Strange.....why are you so offended by that comment?
Posted By: true colors perhaps? nm on 2009-05-27
In Reply to: Where did you come from? Or are you an American Indian - .-
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You have offended me
I'm overweight. How could you be so insensitive to weight-challenged individuals. Looking up my attorney's number right now...
Actually, I was offended that one would come over here and
get on to me for not posting this on the conservative board. First of all, I post over their as minimal as possible out of respect for your board. Second, when you click on politics you can see all of the threads that are posted, so there was no reason for this person to be offended that it was not posted on their board anyway. Just open it up read the info, end of story. I agree with Starcat, it's whinny complainy to even make an issue out of this.
I'm a little offended
See link re: Bush and trade agreements
Basically, it's about how he wants more free trade.
"I know many Americans feel uneasy about new competition and worry that trade will cost jobs," Bush said. "So the federal government is providing substantial funding for trade adjustment assistance that helps Americans make the transition from one job to the next. We are working to improve federal job-training programs. And we are providing strong support for America's community colleges, where people of any age can go to learn new skills for a better, high-paying career."
Okay, I appreciate the help; however, what if I like my supposedly 'un-skilled' job?? What if I were a factory worker that loved the fact that I got to go to work every day, do my job, and come home??? Shouldn't I have that option? What if I'm an older American who has done my job for 40 years and I don't want to do something different?? Shouldn't I have that right, too? Where will it end? If it's okay to ship this job overseas, what comes next? Who draws the line between what kind of job is 'expendable' and what jobs we keep in America? Bad, bad idea to keep letting our jobs go overseas.
And since I know people will mention it, I realize that George Bush is not the only one who feels this way.
please do not be offended
Ok, please do not be offended. I saw on the TV how many millions that hillary is making, between her ad her husband. I woul like them to send me a thousand for my med bills and something to put a roof onmy house. Do you think they would do that?
I do not think so.
well i am offended....
but my panties are not bunched.....
I'm not offended
but I'm not under conviction. My thoughts are that God's perfect will would not be to see either of these men in the White House but His will will not be done because we, his people, have not done his will. This I believe. I believe he gave us free will and lets us reap what we sow. My agonizing if for people like the conversation I've been having above with some obvious youngsters who vote based on either the party affiliation or what other questionable sources tell them. THAT and not God is what has gotten us into this mess and we'll have to get ourselves out. I'm sure you'll agree even though you're voting for McCain and I am not, that the pickins' are pretty slim this election. And I fear what will come after the election regardless of which of them is elected.
Now, why would you be so offended...(sm)
by that? I stated fact and then my opinion. You undoubtedly voted for here's your chance. Here's her website....
Looks like she wants your money too. This is your chance to put your money where your mouth is.
Oh, and don't even try that *just leave the poor woman alone* thing. She obviously welcomes the attention.
If you are offended by this "hatred" why are you here?
sorry if I offended, but I'm white....
I'm a white person saying this.....but worked in ERs for years.....her Shaniqua statement made me say there's plenty of white trash going to ERs all I meant - sorry if I offended you.
That's okay...not offended, just justified
Point well taken - I'm sorry I offended you
Oh I just get so so angry when I see absolute trash being spewed. My DH always reminds me not everyone in that group or this group is like that. There are radicals all around. I just really wish people would stick to facts. It is so sickening that politics has come down to this. Where is the decency anymore. Why aren't only issues coming up (as in policies and voting records and stuff) instead we get absolute trash. I see it here and I see it on the mainstream media (TV and magazine articles). None of it makes sense. What happened to honesty and decencies in America and towards all people no matter what their differences are. I still can't understand what jollies people get from posting garbage and then say its the truth because they want it to be (even though its not).
Again, thank you very much for the reminder to not group everyone together. I will remember that.
I'm African American and am VERY offended
that he would even make the comment I don't care how he tried to clean it up, or what context he used it
To say that the crime rate would be reduced if you aborted all African Americans is deplorable and your defense of the comment is sickening. It doesn't matter to me if he came back and says it's morally wrong to do so, well DUHHH yeah it would be, so why is he saying this $h!t to begin with.
