Support H.R. 1207, bill introduced to audit the Fed. sm
Posted By: LVMT on 2009-04-01
In Reply to: So much for transparency. Treasury refuses to give bank bailout information. - HomeAlone
Contact your reps and ask them to support it. The bill now has 50 co-sponsors and growing.
Link to bill:
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Many Republicans support the bill, but
A professor on the Oprah show posed this question:
"Do you believe that the child of a gas station attendant and the child of an investment banker deserve the same healthcare?"
I hope all Americans believe that they do deserve the same access to healthcare and that we are willing to do what it takes to get affordable healthcare to our most helpless citizens. Many middle-class families struggle to pay health insurance premiums (sometimes over $1000 per month), and if the President doesn't veto this bill, it will be a beautiful day in American history!!! I'll be prayin & crossin my fingers! 
MSNBC just stated that the FEC is is going to audit (sm)
Barack Obama. Supposedly, he accepted donations from foreign nationals. Most of these donations were made over the internet and they are going to check into this.
FEC ordered O's compaign to provide more information about large sums of money coming into his campaign recently. Someone donated $11,000 to his campaign under the name of Good Will, and that he worked for YOU. Plus gave the address of Good Will Industries. When contacted, GWI stated they did not donate this money.
Another donation was supposedly by a liquor store in NY, but when contacted, they knew nothing about it.
Although they do not have to disclose small donations ($100-$250), Good Will donated the $11,000 in small increments thinking they would not be found out.
Could it be that the sh## is going to hit the fan soon...hopefully?
tsk tsk yourself....who introduced it?
read the post above mine.
"Joe the Plumber" legislation introduced...
Ohio has 2 representatives introducing legislation so that the leaks that took place about Joe's child-support, taxes, etc hopefully won't happen again. Although, w/ the rules concerning confidentiality, it shouldn't have happened to begin with. The head of Dept of Family & Human Services is on an unpaid month's suspension for this AND for using State computers to raise money for Obama's campaign.
Two state lawmakers today, Dec. 2, introduced legislation that’s supposed to prevent the kind of government snooping that dogged “Joe the Plumber” - Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher - during the presidential campaign The legislation, introduced by Rep. Shannon Jones, R-Springboro, and Sen. Mark Wagoner, R-Toledo, would direct state agencies to:
*Fire any unclassified employee who violates privacy rules by improperly accessing confidential personal information.
*Set criteria for determining which employees may access or authorize access to confidential, personal information.
*Allow any citizen to make a written request to an agency or identify all personal, confidential information on that person maintained by the agency.
“The systematic misuse of government databases and the governor’s woeful under reaction to state government workers engaging in this outrageous behavior makes this bill necessary,” Jones said in a press release.
Strickland suspended director Helen Jones-Kelley of the Ohio Job and Family Services Department for a month without pay for her role in the “Joe the Plumber” case. Four other employees also were disciplined.
Ohio Inspector Tom Charles concluded that Jones-Kelley improperly authorized the searches of databases with personal information on Wurzelbacher of suburban Toledo. He became a key figure in the Ohio presidential campaign after questioning Democrat Barack Obama’s tax plans.
Is Obama losing support or winning support?
John Clodfelter of Mechanicsville, Va., whose son was among the 17 sailors killed in the Cole bombing, said he arrived at the meeting with apprehension over the decision to close the prison. But after listening to the president and being assured that the terrorism suspects would not be released, Mr. Clodfelter said his opinion changed.
“I did not vote for the man,” Mr. Clodfelter said, “but the way he talks to you, you can’t help but believe in him. He left me with a very positive feeling that he’s going to get this done right.”
When Bill Clinton was in office, OHHH you better believe Bill and Carter have
their day of mudslinging matches, at the pleasure of a many conservatives. So, no there's not a double standard here.
Bill Maher Takes On Bill O'Reilly
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, political humorist Bill Maher (search), he has a new book out called "New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer." Of course, Mr. Maher is about as polite as I am and as timid as Dracula. He joins us now from Los Angeles.
You know, you've had some celebrities on your HBO show, "Real Time," which begins again on Friday, talking about policy and war on terror and stuff like that. I get the feeling they don't know very much, but you do. So I'd like to make Bill Maher, right now, the terror czar. Bill Maher, the terror czar. Could be a series.
How would you fight this War on Terror? How would you fight it?
BILL MAHER, HOST, HBO'S "REAL TIME": I think the first and most important thing is to get the politics out of the War on Terror. You know, maybe I'm a cockeyed optimist, Bill, maybe I'm naive, but I thought that 9/11 was such a jarring event that nobody would dare return to business as usual on that one subject after that.
But of course, we found out that nothing could be further from the truth. And your president, my president too, but the one you voted for...
O'REILLY: You don't know that. Were you looking over my shoulder there? I could have voted for Nader. I could have voted for Kerry, but Kerry wouldn't come on the program, so I wouldn't vote. But I could have gone for Ralph. Ralph's a friend of mine.
