Thank you, sbMT. I knew the verse was in there
Posted By: :) on 2008-10-21
In Reply to: Matthew 6:5-6 - sbMT
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Here's your verse
(Genesis 5:4) The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters.
But it sounds to me like you are just one of those that just wants to bash, with no real search for the truth at all, so thanks for not wasting anymore of my time.
And yeah, Christians can be snippy too sometimes.
I think your verse fits you to a tee.
There is nothing more reviled in the Bible than lying, scheming, back-stabbing, wealthy self-important deceivers of the people.
If you were someone who actually honored the Bible you'd be afraid to support people who are unjust, deceitful and dishonorable.
We can bring up many lies and deceits by Bush and his band of merry warring men.
If you can find one lie among us here you are free to point it out, but I don't think you can do it, because we aren't fond of lies, or those who lie, or those who oppress the poor, or those who steal from the peasant to give to the rich man.
So please, if you support liars and oppressors, don't come here quoting Bible verses trying to shame those who want peace - you are on the wrong side of the book and your head is just inside out.
The rest of the verse....(sm)
thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the way of Allah, - he will never let their deeds be lost.
Amazing, as I was just thinking this verse to
Same song, 500th verse.
It is racist to conclude that any black man within earshot of Rev Wright MUST be a black liberationist. NOT.
Please direct me to the bible verse where it is written
about the right to bear arms. I missed this.
"They are no more pro war than God is. They do believe in the right to bear arms..."
Embedding slurs while invoking Bible verse.
Nanaw was able to step up to the plate. Is she the only one? So far, it looks that way, as though the temptation to post hate speech under a prayer request was too strong to resist. No problem with expressing these sentiments, but at the very least, they belong in a separate thread.
Isn't amazing that you judged, sentenced, and stereotyped someone just from one Bible verse they
posted. My, you must be clairvoyant. And immensely proud as well. You really told her, didn't you. You should never quote the Bible as though you now what you are saying. The spirit in which you quote it negates any meaning YOU might give it. You actually just proved what that poster said to you.
sbMT, you know what I think?
I believe the people who feel compelled to riducle people who have Faith are people to whom the Holy Spirit is speaking, they just refuse to listen. Otherwise, why would they care what we believe? Even Jesus said his Spirit would not always strive with men. I happen to believe it is never too late to accept Christ until we draw our last breath and we never know in which instant that may occur. I also believe at some point, if He is continually rejected, he will stop trying to speak to us.
"Religion" and Faith are, indeed to very different things. I have a particular distaste for televangelists and I also do not believe that ALL churches (having nothing to do with denomination) are of God, nor are all church members Christians. As well, I believe there are many true Christians who do not attend organized churches. By denomination I would call myself Methodist. Do I agree with everything? No. I go to church for one purpose and one purpose only, that is to praise God, worship Him and renew my spirit. It matters not to me what name is on the church door; there's one heaven (in my faith) and one hell. We will all live one place or the other for eternity. I would rather be ridiculed now than cast out in the final judgment. If when I'm dead I was wrong then no big deal but our spirits, I believe, will cry for those who were told and continued to call us fools for believing. The Bible says there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. I believe this.
Ridiculed or not, I am praying for our nation, God save it.
We are very much alike. I was raised in a Methodist church but not a very devout family. My first husband was Southern Baptist so I'm well versed. I do also believe in the Rapture, which belief, as you know, is that we won't be here during the worst of the tribulation. I'm not sure if I believe the Rapture will occur pre or mid tribulation. I do believe that we are in the beginning of the end and I, for one, expect Christ to return at any minute. There are those other things spoken of in the Bible as well...where it says people will scoff at us and continuing as usual. I always wondered about some things in Revelations, but remember where it says the world will experience a financial collapse and a man will rise up appearing to have the answers? Well, it seems to me that we are in a position for such to actually happen.
BTW my present husband was raised Catholic. He has not been a practicing Catholic for many years. He goes to church with me but more importantly, he believes that Christ died for his sins, past, present and future and accepts Him as his personal Savior as did my first husband. I look forward to being with both of them in eternity where we will not be husband and wife.
Matthew 24 also gives us warning and we see those very things beginning to happen now..
I am very moved by what you have posted...I feel at times that we have become so jaded and cynical in this world - look at how we treat our brothers and sisters: Compassion is what reminds us, whether one is athiest or a believer, that we ARE all connected to one another, and we don't clean up our act; the price we are going to pay will be one that will taint generations to come..
to sbMT
Give me 3 reasons why McCain is more qualified to be the next president.
