Posted By: Dee on 2008-08-09
In Reply to:
He may consider himself a "Maverick" and he may have "Love for Country" -- but his love is for men (military) and he has a disrespect for women as you will see in the following video clip -- but he will take votes from women (anything to win).
As you see John McCain allow someone to say this about Hillary (I not a fan) and not correct it or call the person on it -- and even laughs at it -- shows his true colors.
He called his wife a C___ in public, I hate to think what he calls her at home. His poor daughters are probably referred to "female dogs" on a daily basis.
LETS FACE IT: John McCain has "war on the brain" and you can tell by his actions that he truly feels that women have no place in the military. Sometimes I wonder if he is running for "President of the United States" or "President of the Military of the United States."
And yes, he is too old to lead -- just as someone would be too young to lead with the constitutional age qualification being 35. I guess when they wrote the constitution they didn't imagine that they would have to cap it at the top, that anyone past retirement age in their Mid 70's would think they were caple of running the country. Retirement age is 65 -- go enjoy your grandkids or something.
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It's MC CAIN, not McClain - DUH
applied for and accepted per diem travel money from Alaskan tax payers while staying in her own home. Over $16,000. Reformer . . . against wasteful govt spending . . . honest? you decide. oink.
Sp, the min-maverick
sought federal earmarks to study halibut and baby seals. (Maybe to determine best size of club to use?)
Oh she's a Maverick that's for sure. sm
She'll install a tanning bed in the gov. mans. at the expense of the people, but as mayor she was charging rape victims for their exams. Now there is a woman we should all look up to.
Maverick squared
John McCain is indeed adventurous; his selection of an untested running mate whom he had met only once attests to his willingness to take a gamble. Even at the cost of popularity in his party, McCain has often been a politician of stern principle. These are engaging qualities; and ones shared to some degree by Sarah Palin, the vice-presidential nominee. The pair were presented this week by some supporters as "maverick squared."
But these are the attributes not of an American president but of a defiant prisoner in a Hanoi prison camp; an unbowed dissident in the Soviet Union; or head of state in one of those countries with a presidency sufficiently powerless that it can be given as a lifetime achievement award to the keeper of a nation's conscience.
By contrast, the American presidency is an executive role. Decisions require deliberation; principle must be put to one side in the interest of a messy compromise; pride must be swallowed. My personal test is a hypothetical reenactment of the Cuban Missile Crisis. If McCain were president, could he really ignore the more belligerent rantings of America's enemies? Would he, like Jack Kennedy, have made the face-saving concession that helped the Soviet Union withdraw missiles from Cuba? If the phone rings at 3am in the White House, it's McCain the proud martyr I worry about rather than careful Barack Obama.
Watching the Maverick's
campaign fall down around his knees this week has been amusing. His VP selection has been judged as a political choice only by 79% of the nation. Her poll numbers have dropped 10 points. He thinks Spain is in this hemisphere. He was against the bailout of AIG and then 24 hours later for it. He now claims, after 24 years, that he is FOR regulation after innumerable remarks about being against it. The great joy that his supporters professed at Lady deRothchild's defection was erased when she made that redneck remark. It's over. He just looks like a desperate fool now.
mrs. maverick does not like mcain
Oh really? So the Maverick and the Rogue
When their poster boy cannot stand up to the glare of scruitiny, he is suddenly off limits? O camp is simply following the red camp lead, who insist that character counts....and crediblity, for that matter. You pick your issue, and I'll pick mine. He is a sham, a huckster turned hustler, self-serving, unable to stay on task, lurching around from one plan to another and a cheap many ways, much like the candidates who planted him in front of Obama in the first place. Socialist arguments are not at all viable when launched by witch hunting mobs who consistently demonstrate no understanding of the term and double standards when faced by academic challenges that apply the same socialist standards to their own candidates...standards that they themselves have defined repeatedly. Hypocrisy can be a strong turn-off for undecided voters trying to make up their minds. If you get to point that out every time you turn around, then hey, I'll take my turn every now and again. It's a free country, after all, isn't it?
mini-Maverick instructed by
judge prior to her election to quit harassing her sister's ex-husband and trying to get him fired by filing endless complaints against him with his boss. After she elected, and trooper had already been disciplined by his superiors, she insisted on going after him anyway. Rule of law . . . anybody?
mini-Maverick sought
federal earmarks to fund research on halibut and baby seals. (Maybe to determine correct size of club?)
