The answer my friend is blowing in the wind...
Posted By: Mrs. Bridger on 2009-03-11
In Reply to:
Idioitt Wind
Wednesday 11 March 2009
by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Columnist
Glenn Beck. (Photo: Jennifer Ackerman / Deseret Morning News)
Idiott wind, blowing like a circle around my skull, From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol. Idiott wind, blowing every time you move your teeth, You're an idiott, babe. It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.- Bob Dylan
One thing is certain: martial arts movie star Chuck Norris does not like President Obama. Not at all. Not one little bit. Norris dislikes Obama so much, in fact, that he discussed running for the office of president of Texas, which doesn't exist, as part of a larger move by him and a variety of other right-wing groups to overthrow the American government and return honor and decency to the country.
No, really, he said all that, and more. Read it yourself if you don't believe me. The best part is where he writes, "Remember the Alamo!" Great stuff.
Or something.
There's more. The owner of right-wing web forum Free Republic, Jim Robinson, was recently forced to post a truly deranged piece of apologia regarding the attention his web site recently earned from the Secret Service. "Unfortunately," wrote Robinson, "we are saddled with a communist sympathizer in the White House. I don't know whether or not he's an actual card carrying commie, but he's definitely an America-hating, anti-capitalist Marxist leftist who thinks communism is the way to go. So now comes the problem. If you feel it's your duty to call Obama a traitor and use salty language in your proposed resolution, ie, suggest the commie be keelhauled, walked off the plank, run up the yardarm, tarred and feathered and run out of Dodge, etc, etc, etc, you may be facing a visit from your friendly Secret Service."
"Keep," wrote Robinson in closing, "your powder dry." Yeah, O.K., good thinking.
Or something.
Last month, Fox News celebrity Sean Hannity ran a poll on his web site. It asked readers what kind of revolution they'd prefer: military coup, armed rebellion or war for succession? "#3 seems most realistic," opined Hannity, "since it does present an opportunity for more homogeneous states to sort of capitalize on their homogeneity. However, it would likely lead to mass migrations of the minority partisans out of the rebel states. Of course, that may be fine with those states. Yet it seems that the ultimate paradox in any rebellion for freedom from within is that the ultimate goal is to impose the will of the rebels on everyone else through force. It seems the very foundation of representative democracy is ****tered if we accept that we exchange the power of ideas for the power of the sword upon each other. Nevertheless, I am still very interested in your own preferred form of revolt."
That page has since been removed from Hannity's web site, surely due to some technical glitch, but before it was taken down, "armed rebellion" appeared to be the most popular choice of the three.
Of course.
Earlier this week, right-wing loudmouth Glenn Beck asserted during his radio show that President Obama's lifting of the ban on embryonic stem cell research would open the way for the genetic development of a new master race. "So here you have Barack Obama," said Beck, "going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research, and then some, fundamentally changing - remember, those great progressive doctors are the ones who brought us Eugenics. It was the progressive movement and it was science. Let's put science truly in her place. If evolution is right, why don't we just help out evolution? That was the idea. And sane people agreed with it! And it was from America. Progressive movement in America. Eugenics. In case you don't know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening. So I guess I have to put my name on yes, I hope Barack Obama fails. But I just want his policies to fail; I want America to wake up. "
One assumes this forthcoming master race will enjoy minds of greater volume and depth than Mr. Beck's, because, well, people just can't get much dumber than this. It would be a profound waste of genetic material if we went out and created some master race that, like Messrs. Beck, Hannity and Robinson, was incapable of rational thought or speech. Just an idea.
There is even more out there like this, from all over the place, with each seemingly trying to out-weird the other. So, yeah, it appears a fair portion of America's hard-right population, along with most if not all of their spokespeople and commentators, have been driven absolutely, positively bat-poop crazy by the election of and policies by Barack Obama.
The trend has been sucking in more and more high-profile members of the conservative community. Newt Gingrich was forced to jump up and down on Rush Limbaugh for saying he wants Obama to fail. Limbaugh responded by calling Gingrich "a fly-by-night operator," who can't be depended on and who "will sell you out." Republican Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah came close to threatening Arizona with an infestation of crickets to shut John McCain up about earmarks in the budget. Conservative commentator David Brooks called House Minority Leader John Boehner "insane" after Boehner called for a complete freeze on federal spending as an answer to the ongoing economic crisis.