Whether or not we are personally offended by his remark,
I think most can agree that it falls under that old catch-all phrase 'poor judgment.' I think much of his first 60 days has fit that category, I'm anticipating many more examples of it in the next four years. This is what happens when the man wanders too far from TelePrompTer and handlers.
Bush was considered a cowboy, Palin a hick, and both would have been publicly eviscerated by the big-3 networks for such a blunder - yet another example of their ineptness. Obama has been characterized as so smooth and sophisticated, and this is considered a simple 'off-the-cuff remark' or a harmless misspeak.
Should we all stop being weenies who are wounded by carelessly offensive remarks? Sure. I just would like an end to the double standard.
I wasn't offended, I was just curious
I don't know why or what has changed but this board has become a target for people starting fights over nothing. People get on this board and say oh look at this or look at this, those dumb this or those dumb that. They also spread lies put out by the liberal media, and talk about how great this is when it's not, or they say the republican party is falling apart when it's not. So, I'm not getting a whole lot of information from this board. It's like watching MSNBC here. More lies upon lies. There's one person who comes on and cuts down someone if they post a link to something off of Fox news and calls it fixed, faux, and any other name they can think of, but then they turn around and only post articles from MSNBC (BSNBC, MSLSD), and we all know that is one station nobody can trust to give any truth.
I wish people would stick to issues, like if you had said he's replacing this judge with "so-n-so", what do you think of them, that would have been one thing, but the statement itself was just too open.
But here's what I'm doing to help me get through this administration. I've turned off the news. It seems like every single day I turn on the news and it's just getting worse and worse and worse. The economy is getting worse, the lies keep growing, the promises keep getting broken, he says one thing does another, then the next day goes back on his word. But every single news station - even Fox seems to defend him the more I watch. The only thing about Fox is that they have people on both sides and they are fair and treat the guests with respect. The other stations just drool all over him and anyone with an opposing view they attack. Guess that's why MSNBC is losing their viewers and almost in bankruptcy. But even with that I'm finding I disagree with Fox a lot because they are defending him on issues I don't agree with. So, stopped watching it all. Now I just keep on the movie channels, and pull up a couple websites to get my news.'s just getting bad all over and I see it here a lot, so your question was just too open-ended and looked like you were looking to start something. I'd wait until you hear who the nomination is then bring up some issues.
His job as President is to pick a judge. I figure it can't be any worse than the picks of Clinton, Napalatano, Geitner, and all the other crooks and unqualified people he's picked for his cabinet.
BTW - this will show you how much I don't watch the news anymore - I don't even know what judge he's replacing.
I'm a tough cookie and don't get offended easily
Well I guess you could call it a conflict with myself. On one hand I'd like to believe what they say (that they want a better America and to do good things for Americans and that their plans would be good for the country), but Bill's whole presidency really put a bad taste in my mouth and I was so relieved to have him out of the office. Mind you I'm no fan of Bush, but I was terrified to get Gore in there to continue on with more of the same. Anyway....Gore is a whole nother issue I won't go into.
I was against Hillary's campaign from the beginning. I never have liked her. I did like her while he was campaigning and for about the first two years of him being president, then started reading and learning things about her (her position at Rose Law firm, what she did to get where she's at, her literally having to be pulled off of Bill by the secret service, the foul language she used towards people, the way she would talk to the secret service, the mysterious deaths, her trying to socialize the health care system, the way she represented the US when she would go over to another country and was presented with a gift and she would turn to Chelsea and make a comment that she thought nobody heard but was picked up on the cameras as her telling Chelsea it was a piece of s@@t and she was not going to wear it, etc, etc. She also said another time to Chelsea that she was tired of doing stuff and having to talk to people (other leaders wives) her were below her "class". This was caught on camera so it's not made up.
I was turned off by her campaign tactics from the beginning. The lies, her little crying episode when she felt it served it's purpose. The "shame on you Barack" speech she gave all the while she had been putting out lies about him and his plans. It was the kettle calling the otherside black (or whatever that saying is). The real cincher was when she said she was staying in because we have to remember that "Kennedy was assissinated in June, right?" She never once apologized for anything and she blamed it all on the other side. She doesn't and has never taken responsibility for anything she says. She will say something and blame the other side. But it doesn't surprise me because Bill is the same exact way. A lot of what she did I believe was probably at the direction of the campaign advisers (Terry McAuliffe and others), but she is a grown woman and knows better and she could have said no. She inflated herself like when talking about how she is experienced in dangerous situations because she flew into Bosnia when it was under fire and she has answered the "red phone". Those were outright lies and she knew it. Then everyone says, oh she just couldn't remember. Well I was in the Army - believe me you know when your being fired at. Also claiming what Bill accomplished in the white house as if they were her accomplishments. When caught in her lies she laughs it off and says it was a "minor" mistake.
