Sir Percy showed up on the C-board Y-day
Posted By: ??? on 2006-06-09
In Reply to: Really !! They can't point it out because it is not true..nm - Democrat
and said this:
*The real terrorists are in the WhiteHouse.
And his murder will only spawn a replacement.
Do you think for one second they are going to roll over for the imperialist invaders?
How soon do you think WE in America would stop fighting an invader?
Please - try to crack open your mind, just a sliver.*
Sounds like. S.P. is a little hopeful he will be replaced. I mean, S.P. thinks the real terrorists are in the White House, so he or she obviously is on the terrorists side.
You know there are extreme leftists in this country, and some occasionally show up on these boards hoping that someone takes the country down. You know it. You can deny it all day, but it's true.
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Oh, I see now that was to Sir Percy. sm
My eyes are playing tricks on me :)
I agree with you Sir Percy. sm
I read your responses on the conservative board too and I like your way of thinking.
Even though things can get out of hand with insults when the boards mix, I personally over the years have learned a lot by debating conservatives, the respectful ones. It seemed to me though some of the conservatives were determined not to come to any common ground with us liberals. And I'm guilty of that too to a certain extent. When I'm passionate about an issue there's no room to waver.
What we all need though is to realize this is not a game. These politicians especially need to realize this. That's the ones with an ounce of integrity. It's not about who wins or loses. Because if either side loses, we all do, so finding common ground is important.
My moniker is Democrat to #1. Be consistent and #2. Because I have been a registered Democrat since I could vote. That doesn't mean I have never voted for a republican congressman that I respected or thought was the beter candidate. There are some issues I am conservative on and I'm liberal on others. It's impossible to follow a party's idealogue down to the letter. We all think and feel differently.
The democratic party needs more powerful models like Murtha, Gore (albeit late), and Obama in order for me to gain the respect back I once had. I don't know what he's up to nowadays but Dean has proven to be a political disaster as the head of the DNC. It's coming to the point where all I see is a bunch of BIG DOGS who are willing to say any and everything to get that next vote so that can lead us all to hell in a hand basket.
Back to the media, let's face it the media does determine who will be in the political office. If you don't get the exposure no one knows about you, thus they don't vote for you. I met a Veteran for Peace member at the courthouse last month. He was an independent running for Alabama congress. He had petitions to get his name on the ballat. I read his agenda which included things like *exit strategy for the war in Iraq, immediate armor and equipment assessment for soldiers on the ground* and other social issues (I wish I could find the card). But I agreed with him and signed the petition. The truth is he probably won't make it on the ballat because of funding which means lack of exposure. It's all about the dollar, *the elite*, and if you don't have none then chances are you wont make it far.
I have read Sir Percy on other boards.
His posts are disturbing, and I absolutely do not mean they are disturbing in a thought provoking way.
I know Sir Percy and I'm sorry. I feel into one of Ann's well woven
She really doesn't deserve the attention she is given. She feeds off of it.
I am afraid Sir Percy was on a roll and just had to get all that hate out! nm
I don't make the rules, Sir Percy. The Administrator was. The fact is. sm
I agree with you. But this board has a history and as you can see, on both boards, the minute an opposing point of view comes on board, the moderators are summoned. It's a fact. This used to be a combined board but it was separated because of constant insults and failure to behave as mature adults.
I'm saying CNN reported showed it rt b4
Still looking, but since CNN repeats their stuff so much, you can probably catch the report later this p.m.
Not sure the link showed up.
They just showed last night on the
news a house in Houston that is used for polling, about 100 people show up to vote there. The husband is a precinct official and his wife makes the coffee, etc.
They Sure Showed That Obama
By FRANK RICH Published: February 14, 2009
AM I crazy, or wasn’t the Obama presidency pronounced dead just days ago? Obama had “all but lost control of the agenda in Washington,” declared Newsweek on Feb. 4 as it wondered whether he might even get a stimulus package through Congress. “Obama Losing Stimulus Message War” was the headline at Politico a day later. At the mostly liberal MSNBC, the morning host, Joe Scarborough, started preparing the final rites. Obama couldn’t possibly eke out a victory because the stimulus package was “a steaming pile of garbage.”