Perhaps the most resounding cannonade fired at conservatives by a conservative was David Frum's Newsweek article lamenting the sad state of the party, and the ongoing catastrophe represented by the ascendancy of Limbaugh. "Even before the November 2008 defeat," wrote Frum, "even before the financial crisis and the congressional elections of November 2006 - it was already apparent that the Republican Party and the conservative movement were in deep trouble. And not just because of Iraq, either (although Iraq obviously did not help)."
"Every day," continued Frum, "Rush Limbaugh reassures millions of core Republican voters that no change is needed: if people don't appreciate what we are saying, then say it louder. Isn't that what happened in 1994? Certainly this is a good approach for Rush himself. He claims 20 million listeners per week, and that suffices to make him a very wealthy man. And if another 100 million people cannot stand him, what does he care? What can they do to him other than ... not listen? It's not as if they can vote against him. But they can vote against Republican candidates for Congress. They can vote against Republican nominees for president. And if we allow ourselves to be overidentified with somebody who earns his fortune by giving offense, they will vote against us."
Unfortunately for Mr. Frum and any conservatives who share his concerns, it does not appear any of the hard-right noisemakers have any intention of moderating either their tone or their tantrums. Maybe it will be another couple of months before the swelling from that electoral bruising goes down enough for these people to calm themselves, but at this point, it ain't happening.
The hardest part for the GOP? Neither Obama nor any other Democrat have been required to say a word about any of this. The right-wing shouters do their shouting, get shouted at by other right-wing shouters, and a perfect circle of Republican self-destruction is formed.
Stay tuned ... and, yeah, keep your powder dry.
Or something.
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We get your drift .............too bad it's blowing the
Seems like everybody is blowing the whistle on the govt. plans
January 16, 2008
Live Free Or Die: Capitalism At Risk By Axel Merk |
The Federal Reserve (Fed) has gone beyond playing with fire, and may have indeed set the house on fire. It’s one thing to push interest rates to near zero to stimulate the economy; it’s another to “monetize the debt” by printing money to buy government debt. In recent weeks, the Fed has broken outside even those boundaries and become actively engaged in managing the private sector beyond the core banking system. Worse still, the steps taken may be difficult to reverse and as such may shape the U.S. economy for a long time. These steps are taken with the best of intentions, to “save” the economy. The only trouble is that we may be on a slippery slope to destroying capitalism on the way. In “doing whatever it takes” to get the economy back on its feet, the Fed risks destroying the foundation of why the U.S. has been able to establish itself as the world’s leading economic force. Actively participating in credit allocation within the private sector, the Federal Reserve (Fed) jeopardizes the capitalist foundation the U.S. economy is built on. As a result of these actions, the U.S. may be on its way to becoming a modern incarnation of a planned economy.
Why these harsh words? To understand what is so frightening with recent Fed activity, consider that most central banks focus on interest rates, inflation and money supply to promote price stability (and maximum employment in the Fed’s case). Generally, they all influence credit creation by managing the cost of borrowing. Central banks may employ slightly different levers and targets; and while some central banks are better than others at achieving their goals, what they have in common is that they traditionally focus on government debt, mostly short-term Treasuries, to achieve their goals. This is very much by design as good central bank policy leads to an environment of price stability fostering long-term economic prosperity. On the other hand, bad central bank policy may lead to inflation, wide swings in economic activity or unnecessarily high unemployment. However, free market forces will push the private sector to make the best of it. It’s when policy makers start subsidizing ailing sectors of the economy that distortions are created that will come back to haunt us. Traditionally, for better or worse, elected officials decide on the socio-economic fabric of society. Now, the Fed decides which areas of the economy need to be propped up.
