There are over ONE MILLION hits on Google when you enter...George Bush
Posted By: Democrat on 2005-09-25
In Reply to: Did you even read what you posted! - -
Does that make him an atheist?
GET the point?
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George Bush HIMSELF makes it so easy to make fun of George Bush!!!! oh where would I start, so litt
Bush greatest hits... or is it misses?
A mere drop in a very large, filthy bucket but off the top of my head and in no particular order:
1. Lying about and starting an illegal, unecessary war.
2. Dressing up in a flight suit with a Mission Accomplished banner behind him.
3. Obscene tax cuts for billionaires (his base) while cutting programs for the poor and shifting tax burdens to the middle class.
4. Nearly doubling the number of middle class people without health insurance.
5. Gutting clean air and other environmental standards.
6. Holding hands with Saudi Prince Abdullah...Now tell me again, what country were the 9/11 hijackers from and who is the one *addicted to oil*?
7. No child left behind.
8. Restoring *integrity* to the White House.
9. Dividing the country while being the decider.
10. Using religion to get votes and pretending to be a Christian and overall *I am the chosen one* messianic delusion.
11. Pretending to speak Spanish....he doesn't even speak English.
12. Doing nothing about Darfur until yesterday.
13. Ignoring Central America.
14. Not holding regular press conferences.
15. Harriet Myers and pandering to the religious right.
16. Being an arrogant, smirking, strutting, inarticulate, illiterate embarassment.
17. Exposing covert CIA operatives.
18. Telling the country and Cindy Sheehan that he *needs to get on with his life* while soldiers are dying.
19. The *you're either with us or against us* mentality and telling our allies, well, you know, what Cheney said on the House floor.
20. Shamefully incompetent Katrina response and breaking FEMA with heck of a job Brownie.
21. Creating ballooning deficits that weren't there when he came in.
22. Being too busy to attend African-American events except for Coretta's funeral.
23. Lying, lying, lying.
Be sure to Google *I LUV BUSH.* His goons are watching.
Wiretaps said to sift all overseas contacts
Vast US effort seen on eavesdropping
By Charlie Savage, Globe Staff | December 23, 2005
WASHINGTON -- The National Security Agency, in carrying out President Bush's order to intercept the international phone calls and e-mails of Americans suspected of links to Al Qaeda, has probably been using computers to monitor all other Americans' international communications as well, according to specialists familiar with the workings of the NSA.
The Bush administration and the NSA have declined to provide details about the program the president authorized in 2001, but specialists said the agency serves as a vast data collection and sorting operation. It captures reams of data from satellites, fiberoptic lines, and Internet switching stations, and then uses a computer to check for names, numbers, and words that have been identified as suspicious.
''The whole idea of the NSA is intercepting huge streams of communications, taking in 2 million pieces of communications an hour, said James Bamford, the author of two books on the NSA, who was the first to reveal the inner workings of the secret agency.
''They have a capacity to listen to every overseas phone call, said Tom Blanton, director of the National Security Archive at George Washington University, which has obtained documents about the NSA using Freedom of Information Act requests.
The NSA's system of monitoring e-mails and phone calls to check for search terms has been used for decades overseas, where the Constitution's prohibition on unreasonable searches does not apply, declassified records have shown.
But since Bush's order in 2001, Bamford and other specialists said, the same process has probably been used to sort through international messages to and from the United States, though humans have never seen the vast majority of the data.
''The collection of this data by automated means creates new privacy risks, said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a watchdog group that has studied computer-filtered surveillance technology through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.
Among the risks, he said, is that the spy agency's computers will collect personal information that has no bearing on national security, and that intelligence agents programming those computers will be tempted to abuse their power to eavesdrop for personal or political gain.
But even when no personal information intercepted by the NSA's computers make it to human eyes and ears, Rotenberg said, the mere fact that spy computers are monitoring the calls and e-mails may also violate the Fourth Amendment. The Supreme Court has never ruled on whether automated surveillance of phone calls and e-mails, without a warrant, is constitutional.