I do think she could unite the party, but she is choosing to divide it. She says in public she wants a party that is united, but yet she's not telling her supporters that they need to back the nominee. She's telling them that if they march to the convention they have another chance that she could be put on the ticket. She should be telling them that she is not the candidate and she is proud of how far she got but she'll just have to try another time. She is the person who could calm them but she is deciding not too.
I think I do have a lot of fear with McCain. I do not see much of a difference between Hillary and McCain. They have voted the same way in the senate. So the thought of those two are quite frightening for me. I just hope Obama picks the right VP choice. I do hope Clintons supporters do not march to the convention like they say they are going to. I need to read up on history but believe the last time that happened it was horrible and the party lost. Which brings me to the next point which is I have heard that that is Hillary's plan. She wants McCain to win so that way in four years she can run again and therefore she will do everything she can to make sure Obama loses.
I read that she is co-chair of the Senate India Caucus and that she and Bill accepted over 360K (she 60K from them and B 300K) and this is a group that is responsible for taking jobs away from Americans and giving them to other countries (India for one) - this means jobs like yours and mine.
B&H are pushing for a one-world government. They have been trying to get Canada, America & Mexico to become one country with one currency (similar to the Euro), and Hillary wants to be the world leader over it all. This is nothing I heard from any right-wing conspiracy group. This is some document I read somewhere but I can't quote it at this time (would take some research).
What I don't like about B&H ... Vince Foster (suicide?) and removal of documents from his office, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinski (lies and cover ups), Travelgate, Castle Grande (sham transactions), Cattle futures, Waco, Elian Gonzales, mysterious deaths of James McDougal, Mary Mahoney, Ron Brown, Ed & Kathleen Willey, Jerry Parks, James Bunch, James Wilson, Kathy Ferguson. There at least 35 others but won't list them all. Them accepting illegal funds, destroying the white house before they left and air force one, Hillary saying that she was going to think of the cleaning lady in her office building as a human being. I did get sick of when there was a tragedy and he would be there in front of the camera he had his "sad pouty face" on, but as soon as he thought the camera was off of him he'd go into a laughing state and be quite jovial, then he'd see a camera and back was that sad face again. His lies that he belonged to all these black churches throughout his life. There are other things I can't remember right now.
When Bill was campaigning for president I heard about all the promises he made, lower the budget, cut in taxes, beter health care for Americans, this, that, and other promises. He never once held good on his promises (but in all fairness the same has happened with other politicians). During Clinton presidency jobs were lost to overseas, and about 3 weeks after he became president our military was cut back so much that America was not safe from it's enemies. Mind you at this time I still thought he was okay, but little by little that was being eroded away.
One thing about your statement that got me thinking about my opinions about his policies. I may be in the wrong about some of my feelings and its' been so long that I really need to read up about what he did in there. I just disliked him so much that I usually turned him off. I'd hear things here and there (and now I do have to admit I listened to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News a lot at that time) and I do realize that its not fair to judge them on things I heard from them. have some very good issues you brought up and to tell the truth I do have to do a bit more research. I think overall is my basic disgust of the lies they have told throughout their careers. The way their "fan base" will not listen to truth and claim that Bill and Hillary are so innocent and never did anything wrong, it was all a conspiracy against them.
I never did have anything against Bill's affairs. It is not my busness whether he sleeps with other people and I don't find that as disgusting as a lot of people do. Nobody knows what was going on in their lives that brought him to that position and if I had a wife like Hillary I'd probably sleep with someone else too, but all I say is tell the truth. It was the lies and coverup that I had a problem with. I didn't care that he couldn't keep his boys behind closed doors, but be a man and admit it.