Creating Hysteria To Pursue Policies
The hysteria that has been created by policy makers and the media has allowed the Fed to pursue its recent unorthodox policies. In late September, the world financial system looked rather dire; the government was able to play a role to avoid a disorderly collapse; but the government’s role should have been limited to allowing an orderly adjustment of the excesses of the credit bubble. Instead, the latest salvo to promote the bailouts is that payrolls have dropped by the largest amount since World War II. This may be the case in absolute numbers as the population has grown, but more jobs were lost as a percentage of the workforce in a twelve month period in each of 1982, 1961, 1958, 1954, 1948/49; in many of the cases more than twice as many. Recessions are no fun, neither are personal or corporate bankruptcies; but they may be the cure needed to weed out the excesses of the boom. In contrast, today, hedge fund managers that ran their funds into the ground are raising hundreds of millions of dollars to start anew. Some of the folks that ran Long Term Capital Management into the ground in 1998 started fresh only to have another massive failure in the current credit crisis. We don’t expect the new breed of second chances to be any better. And while the blame lies with the managers, excessively low interest rates contribute to irrational risk taking: all of the bailouts focus on those who have been over-leveraged. What about the group of responsible savers that rely on income? With interest rates near zero, many are tempted to engage in highly leveraged strategies to meet their required income objectives. Pension funds “must” return 6% per year, leaving them little leeway but to give money to hedge fund managers to magically turn 1% yields into 20% returns; the way to achieve this is with leverage. Actually, there is another way: the Swiss public pension fund system just announced that it will scale down its long-term return objective to 4% from its current 6% per annum.
Giving Credit Where No Credit is Due
In late December, the Fed Board of Governors approved GMAC’s application to become a bank. The vote was 4-1, and the one board member with experience as a bank regulator, Elizabeth Duke, dissented. There was another hurdle: GMAC, General Motors’ finance arm, did not have sufficient capital to be a bank. That problem was solved, too, in early January, as the Treasury injected $5 billion into GMAC; the Treasury also GM $1 billion, so that GM could inject that money into GMAC. Equipped now with a minimum capital base, GMAC is able to operate as a bank, go to the Fed to access the TARP program, as well as other regular and emergency Fed windows.
In December, car sales fell off the cliff. But it wasn’t only GM that had problems; even Toyota that had access to credit and introduced zero percent financing, recorded a 37% plunge in sales (unlike other car makers, Toyota has traditionally not offered zero percent financing). Shell-shocked consumers are worried about their jobs and have lost a substantial amount of their net worth in 2008; further, incentive programs prior to the bursting of the credit bubble lured consumers into 6-year loans with zero percent financing. Consumers simply don’t want or need a car right now. Policy makers take this as a reason to provide money to GMAC that pursues a business model proven to be ruinous: it simply doesn’t make sense to offer cars at 0% if interest rates are above that, even if they are “close to zero” as they are now. GMAC takes money from the Treasury to be able to request more from the Fed. And the first course of business for GMAC is to extend zero percent financing to consumers with lower credit ratings than had traditionally qualified.
Difficult to Unwind: Long Term Inflation Likely
The Fed is only ramping up its mission to allocate credit where the Fed – rather than the free market - deems it appropriate. A major program announced in the fourth quarter, but rolled out in early January consists of a $500 billion program to buy mortgage-backed securities (MBS). The perceived positive is the plummeting of mortgage rates. Consumers with superb credit now qualify for 30-year mortgages at less than 5%. One problem with such programs is that the Fed intentionally inflates prices (lowers the yields) on these securities; in turn, rational market participants may abstain from buying them. As a result the Fed risks replacing private sector activity, rather than encouraging it. Furthermore, the Fed jeopardizes the dollar as foreigners may be discouraged from buying U.S. government and agency security debt; given that the U.S. has become dependent on foreigners to finance its spending needs as well as the unprecedented debt that will be financed in 2009. This is a very dangerous road to be on.
The Fed may be able to phase out its commercial paper subsidy program or drain liquidity from the TARP program over time; however, the $500 billion MBS program may be difficult, if not impossible to unwind. Indeed, the design of the MBS program calls for holding of the securities until maturity. For practical purposes, this means that the Fed’s balance sheet is not just “temporarily” inflated, but that the Fed will permanently keep more money in the economy. Traditionally, the Fed’s balance sheet is $900 billion. Therefore, even if one gives the Fed the benefit of the doubt that the current escalation to over $2 trillion is temporary, there will be a significant hangover as not all additions can easily be removed. This doesn’t even consider that, quite likely, the MBS purchase program may need to be extended beyond the 6-month period it was put in place for. Watch for bond manager Bill Gross this June, calling for the Fed to continue buying MBS, preferably the ones he has on the books, to save the economy from collapse. Incidentally, his firm, PIMCO, is one of the firms managing the Fed program.
To counter the effects of this added money in the economy, the Fed would need to keep interest rates permanently higher. One realistic alternative, however, is that the additional money will stay in the economy as draining it would cause too much economic hardship. This may well embed inflation into the U.S. economy for years to come. Importantly, note that there is little, if any, accountability at the Fed monitoring its actions; no one is there to ensure that the Fed will, at some point, phase out its programs or added powers.
