Sometimes, Zauber, you just leave yourself wide open.
Posted By: AR on 2005-10-01
In Reply to: Good call Libby! - Zauber
Robert Bennett was CLINTON'S lawyer during several of his sexual harrassment lawsuits and the Monica fiasco. Yes, he is a real Republican partisan. Sheesh.
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My eyes are wide open, but I do not see
things the way you want me to see them.
I do. Leaves the door wide open for blatant health care fraud..
I'm wide awake, thank you very much.
Terrorism breeds terrorism. Occupation is the ultimate terrorist act and so is blind support and enabling 6 decades of it.
Pat Robertson is not my spokesperson. As far as the rest of your unhinged leftist diatribe it doesn't justify a response.
Thank you, Zauber!
LOL Zauber!
Don't apologize. I love it! Was trying to think of another moniker, anyway, since *Libby* is the name of someone was involved in leaking the name of a CIA agent. I love my country and don't want to be associated with the treason committed by part of the Bush administration for the sake of *getting even* with a person for having the nerve to tell Americans the truth.
I thought of just turning the *bb* backwards, but then I become *Liddy* and I've never been arrested and don't want to be associated with that kind of corruption, either.
Just when I thought I wouldn't win, you came up with LILLY! I love it!
So don't apologize. Instead, please accept my thanks for the *handle*. 
gt you're the queen of wide sweeping generalizations
a taste of your own medicine is kind of bitter ain't it.
You said a mouthful there, Zauber!
If there's one thing I can't tolerate, it's a liar. There's no way I can trust a person who's lied to me, and most of them just don't have what it takes to "learn" to tell the truth. It's an inherent character flaw, from what I've experienced in my life.
Dang, Zauber!
Read your posts twice and am suddenly wondering if I know you and/or if you're my NEIGHBOR, because from your descriptions, I swear I've met the same people you've met! You flawlessly captured their essence very eloquently. And I agree with every single thing you said!
Maybe, Zauber, because you are not rational.
Your posts are all inflammatory, full of anger and rage, and you will only believe what you wish to. There is no reasoning with that. Why even try?
I think Larry Craig has the weird butt..he even has a wide stance! nm
Oh, nooooooooo, Zauber. You got it wrong!
THEY are the poor innocent ones who are being ruthlessly attacked, completely unprovoked! 
I'm thinking there's a LOT to be said for that "opposite side of the bring" thing mentioned above!!!
Hope you have a nice holiday weekend, and yes, it's much more pleasant here. I agree it's totally draining to even visit that board any more. I feel like I'm walking into a minefield.
Some of them actually do serve a valuable purpose, though. If I'm having a bad day when I'm upset, maybe making mistakes and feeling just generally stupid, I can always visit their board and instantly feel better, and I thank them for that.
Bravo Zauber..well said and directly to the point..
I will never understand how people think that opposing an erroneous(in this case fictional and delusional) government policy is unpatriotic and a detriment to our troops. I don't want to see any more die for reasons that do not nor have ever existed.
Maybe if we all supported family planning and free contraceptives - WORLD WIDE - abortion would no l
And I know of not a single person who thinks abortion is "wonderful", only an occasionally necessary evil.
I seriously doubt the Dems would claim you,Zauber. You're another Howard Dean.
If you leave our board, I'll leave your board.
Can't open the link.nm
open your eyes
and you believe this? Democrats misleading the public? OMG, this administration has mislead us on everything and lies all the time..there is nothing you can believe about this administration cause their only cause is for big business and to pay back those who had Bush in their pockets for the election. An administration who says Intelligent Design should be taught and there is no such thing as global warming? Well, gotta tell ya, the reality is..the middle class is being squeezed and the rich are getting richer..I have a friend who was born with a major silver spoon in his mouth and he too agrees, as Clinton does, that the tax breaks are only going to the rich..I have never received a tax break yet I pay quite a bit in taxes..As you defend the republican ideology, the country around you disintegrates..Im so sorry for you, however, you will be there in the ditches with us when everything falls apart and where will Bush be, LOLOLOLOL, in his protected ranch..OPEN YOUR EYES..Nothing in this administration helps the working class/middle class.NOTHING.
