Once January 21st arrives and Obama is still alive and healthy, then I'll breathe a sight of relief and wave a long-awaited buh-bye to Bush. In the meantime, there's still so much more damage Bush can do.
WASHINGTON — While Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr.'s views on abortion triggered intense debate on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, there is no mistaking where his wife stands: Jane Sullivan Roberts, a lawyer, is ardently against abortion.
A Roman Catholic like her husband, Jane Roberts has been deeply involved in the antiabortion movement. She provides her name, money and professional advice to a small Washington organization — Feminists for Life of America — that offers counseling and educational programs. The group has filed legal briefs before the high court challenging the constitutionality of abortion.
A spouse's views normally are not considered relevant in weighing someone's job suitability. But abortion is likely to figure prominently in the Senate debate over John Roberts' nomination. And with his position on the issue unclear, abortion rights supporters expressed concern Wednesday that his wife's views might suggest he also embraced efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
"It's unclear how all this will affect her husband," said Jennifer Palmieri, a spokeswoman with the Center for American Progress, a liberal public policy group. "It's possible that he would have a different view than her. It's just that in the absence of information about this guy, people are looking at her and trying to read the tea leaves."
Asked to discuss her role with Feminists for Life, Jane Roberts said in an e-mail to the Los Angeles Times: "Thanks for your inquiry. At this time, however, I would like to decline your invitation to talk."
Advocacy groups on both sides of the issue were reacting strongly Wednesday to President Bush's first Supreme Court nomination.
The president of the antiabortion group Operation Rescue, Troy Newman, said: "We pray that Roberts will be swiftly confirmed."
The president of the National Organization for Women, Kim Gandy, warned that of the high court candidates considered by Bush, Roberts was one of the most extreme when it came to the question of overturning the Roe vs. Wade ruling, which legalized abortion.
Feminists for Life has sponsored a national advertising campaign aimed at ending abortion in America. One of its mission statements proclaims: "Abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women. Women deserve better than abortion."
Jane Roberts was a volunteer member of Feminists for Life's board of directors from 1995 to 1999. She has provided legal assistance to the group and been recognized as a contributor who donated from $1,000 to $2,500.
The president of Feminists for Life, Serrin M. Foster, said Roberts maintained her ties by advising the group on how to draw up incorporation and not-for-profit papers.
She also has written for the group's newsletter, Foster said, including an article about adoption. Roberts and her husband have adopted two children.
"She's a brilliant attorney, and we're really proud that she lent her legal services to us to help serve the needs of women," Foster said. "She was a very good board member. She was invaluable as an attorney for us."
Foster said that she had met John Roberts, who now sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, but that the judge had not been involved with Feminists for Life.
Judge Roberts' public positions on abortion and Roe vs. Wade appear to be inconsistent.
In 1990, as the principal deputy solicitor general in President George H.W. Bush's administration, Roberts wrote a legal brief for the Supreme Court in a case regarding federal funding for abortion providers. "We continue to believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overruled," Roberts wrote.
His brief added: "The [Supreme] Court's conclusion in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an abortion … finds no support in the text, structure or history of the Constitution."
But during the 2003 Senate confirmation hearings on his appellate court nomination, Roberts took the position that abortion rights were no longer debatable.
"Roe vs. Wade is the settled law of the land," he told lawmakers. "There's nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent."
But abortion rights groups are convinced that Roberts is opposed to abortion.
"He's absolutely anti-Roe," Gandy said. "He believes it was wrongly decided and should be reversed." Asked then why Roberts two years ago proclaimed Roe vs. Wade a "settled" issue, Gandy responded: "You have to say that. You can't get on the court without saying you will follow legal precedent. All the most extreme nominees say that. You can't even take the oath of office [unless] you say that."
Jane Roberts graduated magna cum laude from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., in 1976. In 1984, she graduated cum laude from the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington.
She practices and is a partner with the Washington firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw and Pittman, mostly concentrating on the firm's communications and global sourcing groups.
A close friend characterized her as an "extremely, extremely devout Catholic" who had enjoyed her antiabortion advocacy.
