All you need is a flag pin or a Steelers uniform to run. lol nm. xx I don't wear a flag pin, and I'm patriotic. . The thing that raises the red flag for me is ....sm that she said she was called on her cell phone. I talked to my family and friends about that and no one that I spoke to has ever had a call from a campaign on a cell phone. Does anyone else recall? Another point is the some people are saying that the polls in the election may not be that accurate because so many people have cell phones now and no land line, and pollsters only use land lines where polling for the election. Comments? Another thank you for your service. White flag is right.. what a nation of wimps we will become under this man. He'll be hiding behind Michelle's skirt. Wave that confederate flag..... I suppose the millions without jobs right now are all black/hispanic/asian? You really don't deserve a response, but, sometimes the trash needs taken out. How can you trust him otherwise? He could be purposely disrespecting our flag (sm) as a sign to those he truly sides with that he is on their team. The mere thought that someone could be elected to be our President while refusing to accept our flag is just insane! Do you have any idea how good we have it in America compared to other countries? Do you want to become a third world country? Do you know how possible it is? Refusing to acknowlege our flag is disrespectful nm x Haha! It always seems the people with the biggest flag- REAL Americans don't gripe about their flag! -- For many parents of military personnel, a flag -- right, but has he to bring a BIG American flag into the office too, before even asking what the office policies are regarding this? Why assume that flag-flying was this individual's There's nothing in the story to support your assumption that flying the flag represents this individual's complete understanding of the notion of patriotism. On the other hand, flying the flag IS certainly ONE expression of patriotism - a form of protected speech, in fact - and the ONLY question here is not whether this individual has a simplistic view of patriotism, but whether displaying the flag should have been prohibited. We'll just call this your quota of "straw man" logical fallacies for the week, shall we? You may not post another one until next week. Don't want a fight, just want to ask, Does Obama respect the American Flag? I saw this picture of his airplane before the makeover and here it is after the makeover His "symbol" "slogan" "trademark" or whateverthatis replaced the flag. I'm So SP wrapping the flag around her body for a political photo op x GIVE ME A ROYAL BREAK!!! FLAG-FLYING Flag-flying IN AND OF ITSELF is not "patriotism" PATRIOTISM is standing up for one's COUNTRY against all - including the government. You can show your patriotism in MANY MANY ways other than flying a flag - one of the most important ways is to EDUCATE yourself about how the government LIES good men and women into fake wars to LINE THE POCKETS OF THE ALREADY RICH. We have not been "fighting for our freedom" since 1776!! WANT TO SHOW YOUR PATRIOTISM? Get the facts about what your government is REALLY using your tax dollars for and HOW they are really using your sons and daughters... I never asked you what you did. sm I made the statement that you are a whiner. I would never tell the personal information some of you have on here, just for safety's sake if nothing else. YOU ASKED ME !!!!.. I do not remember specificially but you asked me where were my legs and my mouth. What did I do besides coming to the C board and whining and I answered you. The peace **movement** as you call it is different from a peaceful nonviolent approach to life. The movement is but one small fraction of trying to live a life of nonviolence. The **movement** shows its face big time when a tragedy the size of Iraq erupts but most of the time we work behind the scenes. Again, this is our board, I'll preach to the choir as much as I want. If you don't like it, don't read it, how simple is that. You seem to see promotion of a peaceful existence as one thing and that is resistance to war, or conflict or whatever they are calling it these days. It's all about the **them**, the politburo, the Viet Cong, the communists, the socialists, the terrorists. I don't see things that way. I see a bigger picture, bigger than this country or Iraq or Iran or China or this planet or this galaxy. I have been instructed in no uncertain terms how to behave towards my fellow man. There are no riders attached. That is the part that seems to be so hard for you to deal with. Christ instructed us to love our brothers as ourselves, to do for the least of our brethern as if we were doing for Him. He does not say, except for the drug addicts, the alcoholics, the bums, the slackers, the liars and thieves...there are no riders. That is for Him to sort out, not me. The terrorists you refer to are everywhere. It is a mind set, not a place. They are here in our country, they are certainly in Europe, in the Philippines, in Africa, in the islands of the South Pacific, Indonesia. It makes no sense to go somewhere else and protest. We have to look at ourselves first, always. Your approach seems to be to wage war on everyone. I think that is an exercise in futility. I will stick with my approach. I will continue to pray, continue to do the things I have always done. I empathize with your position, knowing where you come from but I will never see killing as a way to accomplish anything positive. I also sincerely truly and honestly believe the terrorists hate each other more than they hate us and that we would not be in any more danger if we left Iraq than if we stay; in fact, I think just the opposite, the longer we stay, the worse things will become. It is a horrible position our troops have been put into. They were sent into an immoral, unethical, illegal snake pit by people who have never seen a day of combat in their lives, who got out because they had **other priorities.