I can give you a lot of reasons why he should not be the next president:
His age
His temper
His running mate
His aggression
Obama is always polite, has style and class. He avoids pointing out McCain's mistakes; don't you think that Obama could also be aggressive if he wanted to? But he is too smart for that.
Not sbMT but...
1. He has integrity.
2. He has spent his life serving his country instead of serving his own narcissistic political ambitions.
3. He has a long history of working in a nonpartisan fashion to fix what is broken in Washington.
Reasons Obama should NOT be the next president.
His inexperience.
You can't vote "PRESENT" from the Oval Office.
His history of taking advice from left-wing radicals like Ayers and Wright.
His arrogance.
His nepotistic tendancies.
His lack of understand of global issues.
His inability to judge character.
Or, to quote JOE BIDEN:
"I think he CAN be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."
for sbMT
I have to give you some credit here.
I suppose Obama can better sell his ideas and opinions to people. He is more credible and he sounds more sincere. It's his personality. I do not find him arrogant, actually the contrary. He is not an aggressor.
And, we all expect a president to have an EGO.
I also find Michelle more sincere, credible and knowledgable than Cindy.
Like everywhere:
'The message is not in the word, it is in the delivery.'
To sbMT
Other than I would rather see Obama be elected than McCain/Palin I agree with you 100%. I also agree that Obama came up pretty fast through the ranks. Whatever it is, it's pretty well-hidden or the pubs wouldn't have to resort to the garbate they're spitting out. I'm sure the dirt is there somewhere. On the other hand, McCain picked his running mate, not on what was good for America but was good for HIM...he thought.
What I have to wonder is what will it take to get Americans off their lazy butts to do something. We can either sit around and whine and blame Republicans/Democrats or we can CHANGE OUR GOVERNMENT. It's been done before and it can be done again when the American PEOPLE come together as they did in the few days after 9/11 and forget their political affiliation. Immediately after 9/11 I was yeaing Pres. Bush. Shortly thereafter I lost all respect for him. There is more to that Iraq war than any of us know and it ain't good!!!
We, the people, can change our government but it's going to take some drastic action. Remember the Revolution? When enough people say ENOUGH, then and only then will we see meaningful change.
Yea, sbMT
Even though we don't agree on which candidate will be the least of the worst, it is so heartening to read your no nonsense, common sense post. I'm sure there are many on this board who have the brains to actually think and move past the Republican/Democrat loyalty if they just put their minds to it.
You are so right there are crooks at the top and the bottom of the pile. IF Robinhood takes from the rich and gives to the poor I'm fairly sure the "trickle down" effect will work. They'll just trickle the extra taxes on down to the middle class or whatever is left of it and the middle class will also pick up on the tab for the career welfare people.
I am all for helping people help themselves. Much as I hate taxes, I would even be willing to pay a little more to help people help themselves. The welfare system is frought with dishonesty. I think those on the welfare rolls whose familiies have been there for generations should be told in no uncertain terms that they WILL get off their lazy butts and go to work or they simply will not eat or have a roof over their head at government expense. Help those who want an education to get it, maybe an internship or OJT for less skilled workers as not everyone is college material. Provide daycare while they are getting the education. Maybe when they are gainfully employed they could pay back at least part of the cost of getting their education. AND no welfare, food stamps, daycare, housing or anything else for anyone in this country illegally. Do away with the anchor baby thing. IMHO a child who is born in this country to illegal parents should have no rights of citizenship period.
And while I'm about it...another chief complaint.....those in prison. Put them to work making license plates or whatever and let them earn their keep. Might not be so many in prison if they had to chop rocks or whatever.
We have got to do something or we're all going to go down the tube!
Have a good day.
To sbMT
First, I hope you feel better soon. This seems the time for those nasty pre-winter ills to set in. I'm not feeling well this morning either, upset stomach and diarrhea...aaaaarrrg. Went to take a nap and had to get up post haste. LOL
Thanks for your common sense and thought provoking statements. As a Christian I have struggled with many issues and my biggest issue is that neither candidate, if either is a Christian, has done anything to convince me of that. Certainly McCain kicking his 1st wife to the curb for a younger, more beautiful woman with lots of money, I don't believe is something Jesus would approve of.
What we need is a true man of God, who is not afraid to stand up and proclaim his faith in Jesus Christ. Of course that won't happen.
I will not vote for John McCain because in my opinion he talks a talk that he doesn't walk. Not meant to start an argument.
To sbMT (from below)
Maybe if he "bared his fruit" we'd see more about him. LOL
I do love to argue doggone it but it seem like most people don't want to argue for the sake of solving anything, they just want everyone to believe as they believe.