Live Free Or Die
By engaging in credit allocation to specific sectors of the economy, the U.S. is stepping into a territory traditionally left to governments with a socialist or communist brand. Communism has shown us that planned economies don’t work. New Hampshire in 1945 added the slogan “Live Free or Die” to its state emblem, a quote stemming from a general in the Revolutionary war. Translated to the economic crisis, this should mean that a severe recession ought to be the lesser evil than a planned economy. And to continue the parallel, when communism swept Eastern Europe, the standard of living for everyone dropped. In today’s world, we already see that the “re-failure” rate of those who defaulted, then renegotiated their teaser rate loans, is above 50%. Yet all taxpayers have to pay the price for the bailouts.
To be sure, we are a far cry from communism. But we must keep our eyes open and not be blinded by the perceived “help” of money printed by the Fed. Debt is the origin, not the solution to the problems we face. The Declaration of Independence’s “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” may be difficult to achieve when drowned in debt; building sustainable wealth without the shackles of debt may be the more appropriate path. It’s not by mistake that the Founding Fathers be backed by a precious metal that cannot be inflated to give in to the temptation of the day.
Wow, we are wee weeing in the wind here. nm
They are waiting in the wind for the
to bring the Lords of the Talking Loud and Saying Nothing back full swing.
This was a good read.
you must mean "whine" although it is a lot of wind too.
What gets me is this prevailing wind of "otherness"
Houston is located on the west side of a man-made ship channel that sevices the petrochemical industrial complex. Whenever we get hot, humid winds from the east, a foul stench of sulfur, oil, carbon and the like blankets the city. It is oppressive and inescapable.
The sentiments expressed in these hateful rants make those conditions seem like a a breeze coming off a grassy meadow full of jasmine and lavender. These "they-sayers" are not living in the same America where I grew up and I will do everything in my power to make sure that my own chidren do not inherit that kind of world after I'm gone.
now, Praire Wind, we find
in Bill Ayer's book, (hard to find, 1974), has the forward dedicating his book to a number of radicals, including Sirhan Sirhan who killed Pres. Kennedy, and STILL, the democrats do not have a problem with Obama's association with this man????
Who's God? Your God? My God? Earth, Wind and Fire?
Wind turbines. They are on top of a mountain
in my area. The company is going to build 51 more. There goes the view for sure! The people that live in the valley below this mountain are always complaining about them.
Seriously, not every state can, or will go along with wind turbines. They're big, ugly, and noisy. They do not provide jobs for local people. They do provide jobs for the company maintaining them.
You're so easy to wind up. LOL. nm
Bill and Hillary do tend to wind....
that's correct.
Political wind have shifted in an ugly direction.
One does not have to look any further than this forum to know PRECISELY what he was talking about....racism and bigotry has reared its ugly head once again. When that happens, the damage transcends race and ethnicity. This is why you see so many of us stepping up every single time this kind of trash is posted to call it down and expose it for exactly what it is.
Middle Eastern Moslem ethic minorities DO need the protection of our leaders and of our laws when this shameful, dangerous and destrucive behavior emerges. Their citizenship DOES matter and the protection they need is against the very same GARBAGE your are posting here that, whether you realize it or not, incites fanatic whack jobs to violence.
Nothing to be sorry for when the truths comes to the light of day. Get a grip on yourself and do some soul searching, for a change.
why do you answer so stupidly, the right answer
if you had any brains, would have been......
'well, she made a mistake.'
But telling me that I need a job, is so stupid, yes, stupid AND a very weak point.
Same to you, my friend!!
Knowing this is late, I hope you had the best day ever! 
OK. You are right. I am not. My friend
is not. Don't know why she would bring that up as we drove by gas stations in St. Pete, but obviously she was having a senior moment, was in an altered mental state or just flat-out lying...that is what it probably was, flat-out lying. I know it is important for the right to be right so I acquiesce. You are right and I am not.
Your friend must have been
Your friend must have been
You my friend
scare me and millions of others with your so-called tolerance of death and disease for our children and youth. We should be hating it. AIDS and mental disease is not pretty.