The closest comparisons, legal specialists said, are cases challenging the use of dogs and infrared detectors to look for drugs without a warrant. The Supreme Court approved the use of drug-sniffing dogs to examine luggage in an airport, but said police could not use infrared scanners to check houses for heat patterns that could signal an illegal drug operation.
''This is very much a developing field, and a lot of the law is not clear, said Harvard Law School professor Bill Stuntz.
President Bush and his aides have refused to answer questions about the domestic spying program, other than to insist that it was legal. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales this week said the program only targeted messages ''where we have a reasonable basis to conclude that one of the parties is affiliated with Al Qaeda.
And some legal scholars have maintained that a computer cannot violate other Americans' Fourth Amendment rights simply by sorting through their messages, as long as no human being ever looks at them.
Alane Kochems, a lawyer and a national security analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said, ''I don't think your privacy is violated when you have a computer doing it as opposed to a human. It isn't a sentient being. It's a machine running a program.
But Yale Law School professor Jack Balkin said that Fourth Amendment privacy rights can still be violated without human contact if the NSA stores copies of everyone's messages, raising the possibility that a human could access them later. The administration has not revealed how long the NSA stores messages, and the agency has refused to comment on the program.
Balkin added that as technology becomes ever more sophisticated, any legal distinction between human agents and their tools is losing meaning. Under the theory that only human beings can invade people's privacy, he said, the police ''could simply use robots to do their dirty work.
In 1978, following revelations that President Nixon had used the NSA to spy on his domestic enemies, Congress enacted a law making it illegal to wiretap a US citizen without permission from a secret national security court. The court requires the government to show evidence that the target is a suspected spy or terrorist.
Under the 1978 law, NSA officials have had to obtain a warrant from the secret court before putting an American's information into their computers' search terms.
The restrictions largely limited NSA to collecting messages from overseas communications networks, but some Americans' messages were intercepted before the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Occasionally, the interception was deliberate. In April 2000, the NSA's then-director, General Michael Hayden, told Congress that since 1978 ''there have been no more than a very few instances of NSA seeking [court] authorization to target a US person in the United States.
More often, the interception was accidental. Because American international calls travel through foreign networks, some of which are monitored by the NSA, the agency's computers have sifted through some American international messages all along.
''Long before 9/11, the NSA gathered from the ether mountains of [overseas] phone calls and e-mail messages on a daily basis, said Columbia Law School professor Deborah Livingston. ''If you have such an extensive foreign operation, you'll gather a large amount of phone traffic and e-mails involving Americans. That's something we've lived with for a long time.
But Bush's order cleared the way for the NSA computers to sift through Americans' phone calls and e-mails.
According to a New York Times report last week, Bush authorized the NSA's human analysts to look at the international messages of up to 500 Americans at a time, with a changing list of targets.
Hayden, now the deputy director of national intelligence, told reporters this week that under Bush's order, a ''shift supervisor instead of a judge signs off on deciding whether or not to search for an American's messages.
The general conceded that without the burden of obtaining warrants, the NSA has used ''a quicker trigger and ''a subtly softer trigger when deciding to track someone.
Bamford said that Hayden's ''subtly softer trigger probably means that the NSA is monitoring a wider circle of contacts around suspects than what a judge would approve. ![src=]()
George W. Bush
Why would you say that about our President? Please help me understand.
George Bush
I am counting the days until this person is out of office and pray that our country can withstand the wait.
I have been around a while (let's just put it that way) and in my opinion we have NEVER had a President who has been so bad for our country - and I certainly include Poor Nixon and his few bungling burglars and his silly little lies in that list, along with Clinton and his scandalous behavior, which now in sad retrospect is just par for the course, apparently, among politicians - he has ransacked our Treasury (I don't know if you all remember we had a surplus when he came into office), has totally ruined the reputation of the US around the world, got us into a pointless war with untruths and fabrications causing the death of over 3000 young Americans (so far) and is able to somehow hold his head up and act like nothing is wrong. And is now busily trying to broker a peace settlement in the Middle East to there is something to be said for his 8 lousy years in the White House.