The Catholic News Service in Washington, which praised Judge Roberts and cited his government brief in 1990 challenging Roe vs. Wade, also spoke kindly of Jane Roberts.
"She has been active in Feminists for Life, and is a member of the board of governors of the John Carroll Society, a Catholic lay organization that sponsors the annual Washington archdiocesan Red Mass before the opening of the Supreme Court term," the news service said.
It also pointed out that if John Rogers were to be elevated to the Supreme Court, he would be the fourth Catholic justice on the current court, along with Clarence Thomas, Anthony M. Kennedy and Antonin Scalia.
Before Jane Roberts joined the board of Feminists for Life, the organization filed amicus briefs on abortion with the Supreme Court. Records show that the group filed briefs supporting the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act, a law aimed at limiting the right to abortions, particularly for minors.
Several antiabortion groups including Feminists for Life also filed a brief in support of the right of abortion protesters to picket a Virginia women's health clinic. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court said the courts did not have the authority to limit protesters' access to such clinics.
And Feminists for Life filed amicus briefs in the Supreme Court in support of laws in Ohio and Missouri that attempted to limit the rights to an abortion under Roe vs. Wade.
Times staff writers Walter F. Roche Jr. and Benjamin Weyl in Washington contributed to this report.
He said that if asked to choose between government without newspapers or newspapers without government, ''I should not hesitate for a moment to prefer the latter.'' Jefferson knew that a free and adversarial press was the people's best defense against the excesses of their government and a fundamental building block of healthy democracy.
Unfortunately, that was 40 presidents ago.
The present president has a decidedly different view of the news media's role. His administration sees the press as a thing to be bought. In fact, while political manipulation of the news is hardly new, Team Bush has a long and singularly sordid record of trying to turn the media into a wholly owned public relations subsidiary.
Now they're taking their act on the road. And get this: They're doing it under the guise of building democracy. Which is rather like stealing from the collection plate under the guise of giving to the needy.
I refer you to last week's Los Angeles Times report that the Pentagon has been secretly paying Iraqi newspapers to publish stories, written by American troops, that reflect favorably upon the U.S. mission in that country. The stories, while basically factual, are reportedly written so as to flatter U.S. forces and the Iraqi government and to omit information or perspectives either might find embarrassing. These press releases are presented to the Iraqi people as independent reports by independent reporters.
One is appalled, but hardly surprised. After nearly five years of watching these folks' truth-optional approach to dealing with the public, one is seldom surprised anymore.
This is, after all, the same Bush administration that was caught buying praise from an ethically challenged columnist -- in violation of federal laws against propagandizing the public, according to a September report by the Government Accountability Office. It's the same administration that allowed into the White House press room as a reporter an Internet porn entrepreneur who wrote for a GOP website. The same one that issues video reports favorable to its policies to be broadcast without attribution as TV news. The same one that censors and quashes its own scientific studies when they conflict with its preferred worldview.
So this is just more of the same in a new ZIP Code.
It will be argued by the usual sycophantic Bush enablers that what's being done is justifiable. We are at war, they will say, and in war it is perfectly acceptable to propagandize the enemy.
So it is. But the flaw in that logic is this: We are not at war with Iraq. We are at war in Iraq against insurgents seeking to topple the government. At least, that's the line put forth by Team Bush. Iraq, they say, is a sovereign nation to which we are simply helping bring the joys of democracy -- one of which would be a free press.
That being the case, you cannot justify telling covert lies to its people any more than you can justify telling them to ours. You want to communicate something to them? Buy an ad. Drop leaflets. Put up posters. But don't produce a commercial and tell people it's news.
Doing so undermines both the message and the medium. It could also conceivably encourage Iraqis to question how seriously they should take -- how seriously we ourselves take -- this whole notion of a free and independent press.
Indeed, one can only guess how this is playing with Iraqi journalists. After all, the messages could hardly be more mixed. On the one hand, U.S. officials are offering them workshops in media ethics. On the other hand, U.S. officials are violating the most basic media ethics with blithe indifference.
But then, it's a sour joke in the first place that the Bush administration purports to teach Iraqis how democracy works.
