That is a fact. Indoctrination. Obama studied it....
Posted By: sam on 2008-10-01
In Reply to: the sad thing Sam is soooo many people - don't see it
perfected it and look's working.
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The classroom is not an indoctrination arena. He should have been fired. nm
We denounce you. Please return to the indoctrination session
I have studied U.S./Israel relations
I have studied U.S./Israel relations extensively. I fully understand that the protestors do not share my point of view as well as you. From reading your copious posts I am very clear on where you stand. I will not be so presumptious as to think I know your biography, but you obviously believe everything wrong in the world has U.S. origins. I believe you are wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt, but I will not try to change your mind. Since liberals in general are so worried about how the rest of the world thinks about us I will bring to your attention that it becomes ever more clear by your stances and views as with those on the extreme left that you all side with terrorism. You can spin it any way you want, but you come off as supporting terrorists.
If you honestly studied O's plan, you should be
I grew up Baptist, and we thoroughly studied both books
And, as always, we picked and chose that which we would apply to our lives, and how we would interpret what it said.
You know the only things I took away from my childhood religion?
"Love your sisters and brothers."
"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
"Do unto others as you would have done to you."
And having studied the Nag Hammadi library, which gave much, much more insight into what Jesus recommended, it seems as if that - believe it or not - is exactly what he meant.
So when you say someone is "wrong," you are judging them. When you are asking someone to change their lives to accommodate your beliefs, you are doing unto them something you're asking not be done to you. And I believe we can agree that love is unconditional (something I believe 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 alluded to), regardless of what other's choices are - even if you disagree with them.
Have you studied the healthcare system in France?
I have not seen you remark on it once. It seems you are avoiding it. The young person who opts out is not an issue.
Yet another fact about Obama
From the desk of: Mat Staver, Founder Liberty Counsel
I have a very important update on the election. But first, I want to be clear -- Liberty Counsel is a nonprofit organization and therefore does not support or oppose any candidate for office.
That said, I feel I must address a situation that is important to every American. We have witnessed media "spin" or "silence" on all of the issues we are fighting to defend - perhaps especially on ballot initiatives that would preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
+ + We the people have a right to know
Now the Los Angeles Times is refusing to release a video in its possession that reportedly shows Barack Obama toasting Rashid Khalidi-a mouthpiece for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) who espouses violent anti-Israel views.
In the toast, Obama is said to speak of his long friendship with Khalidi. One speaker evidently compares Israeli "Zionists" to Osama Bin Laden.
Voters deserve to confirm or deny this report with their own eyes! Only then can they decide what to believe about the media reports on the LA Times video.
There are many unanswered questions presented by this video. Perhaps the story is exaggerated. Perhaps it is true. Either way, we deserve to know.
No matter which candidate you support for president, you're entitled to full disclosure on where the candidates stand on key issues. During this year's election cycle the media has cast aside all pretense of objectivity.
They have become shameless shills for political candidates they support and have railed against ballot initiatives they oppose. The LA Times is among the worst offenders.
I believe this is a question the American people deserve to have answered - and that's why the LA Times must release this video!
+ + Urgent Action -- Tell the Times to release the video
I'm asking you to contact the LA Times today and demand that this video be released:
Phone: 213-237-5000 Fax: 213-237-7679
Also, take a moment right now to email the LA Times:
Finally, please forward this message to your friends.
Too much is at stake to let the LA Times suppress what could be a key piece of information that the American voters deserve to hear!
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.
Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 . 800-671-1776
Obama IS a socialist. That is a fact.
I did not bring up Obama. The fact is
we don't need that promise from him as we are already doing it, and have been for years! Perhaps our older retired women will catch onto the new fertility efforts and start getting their pay raises, too!
As a matter of fact, I do know what Mrs. Obama meant...
all you have to do is do a little research. Read the papers she has written. She was dead serious in what she said and she meant it..and the only reason she is proud of America now is her husband is running for President. People need to try to see through the spin. She has had the same feelings for years, they run deep, in she AND her husband. That is why they stayed in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years, unless you buy the ridiculous story that they went there for 20 years and never heard a "sermon like that." Anybody who really believes that...I have 10 acres of prime real estate (in a Louisianna swamp) I would like to talk to them about.
