Thanks for being honest, I completely agree
Posted By: DW on 2007-10-16
In Reply to: I have to be honest, DW.... - Observer
It was totally political and this issue is a HUGE example of what happens in politics. Republicans wanted children to suffer and Democrats wanted to give goverment assistance to rich people. I was so shocked when I actually looked at the proposal and thought: what are these people talking about? I'm glad we were able to work together and cut through the bull! :) That's what it should be about.
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That’s all you got??? I was completely honest – you’re the one who did the assuming
My words were “DH works in stocks/trading”. Which he does. Not everyone who works in stocks/trading goes into an office in Wall Street or a stockbrokers office. There are many people behind the scenes that research companies, and other jobs dealing with the markets, trading, buying, selling, foreign currencies, etc. Many of them write articles for the companies who have clientele with big $$$ to be trading and selling. Many of them attend meetings, sit in on conference calls, etc. Also, many people when dealing with portfolios whether they are your own or various clients know what is going on in the world of the markets/finance. I never said he buys or sells “just for ourselves” and I never once said he went into an office or even eluded to the fact that he went into an office, so there you go again “assuming”. I didn’t divulge any information about his clients or anything, and I never said what he did except that he works in stocks/trading, which he does. By the way… there are many people out there who buy/sell stocks and currencies for themselves and makes or loses $$$ a day. Tell them they “don’t work” in trading. Your too busy wanting to defend yourself and make excuses and you’re doing a poor job at it. Next time maybe you should read a post slowly before assuming anything.
One thing I do know is there is a lot more going on behind the scenes and if the markets go up or down it is not just because of who is the president. But you only like to point that out when the market goes up. You praise the enlightened one when the markets go up and claim he has now walked on water and the stock market has gone up just because of him and he along, and yet you remain as silent as the wind when the markets go down. Can’t have it both ways.
I agree completely.
Mentally ill, angry, hateful, and getting more out of control by the minute.
I suggest we don't read their/her posts any more and don't attempt to respond to them. If they don't have an audience for the insane hatred they spew, maybe they will go away. There's no point, anyway. As in my post below, if I hold up three fingers and YOU see three fingers and the rest of the WORLD sees three fingers, they will only see ONE finger, turn it into something ugly and hateful and then and accuse me of giving them the bird. How in the world can someone communicate with people like that? 
I say we just start to ignore them before they pollute this board any further than they already have. It's getting out of control.
They're turning the Liberal board into a sewer like they did the Conservative board.
I agree completely.....and would just add
I pray it can be done with minimal loss of life on the part of our military and the Iraqis who are brave enough to keep lining up to become policemen and military, even though their losses have been staggering. God bless and protect them all, American and Iraqi alike.
Happy New Year to you too!
I agree completely, however,
we know it won't be about substance as much as everyone's personal business. I could not care less what a person's faith is if he/she has the experience necessary, has above-average intelligence, a working knowledge of our own government, its history on the tip of his/her tongue, is quick on his/her feet and appears to be a qualified person, a person who is extremely well versed in the complexities that exist outside our own borders, someone who eats, sleeps, breathes history, politics, public service, someone who is a diplomat, and someone who can inspire us all to do better, to be better. But the tabloid stuff has already started and a lot of it has to do with Mormonism. I don't think a Morman has ever run for president, so this is apt to be a huge issue. Whether or not he can do the job will be secondary, maybe tertiary.
First, I completely agree with you. There SM
should be national healthcare. However, it won't be just the conservatives that will be against it, but middle-class people who have to pay for the increased taxes it would take. You certainly wouldn't expect the wealthy to pay their share for it, do you?
The whole thing is really making me sick. We do need healthcare reform. I'm not sure it will ever happen.
Agree completely. nm
Well said. I agree completely! nm
Completely agree
and I'm not even really sure why. I know the two candidates certainly have completely different views of how to change things, but isn't that the way it's always been, way back to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams? Now there was another really nasty election!
I completely agree with you. nm
Completely agree
Don't always agree with them all, but still love the way they speak their minds.
another rightie
I agree completely......
I had relatives in both places when Katrina hit. My relatives around New Orleans were sickened at all the whining, looting, blaming the government for the situation while they have days to leave and prepare but did neither.
My relatives on the coast, where they were hit the hardest, not New Oreleans, got up and began clearing the roadways for when help did arrive, moving trees out of the way, and trying to help one another, not standing in the streets trying to kill one another and blaming Bush for all their woes.