You can't teach what you don't understand. They had a goodbye George party in Paris. sm
The whole world is holding their breath until he leaves. A message from Osama is also long overdue. I am surprised another video from him did not surface just in time for the election.
Yes, last night was party night.
I was actually very disappointed in the Obama party. I thought we were going to discuss issues and where Obama stood on the issues, but the lady from the Democratic Headquarters that came to give that information only passed out papers that were printed directly off of his website - already read that. The other thing I was disappointed in was that it seemed everyone there was a Hillary supporter and talked endlessly about her rather than Obama (no, I didn't get snarky and remind them that she was not running=). Unfortunately, I don't really feel like I learned more than what I did off of his website. It was nice to chat with my friends and meet some new people, but other political-wise, it was a waste of time. That's not to say that all Obama parties would be that way and I do encourage anyone who gets invited to one, whether you're Republican or Democrat, to attend - the person in charge of that one might be more knowledgable than the one from the party I was at. Thanks again to all who sent me websites to check out beforehand!!!
I dont have to defend my education or knowledge of history. I know what I have been taught. This endless attack gets tiring. Time to go do something more constructive than read your attacks to me. Later Gator
This is definitely scary. When we lose control to raise or own children......what else do they want to take away from us. This is beyond ridiculous.
You people who cry and whine about government staying out of your uterus....well how about stay out of my home and let me raise my kids I decided to have instead of aborting. What about those rights?
And they wonder why people are upset and worried?
I saw this last night.
She was an excellent guest.
Exactly what DH said last night.
He said the country is down the toilet and he doesn't care what they do anymore because none of it helps the working man, just the corrupt government and the millionaires. There will be no middle class, only the poor and the rich, like it was in the 'dark ages.'
I saw last night where they said that
WE (taxpayers) footed the bill for the helicopter ride, secret service motorcade, closing of the streets (yep this costs money), extra police needed in NYC and on top of all of this they believe that we also paid for the dinner and the show. Over 20,000 people with GM losing jobs and our President is going on a date at the taxpayer's expense. I don't care if he is Republican, Democrat, this is just wrong for any politician to pull this kind of crap especially with the things the way that they are.
Just saw a documentary the other night..
about Uday and Qusay, Saddam's sons. It was SICKENING. Iraq was hardly stable unless you call people having their ankles held in stock-like contraptions while sombody beats them for 30 minutes on the bottoms of their feet with a baseball bat, prior to hanging them upside down from a cable from the ceiling and beating them all over with the same bat. If you compare the number of deaths in Iraq to the number of murders and useless violence in America you could say that WE are living in a far worse war zone. I say it was worth a try, and we have to be patient, something Americans are increasingly lost the ability to do in this add water and mix world that we live in.
Every night! You're right.
It's going to be hilarious!
For those of you who miss it, you can see clips at their website.
But first to a story horrifying even by the coarsening standards of Iraq, the brutal murder and torture of two U.S. soldiers.
Privates first class Kristian Menchaca and Thomas L. Tucker went missing Friday after an attack on a checkpoint they were manning south of Baghdad. Their bodies were found on Monday night. They were reportedly so badly mutilated they were tentatively identified by tattoos and scars. The corpses were also booby-trapped, an apparent effort to kill recovery teams.
Al Qaeda‘s new leader in Iraq has claimed responsibility for the soldier‘s slaughter.
In the face of brutality like this, is Iraq worth the cost in American lives? Here to answer that question, Brad Blakeman. He‘s the former deputy assistant to the president. He joins us tonight from Washington.
Brad, thanks for coming on.
CARLSON: So we have spent untold billions of dollars, 2,500 American soldiers killed, all in an effort to bring democracy and prosperity to Iraq. In return, they torture and murder and mutilate our soldiers. Remind me why this is a good bargain?
BLAKEMAN: Well, Tucker, look, this is a tough thing, and our hearts go out to every soldier who has made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live in freedom.
But Iraq is worth fighting for. The region is worth fighting for. It‘s in our interest. These terrible, brutal dictatorships must be brought down when they become a threat to our national security. You know...