Laura Bush is just a nice person and would not say anything negative about anyone if her life depended on it. She never said a bad thing about the people who have said very mean, hateful, personal things about her family. I would not expect her to say anything else.
Good grief...John Edwards. Now there is someone to make a quote about two Americas. Any idea what size house he lives in? Gets $300 haircuts? Made millions suing people and channeling dead kids to do it? He is as bad as the people he points fingers at. And he came from poor folks. He should KNOW better. I don't see him living in a smaller house, driving a smaller car, rebuilding New Orleans or anything else with his millions. Yet has the gall to point fingers at corporate America and people BUY that false sincerity. Sheesh!!
Yes, there are bigots. There are black bigots, white bigots, red and yellow bigots. Bigots come from all races. Racists come from all races.
I am not ashamed, nor have I ever been ashamed, to be an American. It is not the country's fault some goofballs live in it. Just like it is not the black race's fault that some of theirs are bigots and racists. Just like it is not every Caucasian's fault that slaves were held 200 years ago, especially Caucasians living now. That needs to be put to rest and the chip needs to come off the shoulders. It would serve us all well to remember that while some Caucasians did enslave people, other Caucasians stepped up and went to war, fought and died in partial reason to abolish said slavery. And if those said Caucasians had not stepped up, it would not have happened. And lest we forget one little tidbit of information...slavery was in existence long before America was. And who did the Dutch traders buy said slaves from? Other blacks who enslaved their own people. All that being said, slavery IS wrong, and thousands of Caucasians fought died to abolish it. So can we please move on?
As to religion...again, good grief! This country was founded by people seeking religious freedom. This is the most "religiously free" country on the face of the earth. The only religion discriminated against in this country is Christianity. Muslims can do whatever they want, wear whatever they want, practice openly, even in school. Christians can't. Buddhists can...Christians can't. And "pure hatred" for anyone who is not in their club...there are offshoots of ANY religion who are kooks. And there are many fewer hate mongers that call themselves "Christian" and give us all a bad name...than there are in other religions. Islam sees no way but their way. They may say otherwise, but their Koran tells a different story. When was the last time Christians went to war for religion? As far as I know, THIS country has NEVER gone to war over religion. And as to the Crusades, yes, that was done in the name of religion. But what people also conveniently forget why...because Muslims were running across Europe killing everyone in their path who did not convert, and aimed to set up shop in Jerusalem, and slaughter as many Christians as they could on the way. Back in the day Christians did not feel like they could let that happen. I sympathize.
All that being said...Obama's problem is not that he is black, although if he is not elected that is what the racists will say. Just like Hillary's people are saying she did not get the nomination because she is a woman. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I would have the same problem with Obama if he were red, yellow, or green for that matter. I don't believe him, I don't trust him. I don't think he has enough experience and the people advising him do not make me feel any better about it. If you look at his voting record, he is one of the most liberal senators, if not THE most liberal. Now he is trying to move to the middle because he wants to be elected. You do not change your whole life-long way of thinking overnight.
Friend, as long as there are human beings there are going to be bigots. There are going to be racists. You will not change that. These are the people who don't have the ambition or drive to work to get ahead and want to blame someone else for their lot in life...whether it is pity me because I am black, pity me because I am poor and white, pity me because the rich people have all that money and I have nothing, and on and on an on and on. You either rise above it or you wallow in it. Nowadays minorities do have it over Caucasians, so the chip really should come off. So we have affirmative action for poor white kids? Do we have special college programs for poor white kids?
When was the last time you had a person of color thank you for your great grandfather dying at Gettysburg? When have you EVER heard that? When have you ever heard one of the black politicians of today say ANYthing about whites during the civil war being willing to split their country and die on the battlefield in part to emancipate slaves and abolish slavery? I personally have yet to hear it. They want to talk about the whites who enslaved them, but they sure don't want to talk about the whites who died to set them free. Now you tell that or is that not racist?
That being said...I think a person should help their fellow man and everyone should have an equal shot, no matter WHAT their color is. And that includes...gasp...caucasians.