Saddam US friend
Six months after the gassing of Kurds in 1988, the White House lent Saddam a billion dollars. In 1991, at the end of the Gulf War, US troops stood idly by while Saddam's presidential guards ruthlessly suppressed the uprising by the Kurds that Poppy Bush encouraged and had called for. In 1980, Saddam was made an honorary citizen of Detroit, Michigan. He was our friend back then, even though we knew his blood thirsty ways. We even supplied him with WMD, which we then destroyed with fly over bombing through the 1990's with sanctions placed on the country to weaken it even more. We also were friends with Osama in the 1970's when we had him and Afghan freedom fighters fight against Russia as we did not want Russia to have control of Afghanistan. In essence, Osama was trained by our CIA for war.
friend in Vietnam
I had two friend who went to Vietnam, one returned..and yes, he too was traumatized emotionally. He returned to his parents house and I used to stay over all the time as it was a *hang out house*..had a pool, large yard, you name it..we all hung out there (smile)..anyway, John was in Vietnam in 1969..he used to sent tapes home to his parents and we would all listen..when he returned to his parents house, forget could not wake him in the morning, you would make a noise or call his name and he would jump up ready to fight you..He lived like this for a few years then he married..Since then I lost contact but I can tell ya, this guy had major issues trying to reconnect with **civilization**..I ache for the soldiers who are now fighting..the dead, the maimed and the emotionally and spiritually destroyed forever..FOR WHAT??????
I had a friend on Right Nation who went down there. SM
He lives about an hour away. He did not gestimate anywhere even close to that.
I'm a friend of Bill!
from the uber-liberal state of Massachusetts. I was just responding to previous post of why Observer posts on this forum.
You keep calling me your friend...
...why is that? I hope you don't generally treat your friends this way.
As far as me singling people out to torment -- it would only be you and it would be singular. Plus, I didn't "single" you out, just saw your posts on a PUBLIC forum and as I said, they looked kind of mean and cruddy. However, I would say you are the PLURAL stalker. Come one, come all you will take them on and condemn and mock all that folks say on the liberal board!! And then accuse them of all being the same person. Lots of paranoia goin' on in that ole brain of yours, doesn't sound very healthy at all!!! No, sir!!!
Yes, and Obama has at least 1 friend
Well, Obama does have a friend who could help him
That's her imaginary friend (nm)
All you can do, my friend, is vote.
Everybody gets one vote (hopefully only one) to make her voice heard. One side has to lose. Be prepared either way. 
I have a friend of mine who has a
few nieces who are biracial and they are absolutely beautiful kids. I think some of the cutest kids are "oreos."
Obama's friend
close friend
My best friend had an abortion when she was a senior in high school. She was afraid to tell her parents. I took her and her boyfriend paid for the procedure. He did not go with her. Fast-forward 24 years. She has 3 children and has been married for 20 years. Does she regret her decision? Some days she does. Would she do it again? She says she would. She has talked about it with her teenage son and hopes that her children will never have to make the choice. She is a conservative Christian now (Assembly of God) and she still fights for abortion rights.
Gourdpainter, can I be your best friend?
Just kidding... But I like the way you post. I've found you far more interesting than any others on this board that use monikers. I don't use a moniker because I don't feel the need to, but I also agree to please let this man have some dignity while he mourns his grandmother.
No President will be able to make any changes overnight. The President is only as smart as the people around him.
Obama has stated again and again that it will not be easy but that we all must come together. I have not heard that once from the RNC, but only comments to bash a man because he may have a few beliefs that are different. He has a beautiful family (without all of the skeletons) and he does not plan for Americans to lose jobs but rather to make more jobs here and give tax credits to companies who hire people right here in the USA. He does have 2 daughters that will need an education and to prosper on American soil; does anyone not see that or is it just me?
I have a friend in the same
His father worked for GM and died several years ago, leaving my friend a nice trust fund and health care benefits and pension for his widow who currently is in a long-term care facility. My friend, who is an MT and cannot afford insurance and is in bad health himself, told me that when his mom loses her benefits at the first of the year, he doesn't know what they will do.
I don't know if blame the government for this mess as much as I blame mismanagement by the automakers with their big executive salaries and perks and insistence on manufacturing super trucks and huge SUVs. It seems to me that more could have been done to stem this before it got this far.
Your friend probably just guessed
I doubt she would have any credible knowlege. Obama came out of nowhere. The first time I and most other people ever heard of him was when he ran for Senator. I recall the media referring to him as an "up and coming" politician.
The financial collapse just sure came at an opportune time too didn't it? I shudder to think what's ahead. As I've said before, I'll put my faith in God and His will WILL be done in the end.
