I have seen at least four conservatives express concerns about Bush on several occasions, and they even elucidated them. Of course, you would have to take off those blinders to see them but you aren't about to do that. What a joke. As far as your remarks about racisms, I consider your remarks extremely racist. And never mind the fact that black Americans, one of whom was quoted here, are also defending Bennett. Their voices don't count because they must be Uncle Tom's, right. AGAIN, a racist way of thinking.
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
She was not the brightest bulb anyway...she asserted that the governor would not deploy the National Guard to Iraq, David Petraeus would. Even I know that the governor of the state has to deploy the national guard of that state...the president can't, and David Petraeus can't. They can ask for them, but gov has to give the orders.
At the end of the interview she said: "I'll give it to you, Tucker baby."
mea culpa.
The republicans are listening to their ...
constituents who do not want the bailout. They reported on TV this morning their fax machines and phones ringing off the wall. They don't like the bill as it stands. The fact remains, the Democrats had the votes to pass it had the 69 who voted nay had voted yay. They didn't do it because they don't want to be holding the whole bag if it goes south. So to whine about the Republicans who listened to their constituents and not wanting to stick their necks out caused it to fail...wrong.
But it is totally political...the Dems do not want to vote in majority with "Bush/Paulson" plan...because if it failed...you know the drill.
Another station said Palin won 72% to Biden 26% and undecided 2%.
The only ones who said Biden won was hard-core Obama supporters, but they had no reference to say what poll they were talking about.
So according to the polls I'm reading on all the sites and stations (except MSNBC of course and I'm not seeing any official polls except for their opinions) state that Palin was the clear winner.
I have nothing to hide either - but don't want them listening to me - nm
I am listening to Obama right now
on Fox news. He has said McCain's name about 20 times in the last 2 minutes. McCain is not the only one talking about his opponent. I still want to know how Obama is going to pay for all these things he is promising...he is going to pick the hardworking pockets of the middle class to give it to people who don't work
The only thing I have been listening to is
my own conscience and the uncanny way my candidate is able to give me voice.
HELLLOOOOO - Are you not listening.
The certiciate on factcheck is a forgery. Do you know what a forgery is? That means it is not real or legitimate. Hence, the Supreme Court is now involved. Just by the O supporters saying it is real doesn't make it so.
Let's wait for the experts to decide and also keep an open mind.
This is not an issue just by Fox. This is an issue that the Supreme Court wants to find out, many judges, and lawyers, and believe it or not even a lot of democrats. There are people from each of the united states who want to know this before it is time for the electorates to vote. They want the issue resolved. Many lawsuits are going on right now. Not just one.
So if it comes out that O is not eligible for office you still will have your democrat in there. What's the big deal.
But please don't provide us with these nonsense organizations that support the O to believe what they say. Let the indpendent people who follow the law and are defenders of the constitution to decide. If the shoe was on the other foot and it was John McCain and he went around and had the records sealed and then had Swiftboat come out and say "oh yeah, I viewed it, it's legitimate" you would want an independent party to view it. So why don't you want an independent party to view Obama's real certificate. He never submitted the original like he was supposed to. He submitted a forged one that was created by a computer (which anyone can do now adays). And I wouldn't take the home state where the O went to school after he returned from Indonesia and where his grandparents lived to validate this. Of course they want him to be president.
Let the courts decide!
Stop listening to the MSM
You're only getting one side. The one they want to portray. They have always been enemies of Israel. You can tell over the years by them reporting about those poor innocent palestenians, hamas, etc.
You need to read both sides. "H" launched the first one. Not Israel. So you think Israel should should just sit and take it and let their innocent be victimized and killed and not do anything?
LAWRENCE, Kansas, Dec. 6, 2005 (AP) A Kansas professor whose planned course on creationism and intelligent design was canceled after he sent e-mails deriding Christian conservatives was taken to the hospital Monday following what he said was a beating.