MAHER: Yes. Anyway, I said the guy you voted for, President Bush, you know, how come this guy, who was supposed to be such a kick-and-take- names kind of guy, how come he has not been able to get the politics out of this?
You know, as a guy who's been accused of treason, I'll tell you what real treason is: Treason is when legislators vote against homeland security measures because it goes against the wishes of their political or financial backers. Treason is the fact that, as a terrorist, you could still buy a gun in this country because the NRA (search) lobby is so strong.
O'REILLY: OK. But you're getting into the political, and I agree with you. I think that the country should be united in trying to seek out and kill terrorists, who would kill us.
But I'd like to have some concrete things that you, Bill Maher, the terror czar — and take this seriously, this could be a series — what would you do?
All right, so you've got bin Laden. You've got Al Qaeda (search). You've got a bunch of other lower-level terrorist groups. What do you do to neutralize them?
MAHER: OK. Well, first of all, you discounted my answer, which is get the politics out, but OK.
O'REILLY: Well, assume you can do that. They're gone.
MAHER: We'll let that go. Keep going. I wouldn't worry that much about bin Laden. I mean, capturing bin Laden at this point, it doesn't really matter whether he's dead or alive. He's already Tupac to the people who care about him and work for him. Capturing bin Laden, killing him would be like when Ray Kroc died, how much that affected McDonald's.
O'REILLY: It would be a morale booster. But I understand. You're not going to send...
MAHER: A morale booster, right. Well, we've had plenty of morale boosting. We've had plenty of window dressing. What we need is concrete action.
In the book I wrote before this one about terrorism, I suggested that we have a Secret Service for the people. I said whenever the president goes anywhere, he has very high-level, intelligent detectives who look around at a crowd. They know what they're looking for. They're highly paid. They're highly trained.
We don't have that in this country. We should have that. We should have a cadre of 10,000 highly trained people who would guard all public events, bus stations, train stations, airports — and stop with this nonsense that this robotic sort of window dressing...
O'REILLY: OK, so you would create a homeland security office that was basically a security firm for major targets and things like that. It's not a bad idea. Costs a lot of money. Costs a lot of money. It's not a bad idea.
MAHER: Costs a lot of money compared to what? If you paid 10,000 people a salary of $100,000 a year, that would, I think, cost $10 billion or something. That's nothing. There's that much pork in the transportation bill before you get...
O'REILLY: Yes, 10,000 wouldn't do it, but I get your drift.
MAHER: Whatever it costs.
O’REILLY: You would create a super-security apparatus. OK, that's not bad. That's not bad. How about overseas now?
MAHER: What we need to do is what I call get Israeli about this. Because the Israelis are not afraid of profiling. The Israelis are not afraid to bury politics in the greater cause of protecting their nation. We don't act that way. You know, I'm afraid 9/11 really changed nothing.
O'REILLY: Boy, your ACLU (search) pals aren't going to like that. You're going to lose your membership card there.
MAHER: I'm not a member of the ACLU.
O'REILLY: Oh, sure you are, just like I voted for Bush. You're a member of the ACLU. I can see the card right in your pocket there.
MAHER: Bill, I'm not a joiner. I'm not a joiner. I don't like organizations.
O'REILLY: They won't have you, Maher, let's be honest about that. All right, now, in your book, which is very amusing, by the way — if you want a few laughs buy Maher's book.
MAHER: Thank you.
O'REILLY: You take some shots at FOX News, which is your wont, and I just want to know why you think we're so fabulously successful here.
MAHER: Well, I think that question has been answered many times. It's because the conservative viewer in this country, or on radio the conservative listener, is very predictable. They like to hear what they like to hear. They like to hear it over and over again.
O'REILLY: All the surveys show that the viewers are all over the map. They're not conservative in a big bloc. Some of them are moderate. Some of them are Democrats. Some of them are Moroccans. I mean, they're everywhere. That's your analysis? That just the conservatives watch us?
MAHER: Well, I think mostly the conservatives do watch you. That's not to take anything away from what you guys have achieved over there. It's a very well-produced broadcast, and they have excellent personalities like yourself, Bill. Who could resist watching you when you get home from work at night?
O'REILLY: Whoopi Goldberg, maybe? I don't know.
O'REILLY: Anyone who doesn't watch here is misguided. We identify them as such.
But look, I think there's more to it than — you're in TV. You know the ratings game. I mean, if you don't provide a product that is satisfying people, no matter what your ideology, they tell you to take a hike.
There's a guy over at MSNBC. He's a very conservative guy. He was hired and nobody's watching him. They hire liberals. Nobody watches them. Air America (search). Nobody's listening to it.
I mean, there's got to be a reason why we're No. 1, a punch line for you, and No. 2, you know, becoming the most powerful news network in the world.