Less than a month into Obama’s term, we don’t (and can’t) know how he’ll fare as president. The compromised stimulus package, while hardly garbage, may well be inadequate. Timothy Geithner’s uninspiring and opaque stab at a bank rescue is at best a place holder and at worst a rearrangement of the deck chairs on the TARP-Titanic, where he served as Hank Paulson’s first mate.
But we do know this much. Just as in the presidential campaign, Obama has once again outwitted the punditocracy and the opposition. The same crowd that said he was a wimpy hope-monger who could never beat Hillary or get white votes was played for fools again.
On Wednesday, as a stimulus deal became a certainty on Capitol Hill, I asked David Axelrod for his take on this Groundhog Day relationship between Obama and the political culture. “It’s why our campaign was not based in Washington but in Chicago,” he said. “We were somewhat insulated from the echo chamber. In the summer of ’07, the conventional wisdom was that Obama was a shooting star; his campaign was irretrievably lost; it was a ludicrous strategy to focus on Iowa; and we were falling further and further behind in the national polls.” But even after the Iowa victory, this same syndrome kept repeating itself. When Obama came out against the gas-tax holiday supported by both McCain and Clinton last spring, Axelrod recalled, “everyone in D.C. thought we were committing suicide.”
The stimulus battle was more of the same. “This town talks to itself and whips itself into a frenzy with its own theories that are completely at odds with what the rest of America is thinking,” he says. Once the frenzy got going, it didn’t matter that most polls showed support for Obama and his economic package: “If you watched cable TV, you’d see our support was plummeting, we were in trouble. It was almost like living in a parallel universe.”
For Axelrod, the moral is “not just that Washington is too insular but that the American people are a lot smarter than people in Washington think.”
Here’s a third moral: Overdosing on this culture can be fatal. Because Republicans are isolated in that parallel universe and believe all the noise in its echo chamber, they are now as out of touch with reality as the “inevitable” Clinton campaign was before it got clobbered in Iowa. The G.O.P. doesn’t recognize that it emerged from the stimulus battle even worse off than when it started. That obliviousness gives the president the opening to win more ambitious policy victories than last week’s. Having checked the box on attempted bipartisanship, Obama can now move in for the kill.
A useful template for the current political dynamic can be found in one of the McCain campaign’s more memorable pratfalls. Last fall, it was the Beltway mantra that Obama was doomed with all those working-class Rust Belt Democrats who’d flocked to Hillary in the primaries. The beefy, beer-drinking, deer-hunting white guys — incessantly interviewed in bars and diners — would never buy the skinny black intellectual. Nor would the “dead-ender” Hillary women. The McCain camp not only bought into this received wisdom, but bet the bank on it, pouring resources into states like Michigan and Wisconsin before abandoning them and doubling down on Pennsylvania in the stretch. The sucker-punched McCain lost all three states by percentages in the double digits.
The stimulus opponents, egged on by all the media murmurings about Obama “losing control,” also thought they had a sure thing. Their TV advantage added to their complacency. As the liberal blog ThinkProgress reported, G.O.P. members of Congress wildly outnumbered Democrats as guests on all cable news networks, not just Fox News, in the three days of intense debate about the House stimulus bill. They started pounding in their slogans relentlessly. The bill was not a stimulus package but an orgy of pork spending. The ensuing deficit would amount to “generational theft.” F.D.R.’s New Deal had been an abject failure.
This barrage did shave a few points off the stimulus’s popularity in polls, but its approval rating still remained above 50 percent in all (Gallup, CNN, Pew, CBS) but one of them (Rasmussen, the sole poll the G.O.P. cites). Perhaps the stimulus held its own because the public, in defiance of Washington’s condescending assumption, was smart enough to figure out that the government can’t create jobs without spending and that Bush-era Republicans have no moral authority to lecture about deficits. Some Americans may even have ancestors saved from penury by the New Deal.
