful and supportive in as much as possible. he may well surprise even me and change some of his positions and prove to be a much better leader than i would expect. i for one, will be praying for his wisdom and judgment. ![]()
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