So if being dominated doesn't feel good,
Posted By: Maybe you should get the message. on 2008-09-01
In Reply to: Just today....and theboard is dominated by people piling on me every time I post. - sam
This has nothing to do with any of the other drivel about Nazism, socialism or what. Its time for your medicine.
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Well....good for figured out that this is a democratically-dominated board...
profound grasp of the obvious. lol.
Ayers doesn't regret the bombings, doesn't feel like they did enough sm
In a story that appeared in the Times on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Ayers told a reporter while promoting his memoir "Fugitive Days": "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough."
Mr. Ayers, now a professor of education in Chicago, was a founder of the Weather Underground, which bombed government buildings in the early 1970s. He was indicted on conspiracy charges that were thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct.
He served with Mr. Obama on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago, a charitable organization, and, along with his wife, the former Weather Underground member Bernardine Dohrn, hosted Mr. Obama at his home in 1995 when he was running for state office.
Mr. Obama has called Mr. Ayers "somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old." because it was 40 years ago, and Ayers is still proud of what he did, how is it justifiable for a US presidential candidate to now be friends with this man? Unless he has the same view of America.
Good post....truth doesn't always sound good
Doesn't any O lover feel concerned about all the
No matter what O lovers say, he is Muslim through and through. And he says nothing about all the Muslim "honor" killings in this country. He hasn't condemned them one time. Of course, by doing so he would condemn his brothers in Islam.
Muslim killings are an every day happening overseas but in this country they are growing by leaps and bounds and yet they get very little news following. It gets hushed very quickly. WHy is that? There is no "honor" in murder and most all of us know that is murder, just some ignorant man using his loathing for females to murder them......even his own daughters. How sick!
He's such a butt kisser
Then don't come here if it doesn't make you feel "proud"
If coming to this board and listening to people who voice their opinions and concerns of what is happening in the country is so upsetting to you and takes away from you feeling "proud", then I would say not to come here. We listen to the concerns on this board and everyone that trashed McCain and Palin (and still do), and anyone else who is a not a liberal and voices their opinions - they get trashed, but we listen to it.
Then we give our concerns about Obama and the incoming administration. If it's that upsetting to you to know that not everyone in this country is in love with Obama and worships the ground he walks on then maybe you should find some boards somewhere where most all of the posts are just the jubilation, rapture, and ecstasy everyone has because we've elected the first black man to the white house no matter whether or not he knows what he's doing or meets the qualifications. Oh wait - that is this board.
You know what I get sick of seeing. The utter disrepsect that people give to those that don't join in the rapture. We are attacked and called names for it, but the moment we respond back we are criticized. Even the people who said they voted for Obama but are having some concerns about the people's he's picking for cabinet members they are attacked too because they are not dancing in circles drinking the Kool-Aid chanting Obama's name over and over and over.
Everyone has different opinions. Everyone has different concerns. Everyone has the right to voice those opinions.
I wouldn't worry too much, however, the way America is headed is that nobody will ever be able to say or write the truth about Obama because already in Missouri the "thought police" are monitoring websites of who's writing what about Obama and if it is the truth or not gushing with love they are being reported. They are also trying to silence the conservative radio shows so that it will only be liberal viewpoint that everyone hears. So soon all you'll hear is happy happy joy joy about Obama and those who don't agree with thim will be on their way to one of the hundreds of re-education camps in this country.
Of interesting note, Obama won McCain by 9,522,111. Out of 129,391,683 people who voted, that's not very much. Less than 8%. And there are over 303,824,640 people in America so that means 174,432,957 people in America did not vote (that's more than those who did vote). According to statistics only 25% of the country's population are children under 20 years old, so that still leaves over 9,847,679 people that didn't vote. So to go around acting as though every single person living in America voted for Obama gets a bit old. I'm also thankful that there are enough American's in the country to know right from wrong and a lot of them know their rights as Americans and they still believe in the constitution and what our founding fathers fought for (definitely NOT what is happening today) and they are not joining in the newest cult to come to this country.
So if coming to this board just depeletes all your "proudness" I'd find somewhere else to go.