MAHER: Well, I think, as I say, it's a well-produced product. You know, your program moves along, always at a clip that never seems to bore. You know, you move along to the next topic, the next guest. It never sort of drags. I don't think a lot of people know how to produce that stuff that way.
O'REILLY: All right. It's bells and whistles and my charming personality. That's what I thought it was.
Last thing: You know, one thing I like about Maher is he's not a hypocrite. He drives a little hybrid vehicle. Right? You putter around there. Does it have training wheels? What's it like?
MAHER: Actually, I had the Prius hybrid for three years. I was one of the first ones to get it right after 9/11. And I traded it in a few months ago for the Lexus hybrid.
O'REILLY: I think we should all cut back on our energy consumption, and I think we should all get these hybrids as fast as we can.
Hey, Bill, always nice to see you. Thanks very much. Good luck with the season on the TV show.
MAHER: Continued success there, Mr. No. 1.
O'REILLY: All right. Thank you.
Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET and listen to the "Radio Factor!"
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Bill Clinton and his ties to India (yes, Bill),...
and China (yes, Bill) sent a lot of our jobs their way. Google it some time. Even I was amazed.
Look, it is simple economics. The big bad corporations everyone hates...first of all, it is not 5 or 6 rich guys and that's it. They employee thousands of people just like us...and when the government puts those huge taxes on them, if they want to stay in business, they are forced to move offshore. Higher taxes are responsible for more jobs going overseas than "greed." The DNC has told its members for years that "corporations" and "the rich" are the cause of all their problems and they have bought that Marxist rhetoric hook, line, and sinker. Corporations are not the cause of ill in this country. They are the backbone of the economy in this country. That is simple economics 101. And I am certainly not rich...and I certainly am not on the upper echelon of a corporation, but I do understand reality and I understand how the economy works. Yes, there is wrongdoing by some upper level folks in corporations. There is wrongdoing in the government. Where there is power, there will be wrongdoing. But for every Enron there are thousands of other good, solid companies that employ thousands of Americans, but the DNC does not share the success stories, because it does not promote their agenda. In order to control people they want them beholden to government and hating free enterprise. They want big government, total power, and control. And following Alinksy's have to instill class warfare. You have to make corporations the enemy. You have to make classes envy the next rung up. Classic Marxist socialism. It is being played out in this country every day.
It is just that some of us have not bought the myth and jumped on the socialism train.
Did you read the bill? It was a regulatory reform bill...
asking them to regulate, not de-regulate. But Democrats blocked wonder. Fannie was greasing a lot of Democratic palms...and Frederick Raines, the Dem CEO at the time...was in the Clinton administration. They were taking care of their own...and we are paying for it.
if abe is on the $5 bill & george is on the $1 bill, what is Obama on?
O's votes support his claims. JM's votes support Bush.
Believe what you like. Voting records tell the tale. Could use a few more details on that budget. Just what programs will he slash and and how many tax dollars will be directed away from middle class and in the direction of the rich? How much longer can the infrastructure afford to crumble?
JM adopted O's withdrawal plan when he saw how well it went over with the public in an election year. He flipped on the war once. What's to stop him from flipping again once elected? The nation is war weary. Some prefer a surge in diplomacy, not military answers to diplomatic failures. Ask the Iraqis who have lost more than 100,000 among them how sucessful the war has been. Obama has always understood that the OBL/Taliban live in Afganistan, not Iraq. JM, a little slow on the draw there.
I see nothing in JMs platform that backs his claims about transparency. I see specific plan on the O side under technology initiatives, continued initiatives which originated under Clinton and were reversed during the undercover Bush administration. Pork barrel spending for pubs means something different than it does to dems. Slash the poor to give to the rich? Hard seel in the current economic frefall. Also find nothing in JM's plan to address runaway contract corruption in Iraq. Having Halliburton and companies there props up those struggling American corporations. Show me the plan.
Antiglobal/antidiplomacy. No surprise there. This is about the futureworld, not American imperial delusions of grandeur. So much data on the drilling scam being an immediate relief for gas problems out there it is not worth addressing. Can you say T-Bone Pickens, i.e., we can't drill our way out of this one. He should know. Been an oil man all his life.
Since these are just a few, what else do you have up your sleeve?
And who would u support?
Is this Tara again?
I don't support HRC but......she has won the
That means, for the people that actually turn out to vote, she has gotten their votes, which is what a democracy is all about. Delegates are not constitutional in the first place....they were illegally put in place to supposedly keep one state from taking over the voting process; however, super delegates are completely illegal and have absolute conflict of interest.