I truly believe he stole the first election with the help of his like-minded buddies on the Supreme Court and the second one by the curious release of the Osama Bin Laden tape shortly before the elections, which I feel prompted some rubes to be too scared to change horses in the middle of the stream (war) and voted to keep him in office. I myself did not vote for him either time and am glad I didn't, even though I am living with the consequences of his presidency; for example paying $4.15 a gallon for gas and seeing the price of groceries rising every time I go into the store (plus I live in Michigan, which is a hard luck state right now to start with).
Frankly, I was shocked when he was reelected; I truly did not believe that our supposedly sophisticated and intelligent electorate would put this man back into office.
The day he hits the dusty trail for Texas will be a happy one for me!
George W. Bush,28804,1733748_1733757_1735529,00.html
George W. Bush
By Silvio Berlusconi
There was a genuine atmosphere of trust and goodwill that summer of 2001, when a new era seemed to be upon us, with the Berlin Wall gone and the divisions of the past overcome. I was sharing this thought with President Bush (both of us recently elected to lead our countries) at the closing dinner of the G-8 summit in Genoa in July 2001. Bush led the conversation, talking amiably with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Japanese Premier Junichiro Koizumi, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, the tragedies of the Second World War and cold war seemed far away indeed. Bush observed how much the world had changed, and how we could pass on a lasting peace to our children. I remember feeling true happiness inside me. Just two months later the unthinkable happened, and the Sept. 11 attacks would again forever change the world. The battle against terrorism would become the principal preoccupation of the American President and our common international priority.
In the months that followed that immense tragedy, we nonetheless tried to stay focused, aware that justice, freedom and democracy can flourish only if there is security. President Bush knows this well, that a secure world is bound to be a united world, where everyone—and particularly those more fortunate—can and must do their part.
George W. Bush, 61, will be remembered as Commander in Chief, but not only for that. He was above all a President who felt the moral obligation that the leading nation of the free world must carry. My thoughts return again to that G-8 summit, where Italy had brought to the top of the agenda the fate of the world's poorest nations. And Bush was an early and enthusiastic supporter of our initiative to establish a fund for combating endemic illnesses.
One time, Bush told me that it is reasonable to have doubts, but not to have so many doubts that you cannot make a decision. It's up to historians to judge his presidency, but whatever fate history holds for him, I am sure that George W. Bush will be remembered as a leader of ideals, courage and sincerity. Personally, I will always remember him as a friend, a true man who loves his family, understands the meaning of friendship and is grateful toward America's allies around the world.
Berlusconi was elected Prime Minister of Italy for a third time last month
God bless you, Mr. President.
History will be much kinder to you, when all is known. While I may not agree with everything that has transpired in the past eight years, I do know that you are kind and decent person.
I know you have kept me safe over the past eight years. Nothing the far left can say or do, can take that away from you.
God bless you and yours, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your service to our country.
george bush
George W. Bush thinks that God wants him to be president. No arguing with that.
Top 10 George Bush Moments
see link below.
George Bush isn't running....
and there is a democratic congress who has not done squat since we elected them 2 years ago. Are you going to vote a straight Republican congressional ticket or are you by your own description intellectually challenged?
It is a valid question.
Sigh...I just wish George Bush could run again...
He's my HEROE!!!
Then talk to George W. Bush
he has trampled all over the Constitution. Any idjit can see that Obama IS a natural born AMERICAN. I think all the fuss just might be if the radicals can get Obama de-qualified, then Biden would not be the president as he would have been appointed by Obama, thus not legally the VP. What would happen then is the rebel rousers would be calling for another election..............that is if Bush doesn't declare martial law with the news reporting a "new" terrorist group today. This country is in such a mess and perhaps the biggest mess is from some people who want to unelect a president we already elected. Insane AND ridiculous.