I try to apply WWJD in everything I do but in this case I'm just stumped. Both men say they are Christians. Are they? I don't know. God knows and he isn't telling me. I can't see the fruit either of these dudes bear. They are politicians. McCain tells such blatant lies that I wouldn't believe a word he says. As for Obama, I am not convinced that he has lied, certainly not about McCain. McCain on the other had either tells lies or stretches the truth about Obama to the breaking point.
I DO NOT believe in abortion but my opinion is that we need to keep the big, fat government out of our personal lives. The beginning of the downfall was Roe vs. Wade, when was that, who was president then, wasn't it Reagan. The president as yet does not have the authority to enact laws all by himself I don't think.
I believe the last true Christian president we had was Jimmy Carter and look at him. He was ridiculed and ran out of the white house so obviously some people didn't like having a Christian in the White House. I'm sure there are Democrat Christians and Republican Christians. If there was a man or woman running for president that I felt strongly was a Christian I would vote for him/her in a heartbeat but liars aren't usually very good Christians so I will vote for Obama and hope he serves the country well. I cannot stomach 4 more years of George W. Bush. I simply do not buy that he was given "bad intelligence." He gave the American people a snow job and good ole McCain was right there by his side.
Thank you sbMT
I had myself a good laugh at my own thoughts and thought everyone else might lighten up a little if only for a little while.
You need to re-read what I said.
Hey, sbMT
Missed you. Hope you ate enough pumpkin pie for me. I never get enough. LOL You didn't miss much, seems a lot of people have been missing.
Hey there sbMT sm
You didn't miss a great deal. I'm glad you had a good holiday. Man....wish I had some of that pumpkin pie!
If you listened to President Obama speech today you would have heard that people not behind on their mtgs but struggling to stay that way will also be helped by this foreclosure plan. That is where we (dh and I) are right now since we (MTs) are paid on production in this job and it fluctuates. One or 2 bad months at the most would put us over. I am going to wait until March 4 and then call my bank. It is one that got a ton of government money.
sbMT....that's me....
I'm also a poet :)
Let me try to answer you sbMT
I started this thread by addressing it to the pubs. We have been talking in terms of dems, crats and pubs for a while now. I mean no disrespect when using the term. If you do not identify yourself that way, it is not readily apparent in your post. I simply meant to address the issue of republican reform.
In any case, if you are a relative newcomer to the voting ranks, party independence is a good place to start. Here is a perspective from someone who IS aligned with the left of center field of the democrat party. He was NOT pandering to me, nor do I find Obama a party centrist either. He is pretty much representative of the wide range of views within his own ranks.
I do understand the trust issue you express, especially in view of how much that played into this current election's outcome. McCain really was working with an almost insurmountable obstacle in terms of the nation's ability to trust the republican party. If you are feeling that the shift to the left is too radical, you may want to consider what the driving force behind that shift is. Fear of 4 more years was much, much greater than any fear the right-of-center wing of the republicans were able to drum up.
Obama ran a brilliant campaign, particularly in terms changing the map colors from red to blue. My party spent much of the past 8 years not only bringing Bush's faults into the spotlight, but much, much hard work on the grass roots regional and local levels. We mobilized and activated ourselves. 2004 was a real blow and we had many hours of deep despair. It took a great deal of determination and hard work to simply pick ourselves up and keep on keeping on. If dems seem a bit euphoric at the moment, that would be the reason.
Look for that to dissipate rather quickly. We are also having to redefine our own party in response to YOUR generation of voters who seem very turned off by status quo and are looking for solutions rather than party alliances. I for one believe Obama understands that very well and between the two candidate choices, he is the one who will orient himself in that direction. He will be disappointing some of the more agenda driven democrats like myself, but will be making up for that by NOT pandering, rather knocking down barriers of division and opening up much broader dialogs aimed at compromise. If he fails to do this, his re-election will be in peril.
As a footnote, I would like to add that I am hopeful that Nancy Pelosi will not be reaffirmed as House speaker, despite the fact that some of the party sees her as the best thing since sliced bread. She is too old school and has not been effective in being a uniting force within the House. I truly believe we are about to witness the reinvention of Washington politics across the board and both parties will have to learn how to go with that flow if they are to survive.
I'm with you on the wait and see side of things. What I can say with great certainty is that this in this country undoubtedly will be taking a turn for the better and I am willing to settle for that for the time being.
sbMT, ain't that the truth! He isn't
the first African American president; he is the first mixed race president.