So, Obama has NOT won the popular vote.....HRC has. I don't care for either of them, but looking at Obama's bedfellows, it's quite clear where his thoughts really lie and I certainly don't want anyone like that running my country. We are taxed enough without representation of those taxes and he has made it quite clear, all he wants to do is RAISE taxes and GIVE TO THE POOR. Pleeeeeze, we have so many social programs in my county alone, it's pathetic. THe ones geared towards children are not working, Headstart is just a babysitter for a bunch of teenage moms (in my city) who sit all day, DO NOT work, and are so lazy, they can't even get off their butts and walk their 3 year old out the Headstart bus that picks their children up curbside. Stand at the door in their PJ's, kids aren't even dressed when the bus comes, and the lady has to get off the bus and stand hollering for them to come on NOW. It's sickening to watch. And, Obama wants more of that? How about calling it what it is.......children who aren't learning in school are not learning because they go home to sloppy lazy parents, some no parents at all, living with whoever they're push off on, and homework is the last thing considered important. The only meal most get is at HeadStart OR free lunches at school. Until Obama wants to call it what it is and stop blaming the education system, then he's no better than any other candidate who just likes to point fingers instead of getting a backbone and say what the problem really is......NO parents, drunk parents, doped up parents.....the list goes on and on......
They support NRA
so you can hunt and so you can defend yourself if someone tries to hurt you. It is called self defense. Killing an innocent child isn't self is called murder and it is also selfish. I just don't understand why some of you people would rather save a rapists and murders life and you don't believe in the death penalty for criminals but you have no problem ending the life of an innocent child who has done nothing wrong and has no choice in the matter.
I support what we need to do -
I do not say I am against war in general - I am against a war that should never have been! I do not want to send my son to die based on lies and deceit.
And yes we have schools in this country - but they are all underfunded and could use a lot of that money we are putting into building Iraqi schools...
We have programs to feed our hungry - but not enough to cover all the hungry or needy!
I just do not think we should be putting our resources into other countries when our country is so in need. Not only our financial resources, but our human resources (our soldiers).
What does that mean.......if we all support?
It is not the job of my country to support or supply contraceptives to anyone outside this country. If those countries want to stop their pregnancies, they will have to figure that out for themselves, not with my dollars.
Maybe start by sterilization? Not our job to "support" any country monetarily to take care of their population of obviously unwanted births. Yes, I will verbally support they stop the reason for the pregnancies in the first place, but I do not agree to my having to pay for it.
That's their problem!
We should support him? Not if we do not like
That is like saying Hail to Hitler because WE HAVE TOO, even though we all know how he turned out. I am not saying O is like that, but gee whiz, I WILL NOT SUPPORT HIM OR GOVERNMENT if I do not like what they are doing and so far, I DO NOT. In fact, give my money back from the last bailout and I REFUSE FOR MY MONEY GOING TO NEW FURNITURE IN AN OFFICE, MONEY FOR PRODUCERS TO MAKE MOVIES THAT SOME FRANKLY SUCK AND SO ON.
Sorry, just irritated with our government who frankly SUCK AT THEIR JOB!
I don't have to support anything I don't believe in...
and I believe we got shanghied into another Vietnam. Sadam Hussein was a vicious dictator, but he kept the lid on that boiling pot. Who supplied him with arms and training in the first place? I have family who served in desert storm and were recycled through this cluster and I still don't support it. Army suicides are at an all-time high, why? Because they believe in what they are doing? It's a crushing shame how our troops have been treated. And that's all I have to say about that.
You don't have to support anything you don't believe in....
We already have to protect ourselves - my uncle's house was broken into the other day, someone else in the community was broken into and their pet dog was stomped to death. I saw on the news a group of 4 armed men attempting to break into a home and the homeowner saw them and had fast access to a weapon and a firefight broke out. You haven't seen nuthin' yet. Wait till the food pantries empty out.........everybody better be armed and dangerous and don't ever fool yourself into believing our country isn't already occupied by terrorists - because it is. I will fight to the death (already have cancer, might as well go out with style instead of in a diaper).
Again with no pub support....(sm)
If this thing works, those pubs need to start grabbing thier ankles.
Right now I don't support any
politicans because they all suck, IMO. I did not vote for Obama and I don't support him or our congress. I don't like him giving Nancy Pelosi free reign to right spending bills. I don't like Obama turning healthcare reform over to congress to write. I just do not see things out of Obama that makes me feel positive about the direction our country is heading.
I don't support all the policies
coming from this administration. Do I think Bush is a good president, yes! Do I think he's great? No, because, personally, he's not been conservative enough for me. To me, Ronald Reagan was great. He was tough, but he still made people like him. Bush not been tough enough on some issues.....however, that's never here or there. I have always freely said that I don't agree with everything coming from the Republican party. I'm a conservative first, Republican second, but as the days go on I am becoming more and more a Libertarian. I will still vote Republican, because I think that's where my vote has the most value, but if the Libertarian movement becomes more of a contender, believe me, I'm going to catch that wave.
I said all that to say this.....I never generalized when it came to Democrats when it came to Clinton in office, because, being from the South where there are still a lot of old Southern Democrats (and, gasp, I was one for several years believe it or not...) I knew all Democrats did not stand behind some of the Clinton policies. There were some Clinton policies I did like, although as a presidential role model he drug the office of president through the mud.....