But he's the MAVERICK that stands up to his own party - nm
My opinion only. If John McCain was truly a
and wanted to have a fool-proof ticket, he would have nominated Michael Bloomberg the mayor of New York City for VP, but that would not have cut it with the religious right, I think he would have brought the most votes switching from Democrat Independent and ensure him the presidency.
Plus - does the Republican party understand the meaning of MAVERICK?
Agree with you - what did they expect with her zero experience (in foreign policy) AND the fact that she's under investigation?
Re: maverick. There are subtle variations of this word like "eccentric" that could apply to just about anyone, but the central meaning is 'nonconformist'
When you look at someone who has VOTED WITH GEORGE BUSH 90% OF THE time, where do you see 'nonconformist'?
And this from a man who was hammered by Bush when they went toe to toe. Please sir can I have another?
I see REPACKAGED MATERIAL, not 'maverick.'
That said, I have TONS of respect for his POW experience - all the MORE reason for him to NEVER ALLOW AMERICA TO ENGAGE IN WARS BASED ON LIES!!!
What's nonconformist about his support for our current fake war?
He should under the banner of HYPOCRITE, not maverick.
Wait. I'm confused. I thought the Maverick and Rogue
It's not so much change "into" something else...more like change "away from" where we've been. Chicken Little prognostications are prejudicial and unfounded. Judging the last 8 years and 90%...not so much.
That's true - and Barack Obama is a true Patriot too.
Again we can agree to disagree. How John McCain has voted goes against everything I want as a President, but there are an equal number of people to me who feel opposite. That's the way it goes.
Your last comment brought to mind how true that is. Being a true patriot is not harmful in a candidate. John McCain is a patriot. So is Barack Obama.
Everything you said is true and can be
easily seen by just reading the board.
At least it can be seen by most of us.
But it IS true.
I saw a feature on it. They had videotapes of the recruiters coaching the kids on how to pass a urine drug screen. It is absolutely true.
I don't think that is true at all. sm
I think a lot of people are pretty sick of Cindy and her histrionics. I don't see it as political at all. A lot of people aren't going to sit by this time for another Vietnam where the antiwar crowd totally influenced the way the war was run.
Not true. sm
They are pro troops and pro Israel. You are definitely not reading that board right. Is it the guns that offend you? Or the war with Islamic radicals who all want us dead? I mean, what EXACTLY offends you the most?
LOL!!! Oh how true! nm
Not true
Re-upped? He joined the military because all his friends did. Read Cindy's description of how he got hoodwinked into going. Re-upped? No.
LOL. I like true...nm
When in doubt, blame Clinton.
the true me
Happy and peaceful but when I deal with rabid conservatives attacking me..I attack back..Happy and peaceful in my life and in my beliefs, you bet, totally..I can sleep well at night cause I know my ideology/politics help people, I help people..I am an extremely happy peaceful accepting person..However, when I get attacked, I can give as good as I get..I do have to say, the net does not show the true person, so I dont see the true you and you dont see the true me..I have met people who I have only known in the net and when we met, we became friends..So I would take with a grain of salt the impression you get of people over the net..we are much more..
So true sm
That clip would be hilarious if it were not so true. It is frightening how true it is.
It's true. SM
I remember Nan talking about it. It was way way back when some of us used to put our e-mails on line here.
This is SO true.nm
True that is.
Lesson good.
Even if that was true (and I don't believe it is), so what?
The one thing the radical right wing HATES is the fact that we have freedom of religion in this country. We are all free (so far, anyway) to believe in whatever religion we choose. It might be Christianity, or it might be something else. Why does it even concern YOU how many Democrats are Christian? It's simply none of your business, yet you want to jump to conclusions that may or may not be true and judge an entire group of people based upon religious beliefs, some of which might be different from yours.
This is my main problem with the radical Christian right. They don't seem to believe that other religions are just as good as theirs. They believe theirs is the best, and anyone who doesn't share their specific religious beliefs are judged to be inferior people. You want to force your narrow views on everyone, and surely you must know that just isn't going to happen in America.
However, if Americans don't wake up soon and if you manage to wreck America and turn it into a theocracy, I can and WILL move to Canada in a heartbeat to escape your religious bigotry. By the way, wasn't that the reason this country was formed to begin with -- to end religious persecution?
I can only wonder why YOU haven't been nominated for Supreme Court justice, since you seem to have the only qualification required by Bush.
Oh, that's right. You're obviously not one of his close personal *friends* who worships him like a god and licks his boots.
Why should she? It's true!