Another thing you might do...check your history. The Democratic Party, during the civil war, right after it, up until 1964 tried its dead level best to keep black people from being able to vote. Not until the voting rights act of 1964 were all restrictions lifted. Lyndon Baines Johnson said, as he signed it into law: "We (Democrats) may have lost the south forever (meaning the votes of southern white there is/was a racist group). But, the Democrats had to think fast about how to rebuild the base...and how do they do that? Well, enter Lyndon Baines Johnson and the War on Poverty....and entitlement programs out the kazoo. And there was born the new Democratic base to take over for the old one...and the fact that the Democratic party had been the ones with the foot on the neck of black people for 100 years was forgotten.
How many black people today do you think even KNOW that? I would venture not many, as it is no longer taught in school and revisionist history has taken over.
All that being said...I think it is time to put that away and not continue to hold it over the head of every American, especially since the wrong was righted by Caucasian folks on civil war battlefields and the Republicans (Abe Lincoln was one) then and right up until the voting rights act of 1964 hammered at the Democrats until they gave in. But you don't hear much about that anymore do you? No,not a peep. All you hear about is racist America, and most folks think Republicans were responsible all along, which is a bold-faced lie. History does not lie. Check it out.
That is why I LOVE this country and her people, black and white, yellow and red. Because for all the griping, all the poor pitiful me's, all the excuses, there are those who are still willing to put their lives on the line for this country and her people. God bless them, I say. They are the fabric which holds us together. God forbid that at least some of us will always remember that and be grateful.
Yes, I love my country. I am proud of her history, her start, and my heritage. My country has never disappointed me, though some of my fellow citizens certainly have and continue to.
When it became me, me, me, instead of we, we, we....sigh.
Get real. In fact, reality of Obama is going to be
Doesn't change the fact....Obama is a socialist....
and you are condoning trampling all over someone's civil rights because they asked a question and Obama answered it honestly. Why would that upset you so much? Ohhbaamaaa is socialist, he said he was in his answer, explained it very clearly. So you should just embrace his socialism and stop shooting the messenger, right?
Slurs? Unfounded accusations? You mean like doing a law enforcement background check on someone for asking a question?
That is HONEST?? pUleezzeee.
The fact that an article was written does not make it fact. I hope you know that. nm
Fact is, since I'm not
etc., you wouldn't believe it - no matter how strong the evidence - so why would I supply you with more?
Fact is fact ???
The economy is growing. I don't care if it is exploding. The fact here is that more and more people are becoming more and more desperate. I think going to college is fine but what jobs are these people going to get when they get out of college. You mentioned something about trades...please, all the manufacturing jobs are gone. Small business...only a handful ever succeed. My guess is that most people wiped out of good paying jobs with benefits are supposed to go to Wal-Mart and just pretend everything is okay, and here in Florida, join the service industry. Money, the real god of our times, is what is killing a lot of people here in Florida. As an example, in my town, there are hundreds of small mobile home parks inhabited primarily by the elderly. The big money developers are coming in here, buying the parks and the people are out on the street. The owners of the park get millions of dollars and the people are usually offered a flat fee that would pay rent for about 2 years, or given 60 days to find a place to move their homes, On fixed income this, of course, cannot be done. Many of these folks lived all their lives doing the right thing, playing by all the rules. They moved to Florida, own a little bit of property and now they are expected to rent again and work again. An apartment 1 BR 1 BA that is decent would be around $1000. You do the math. Even those communities that are owned by the homeowners themselves have no say. Eminent domain comes into play and then they are really in trouble so...being elderly, forced out of your home, having Medicare screwed up beyond belief is okay because the economy is strong. I don't care about words or pie charts. I care about what I see and know to be true by looking at it with my own eyes. Just who is it benefitting from this growing economy?? Oh well, the market will straighten everything out, just wait.
Another thing is that everyone is not college material, even these days when a degree doesn't mean all that much anyway. It surely won't guarantee you a job and if you went to college after the 1970s you don't even have to be smart to get in; not that smart people are not in college, you just don't have to be anymore. You don't even have to know how to read..but that is for another day. How many middle management degreed people have lost their jobs...quite a few. Airlines, GM, drug companies, utility companies...all these places hire degreed people. That old sheepskin won't save you anymore.