In any event, the final score was unambiguous. The stimulus package arrived with the price tag and on roughly the schedule Obama had set for it. The president’s job approval percentage now ranges from the mid 60s (Gallup, Pew) to mid 70s (CNN) — not bad for a guy who won the presidency with 52.9 percent of the vote. While 48 percent of Americans told CBS, Gallup and Pew that they approve of Congressional Democrats, only 31 (Gallup), 32 (CBS) and 34 (Pew) percent could say the same of their G.O.P. counterparts.
At least some media hands are chagrined. After the stimulus prevailed, Scarborough speculated on MSNBC that “perhaps we’ve overanalyzed it, we don’t know what we’re talking about.” But the Republicans are busy high-fiving themselves and celebrating “victory.” Even in defeat, they are still echoing the 24/7 cable mantra about the stimulus’s unpopularity. This self-congratulatory mood is summed up by a Wall Street Journal columnist who wrote that “the House Republicans’ zero votes for the Obama presidency’s stimulus ‘package’ is looking like the luckiest thing to happen to the G.O.P.’s political fortunes since Ronald Reagan switched parties.” There hasn’t been this much delusional giddiness in these ranks since Monica Lewinsky promised a surefire Republican sweep in the 1998 midterms.
Not all Republicans are so clueless, whether in Congress or beyond. Charlie Crist, the moderate Florida governor who appeared with the president in his Fort Myers, Fla., town-hall meeting last week, has Obama-like approval ratings in the 70s. Naturally, the party’s hard-liners in Washington loathe him. Their idea of a good public face for the G.O.P. is a sound-bite dispenser like the new chairman, Michael Steele, a former Maryland lieutenant governor. Steele’s argument against the stimulus package is that “in the history of mankind” no “federal, state or local” government has ever “created one job.” As it happens, among the millions of jobs created by the government are the federal investigators now pursuing Steele for alleged financial improprieties in his failed 2006 Senate campaign.
This G.O.P., a largely white Southern male party with talking points instead of ideas and talking heads instead of leaders, is not unlike those “zombie banks” that we’re being asked to bail out. It is in too much denial to acknowledge its own insolvency and toxic assets. Given the mess the country is in, it would be helpful to have an adult opposition that could pull its weight, but that’s not the hand America has been dealt.
As Judd Gregg flakes out and Lindsey Graham throws made-for-YouTube hissy fits on the Senate floor, Obama should stay focused on the big picture in governing as he did in campaigning. That’s the steady course he upheld when much of the political establishment was either second-guessing or ridiculing it, and there’s no reason to change it now. The stimulus victory showed that even as president Obama can ambush Washington’s conventional wisdom as if he were still an insurgent.
But, as he said in Fort Myers last week, he will ultimately be judged by his results. If the economy isn’t turned around, he told the crowd, then “you’ll have a new president.” The stimulus bill is only a first step on that arduous path. The biggest mistake he can make now is to be too timid. This country wants a New Deal, including on energy and health care, not a New Deal lite. Far from depleting Obama’s clout, the stimulus battle instead reaffirmed that he has the political capital to pursue the agenda of change he campaigned on.
Republicans will also be judged by the voters. If they want to obstruct and filibuster while the economy is in free fall, the president should call their bluff and let them go at it. In the first four years after F.D.R. took over from Hoover, the already decimated ranks of Republicans in Congress fell from 36 to 16 in the Senate and from 117 to 88 in the House. The G.O.P. is so insistent that the New Deal was a mirage it may well have convinced itself that its own sorry record back then didn’t happen either.
well actually 15 of the hate filled showed up from the sm
church from Kansas carrying signs reading, "God hates America," "Thank God for dead soldiers." It was ridiculous. The police had blocked them off a section and in front of them were a group holding the US flag so as to block them out of site from the family and friends.
I am surprised they showed the signs sm
They actually showed them several times. A lot of people agree with that particular message. I don't agree totally with it, but do find many aspects of the official story suspicious and some of it downright stupid. Usually when there is one lie, there are others so the families request for a new investigation is valid.