CARLSON: OK. But that‘s not the rationale the president has offered. He has said now, because as you know, and not to rehash the whole war, but no weapons of mass destruction were found. And he‘s said now this is worth doing because it‘s worth bringing freedom to the Iraqi people. They yearn for freedom, and it‘s our duty to give them the freedom they yearn for.
My question is how have they earned our sacrifice to bring them that freedom? What about Iraq justifies the death—brutal deaths of American soldiers? Why should we feel like it‘s worth it to bring these people democracy when they behave like animals like this?
BLAKEMAN: We‘re focusing on the animals and not the good and decent people of Iraq. The vast majority of Iraq is peaceful.
CARLSON: Is that right? I don‘t think—I don‘t think there‘s any evidence of that.
BLAKEMAN: There are 12 million people who went to—who went to the polls. They have four successful elections. They have a new government. We tend only to focus on the very bad, on the insurgencies, and the evil people. But the vast majority of Iraqis want to be free.
You know, if we took your attitude...
CARLSON: Is that true? Is that true?
BLAKEMAN: Hold on, Tucker. If we took your attitude, we would have turned back at the beaches of Normandy when all those people...
CARLSON: Spare me the tired, hackney, cliched World War II analogies. Let‘s get to the war in progress, and that‘s Iraq. There are decent people there. I have been there. I‘ve met decent people there. I know firsthand.
However, your claim that most people want peace is bosh as they say.
Let me show you...
BLAKEMAN: It is not.
CARLSON: It certainly is. A poll undertaken by the ministry of defense from Great Britain, part of the coalition, said 65 percent of Iraqi citizens support attacks on U.S. citizens.
Our own polling, done by World Opinion, public opinion, 47 percent approve attacks on U.S. forces, 88 percent of Sunnis, 88 percent approve of attacks on U.S. forces.
These are—are these—these are the people our sons and daughters are dying to make rich and free? How does that work?
BLAKEMAN: It is our responsibility. We brought down this dictator, this evil dictator...
CARLSON: How are we responsible?
BLAKEMAN: ... who used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. Now, it‘s our responsibility to bring democracy to these people. We can‘t cut and run and defeat the dictator and then leave...
CARLSON: Why is it our responsibility? There are countries across the world who live in shackles.
BLAKEMAN: We are the freest nation on earth. That‘s why it‘s our responsibility. We‘re the freest nation on earth. We brought down the dictator, and now it‘s our responsibility...
CARLSON: How does that work? They have not done one thing for us. Look—look, think of the implications of what you are saying. I don‘t know if you have thought this through.
BLAKEMAN: I‘ve thought it through very well.
CARLSON: Nation after nation after nation, starting with Mugabe in Zimbabwe, moving all the way to communist—still communist, still unfree China, people who are living in fetters who are unfree, who are oppressed, is it our, as you put it, obligation as a free a nation to free those nations? Do you really want to play this?
BLAKEMAN: Is it—do you know what our obligation is? It‘s to bring freedom to those people who yearn to be free. And China has come a long way.
CARLSON: So it‘s your obligation to sent your son, my obligation...
CARLSON: ... people I‘ve never met in countries that hate us? You‘ve got to be kidding. It‘s my obligation to do that?
BLAKEMAN: Yes, it is our obligation. Was it our obligation to go—was it our obligation.
CARLSON: Where does the obligation come from? I didn‘t sign up for that obligation.
BLAKEMAN: It‘s our obligation. Was it our obligation to go—was it our obligation to go into Europe where we weren‘t attacked? No, Europe let a dictator get so strong that collectively they couldn‘t take him down, and we had to come down.
CARLSON: We got in war when we were attacked.
BLAKEMAN: We lost 400,000 Americans in that war. We lost—a million people were wounded in that war.
CARLSON: Right. And there were...
BLAKEMAN: But was it worth it?
CARLSON: Let me just remind you, we entered that war on December 7, 1941, when our soil, the protectorate of Hawaii, was attacked by a foreign nation and thousands of Americans died. We went to war on that day, and not before. OK? So the overall principle you are stating here, that we have a moral obligation to free the unfree, think it through, man. It‘s...
