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Thank you for letting me know where you stand....

Posted By: sam on 2008-09-24
In Reply to: John McCain - nm

that barack's campaign is more important than the financial crisis we are facing. Tell me...what would you have said if Barack had suspended is campaign first and put his country first? Would you still be criticizing the decision? I am doubting it! lol.

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Letting people into your house means letting them
into your life. What a nightmare for you. Good at the end it turned out so well.

Now I will get a post by Cyndiee, saying
'Grow a heart, will you.'
Thank you for letting me know. nm
Why are we letting them get away with this?

My DH and I were watching TV last night and from their estimates, cap and trade will literally double our electric bill.  This is an outrage.  That doesn't include how high gas itself will go up.  This will literally cause the price of just about everything to go up.  It feels like are government is doing everything they can to make it harder on us while they preach about giving us what we need to survive.  Well.....I'm sorry......I would rather support myself without needing government to provide the essentials for me.  This is total take over.  They are literally going to bankrupt the American people to pay for this healthcare plan.  More people will lose jobs, prices will skyrocket, people will lose their homes, not afford gas to get to work, etc.  But hey...no worries...once you have lost everything you have after the government has made everything so expensive and taxed you to death......they will give you healthcare, food stamps, etc.  They literally want to squash the American dream, crush the middle class and make them low class, and make us all dependent on our government.

Why in the he!! can't our government first focus on getting us out of this mess.  If Obama is still in office after our economy recovers, then he can talk about healthcare for everyone.  It just isn't feasible right now without hurting the American people.  We cannot afford it!!!!  I'm so sick and tired of Obama and his administration doing nothing put pushing through their personal agenda with no regard as to how many people his agenda will hurt.  I am so furious with our government right now I could scream and I just cannot see why some of you still believe in Obama.  How blind can you friggin be???

My DH and I have always lived well within our means.  We are very responsible with our money and have excellent credit but if the government keeps doing what it is doing......even people like us will take the fall while our politicians and president....who preach about sacrifice.....will still be sitting around with a silver spoon in their mouth taking taxpayer money for whatever they wish and living a nice comfy life.  They make me sick!  Why aren't they giving up anything?  I don't see them sacrificing crap.  It is the American people who are sacrificing.....not them.

Stop the government spending and stop it now!!!!  Don't allow cap and trade!!!!! 

Sam, I think you are letting your views of
Obama and the media cloud things. I saw that interview and I do not think Couric was looking down her nose at her. I think it doesn't matter what anyone asks, if you are for McCain and Palin then you are going to see things going that way. I have seen some interviews with Biden and he has not come off looking great. I don't think Palin did a pathetic job either, I just think that whenever she gets asked a tough question, regardless of how she answers it the interviewer is going to painted in this all for Obama light. I think it is a no-win situation all around. Yes, the press needs to get tought with all of candidates. End of story. Will it happen, most likely not but it is what it is.

And, before you go accusing me for being all about Obama, I am not. I am a Republican who has no plans to cross party lines to vote, but believe that Palin better get out there and start answering questions, taking questions, doing press conferences, anything for God's sake but stand back. So yes, she needs to be asked whatever stupid question the interviewer gives her because for one, I want to hear what she has to say and two, I want to see how she handles herself. Maybe Biden is not getting asked the same questions becuase we alreay know where he stands. I have seen a number of interviews, sit-downs, etc, with him already.
Thank you for letting me have a tantrum - here it is
We are not confused about who we want to be having sex with. We know exactly who we want to be having sex with. "Sex is meant to be between a woman and a man"????? Who said so, your pastor or some other so called religious whack. You don't know who the majority are. The majority of people believes sex is meant to be between two people who love each other, and there are a lot of straight couples who believe there is nothing wrong with gay couples and we certainly are not confused. The fact is you don't know that more people think like you do (and I sure hope not). Here's a little news piece too.... there are still a lot of people who think the President should only be a white man but guess what. We actually have people who voted for a black man (1/2 black). I guess this makes them not "normal" in your eyes.

All I know is I'm glad there are a way ton more people who are not like you and this type of backwards thinking. "To love, honor, and cherish till death do us part" is for all human beings. No where in the wedding vows do I see it exclusively for only a man and women.