Thanking George W. Bush
A man who will quite possibly go down in the record books as THE worst president this country has ever had to endure. Seriously, could one single man make more mistakes and enemies (in just about any area you would choose to look at) than this man (and his VP DC) has made? I would challenge any remaining supporters of this man to list out exactly what it is he has done for our country since he has been in office and what do you think about the way he has left it for us. Thanks, George! It is wild to see people here flaming Barak Obama, a man who faces the most daunting challenge this country has ever faced and a lot of it is due to the poor policies and decision making of the current administration. Still, here sit the cackling minions of hens spiteful and impulsive in their words and manner. Not a great role model for the next generation. I should bring my sons here to understand how NOT to act in a public forum. I will leave you all to scratch and moan. Pathetic and hilarious.
*Before anyone considers flaming me as one of those whacky Democrats or Independents in response to this post, know that my family goes way, way back in this country and I am from a Republican background--not that this should make any difference, whatsoever, but in this particular forum, on this particular site, I felt I should throw it in.
Bumbling George W. Bush
I hope to never see George W. Bush's face or hear his voice again after Tuesday. For the last 8 years, seeing and hearing that bumbling imbecile has made my skin crawl and my blood pressure rise. are in the same range as George W. Bush...
whose IQ is 125...and 125-135 is described as "borderline genius." and George. Borderline genius. I would venture a guess at who is closer to the border...LOL. Who'd a thunk it? ROFL!
Uh no, actually you're thinking of George Bush
"If you're not with me, you're against me."
And George Bush and Dick Cheney
The present mess has nothing to do with George Bush...
and everything to do with Mr. Dodd and Mr. Frank and the other Democrats who consistently blocked reforming of Fannie and Freddie. They deserve most of the credit for this fiasco.
George Bush = Epitome of Evil
You people voted in the decider, the dumbest, most self-serving president in history and you DARE cast stones at President Obama who hasn't even had a CHANCE yet.
That's rich!
But it was okay to portray George Bush as Hitler?
I guess because he was white. Or was it because he was a Republican?
Get a grip.
George Bush IS a "weapon of mass destruction". Just look
And what about the debt he inheriteed from George W. Bush, take off the
and they say WE have been drinking Kool-Aid? WE had a president who could hardly color inside the lines, was an inarticulate moron, catered to special interests, led us into an unjustfied war with Iraq (HELLO, IT WAS THE TALIBAN/OSAMA IN AFGHANISTAN ON 9/11), we lost all respect around the globe, and he took a balanced budget from President Clinton and got us into trillions of dollars worth of debt, all the while allowing all bhe banking deregulation, feeding the GREED machine in this country. The past administration was a TRAGEDY perpetrated on the American people, so you folks can keep drinking your Republican Red Kool-Aid, keep prematurely judging this president as you lick your lips praying for his failure, which by the way means RUIN for you, me, and the rest of the nation. The man is willing to TRY, to compromise, and he has only been in office barely three weeks. All the harshness against Obama is misdirected anger and pique that the Republicans were ousted. IMHO. Saying stuff over and over DOES NOT MAKE IT SO!!!
"Evil" is George Bush, Wall Street, the Banks,
She did loan her campaign 10 million dollars - she owes over 20 million - but...
Hillary says she is not worried about paying herself off, just the other people she owes money to (but I bet she will get her money back somehow). I just read where Barack personally wrote her a check himself for $2300 (the most by law any individual can contribute to a campaign).
The problem is her donors expect him to help her pay this money off if he wants them to continue to support his campaign financially, and he needs their money to finance the general election campaign. Also, they say Hillary can devote more time campaigning and helping his financial situation if she is not having to try to raise money still for her debts.
So anyway, there it is in a nutshell...
You think someone who things GEORGE BUSH is a "reptilian humanoid" is a great thinker? sm
Actually, maybe you are right... BWAHAHAHAHA.
I have both eyes open but this guy is off his rocker in many ways.
Continued (hit enter too soon)
There isn't one person on this entire board who has wished anyone to be killed, especially an MP.
For you to suggest that someone got their wish is inflammatory, irresponsible and an outright LIE (not that that's a new communication technique used by you people).
As far as looting, anybody who steals a plasma TV, computer, etc., should be considered criminal and should be stopped in whatever way is necessary.