You say the poor will always be with us and I believe that as well. I do not believe that it is okay to walk over the additional bodies that greed has produced and there are legion. You call it lack of motivation on the part of the poor. I call it greed.
By the way, I see that the Iraq election is mysteriously mirroring the US election, split right down the middle.
Oh, and the drilling in Alaska. Why don't they drill in Detroit and make some cars that use some other form of fuel. It just never ends.
So is the fact sm
that Saddam's son-in-law said the WMDs were moved to Syria before the U.S. got involved. But that always gets overlooked. There are a lot of facts out there. Suffice it to say, people believe the set that fits their overall world view.
While I still do not buy the fact that....
the US has made "constant intrusion" in the middle east for oil (if that were the case, you would think that when it has not netted results in the 40+ years posters here say it has been happening, they could see the handwriting on the wall) fact, I don't believe it. The reason we started importing so much oil is that the lovely Democratic congresses so taxed the oil industry in this country that drilling became too expensive, they stopped building refineries because not only taxation but environmentalists raising all kind of cane, yada yada. Our own government has done it to us. Overtaxation is the cause of multiple problems and is the MAIN reason for outsourcing. People want the cheapest they can buy, so in order for businesses to meet that demand they have to offshore...because their own government has taxed them to death. Sad, but true.
I do agree with what you said about Obama not knowing squat about foreign are right, he does not. And who he has advising him should scare the knickers off ALL of us.
Obama is a figurehead with big money backers and politcos behind him...a marionette with a hand up his back. When he is not giving "hope" and "change" speeches that have been written for him, when he has to think on his feet, he is not as "eloquent." That being said, it is the hand up his back and the people he surrounds himself with that concern me. THAT tells the tale.
I look at his voting of the most liberal in the US...THAT is the real Barack Obama. He is trying to move to the center now as he doesn't think there are enough of the far left (like he really is) to get him elected. Like I said in the other post...beware the wolf in sheep's clothing. I don't trust him, I don't believe him. "Hope" and "change" are buzz words. Yeah, he wants to "change" things...but to what is the question.
It was me; I said, in fact, you were the one who had the...
inside track to what Obama thinks...I believe it was because you posted "Obama thinks" and went on to say what he thought... ;)
What I said in this post was common sense...if Obama is as smart as everyone says he is, he has sat on boards with Ayers and Ayers hosted a political fundraiser for him, so I can't imagine he doesn't know what Ayers is about. It is not exactly a secret...I wasn't very old when Ayers was doing his bombing but I know he still holds the same beliefs..he has said so on numerous occasions. So if little old me knows it, I cannot imagine Barack Obama does not know it. I never hinted what Obama THINKS about Ayers, what I said was that he knows Ayers and knows that Ayers still holds anarchist views and is not a bit bit sorry for what he did in the past. It should be obvious to anyone he knows what Ayers is about. Now what he personally thinks about Ayers...that is another story entirely. I don't know. Maybe the stuff Columbia University released will shed some light. Maybe it won't. We shall see.
The fact is
The teen was raised in that family, but as a human being she made her own decisions that her mother can't always control. Just because she didn't fully coincide with her mother's platform of abstinence, she is with her pro-life stance and keeping her baby, marrying the dad.
Fact is fact whether you want to believe it or not
Your hatred for one candidate blinds you to the truth of what your candidate is all about and who supports him.
Obama's plans for America WILL turn our country into a socialist country. They will take your hard earned money to support their programs. That is not a scare tactic, that is the truth and his website even supports those facts (the website lists all his programs he supports). If you think it's fair that I have to work 60 hours a week to support my family, but when Obama gets in there I'll now have to work 80 hours a week because the extra 20 hours I get paid for is going to go the the people who benefit from me working (when they don't). That is not free enterprise, that IS most definitely socialism. What part of that don't you understand. I learned that in grammar school. You make it sound so innocent "help our fellow American's in need". That is not helping them. That is stealing from people who work pretty darn hard at their jobs, but now have to work more hours so the government can steal it from us and give it to people who are not working and who will benefit from all these programs. That is redistrubution of wealth. That is socialism. I don't know if its communism, not sure what the difference between the two are, but I do know that a lot of the people who influenced Obama when he was growing up were communists. And if I want to "help my fellow American in time of need" I will donate to the charity I want to donate to and I will donate how much I want to. Right now I work from 7:30 am to 10:30 pm just to earn enough money to live (and have maybe an extra $10 left over at the end of a couple weeks. Now when Obama gets in I'm going to have to work from maybe 6am to 12 am if not more with the extra taxes I will have to pay. That is the cold hard truth and it doesn't sound too comforting to me.