To me it seems that liberals are all or nothing in hating Bush, but if there are some liberals out that who like Bush speak up and prove that generalization wrong 
Support for Sheehan
Please call (214) 764.6668 and leave your message for Cindy Sheehan. We'll deliver them to Cindy in Crawford and give them to Cindy on CD later. We will also broadcast your message on, so don't say anything that you don't want to hear on the radio!
Also, sign the petition of support for Cindy. We helped get her on Good Morning America but we want to help her get on more TV shows. Sign here: -
support of Kyoto
The European Union and Canada have signed. There are northeastern states that have created an initiative which would cap emissions and put pressure on the federal govt to support Kyoto. New York is one of them, Maine is another. There are also cities and other states that support Kyoto. Los Angeles is one of them, so is Utah, Texas, Seattle. I think altogether there is about 160 cities and states supporting the Kyoto protocol.
Can you provide support for this
All the research I have seen says that ectopic pregnancies cannot survive, that an embryo must be in the uterus to thrive. I would love to see some support/back up of this if you have any (I am honestly curious, not trying to be difficult!)
I didn't think I could support him more!
But after watching him take the bunch of rotten lemons he was tossed and seeing him transform them into delicious, healthy lemonade, he even surprised me! 
Show our support
A friend sent this to me........ but like she said, please don't do this! It's just all in good fun....
Show Your Support
It's time that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike.
If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support Obama or Hillary, please drive with your headlights off at night.
I Support Obama
I'm for Obama in my words and deeds. I'm 58 years old and this is the first time that I've actively participated in a campaign. I always vote in presidential elections, but in the past it has been for the most part a perfunctory action. This campaign though, I feel that I'm an important cog in the wheel that can turn our nation in a better, more fair, more uplifting direction. This is the first time I have ever donated my hard earned money to a campaign. I have been sending $25 a month to the Obama campaign since January. It's not much, but I find it empowering to know that by combining my little bit with thousands of other like-minded individuals' "little bits" to support a candidate who cares about those of us who are not rich and priviledged, we might be able to get our concerns addressed in the halls of power.
Yes, I know that the president does not run this country by himself, but I am hopeful that an intelligent man of integrity such as Senator Obama will be able to figure out how to persuade those in power to work with him in our interest.
I have read both of Senator Obama's books and I am convinced of his honesty, integrity and intelligence. I have read the information available on his website I am especially impressed with his common sense ideas about simplifying and making our income tax system more equitable.
Also, his ideas for making insurance coverage affordable for all Americans makes a lot of sense to me.
I am convinced that the only voters who do not support Obama must be the ones who have not taken the time to get to know this amazing man.
Not hardly. I am glad for her support....
but unlike the rest of you, I do not post to support myself. I do have the courage of my convictions and all the bullying and badmouthing you all throw my way only makes me more determined. So pile it on, bullies, pile it on. apparently that is what you need to feel empowered and relevant. Go ahead, knock your socks off. If you are raggin on me you are letting someone else rest.
only 24% of us support the bailout
Yesterday it was reported only 24% of Americans support the bailout, 56% are opposed so 20% have no opinion. Senators' and reps' offices were flooded with calls and emails all day asking that the bailout be opposed. And I was one of those. Everyone should be contacting their own reps to express their opinions. That's they only way they will know what the people want.
Show our support
Show your support. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. So: To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike and let our candidates know we are behind them.
So, until the election, if you support the policies and character of Barack Obama, please drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support John McCain, please drive with your headlights off at night.
Thank you for your participation in this patriotic endeavor! Let's let our candidates know we are behind them.
Can you support this with some facts or is this your take on it?
From what I read if it did not pass there would not be credit to buy ANYTHING, and if small businesses' credit lines dry up, even more job losses. Is there something that leads you to believe that would not happen if the bill was not passed? I don't want to fight, just want to get the facts.
Encouragement and support???.
that sounds nice and comfy, but you sure can't deposit that in the bank.
You are right I did not know but I am not apologizing....I am saying we should not support him (sm)
That is amazing that in this country we do not even realize that there were so many Irish slaves. But I did know that slavery has gone on practically forever and has involved all races. You missed my entire point. My point was that we do NOT deserve to be punished now for what people did in the past and that it is unfair for others to be prejudiced against anyone of any race, including Obama and his church being prejudiced against whites.
How can they support the child
if the child is aborted? Quite a few women get pregnant and have abortions without even saying anything to the father...
Keeping pants zipped goes both ways...
I used to support Obama
Then the light popped on...duh, duh! I don't know who all these people are that do all these polls on the news every day, but I've never taken one of them. Neither have all of my sisters, my mother, my entire family! We're all MCCAIN SUPPORTERS! There are those of us out here who haven't been accounted for, so don't be so quick to give Obama his win. MCCAIN IS A PATRIOT! He is a true the core! He will defend this country and stand up for it. Obama's making candy promises to lure in his voters. You're all in for a bit let-down if he does win. All my prayers are going out to Senator McCain these last few days. God's word - "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." KEEP PRAYING FOR MCCCAIN!