BLAKEMAN: I didn‘t say that, Tucker. I said when we took down the dictator, when we made an obligation to risk our soldiers to free a country, we just can‘t cut and run. We have to establish a government for them. We‘ve got to give them the opportunity to succeed. That‘s our obligation.
CARLSON: And you may be right as far as that goes. But the blanket obligation that Bush implies, and you just stated, that we have to go free the world, to send our sons and daughters to go...
BLAKEMAN: No, we don‘t have to free the world
CARLSON: ... die for other people‘s freedom, people who hate us, it‘s a scary thing.
BLAKEMAN: Well, then you know what? Didn‘t the Japanese hate us?
Didn‘t the Germans hate us? Do they hate us today?
CARLSON: They attacked us first. We had no choice.
BLAKEMAN: They‘re our allies. They our allies, and they stand shoulder to shoulder with us. Should we have waited to get attacked by the Iraqis? No.
CARLSON: You know, I thought—when I supported the war initially, I thought that they were capable of attacking us, and it turns out, as you know, and I‘m sad to report, that we weren‘t.
BLAKEMAN: They were pretty capable of attacking us if they wanted to.
CARLSON: Brad Blakeman, thanks a lot.
BLAKEMAN: You are welcome.
Last night was very encouraging!! sm
I was surprised that the turnout in Iowa was almost double on the Democrat side than the Republican side. Was also excited that Obama won, because I don't like the "given" that Clinton is going to be the nominee "no matter what." Hope the Democrat turnout is that high in New Hampshire!!
I caucused last night
I'm a registered Republican (but I don't consider myself Republican per se) who was the only voter in my precinct who voted Giuliani. There were 79 registered voters there, 43 of whom voted for Huckabee and only 3 for Romney. Then they started talking about the Republican Party planks, and I wound up leaving early. They were starting to get really, erm, snotty.
Anyway, if Huckabilly (as one of the Iowa reporters acidentally called him last night on the news) is the Republican candidate, I will not vote for him. We have a very large homeschooling population in our precinct, and I think that is why so many here are in love with Huckabilly. I will look very hard to your Mr. Obama if he is indeed the Democrat nominee for president.
I don't know if I added anything to your post, but I was happy to see someone actually get so many young people energized about this process.
I sleep very well at night, thank you.
I don't make near $80,000 a year but I pay my bills, insure my children, and they do not go without meals. We don't have the primo cable, we don't have the flat screen TVs, we don't drive the best cars. We don't have the high dollar video games. I have my priorities straight and I DO NOT expect tthe government to take care of my children. That is MY job. I am the parent.
As to disgusted for fund raises when kids get cancer...can you please get real? Even with insurance policies, there are huge bills left over. We all know that. Fund raisers help offset that. There is no policy in existence that pays every expense, I don't care HOW good it is. And there are hospitals all over this country...shriners, St. Jude to name a couple...and the ability to pay has nothing to do with children being treated. But they don't go looking for you; you actually have to go there for help.
Do you even really know what this bill would do or wouldn't do? Have you read it? You never answered my question. You think the government should pay the insurance for a family of 4 making $80K? WHY? You tell me why a family making $80K cannot pay for health insurance and feed their kids? If they can't, what they need is budget counseling, not freebie government insurance. As to payng huge premiums or eating....if a family of 4 making $80,000 has to choose between eating and insurance premiums...again...they need budget counseling. Families up to that level could get on SCHIP BEFORE the expansion. The reality is people did not make the hard decisions, and if they are making $80K a year with two kids and can't insure them, they have made wrong decisions. And..hellooo....unless it is a private hospital, if a child has a life-threatening illness such as cancer...they have to treat them. They cannot turn them away. And they have to accept payments "that the person can afford." We all know that too. You make it sound as if a diabetic child cannot get treatment if the government does not pay for it because his $80K parents can't take care of him. I cannot believe you made a statement like that. What parent, I ask you, making $80K a year could not/WOULD not take care of that diabetic child??? That has NOTHING to do with the government and EVERYTHING to do with the parent. Its called responsibility.
If you would do your homework and look at SCHIP as it is now and see how high up the income ladder it already goes...lower income families were covered then. Expanding it to include illegal aliens and families of 4 making $80K....not necessary.