The only thing rediculous about this post was asking if Jesus was a socialist, and then giving a sermon in the post (again that place is the faith board). Socialism was not around when Jesus lived. I also think if this was happening when he was alive people would give what they could to help out others, but Jesus would not go out and tell them you have to work double time now and give to those while they do nothing.
People seem to think they know what Jesus would do but they don't. They don't do enough researching to find out what this man was about. They just repeat what they've heard their church leader spout and then try and make others feel guilty if they don't give (but then again that is for another post).
I don't think the fact that I don't like
Obama's view on united healthcare, pro-choice, tax plans and foreign policy make me ignorant. I have a different idea on where I would like this country to be and that just isn't it. Just because it's not your viewpoint does not mean that it's ignorant.
I totally understand that conservatives are not going to be able to convince liberals to take their viewpoint and vice versa because they want different things! How hard is that for people to understand?
The sad fact is
it is so possible for it to get that bad here, for another civil war to break out. Only this time, we have bigger and better guns and equipment which will kill so many more. And don't forget, the whole world is watching us, and don't think for a second that these unfriendly countries wouldn't pounce on us in a second if they saw we were at war with ourselves.
We need to be able to debate about this without resorting to name calling, fighting, death threats, cheating, blowing things out of proportion, etc. I believe this election has thrown us way back in terms of racism and segregation. From BOTH sides! I live in Georgia and you would swear we were back in the 1930s. The animosity and tension that is growing is ridiculous.
I think our biggest problem is that we have two candidates that, for the most part, have followers who are 100% FOR them or people who are 100% against them. It's not like we are choosing who we think is the better of the two. We are choosing by saying we don't want the other guy. I'm just as guilty as everyone else. So therefore, whoever wins, there will be quite a few people who still don't agree with him and will watch his every move and be ready to point out the slightest mistake. So we are in for at least four years of being torn apart. THAT isn't going to fix anything!
We have to wake up. We have to stop getting so EMOTIONAL about this election. We have to remember that half of what these POLITICIANS say, no matter how "great" we think they are or are not, half of what they say they aren't going to do. And half of what they are saying they won't do, they will.
Either way, we need to all start living within our means and working together and helping each other, not expecting government to do it for us. That's just humanity, not politics. has to do with the fact
that some of the associations he has had in his lifetime condone terrorist attacks on our country and others condone racism by spouting hate messages from the pulpit. It has nothing to do with his name or his color. It has to do with who he associates with. If you want to know a true person.....look who they hang with. Birds of a feather, my friend.
But putting all sketchy associations aside, the bottom line is that there are issues that I just don't agree with Obama on. That is why I'm not voting for him. I do not condone abortion. I want to keep my guns. I do not want to raise taxes for anyone. I don't want to give welfare checks to people who are too lazy to get an education and work. I want to stop government spending. I want smaller government. There are just so many issues where Barrack Obama and I do not see eye to eye that I really don't even have to use his race or associations as a reason to not vote for him.
It is a fact that he did not vote for it because there was already legislation in place to protect the infant in this case.
More scare tactics.
It has nothing to do with the fact that
it is Obama's plan. It has everything to do with the fact that holding these prisoners indefinitely without processing them goes against everything our democracy stands for. I would applaud the Bush administration for doing the same thing and have written members of the current administration and Congress saying just that.
You POV is not a fact.
You give way too much importance to yourself. It's of no consequence to me anyway. In fact, I encourage O haters to continue on the same track they were on before the election and are still on. All that fear mongering, prognostications of gloom and doom, Armageddon, those witch hunts, smears and scandal vigils will do nothing more than insure O's re-election in 2012. Keep up the good work, dear.