So to sum it up my biggest problem with them is they lie, they manipulate, when caught they say they never said it and when told its on film he comes out and says I'm not going to play that game instead of something like well if its on tape I must have said that and lets talk about that further at another time. I just really lost respect with them. In all fairness for them though I do have to say they are not the only politicians like that.
One more note is I liked your post. It was long but had some very good points and really is making me think twice about some things. I don't think I've answered all your questions, but you have given me a lot to think about. It hasn't changed my opinion since I first posted but is getting me to think and do some research. Tx.
lots of autism in my family - but I'm not offended
So he made a bad joke, and apologized. Not like he was bashing the Special Olympics all over the map. But if you neeeed a reason to be mad at the guy, I guess you found what you wanted.
Why is it strange? SM
He received a Christmas card when he was recovering in the VA Hospital. The card said it hoped he died. A picture of the car and the article are on the conservative board. Lots of GIs got spit on coming home during Vietnam. I don't call that strange. I call it abominable and unforgivable.
I for one haven't called anyone socialists, evil, or stupid but it's interesting that's where your mind goes.
My belief hasn't been forced on anyone but it is my hope that they one day do believe in Jesus Christ if they don't already. I notice those (you) seem to feel very offended for reasons that don't make sense when speaking about God and it's usually because that individual doesn't know God and really has nothing but emptiness inside. That emptiness just comes spews out as hatred, nastiness, loathsomeness. The list goes on and on. How sad.
Strange though, isn't it, none of this came
out until after he was able to cast that all necessary 60th vote to pass the stimulus bill! Almost makes you feel like it is illegal, doesn't it? Naw, they wouldn't do that......
This is really strange! Since when does
a 1-day- old fetus has anything to say or decide?
Legally until age of 18, we cannot decide anything.
Strange, I did not see any of them
stooping as low as Obama did when he bowed to the Saudi Arabian king.
Comment on Bush comment
I heard Bush this morning saying that no one predicted or knew that the New Orleans levees would give way. Well, that is not true. This was widely predicted by engineers and meteologists. The engineers predicted it for years if/when a major hurricaine hit, as well as engineers and meteorologists predicting this 1-2 days before Katrina. I even told my boyfriend last Sunday night that they were predicting some levees would break, that New Orleans would be in water the same depth as Lake Pontchartrain and that thousands could die. Gee, guess I should be a White House advisor.
My other gripe is that this federal response seems a bit slow. Like maybe Monday afternoon things should have been put into motion instead of......Thursday? But then, I'm sure not an expert.
too ignorant a comment to comment on...nm
Strange coincidence.
What a coincidence! I don't know how many times I've been trolled on this board both then and now and had the happy little God bless you and have a nice day or have a wonderful weekend tacked onto the end - kind of jarring, and kind of person-specific. But who knows, could just be a strange coinky-dink. Actually, who cares:) We have stuff to discuss.
Why you talk strange?
I do not get.
Me need new insult, yes.
Strange logic!
Isn't it strange how you can make fun all you want
about age, gender, special needs children, teen pregnancy, POW status, being a beauty pageant contestant, someone's accent, religious beliefs, how many homes someone owns, but mention one time that the other candidate is black and you are racist, unkind, politically incorrect and insensitive.
I find it strange that....(sm)
you would be so worried about Obama enough to consistently question everything about him on this board, and yet when he says something you don't want to hear it. Interesting.
7 Strange Coincidences
I am NO conspiracy theorist and i am no fan of Obama, but my on/off boyfriend has become a born again Christian due to seraching youtube for "7 Strange Coincidences".
He just called me near tears saying he wants me to be saved. This is COMPLETELY not like him. He tells me he is now following in the footsteps of Jesus, trying not to sin. etc (which of course is NOT a bad thing to me) but anyways
I posted in the Faith forum but nobody seems to respond...
Can someone dispute everything ? I mean I know you can't dispute it when they are coincidences... and I know the Obama supporters will just be like this is pure CRAP and the obama haters will be like HE IS THE ANTICHRIST.
Is there anything in between that can take an unobstructed view of the situation and give any insight?
I mean... i dont know how to deal with the BF and his new ways... I believe in God but know I sin.
UGHHHHHHH why is this happening now!
