Sure starting to look like she wasn't fully vetted and chosen last minute as a token female...nm
Posted By: read that 2 on 2008-09-02
In Reply to: On CNN this morning, John McCain - oldtimer
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On the same
I could care less who GW Bush has an affair with, really.
If Bush got caught diddling with an intern in the White House would I be so understanding? YES - most definitely. And then lied about it. Again, why is there an investigation in the first place?? I don't want to turn on my TV and hear the details of my president's sex life that also is taking up days and months of congressional time and resources. If he comitted a crime yes, but otherwise no thanks. The whole investigation was to tar and feather Clinton, him lying under oath was icing on the cake (the aha -we got him now - moment).
I don't think I skirted the real issue. We just disagree on what the real issue is. I agree to disagree.
By the same token...
I have a friend who should be able to advance into a better position than she is in, but because she has a kidney disease that was diagnosed in the past few years, she cannot change jobs because she will not be able to get insurance anywhere else. Therefore, she is stuck in her job for as long as she is able to work.
Insurance companies are not going to go out of business or go bankrupt if they have to cover more people. They are getting rich only ensuring healthy people right now and nobody is complaining about that.
Believe me, he has been thorought vetted and has come out
Ever wonder who vetted Obama...
No. It was sexist of him to pick a token fm
She's a female Bush...
I've said it from the beginning after hearing her speak. What's worse than George Bush? A female George Bush.
Sumitting to exploitation to become a token pawn
You must hate women more than you do dems. Suggesting that intelligent, educated, well read women who identify with the Suffrage Movement (dates back to 1820s) and it evolution through the women movement/women's lib/feminism and the like are some kind of left-wing, media driven herd mentality shows about as much savvy as McCain showed when he made his pick, gleefully thinking the same thing, that Hillary supporters and other women are so much cattle who will follow any leader based on the commonality of our body parts. This is the biggest insult of all, not to mention crude and ignorant. What in the world does any of that have to do with empathy? To answer the original post, YOU BET. Insulted would be putting it mildly.
A.B. Culvahouse vetted her back in June...
She was vetted like all the others were. The investigators descending on Alaska right now are democrat investigators. Which is to be expected; that's politics.
I don't think she is going anywhere.
It takes a male and a female . . .
to make a baby, but that is not what I would consider a heterosexual relationship. That's conception. My definition of a relationship goes beyond a plastic cup and a turkey baster.
Is there a female gender for the word Messiah?
Garners Pope's Undying Gratitude" and suddenly equating a candidate with their Savior has become perfectly politically correct.
Who are these 2 nutjob female hosts on MSNBC?
Regarding the French autoworkers who held their boss hostage until he signed a contractual agreement with them concerning their job losses..... one hosts is so dumb she said can you believe any business would want to go to that country to do business knowing there are people there who hold their bosses hostage? Is she kidding or is she just plain ignorant? These are people who are completely fed up with socialism (GET IT DUMB LADY?...SOCIALISM...OBAMA STYLE). They are sick to death of it and that is why French government officials are saying the U.S. should not be going the way of the obama administration policies, that it is wrong and will lead this country to catastrophe! They know because their country has been a socialist country and IT JUST HASN'T WORKED!!!!
Many socialists countries are saying Obama is going down the wrong road, that he is ruining this country..... you would think that would be a wake up call but not for obama...... he's gonna save us from ourselves!! YEA, RIGHT!!!
She was vetted several months ago, back when she made his short list.
Even Geraldine Ferraro seemed happy about a female on the ticket!
She's a major democrat and still ticked at how HC was treated by her own party.
I fully understand that. However, when...
confronted about voting against it the first time, he said he would have voted for it if a bill ever came before him worded like the federal bill is now, which passed overwhelmingly. Well, it turns out, the NRL asked for the second bill that he also voted against and the wording is nearly identical, and is in fact identical in the areas he expressed concern about. So, he lied. He knew he had voted against it the second time with that very wording, he just hoped no one would check. All information about this has been removed from his website. The reason he did it is clear...anything that might remotely give creedence to overturning Roe vs. Wade he was willing to vote against...even if that meant children born alive being left to die. He has said, and there are videos on You Tube that support this, that there should be no restrictions.