Thank you sbMT for this...but it is obvious no
pays any attention to any of this anymore. I think the true history regarding the founding of our country has been watered down and taken completely out of the history books in school.
Well, SbMT, since you seem to have the inside scoop
I sure would like to know which Georgia town you refer to. Since I live in Georgia (not from there, thank God), where I have personally seen billboards advertising the KKK in the past, I would appreciate a heads-up.
sbMT I pray the other poster will sm
have her spiritual eyes opened before its too late. Christians don't condemn people to he!!, folks send themselves to he!! by rejecting the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Yes I did, sbMT. Posted this in the wrong spot.
I always knew I would NOT
vote for Obama. Now that Palin is McCain's running mate.....I feel more confident than ever that I made the right decision when I chose to vote for McCain......even if McCain is really really really old. ; - )
McCain and Palin ང 
I knew you would be one of the few to...
...understand this post, without tossing in all these other issues again into the mix.
I can hardly wait to see her mix it up with them either!
yes! I knew it!
They won't let her off the leash to speak without a written statement in front of her. Hope people take notice and realize what this means. Pat Buchanan yesterday said she was under no obligation to ever give an interview. Isn't that unbelievable??
Gee I wish I knew as much as you do.
Most of this I already
but some I did not. America, collectively speaking, bought it hook, line and sinker. One can only "hope" that the "change" will be for something they really "believe" in. I fear it is not and it is too late to stop the well-oiled wheel of fate from turning.
Obama was manufactured for this job by his puppeteers and now they are ready to put on the show. Those who think something simple like his birth certificate will make a differece are as deluded as the sheeple are. We, the people, have been duped on all fronts and now it is time to sit down and obediently watch the puppet show called "The Revelation." Hurry quick for a front-row seat!
Wish I knew!
Pubs don't really seem to have one, which is really disappointing. There are quiet a few out there that make a lot of noise, but I don't really see any of them walking the walk, you know?
And I'm really disappointed in Michael Steele and his apology. I thought at least he'd have a backbone - it's okay not to agree with Rush and it's okay to say it out loud - sheesh!
I knew nothing about it at all until that very day
I did not know what it was about, nothing and I turned onto the bigger channels to see what was happening. I left the house and heard some local radio news saying not much traffic in Atlanta pertaining to that. I just surmized the tea party referenced the Boston tea party relating to taxes but there was not much coverage at all that I saw.
Yes, I knew....
It was just one of those automatic MT things that made me laugh. I have to really concentrate to type the word milk since it invariably comes out mild.
It blows the lid off what we already knew. sm
Their Bush hatred is so virulent, it wipes out all reasoning and blackens their souls. They have no compassion for the people in the south, only gleeful that they have once again been given a reason to hate Bush. No matter how misguided that hatred and blame is.
gt it would go a lot better for you if you actually knew what you were talking about. sm
instead of pulling stuff off PETA's website. You don't know Kyoto. Just admit it. You don't know it and you are pretending to know it and you are just looking silly.
Knew what you meant
Isn't it awful when your own relatives treat you like dirt. My sister is mormon and she actually thinks I'm on the same level with manson, dahmer, hitler, etc because I'm not mormon (we both grew up going to methodist services with 12 years of sunday school). Inlaws treated us like garbage cos we didn't go to their church when we lived near them. I am a deeply spiritual person but I am not a Christian and I count myself blessed not to be in their crowd.
I knew it had been filed....
so now they have been served? Out of curiousity, if he was proven ineligible and had to withdraw...what happens then? Another primary or what? Has that ever happened before? Where a nominee had to withdraw before the election? Does the party just pick another person and that person pick another VP?
i knew what you meant
I took no offense, but I do get a little sensitive as I would have loved to have some children when I was younger (but then I look at the Menendez brothers and my own nephew and say - what a relief- smart decision for me) HA HA. I did understand your post as you intended it that if man and woman don't unite there is no offspring, but I was just saying I believe that we can all live together. Man and woman can off their offspring they want and the others who wish to pursue an alternative way just won't have kids. I'd rather be with someone of my own gender and be truly and blissfully in love and married to her and not have any kids, rather than have kids and be married to a miserable person just because he's the other sex.
How do you fix corruption??? They knew what
His own spokesperson said they have "amended" the papers to read ..... in other words, we will admit the money was given SPECIFICALLY to hire more workers to go out and do whatever necessary to get more votes for Obama, even if through illegal means.
An Obama spokesman said Federal Election Commission reports would be amended to show Citizens Services Inc. — a subsidiary of ACORN — worked in “get-out-the-vote” projects, instead of activities such as polling, advance work and staging major events as stated in FEC finance reports filed during the primary.
