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Then let's get to it..............sm

Posted By: m on 2008-10-31
In Reply to: Sorry, Sam - gourdpainter

I"As I said before there is plenty of dirt to go around and family and religion should not be off limits if it is pertinent to the "values" a candidate tries to claim. . Yes, I believe in separation of church and state but I believe it SHOULD become an issue if the "religion" in question supports radical views."

Obama is by far and away the most liberal candidate to ever run for the office of President, and he has roots in Islam, a religion known for radical religious views. Killing the infidels (and that would be you and me and every other non-Islamic person) comes to mind. A person is a product of many things, including their environment, the values taught to them as a child and the associations PAST and present that they hold. Do you not think that Obama (or any other person, for that matter) could not suppress his deeply held religious convictions long enough to be elected to the highest office in the land? By the time he would be elected, it would be too late then.

"Also, I believe if Palin is willing to parade her unweb pregnant daughter before the masses, then one of two things, she should either not do that or refrain from discussing moral values."

Palin's daughter made her own choices regarding her own body. Isn't that the whole crux of the discussion regarding abortion? How is is it different to choose to have sex with the knowledge that pregnancy could occur? Should Palin have put her in a chastity belt and thrown away the key? And, getting back to discussing "moral values," based on Palin's stand on moral issues now, don't you think it was very likely that she did try to impart those same values to her children? Should her daughter have been forced to accept these teachings?

Gourdpainter, I hope you understand that this is just meant to be debating the issues and nothing personal. You have to realize that if we are going to bring religion into the issues of the presidential race, then all sides must be considered. If we are going to bring family into it, then the whole tree has to be examined on both sides of the fence.

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