Do you know why other countries support O?
Why is it just because we don't support Obama
we are all of a sudden pubs?
I guess I was a little misleading in my "we" statements. Sorry.
But on another note, I don't consider myself a pub. I guess I would be independent. Heck this was the first year I could even vote in a presidential election. I really didn't care much for Bush. I actually liked Clinton a little (until Monica). I think Hillary only stayed with Bill for the sake of running for president.
If a central, Christian, black woman ran from the democrats who didn't just pander to what the lefts want, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat! I don't care that he's black, white, or polka dotted! He is to liberal, and I think his agenda is to further what DEMOCRATS want, not what AMERICANS want. When he shows me he can reach across the aisle and start working with ALL sides, then I will start to trust him.
So far, not good.
We have four years to right the wrongs in our party. He has about two months to build a team of advisors. I suggest he chooses very wisely if he hopes to garner the support of us "bible thumping conservatives".
And I pray to God that he rethinks the FOCA. I know abortion won't be abolished completely, but it should at least be up to the individual state!
Well, I did't support McCain either but
running around in Harlem saying how happy they were with Obama's pick of Palin as his VP was any indication of where Obama is on the food chain, God help him. That food chain must have started below ground level to begin with.
Since when do politicians support
a group or say they do and then turn around and crap on that group or break promises they made to that group. I think that kind of goes hand in hand with politics. LOL!
Honestly, do you really think Barrack Obama is crapping on the homosexual community because he asked Rick Warren to do this? It isn't changing any laws. To me it looks like a liberal reaching his hand across the aisle to a conservative. To me this shows that even though they may not have the exact same opinions, they can still do something together. Isn't that what we are all about. Reaching across the aisle to show that even though we don't agree, we can still work together. Yet all people can see is this being a bashing session against gay people.
I don't agree with homosexuality. However, if they want some kind of legal union.....whatever. That is about as equal rights as I am going to lean for the gay community. I have gay friends who have no problem leaving the definition of marriage between a man and long as they can be joined together legally...that is all that matters to them. I just feel that the ones who are trying to redefine marriage is dead wrong. Leave marriage between a man and woman and give homosexuals some sort of legal union.
This changing every tradition to accommodate every single minority group is what, in my opinion, is hurting our country. All these minority groups want equal rights but in doing that.....they take away from the majority. How much more should the majority have to sacrifice?
I would say MAINTAINING support.
You have my support, Human........
Sh*t happens, whether we like it or not. I'm in the same boat you are. We still have 2 houses, still making the mortgage payments but our ability to do that for how long is in question......fortunately, we didn't buy what we couldn't afford and my kids pay the mortgage on the 2nd house. I don't know what is going to happen to me because we have no healthcare coverage right now (waiting for income tax return to pay COBRA) and my cancer has not been treated since October.......I guess we will see what happens...good luck to you!
I would love to support O but he
believes anyone making over $250K is rich and he is trying to hurt the very people who make this country work.
I'm not bashing him, but I think he is totally wrong in what he is doing. Trickle down does work in a way, but trickle up will never work. Those that have spend more than those that don't.
What he should focus on is those companies that moved oversears to save their profits but then, again, you have the problem of NAFTA and tax loopholes , not the American companies who are trying to survive in a global economy while staying in the U.S.
Obama is focusing on the poor, not the people who make this country work. That is the reason he won the election and those who are on the bottom of the ladder (the poor, welfare recpients, etc.) could not and do not, understand how the country works or what government is all about, and voted for him because he was going to cure all their problems.
Hey, I need a car, but do I rely on government to give me that car? No. I try to figure out how to get one myself. Why can't the rest of the country do that? BECAUSE they think the government should solve our problems. That's not the way it should work. We have to do it ourselves and only rely on the government when necessary, which includes losing our job for a few months, but bouy us for those few months until we find another one, etc. Understand what I'm saying?
Okay....I don't have to like him or support him, but he IS MY President....
sorry, but that is a goofy statement. I do love and support my country, and you are right, I don't like him, I don't trust him, I don't like where he is taking my country, I did not vote for him, and he is not MY President. If he is YOUR President...great. Not mine, so long as this remains a FREE country, but with him at the reins, who knows???
I never said I didn't support the troops!
You took what I said way out of context. I support the troops, I just want to know when it will be over. I want to know when our government will start to pay attention to OUR country instead of going around trying to fix everyone ELSE'S problems. I have a brother in the Iraq. I never said I didn't support them. Unfortunately for them, they don't have a say in what they are having to do.
Scary that you would support either of those candidates.
Out of curiousity...which candidate do you support for the...
Add a support the troops magnet
to your car and you have my vote! Oops, aren't they made in China?
I will support whatever the moderator decides.