Given the fact............ sm
that the magazine would have to procure his permission to print that photo, I would say that his permission alone verifies the fact that he is pleased with his rock-star image and America's infatuation with him.
And what you won't see anywhere is the fact....
...that there will an astronomical amount of interest piled on all this play money he keeps printing while saying out of the opposite side of his mouth that everything will be okay if consumers start spending again? I'd be happy if they would just give me back the near 2 million $ that I paid into S.S. that I probably won't ever see! But bless those illegals - they get it without a question or a hitch! This situation is not even going to get better this year - don't care WHICH station you listen to. People aren't working, gas is going back up (I guess to punish those of us who are still working????) and groceries are getting utterly ridiculous. "Share the wealth," he said? Methinks he really meant, "You are all gonna be poor except us govt officials who are gonna take every dime you have now and ever hope to have in the future".....of course, smiling that what was characterized as a "charismatic" smile? Yeah, I remember that smile - from a friend of mine who then proceeded to stab me squarely in the back - looked about the same to me.
And I do know this to be fact......
And this has WHAT to do with the fact that the
of jobs paying minimum wage are not held by teenagers looking for extra money to buy ipods.
I'm waiting scarecrow with a brain....
You might want to go even further back, or in fact. SM
I didn't say I was not a conservative. I didn't say what I was as a matter of fact. It was the FACT that the poster ASSUMED I was something that frosted me. This has nothing to do with the posts we are talking about, but you sure spent a lot of time looking for that didn't you? How about finding the original posts that actually ARE being talked about? It might take awhile, but they are there. I know you either have a lot of time, or have printed off every post and have them neatly arranged in a three ring binder.
That's what I figured. In fact,
it truly was a rhetorical question. 
The fact is the war is not illegal
It went through all appropriate channels, and we have NEVER agreed with the U.N. to approve all military actions through them. We do have agreements, but we have NEVER given the U.N. the authority to tell us whether we will go to war or not. The congress has ultimate authority to approvate any military action we pursue, period. They approved it, so it's completely legal.
First of all, I'm not just gossiping. Did you watch the link I posted....this was his personal response to a woman calling Hillary out of her name. Second of all, the "C" story is very true, it's been told by several people who witnessed it. Now you are gossiping saying it's a lie (believe what you like). When he was asked about it at a town hall meeting -- he sure did not deny it. Where are McCain's kids anyway -- I never see them come out in support of him. I always check my facts, but I have a right to state my opinion, just as you have yours (opinion). IS substantiated by the fact that...
Obama is following black liberation theology...hence his take from the oil companies and give to the poor that he has promised to do. So...okay. He is not embracing it...but he IS following it. That is a fact. Haven't you seen the campaign ad? He is Barack Obama and he approved that he said.
Fact.....not malarky. nm
Is that all you got? I think the fact that she can run a government....
which she has been doing, and well too...and still cook for her kids (let the chef go when she was elected), travels on her own dime (got rid of the state jet)...and still have time to see her kids' hockey games is nothing to sneeze at. She does not have to do one to the exclusion of the other. You sound jealous and snippy. Geez.
Interesting fun fact....
Fun fact of the night: Blagojevich's wife, Patricia Blagojevich, is the Realtor who got the Obama's their house in which Rezco did the land deal.
The complaint said the Rezko loan was approved by Mutual Bank President and CEO Amrish Mahajan and others so that Mrs. Rezko could buy a 9,090-square-foot vacant parcel of real estate. It said that in January 2006, Mrs. Rezko and Mr. Obama, along with his wife Michelle, signed an agreement to sell a 10-foot strip of the property to the Obamas. At that point, according to the complaint, Mr. Connor's firm asked him to conduct the reappraisal.
This does not change the fact that CNN has not
You see, I know my candidate. He is very careful with his votes. There must have been something HIGHLY, HIGHLY stinky for him to have voted no on Katrina finding in view of the 36 other times he did everything humanly possible to help out. Cetainly you didn't have time to read it, but I feel certainly others will at least glance at the list. Don't blame you for being a little touchy on being exposed for posting half truths on the board. It does have a tendency to undermine one's credibility, especially if you let it become a habit.
