The truth about his past associations....
Posted By: sam on 2008-09-16
In Reply to: What is it that you're waiting for him to say? - ?
would be a good start.
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but do you continue those associations if you find that someone you had been associated with has done something illegal, unethical, hateful, or prejudicial or do you disassociate yourself? Therein lies the difference.
Yet, with all of Obama's associations,
Obama's Associations
More on Obama's Associations
but the media and the Dems are willing to look the other way
Source Washington times Sunday, October 12, 2008 HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts Mark Hyman COMMENTARY:
About 50 parishioners were locked into the Assemblies of God church before it was set ablaze. They were mostly women and children. Those who tried to flee were hacked to death by machete-wielding members of a mob numbering 2,000.
The 2008 New Year Day atrocity in the Kenyan village Eldoret, about 185 miles northwest of Nairobi, had all the markings of the Rwanda genocide of a decade earlier.
By mid-February 2008, more than 1,500 Kenyans were killed. Many were slain by machete-armed attackers. More than 500,000 were displaced by the religious strife. Villages lay in ruin. Many of the atrocities were perpetrated by Muslims against Christians.
The violence was led by supporters of Raila Odinga, the opposition leader who lost the Dec. 27, 2007, presidential election by more than 230,000 votes. Odinga supporters began the genocide hours after the final election results were announced Dec. 30. Mr. Odinga was a member of Parliament representing an area in western Kenya, heavily populated by the Luo tribe, and the birthplace of Barack Obama's father.
Mr. Odinga had the backing of Kenya's Muslim community heading into the election. For months he denied any ties to Muslim leaders, but fell silent when Sheik Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, appeared on Kenya television displaying a memorandum of understanding signed on Aug. 29, 2007, by Mr. Odinga and the Muslim leader. Mr. Odinga then denied his denials.
The details of the MOU were shocking. In return for Muslim backing, Mr. Odinga promised to impose a number of measures favored by Muslims if he were elected president. Among these were recognition of "Islam as the only true religion," Islamic leaders would have an "oversight role to monitor activities of ALL other religions [emphasis in original]," installation of Shariah courts in every jurisdiction, a ban on Christian preaching, replacement of the police commissioner who "allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists," adoption of a women's dress code, and bans on alcohol and pork.
This was not Mr. Odinga's first brush with notoriety. Like his father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, the main opposition leader in the 1960s and 1970s, Raila Odinga is a Marxist He graduated from East Germany's Magdeburg University in 1970 on a scholarship provided by the East German government. He named his oldest son after Fidel Castro.
Raila Odinga was implicated in the bloody coup attempt in 1982 against then-President Daniel Arap Moi, a close ally of the United States. Kenya has been one of the most stable democracies in Africa since the 1960s. The ethnic cleansing earlier this year was the worst violence in Kenya since that 1982 coup attempt.
Mr. Odinga spent eight years in prison. At the time, he denied guilt but later detailed he was a coup leader in his 2006 biography. Statue of limitations precluded further prosecution when the biography appeared.
Initially, Mr. Odinga was not the favored opposition candidate to stand in the 2007 election against President Mwai Kibaki, who was seeking his second term. However, he received a tremendous boost when Sen. Barack Obama arrived in Kenya in August 2006 to campaign on his behalf. Mr. Obama denies that supporting Mr. Odinga was the intention of his trip, but his actions and local media reports tell otherwise.
Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama's six-day stay. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies. In contrast, Mr. Obama had only criticism for Kibaki. He lashed out against the Kenyan government shortly after meeting with the president on Aug. 25. "The [Kenyan] people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials," Mr. Obama announced.
"Kenyans are now yearning for change," he declared. The intent of Mr. Obama's remarks and actions was transparent to Kenyans - he was firmly behind Mr. Odinga.
Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama had met several times before the 2006 trip. Reports indicate Mr. Odinga visited Mr. Obama during trips to the U.S. in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Mr. Obama sent his foreign policy adviser Mark Lippert to Kenya in early 2006 to coordinate his summer visit. Mr. Obama's August trip coincided with strategizing by Orange Democratic Movement leaders to defeat Mr. Kibaki in the upcoming elections. Mr. Odinga represented the ODM ticket in the presidential race.
Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama's father were both from the Luo community, the second-largest tribe in Kenya, but their ties run much deeper. Mr. Odinga told a stunned BBC Radio interviewer the reason why he and Mr. Obama were staying in near daily telephone contact was because they were cousins. In a Jan. 8, 2008, interview, Mr. Odinga said Mr. Obama had called him twice the day before while campaigning in the New Hampshire primary before adding, "Barack Obama's father is my maternal uncle."
President Kibaki requested a meeting of all opposition leaders in early January in an effort to quell the violence. All agreed to attend except Mr. Odinga. A month later, Mr. Kibaki offered Mr. Odinga the role of prime minister, the DE facto No. 2 in the Kenyan government, in return for an end to the attacks. Mr. Odinga was sworn in on April 17, 2008.
Mr. Obama's judgment is seriously called into question when he backs an official with troubling ties to Muslim extremists and whose supporters practice ethnic cleansing and genocide. It was Islamic extremists in Kenya who bombed the U.S. Embassy in 1998, killing more than 200 and injuring thousands. None of this has dissuaded Mr. Obama from maintaining disturbing loyalties.
Mark Hyman is an award-winning news commentator for Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc.
McCain's associations
Sam said, "voting for. I wouldn't vote for Ahhhnold for dogcatcher. He is about as Republican as Maria Shriver. LOL GP."
Now all you pubs, what was that you were saying about who Obama palls around with?
Are you? Harp on Obama's racist associations
The truth sounds rude when put bluntly but still is the truth. nm
!!!! hahaha
Liberal truth vs. Conservative truth.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but...It's probably the
reason why I am voting democrat...they seem more honest than the the republicans and it looks like people are starting to get smart and *bailin' Palin*... We don't need to keep hearing her *greatest hits" version of her acceptance speech over and over and McSame's POW story...that was then, this is now...we need REAL change and we need it NOW. I don't need someone to push the red button, I need someone to fix the economy!
Truth? The truth is she is nuts!
They certainly have in the past. sm
but their headline didn't intentionally mislead like the one posted above. Oh, let's face it, the media is just not what it used to be. I don't trust them at all.
from the past
I am so-o-o sick of the party bickering, finger pointing and verbal barbs blaming the other guy, I am remembering a line from my past "Alfred E. Newman for president." Back then it was a joke but it is starting to sound good again!
That's because most do not look at his past tax
You mean once we look past the
seas of humanity jumping for joy on November 4th, the rafters-busting crowds that are descending on DC for the inauguration and the hordes in the global bleachers cheering him on? Four years is sufficient time to build a slam dunk of a track record but in the absence of worthy GOP opponents, all he has to do is stay alive between now and then to get re-elected. Personally, I hope that they put SP, Hasselbach and/or Coulter up there, the dream team of certain defeat. Sure doesn't look like they have much more than that to offer at the moment.
Yes, definitely ignore the past if it does not...
fit your agenda. It clouds nothing. Somehow I cannot see you blasting JFK for Viet Nam. Just cannot see that happening...though you swear you would. You just can't bring yourself to be disguated about something that is not happening NOW? Wanna talk about Carter and Iran? Oh no, we can't do that, that was in the PAST.
Well hang in there soon as Congress pulls funding, the troops are brought home because of it, Viet Nam revisited, the horror that will become Iraq when that happens making NOW look like a walk in the will be able to ignore THAT as the past also.
Must be nice.
There is nothing in McCain's past...
of radical leftwing socialist politics. Nor does he think there should be absolutely no restrictions on abortion, up to and including allowing babies who survive abortion to be left to die. Tell do you reconcile your Christian principles with that? Do you think the Jesus you know would condone that? For ANY reason?
we have now gone way past rude..
to downright disgusting. It probably also take a MENSA brain to call someone else pathetic, little, loser because they don't think the same as you. Give it a rest already people.
No, I was responding to the past above yours, sorry,
did I get it wrong? yikes - I meant that for the 'first of all' post...
I have felt in the past...
that I was being attacked for saying something that was never really meant to be offensive. I feel that we should all be able to act like adults and refrain from personally attacking anyone. I just thought that the response was unnecessarily nasty. I hope you have a great evening! I hope the other person does, as well.
I think JM was up past his bedtime.
Past and future
Stop dwelling in the PAST.
Look into the FUTURE.