I only ask that the moderator review the politics forum and make an objective decision based on the findings. It is my personal opinion that the forum has spun way out of control due to one poster in particular, making it impossible for others to participate.
McCain does not support our troops
Since everyone is at least a bit familiar with John McCain’s record when it comes to strolling through a market in Baghdad with hundreds of his closest guards, or how he wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years (except when he flip flops on that).
But not that many really, truly know just how horrific his voting record is when it comes to the troops. And it is pretty consistent – whether it is for armor and equipment, for veteran’s health care, for adequate troop rest or anything that actually, you know, supports our troops.
This is chock full of links to the roll call votes, and the roll call votes have links to the actual underlying bills and amendments. I present this so that there is support and things that can be rattled off when saying that McCain is not a friend of the military. Feel free to use it as you want, but this can be tied into the "Double Talk Express". But here is a very quick statement - John McCain skipped close to a dozen votes on Iraq, and on at least another 10 occasions, he voted against arming and equipping the troops, providing adequate rest for the troops between deployments and for health care or other benefits for veterans.
In mid 2007, Senator Reid noted that McCain missed 10 of the past 14 votes on Iraq. However, here is a summary of a dozen votes (two that he missed and ten that he voted against) with respect to Iraq, funding for veterans or for troops, including equipment and armor. I have also included other snippets related to the time period when the vote occurred.
September 2007: McCain voted against the Webb amendment calling for adequate troop rest between deployments. At the time, nearly 65% of people polled in a CNN poll indicted that "things are going either moderately badly or very badly in Iraq.
July 2007: McCain voted against a plan to drawdown troop levels in Iraq. At the time, an ABC poll found that 63% thought the invasion was not worth it, and a CBS News poll found that 72% of respondents wanted troops out within 2 years.
March 2007: McCain was too busy to vote on a bill that would require the start of a drawdown in troop levels within 120 days with a goal of withdrawing nearly all combat troops within one year. Around this time, an NBC News poll found that 55% of respondents indicated that the US goal of achieving victory in Iraq is not possible. This number has not moved significantly since then.
February 2007: For such a strong supporter of the escalation, McCain didn’t even bother to show up and vote against a resolution condemning it. However, at the time a CNN poll found that only 16% of respondents wanted to send more troops to Iraq (that number has since declined to around 10%), while 60% said that some or all should be withdrawn. This number has since gone up to around 70%.
June 2006: McCain voted against a resolution that Bush start withdrawing troops but with no timeline to do so.
May 2006: McCain voted against an amendment that would provide $20 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for health care facilities.
April 2006: McCain was one of only 13 Senators to vote against $430,000,000 for the Department of Veteran Affairs for Medical Services for outpatient care and treatment for veterans.
March 2006: McCain voted against increasing Veterans medical services funding by $1.5 billion in FY 2007 to be paid for by closing corporate tax loopholes.
March 2004: McCain once again voted for abusive tax loopholes over veterans when he voted against creating a reserve fund to allow for an increase in Veterans' medical care by $1.8 billion by eliminating abusive tax loopholes. Jeez, McCain really loves those tax loopholes for corporations, since he voted for them over our veterans' needs.
October 2003: McCain voted to table an amendment by Senator Dodd that called for an additional $322,000,000 for safety equipment for United States forces in Iraq and to reduce the amount provided for reconstruction in Iraq by $322,000,000.
April 2003: McCain urged other Senate members to table a vote (which never passed) to provide more than $1 billion for National Guard and Reserve equipment in Iraq related to a shortage of helmets, tents, bullet-proof inserts, and tactical vests.
August 2001: McCain voted against increasing the amount available for medical care for veterans by $650,000,000. To his credit, he also voted against the 2001 Bush tax cuts, which he now supports making permanent, despite the dire financial condition this country is in, and despite the fact that he indicated in 2001 that these tax cuts unfairly benefited the very wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
So there it is. John McCain is yet another republican former military veteran who likes to talk a big game when it comes to having the support of the military. Yet, time and time again, he has gone out of his way to vote against the needs of those who are serving in our military. If he can’t even see his way to actually doing what the troops want, or what the veterans need, and he doesn’t have the support of veterans, then how can he be a credible commander in chief?
McCain does not support our troops
by Phillip Butler, PhD
People often ask if I was a Prisoner of War with John McCain. My answer is always “No, John McCain was a POW with me.” The reason is I was there for 8 years and John got there 2 ½ years later, so he was a POW for 5 ½ years. And we have our own seniority system, based on time as a POW.
John’s treatment as a POW:
1) Was he tortured for 5 years? No. He was subjected to torture and maltreatment during his first 2 years, from September of 1967 to September of 1969. After September 1969, the Vietnamese stopped the torture and gave us increased food and rudimentary health care. Several hundred of us were captured much earlier. I got there April 20, 1965, so my bad treatment period lasted 4 1/2 years. President Ho Chi Minh died on September 9, 1969, and the new regime that replaced him and his policies was more pragmatic. They realized we were worth a lot as bargaining chips if we were alive. And they were right because eventually Americans gave up on the war and agreed to trade our POWs for their country. A dam good trade in my opinion! But my point here is that John allows the media to make him out to be THE hero POW, which he knows is absolutely not true, to further his political goals.