** And now they're stuck and we're stuck and whatever way we extricate ourselves it will not have a good outcome. My own personal opinion is that it is better to get out now and save what lives we can. I know you disagree, so be it. By the way, I have one question for those of you who have served in the military or have husbands who have done so or are still doing so, doesn't the fact that people like Cheney with 5 deferments bother you/them. That no one who has sent people into war have actually been there themselves. Doesn't that bother you?? As you asked, here's a few... These are just from the past week. There's plenty, plenty more, a veritable ton to choose from...... _________________ Can we just admit it...you don't care what the facts are. What a twisted value system. Twisted. Here she is folks...the aspiring Ann Coulter of the liberal board. Don't pretend you actually talk about issues here. You don't. You do not believe your own platform. Yeah....liberal compassion. I see a LOT of that on this board.... You care nothing about the truth. I don't even know if you recognize it anymore. Pathetic. Cannot let go of prejudice long enough to see the truth when it is in plain black and white. Again...if this is a liberal trait then God save us from liberals... Typical pile on attack liberal tactics. Just admit it. You know they are lying, you just don't care. What a twisted, twisted set of values you have. Denial, denial, denial. It is so patently obvious...you cannot get past the Bush hatred...cannot see the forest for the trees. Amazing....utterly, completely, amazing You have so much class, reveille...really, so much class. You could not debate an issue if your life depended upon it. Let us hope that it never does.
Once again, you get what you asked for I gave it to you and you want to call it retoric. You just can't stand it because you have nothing else to go on. Your own man for president is disliked by his own VP. Strange bed fellas indeed. Gotta wonder what's going on there and just how Obama got talked into Biden for his VP. Didn't you say show us your facts? What about it don't you like? I admit, it doesn't look good does it? At least Palin wasn't caught putting down McCain left and right. That bothers you I know but too bad. You can you tube it and find it yourself since even proof isn't good enough for you. Such denial you guys are in. I just asked him and he said he is FOR the secret ballots because he said that companies start intimidating workers when the subject of unions come up, telling them, we will have to cut your pay, prices will go up, we will have to lay off most of our workers and finally, "we'll have to close our doors." So it cuts both ways. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to expound on his RABID pro-union stance if you're sure you're ready for that. LOL Yes, I know Todd Palin is a card-carrying union member and good for him but that still doesn't mean I want to see his wife in the White House!!!! He was never asked if he spoke to dead presidents or anything about seances with Nancy Reagan. I'm for Obama doing well but we do not need humor right now. We need some serious answers to what promises he is going to keep to us and what he is going to do to help us. Granted, this was the first conference I think he's had (I think, not sure), but don't joke. Jokes are not what we need. He needs to take some time, get acclimated, first get sworn in, show the people he is going to do what he promised, and then there will be time for jokes. This was not appropriate. And he needs to tell the reporters who as the absolute a$$nine questions, that he is there to answer questions about his plans, not his personal life. You asked for it... **Fellow Business Executives:*** **As the CFO of this business that employees 140 people, I have resigned** **myself to the fact that Barrack Obama will be our next President, and** **that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way.** **To compensate for these increases, I figure that the Clients will have** **to see an increase in our fees to them of about 8% but since we cannot** **increase our fees right now due to the dismal state of our economy, we** **will have to lay off six of our employees instead. This has really been** **eating at me for a while, as we believe we are family here and I didn't** **know how to choose who will have to go.** **So, this is what I did. I strolled thru our parking lot and found 8** **Obama bumper stickers on our employees ' cars and have decided these** **folks will be the first to be laid off. I can't think of a more fair way** **to approach this problem. These folks wanted change; I gave it to them.** **If you have a better idea, let me know.** **Sincerely,*** *J.D.* asked, but -- x He also said when asked..(sm) Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion? "Yeah. I mean, again, I think that’s an individual choice." So which is it? Of course I make fun of republicans, just like you guys make fun of dems. So what else is new? I'll tell you what. I'll name one republican who I think is reasonable, and you name one democrat who you think is reasonable. I'll go first. How about John McCain's daughter....Meghan McCain. She is 24 years old, just out of college, and smart as a whip. She has a column on The Daily Beast. I think she leans a little more towards the center, but is definitely a fiscal conservative. Give her about 8 years and if she goes into politics she will be a force to be reckoned with. Check out these interviews. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#29645772 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#29645895 Who asked you? . You asked.... here ya' go. I was asked what I do besides whine, where.. were my legs. This is in response to something on the other board. Again, let me reiterate, I was ASKED. ![]()
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