The song was a little corny, but like the message. They are definitely right about the manure. I heard a lot of conservatives were there.
Hmm, pictures I saw showed her children there with her.
There are people who travel for business and take their families with them, but they don't bring the family to their business meetings. DUH? What grade are you in? If you're going to get into a battle of wits, please at least come armed.
"present", meaning he showed up, but could not
You are right, Sam. I live in OH, just 1 poll showed
We showed plenty of patriotism..(sm)
last Nov 4. Now THAT was a grass roots movement. Maybe you guys just didn't have the right kind of leadership for this thing. Maybe next time you should look into getting a community organizer.....  
A few signs in the audience showed that some people
Our local news showed some people
who waited outside for 5-6 hours in freezing temps just to save maybe $50. Lord have mercy. I guess I'm thankful I don't need or want anything enough to do that!!
You're right about the me-me-me and it makes me sick. People will kill each other for a dollar!!
I agree that Sam's and Gourdpainter's posts showed the differences (sm)
between the two candidates but I think you are absolutely clueless when it comes to your judgement. Sam's posts are always backed by facts. No one is her "follower." We who are voting for McCain are often grateful that she takes the time to find these facts and post them for all to see. While I can appreciate your admiration for Gourdpainter, your insults to Sam are completely unfounded and uncalled for. You Obama-backers are always looking for proof---show me some proof that Sam's posts are garbage. Proof please?
And George showed SO MUCH experience and wisdom when he first took office, right?????
He got in on Daddy's coat tails and by and large had Daddy's former administration aides and cabinet members calling the shots and try to cover his idiocy. When is everyone coming out of denial about this past administration?
Like you showed Bush? ROFL. Gimme a break.
Respect is EARNED, my friend, not given.
Good thing Cheney showed up on camera with his dire pronouncements
Fearmonger? Yep, every other day it was a red or an orange or something.........Cry wolf one too many times and no one believes you anymore.
When Obama said we can't give up our ideals for safety... they showed Bush's embarrassed face
His lame patriot act was being referred to.
Bush was sort of in national guard but never showed for the physical... that counts? Cheney was nev
duh?? ya'll?
So you and your buds bash us on *your* board and suddenly, once you reach this board,
some respect?
You publicly post on the other board that you *try not to visit the bog of eternal stench.*
Well, doesn't look like you are trying all that hard. Or is that another example of Conservative honesty, like your buddy on the other board lies 3 times before suddenly deciding to be *up front* (in her own words) about the whole bogus line of crap she was spouting.
You and your 2 friends don't respect anyone unless they're a member of your little club, think exactly as you think, belong to the same political party as you belong, and believe in the very same little narrow SUBsection of one particular religion.
That's what I interpret from YOUR WRITTEN WORDS. Your posts don't show respect. They only show twisted *facts*, ignorance, anger and hatred.
You can't be *respectful* on your own board but suddenly, when you come here - HERE - the place YOU call *the bog of eternal stench* you suddenly discover some respectability during your mouse click from there to here?
Please. Some of us aren't as stupid as you think we are.
You're becoming quite a bore. You and your friends stated you don't want us on your board, but you're not happy unless you're picking a fight. You and your *gang* told us to leave and not to post on *your* board. Maybe that should work both ways.
Out of ALL the problems with radical Conservatives, maybe the most annoying thing is that you don't believe in equality at all. You believe in SUPERIORITY. Somewhere along the line, someone made you think you were special and above everyone else. Sheesh! You're not happy unless you're dictating to everyone else in the country what they're allowed to do in their own personal lives regarding life, death, science, etc. You even think YOUR GOD IS BETTER than everyone else's.
You want to make the rules, censor people and tell them which boards they can and cannot post on, but YOU want to invade them all and spew your ignorance and hatred.
In my heart, I believe there are sincere, honest, intelligent Conservatives out there who are capable of a sensible debate. I've seen them. (I hope you don't chase them away, too.) But and your crew don't fall in that category, and this will be the last of your inane posts I will subject myself to.