I just wonder what YOU would do if you had children and were in a situation where you had no water, no electricity, no food, nowhere to sleep for DAYS ON END. Would you go into a Walmart and take some water, baby formula, food -- whatever it takes so that you CAN STAY ALIVE? I've never been in a position like that, but I can pretty much guarantee that if I were, I'd do whatever I had to do to feed my children and keep them safe from harm. If that included taking items from a store (that nobody was ever going to buy anyway), then you'd better believe I'd do it.
You sound very much like the person I heard in the store the other day, who said that she's let her kids FREEZE TO DEATH before accepting any help from Chavez.
Guess it's easy to see who has the family values in this crowd.
You're a disgrace.
People enter various professions
for a variety of reasons. I know a teacher who does not really care for kids, but who wanted a job with no heavy lifting and summers off. I started doing MT because it gave me an opportunity to use my English and typing skills in a part-time job with no commute. Before that, I retired from a civil service job in a dangerous 'helping' profession. I actually did help a lot of people, but I entered the field not out of do-gooderism, because I was a woman wanting to earn a man's wage, without a 4-year degree. It enabled me to buy a house, which my former secretarial job would not have.
Altruism is generally an unreliable criterion for choosing a profession, unless it also pays you a living wage.
ROFL. Enter the typo police....
at least you found a different subject to attack on. Still snide, but nevertheless...attack, attack, attack. I look forward to your report on all the other posts and then posting our QA scores. Hop to it! LOL. geezzzzz.
Enter the cheerleader. Predictable. So much for listening to the other side...
LOL. If only liberals would live their might actually BE a better world.
Enter the elephant in the room not beind discussed
Under the Obama administration, reform in trade agreements, incentives to keep jobs stateside and targets plans to make it easier to unionize will be changing that picture. Pubs have lost this grip, no matter how loud they protest, how many GOP alert memos they send or how hard they pretend otherwise. Look for the unions to make a long overdue comeback. Then we shall see just how outdated they are.
U R right but look how many hits it generated!
Ppl care more about that than real issues - proves the American Idol mentality
Man's IRS rant hits a nerve. sm
An article on a letter to the Editor of a newspaper making its rounds on the Internet.,w-dear-irs-texas-barnett-taxes030909.article
Here is Mr. Barnett's letter:
Taxed to excess
Dear IRS,
I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to pay taxes owed April 15, but all is not lost.
I have paid these taxes: accounts receivable tax, building permit tax, CDL tax, cigarette tax, corporate income tax, dog licence tax, federal income tax, unemployment tax, gasoline tax, hunting licence tax, fishing licence tax, waterfowl stamp tax, inheritance tax, inventory tax, liquor tax, luxury tax, medicare tax, city, school and county property tax (up 33 percent last 4 years), real estate tax, social security tax, road usage tax, toll road tax, state and city sales tax, recreational vehicle tax, state franchise tax, state unemployment tax, telephone federal excise tax, telephone federal state and local surcharge tax, telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, telephone state and local tax, utility tax, vehicle licence registration tax, capitol gains tax, lease severance tax, oil and gas assessment tax, Colorado property tax, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and New Mexico sales tax, and many more that I can’t recall but I have run out of space and money.
When you do not receive my check April 15, just know that it is an honest mistake. Please treat me the same way you treated Congressmen Charles Rangle, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and ex-Congressman Tom Dashelle and, of course, your boss Timothy Geithner. No penalties and no interest.
P.S. I will make at least a partial payment as soon as I get my stimulus check.
Ed Barnett
Wichita Falls
UN hits N. Korea with sanctions...(sm)
Yeah!!!. Now I just worry about the 2 girls they are trying over there.
updated 3:42 p.m. ET, Fri., June 12, 2009
SEOUL, South Korea - The U.N. Security Council on Friday punished North Korea for its second nuclear test, imposing tough new sanctions, expanding an arms embargo and authorizing ship searches on the high seas, with the goal of derailing the isolated nation's nuclear and missile programs.
