Washington -- House Republicans, after weeks of negotiations, narrowly passed a budget bill early Friday to cut $50 billion from Medicaid, food stamps, student loans and other programs over the complaints of Democrats that Congress is squeezing students, the elderly and the poor to pay for tax cuts for the rich. The House approved the bill 217-215, after GOP leaders agreed to demands from moderate Republicans to jettison a measure to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and to slightly reduce proposed cuts to food stamps. Still, the vote was so politically sensitive that House leaders didn't begin debate until 10 p.m. Thursday and didn't pass the measure until nearly 2 a.m. -- when most news reporters gone and only a few C-SPAN junkies could witness the fiery floor action. No Democrats voted for the bill, and 14 Republicans opposed it. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco said in a floor speech that cutting money for Medicaid, child support enforcement and foster care as the House prepares to vote on $70 billion in tax cuts was a sin. Republicans are launching an attack on America's children, on America's families, Pelosi said. They are also launching an attack on America's middle class, all of this to give tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country. But House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., responded that the proposed cuts were needed to rein in the growth of federal spending on health care and other programs. Medicaid is growing at a 7.3 percent growth rate per year, Hastert said. It has been growing for years. Is there a better way to do it? Is there a more efficient way to do it? Should we find some reforms to make it better? Yes, we should. The House bill also would split the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, a goal of conservatives who have long complained the court is too liberal. But the breakup of the appellate court, which covers the country's Western region including federal cases that arise in California, is not part of the Senate budget bill. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are seeking to strip it from the final package. The battle over the budget reconciliation bill now moves to a joint House-Senate conference committee, where lawmakers will have to make several critical decisions, including: -- Will the final budget bill allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? The Senate version would allow drilling, but a group of House Republican moderates has pledged to oppose any final bill that would open the Alaskan wildlife refuge for development. -- How deeply will lawmakers cut student loans? The House bill would cut student loan programs by $14.3 billion, while the Senate version cuts them by $8.8 billion. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the House bill would cause a typical college student with the average of $17,000 in student loans to pay an additional $5,800 in interest and fees over the length of the loans. -- Will some legal immigrants lose their food stamps? The House bill would cut off 220,000 people from food stamps by allowing legal immigrants to qualify for the food aid after seven years, instead of the current five years. The Senate bill does not cut food stamps, and moderate lawmakers are urging that it be dropped from the final budget package. -- How will the cuts affect Medicaid recipients? The House bill calls for $11.4 billion in cuts to Medicaid, while the Senate bill trims spending by only $4.3 billion. The House bill also would allow co-payments to rise over time with inflation and would deny Medicaid nursing home benefits to people with $750,000 in home equity. -- Will child support enforcement be cut? The House bill would slash funding for child support enforcement by $4.9 billion. The Senate did not include any cuts to child support enforcement. -- Will Medicare be cut? The Senate voted to eliminate $5.4 billion in subsidies for some regional insurance companies that agreed to participate in President Bush's Medicare prescription drug program. The House bill does not cut the subsidies. Congress watchers expect that lawmakers are likely to split the difference between the House's $50 billion in cuts over five years and the Senate's $35 billion in trims. But the negotiations will be difficult for GOP leaders. Conservatives, especially in the House, have been pushing for deeper cuts. Republican moderates plan to lobby to restore funding for some programs. House Republicans argue the heated rhetoric over the budget bill's effects is overblown because many cuts are simply limiting the growth rate of certain federal programs. For example, the proposed cuts to Medicaid would lower the annual growth rate in spending on the program from 7.3 percent to 7 percent. But Democrats complained the cuts hit the wrong targets, including students struggling to pay for college. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill would increase costs to students and families by $8 billion, including nearly $5.5 billion in costs when students consolidate loans. You're hurting the students of this nation, Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, told Republicans in an angry floor speech. You're putting their families in debt. You're piling on the interest rates. You ought to be ashamed of it. E-mail Zachary Coile at zcoile@sfchronicle.com. Half sister ---college student --- left that nm I think it's too early to tell He's only been in a couple weeks. Too early to tell. We hear stories here and there, but he needs more time. I voted for him, but I do not have a lot of confidence in him. I always remind myself that he is not the one making decisions, he just does what he is told to do. I don't think he's gotten a good start though. I think Obama has the same "mesmerizing" type of quality that Bill Clinton did when he would give speeches. Someone who was invited to the white house once when Bill Clinton was president said that Mr. Clinton had the ability to mesmerize his