Makes you feel all warm and cozy, doesn't it.
Do you feel good about yourself now?
I didn't feel I needed to take the time to go to a dictionary to check the spelling of a word when it is blatantly obvious you understood the term we were referring to. I am sure you personally felt the need to take it upon yourself to take the time to go to the dictionary before posting this to actually see if we had spelled it correctly. Your post is not constructive at all. Go back to bed.
Good for you. Everyone should feel safe. nm
Oh, yeah. I see now why you've got such a *feel good* attitude.
Lurker had the courage to try to debate you, tried to ignore your rude comments and personal attacks. Yes, your intelligent debate triggered responses by Lurker, as follow:
Please do not preach at me and tell me I don't understand the concept of working for a living. I try my best not to berate or belittle anyone on this board and I would appreciate the same consideration.
Please don’t lump me in your hate and rhetoric category. I don't belong there.
I am very disheartened at this time and altho I have taken a couple of weeks off these boards, evidently it is not enough time, my emotions are still too raw to be on a politics board, either one of them. So, again, I will remove myself from this setting for awhile. Aho.
I can see from her above post why you're so happy. Looks like you succeeded in chasing her away for a while, too. 
Just today....and theboard is dominated by people piling on me every time I post.
What you don't like is anyone who disagrees with you. Sounds a whole lot more like Nazism than American democracy. But I don't suppose a socialist party would recognize that.
doesn't sound good for us
I'm sure it "sounds" real good...too bad he doesn't really believe it and you....
What you get if O is elected, is a whole lot of not what he's promising.
Such gullible fools half this country is.
That doesn't sound good. I worry myself
as I have life insurance through American General who was supposedly bought out by AIG because everytime I get a letter from the insurance company, it comes in an AIG envelope.
I dealt with this life insurance company since 1975 and I would sure hate to lose the insurance since DH now cannot be insured by another company without a rigorous PE, which he wouldn't do.
Another thumbs up or "I told you so" from hubby if this happens and I sure would hate to acknowledge he was right. I'm beginning to think he can see into the future. So many of his predictions have come true.
Good dodge, but it doesn't let you off the hook with regards to the point
She doesn't have to tell me....good grief, it's a free country...
I just asked. You read all these posts and all you got out of it is that we just insulted each other? :) And you don't have to tell me anything. Just an observation.
Who says Obama doesn't have a good sense of humor?
At the bottom of this article, there's a link to watch the video - it's a hoot!!!!
Who says Obama doesn't have a good sense of humor?
At the bottom of this article, there's a link to watch the video - it's a hoot!!!!
What a trash mouth....make you feel real good to be profane with a stranger on a posting board??
and yes, it is murder. When you kill a human being, its murder. You can justify it, rationalize it, whatever it takes so that you feel good about killing it....but it is murder. Very is living and growing. You introduce a foreign object and slice it into pieces and suck it out of the one place that should be SAFE. Biology 101...the child is alive. It is growing. would not grow if it was not alive. The life was terminated. That's murder.
And of the 1.2 million abortions performed in this country every year, how may do you think are due to rape (by anyone), incest, or to protect the life of the mother? Less than 20%. All the others are oops abortions. So let's start with delegalizing abortion except in the case of rape, incest, and endangering the life of the mother. That would save about 800,000 babies a year. That would be a great place to start. It might also encourage better stewardship of those uteruses you want the government to stay out of. You don't mind the government going in there to kill babies though, do you?
So now you want to round up all the pregnant women who are poor and abort their kids? You hinting that poor kids aren't loved by their parents?
Very good point!!! The world doesn't see any of that on the news! Thanks for posting that! nm
and I feel like makin *du du duu du du duu* feel like maaa-k-in love to YOU!
You feel someone should be forced to do something they feel is wrong? sm
Sounds like communism to me.
Let me rephrase that. It doesn't *seem like* my vote doesn't
It does not count because its in the bag that our 3 electoral votes will go to the republican party.
I do not feel sorry for the 'terrorists', I feel
sorry for those who are (or soon were) held there and are innocent.
