So did Joe Biden....and we haven't heard from him in awhile since.
Posted By: sam on 2008-10-31
In Reply to: On the news today Governor Richardson said it. - Just me
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I haven't heard anyone besides me say
good grief Gertie in a LONG time! hahahaha
There is nothing there I haven't heard
As I said, if this guy is so horrid, there has to be more than the same tired opinions about him than we have heard repeatedly for the last 2 years. As you said, thousands of people agree with these opinions, but millions of people voted for Obama. I didn't, in part because I was convinced there was something that hadn't been dug up yet. Now, I am not so sure. Everyone keeps blowing smoke, but no one has found the fire. Maybe there just isn't one.
Details please. I haven't heard about this
It seems pretty odd that he's offering to help low-income Americans since it seems he's an America hater. Do you have an article or documented info to back this up? Not that I don't believe you, but I haven't seen anything about this. Thanks!
I haven't heard that one - will have to check it out
I just think if she's (HC) is out there and has decided she should be president and she doesn't care how the people voted so she's going to have a bunch of people march and disrupt the convention, then I think every candidate who ran against Obama should do the same thing. Hey, why not just have the whole US vote again, and again, and again, and again until she gets the results she wants. Last I knew this was a democracy not dictatorship. I know exactly what she is trying to do. She's trying to tear the democrat party apart so McCain will win then she can run again in 4 years. She's ruthless....and worthless.
I guess you haven't heard
Kenya is not part of the US.
This copy of a bc is not official and not real. I've also heard he also has a Canadian birth certificate.
You gave a link that led me to the LA times. That is not a credible source as they are trying to get him elected and are suppressing vital information (i.e. in the form of a videotap). They are part of the cover up.
If BO was born in Hawaii he would have an official bc. He does not! He can't produce one because he doesn't have one.
they may be lost (haven't heard that though), but
at least she doesn't blatantly stand there and say So what, your not going to get them and there's nothing you can do about.
Actually he's the messiah - haven't you heard
I tried pulling up your link but it directed me somewhere else and not sure what you were reading.
However Farrahkan says he is the messiah and most O lovers believe that so they must follow Farrahkan too.
As for alien? Maybe he was sent by illegal aliens, but you never know. If O was not an American born citizen and never even applied to become an American citizen, he may indeed be an illegal alien himself. Time will tell.
Haven't heard that one yet - no message
You obviously haven't heard the audio or seen
it was put out by a black radio reporter. He wasn't being racist. He had a reporter out in Harlem, which is where his studio is, and was asking questions and he got some really ignorant answers. HE was making fun of them.
Why is it posters on this board who have been slammed by obvious racist remarks towards whites haven't complained but you seem to think something that wasn't racist but put out on an audio is racist?
You haven't heard about the sudden explosion
I hadn't thought about it but we haven't heard much, if anything about whether we are yellow,
Haven't heard a word about Palin being "caught in the act." s/m
Funny, haven't heard of any crowds of 100,000+ like Obama.
It took me awhile to get used to
but I have this unnatural hatred for birds (probably because one pooped on me before homecoming my junior year) so it makes it a little easier LOL.
I still have trouble when it comes to Bambi. I enjoy eating deer meat, just as long as I don't have to meet him before he hits my plate! HAHA
As far as knowing one is sick or not, you can pretty much tell when you look at it. Usually by the time their fried anything harmful is killed. The biggest thing you have to worry about is biting down on a piece of lead that didn't get dug out! OUCH!
we are definitely on our own for awhile
I think we should all get used to the idea of pitching in and helping each other.
Having been gone for awhile
I find this "O lover, O worshiper" garbage even more repulsive. For heaven sake, can you possibly imagine anyone just giving the guy a chance without ass-u-m-ing we are "O lovers or O worshipers? Good grief gertie!
Why is this discussion over - Ive been away for awhile and,
So why is this topic now closed?
I have not posted here for awhile because, frankly,..
I was at a loss for words. If I were one of those televangelist types I would say God did sent this hurricane/flood to expose this administration and many I-got-mine, who-gives-a-hoot-about-you Americans to the rest of the world for what our country has become...a place where racism, poverty, greed and environmental desecration have been allowed to thrive unhindered. There is money and manpower for the things this administration really believes in; power, personal accumulation of money, war and environmental apathy but none for its poorest, oldest, youngest and sickest...finally, finally, having been exposed naked to the world, perhaps we will wake up as a nation and clean house from the top on down. With God's help, and a little selflessness from everyone (not just the same people over and over and over) I believe we can overcome this tragedy and go on to be better for it; we are always better when we do the right thing. If our administration can't or won't do it, perhaps we can shame them in the eyes of the world by doing it ourselves. I am rambling here...I am just so completely stunned by the last week's events. I will stop here. Mitakuye Oyasin. Aho.
It's been awhile since I've posted
I can't even remember when I posted this message. I have stayed off the boat because the posters that defend the dems and say they had nothing to do with it just make me so infuriate I could just scream. Like you said, you can show them a video of them defending it and they still won't admit to it. They come up with something like "oh that video's been doctored" or some baloney like that.