The last past 8 years did not work for anybody.
What we need is change. REAL change.
Summon it up, we do not need
your pagelong lectures. Who has time for this?
The election is tomorrow, thanks God.
Go, Obama!
Can't live in the past - have to look to
The PAST says a lot about what you are today.
past that point
It's not the past administration?
What color are your eyes? Brown? Thought so.
They can't see past anything..... easily led!
But you don't do that. You only discuss the democratic past.
In order to smear it.
No talk about the 12 prior years of Reagan and Bush. 
U.S. and past civilian deaths
U.S. and British forces bombed Dresden, Germany with the death of approximately 225,000 civilians, and it was intended as a purely civilian bombing.
From a history publication (with references to LeMay also made by Robert McNamara in The Fog of War):
When news concerning the bombing of Dresden got out, it led to an uproar that had to be quieted by cynical denials that this was U.S. or British policy. But it was, and it continued, now against Japan. In March 1945, more than 100,000 Japanese were killed in a firebombing raid on Tokyo as “canals boiled, metal melted, and buildings and human beings burst spontaneously into flames” (John Dower, War Without Mercy: Race & Power in the Pacific War [Pantheon Books, 1986]). By August 1945, 58 Japanese cities had been firebombed and the bomber commander, General Curtis LeMay, had to curtail his raids because he had run out of incendiary bombs. After the war, Le May remarked “I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal.” Instead he was promoted, eventually heading the Strategic Air Command, where he advocated a pre-emptive nuclear “first strike” against the Soviets. During the Vietnam War, Le May notoriously called to “bomb them [the North Vietnamese] back into the Stone Age.”
It is nice to look to the future and not the past.
You are quite wrong about my stance on Vietnam. Don't make the presumption that you know me at all.
One thing that I do know is that you cannot change the past. You want to bog yourself down with useless information knock yourself out. Our government tends to not pay attention to those details of the past in the way they operate today. If they did, Bush would have never invaded Iraq. Perhaps you are making your speeches to the wrong audience? You will never convince a liberal that war is just.
As I have stated before, I am strictly anti-war, no matter who, what, where, and why. War does nothing but fund hate and line pockets of men who profit from them and kills the innocent as an after thought, and it's excused because, hey, that's war isn't it?
The longer our troops stay in Iraq, the more hate it is going to foster. This military pseudo occupation has to stop and the humanitarian effort needs to start, period.
Or better yet, why don't you go there and explain to the Iraqi people and our military men and women who are doing their fourth or fifth tour and tell them why they are still there. There's your audience, try and convince them.
Umm...2003...isn't that the PAST, piglet....
I thought you were interested in NOW. :-)
No need to go past the Malkin byline.
Look at his past political career....
while he was an organizer in Chicago he pushed through legislation with earmarks beneficial for his benefactors...Tony Rezko and the Daley political machine, because that is what it takes to get ahead in Chicago politics. He made a somewhat meteoric rise...and that only happens when you have the right kind of political support and you repay that support.
One of the first things he did as senator was steer over a million dollars in earmarks to his wife's employer...who had just previous to that DOUBLED her salary.
He has a long-standing relationship with William Ayers...a man who hates this country. Among his advisors are people on record as saying Hugo Chavez is a great champion of Democracy.
That is what I am talking about regarding his history. He is not going to change anything. He is a consummate politician, the most liberal senator in the senate, to the left of Ted Kennedy even. It will be politics as usual. He personifies Washington politics as usual, and so does his running mate...been there 30 years.
Sorry...I see past the bio the media has created and look at his political career. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
I invite you to get and read the book "The Case Against Barack Obama." It lays it all out there for you with verifiable facts about the earmarks, the Daley machine, William Ayers, the whole thing.
But only if you are interested in both sides. I am not trying to fight with you. Just offering a source.
Have a good night!
There has been a big swing in past few days of
I would not put it past an extremist republican to put
like that out there and make it look like the democrats had something to do with it. Anyone who truly had the democratic party at heart would never think of lowering themselves to these kinds of tactics.
sam's right on this one. Mainly the dems in power through the past
years have abused their power and positions, and taken advantage of the situation.
While I believe a few of the republicans stood by and let it happen, they are not the majority in this.
Rich liberal democrats on Wall street and in Congress/Senate, not to mention Bill Clinton and his cronies, are the ones that bear the most blame.