Good for you! Most people would not recognize
character if it hit them over the head, just sheep who follow along without thinking for themselves, believing the political pundit spitting out garbage.
Good post - good research (sm)
History does repeat itself at times. I had forgotten about the 50s and Russia.
Very scary times we live in and so many new enemies. This is definitely not a scare tactic but a very clear warning. You can't ignore facts, they are there.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Good point, good post. Thanks.
I feel ya..
I just have to try and stay positive. I dont want THEM to win.
Hey, why don't you tell us how you really feel?
Tell us how you really feel
I think you need to use about 1,000 more ugly adjectives to make your point...
Feel the same way...
....I learn a lot on this board. Let's give the administrator a chance??? Otherwise IGNORE the trolls, even though it is really really hard!
LOL I feel the same way!
I am intrigued with his eloquence, not to mention his intelligence and complete command of law knowledge. Yeah, I know he's been studying and practicing, but he seems pretty sincere.
I'm just worried about the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. He is a conservative and if Bush nominates another conservative, well...
One of my concerns is the abortion issue. I am personally against abortion, but I am pro-choice. It scares me to think what would happen if Roe V Wade was overturned. Illegal abortions, girls and nonwealthy women dying. Of course, we would definitely see a rise in D&C's for the rich and connected.
I feel sorry for him, too.
He was always one of my favorites. He still is. He was *conned* just like the rest of the world. I can understand why he resigned. Being a man of such honesty and integrity, I hope he doesn't beat himself up too much personally about it. I don't believe he intentionally meant to lie. He was merely another victim of the current administration.
I feel the same way. sm
I have issues with much of President Bush's policy, most espeically immigration and big spending. I don't see that President Bush supports the true conservative mindset. I do support him, however, because he does uphold many other conservative values including abortion and I am 100% behind the war against Islamic terrorists.
Many feel it is necessary
I am not the only one who feels protesting is necessary, as you well know.
It is nice to spout opinions about what YOU think are the consequences of protesting, but there is no facts to back this up and is pure speculation, which I continue to see quite a bit of.
No need to feel sorry!! nm
Im sorry you feel that way,
however, theres nothing superficial about the content in the video. Pets already have these type of chips implanted in them. Tracking chips. This is very REAL.
These chips are around NOW. As seen on on the video, a family has already volunteered to have these v chipis implanted. Theses chips will be more sophisticated than the ones placed in pets. Medical information, banking information, everything about you will be in this chip. At first it may be voluntary but before long these will be mandatory, to to buy or sell or do anything. Sure sounds like Revelation to me. End Times.
For those who have Christ's Salvation, they will be taken up with him in the clouds when he comes back. It's the ones left behind that will suffer this and many other great tribulations. Things are happening all around us that are in the book of REVELATIONS. Wars and rumors of war. Famine, Floods, Natural Disasters everytime you turn around. Rampant homosexuality, Abortions, pornography kids killing kids, gang violence, sexuality strewn everywhere and many other things on the news. This world is full of evil. Satans playground. Not to mention the economy and the shape it's in. People are losing their homes, jobs. There focus is on material things. Charge it now, worry about it later. It's all catching up. Yes, I believe we are in End Times. I do respect your opinion though. I will respectfully agree to disagree.
God Bless.
Feel Ya
I really feel you. I was in the credit union one day recently and actually talked to a woman I know who was there to process an application for a credit card because of that idiotic commercial.
"I feel so alone..."
Sorry you feel that way.
Sorry you can't let people live their own lives without feeling the need to determine that a woman "must have a baby no matter what". I guess you would rather see a child raised in poverty, be hungry, live with abusive parents, be a punching bag if the parents take their frustation out on the child, feel unloved, and unwanted. After all.. the person who got pregnant as someone so delicately put it "needs to deal with it and be responsible". Sure it's responsible to bring a child into a horrible horrible home just so the mother can "suffer the consequences" that she accidentally got pregnant. Never mind the condom broke or her birth control pills didn't work, or she was raped, or it was found that the child would be severely crippled or retarded and would never ever have any hopes of having a normal or decent life, or any of the other numerous reasons someone may have gotten pregnant. But by god they better have that child and pay for their mistake.