In a sign of growing global anger at Pyongyang's pursuit of nuclear weapons in defiance of the council, the North's closest allies Russia and China joined Western powers and nations from every region in unanimously approving the sanctions resolution.
The resolution seeks to deprive North Korea of financing and material for its weapons program and bans the country's lucrative arms exports, especially missiles. It does not ban normal trade, but does call on international financial institutions not to provide the North with grants, aid or loans except for humanitarian, development and denuclearization programs. U.S. Deputy Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo said the resolution provides "a strong and united international response" to North Korea's test in defiance of a ban imposed after its first underground atomic blast in October 2006.
"The message of this resolution is clear: North Korea's behavior is unacceptable to the international community and the international community is determined to respond," DiCarlo said. "North Korea should return without conditions to a process of peaceful dialogue."
Push for six-party talks China's U.N. Ambassador Zhang Yesui said the nuclear test had affected regional peace and security. He strongly urged Pyongyang to promote the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and return quickly to Beijing-hosted six-party talks aimed at dismantling North Korea's nuclear program.
He said the resolution demonstrates the international community's "firm opposition" to the atomic blast, "but also sends a positive signal" by showing the council's determination to resolve the issue "peacefully through dialogue and negotiations."
North Korea signaled strong opposition to new sanctions before the vote, but its diplomats were nowhere to be seen on Friday.
That was in stark contrast to the vote in October 2006 when the North Korean ambassador immediately rejected the first sanctions resolution, accused council members of "gangster-like" action, and walked out of the council chamber.
'Merciless offensive' North Korea reiterated Monday in its main newspaper that the country will consider any sanctions a declaration of war and will respond with "due corresponding self-defense measures." On Tuesday, the North said it would use nuclear weapons in a "merciless offensive" if provoked.
The provision most likely to anger the North Koreans calls on countries to inspect all suspect cargo heading to or from North Korea — and to stop ships carrying suspect material if the country whose flag the vessel is flying gives approval.
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The White House said it was prepared to confront ships believed to be carrying contraband materials to North Korea but will not try to forcibly board them.
If the country refuses to give approval, it must direct the vessel "to an appropriate and convenient port for the required inspection by the local authorities."
Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said U.S. officials would seek permission to board and inspect ships believed to be carrying contraband to North Korea. Such ships would be directed to a nearby port for inspection if they could not be boarded at sea, she told reporters at the White House.
Rice said the U.S. would not be surprised if North Korea reacted to the sanctions with "further provocation."
"There's reason to believe they may respond in an irresponsible fashion to this," she said. But she said she expects the sanctions to have significant impact on North Korea's financing of its weapons and missile systems.
Nuclear tests The United States and many other nations, including China and Russia, have condemned Pyongyang for its underground nuclear test on May 25 and a series of ground-to-air missile test firings.
The resolution condemns "in the strongest terms" the North's May 25 nuclear test "in violation and flagrant disregard" of the 2006 sanctions resolution.
It demands a halt to any further nuclear tests or missile launches and reiterates the council's demand that the North abandon all nuclear weapons, return to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, allow U.N. nuclear inspections, and rejoin six-party talks.
The 2006 resolution imposed an arms embargo on heavy weapons, a ban on material that could be used in missiles or weapons of mass destruction and a ban on luxury goods favored by North Korea's ruling elite. It also ordered an asset freeze and travel ban on companies and individuals involved in the country's nuclear and weapons programs.
Links are dead bc of overwhelming # of hits.
and all the other new articles popping up since I did this early morning survey hardly all liberal blogs. Even if they were, still a bit disconcerting for pubs to be in the position to bash words coming directly out of Palins mouth and (oops) caught on video.
We will add that to the Right Wing's Greatest Hits by Ronco.
Along with other catchy tunes such as:
He pals around with terrorists.
He is a Socialist.
He is a Communist.
He will take our money and our guns.
He will spread the wealth.
He is a Muslim.
He is not a US citizen.
He was born in Kenya.
He is an elitist.
He is friends with Bill Ayers.
He went to Pakistan in 1981.