University of Kansas religious studies professor Paul Mirecki told the Lawrence Journal-World that two men who beat him were making references to the class that was to be offered for the first time this coming spring. Originally called Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism and other Religious Mythologies, the course was canceled last week at Mirecki's request.
The class was added after the Kansas Board of Education decided to include more criticism of evolution in science standards for elementary and secondary students.
I didn't know them, Mirecki said of his alleged assailants, but I'm sure they knew me.
One recent e-mail from Mirecki to members of a student organization referred to religious conservatives as fundies, and said a course describing intelligent design as mythology would be a nice slap in their big fat face. Mirecki has apologized for those comments.
Lt. Kari Wempe, a spokeswoman for the Douglas County Sheriff's Department, said a deputy was dispatched to Lawrence Memorial Hospital after receiving a call around 7 a.m. regarding a battery.
She said Mirecki reported he was attacked around 6:40 a.m. in rural Douglas County south of Lawrence. Mirecki told the Journal-World he was driving to breakfast when he noticed the men tailgating him in a pickup truck.
I just pulled over hoping they would pass, and then they pulled up real close behind, he said. They got out, and I made the mistake of getting out.
He said the men beat him on the head, shoulders and back with their fists, and possibly a metal object.
Wempe said Mirecki drove himself to the hospital.
Mirecki told the student newspaper, The University Daily Kansan, that he spent between three and four hours at the hospital. He said his injuries included a broken tooth.
I'm mostly shaken up, and I got some bruises and sore spots, he told the Journal-World.
Wempe said Mirecki described the suspects as two white men between 30 and 40 years of age. One of the men was described as wearing a red visor-like ball cap and wool gloves. Mirecki said the men left in a large pickup truck.
Wempe said the department will investigate every aspect, but couldn't discuss specifics.
Andrew Stangl, president of the Society for Open Minded Atheists and Agnostics at the university, described the attack as bizarre and terrifying. He said Mirecki, who is the group's faculty adviser, is adamant that the alleged beating is related to the recently canceled course.
That absolutely shocked me, he said, because people don't do that in a civilized society.
Sen. Kay O'Connor, a Mirecki critic, said there is no excuse for someone physically assaulting the professor - regardless of their politics.
I have zero tolerance for thugs, she said. There is never an excuse to behave in such a manner. This was just thugs. They used a flimsy excuse, if they had one, to behave as thugs. They can talk about the ID (intelligent design) course if they want to, but that's not an excuse.
on CNN this morning and just as she is getting to the part where she is detailing her plan for withdrawal from Iraq,CNN cuts away to cover Cheney......You don't think there's any significance do ya?!
Politics!!!!!!!!! ARGH!
I could not find any coverage on any other channel.
stimulus package, I'm getting more furious every hour with some of the senators.
It seems there is no bipartisanship happening except the republicans trying to stop the bloated parts of the package, that which has nothing to do with the stimulus. So far, the amount is up to $990B and growing. One senator pointed out that if it passes the way it is, it will be over $1.7 TRILLION and we can't afford it.
Senator Tom Coburn (R) OK stated the Constitution gave us no authorization to do what we're doing (meddling in business, banking, etc.) He had a wonderful speech. I hope to find it on the 'net later.
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) TN stated fix housing first.
Sen. James Inhofer (R) OK states he hopes all republicans stand up and agree this won't work but Sen. McCain's amendment should pass and WILL work. I don't know what's in Sen. McCain's amendment as it's not posted yet.
Now, my absolutely favorite senator (NOT!): Sen. Schumer (D) NY. He stated THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT THIS STIMULUS and sort of threatened in a veiled way that it WILL PASS no matter what the republicans want. I think everybody and their friends and family ought to clog his email with messages of how we DON'T want this package the way it is and since when is he a mindreader? The article I posted is probably the American people he is talking about.