I have nothing to look away from. If parents making $80K can look away and spend that insurance money on something other than their diabetic child....well, 'nuff said!!
How we sleep at night is also
I saw that episode last night and though I am not
a Keith Olb. fan, not a fan of any news person really as they are all biased, I do agree with what he said. Why not debate the economy on Friday instead of just canceling it altogether. Now would be a perfect time to do that instead of the foreign policy debate, just switch the 2.
I saw that mentioned last night
on TV. I didn't see the whole video clip of them singing but the little bit I did see was enough to show me how eerie and just messed up that is. This whole thing is just creepy.
where someone had decorated their house for Halloween and hanging from a rope was a mannequin dressed like Sarah Palin. They had her hanging by the neck. How horrible is that? The authorities said that they couldn't do anything since it was a Halloween decoration. That is just sick though. I mean seriously....if they had Barrack Obama hanging by the neck or Joe Biden.....I'd still be sickened by it. What is wrong with people?
about the election. He's 10 and they're studying this election in social studies. He told me they were going to have an "election" in class. I asked him if he knew who he was voting for and he immediately answered Obama. When I asked him why, he said because he likes him. I asked him if they studied the issues and the candidates' stances on these issues and he said yes. I began asking him some general questions -- their running mates, their economic policies, their military stances, etc. He didn't really know much other than who their running mates were and that Obama was going to "cut taxes on anyone making less than 250 thousand".
I thought that's not bad for a fifth grader, but when I asked him about their stance on abortion and same-sex marriage, he didn't know how the candidates stood. I told him that Obama is pro-choice and McCain is pro-life and I explained the difference. My son didn't know what an abortion was yet, so I didn't go into any graphic detail, just that the doctor could do a procedure on a woman to end the pregnancy. He was shocked that Obama would believe in this.
All these kids in his class are so hyped about Obama and yet I wonder how many wouldn't be here today if Obama had been elected 12 years ago. After I was done talking with him, I asked him what was more important to him: money or life?
He chose life. He said he was voting for McCain, even if it wasn't the popular choice, and when his class asks him why he's supporting McCain, he's going to tell them. Maybe some of these kids will go home and educate their parents. It's a shame how many people are going to vote next week without any clue as to how their candidate stands on the issues.
They just showed last night on the
news a house in Houston that is used for polling, about 100 people show up to vote there. The husband is a precinct official and his wife makes the coffee, etc.
Good night
will all of you just PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE grow up!!! You all sound like a bunch of little kids - - my dad is bigger than your dad, my dad can beat you up. GROW UP ALREADY WILL YA! The freakin' election is over with!!! I have my opinions on the matter but I won't voice them here, as I am a little too mature for the nonsense that has been going on, on this forum!
I come on here to gain knowledge and information, not to hear WWIII going on for goodness sake. I don't know about you but I am getting tired of it.
seemed to be trying to put fear at the retreat. He started out calm enough but before it was over, he was livid, blaming the pubs for everything. He WAS trying to put fear in the dems to the words that they HAVE to pass this bill. No way was he going to let it fail. He wants the package the way it is. He doesn't want to compromise on this package no matter what he says to the media with his smiling face.
How can they do this and sleep at night
I don't care what party someone is affiliated with. How can they do that and not think anything of it. I've got family out of work and losing homes and some going without eating some days and these politicians want money to go for pig smells, rodents, or whatever the pork product is. How can they do that and stand up there and act as though there is nothing wrong with it. When the politicians stop caring about what is happening in the economy that is the time they should stop being a politician.
Last night I was watching
....are you ready....Fox News....OMG.
Anyway, they were talking about the vicious and personal attacks on Miss CA. One guy said that she used to be a man and had to have breast implants and cut her penis off to be in the pageant. Just crude and horrible things. So they brought on this feminist to see what she thought about the cruelty and the vicious personal attacks on Miss CA. This feminists who is supposed to be for women's rights said that Miss CA should have opted for a heart transplant instead of breast implants.
OMG....a feminist cutting down a woman because she was outspoken and voiced her honest opinion. I'm so sick and tired of hearing how people who don't agree with same sex marriage are heartless people full of hate. I don't hate gay people. Just because I don't agree with something doesn't give others the right to cut me down for it. I don't cut down gay couples even though I don't agree with it.