MT was responding to a CHALLENGE to people to put their *money where their mouth is* and if they think this war is so *noble,* then why don't they either enlist or sign up for civilian services over there.
No spin. They are her words. She didn't say *might* or *would* or *maybe.* She said she WILL.
You're the one who's doing the spinning.
I know it's not true.
Completely false and irresponsible.
Yes, well, that may be true.
And this board is intolerant and extremely violently angry.
Now this isn't true.
I am disappointed in you, PK. We had a pretty good conversation on here at one time. I actually thought there was some communication and I have enjoyed posting here. I never sidetracked anything or anyone. I was on topic. However, many of the questions I have asked her in response to allegations have never ever been answered. Why is that?
How true.
LOL! If I didn't know in advance that this paragraph was about Ann Coultergeist, I would have sworn you were describing the Conservative Board. 
I know. Everything you said is true.
I hope you have a great 4th, LVMT. 
Not true
but nice try. :)
So true.
But more and more Americans are waking up every day and seeing how they have been deceived by this administration. I doubt that any of the die-hards on these boards will ever change their minds and see what's in front of their noses, but the good news is they represent an increasing minority in the USA today. :-)
This is true, we should be able to
hear the debate, but I have a problem with Bush debating anything...he is so embarrassing whenever he embarrassing. We NEED a STATESMAN!!! and someone who has a command of the English language. Oh plleeeeze. (thud)
Not true...
It's rare that the baby is full term, but not all ectopic pregnancies fail.
Just thought I'd clear that up. :)
if what you say is true
Then by golly the Republicans surely have gone downhill a long, long, long ways recently. Especially if you judged them by the surly cruel posts made by the Republicans on this board!
Morally bankrupt Republicans with Annie Coulter at the helm!!!! He-he-he-he.. That ship is gonna sink!!
This is true.
But I have noticed that you always are civil. I think you are the only one on this board who keeps a level head, even when you come to the other board. Just an observation.
What you say is true,
but their president is cutting off his nose to spite his face. If we would just give him enough rope to hang himself I think he will take himself out. I understand he has become very unpopular, ignoring completely the platform he was elected on and the people are not happy. I believe he will be deposed one way or another and perhaps we will not have to invade yet a third country.
This is true, and here's why. sm
Or at least one reason why. When Rosie O'Donnell practically glorifies Sheik Mohammed on her show, not one voice from the liberals decrying this is heard. When the protesters marched and some of the signs were horrible, then burned a soldier in effigy, and in Arizona, dragged an American soldier effigy through the streets reminiscent of Somalia, not one voice from the Democrats is heard saying this is not right. I think the whole party has slid all the way down the slippery slope and over the edge.
That is just not true.
I don't know what you are reading or listening to but I know it is not me. I never gave a thought to global warming or abortion as being associated with VT. I was comparing the deaths of innocents. I don't hate Bush and he is NOT conservative. He is a BIG SPENDER for one thing and that is not a conservative trait. I am sorry that you believe that everything I say stems from a hatred for Bush. It doesn't. I believed as I do now for most of my life, a little tempered by age, but about as bleeding-heart without being dead as one can be. You know as well as I that many real conservatives in his own party, moderates on both sides have been concerned with the spending, the incompetence over and over because friends are put into positions that they are not qualified for and they have been voicing their concern for some time. It's not about Bush, it really really isn't. It is about (in the big long-term picture) a government out of control and a country spinning out of control right behind it and no one is doing anything about it.
That is not true....
the board is not heavily "censored" and liberals and conservatives were always allowed to cross-post as long as it did not get personal. Basically, could not stand the heat so left the kitchen?
This is SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon. this is a great article. Unfortunately it is not really funny. To me it is a sad commentary on the potential candidates and how we are seen through the eyes of the rest of the world. My hubby and I have been saying this all along. Your unknown writer just phrased it a lot more succinctly.
How true
I have not figured out why in America, some cannot drive a car at his age (obvious reasons), in the work force you would be retired (forced), and a whole slew of other things that happen at his age. Can someone explain to me why you can run for President no matter what age (over 75 that is). I would think this is probably one of the most important jobs in the country and they let old senile people run (and I'm sure the health problems he has are hidden from public view).
This is true, but...
...what about SUPREME COURT JUSTICES? It's a LIFETIME JOB. Right now, Kennedy is 71, Scalia is 72, Ginsburg is 75, and Stevens is 88!!!!
Presidents come and go (hopefully), but a Supreme Court Justice is forever! 
So true!
Wonderful post!
Even if that were true (NOT), they still had the