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses, to join ___________ and ___________ in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in the time of man's innocence, signifying to us the mystical union which is between Christ and His Church. Which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with His presence at the first miracle which He wrought in Cana of Galilee; and is commended of the Apostle Paul to be honorable among all men, and is therefore not to be entered into lightly or inadvisably, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of God.

Into which holy estate ___________ and ___________ come now to be joined and to unite two hearts and lives, blending all interest, sympathies, and hopes. I charge and entreat you, therefore, in entering upon and sustaining this hallowed union, to seek the favor and blessing of Him whose favor is life, whose blessing maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. Let us now seek His blessing.

Nope, no gender specific to that. Thank goodness not everyone has a warped viewpoint.

Better independent than letting others do the
I don't agree with her letting them live together......... sm
in her house either, but we don't know what the consequences might have been. Maybe Bristol and Levi had planned to run off together and Sarah just wanted to make sure that her daughter and grandchild had a safe place to live. We don't know, despite all the media coverage, what the intricate details of the situation are.

Personally, I hope I am never drawn and quartered for any decisions I make regarding my family like Sarah has been, and I hope no one else is either.
Yeah, I can totally see how this equates letting elderly die.....NOT! The Pubs are getting pathetic.
Obama is letting them drop charges against terrorists for this horrible sick crime???

What orifice did you pull this out of?

I'm sorry I'm not just going to stand by
and let you or any other unhinged liberal get away with stating the most stereotypical garbage I've ever heard.  You call us racist and intolerant.  Honey, you could teach the class on racism and stereotyping.
Nor a leg to stand on. nm
I cannot stand

Michelle Obama.  She just comes off to me as a bitter and arrogant woman.  Joe Biden are just ignorant sometimes.  He is a likeable guy and I like his smile but the words that come out of his mouth....I bet the dems cringe every time they see him start to talk. 

I would much rather see McCain and Palin in office.  I don't agree with everything they do, but for the most part....I stand along with them on issues. 

I cannot stand behind Obama and the things he stands for. 

Me too and I can't stand her. n/m
I will stand behind him, but we do not
know enough about him. Can only hope this is for the good.
Cannot stand her. She is always
picking her religion by flavor of the month.  She always picks her diets by whatever is flavor of the month.  She even had people on her show admit, day after O elected, that they only picked O because he is black.  Now she is trying to win the red colors of the south and turn them blue.  Whatever.  My sister is a flight attendant who had her on her AA flight and she was such a WITCH.  I heard Michelle Obama and Oprah cannot stand each other.
You are serious? I cannot stand the man. Used to
Yes, I do know where you stand...(sm)

and I agree with you about 90% of the time.  However, you are really targeting the wrong people here.  Take a look up above this post.  Here's what I see -- "Obama is a fool...big government...socialism..."  Obama has called for unity in this country, and I wholeheartedly agree that we should be united.  However, the republican leadership and right wing news media are doing nothing but striving for division, and most of the republicans on this board do nothing but echo that.  They obviously can't be reasoned with.  They posted I don't know how many times about how terrible the stimulus is, but when asked their opinion of what should be done we get no answer-- just some wise crack.  The other day one was saying that Obama is taking rights away.  When asked what rights specifically...again, no answer.  And how about that racist post about the aspirin on this board or the email that a pub official sent out with a watermellon patch in front of the whitehouse?  Calling people names?  --- How about Kool-Aid drinkers? 

If republicans want to have a conversation, I'm all for that, but so far only a few on this board are actually willing to do so.  Let's work on that for a while.  Go ahead...ask them what their ideas are about how to solve the economic crisis and see if you get a reasonable answer.  Ask them whether or not they would support a violent revolution as suggested by Hannity's website and whether or not they think it would help the country. 

This country is a mess right now and we desparately need to come together, but when you are dealing with people who would prefer to remain a divided country for the purposes of greed and affiliation, then this is the result.