The fact is he finished 894 out of 899.
Personally, I don't care what excuses McCain gives to justify this. I am sure he has an excuse for losing the five planes, as well.
Fact is that people who tell this lie are, well...
I do agree with the fact that we don't need
unnecessary spending, but to get rid of all or most of the gov't programs would be devastating to the people who really need the help - not the deadbeats. Maybe if we need to stop spending billions of dollars in Iraq. Maybe we need to stop giving such big tax breaks and close some tax loop holes to big companies, that the gov't is ending up bailing out anyway.
I don't agree with McCain or Palin on many issues, but I do agree with her on the her saying that the gov't needs to put out there like a list so we could see exactly where the money is going. I don't remember her exact words, but that is the gist of what she said.
I am still undecided who to vote for, leaning more towards Obama (put a sign for him out, mainly to T off a certain neighbor ). I don't agree with Palin on any issues at all really, but I am still trying to research - though it is hard because you have to wade through all the mud slinging on both sides.
The fact
On the whole, republicans give more than Democrats.
Just ask Joe Biden. Just ask the Clintons. They only gave to their own foundation, which didn't do much of anything, except pay themselves.
Warren Buffet, billionaire liberal democrat, gives next to nothing. He's leaving his billions to Bill Gates foundation....but what did he give away during his lifetime?
The list goes on and on.
He can't hide the fact
that he cheated on his first wife many times before he met Cindy McCain and left his wife for her. I also have a good friend who as a former fighter pilot actually knew John McCain. He saw the philandering first-hand and has a very low opinion of him. And he is a conservative republican.
because the fact that he dealt
with a prominent and active member of the Chicago political community don't mean nuthing. If there was any monkey business anywhere in Obama's past, it would have long, long, long ago been brought to light. All you have is guilt by association and murky insinuations. Lots of people have contact with Bill Ayres. Shall we bomb the city?
everything in that video WAS fact...
There is no way to twist those facts. I cannot believe you are not open-minded enough to admit the truth when it is staring you in the face. Mind boggling. Absolutely mind boggling.
The fact that he has a Muslim name
means exactly what? We will be destroyed from within but it won't be any one person who will destroy us. We, the people, will destroy ourselves from within and we're contributing to it right here on this forum!!!!!
Fact vs. Fiction...Hopefully this will help!
read this today on MSN. Seems to spell out the wheat from the chaff.
NBC News and news services
updated 10:42 p.m. ET, Tues., Oct. 7, 2008
WASHINGTON - Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain stretched facts, sometimes past the breaking point, as they addressed the financial crisis and more during their second presidential debate.
Here are some examples:
McCAIN: Said one way out of the financial crisis is to "stop sending $700 billion a year to countries that don't like us."
THE FACTS: Although he didn't spell it out, he was referring ¡ª as he has in the past ¡ª to purchases of oil from countries hostile to the U.S. The figure is inflated and misleading. The U.S. is not spending nearly that much on oil imports and roughly one-third of what it does spend goes to friendly countries such as Canada, Mexico and Britain. The Associated Press
OBAMA: "I believe this is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by Senator McCain, that essentially said that we should strip away regulations, consumer protections, let the market run wild, and prosperity would rain down on all of us. It hasn't worked out that way. And so now we've got to take some decisive action."
THE FACTS: McCain has indeed favored less regulation over the years but supported tighter rules and accountability on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two years before the start of a financial crisis prompted in part by those giant mortgage underwriters. Obama was not a leader in that unsuccessful effort. Some of the current problems can be traced to legislation passed in 1999 that lifted many regulations over the financial industry. That deregulation was championed by then-Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, a McCain supporter, but also by President Clinton, who signed the legislation, and by former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, now a top Obama economic adviser. The Associated Press
McCAIN: In a jab at Obama, McCain said that the last president to raise taxes during difficult economic times was Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression.
THE FACTS: While the recession of the early 1990s didn't compare to the Great Depression, Bill Clinton raised taxes ¡ª which, as both Clintons like to remind everyone who will listen, led to the greatest economic expansion in the country's history. NBC News' blog First Read
McCAIN: Said he would provide a $5,000 refundable tax credit for families to buy health insurance "rather than mandates or fines for small businesses as Senator Obama's plan calls for."