Talk about stench. Just read your very own posts.
Can we bring the board back to the true reason for the board
Can we get the political board back to the true purpose of this board – to share opinions of why we like our candidate. Not bash and cut down others because they don’t agree with you.
I stayed away from this board for the past couple days because anyone who had anything positive to say about Sarah Palin got slammed, bashed, kicked down, etc. After awhile I found it all too draining, and was not seeing any reason to come. Yes, I did see some of it towards people who favored Barack Obama, but if you read the posts again it is mostly towards anyone who favored Sarah Palin/John McCain.
I thought the political board was for posting information regarding politics and candidates. What I have seen for the past few days is that it has been an attack board. Especially if you have anything positive you want to share about Sarah Palin. You say something good about her and you get attacked, you answer back, and you get attacked more, and then when you get mad and pretty much say stop attacking me, they come back with this “Geez, I’m allowed to have an opinion”.
Another thing I am tired of seeing is the slanderous, hate filled, really off the wall comments about Sarah Palin. The latest was something about her daughter actually had her baby. Talk about just bizarre comments. I thought what’s next, she’s an alien from another planet? The more I kept reading the more the comments were getting just really weird and bizarre. Of course nobody ever having any proof of any of these allegations. I then came to realize that the posters were just trying to get a fight going.
I also saw posts that had nothing to do with politics but attacking a poster named Sam. Again, probably trying to get another fight going for no good reason and on things that have nothing to do whatsoever with politics. I’ve read “Sam is like an annoying nat that you sway away”, “Sam, please let me know where you work” or “she must have her quota” or “sam is to the politics board as oracle is to the” This childish rhetoric is getting old. I’m not defending sam she is a big girl and I can see by her posts she can take care of herself, but my point is that this has nothing to do with politics. If you want a fight maybe you could request that the administrator create a separate “fight and degrade” section.
I’ve read the administrators post a couple different times called Beware of Flaming. She/he said as long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree we shouldn’t wear our feelings on our sleeves and a little more oversight on here would be good. Let people express his or her opinion and move on. If you don’t like someone just ignore that person. “It’s not rocket science, you know” (I liked that statement) 
I consider posting on this board a privilege and not a right. If you don’t agree with something and you post that you don’t agree and state the facts why (and are civilized about it) that’s one thing, but when you bash and degrade others without showing proof and just want to start fights and belittle others it just seems a bit juvenile to me.
I come to the politics board to hear ideas and stuff (facts) about the candidates. That is how I’m learning about each one, but I don’t want to read people attack other posters for no good reason. I'd like to hear about Obama/Biden & McCain/Palin, but I want to hear facts.
If you like to fight so much why don’t you pick on people that you can fight to face to face.
Your on the wrong board - you need to preach on the faith board
You just delivered a sermon (or quote). Either way it doesn't belong here. What does this have to do with politics. The democrat and republican party did not start up until after the 1800s. Socialism also wasn't created until the 1800s.
To me your post describes the way humans should treat other humans. This has nothing to do with politics - imho.
Because you posted on the Main board not Politics board.
It was removed, as we do not have an option of moving from Main to Politics.
This could have easily been avoided had you posted on the correct board.
The response from another poster to not post political viewpoints on this board was becuase you posted it on the Main board.
the conservative board is a liberal board now
you all aren't happy until you infect everyone out there with your hatred. It's not something I'd very proud of.
Politics board = political topics. Faith board = religious topics.
Please keep all religious/faith topics and discussions on the Faith board. This would involve your beliefs, whether Christian or atheist, etc.
The Politics board is strictly for political topics and discussions.
Ya gotta understand the rules. We have to post on this board only. They can post on any board they
If you leave our board, I'll leave your board.
Well when one board
makes threats against a sitting president the rules change quite a bit.....
Look down board. sm.