I have a friend who is there too!! I have to check on her now. nm
The terrorist's best friend.
Is the Taliban on your Christmas card list as well?
You seem to have swallowed the leftist lies hook, line, and sinker.
Let's not forget to honor those hard-working, industrious Nazis while we're at it.
And the Sudanese guerrilas.
And the lonely, struggling serial killers and child molesters and suicide bombers. friend says
that won't work because marijuana is too easy to grow so government can't regulate it and tax it. My bad.....didn't know that.
I'm with ya, friend, thanks for posting, actually,
my post had nothing at all to do with "being poor" or "having it bad," etc., because even though we can't vacation and restaurant every time we want, WE PUT OURSELVES on a budget so we would not have to live on credit and loans, which by the way helped to contribute to the downfall of this country.
Oh, God forbid any put off spending if they do not have it, WE WANT IT NOW has been the battle cry for a long time, like spoiled stupid children, (except children HAVE an excuse), so people took out credit cards they could not pay off, mortgages for a house they knew they could barely afford, etc. Now we are all paying the price as people default, banks default because of it, and so on.
No, I feel I am lucky indeed, even though a big chunk of our money goes not to "serious debt" but to meds for: asthma, diabetes, migraine, systemic lupus, Sjogren's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, even with insurance that is EXPENSIVE. But, I still love my life, I have a mom I adore, kids I adore, a husband who has stood together with me for almost 29 years now and we really love/like each other, we have a modest home, great neighbors and friends....and if we wait because we are paying on tuition bills, or too many meds in one week, whatever........
This is not about ME, or about Ms. perfect out there, it is about a single post with a PROPOSAL, AN IDEA, which just might be AN ANSWER among many that will get more people off welfare, more peole paying into the tax system, less people needing assistance (WHICH COSTS US BIG MONEY, and there have been many railing against on this board, as I have also), my God, what ever happened to sticking to the issues, disagree away, why be a snotty child and as usual, revert to personal "digs?"
A friend was doing very poorly
for YEARS, losing weight, constant debilitating pain, weakness, n stamina, low energy. She knew, as most of her friends knew, that it was probably rheumatoid arthritis (family history). It was painful for us to watch her get out of her car and try to walk. She became skeletal, and had to go without treatment for a couple of years, avoiding an official diagnosis, until she finished school, internship and certification to become an LISW so she could get a job with insurance which would then cover her. Had she gotten the 'official diagnosis' prior to that, she may not have been covered. Now, with treatment, she is doing much better.
But that was my point about genetic testing. You can insure your 2-bedroom shack for less money than Bill Gates's mansion. You can insure your Nova for less than his Rolls. But unless you do genetic testing or exclude pre-existing conditions, we are all in the same boat on health insurance coverage. His bypass surgery (not that he can't afford to just write a check for it) will cost just about what yours will.
WEll then, be proud of your friend's son! nm
Amen to that! And God Bless your friend. NM
Mentally ill....? That is quite a bash, friend...
I was trying to be civil but the gloves are off now. You are so far embroiled into the liberal lockstep you don't even know what civil is, and you have demonstrated your own immaturity by this attack.
*I think you and your friends are playground bullies with maturity of a 5-year-old...*
This from someone who supports a so-called adult who let his johnson run his life...and then commit perjury and obstruction of justice to cover it up. Yep, there is a MATURE role model for you and you are following him like the sheeple. Instead of talking about it intelligently (that presupposes you are capable), you whine, snipe, and run.
You are welcome to any opinion you have about the *far right* Republican party, conservatives, et al. I have an opinion about the *far left* (although I believe that the whole party is so far left there is no more *moderate* left, they have been so effectively silenced). I believe that the Democratic party will finish destroying this country if they stay in power. Bill got a good start, and you, like the good sheeple are, follow blindly. The upper crust of your liberal party could not care LESS about you, walked to power on your shoulders, and intend to keep you oppressed and under their thumb to stay in power. The truth is, the far right Republican party cares more about you than they ever will. Not bashing, an opinion!