So, even if he voted against the first bill for wording, he can't use the same excuse on the second. Which makes me believe he voted against both for the same reason and the only reason he lied was to appear more moderate and therefore more electable,and when caught in a lie is now doing...what did the other poster call it...keeping a low profile. You don't win the endorsement of the most radical left wing proabortion folks by being moderate. Look at the totality of his voting on the subject. It can't ALL be because of wording. That's all I'm saying. I don't know why people can't just be honest and say what they really believe and feel and let us elect them on their true merits. Yeah, I know, dream on.
Fully agree
It has been explained fully many times
in this post and you are obviously unwilling to accept anything we say.
I fully support our soldiers -
As I have said before, I have a son who just graduated basic training last week, I was a soldier's wife for 20 years (one who served in the Gulf War during our marriage and is currently in Iraq now), and my father served in the Korean war, but I still think that the Iraq war is pointless and we do not need to be there. I don't think we should ever have been there, but definitely should be home now.
Even the Iraqi people don't want us to get out and come home and let them handle their own country.
Hating the war does not mean hating the soldiers - it means wanting the ones that are left to be home and alive and in one piece!
Wrong!. One day he fully sticks up for them.
I fully agree with you - see message
Three months is definitely enough time for a mother to decide whether or not to have the baby. After that I say no way. After that time there is always a practice called adoption.
What I take offense to is someone who claims they know what God's intentions are, and then claims that someone who mows down a person in cold blood is a messenger of god and doing his work and this is what god wants, blah, blah, blah.
I think people should think before they write. When someone professes to know exactly what god wants (and considers killing someone in cold blood an act of god) then its time for some serious medication.
I say if you agree or don't agree that's one thing, but to get on and say "oh yeah, that's what god wanted" (for someone to be mowed down in front of family and friends).
Opinions like that just tend to irritate me a bit.
The next president will be chosen, but not by you sm
The people that take the time to vote will decide the election and you will not be one of them. It is not a predetermined thing. Take the few minutes that it takes and exercise your right to vote.
I would have agreed with if he had chosen...
Ridge or Lieberman.....but I think he'll do just fine with Gov. Palin.
he was voted in - she was chosen... nm
Do you really think that Obama would have
Biden for his vice president if they were not on the same page? Oops! I forgot that is what McCain did, a moderate maverick, against the religious right for all of his career.
If he had chosen Powell...
all we would be hearing is about how Powell went to the UN and "lied" about the "faulty intelligence" that took us into Iraq. Powell has said that no one lied and it was indeed faulty intelligence and he believed it too...and the same people who are here lauding Powell since he endorsed Obama probably are the same ones who said Bush lied men died. Opinions are based totally on what side of the political fence someone is presently standing on. LOL. Sigh.
Maybe so...but what if the chosen religion
Do you want the Koran read in schools? Do you want the Torah used to make government decisions?
Remember when you invite religion into politics, that not all religion is christianity. Be careful what you wish for.
This is why I don't think relgion has any place in politics.
What if the chosen religion is not your
Do you want the Koran read in schools? Do you want the Torah used to make government decisions?
Remember when you invite religion into politics, that not all religion is christianity. Be careful what you wish for.
This is why I don't think relgion has any place in politics.
For starters, he could have chosen more
reputable cabinet members to help him make decisions, such as his treasurer. A man who cannot even figure out how to run TurboTax and manage to pay his personal income taxes to go to China and tell them we are in great shape financially! This the country that is lending us all the money that we cannot repay and he is over there saying all is well!
This czar situation has gone out the roof. More than has ever been heard of! What, 15, 16 now? Why does he even need a cabinet? These czars are responsible to no one except O. How is this justifiable? Of course, I'm sure O reports from them to whoever bought him, be it Soros and his group or whoever has the $$.
The big car corporations and banks could have gone bankrupt or failed before billions of our $$ were poured into them. Our government is not intended to be bankers and car dealers, etc. As far as I know, O is the first president in history to fire a CEO of a major corporation in the private sector.
The O administration promised so many jobs to be saved and so many to be created with all this stimulus being spent. Where are they? New numbers show 9.4% unemployment, highest in 20+ years and Biden bragging from the White House today about the numbers looking better. Why, because they had predicted loosing 500,000 jobs in May and we only lost 350,000. I haven't figured out how to count saved jobs yet, and I don't believe O has either.
I cannot think of a lot of promises he made during his campaign that he has followed through with yet. And yes, he has to grow up any day now and accept responsibility for what he is doing and quit blaming GWB. He is still even blaming GWB over in Egypt this week in his big teleprompter speech. Yes, while H. Chavez says Oh, Fidel, Comrade Obama is going to be further left than you and me!