I just don't understand why all these so-called liberal open minded groups are so open minded unless someone has a difference of opinion. You cannot call them names or cut them down but if you disagree with them, you are fair game and they will cut you down brutally anywhere and in any way they can. Talk about a double standard here.
Any feminist should be outraged by the treatment of Miss CA. So she believes in traditional marriage....so what. That doesn't make her a bad person and I don't see her going around cutting down other people who disagree with her but she has had one vicious attack after another and it is just a shame.
I don't much care about pageants and all that jazz and I was really tired of hearing about how she lost because of her answer but these attacks on her are just insane. If these leftist groups are all about compassion......where is it?
They keep talking about equality for all but yet you can't have an opinion that is different. How is that equality when you bash people who don't agree with you? Aren't we all entitled to our opinions without viciously and personally attacking those who don't agree with us?
their date night out --
http://mediamatters.org/research/200906010027First, according to this article, the Obama's paid for their own tickets and dinner. The rest, of course we footed the bill, he had to have security, he had to have his staff, and he had to have his transportation. That is nothing new - we have done that for every President.I do not expect him to give up his life and be in the White House 24/7 for the entire presidency. He has to have some fun time with his family and friends or he would go crazy.I don't like the amount of money it takes to do the things the President(s) do, but it is a necessary expense in my mind. If a man or woman knew they could never leave home again as long as they were serving that they could never move or travel, then nobody would want the job.
O'Reilly said last night that
Barney will be on the factor tonight. Barney Frank is a moron and a crook. I also wish he would buy himself some teeth. Surely he makes enough money to get a decent pair of dentures.
I read some of your posts last night.
Don't know if I read them all, but I did read the one where you asked the person to go to the conservative board if they had anything to say about you. Of course, we all know how that person would have been ganged up on by you and your friends if he/she would have done so.
I have also read posts by you and your friends on the conservative board that are dedicated to bashing liberal posters on this board, sometimes using their initials, sometimes referring to them by their posts and sometimes coming right out with their monikers. They are all usually cleverly hidden in the text of the message and not in the subject line.
You certainly do this and have done it long before the person posting here last night did.
Don't you find it hypocritical to post on this board, complaining because someone did the same thing you routinely do? Nobody came back on the conservative board to challenge you when you did it. Instead, they just ignored your posts, respected your freedom of speech and left you alone.
I watched to see if I could learn a little more about the candidates. I have to admit, I don't agree with Hillary on everything, but I do admire how quick she is on her toes. She doesn't even flinch when people corner her, which is important in a potential president. I do not like the way she double-talks sometimes, though. John Edwards I thought did a very good job. He needs to keep speaking up like he did. A president has to be forceful when necessary. Barack Obama seems like a great man, but I'm just not sure he could do the job.
What are your thoughts?
Who watched last night's debate?
Looking for feedback of what you thought of last night's debate. I found it highly entertaining to say the least. HIllary was very strong and showed herself well. Obama seemed to talk a lot but didn't say much. Kerry drives me nuts, and I have come to the conclusion that if Kucinich had more of a personality, he would probably beating out Kerry. I think the one that impressed me the most was Biden. Anyone?
Hillary was great last night!!
I applaud her on trying to bring the Democrats together. She is a real class act!! I will follow her lead - NO MCCAIN!!!Last night, heard a quote that she
supposedly said, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American" as she was fighting for secession. How's that for country first?
And they thought last night's speech was
Funny thing about the truth. It has a way of no staing buried for too long....in this case, less than 24 hours. Thank you so much for posting this.
Did anyone notice that last night Obama had a...sm
Anybody else quivering in anticipation? Might take a shot everytime the word maverick is used in a totally nonsensical manner in the blizzard of words sure to issue forth. and so on and such.
Nope. We won't know until election night.
Kerry was supposed to win until the actual voting came in. Everyone was shocked. We'll see what happens. Your side certainly didn't hesitate to yell voter fraud in Florida and Ohio when they lost did they? Pot kettle...lol. Sigh.