Hmmmmmmmmmm, that's strange
Four of my family members are loan officers and this became a huge issue with them. Strange they knew the govt was forcing these loans down their throats and this was a huge issue with them. They were furious these practices were being put into place. They refused to loan, however, and 2 nearly lost their jobs because they refused to give out subprime loans to those they knew perfectly well could not afford a home. Yes, they were being forced to give these loans.....this didn't come from your little TV programs; this came from the ones caught in the middle of this crap. Too bad they weren't making a mint on this junk.....unfortunately, they were just having to follow the guidelines for loans that were enforced on them by the government.
Of course you don't find it strange this
"suddenly" came about and not even openly I might add. Remember, one poster said she couldn't even find it on the DHS website..... which of course should bother you immensely but I'm sure doesn't. Right before the massive outrage from the American citizens against being taxed to death by protesting and demonstrating through the tea parties, the DHS just happens to come up with this..... and very sneaky at that!
I have actually read the document and YES, I would object just as harshly if ANYONE, including liberals, were being targeted. Do you not understand why? I am not a republican as those like yourself seem to always think. If someone is against Obama, then they are definitely republican....what a ignorant way to think! We are talking about our 1st amendment rights here!!
This has nothing to do with what side you take; it's about losing your freedoms!
Did you not get the part about "conservative" being the main topic of the file? The heading does NOT say anything about terrorism.... it says "conservative extremism".
There are already laws in place concerning domestic terrorism........... this is an OPEN threat against conservatives. You can either see it for what it really is or keep fooling yourself. The topic of the file speaks for itself, unless you can't read.
Of course you don't find it strange this
"suddenly" came about and not even openly I might add. Remember, one poster said she couldn't even find it on the DHS website..... which of course should bother you immensely but I'm sure doesn't. Right before the massive outrage from the American citizens against being taxed to death by protesting and demonstrating through the tea parties, the DHS just happens to come up with this..... and very sneaky at that!
I have actually read the document and YES, I would object just as harshly if ANYONE, including liberals, were being targeted. Do you not understand why? I am not a republican as those like yourself seem to always think. If someone is against Obama, then they are definitely republican....what a ignorant way to think! We are talking about our 1st amendment rights here!!
This has nothing to do with what side you take; it's about losing your freedoms!
Did you not get the part about "conservative" being the main topic of the file? The heading does NOT say anything about terrorism.... it says "conservative extremism".
There are already laws in place concerning domestic terrorism........... this is an OPEN threat against conservatives. You can either see it for what it really is or keep fooling yourself. The topic of the file speaks for itself, unless you can't read.
Strange....he's an adult now ......
He wrote that book as an adult, knowing full well young and old blacks alike will read that book! If you think for one second they didn't understand those racist remarks, think again! That is the reason racism will not go away.... people like him who perpetuate it..
Believe his lies if you want!
Strange, they keep telling us in Oregon...
That it will all come down to us.
I certainly hope that's true because we hate Hillary AND McCain. 
A Canadian thinks someone else is strange.
Strange silence now broken.
First reaction is if these issues, which have been posted on O's website ever since he launched his campaign, are of such sudden concern to the cons and femocons, why did they not get addressed during the RNC? Do you not see the high-jack strategy as the cons try to talk out of both sides of their mouths and reinvent themselves as the new age liberals? How is this different than the now exposed folly of the compassionate conservative Bush/Cheney ploy?
Small business. Either you can't read, you think that we can't or your spin cycle is stuck in high gear. Go here: Plans to give tax relief for small businesses and startups, eliminate capital gains taxes on them and provide a $500 new making work pay tax credit (one of many) for workers. For all those IC MTs out there, this is aimed at reducing the burden of double taxation in the current structure where small businesses pay both employer AND employee side of payroll tax. Obama will INVEST $250 million per year in support of entrepreneurship, by creating national network of public-private business incubators to facilitate start-up creation. Your $250,000/yr figure applied to tax cuts on INDIVIDUALS who earn in excess of that amount. Therefore, your offshore, job loss, and massive flight to lower income argument does not hold water on this point. Please cite the right-wing rag you have taken this $6 billion dollar additional tax on small business claim. I'm not finding that in O's plan. The tax breaks to the "lower brackets" (losing their homes, can't decide whether to get medicine or food this month, and if they are lucky, can gas their tank once a month) is addressed below.