So many in N.O. had spent generation after generation doing nothing but living off the government, free everything, to when they actually had to use their own mind and do something for themselves or their neighbor, what did they do? Blame the government!!
It was terrible what happened to those that were helpless, but these people were not helpless. THEY WERE LAZY WELFARE BEGGING MOOCHERS!
And I can guarantee they continue to be just that. Their attitude was very clear when thousands upon thousands came to our community where we housed them and took care of them. The local churches took thousands in and what did many do? STEAL! They were given air conditioning and comfortable beds, when WE got A/C ourselves. They got 3 square meals a day, hot meals cooked by volunteers; their babies got all the formula and diapers and even medical care that was needed. They were given clean clothes as well as emotional care by our local pastors and counselors.
If they needed something they didn't have, all they had to do was asked. We staffed many volunteers around the clock but that wasn't enough. They were so sorry, they broke the lock to the supply room and took all they wanted and most of what they didn't need and still had the gall to lay their lazy bums up on the beds with the goods they stole. When pastors and others came around to ask those we could obviously see why they had stolen these things, they actually got an attitude with us, telling us it was our place to help them, and starting spewing hate about why it was the white man's fault they were in that situation in the first place, that they wouldn't be there if the white man had put them up a descent levy!
And for any who might want to agree with them, just remember their wonderful mayor Ray Negan or whatever his name is, had OVER 60 million dollars given to him years earlier to secure the levy and not a dime was spent on it. And no one can answer or has demanded an answer as to where that money went.
I for one am sick of the handouts! Get off your butt and get a job.
Completely agree.
If they were going to pay off mortgages for everyone else, then they better be buying me a home too and then I could use all the money I have been working hard to save for a down payment on furnishing my new home instead while stimulating the economy. Why should they only reward those who act irresponsibly?
agree on that completely! nm
Oh, I agree completely.
My faith is definitely a crutch; I lean on it every day. In fact, that's precisely what faith is supposed to be - a source of support and strength.
Of course, my education is a crutch, also. And so is my family. So are my friends, and my advisors. I lean on all of them to get through life.
So what? You see, when you call faith a crutch you haven't managed to mount anything like a criticism of it. When you pretend that you yourself don't have, and use, dozens of crutches to get through life, you're only being arrogant, or unbelievably ignorant.
Agree completely..... it is the act!
Completely agree with you and since when
did children become open targets in politics, it doesn't matter if the parents are republicans or democrats. In my opinion, that is just morally wrong. Children should be left out completely and I don't care if they are 2 or 25. It is one thing to attack someone's character who is running for office but leave their children out of it.
I completely agree with you ...
During the election I was very impressed by her and wanted to know everything I could about her. I read some of her writings from when she was in college and was shocked at the bitterness and disdain that came through. *Chip on the shoulder* was the exact impression that I got and was extremely disappointed by this.
Yes Obama is.........I agree completely.....
I agree completely. He should be proud of his...
accomplishments. However, that being said...I most assuredly do NOT think he is the right man for the Presidency.
I agree completely. Unbelievable.
This person either didn't even watch the clip and is completely unaware of Phelps and his "activities" or simply silently condones the heinous things he does. I particularly despise Phelps' uninvited attendance at the funerals of American soldiers and his "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" motto.
I would be this person posted himself/herself blue to blast Rev. Wright, but this Phelps moron is okay.
Unfortunately, it says a lot about some people who post on this board. 
I agree completely with Ron Paul
haha--I agree with Luker completely--
This War against Christmas stuff is asinine! What a perfect way to take people's minds the real issues affecting our country (like Bush and Cheney trying to expand the powers of the presidency). People have always said happy holidays as long as I can remember and I'm almost 50 myself. BIG DEAL!!
Agree 1000% with you, absolutely, and completely!
Lying was enough to get Nixon and Clinton out of the WH. What is with this guy, that he can lie, lie, never tell a blasted truth, been shown to be a liar, and is still sitting as prez. Just makes me sick what WE have become and sick in the stomach to be an American. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves, to have the Constitution so ignored and belittled by this admin. And I didn't mean we need to start a war with Iran, as that would also be a tragedy, but we sure as hell didn't need to go to war with Iraq. Bush never gave a thought to diplomacy, of course I don't think he ever had a thought, period.... All of his doing comes from behind the scenes, and if he is ever impeached, they better take Cheney out with him, the cause of this atrocity.