Now there's a guy who really understands the American people. I found a little item on the 'net while I was looking for other stuff and I'm providing the link. Maybe a lot of you saw this before, but this is the first I've seen it. The date is JANUARY 22, 2007, so he knew all along that there was trouble brewing.
You evidently have not been listening with an open mind
It sounds like you too have been listening to the left wing media. Rush Limbaugh has come out as one of the most powerful and positive voices. What he says is just the way it is. It is what more and more people are feeling. People are listening to him and his ratings have been skyrocketing because of what he has to say. He tells it like it is and the liberals are trying their best to trash him but it isn't working. Like Rahm Emanuel who takes what he says and twists it and outright lies. It's funny how good the liberals are at lying and distorting the facts. Rush Limbaugh is not the only reason but one of the main reasons why we will see a surge in more Americans moving to being conservative. They are tired of the same ol rhetoric garbage and not being told the truth from the liberal media and this is why MSNBC (Olberman & Matthews shows) are tanking big time.
You evidently have not been listening with an open mind
It sounds like you too have been listening to the left wing media. Rush Limbaugh has come out as one of the most powerful and positive voices. What he says is just the way it is. It is what more and more people are feeling. People are listening to him and his ratings have been skyrocketing because of what he has to say. He tells it like it is and the liberals are trying their best to trash him but it isn't working. Like Rahm Emanuel who takes what he says and twists it and outright lies. It's funny how good the liberals are at lying and distorting the facts. Rush Limbaugh is not the only reason but one of the main reasons why we will see a surge in more Americans moving to being conservative. They are tired of the same ol rhetoric garbage and not being told the truth from the liberal media and this is why MSNBC (Olberman & Matthews shows) are tanking big time. Rush Limbaugh is the Democrats worst hope/fear to losing the next election. Not the only reason though because the Democrats are doing a great job of that on their own.
He's from about 35 miles from here; been listening to him on radio for years.
How is listening to his music exposing her to his lifestyle? nm
Listening to his music won't expose her to his lifestyle; however,
purchasing his CDs directly or indirectly supports his lifestyle.
I like Melissa Etheridge's music, but I have never purchased a CD.
I don't know how they can stand up there and lie through their teeth like that...blaming the White House and Republicans for this financial debacle. They know that is a lie. They know, especially Chris Dodd, was central to this. Also mentioned Barney Frank. Good grief. The hypocrisy is staggering. They should be talking about getting us out of this mess....just yesterday they were saying don't play the blame game. Telling McCain not to politicize it while they are politicizing it. That man makes my skin crawl.
And saying there was a "deal" and McCain blew it up. The only "deal" was among senators...the only house person present could not negotiate. He just had to listen. If they had the plan and had gone to the house with it, then the house would have blocked it there and hours if not days would have been wasted. Amazing the gall of some folks. Ridiculous!!!
Why can't they all stop the political posturing and just fix this mess. The House is only reacting to the onslaught of emails from their constituents saying protect us here, we don't like this carte blanche 700 billion. I for one am GLAD at least the Republicans in the house said whoa wait just a minute here.
That's the whole point. Bush acts like a dictator in complete privacy. Of course nobody can name names because this president thinks he can spy on whoever he wants without ever telling the person.
The sooner they impeach him, the safer this country will be.
No I haven't
but I'll try to remember to check it out.
At church last week our preacher had just gotten up to preach and he had just told us to turn to a Bible verse. So we all looked down to turn to the verse and when we looked up he was gone. Apparently he had stepped through the side door to go get a drink of water. Of course he came back out two minutes later, but someone made the joke that the rapture had come and he was the only one taken. It was pretty funny. Of course if it had really happened we'd have all of been with him (well hopefully, as I'm sure you know there are people in church who aren't really Christians!)
No, I haven't but
I'm seriously considering it...on a local level, of course, where I'm qualified. If I were younger............