I knew what you meant as well.
Just like if McCain had chosen Powell. The dems would be in an uproar because they would say he picked him because he was black, not because he has great values, experience, etc.
Oh wait, they already did that with somebody else...
I do have a grip. If she knew about them, she would have
tried to clean them up. It is her community, after all, and she has children growing up there.
Are you implying something more sinister here? If so, please provide referenced links with proof.
Do you think they knew the U.S. has only 50 states, too?nm
I'm sure a lot of us knew a recession
was coming long before the "experts" knew it. All they had to do was to be Americans who were trying to fill up their gas tanks, feed their families and try to hang on to their jobs. I just read an article the other day where someone in the government finally admitted that we've been in a recession that they believe will last another 14 months. (Can't remember who said it; will try to find the link.) This is after months and months of denials, although most everday folks felt like they were in a recession long before hearing it "officially."
If they are only now admitting to a recession, that tells me that we're in the beginnings of a full-fledged DEPRESSION.
Add terror threats, a war between Iran and Israel and the USA, perhaps provoking a terror attack (real or "false flag"), people becoming so poor in this country that their fear is replaced with anger, and voila!! The US soldiers that are lying in wait for us to "misbehave" as tensions arise so they can keep us in line, just might have their work cut out for them...especially if we suffer another attack on our soil.
We've got crooks running the Treasury Department, all chosen from the same failing companies for which they worked.
The Wall Street "crisis" came on so quickly and so urgently that nobody knew what to do.
Well, Bush knew what to do. First, he hired Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs fame, the company that received a $3 billion payout, who then went on to appoint Michael Alix to "oversee things." This is the same Michael Alix who was in control of "overseeing things" at Bear Stearns (we remember how well that whole Bear Stearns thing worked out.) Paulson then went on to appoint Neel Kashkari (another Goldman Sachs graduate).
Bush has selected these men, either personally or through Paulson, because he knows that THEY know how to play the system and accentuate the greed. He hired people who aren't on America's side at all. They're part of Bush's "Haves," and the rest of average Americans -- the "have nots" -- aren't even in the picture, except as it pertains to how much money has been stolen from our accounts. Bush has always has been about greed. He still is. When a government begins to buy banks, it's at the very least socialism (if not, more accurately, fascism). For all intents and purposes, this money could easily be in Bush's pockets. We don't and won't know this because this particular sweetheart deal came with NO oversight and NO transparency as conditions on the part of Bush. By the way, Bush bought a ranch in Paraguay.
Basically, Bush had a lot of knowledgeable, independent people who had NO conflict of interest from having been senior executives of the failed companies from which he could have chosen.
Instead, he chose those who were at the very top to the crooks (if not the crooks themselves.)
In short, Bush hired the foxes to watch the hen houses. No doubt in my mind that Bush's pockets are going to be pretty full soon if they're not already.
The arrogance with which these auto executives presented their testimony is reminiscent of all the arrogant people who surround themselves with the Arrogant-In-Chief.
In the middle of all this, though, I do see somewhat of a silver lining. The less money people have to spend, the lower prices will be forced to go -- all that supply and demand stuff.
Enter Obama's "bottom-up" theory. Once the lives of the least of us can improve a bit, that will hopefully trickle up to everyone else.
I also heard an excellent idea on TV recently: That every single CEO of a company should NEVER earn more than the President of the United States. I kind of liked that one. 
P.S. I apologize if this post doesn't make any sense. I'm very heavily medicated right now and probably shouldn't even be at the computer. I've tried to write this as coherently as I could. If I failed, I apologize.
Hope you all have a great evening. 
JTBB - I knew you'd try this
That is why I said that are many more websites than just what I listed. You can say all you want and try to reason that your viewpoints and your opinions are truthful while the others aren't, but in actuality they all are like Hitler. The actions of what Obama has done so far are like Hitler's whether you like to hear it or not.
Clinton knew
who had information about Bin Laden before 9-11 and did nothing? Oh yeah, President Clinton, another Democrat who chose to do nothing...Bush was less than 9 months into his first term when 9-11 happened.
That was the first I knew about Murtha except
before the election.
I agree with your statement on the others. I think Pelosi is too pushy and I wonder why she is in such a hurry to pass all O's stuff so quick. I often wonder what kind of background she has.
I watched a program the other night (don't ask who, I'm always flipping channels) and they had a perfect answer for where Gitmo prisoners should Alcatraz, right in Pelosi's backyard and she can then look through those viewers that look out over the bay and watch the prisoners herself. I thought it was hillarious.