A few journalists stand out
Lately we have a few reporters who are stepping up to the plate of real journalists from the past..Im impressed with David Gregory of MSNBC, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC also tells it like it is and then there is Terry Moran of ABC and, of course Helen Thomas.  They are asking questions and I just love watching Bush and his press secretary squirm, LOL.  Three more years of this?  Can the country survive three more years?
I stand by my opinion
by the way...I fell asleep during your sermon...
I stand corrected

You are right. I did apply a double standard to a point.  Everybody has a past.  We've all done things we're ashamed of.  My beef  was with how he made it all seem like a joke, but again you are right.

I apologize...

Stand corrected
No, I'm advocating blowing a dictator away who is genocidal and dangerous and has committed war crimes for which he is on trial for now, and the evidence is overwhelming. Big difference there.
You are so right. I stand corrected.

What you said and every other bad thing in the world.  Bad Bad BAD Democrats. 

Bush won't send any of his kids to die for his war.  Only other people's kids.  BTW, LoL at margarita bimbos.   

Speaking of margaritas, people convicted of felonies (such as DUI) aren't allowed to vote in the United States. 

But they're allowed to be political candidates and sometimes they become President and Vice President.  (Bush: Arrested for DUI and again for possession of cocaine.  Cheney:  Arrested twice for DUI).

The loophole is they probably weren't technically convicted.  They would have been if they were everyday normal people and not privileged and rich, but how ironic is that?  :-(

Ok, I stand corrected....
Thanks, however of small note (and this is only me) I don't consider the people on Good Morning America to be news people. Yes, I know they are reading the news. I used to watch it until it just seemed to be too much like The View or Regis & Kathy (okay you see how long its been since I've seen that show). I've just never heard anyone on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, or those main ones (or even our local news) tell her to get out. They were all for her to keep going. But I do stand corrected and thank you.
I stand accused of
You are so consumed with your attack politics you are completely incapable of answering any real issues on any level whatsoever. So here you are with you umpteenth millionth under the bus/lie lines...boring, ineffective, pathetic, self-serving. Biden's record speaks for itself for those who are listening. His "friendship" with McBush is not the least bit relevant to anyone except those on the Fox fringe. The only ones whose opinions really count here are which ones believe your propaganda and which ones don't and how many of them show up at the polls. Will be declining the answer the lies accusations. it's all in the perception, sweetie, and on that score, you and your ilk will lose and lose big in the whose leaders tell the biggest lies that have the worst consequences for all of us to pay contest. Since you cannot actually address any of the other well researched facts on the experience issues raised in the last post, there is nothing left to do here except leave you to stew in your own acidic attacks. I will stay loyal to my principles, my party, their policies, issues and leaders. They are our only hope this election season. Shocking as it may seem to you, democrats are proud to be democrats, liberals proud to be liberals. You have no idea just how many of us there are out here. Our voices have not been raised within your earshot (Fox News) under the "you're either with us or against us" mentality of your last great fearless leader. But we raise them now, loud and clear. We shall see in a few short weeks just which one of us in on the "right side of history" this time...that is, unless, of course, the republicans manage to steal yet one more election. NOT. Not this time. Don't bother with a response. Try to find something more intelligent to do with your time.
I stand corrected



You need to stand up and adjust....
and get your knickers out of that knot.
I can't stand Pelosi
but don't ya recall who's been in the White House for the past 8 years, well make that 20 of the last 28 years.  Obviously the Republican trickle down wealth hasn't worked so well.  And don't give me the Democrats for the past 2 years.  Obviously they haven't done anything either but for the previous 6 years, as I seem to recall Republicans had total control of the government and look where we are? 
Okay, I can't stand it anymore....
the answer is......Hitler.  His directive 51 was pretty much the same thing.
Yes that's me - and I still stand by my statement.
I just agreed that the site has been changed; however, if you compare the 2 sites they are virtually word for word until you have to add the part about the college credit (which I posted 4 links below that show that that has been part of the "requirement" all along and not a new idea). That is why I say that it was a mistake on somebody's part that was doing the typing.

I am telling you, when I am wrong, I am admitting I am wrong, and I will continue to admit I am wrong.

If Obama does something that is wrong, then in the next election, I will most definitely not support him again. I am, however, giving him the benefit of the doubt until he is actually in office and doing the job of the POTUS, and not condemning him on typos, rumors, innuendos, outright lies, hypothetical situations, fear and hatred...