I am open minded
but I'm also not gullible to anything that floats down the river either.
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an open letter to God
Sunday, August 31st, 2008
Dear God,
The other night, the Rev. James Dobson's ministry asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be cancelled.
I see that You have answered Rev. Dobson's prayers -- except the storm You have sent to earth is not over Denver, but on its way to New Orleans! In fact, You have scheduled it to hit Louisiana at exactly the moment that George W. Bush is to deliver his speech at the Republican National Convention.
Now, heavenly Father, we all know You have a great sense of humor and impeccable timing. To send a hurricane on the third anniversary of the Katrina disaster AND right at the beginning of the Republican Convention was, at first blush, a stroke of divine irony. I don't blame You, I know You're angry that the Republicans tried to blame YOU for Katrina by calling it an "Act of God" -- when the truth was that the hurricane itself caused few casualties in New Orleans. Over a thousand people died because of the mistakes and neglect caused by humans, not You.
Some of us tried to help after Katrina hit, while Bush ate cake with McCain and twiddled his thumbs. I closed my office in New York and sent my entire staff down to New Orleans to help. I asked people on my website to contribute to the relief effort I organized -- and I ended up sending over two million dollars in donations, food, water, and supplies (collected from thousands of fans) to New Orleans while Bush's FEMA ice trucks were still driving around Maine three weeks later.
But this past Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that the Republicans had begun making plans to possibly postpone the convention. The AP had reported that there were no shelters set up in New Orleans for this storm, and that the levee repairs have not been adequate. In other words, as the great Ronald Reagan would say, "There you go again!"
So the last thing John McCain and the Republicans needed was to have a split-screen on TVs across America: one side with Bush and McCain partying in St. Paul, and on the other side of the screen, live footage of their Republican administration screwing up once again while New Orleans drowns.
So, yes, You have scared the Jesus, Mary and Joseph out of them, and more than a few million of your followers tip their hats to You.
But now it appears that You haven't been having just a little fun with Bush & Co. It appears that Hurricane Gustav is truly heading to New Orleans and the Gulf coast. We hear You, O Lord, loud and clear, just as we did when Rev. Falwell said You made 9/11 happen because of all those gays and abortions. We beseech You, O Merciful One, not to punish us again as Pat Robertson said You did by giving us Katrina because of America's "wholesale slaughter of unborn children." His sentiments were echoed by other Republicans in 2005.
So this is my plea to you: Don't do this to Louisiana again. The Republicans got your message. They are scrambling and doing the best they can to get planes, trains and buses to New Orleans so that everyone can get out. They haven't sent the entire Louisiana National Guard to Iraq this time -- they are already patrolling the city streets. And, in a nod to I don't know what, Bush's head of FEMA has named a man to help manage the federal government's response. His name is W. Michael Moore. I kid you not, heavenly Father. They have sent a man with both my name AND W's to help save the Gulf Coast.
So please God, let the storm die out at sea. It's done enough damage already. If you do this one favor for me, I promise not to invoke your name again. I'll leave that to the followers of Rev. Dobson and to those gathering this week in St. Paul.
Your faithful servant and former seminarian,
Michael Moore
Who said it? Open mind and
Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.
Who said it? Open mind and
Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike.
Who said it? Open mind and
It's a recession when your neighbour loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours.
Who said it? Open mind and
This one calls for TWO:
Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest things in the nicest way.
A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to heII in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.
Who said it? Open mind and
Community service should not be done just to announce the completion. It should be done without looking for a reward or praise. It should not be looked at as doing something for someone, but assisting them in making life better and fulfilling.
Ooh that's such an open question
I read that and had to laugh. That last sentance will leave you open for all sorts of comments. HA HA.
I actually don't think the word Moron was around when Einstein was. Maybe it was, but his statement doesn't imply that. I've heard the same statement used in different situations and you can just take it for what its worth.