And some of them are crying the loudest blaming George Bush, when it's their own fault.
Sam has posted the names and dates and all. It is the truth. Research it yourselves. Just because you don't like what she has to say, means that it's wrong.
Ran this past my brother who is a lawyer
a republican I might add (much to my chagrin) and he said it is a frivolous lawsuit. He added, which I already knew, it does not matter where he was born, who his father was, who he was adopted by, or where he went to school. His mother is an American citizen and he is therefore an American citizen, period. This is all just smoke and mirrors, lies, diversions from the real issues.
the Right-to-lifers cant see past their own noses.
They oughta consider pulling them out of the bible every now and then and take a breath of fresh air. They sound like their brains are dying a 'slow and agonizing death' by asphyxiation. that's what happens to people when they choose to live and breathe that fairytale, with all of its voodoo. They all live in the Dark Ages.
Can't ge past the ignorance of the first sentence here.
the constitution is not a static document and is, in fact, a living, dynamic, changing, vital document. To wrap you brain around this concept, consider this. The orignal Constitution contained 10 amendments. Amendments 11 through 27 commenced over time as such: 1795, 1804, 1865, 1868, 1870, 1913x2, 1919, 1920, 1933x2, 1951, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1971 and 1992.
There. You see? The (progressive) authors of the constitution in their wisdom provided the mechanism of amendement, that would allow for change and growth. That makes it a living, breathing, dynamic document. Got it?
Next time you try to interpret Obama's book, watch your step.
my post was not talking about the past
My post was in direct reference to the OP "blaming" Bush for something that isn't his fault. DHL is looking to the future and that is why they are laying off people. Not because of anything that's happened in the past.
JTBB, you know where I have stood in the
but don't you see, WE have to try to change this around, calling names and playing the blame game, inflammatory insults, may all look cool on a board, but we have to find a way to get beyond this putrid miasma that the political system has become and start over, banking overhaul, immigration overhaul, new corporate business overhaul, social overhaul, and if these people we voted into office would do WHAT THEY WERE SWORN INTO OFFICE TO DO, we could all steer this sinking ship in the right direction. I am not about to start singing KUMBAYA in a loud voice, just sick of insulting rhetoric that gets us NOWHERE!
You're just whistling past the
In order to secure these pathetic "signs" of improvement, Obama is taking us down the road of ruination. And, like the rats who followed the Pied Piper, it's very clear you don't have the faintest idea what's coming.
You will win nothing by continuing to obsess about the past. Move on. nm

I appreciate the deletion from this board in the past few
Especially when they come here just to bash.
When you can't defend the present why do you always bring up the past?
And past the theatrics, I thought he did a good job...
and I don't want to get a firestorm started, but it was right down the Democratic line, same things I heard from Hillary, from Bill for his 8 years, Carter (and we know how that turned out) was not his usual "change" speech. I guess in deference to the party. I don't know.
But, I admit it, I disagree with too many Democrat policies to vote for any Democrat when they are hard-liners. There is no give there, no willingness to work with the other side...and frankly, we will NEVER go forward no matter WHO is President until politicians are willing to put the COUNTRY first, not the PARTY. And I mean that for both sides. In spades!
'Good head on her shoulders?' She can't see past the
It was republican congress for 6 of the past 8 dopey nm
Look to the leader of USA for past 8 years GW BUSH nm
Dems have already felt that way for the past 8 years...
Get over youselves. It's not fatal.
my kids have done community service in the past
They have been in girlscouts for years. I have a big problem with it being mandatory. You people just have no clue. I'm bitter and stupid and selfish I guess for wanting freedom of choice for me and my children.
No, all my ranting and raving isn't going to change the past
but ALL of us are going to have to live with the past 8 years of Bushes lies and deceit and you worry about an Obama birth certificate. Those of you who cry for a "hospital birth certificate," may I educate you that a "hospital" birth certificate is nothing more than an application. I don't know about you but at MY age a certified copy of the birth certificate that was filed with the state some time after my birth, and with my name spelled incorrectly, has been all that has ever been required for me and I see no reason why a CERTIFIED copy of Obama's birth certificate isn't good enough for you...except maybe you're still hoping the election will be nullified and your McCain will still yet take over......GOD FORBID!