No, I have no answers what needs to be done. But, I can see what doesn't need to be done any more. Also, I believe he needs to seek advice from better sources than he is at present.
God's chosen people for what?.......nm
No, dear, I understand fully what reality is.
Reality is truth. I don't expect you to understand anything concerning the truth, though. People who see reality for what it is are simply just sick and tired of being lied to, whether it's by Dumbya or by those of your ilk. Thank God you don't represent the majority of Americans or we'd be in worse trouble than what we're in now.
Trying to communicate with you is impossible, so I choose not to participate in that endeavor any longer.
You have a nice evening now. 
There's a big difference between killing a fully developed,
is at that point only a bunch of tissue that will EVENTUALLY be a human being, but is not, and is a long way out from being one. The OP, by the way, was NOT talking about abortion rights, or the pro-life religious movement, etc. Why you people have to infuse this argument into everything is beyond me. The OP was talking about WOLVES. And the fact that SP was not against what appears to amount to aerial target-practice. Please take your pro-life sentiments to another thread (and preferably, another forum.)
So do the chosen one's choice in associates...
like flies to crap...would you really want a state trooper patroling who would use a taser on an 11 year old, threaten to kill his father in law and also drank in his patrol car?
If McCain had chosen Powell for
the race would be a LOT closer right now. Stupid choice John.
I can understand fully why you don't want to play the blame game...
considering where the blame falls. If those were all Republicans in the dam*ing video, would you be on this board saying stop the blame game? I think NOT. Where is accountability? You should be fighting mad about this...and demanding accountability from your party members who brought this down on us. I do not understand that. You want to hang Bush out to dry for every little wrong, and here we face the biggest financial crisis in decades, and the evidence is irrefutable Democrats on the hill are responsible..yet you give THEM a pass. WHY is that?
Not only do I have a thicker skin - I also have a FULLY DEVELOPED brain-what a concept!!
McCain wasn't desperate and wasn't behind in the polls
In fact, they have been neck and and neck, and McCain has been gaining in the polls while Obama has been slipping. McCain could have taken the easy way and kept the stable course and picked safer, sure. Instead, he picked a maverick leader like himself, who isn't afraid to get in there and make changes even if it goes against their own party. I believe he wanted to say that the Republicans are the party for change, and wanted to make a bold statement. I've seen statements at "other sites" as well where people are absolutely joyous at this pick.
Biden was chosen Obama's running mate
for the following reasons:
A. He's had his face in the public trough for half a century and so has lots of connections and many favors he can call in for his boss.
B. He has zero charisma and so cannot challenge Obama for the worship of the masses.
C. He is a complete dips**t, and so poses no intellectual threat to his boss either.
The guy is the perfect ''second banana''. And I love that during the primary campaign Biden kept insisting that Obama had insufficient experience to be president. Now Biden, with a straight face, has to work for the man. That must really chafe, but at least he caught the bouquet!
Just think about that for a minute...
Think what that would mean to Americans. Death penality if you do not follow one religion. Hands cut off for stealing. Stoned to death for adultery. Stoned to death or worse for homosexuality. No TV other than state TV. No western music. No abortions. No living together outside marriage. Girls killed by their own families for premarital sex. No divorce. Women in total subjection in a society totally dominated by males. Some of the practices and lifestyles this country has come to accept in the name freedom, whether good or bad, gone in a heartbeat. The scary thing is that a good part of this country will go on thinking that can't happen here...and unfortunately that may be the death knell of America as we know it. I shudder to think. All Christians no matter what denomination need to hit their knees and pray hard that that does not happen to our country, and we need to support our country's efforts in Iraq and support the men and women who are there trying to keep just this thing from happening. We are losing the will to fight, and in so doing are rolling onto our backs to expose our belly to the wolves. Sorry to be so graphic, but that is about what it amounts to. Some things ARE worth fighting for. God bless us all!
don't believe it for a minute
This man has changed his mind (that's a nice way of saying he lies) as much as Biden did in the debate last PM. Keep in mind that literally anything that is "gov't-sponsored" is actually YOU sponsored. You take home less money (less than you do now, that's for sure), you hand over even more control to "the gov't," etc.
If nothing else, look how everything "the gov't" does gets more screwed up every time "they" touch it. The bailout they just signed had thousands of pages added to it. That's the name of that tune. Hope this helps.