THE FACTS: Obama's health care plan does not impose mandates or fines on small business. He would provide small businesses with a refundable tax credit of up to 50 percent on health premiums paid on behalf of their employees. Also, large employers that do not offer meaningful coverage or contribute to the cost of coverage would be required to pay a percentage of payroll toward the costs of a public insurance plan. But small businesses would be exempt from that requirement. The Associated Press
OBAMA: Said McCain's proposal to give people a tax credit in exchange for treating employers' health insurance contributions as taxable wages amounts to "what one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away."
THE FACTS: Obama's suggestion that McCain's health care plan is a wash for families is misleading. McCain offers families a $5,000 tax credit to help them buy health insurance. The corresponding increase in taxable wages would result in a much smaller cost than the value of the tax credit, at least at first. Over time, the value of the tax credit may diminish as premiums rise. However, the Tax Policy Center estimates that McCain's plan would increase the federal deficit by $1.3 trillion over 10 years ¡ª mainly because it would lead to less tax revenue coming in, meaning it is a true tax break overall. The Associated Press
McCAIN: Went after Obama's ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, especially the campaign contributions Obama has received from their employees.
THE FACTS: What was missing? McCain mentioning the ties his own campaign manager had to both Fannie and Freddie. The New York Times reported that McCain campaign manager Rick Davis' firm received $15,000 per month through August from Freddie Mac. That followed other reporting that Davis received $30,000 per month to head up an advocacy group, the Homeownership Alliance, set up to defend Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to protect it from more government regulations. NBC News' blog First Read
OBAMA: "Actually I'm cutting more than I'm spending so that it will be a net spending cut."
THE FACTS: Obama has many ambitious plans to spend more taxpayer dollars on a variety of federal programs, including clean energy technologies and job training. He's said he'll cut pork-barrel programs and the costs of the war in Iraq to pay for it ¡ª as well as raise taxes on the wealthy ¡ª but the specifics of his new spending plans greatly outweigh the few spending cuts he's identified. The Associated Press
McCAIN: Said that Obama has voted to raise taxes 94 times.
THE FACTS: As fact-checkers have constantly pointed out, that is an exaggeration. Per
- 23 votes were for measures that would have produced no tax increase at all; they were against proposed tax cuts.
- 7 were in favor of measures that would have lowered taxes for many, while raising them on a relative few, either corporations or affluent individuals.
- 11 votes the GOP is counting would have increased taxes on those making more than $1 million a year ¡ª in order to fund programs such as Head Start and school nutrition programs, or veterans¡¯ health care.
- The GOP sometimes counted two, three and even four votes on the same measure. We found their tally included a total of 17 votes on seven measures, effectively padding their total by 10.
- The majority of the 94 votes ¡ª 53 of them, including some mentioned above ¨C were on budget measures, not tax bills, and would not have resulted in any tax change. Four other votes were non-binding motions related to conference report negotiations.
NBC News' blog First Read
McCAIN: Said Obama supported a congressional earmark of "$3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Ill. My friends, do we need to spend that kind of money?"
THE FACTS: McCain's phrase suggests Obama spent $3 million on an old-fashioned piece of office equipment that projects charts and text on a wall screen. In fact, the money was for an overhaul of the theater system, which projects images of stars and planets for educational shows at Chicago's Adler Planetarium. When he announced the $3 million earmark last year, Obama said the planetarium's 40-year-old projection system "has begun to fail, leaving the theater dark and groups of school students and other interested museum-goers without this very valuable and exciting learning experience." The Associated Press
OBAMA: "We're spending $10 billion dollars a month in Iraq, at a time when the Iraqis have a $79 billion dollar surplus ¡ª $79 billion dollars."
Well, not quite. As put it, "The country was once projected to have as much as a $79 billion surplus, but no more. The Iraqis have $29 billion in the bank, and could have $47 billion to $59 billion by the end of the year." NBC News' blog First Read
You wouldn't know a fact if it came up
According to Revelations 21:8, there is a special place in hell for liars:
"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
Yeah, and never think about the fact that since 911,
Fact-twisting: It's key.