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Posted By: Lurker on 2006-11-17
In Reply to: Enlighten.... - Observer

I did not mention anything in my initial post about when life started. The initial post said, and I quote, **all life is sacred or no life is sacred, no exceptions. to which you replied that worked for you but it wouldn't for me and **we all know it.  That is a mighty leap there. I want to know how you got from point A to point B. In my SECOND post, under your Exactly. nm, I added the part about when life begins or ends because that was what was being discussed on the board. I said no matter what anyone's beliefs are, life is sacred and that includes people on death row. We do not get to decide whether they live or die. I know you and others think we do but I am certain and I would bet the farm on it that when the time comes, Creator will let us know that interpretation of scripture was a little off beam. God giveth and he taketh away....sound familiar. Having been given the gift of free will, sometimes people choose to take another's life. So since killing is wrong, against the law of God and the law of man, we legally kill the killer; why, because he killed and killing is against the law of God and the law of man. That is completely nonsensical. You can rationalize all day long about capital punishment but please don't. No one will ever change my mind on that. I don't believe in abortion, I don't believe in the death penalty. I don't believe in wars. I am a complete pacifist.

Now, having completely gotten off the point, how did you get from point A to point B???


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Still out Sequence...
Your post:
I did not mention anything in my initial post about when life started. The initial post said, and I quote, **all life is sacred or no life is sacred, no exceptions. to which you replied that worked for you but it wouldn't for me and **we all know it.

My answer: I will ask you to pardon me on this one, because I sincerely believed I had seen you post that you supported abortion. In the post above is the first time I have seen you post that you are against it. It appears I was wrong, and for that I sincerely apologize. That is why I said what I said..thinking that you supported abortion, I could not see how you would be able to ascribe to what you had posted regarding all life was sacred or no life was sacred. I hope you will accept that I made a mistake that I am now apologizing for.

Your post: I said no matter what anyone's beliefs are, life is sacred and that includes people on death row. We do not get to decide whether they live or die. I know you and others think we do but I am certain and I would bet the farm on it that when the time comes, Creator will let us know that interpretation of scripture was a little off beam. God giveth and he taketh away....sound familiar. Having been given the gift of free will, sometimes people choose to take another's life. So since killing is wrong, against the law of God and the law of man, we legally kill the killer; why, because he killed and killing is against the law of God and the law of man. That is completely nonsensical. You can rationalize all day long about capital punishment but please don't. No one will ever change my mind on that. I don't believe in abortion, I don't believe in the death penalty. I don't believe in wars. I am a complete pacifist.

My answer: I did not say, nor have I ever, that I personally favored capital punishment. I believe that the Bible does teach that when you take a life you should be ready to forfeit your own, but I do not see that God mandates that man extract that punishment. There are many Christians who do believe in it personally, and that is their right. Myself, personally, I do not, at least at this point in my Christian life. I am studying it, I do pray and read, but so far I am not moved from my stance on that. However, there is a mandate from God in the Bible that directs us to follow the law of the land. The law of our land, laws made by our elected representatives, in some states include capital punishment. That is why I said that execution in that case was just...it is just by the law of the land, which God instructed we should follow. We also have abortion on demand as law because of activist judges, which is wrong on many levels, but I digress. What we as Christians, at least in my view, should do is state what we believe, stand up for it, and seek to change the laws that we feel are morally wrong, peacefully, through our elected representatives or by a vote of the people, if we believe they need to be changed. I believe that is what God would have us do. I personally believe issues like abortion and the death penalty should be put to a vote of the people, each person making their own personal decision, devoid of politics, and that would be a true representation of what we the people want as a majority. If we the people choose to legalize abortion on demand, then we as Christians must abide by that law, meaning not to obstruct. That does not mean that we do not continue to point to what we feel is morally wrong and to work peacefully to hopefuly change the law. Of course, there have been the wingnuts who in the name of religion blow up an abortion clinic or shoot a doctor, and I hope that we as a faith are not judged by the mistakes of a few. By the same token, if a vote of the people voted to make abortion illegal, I would hope that liberals would respect that also. That does not mean not dissenting, but do it in a peaceful, respectful fashion. Because, as someone else on these boards stated, abortion and the death penalty are not political things. They are ethical, moral things.

As to being a complete pacifist, that is of course your right and I mean to diminish that. But we do diverge there and again will have to agree to disagree. I believe there is a time that you have to stand up and fight to protect your way of life and your freedom. We have had to do that on numerous occasions in the history of this country. To get out from under the thumb of a monarchy, for religious freedom, which is how we started. Like we fought in WWII to stop Hitler's march across Europe leaving in his wake millions dead. Like we need to fight now against an enemy that will not, frankly, care if you are a pacifist, and will lop off your head right along with every other American if given the chance, simply because you are American. If you do not adopt their way, they will kill you. They have said so. They live for the annhilation of Israel and of America, of Jews and Americans. They tell us that just about every day. I do not believe that God would not have us fight. That battle has been brewing and has been fought throughout time since Isaac and Ishmael. God made His choice when He gave Abraham's birthright to Isaac, and the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael have locked horns ever since and will continue to until one side or the other is defeated. I don't believe we have a choice.

Now, having completely gotten off the point, how did you get from point A to point B???

I explained that above, I hope to your satisfaction.