audiences almost like in a hypnotizing or trance-like state. He said that he looked around the room at the people listening to the President and they were in a sort of trance. Mr. Clinton had a way of lying to the people but they didn't care and they smiles and said Thank god Mr. Clinton is our president. When asked about the lies he told, they answered with "so what, I don't care." That is the same road I'm seeing Mr. Obama take. He's able to hypnotize his audiences to a point that he lies to them and they don't care. They still will smile and say it's okay. As for losing or gaining support I think it all depends on whether you support him or not. If you voted for him and are a die-hard Obama fan you will say he's gaining support and everyone else is just picking on him. But if you don't support Obama you will say he's losing support. I don't think he's had a very good start to the office - just the stuff he's done like who he is picking for his cabinet, the stimulus bill he came out and approved and basically threatened congress and put out the fear that if they don't vote for it we will head into depression, etc, etc., but I do believe we really need to give the guy some more time. Maybe in 6 months lets come back and see how he's done over the first 6 months. He was born too early ... If you read through the articles, you'll see that he was actually born before the law went into effect stating that people born in the Panama Canal zone were natural born citizens. Thus, he is not. I'm sure the RNC felt that it was just a technicality that would never be called out. I fear if this Obama stuff continues, it will be. And we'll be left with no candidates to vote for. Too early to ask this. Palin has not said SHE is nm This was in the late 70s early 80s As far as I know, none of my friends slept with these students. One of the guys used to come up to our hometown and spend the night and never ever acted like he was interested in "conquering" my friend or I. We were all just friends. maybe the times were different? Terrific video by high school student in Alabama A friend sent me this email and thought it was great I wanted to share it here. Link included at bottom This will stir your patriotism, it’s good. Wow! This is spectacular. Tea Party commercial by an Alabama teenager... I asked Justin if he could help me make a commercial for my group's Tea Party. He sat down at the laptop for about an hour and then brought this to me and asked "is this okay, Mom?" After I finished watching it, my stomach was in my throat. Everyone that I have sent it to has really enjoyed it so I wanted my friends to see it. I am so proud! Enjoy! A PROUD MOM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkFFwyyjZC8 Got a call early this morning, was not truly awake when I answered the phone, and my stepson stationed in Japan gave me the dreadful news, news I NEVER wanted to hear...he is going to Iraq. My husband was not here when I received this horrifying news, he was working the midnight shift. My stepson said not to tell his dad, that he would tell him. So here I am, with husband now sleeping, and he still does not know that his son is nearing the time of deployment to this God-awful, senseless, maniacal, perverted, ill-fated, unjustifiable war in Iraq where innocent Iraqis by one hundred thousand and American by the thousands are dying because WHY???? Someone please give me an unabashed truthful, reasonable answer as to WHY we are even there?! You must know that when the Bush admin even started talking about invading Iraq, I was 100 percent against it. I knew our presence there would only enrage, create a hornet's nest of more terrorists and fanatics, and lead to devastation for WHAT!? To get rid of Saddam, to get the oil, to enrich Halliburton?! None are good enough reasons to kill people. This murdering bunch of thugs who are *elitists* sitting on their money, getting richer on the lives and deaths of our American troops....It's all too much for me. As I said, I have been against this war before troops were even deployed, and my son has to go....very very sad day for us. I pray for all those have gone before my son, and pray to the dear Lord that this will all end soon. God forgive this prez for all the killing and misery he has caused for nothing, NO THING! Poll: Early in the game but.sm Who will get the Democratic nomination, and who will that person pick for a running mate? Who will get the Republican nomination, and who will that person pick as a running mate? Winner gets a 22K gold-plated crystal ball, and the top position on Wall Street..!!!l Too early to tell, but this looks like a good start! =) nm Wow. They let the loons out early this morning. Either way, it is doubtful he is racist against his other half. The paragraph about early retirement That's where DH is. Forced to retire because of no work (road construction). The stimulus money went to 2 cities in my state. The rest of the state got nothing towards road construction or very little. We didn't get last year's stimulus check because we owed taxes and they put the money towards that. Now he's getting screwed out of the $250 because he wasn't retired when this happened. Never fails. Remember that cartoon of the guy always under the grey cloud? That's us. Plan was made in early 1990's The top neocons, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle were mulling invading the Middle East back in the early 1990's. In the minutes of their meetings, they state they have to find a reason to invade, that Americans would not allow a war without a reason. They got their reason with 9/11 and twisted the truth, lying and trying to convince the people, as they are still doing, that 9/11 and Iraq and Saddam are somehow connected. These plans were set over 10 years ago. It was and is for control of the Middle East and it's oil. Funny thing happened, though, on the way to a war where the Iraqi's would meet our soldiers in the street with flowers, the Iraqi's didnt and the terrorists started multiplying and meeting