Agree completely......Muslim extremists are not
Heck, the media is just now putting out the so-called honor killings these muslims believe in. There is no honor to is cold-blood murder. They do it here (where they can do as they please) and they do it back in their home country, so please, there is no despair. It is a sick ideology they live by. Little boys brainwashed from childhood on to hate. The women are the ones who are in despair.
Oh, I agree completely.....just mentioning Barney
None of them should be "fixing" anything....they created the mess and I sure as heck don't trust them to fix it. Since when has the government fixed anything?
There should be outside auditors come in, chosen by private citizens, NOT the government, not the politicians' friends or family members, but private CPAs to oversee this.
The government should not be taking any of our money. I say let the chips fall where they may and all this fear Bush and everyone else tries to place in the minds of the people is just Give it a year or so and it will right itself automatically and purge itself of the crooks.
If you think for a minute the world economy will fall because of it, that's the fear they're hoping to put in your head to make you think this is the only choice left OR ELSE!!
Other countries have firm good banks and will continue their business as usual, as will solid banks in this country.
My gosh, just today the Bank of Scotland is now putting out ads for your banking needs. It's an investment opportunity for many.
Wow, my post was totally and completely respectful and yours is totally and completely not. sm
what a surprise. Can't stand to be corrected or proven wrong, can you. Have to call everyone a liar, don't you. Got to tell people to stick things somewhere, don't you. TSK TSK TSK Anger management might be helpful.
Can I be honest here? sm
I keep hearing here and there that O will be assassinated, won't live out his term, etc. That grieves me. I am a registered Republican, live in the south, in a small, rural town FULL of white, racist people. I don't know who they voted for, but I honestly don't think that "white" America is ready for a black president. There are too many racist people (I know tons of them) who refer to O as the N word (yes, you heard me right) and this is in small, rural America. I truly believe he probably won't last.
It wasn't that long ago that Rosa Parks sat on that bus and it wasn't that long ago when those precious girls from that black Montgomery church were blown up (during church) and remember Jenna 6 and all of the white people who stood up for the boys.
It's hateful and sickening, yes, but America is still prejudiced as sad as it is to say that. Too many white hate groups. I am in my mid 30s and when I was in college there were very large sects of "skinheads." They are everywhere. They are very prideful. They hate blacks. I am half Hispanic and my family doesn't look white. I've been the subject of racism in the past. People are awful.
Whether you believe in God or not as a liberal, pray for O's safety because I think he is going to need it.
I have to be honest, DW....
when we were debating it I honestly did not realize that some states already provided coverage for all kids no matter what the income level, which seemed to be the sticking point for most of the debaters. The fact that MA and PA could do it, even on the unexpanded program, leads me to believe other states could do it too, if their priorities were in place. Washington is such a goofy place, really...if the Democrats had prefaced it differently and had not used the implicit words to extend it "higher up the income ladder" and just stated they wanted to dole more out to the states so it would be easier for them to insure all the state's kids...I don't think there would have been such an issue. They purposely sent a bill they knew Bush would veto, which is a ridiculous exercise...I think it was purely political election time posturing and misleading to both Democrat and Republican voters. It did what it was intended to do, and that is make a headline that Bush did not want to insure kids, when that is not at all a true statement. That being said...PA and MA DO show that it is possible under current funding, and I am entirely FOR putting it at the discretion of the states how to use the money for their CHIP programs without the interference of the feds other than funding. Now if the states want to impose some kind of taxes to support it, like a penny sales tax or something, to supplement the program in order to do so, I am all in favor of that, if they tailor it to the needs of their state...and who knows better than the state government what that would take? They know their populations, they know their income levels...and they can come up with a better plan. I am 100% on board for that!! It would be interesting to know how MA and PA funded those programs at the current level...because they did. PA's has been around for quite awhile. :-)
Just being honest...
Certainly this poster is entitled to his/her point of view, even if he/she is completely intolerant of anyone else's point of view. The poster speaks of an open mind, yet has a very closed mind himself/herself.
For all the talk that liberals make about freedoms, apparently that only extends to those who agree with them. Sounds more like a fascist state than America.
Condescencion, intolerance...are these the hallmarks of liberalism?
come on, be honest
you laughed at the mental image that statement conjured up also.