On the plight of the struggling rich. Define rich, please. From the bottom, INDIVIDUAL incomes in excess of $250,000/yr might look about right. From the top, $5 million a year maybe (one of McC's not-so-funny jokes, some would wonder). The 90% of the federal tax bill claim must be a typo. Go here for 2008 info: Our top 1% of filers pay 40% or tax burden. An accurate argument would include these facts as well. In the United States at the end of 2001, 10% of the population owned 71% of the wealth, and the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth. Let's say that one more time. Top 1% gets 38%, bottom 40% get less than 1%. Since they are not earning a living wage, probably that is why they cannot afford to pay tax. Got the picture?
There is only one reason our long suffering corporations are taking their business overseas. Greed. They do not want to pay their share and they get tax incentives currently for outsourcing. Do not take us down the path of needing to address sweat shop working conditions, 7-day work weeks, $2/day wages in developing countries where US labor laws do not apply. Greed is not a universal American value.
There you go again. Please try to keep this discussion in the context of McCain plans and how they are different than Bush plans. You are spinning way out in right field without a paddle on that ridiculous statement about keeping people in lower brackets. What in the world make you think this kind of ignorance is going to help JM/SP win the election.
Preying on discontent, fear and division was a blatent and nauseating subtext for the RNC this entire week. I do agree with inspecting history, and the history that is under the microscope now is Bush/Cheney and JM voting history. Do you really want to bring up govt "borrowing." Again, Bush is the record setter in this regard and while we are talkin' W, don't forget the Bush slash and burn policies toward our seniors. Here's a link for you to a rather exhaustive analysis on 12 reason privatizing social security is a bad idea. You can get back to me on that one with your rebuttal. My question would be putting WHICH people before WHICH party?
Survey Americans on which party they associate election fraud with in the past, say, 30 years or so and tell me what you come up with. So you forgot to mention what JM's plan is on this one. Again, just saying no to personal attacks and steering you back on course. JM's plan for lobbying and earmarks is what exactly. I see O has one.
JM hate war? LMAO. So what was all that military service orgie this week all about? The entire McCain family for generations have shown to us just how much they hate war. Where is his war prevention strategy? Did I miss the part where he sang Give Peace a Chance? Sam, really, do you care nothing about your own credibility or that of your candidates? Am laughing too hard to comment further on this.
Here's a link for you to serve as a primer on the Patriot Act controversy. Will not address the attempts you are making to minimize the unconstitutional aspect of this legislation. I would like an explanation as to how RNC protestors engaging in destruction of private property, vandalism, resisting arrest, disturbing the peace and such have suddenly been charged with terrorism? The we have not been attacked yet defense does not make me feel warm and fuzzy about standing legislation that violates the constitution 9 ways to Sunday. Far mongering does not a justification make. O's plan demonstrates ways to tackle terrorism that do not involve trashing the constitution.
There are many issues swirling around the separation of church and state. Christian theocracy will be kept in the marginal fringes where they belong. Religious principles will not be incorporated into laws that seek to remove a woman's right to control her own body. Freedom from religion is also at stake here as are hate crime definitions that provide protection for Moslems in the US. That is the freedom the cons overlook every time. You may not direct me anywhere in history on this subject that would attempt to blur the division between military and diplomatic initiatives. Hello. These are mutually exclusive concepts and one is designed to prevent the other. Got it? Where is JMs diplomacy? In the past 16 years, which party has demonstrated the ability to balance the budget and create surplus. Hey sambo, who turned a $559 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit in just 8 years? Looks like there already has been a trillion-dollar screw-up that the next administration will be having to clean up. Wonder which party has the most credibility on this one?
Your prescription for poverty sounds like it was lifted straight out of O's plan. Read it before you try to claim it for the party who would ridicule it. My post ends here because the remainder of yours is recycled communist/socialist innuendo that has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject at hand. And the top of the evening to you too, dear.
wrong link, very strange (sm)
The link to this video is somehow automatically rerouted to a different one so every time I cut and paste it, it goes to the other video.
If you search for "I invented the Internet Obama" that is the correct video that I was trying to share.