I base my decisions on that person's actions, not the public's opinion.
Right and we don't have a union to stand up for us either. n/m
I never could stand Kissinger
I would expect he WOULD think Hillary was a good pick.  I most certainly DO NOT.  Yes..I am VERY angry.  I just don't know who to be the angriest at, the politicians who have sold us down the river or "we the people" who let them do it.
I stand behind our military too but
I sure as  heck am not going to stand behind a president who sends our young men  and women in harms way for his own personal gain and that of his oil cronies.  What happened to bin Laden?  Don't tell me that our military men and women couldn't take him out.  And how about McCain saying he knew how to get him.  How anyone who can support this administration and this war is beyond me. Isn't it "Mission Iraqi Freedom" now?  What about 9/11?  Who has paid for that?  And today Iraq has given us "permission" to stay for 3 more years?  Permission???  We have  no business meddling in their business to begin with.  Wasn't Bushes and Sadam friends before they became enemies???
Stand whereever you like........ sm
"His old colored picture" to me referred to the fact that the coins are painted in colors, nothing more and nothing less. Maybe I'm just not the racist that you are who sees racism in every comment.
So the M obviously does not stand for mature.
Try to show a little class, why don't you?
And then STAND IN LINE for your
You sound awful happy about old Barry. Another welfare millionare in the making, methinks.
what does MSLSD stand for?...nm
And I stand by my post as well.......don't like it, go
I stand by what I said....... they have no "rights"
And I stand by that quote.
If we sin and don't repent, we will die. End of story. Sin is the wrong choice. Some of the choices we have in our daily life are wrong. Some of us just don't realize it. I'm not cold. I've lost loved ones too. I think we all have. Some people love to put words in other's mouths or they just have a hard time comprehending the message. I see you are one of those. You have no idea what I've experienced.

Your words-- "Yes we are all going to die but that doesn't make it okay for someone else to move the date up because they don't like what we do." Or possibly don't like who we are-- as in fetuses.
Yes, I stand corrected
They just mentioned it on the news, but I didn't hear the justification for it. It seems counterintuitive to me to tax the shrinking number of employers who are providing insurance. I would think they would be providing tax credits if the goal is to get every American insured.
I knew there was a reason I can't stand him.

Cynthia McKinney's Last Stand sm
I really wish more had her guts. 
Yep...I stand corrected. He went into rehab after it....
he was addicted to prescription drugs. He was driving under that influence...not drinking. As you said, he is still in the House.
Stand down. If you respond, she will repeat herself
an over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
She's got what it takes to stand up to the boys....
I'm working, so I don't have time to read through today. So if this has been posted before, please forgive me.

But if I had any doubts before about Gov. Palin, I think I've just been put in my place!!!

McCain aides whose judgment I trust are impressed by Sarah Palin. One was particularly amused by this exchange: A nervous young McCain staffer took it upon himself to explain to Palin the facts of life in a national campaign, the intense scrutiny she’d be under from the media, the viciousness of the assault that she’d be facing, etc.:

Palin: “Thanks for the warning. By the way, do you know what they say the difference is between a hockey mom and a Pit Bull?”

McCain aide: “No, Governor.”

Palin: “A hockey mom wears lipstick.”
The Dems only stand up for dem women....
the rest of us, unfortunately, are fair game, especially in election season.
I stand by my position. Isn't that partly what
the VP is for. I am glad that McCain thinks he needs to be in DC, but let Palin take over for a few days.

Don't be ridiculous, of course the financial crisis is more important. But, why can't he do the debate 1 night. It is just 1 night. Let them debate the economy instead, I am sure Americans would love to hear what they have to say about it right now.
okay - I was wrong and I stand corrected. nm
Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen
I would like to see the Obama camp stand up for Joe's...
civil rights too.
I agree. I just cannot stand Rahmbo.

This was all on the O'Reilly Factor a few nights ago with DickMorris.  I wrote some things about what you wrote and posted it below, but got blasted for it.  Already knew about stimulus package, economy, etc.  I was glad to hear that the O wanted to try and fix American car companies as the 3 companies will not have any money left at the end of this quarter.  Will have to wait and see what Pelosi and other will do with these car companies.  Other than that, nothing new to my ears.  Same blah, blah, blah.