Look....if you are going to be honest about this...
just read up on it from start to finish. It was not a big deal, the same guy who is screaming for her head now was saying the governor's office is fully cooperating and subpoenas will not be necessary...and she was, and that was the truth. Now that the Obama lawyers descended it is a whole new ballgame, has been politicized when it should not have been. It should be stopped, it has become a 3-ring circus. THere are pictures now of the two Dems yelling the loudest with Obama yucking it up at a support rally. The investigation is tainted now. The investigator they hired is personal friends with the guy who was fired. Come on now....hatchet job. They need to put in the hands of someone truly independent, don't you think that is fair? Or no?
to be honest...
I'm just going to be honest with you - there is not a whole lot of incentive for those that are on the welfare rolls to get off. Unless you are educated anymore then those low paying minimum wage jobs do not pay what has to be paid for someone to live - even at 2 and 3 jobs.
And most people cannot afford to go to college - even if they have the aptitude for it. Not everybody in this world is cut out for school. It is not just because they are dumb. I have a son who is above average smart, but just cannot handle school - does that make him dumb? No, it means he is going to have to work his butt off though to even barely get by.
And yes, I do think that the richer people of this world should pay more taxes. I don't necessarily know about a higher percentage, but I know that the darn loop holes that exist that keep them from paying as much as I do should be done away with...
I don't want anybody to give me anything, I am doing it all by myself however I have to, and I am luckier than most that I can make a good living, but I can see that some people need help to survive now.
It is not like it used to be - prices have gone up, up, and up, but wages are staying the same and ya'll all know that. You talk about how you did this, or you did that to get by, and you know what, I did too 20 years ago, but 20 years ago I was not paying $5.00 a gallon for milk and $2.69 for a loaf of bread and making $7.50 or $8.00 an hour. I was not paying $3-4 a gallon for gasoline to get to my $7.50 or $8.00 an hour job. I was not paying $600 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment that legally I was not supposed to have my children living in together...
I feel sorry for the young people today that are starting out on their own and I feel sorry for the people that ya'll are all calling stupid and lazy and worthless just because they are not up to your standards. I am so glad that I am not that judgmental of people that I cannot see that people right now need help... and it is getting worse right in front of our eyes.
I sincerely hope that not a one of you who are so down on people that need help in putting their lives together find yourselves in the position of needing help in the future.
He was not honest.
Obama is a socialist. His record and ideals are proof enough of that. All of you lemmings are convinced he handled himself well and are crying out about how unfair he was treated in that interview.....yet if this were would be crying how dumb she is and didn't handle things well. Talk about double standards. You people sicken me. I'm so tired of this crap. I will be glad when this election is over and McCain kicks Obama's @ss. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about Change......that is ALL you people friggin hear!. better be prepared because God help us if Obama wins.....that is all we will have left in our banks accounts......some change. Get a clue!
Actually no....not get better ones...just be HONEST...
about the ones he HAS. That would be a terrific start. The truth is always a good place to start.
Sam, to be honest, I don't think about it much at all either -
I do not think about abortion because in my life it was/is not an option. That being said, I think it is something that people should have the right to choose if they want to.
Why do you think government should get to meddle in one part of a woman's life and not be able to meddle in every part of a person's life? That is the underlying question here...
I just wish they ALL could be honest
without worrying about offending SOMEONE. It's ridiculous.
To be quite honest
even though I am against gay marriage due to my faith, I understand the fact that not everyone goes by the rules of God. Although it is unfortunate given the eternal consequences.
However, I feel that opening the door for gay marriage does in the end open the door for ANY marriage. The argument will still be "if traditional marriage and gay marriage are okay, why not polygamy?" I think that is the next step in the progression. Maybe I am wrong, we will just have to wait and see I guess.
Guys, I'm going to be
I don't see what the major deal is about the wire tapping. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but as a child I've always been told that the government tapped phone lines warrantlessly (seeing as how they could probably get a warrant anyway).
So tell me in laymen's terms, what is the big problem with this for the average law abiding citizen?
Nope, just honest...get over it!
Thanks for being honest, Kaydie. :)
It is fine to support whoever you want to support, and it is fine to change your mind about who you support. It should be who YOU want and feel will do the best for the country, whoever that is. And to have the guts to say so. Good for you, Kaydie!
I just got back from Gettysburg, and read the words "so that government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE shall not perish from this earth." It does not say government of the PARTY, by the PARTY, and for the PARTY, shall not perish from this earth. It is about us, as individuals, and I wish every individual this election cycle would vote their individual conscience, what they really feel is right for the country, not what the DNC or RNC tells them they should.