It's quite possible! My mind is open. But sm
Obama didn't chicken out. McCain did--again!
I just watched the news on NBC. It was said (on Brian Williams' show) that this morning McCain got spooked by Obama's rising approval rating as opposed to his with respect to the financial situation, and he was advised to suspend--and pretend ("pretend" being my term).
All he has do to is open his mouth....
and stick his size 13 in it. But I don't see you criticizing him. Franklin Roosevelt on TV after crash in 29...only it was Hoover and no TV at that time. Oh I think that ad is terrible. But it's your ad. We did that? Yes, you did that. Well, then we should take it down. Read my lips, NO CLEAN COAL. Obama is FOR clean coal technology.
Still waiting for your critique of Biden.
You need to open your eyes.......
We have Muslim people in our church. They will be the first to tell you that are so glad to be out of the country where this is forced upon them. They will be the first to tell you the Q'ran does not speak of love one another, only love another Muslim. They will be the first to tell you that Westerners do not really know the full extent of the hatred that is taught to the men/sons. They will be the first to tell you they are so glad they learned there is really a God that says to love ALL, love your family members even if they are non-believers, and to love those that hate you. Islam does not teach that. You can yack on and on all you want but you can't show me anything verses that say otherwise. They more than you know the Q'ran back to back and will say it does not speak of love of others and to hate all; Jews, Christians, and nonbelievers.
Sadly, why do you assume those that have denounced Islam don't know their feelings of what they have been through more than you?
You immediately jumped to Christians. Why is that? There are those that have left countries where this is taught, do not accept Christianity, but have denounced what they were taught because it is hate.
You need to get off your anti-Christian bandwagon.
Well, that would open up the world
to anybody, even terrortists, to run for President, doesn't it? Your reasoning is not very sane.
They wouldn't open for me
I went to his website and didn't find them there either. As I said, the only thing I saw was a summary by a questionable source.
The doors open--don't let it hit you
--I'm not ashamed of America.
If you are as open-minded as you say you are
why does a countdown that millions of people are doing, whether its openly on a forum, or under their breath, nauseate you so much? Just like the 10-paragraph diatribe above someone launched in reply to the 2930 post, me thinks you doest protest too much. I mean, really, what is the harm in someone being excited and happy at the idea of a changing of the guard?
Open your eyes. It is all over
Look at Lou Dobbs main page.
Do you have an open mind? ..Where is it?
Conservatives rarely have an open mind.
so leave
We make you sick but you just keep coming back and posting again and again and again.
I will leave that for you
I will leave the hate for you and your warmonger group, you the one who says I will chain myself to the WH gates and blow myself up, you who says Im a satanist. You are the one with the hate in your heart and soul and it comes through loud and clear.
Don't leave AW
Dont' leave American woman. I am the original poster, and I don't care what someone who comes onto this board just to troll thinks in the least, it did not bother me at all, so hold on there, Quickdraw!
Don't ask them to leave.
It's fun watching all their hatred explode to the point where they wind up fighting with each other but are too stupid to know it!
I don't want to leave them to
But I don't want to be moving slow and steady 20 years from now. Something has got to give. Either fight like its a war and not an occupation, or come on home. The course we are on is not working and I think America is waking up to that. If the democrats change this course and you don't like it, blame Bush. He had 3 years and some months to pick up the pace over there.
I believe if Bush came out and admitted going into Iraq was a *mistake,* which it was, but which he will never do. And if he reached across the aisle for solutions to get us out *not cut and run* and *NOT stay the course.*
What does that mean? Means, I don't want to leave Iraqis to die, but I think Iraqis should take over the course.
I can't for the life of me understand that if Iraqis want this democracy as bad as we do, why not every man and boy fit to fight are not taking to the street to fight for the same. That's anybody's guess.
Side note: Funny how Bush and the likes have been squelshing any idea that this war has nothing to do with oil, but lately Bush himself has been on the campaign trail making comments that if we leave terrorist will get the oil. And he's said he's never said stay the course, WOW!
Oh no, kam...don't leave. They NEED you...