I just found myself getting totally frustrated. Been screaming at the TV so much my voice is sore, so rather than add frustration stayed off the board for a short while.
I found some more information I found interesting I'll post later on. Back to work here for me for now.
And some poster awhile back was...
actually claiming that everyone knows the republicans are the ones who cheat. That is so laughable. This is only the beginning of the dems trying to steal the election once again.
He was a member of the party for awhile, yes he was....
but so far as I know he didn't pal around with people who blew up American buildings, someone who said God D*mn aMerica from the pulpit...yeah, that's the same thing. And HE was not the one running for office. Oh heck...what was I thinking? LOL.
she probably left for the same reason i did for awhile
when the libs continuously personally attack you and say the stupidest s*it, you can only take it for so long.
I rarely come here and I know why just be posting above... i get soooo angry and I dont like to be an angry person.
Poor Sam was all alone a lot of the time sticking up for what she believed in just to be struck down time and time again by people that have no class.
I wish her the best
I think you may be right, but it is long and will take awhile to read through it
I've got more to read, and this is a long one.
All I say is do not take away the small farm/personal household's right to not let us plant a garden. I was reading it again but is long and have to do more reading before I comment any more on this.
Bush came to my town awhile back,
but I just felt he was very disrespectful of the questions people were asking. Someone would ask something very important to their lives, like farming or healthcare, and not only would he avoid the issue (which many politiicans do), but he just outright laughed numerous times, and that did it for me. These people were looking to answers to questions they agonize about in their lives, and he would laugh it off and make a dumb joke. It really bothered me, but that is just one of many things that make me very wary of him. I just don't trust the man. I go with my gut feelings through life, and my gut is screaming not to trust him. May not be logical to many, but it's the way I feel.
If he passes the Children's Health Plan I will definitely have a little more respect for him. I think if he has a conscience he will. Many middle-class families are losing their homes and everything else they've got because they are drowning in medical bills. Our kids deserve it in my opinion, and even though he has promised to veto the bill, I hope in HIS heart of hearts he knows it's the right thing. Maybe I won't feel like saying anything negative about him for awhile if he passes it! I will be so grateful.
oh and by the Dems have had a majority in Congress for awhile now...
and what has been accomplished? Why haven't you been busy overturning every ill those nasty Repubs have done? LOL...Congress has even a lower rating with the public than Bush the math, if you can. lol.
Yep. I've been saying this for awhile. I'm glad people...
are starting to write articles about it. I know that there are many socialists in this country and it appears a good many on this board, since they continue the support in spite of it...but those middle of the road voters out there, not hard core either direction...they need to know this to make an informed decision. We who don't want socialism need to email this link to everyone we know...get this information out there to the grass roots.
Joe Biden-Hunter much for change
Yeah, well, I seem to remember Democrat saying she wasn't African-American awhile back. sm
So which is it?
Go Obama/Biden! I don't like it and will VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN!
Obama has shown great judgment in the people who surround him. He picked a great VP choice, and his wife is impeccable as a helpmate and is a fantastic role model for the American children.
How do you know they haven't?
That's the whole point. Bush acts like a dictator in complete privacy. Of course nobody can name names because this president thinks he can spy on whoever he wants without ever telling the person.
The sooner they impeach him, the safer this country will be.
No I haven't
but I'll try to remember to check it out.
At church last week our preacher had just gotten up to preach and he had just told us to turn to a Bible verse. So we all looked down to turn to the verse and when we looked up he was gone. Apparently he had stepped through the side door to go get a drink of water. Of course he came back out two minutes later, but someone made the joke that the rapture had come and he was the only one taken. It was pretty funny. Of course if it had really happened we'd have all of been with him (well hopefully, as I'm sure you know there are people in church who aren't really Christians!)
No, I haven't but
I'm seriously considering it...on a local level, of course, where I'm qualified. If I were younger............
I haven't seen that but I have seen others
There are just some very strange people in this country who think nothing of putting themselves on youtube giving their opinions (no matter what the subject). In today's world I would never ever put my face out for all to see stating my opinion. On this board is one thing (and even then I'm always concerned about what I post and who is watching it), but sometimes it's best to keep ones feelings to oneselves, especially if it is negative. The thought police are out there and you just never know what will come back at you for the worst.
I haven't seen her lately
When the election was going on (still when Hillary was running against Obama) and even shortly after the primaries ended I really enjoyed her. I thought she was level headed and brought out some good discussions and issues, but then towards the end of the election (maybe a couple weeks before 11/4) I found her starting to become opinionated and she jumped down someones throat about something that I thought she was clearly wrong on. She just became irritating and got under my skin a bit. I also really used to like Keith Olberman, but his coverage of the election was so unfair and between Keith and Rachel I just found them opinionated and not reporting facts and stuff so I kind of lost interest. Maybe I should try watching them again. It's funny about Hannity and Colmes. I cannot stand Hannity. He's just too uppity and goody two shoes and even D Morris would tell him stop focusing on certain issues and report on the other important ones and he doesn't listen. He annoys the you know what out of me. But Colmes...this guy is a crack up. I used to not be able to stand him. Now I enjoy listening to him. I don't agree with a lot of what he says, but I'll listen. I can take him a lot more than the others because he doesn't gloat about the O winning whereas the others do.