THAT is what I like about Sarah Palin. She has bucked her party, she has faced down good ol' boy politics in her own party and cleaned them out...and most of all...she says that elected officials should serve with a servant's heart. GOOD FOR HER!! What a breath of FRESH AIR and how much further could you get from Washington politics as usual than that?? GO MCCAIN-PALIN!!
Now that would be an honest
No, I will be honest, I waffled between he and two others at first...
as I researched it and the debates started, it came down to he and one other, and by the end of the primaries I was hoping he would be the candidate. Reader's Digest, it was not him alone at the start.
And I have no buyer's remorse. I still feel he is the guy for the job.
Honest answer
I'm sorry I can't answer your question with any first hand knowledge but IF the not so friendly countries support Obama and I don't know that they do......that's what the McCain campaign says...maybe it's because they are sick and tired of George W. Bush and his saber rattling. Can't wait to get some of those Indian mangoes he traded nuclear technology for.
Well, to be honest poster really has no
Always wants facts but when you give them, all you get is a bunch of junk back!
Argument would be if they had something substantial to say in the first place.
And you think republicans are all honest?
Oops - yes I am one in the same - just want to be honest
I used grim reaper above cos that's what I thought of when I read the article I posted. Guess I should have put Grim Reaper/Just me as my name so there wouldn't have been any confusion.
At least be honest about your source
"...those who have contacts on Capitol Hill..."
Your post is taken virtually verbatim from a blog comment at, from an email from Roy Beck, not from "those who have contacts on Capitol Hill."
Do you even know what E-Verify is and what it entails?
And I resent your implication that if I disagree with you, I'm not loyal to my country and don't "care anything about this country or [our] jobs."
So, you weren't exactly being honest.
If your husband is sitting at home buying and selling stocks for your own portfolio, he does not "work" in stocks/trading. I am not assuming anything, I am just going by what you say, which apparently is not true.
It seems that you are the one who is assuming much more about what I am thinking than I have actually said. I thin it's time you visit the "real world."
to be honest, I liked a lot of his answers -
I do not want all the illegals here - they should be sent home, but if it is going to be as expensive as they say, then the plan Obama put forth of fining them for being here illegally and making them then go back to the process of trying to be come legal is a good one. They are not going to send them home whoever is President, so why not fine them? His plan is as good as any I have seen. When he is talking about helping, my thoughts are that he is talking about the legal immigrants.
The one time Bush was probably actually HONEST!!
Bob Woodward asked him how history would judge the war in Iraq, Bush replied: "History. We don't know. We'll all be dead."
That pretty much sums up the depth of this man.
If you would be as honest in your postings to opposition..
as you are in postings to those who agree with you, and post in a civil manner the same way you post to Lurker...i.e., you state above (I know we TRY to take care of our poor)...but you certainly did not say that to me. You made it sound like we do nothing to take care of our poor. I personally think it should the be responsibility of individual Americans through private donations to take care of our poor, not the responsibility of the government through taxation. The reason that does not work is that while many pay lip service to the poor, they are not willing unless forced to do just that. And that happens on both sides of the aisle. It is not a political party thing. It is a human nature thing. In a perfect world, if you could trust exactly what people say is what they would do, then the Democrats in this country alone could take care of the poor through personal donations. I do not mean they should do it alone...I am trying to make a point here. It should not be necessary to tax people in order to take care of the less fortunate. We should also not put in place, in my opinion, a welfare system that keeps people impoverished and beholden to the government for everything. I believe every program ought to have a job and responsibility attached to other words, no freebies. If there is no incentive to better yourself, why should you? That is in full obvious view to anyone in this country who cares to actually go visit the poor neighborhoods and actually talk to those involved. If you want some real enlightenment, you should work in the welfare offices for awhile. You would get a much better picture of the real story out there.
I do not say this to be hateful, but I think it would behoove you to, along with reading your books and doing your research, that you try to talk to someone other than me, because obviously you think I am a demon from the nether world, but perhaps someone without a political agenda who has worked for years in welfare (as I have) and get a real picture of how it works. To use your words, it is a great disservice to people to keep them in poverty through programs instead of trying to help them to a better life off a check. The problem is Teddy...there are thousands if not millions who prefer the life on the check. And that is no one's fault but yours and mine and everyone else's who has not sought to really help provide the checks and balances you described.