No, they don't just want the minority vote and the poor vote...they want all the votes, just like any other political party. I just find it mildly amusing that when Johnson signed the civil rights act he commented to his aide that the Dems had lost the south for a decade. That was his concern...losing the southern vote because (gasp) they were giving African Americans the vote. And what came next for Pres Johnson? The "War on Poverty" and the start of entitlement programs out the kazoo. If he and the Democratic party were really "true liberals," and they were in power and had the power, why would they have not embarked upon this mission BEFORE African Americans got the vote? They were somehow more worthy of programs when they could vote?
Having said that, I have never been against helping those truly in need, and even if starting it was self-serving, the end result was that those truly in need did get help and that part of it is a very good thing. It has ballooned, however, into a massive cash cow that is not overseen and the waste is astronomical. So, whatever administration is in, whatever party has the power, should exercise some common sense and prioritize as far as programs are concerned, cut the waste, and not raise taxes on us anymore. I would think that liberals and conservatives alike could agree on that point.
Without open-mindedness, there will never be change sm
I have my core values and so does everyone else. I would rather be part of the solution than part of the problem. The left are not wackos, just like I know all you righties do not all drink Kool-Aid and have propaganda-soaked brains.
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You are soooo open to the truth...NOT....
she darned sure looks more pregnant there than that poor 16-year-old girl did in the dailykrap pictures. Do you people not even care what effect this stuff will have on her? Well of course not. She is the child of a Republican and therefore means nothing to you. How silly of me.
Go to heck! I AM open to the truth!
I am just stating my personal OPINION!!! Yes, this IS America, and I am ALLOWED to have it! She doesn't really look it there! Just like no one cares about all of the garbage that they spread about Obama, but I don't see many people defending him here! It could affect his kids also! Obviously no one here made that story up by themselves, so go to the KOS and complain to THEM for printing it, and then...
You aren't even open-minded enough to think about this...
He has already said he wants to practice redistribution of wealth (tax oil companies and give it back to people who did not earn it). That is Marxist theory. And now we have son of Alinsky high-fiving him in the Boston Globe. I am seeing stuff that I am still confirming that he taught the Alinsky theory. One thing alone, maybe not so alarming...but the preponderance of evidence....the jury is still out, but it does not look good.
What is sad is you wont even open your eyes to
are you really that afraid of open debates you need to
reduce yourself to name-calling?
I am unsure who to vote for but one thing I know is it will be for whoever is going to make my life better.
Democrats might tax but the taxes go toward social programs, libraries, schools, afterschool programs, playgrounds, all of which are almost nonexistent where I live now since the last 8 years. Rich people walk around here like they are royalty, they pay no taxes and have no care or interest I helping those less fortunate, spare the very few who do.
the more I see on TV and the more I read on boards like these it seems to me republicans are afraid of democrats. when you see Bush sneering and snickering (many examples on youtube) he is not doing that towards democrats, he is laughing behind the backs of all the republicans who believe his lies. I think the joke is actually on the republicans more than democrats.
I have never seen such people be taken advantage of, and love it so much.
send your children off to war to die, give up all your social programs, take more out of your pocket, all so the rich people can slither around this country at their will with no responsibility toward it. that is left to the poor and the nonwhites.
I am starting to see the bigger picture here, I think Republicans do not believe in social programs because of greed, because no one should be able to make money unless you have the right skin color. Say, how many blacks in Alaska, anyway?
lets all lie down and just die for the rich republicans. here, take my money, my children, my hopes and dreams, my pride - just take it all and make sure to give me absolutely nothing back. Right on!
That surely should open some eyes. (sm)
I sure hope the constituents of those candidates see these videos and boot the jerks out. I also think they should be arrested and put in the slammer, plus pay back all the money they received from FMFM, and definitely never be able to run for public office again.
Stuff like this makes me furious. They are supposed to be working for us, not themselves.
Maybe it's time to dig deeper into the whole government, and weed all these guys out, whether pubs or dems. Don't matter.
And democrats will not open their eyes and think