*You guys don't play fair.* Boy, THAT is rich! Someone disagrees with you or takes a shot at that tin god Clinton you bow to, and you don't want to have an intelligent debate, you just want the naysayers to go away. It is that kind of blinder vision that lets people like Adolf Hitler take hold and suddenly it is all right to kill six million people. You spewed enough venom here to pretty much prove that point. But the bigger point is this one, and if you have one brain cell left that is not liberally indoctrinated, LISTEN. The far right Republican party, and conservatives, are AMERICANS too! For the love of mike, get a grip and take off that liberal hat for 10 seconds and realize, conservatives are people just like you, have families just like you, pay taxes just like you, and whether you LIKE IT OR NOT, have rights just like you. I cannot believe the tone you are taking. Read your own post! Sheesh. You are acting like these people (myself included) are your mortal enemies. What in the world is the MATTER with you??? This is a posting board, not a battlefield. Good grief!!
Hey....Ahem....and friend Lurker...
another cut and paste for you. Please pay special attention to the portion regarding Mr. Clinton and how he made the focus of his presidency regime much so he signed it into LAW. So it wasn't just the big bad Bushes....your fav prez Mr. Clinton signed into LAW in 1998, American policy for regime change in Iraq...OH SAY IT AIN'T SO....but you didn't read THAT in the CNN article did you??? Typical, typical...typicallll.
The Act found that Iraq had, between 1980 and 1998 (1) committed various and significant violations of International Law, (2) had failed to comply with the obligations to which it had agreed to following the Gulf War and (3) further had ignored Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. The Act declared that it was the Policy of the United States to support regime change. The Act was passed in the House [2] and Senate [3] and signed into law by the US President Bill Clinton on October 31, 1998. Its stated purpose was: to establish a program to support a transition to democracy in Iraq. Specifically, Congress made findings of past Iraqi military actions in violation of International Law and that Iraq had denied entry of United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM) inspectors into its country to inspect for weapons of mass destruction. Congress found: It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime. On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
Can we let this regime change stuff drop now??
You seem very derogatory about faith, my friend...
yet I think it takes much more "faith" in a ridiculous theory that a one-cell amoeba crawled out of a mucky ocean somewhere and through "evolution" became man. You can't "prove" that, scientists can't "prove" that, but you believe it...because somebody said and it wrote it down...sound like the Bible? lol. That too is "faith."
And I do not understand why you have to protest against something so strongly that you feel does not exist. Why would you bother? Why does someone having a life-changing experience bother you so much? You might want to examine where that comes from. Perhaps you are not as seated in your nonbelief as the poster is in her belief?
Just asking.
Rev. Wright has been Obama's friend!
and close, like an "uncle" as state by Obama. They had been friends and Obama stated he looked to Rev. Wright as his spiritual advisor. I don't remember if those were the EXACT words, but pretty darn close. How could he have remained so close to him for many years and not know all the racist and hateful feelings Rev. Wright had toward America? How could you look to someone like that as your spiritual advisor..... and how could you NOT know that your advisor was basically racist and a divisive character, not a uniter, which makes me wonder how Obama really feels too. If you are going to look to someone for guidance, admire them, wouldn't you tend to AGREE with their vision of things?!
I agree with part of what your friend
"the policy of letting big financial institutions play fast and loose with people's money by bundling a whole lot of complicated things together (including worthless mortgages) and selling them to others."
She's rather naive to believe her liberal professors, though, that blame it squarely on the republicans.
Liberal democrats in Congress and those rich liberals running all those big financial institutions, are 90% to blame. Period.
She needs to stay in school a while.
A friend sent me this link...very interesting.
Please check out this video.
comment from your like-minded friend
You know there are some who believe that this is not like the Great Depression, not like the civil war (with the hyperinflation) but actually more like the revolutionary war because of the violations of our constitution. I think it will be very interesting to see how many people will want to preserve it, sacrifice to preserve it, once they realize how threatened it is.
The Obots need to read up on his friend...
Rashid Khalidi, another stellar associate who he will probably claim not to know.
Your friend did the wrong thing.
She should have taken responsibiilty for her actions.
Perhaps if she had had a bit of self control and not rooted around with the guy without being married, she wouldn't have put herself in that position.
Your friend's story is disgusting and totally cliche. She found a nice family to adopt the baby she didn't want to be bothered with, but let the 'dirtbag' who banged her (my, she must have great taste in men) talk her into murder.
With friends like that, who needs terrorists?
Women need to close their legs and stop playing the victim.
Which part is your friend working in?
I've checked out the State Department's travel advisory and it is most geared towards the border towns, along Arizona, California etc. We are supposed to go to Cancun for Spring Break so this is kind of making me leary, although we'll be in a resort, you still have to be careful.