2) John was badly injured when he was shot down. Both arms were broken and he had other wounds from his ejection. Unfortunately, this was often the case; new POW’s arriving with broken bones and serious combat injuries. Many died from their wounds. Medical care was nonexistent to rudimentary. Relief from pain was almost never given and often the wounds were used as an available way to torture the POW. Because John’s father was the Naval Commander in the Pacific theater, he was exploited with TV interviews while wounded. These film clips have now been widely seen. But it must be known that many POW’s suffered similarly, not just John. And many were similarly exploited for political propaganda.
3) John was offered, and refused, “early release.” Many of us were given this offer. It meant speaking out against your country and lying about your treatment to the press. You had to “admit” that the U.S. was criminal and that our treatment was “lenient and humane.” So I, like numerous others, refused the offer. This was obviously something none of us could accept. Besides, we were bound by our service regulations, Geneva Conventions, and loyalties to refuse early release until all the POW’s were released, with the sick and wounded going first.
4) John was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for heroism and wounds in combat. This heroism has been played up in the press and in his various political campaigns. But it should be known that there were approximately 660 military POW’s in Vietnam. Among all of us, decorations awarded have recently been totaled as follows: Medals of Honor – 8, Service Crosses – 42, Silver Stars – 590, Bronze Stars – 958 and Purple Hearts – 1,249. John certainly performed courageously and well. But it must be remembered that he was one hero among many - not uniquely so as his campaigns would have people believe. Among the POWs John wasn’t special. He was just one of the guys.
John McCain served his time as a POW with great courage, loyalty, and tenacity. More that 600 of us did the same. After our repatriation a census showed that 95% of us had been tortured at least once. The Vietnamese were quite democratic about it. There were many heroes in North Vietnam. I saw heroism every day there. And we motivated each other to endure and succeed far beyond what any of us thought we had in ourselves. Succeeding as a POW is a group sport, not an individual one. We all supported and encouraged each other to survive and succeed. John knows that. He was not an individual POW hero. He was a POW who surmounted the odds with the help of many comrades, as all of us did.
I furthermore believe that having been a POW is no special qualification for being President of the United States. The two jobs are not the same, and POW experience is not, in my opinion, something I would look for in a presidential candidate.
Most of us who survived that experience are now in our late 60s and 70s. Sadly, we have died and are dying off at a greater rate than our non-POW contemporaries. We experienced injuries and malnutrition that are coming home to roost. So I believe John’s age (72) and survival expectation are not good for being elected to serve as our President for four or more years.
I can verify that John has an infamous reputation for being a hot head. He has a quick and explosive temper that many have experienced first hand. Folks, quite honestly that is not the finger I want next to that red button.
It is also disappointing to see him take on and support Bush’s war in Iraq, even stating we might be there for another 100 years. For me, John represents the entrenched and bankrupt policies of Washington-as-usual. The past 7 years have proven to be disastrous for our country. And I believe John’s views on war, foreign policy, economics, environment, health care, education, national infrastructure and other important areas are much the same as those of the Bush administration.
I’m disappointed to see John represent himself politically in ways that are not accurate. He is not a moderate or maverick Republican. On some issues he is a maverick. But his voting record is far to the right. I fear for his nominations to our Supreme Court, and the consequent continuing loss of individual freedoms, especially regarding moral and religious issues. John is not a religious person, but he has taken every opportunity to ally himself with some really obnoxious and crazy fundamentalist minister. I was also disappointed to see him cozy up to Bush because I know he dislikes that man. He disingenuously and famously put his arm around the guy, even after Bush had intensely disrespected him with lies and slander. So on these and many other instances, I don’t see that John is the “straight talk express” he markets himself to be.
Senator John Sidney McCain III is a remarkable man who has made enormous personal achievements. And he is a man that I am proud to call a fellow POW who “Returned With Honor.” That’s our POW motto. But since many of you keep asking what I think of him, I’ve decided to write it out. In short, I think John Sidney McCain III is a good man, but not someone I will vote for in the upcoming election to be our President of the United States.
by Phillip Butler, PhD
Doctor Phillip Butler is a 1961 graduate of the United States Naval Academy and a former light-attack carrier pilot. In 1965 he was shot down over North Vietnam where he spent eight years as a prisoner of war. He is a highly decorated combat veteran who was awarded two Silver Stars, two Legion of Merits, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Heart medals. After his repatriation in 1973 he earned a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California at San Diego and became a Navy Organizational Effectiveness consultant. He completed his Navy career in 1981 as a professor of management at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. He is now a peace and justice activist with Veterans for Peace.