I for one find it strange you lumped all those into
Strange, the conclusions you jump to about
I don't see a child who is born into this world as a tumor........sorry you do. Says tons about your mindset!
Why would you want to throw all the immigrants out? If they are here legally, they have every right here. "Illegals" are another thing.
BTW, this woman had a free clinic where she could obtain an abortion for FREE.....stop finding excuses for everyone.
So - be it sadomasochism, bondage, strange
as long as it's between a man and a woman. What about 3-ways? Or wife-swapping? Or polygamy. All normal?
What about domestic violence? Is that only 'real' if it's between a man and a woman as well?
This poster periodically goes on strange
republican rants with 'facts' pulled either from thin air or Fox News.... The majority of it is completely false, so I usually don't even bother to read it.
Strange, only ONE person griping.....where were
Strange, they said they were treated wonderfully....
Your strange idea of "research" amounts to cut
What you really mean is that you agree with her - which is fine as long as you're honest about it. But please don't try to shore up your support by suggesting that her posts have some sort of superior quality to others, because they don't.
Would you care for a summary of JTBB's posts? I think you'll be hard-pressed to show why they don't suffer from the very characteristics that you denounce in others.
Bottom line: Get real, dude.
Very strange debate, no control whatsoever by the
Almost like alternating republican and democratic commercials. Some very petty snide comments. Neither one of them impressed me, but I blame that on the moderator.
my code to validate my post was 666a. how strange is that!
If you're offended, too bad. Facts are facts...
I know Muslims in this country who have turned from the hateful evil beliefs that were forced down their throats. They did not have the freedom to learn anything else growing up. But after they gained their freedom and came here, they were able to receive the Word of God and they have told me that NEVER were they taught anything about loving others, just other Muslims, and that the God they learned about spoke of nothing but killing and hate... so if Obama is receiving large donations from those middle eastern countries, as you say, and he is grounded in Muslim culture, being taught this in school for years as a child, do you honestly think he doesn't carry some of those beliefs with him? He's never denounced it.
Here ya go.........
Why did you choose the Hilter comparison?
Here is what I saw in Hitler:
1. Megalomania - yes, possibly in Bush.
2. Skillful use of the propaganda of hate to unite a nation and incite a lust for war. Blaming of select ethnic group for Germany's woes -- yes, I see some similarity there, but Bush seems more like "oops, sorry I accidentlly killed you" to the Iraquis (Islam nations) rather than "I will place you in concentration camps until you are all exterminated."
3. Hitler was mentally ill but still capable of great, inspirational speeches and inspiring confidence in the masses -- Bush is kind of dopey and I'm not sure who he inspires, really, if much of anyone.
4. Hitler seemed to have an agenda to exterminate -- as mentioned, I don't see that in Bush.
Well, I had fun with this. WWII is an area that I know quite a bit about.
Did gt actually say there were NO socialist Jews? I took her to mean that Jews in general should not be categorized as socialists. There are probably socialist Irish, socialist Catholics, socialist African-Americans....but that doesn't mean you label the entire ethnic group as such. Common sense would dictate this. Just as I keep saying, you cannot label all liberals or all democrats as having the same ideals and belief systems. You seem to keep trying to put square pegs in round holes here....or, as also has been mentioned...thinking only in black and white when the world and all its people are shades of gray. It makes me very sad to see this and I end up feeling hopeless about the future of our country and of the world.
As far as Chomsky, I haven't read tons of his writing but what I did read a few years ago I very much liked. Could it be a case of you taking some things he wrote out of context? Or perhaps some things he wrote were more fiery or radical than you were comfortable with? Perhaps you didn't survey his writings as a whole and only picked out a few you didn't like. When you make an accusation as you did, please provide examples to back up your comments.
Your comment...
I think I do your understand your point....basically you are saying his comment was taken out of context? It did seem that what I read of this quote was more that he was careless in his comments - they touched a nerve, as I said. It seemed he was looking at a cultural problem from a tongue-in-cheek statistical line of reasoning, and perhaps spoke before thinking. At least, I HOPE that's all it was. I have not read this all that carefully, I must admit. I also admit I know NOTHING about him personally or his past.
Thanks for your intelligent commentary.