So I'll have to catch her show again and see if she's gotten better. Thanks for reminding me about her.
I'll tell you...if Bush is able to pardon himself....I think there is going to be a huge uproar. Mind as well just let the criminals decide what punishment they should get.
I haven't seen
and don't know when it was made, but you can bet your bottom dollar that at the time it was made, that statement was probably meant to be comic relief. The average US citizen would have laughed at such a statement prior to this presidential election.
sorry, no they haven't......
There is tons of pork barrel in that package. Even the moderate democrats are sickened by all the crap in there and refuse to pass it. Obama must have forgotten the part where he said absolutely no pork barrel spending! Yea, right!
I haven't seen any
poll takers out asking mainstream America their opinion, only the fabricating media and perverted judges telling us how wonderful homosexuality is. The rest of America finds the act of homosexuality deplorable. ;-)
Really? You haven't?
Just to take the first point: How about a speech he gave in 2008 which he criticized the US because most of us speak one measly language, while Europeans often speak 2 or 3? There is actually a pretty good reason for that, by the way. A person could drive in Europe a distance equal to the trip from Cincinnati to Chicago and pass through several countries. Some countries even have several dialects. Many European countries are tiny. Being multilingual in Europe is very practical. America is huge and people a couple of thousand miles away can understand one another in a single language, from youse guys to y'all.
I don't remember ever hearing a US president or presidential candidate publicly criticize his country the way this one has (well, maybe Kerry). And of course our foreign critics simply lap it up. I think Michelle Obama has some foreign language skills, but I've got to wonder in what second and third languages Barack himself is fluent. Surely he must be.....
I was unable to find the full text/location/date of the speech I am referring to, but here's a link to an article on it. Sorry, it does seem to be an piece that is overall critical of the great man, but then the mainstream would probably not have mentioned this at all
Oh, by the way, no spam file, I wrote it. Whether or not you find it witty, it's the way I view O's public criticism of the US, as though we are a collection of bumpkins he's stuck with and trying desperately to fix up.
Hey! Haven't seen you in a while...nm
What makes you think they haven't.
I haven't been here that long but
long enough to see clearly how immaturely they operate. PHEW!
Then you haven't been listening.
I have seen at least four conservatives express concerns about Bush on several occasions, and they even elucidated them. Of course, you would have to take off those blinders to see them but you aren't about to do that. What a joke. As far as your remarks about racisms, I consider your remarks extremely racist. And never mind the fact that black Americans, one of whom was quoted here, are also defending Bennett. Their voices don't count because they must be Uncle Tom's, right. AGAIN, a racist way of thinking.
You are so right. I haven't posted here
for this very reason. Certain posters (you know who you are) will come here to bash posts even when they are addressed to liberals. Apparently it doesn't matter to them that the moderator has repeatedly asked them not to do so and they can't seem to resist the urge to come over to this board when, in fact, they have their own. They've done it to me, they've done it to PK and others. Good luck to's too bad, 'cause they ruin the discussion for everyone else and it gets to the point where it just isn't worth it.
obviously you haven't seen Sicko
good god i wish we had it like France. Not sure what Canadians you are talking to but the ones i've seen are afraid to come to the US because of our health care system, "what if" an accident occurs in the US? and just maybe we DO need a waiting period for certain things. I know plenty of people that run to the doctor for every little thing. Maybe if they give their bodies a chance to heal itself instead of expecting to get antibiotics every time we might have less cases of MRSA. it's what drives up the cost of insurance and health care in general
At least we haven't been attacked
again on our soil....if tricky Billy Clinton did HIS job while in office, Bin Laden would have been taken care of and 9/11 would have never happened. Happy anniversary to you. Bush is far from perfect but we have been safe at home.
haven't roosted yet
but baby there will be a big, big party in Jan when they do!
I would venture to say, you haven't; you just
wanted to stop searching because it was leading to too many things that didn't look good for Obama.
yeah i haven't either
a friend of mine was called, they were trying to persuade her to vote for obama. Apparently they got an earful. LOL....
PS... My family is voting for McCain too...
I haven't researched but
I would imagine it is $250,000 on the bottom line profit since that is what we all pay taxes on. I agree that a business with a gross income of $250,000 is not all that much, as a rule of thumb, probably $125,000 net. On the other hand if it is $250,000 NET that's a pretty darn good income and I say they could well afford to pay a few measly dollars so those making a net of say $25,000 could have a little relief. But the middle or lower class workers are going to get NO relief because the big businesses are going to protect their greed and the small businesses have to raise their prices to survive. Example: We ate at a family owned restaurant the other night. Sirloin steak was $17.95 the last time we ate there was $21.95. The owner posted a sign apologizing for the price increases but said he didn't have any choice if he was going to stay in business because of his wholesale prices going up. THANKS Bush and big oil.
Haven't you voted YET?
What are you waiting for?
I haven't voted yet.
I'm planning on hitting the polls a little later this morning. Not too concerned about lines as our polling place is in a small town.
Gee Sam...wonder who you voted for. LOL! Go McCain/Palin!!! 