I haven't seen that but I have seen others
There are just some very strange people in this country who think nothing of putting themselves on youtube giving their opinions (no matter what the subject). In today's world I would never ever put my face out for all to see stating my opinion. On this board is one thing (and even then I'm always concerned about what I post and who is watching it), but sometimes it's best to keep ones feelings to oneselves, especially if it is negative. The thought police are out there and you just never know what will come back at you for the worst.
I haven't seen her lately
When the election was going on (still when Hillary was running against Obama) and even shortly after the primaries ended I really enjoyed her. I thought she was level headed and brought out some good discussions and issues, but then towards the end of the election (maybe a couple weeks before 11/4) I found her starting to become opinionated and she jumped down someones throat about something that I thought she was clearly wrong on. She just became irritating and got under my skin a bit. I also really used to like Keith Olberman, but his coverage of the election was so unfair and between Keith and Rachel I just found them opinionated and not reporting facts and stuff so I kind of lost interest. Maybe I should try watching them again. It's funny about Hannity and Colmes. I cannot stand Hannity. He's just too uppity and goody two shoes and even D Morris would tell him stop focusing on certain issues and report on the other important ones and he doesn't listen. He annoys the you know what out of me. But Colmes...this guy is a crack up. I used to not be able to stand him. Now I enjoy listening to him. I don't agree with a lot of what he says, but I'll listen. I can take him a lot more than the others because he doesn't gloat about the O winning whereas the others do.
So I'll have to catch her show again and see if she's gotten better. Thanks for reminding me about her.
I'll tell you...if Bush is able to pardon himself....I think there is going to be a huge uproar. Mind as well just let the criminals decide what punishment they should get.
I haven't seen that.........sm
and don't know when it was made, but you can bet your bottom dollar that at the time it was made, that statement was probably meant to be comic relief. The average US citizen would have laughed at such a statement prior to this presidential election. sorry, no they haven't......
There is tons of pork barrel in that package. Even the moderate democrats are sickened by all the crap in there and refuse to pass it. Obama must have forgotten the part where he said absolutely no pork barrel spending! Yea, right!
I haven't seen any
poll takers out asking mainstream America their opinion, only the fabricating media and perverted judges telling us how wonderful homosexuality is. The rest of America finds the act of homosexuality deplorable. ;-)
Really? You haven't?
Just to take the first point: How about a speech he gave in 2008 which he criticized the US because most of us speak one measly language, while Europeans often speak 2 or 3? There is actually a pretty good reason for that, by the way. A person could drive in Europe a distance equal to the trip from Cincinnati to Chicago and pass through several countries. Some countries even have several dialects. Many European countries are tiny. Being multilingual in Europe is very practical. America is huge and people a couple of thousand miles away can understand one another in a single language, from youse guys to y'all.
I don't remember ever hearing a US president or presidential candidate publicly criticize his country the way this one has (well, maybe Kerry). And of course our foreign critics simply lap it up. I think Michelle Obama has some foreign language skills, but I've got to wonder in what second and third languages Barack himself is fluent. Surely he must be.....
I was unable to find the full text/location/date of the speech I am referring to, but here's a link to an article on it. Sorry, it does seem to be an piece that is overall critical of the great man, but then the mainstream would probably not have mentioned this at all
Oh, by the way, no spam file, I wrote it. Whether or not you find it witty, it's the way I view O's public criticism of the US, as though we are a collection of bumpkins he's stuck with and trying desperately to fix up.
Hey! Haven't seen you in a while...nm
What makes you think they haven't.
I haven't been here that long but
long enough to see clearly how immaturely they operate. PHEW!
You are so right. I haven't posted here
for this very reason. Certain posters (you know who you are) will come here to bash posts even when they are addressed to liberals. Apparently it doesn't matter to them that the moderator has repeatedly asked them not to do so and they can't seem to resist the urge to come over to this board when, in fact, they have their own. They've done it to me, they've done it to PK and others. Good luck to you...it's too bad, 'cause they ruin the discussion for everyone else and it gets to the point where it just isn't worth it.