They have no real concept of war. They don't understand that people are actually shooting at one another, and it affects families for decades, the price of so-called "Freedom" as he calls it. They have the Texan attitude, go kick butt, and while none of their's are over there, they cannot experience the true consequences of war, just wave their little flags and have no idea that war is freaking WAR. I hate this. They are not conservative - what is conservative about running up the deficit to the degree that it is at now - that is certainly not conservative. This war thing is just a CNN thing to them - something only happening on TV, something to occupy their time, they have no idea of how badly it can hurt and scar; they are as clueless as their leader.
You best look again at the other board.
I'm off the board
you have mistaken the above poster for me.
Again, I'm off the board
no other comments will be made by me other than to straighten out the fact that I'm not posting here anymore. 
It's all over the board. nm
Come on over to the C-board
You will be understood and accepted there. You are casting your pearls before swine here. These people are not the mainstream in America, believe me.
I am Christian, but sympathize greatly with the plight of the Jewish people.
Oh yes, mam, right here on this board. SM
Him and his whole family. Yessirree. It happened.
You must be new to the board...nm
This board
This has been a very intolerant board for years. I think it just gets worse at election time. I come here on and off, depending on how busy I am and how feisty I feel! They are intolerant, but I don't really care. I guess they think their nastiness is going to convince people to see things their way, NOT!
Go Obama!
Exactly ...but those on this board don't want
Does anyone on this board
Because my understanding is that Obama is only raising taxes on people making more than this amount, & the increase would only be for the amount over 250K, & that rate would be the same as it was under Clinton.
On the one hand it's "taking from the rich & giving to the poor" -- & on the other hand, I can't get too upset because some millionaire is only going to get an 18-carat toilet bowl instead of a 24-carat-gold one. & there are so many loopholes in the tax laws, they're going to employ legions of accountants to make sure they write off enough to bring their taxes down to something they're more comfortable with anyway -- probably less than what I pay.
Obama has said a number of times that he wants to end tax breaks for companies that offshore. Now THAT affects me directly. It's an incentive to keep jobs in the US, & that seems to be the subject of a LOT of talk on this board of late.
I'm not registered as a Democrat. I'm actually a Libertarian, but I have a feeling that this election I'm going to vote Democratic. Sarah Palin clinched that deal. What a ditz. I'd be embarrassed to have her represent this country. If you haven't heard her talk yet, go to youtube & find her interview with Katie Couric, & read the NY Times for a long list of very eloquent, VERY conservative columnists who do not like her at all & who talk about the Republican party insiders who wanted her removed from the ticket because she is clearly unprepared to lead the country. What can you say about someone who cannot name a single Supreme Court decision besides Roe v Wade, who cannot name a single publication that contributed to her world view or political philosophy, who thinks that her geographic proximity to Russia constitutes a foreign policy credential, who does not know what causes global warming, who cannot even name a single piece of legislation her own running mate was responsible for in his 26 years in public office?? Good grief. McCain's underestimation of the American public's intelligence is demeaning & has destroyed any credibility he ever had with me, & believe me, he used to have some. I'm still waiting to hear her answer a single question with intelligence & depth, turn every question into an opportunity to spew her predigested, scripted talking points because she simply doesn't have anything else.
Anyway. I digress. The issue was taxes.
Not on this board, lol!
then why are u still on the board nm
I'm not sure it came from this board but (sm)
it is not someone that I have any friendship with, so I was just questioning if anyone was getting these. If I was positive it came from this board, I would have reported it.
Then why oh why are you on this board?
I see such race hating, race baiting, hatred, on and on. There are still people with racist issues -they are all over this board.
You just let everyone here on this board KNOW exactly HOW you think..
and I am glad to know that the majority of people here do not have your hateful and rabidly racist bent.
What about what YOU said on the conservative board?
I try not to visit the bog of eternal stench. Funny
The very people who whine about "intelligent debate" now have whole threads devoted to crying to their mommy about being asked to be respectful. Pitiful.
I agree - please only one board
I liked it so much better the other way. Being an independent who usually votes Republican, I like to see exchange of ideas, even if it gets somewhat heated at times. I think most people have enough sense to know that Americans have the right to their opinions, and enjoy a lively debate. That is JUST MY OPINION, if anyone cares.