We are all entitled to our opinions, but when it comes to another woman deciding with her doctor the best course of action for her future and the future of a baby (who is not even developed yet and cannot feel pain or think) that's where I draw the line and it then is not my business and if it happens to me it is nobody elses business - and that is my opinion!
We don't need to watch any abortion films. We all know the process and what happens. If the baby has developed it's a horrible horrible thing. There is no denying that. At the same time it's quick. Making a child suffer for life (60, 70 & 80 years or more) your okay with that??? I say let the child be born into the Kingdom of Heaven where the child will not have to suffer the consequence of a horrible life on earth but feel the love forever our our creator.
Isn't that odd? I feel the same way about...
true believers of BO/JB.
Sorry you feel that way.......
One doesn't have to be "religous" to feel abortion is murder. Believe it or not, there are "nonbelievers" out there who believe abortion is murder. Some are so condemning of those that believe it is murder because a lot of them have had or know of someone who have had an abortion and have those feelings/issues to deal with.
And the "crutch" you refer to, which I believe would be God, isn't a bad thing, ya know. Maybe you should try it!!!!!!
I wonder about this too. I feel really bad
the soldiers that have had their tours of duty extended up to 12 months and when they get home for a few months, get sent back again. How long can this keep up. So many of them are National Guard who have real jobs and families back home. It is just not fair that the burden is shared by so few.
I feel the same way as you do.
DH told me there is some site that tells who voted for it and against it.
The whole lot of them needs to be fired!!!! Especially starting with the ones you mentioned.
The dems are sitting there patting themselves on the back for getting this to pass when they are the ones who put the crisis in hand.
Both Obama and McCain voted for it. I'm disgussed with both of them. I'm voting for the constitution party this election. It's about time we put the country back on the right track.
It is true though. We have no control. We are supposed to, but it seems like the people are just placing themselves in the position of office. Pelosi? Give me a break. She's been in there how long and she's still doing a sh!tty job. Frank? Pulleease. And Dodd? He's probably the worse. No wonder why Connecticut (my home state) wants him to remain in Washington, they don't want him in Connecticut.
Politicians in DC, corrupt to the max, liars to the bone.
Most of what you say is exactly how I feel. I
have a hard time about the Rev. Wright's church and his sermons. I would really like for Obama to explain this further, but I have a feeling that his handlers are afraid that this would inject race into the campaign and are not addressing it. This, however, is not a deal breaker for me because I do not believe religion should be an issue and plan on voting for Obama. More positives for me than negatives.
This is how I
The last 6 years, people have been buying what they cannot afford. Our children learn from us and sad to say, but they want everything now and charge what they can't afford because that's what they learned from their parents. My 2 sons have gotten things just like others (cell phones, new clothes, etc.), but I made sure that they waited until they could appreciate what was given to them. Most college kids want Obama for president because they want change NOW. My son goes to Hofstra Law and says he will vote for Obama because Obama understands the younger generation. We had quite a debate going on here...but like I told my son "when Obama can't and won't even try to prove that he was born in the United States, that there is something definitely wrong here". Like my mother said on her dying bed 6 years ago "there are going to be a lot of changes in this world". People were living the high life while my family just made it month by month. My mother also said that day "the people higher on the ladder will fall harder than the people who actually worked for their money and appreciated every dollar" I'm glad that I didn't give in and buy a beamer just because I wanted one. It's time that the people who wanted everything NOW and went out and charged and borrowed, pay the piper. It sucks, but I guess I will be paying for the people who lived so lavishingly the past 6 years.
I am sorry that you feel this way. NM
I would feel the same about it either way.
Here's how they feel. (sm)
They do have plenty of courage. It is many in the general public who do not. That is the point. The military and their families are fighting this war, while the rest of the country lives as though there is no war at all.
thank you for that :-) I feel the same (nm)
All I can say is that I feel sorry for you.... sm
I guess, out of the goodness of our Democratic hearts, we will have to drag you kicking and screaming with us to a new and better world. No hard feelings!