When the O reality hits YOU uneducated people in
Well....the name big bad atheist....
even if you are not using the "A" word anymore...has everything to do with religion...the lack thereof. You beg discussion with the name. C'mon. lol.
Would you vote for an atheist?
If a political candidates views on all the issues were exactly the same as yours would you vote for them even if they were an atheist?
I would not vote for an atheist....
unless he was a pro-life, pro-defense, pro cutting spending, yada yada atheist. I am thinking probably the two are mutually exclusive but I would be willing to listen.
We all know you're an atheist.
Why do you feel you need to participate in questions like these with very undermining statements? You are mocking the poster as a Christian when you do this.
you horrible atheist
I have been called lots of really nice things on this board myself! SO WHAT. Be a big girl already!
atheist? athiest? nm
Obama's Approval Index hits negative territory
The approval index is computed by subtracting the percentage of voters who strongly disapprove of Obama's job performance from those who strongly approve of it.
Once sporting an index in the +30 range, the Big BO (you may interpret "BO" however you wish) has in a matter of a mere handful of months fallen like Lucifer from Heaven. May his end be similarly appropriate, politically speaking. Let's make this goofy clown a one-term bozo.
Yes, I did read it. And I'd like to submit YOUR NAME as being an atheist, whatever your name IS.
I judge you to be an atheist because you use God in disingenuous, fraudulent ways in order to slander people who truly do believe in God. And you're quite the celebrity, aren't you? You certainly appear in THIS media on a nauseatingly consistent basis. I think your exploitation of God to further your own personal UN-Jesuslike agenda is atrocious, and it is my opinion that you should be nominated for atheist of the year. It's my opinion. Therefore, according to your judging criteria, IT'S TRUE.
Who qualifies?
To be a celebrity as it applies to the list, one must have achieved some notoriety, such as appearing often in media with wide distribution. This would include publishing bestselling or critically acclaimed books, appearing in movies, being a leader in one's field, etc.. If a name you submitted does not qualify, it is probably because you did not provide sufficient information. See existing entries for the range of 'celebrity' covered.
Obama's mother was an
She did not believe in God or Jesus or anything taught in the Bible.
Christianity does not work the same way Catholicism does. If I understand the Catholic faith correctly, if your parents are Catholic, then you are automatically Catholic and are christened as a Catholic in infancy. However, with Christianity, a person does not become a Christian until they accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. Once profession of faith in Christ is made, baptism follows as a sign of obedience but in and of itself imparts no salvation.
His mother was a professed atheist.
Good grief! What about the agnostic and atheist....
pedophiles? What a goofy post.
I am an atheist and yet I agree with Patty so find
a different name to call me. In your small world you believe that anyone who is against O is a far right, Bible thumping conservative and that is just not the case, as I am proof of it. Yes, I voted for him, worked on his campaign for 2 years because I truly believed every word that he spewed but with every passing day I regret that.
Wow 48 million
Where would we have put all those babies? We could build cities just for them. that's 48 million more vying for welfare, running through the penal system. How many serial murderers could have been in that 48 million? The numbers DO speak volumes. Obviously the condom hasn't caught on. But that's not the point. As our populations has grown, so has all of the other statistics, including the number of abortions. If you have your way, the social ramifications will be HUGE, huge. You're not into socialist state. You can't be thinking that if a woman is forced to have a child she doesn't want with more than likely no father to hlep that all of a sudden she is going to turn into June Cleaver because someone says she has to? The only people who will benefit from overturning Roe vs Wade will be the one who run the black markets on baby selling. The demographics speak volumes as well. Where are the largest numbers of abortions happening? It is not middle class Bible America. You are choosing the unborn over the living and saying it is okay to sacrifice the mothers and the fathers for the sake of an ideal in a foreign country. If that is not a complete contradiction I don't know what is.
And I might add...his "credit" will put how many more million...
did it say, into the no tax bracket? the words were "the credit will eliminate federal taxes for 10 million low income families. To add to all the others who don't pay taxes. So how is he going to pay for his big government? He will have to raise everyone's taxes....handwriting on the wall.