Incidentally, I don't give anyone a free pass. That's something I've never understood.
Let us for a minute consider this
in a different way.
Let us say that your son or daughter are in school. They are very good students. They do their homework, study, and get good grades. In fact, they get an A. However, another little girl or boy didn't do so well in class. Instead...they got a D. Now an A is above average and a D is below average as I'm sure all of you aware of. So the A student can afford to lose part of their grade right because they are above average. So let us say that we take a bit of the A grade to up the unfortunate child who received a D so that way they get a C. That would make the unfortunate child have an average grade. Now the child earning the A but having it taken away is very upset. They worked so hard for that A but because others felt she could afford to give up part of her A so another child could bring a below average grade up to an average grade would make the whole school a happy place because everyone would be average. No one would be below average. But the A student gets very down and stops trying because what is the point. The A they earned will be taken away any way. The D student continues to get below average grades big deal...teacher will just take it from an A student and I'll be average. No harm done except now the A student is getting lower grades because their hard work has been penalized and they have stopped trying.
If this were happening in our school systems each and every one of us would have an absolute fit but that is exactly what Barrack Obama is wanting to do to us. Instead he is doing it with our hard-earned money.
And I am just starting, and the Big O just
one more brainwash session. It's a good thing he is depending on the young folks for his votes!
Think about this for a minute s/m
Think anchor babies............they are natural born babies aren't they? You want to see a child of ILLEGAL ALIEN parents become president? That would be a fine example of our Constitution since it would give them every right to run for the presidency. Well, wake up, that is very likely to happen!
Let's look at this a minute
First, $60,000 per year is not exactly in the wealthy category but even in this day it is or should be enough to pay for the necessities with some money left over.
Do I pay for everything with cash? You betcha! We have done so for years while we scrimped and saved to pay off the mortgage, get the cars paid off, etc. Then that money instead of going into finer living went into savings. We still live frugally because we fully expect that we will have to help our kids who are not yet old enough to have followed our advice...I might add that of 4 only 1 (Joe the real life plumber) has the desire to follow in our footsteps. People these days want bigger houses, newer cars, more "stuff" to keep up with the Jones and have kept buying what they can't afford...when their credit runs out then what? Bankruptcy? Bush pretty well took that option off the table. I fully expect debtor's prison to be the next thing on the agenda.
Use your head. If the middle class does well everyone does well. Where's the middle class now? But the greed is still there and that includes greedy people as well as greedy big business.
As for the rebates.....I was NOT in favor of the rebates and said they would do no good........they didn't. Mine went into the mattress and I'd gladly give it back if it would help this economy. I imagine the majority of people threw money at the credit card bill collectors hoping to stave them off another day or so. So who benefited from that?
and I was just starting to like the guy
what with all his stories of cowboys and Mandela and movies and all that. He'll be hosting a show on Fox next, you watch.
I am really starting to think all you have to do to get
This is getting better every minute, MT. You claim to know who's AGAINST you when you can't
even figure out who's WITH you, as evidenced by the little hissy fit above between you and another CON!!!
Please keep posting. You're getting whackier with each post and revealing yourself for the nut case you truly are!!!
Plus, I'm intrigued by all the different voices in your head who surface at different times. I guess tonight TM is doing the talking, and TM seems to be even more rude and angry and hateful than you usually are.
Why so angry, MT? Roberts was confirmed today. Why aren't you happy? Or do you just have a terminal case of chronic bitterness, no matter what? Have you ever been nice to ANYONE?
PLEASE keep posting. You're quite entertaining, even if in a pathetic sort of way.
Starting a world war?
No, your President is doing that for you.
I thought most were starting to know better than this. sm
1000 lies later and you still believe the bull. McCain is Bush on steroids. No wonder everybody is calling Americans a bunch of sheep. All I can say is you will get what you deserve. The "free" will not be around much longer, and you will not have money either once the economy crashes,and it will.
hil's starting to look a lot like Huckabee
her best hope is to be Obama's VP at this point. I think with that ticket they would be unstoppable
wait a minute there
if you are wealthy and repub, drug addiction is an ILLNESS. If you are middle class or poor and perhaps a person of color, it is CRIME. Get your facts straight.
Not me for a minute!!! Foolish old man. nm
There's one born every minute.
You seem to have bought the Dem's propaganda hook, line and sinker. What a sucker.
There is none so blind as he who will not see.