our soldiers in the streets with bombs and guns..and with this war, what do we have to show for it? An Iraqi constitution? Oh please, based on Islamic law, not democracy. Less rights for women than they had under Saddam. Less rights for minorities. An ancient country ravaged and destroyed by Bush's war. People too afraid to venture outside, electricity, if you are lucky for an hour a few times a week, dirty water which they bathe in, drink, clean clothing and dishes in, tens of thousands dead, tens of thousands more maimed, no doubt psychological trauma for the Iraqi children for the rest of their lives..oil pipe lines being blown up..and that was supposed to pay for this war..All of this..FOR WHAT? What the heck was this all for..Bush ought to be tried as a criminal..and he just might be in the future. He peaked too early and is now unraveling. His downfall.. was not picking Hilliary and now I'm sure he regrets it. Early "sex education" is not what some people are...sm making it out to be. It is actually teaching children of all ages, as early as kindergarten, to learn what is and is not acceptable behavior of adults toward them, that they should not hesitate to say no, yell, run away and tell, when anyone is inappropriate, especially in a sexual way, or makes them feel uncomfortable. That is all. Elizabeth Smart's father Ed Smart advocates the same thing. Many, many children are traumatized every year because they are afraid to speak out when something like that happens. I was one of them many years ago. You might say that that is the parents' job. I agree. My mother did not warn me and I wish she had to say the least. This criticism of Barak Obama is totally unwarranted, mostly made by republicans who jump the gun and do not get all the facts first. Shame on you! Brunner (dem)started this whole problem with early nm Early voting down here in the Lone Star and already trying to mislead democratic voters. Hmmmm. Hello. Early polls ARE the first phase of the election. These are Americans. They were alive when they voted. A vote is a vote is a vote is a vote. They evidently took their citizenship very seriously. They should be afforded at least the respect to be taken seriously and be counted along with the rest of us. You, on the other hand...would you say this about your own mother or daughter? What is wrong with you? Early studies show that regular smokers of pot, (don't know...sm how regular regular is), seem to have less incidence of Alzheimer disease. If true, an interesting tidbit I thought. Media in the tank for O,early voting in Ohio nm You're a tad early in your post. It's still 17 days today.. ho hum....boring.... May see an erosion of Dem support as early as 2010 election cycle. Rasmussen is already showing some evidence of this as a generic Republican is beating a generic Democrat now by 2 points, rather than losing by 6 points as his poll showed a few weeks ago. The best evidence of this in 2010 will not necessarily be Republican victories, although it might happen. The evidence will be that Democrats in "stronghold" districts will have to fight for their lives to get reelected and will have much smaller margins than they're used to. Others might have opposition from their own party and have to deal with a primary fight they're not used to. I'm rather glad that the media and the Democrats have treated the tea-party phenomenon with such scorn and contempt. I'd rather that they continue to underestimate the opposition to what they're doing, and overestimate their own popularity. They will discover that the support of the American voter has never been something you can take for granted. The Democrats are now in the process of doing just what the Republicans did in allowing the extreme elements of the party to take over and, just as voters showed the Republicans the error of doing this, the voters will teach the Democrats the same lesson. Hence, the pendulum. Think again - nothing has been voted on yet I guess you really don't get it, do you. I don't care if McCain or Obama is ahead but these polls mean absolutely nothing. Nothing has been settled yet. If Obama wins on 11/4 then that's fine. If McCain wins on 11/4 then that's fine, but for pete's sake stop acting like children spinning that your candidate has already won and they have more this or that. I've been watching the news on every station and reading all the websites and I have not found anything yet to say one has more votes than the other. Polls mean diddly. The real thing will happen on 11/4. Til then it would be a good idea to put a lid on your arrogance. Like I say either way I don't care. Whoever gets in gets in. Either way the country is really really screwed! The question now is do you want someone to tell you your screwed to your face or do you want some to hide it in fluff and make you feel good while your being screwed. They all voted against us No one in Washington is standing up for us. You are being pitted against each other by CNN and Fox. There is no difference between the two candidates at all. They are both wimps. Had he done so I would have voted for him most likely x but he could have voted against it - He did not have to sign that bill; even if it was for show because he knew it was going to pass, he could have not signed it just to prove the point that he does not support any pork barrel spending. Just goes to show, he is going to do whatever he wants to do when he gets in office - no matter what he promised. If he wants something done and he has to give away a lot of money to get it, he is going to give away a lot of money. He's no different than anyone else. He voted against it, and he said why... he said he was afraid that people would use the bill to somehow circumvent abortion rights. And for that he was willing to sacrifice even those babies who survived that heinous procedure. Does it matter WHY he voted against it? Does that change the fact that he DID? i voted against O, however... i strongly opposed obama in the white house. however, i do believe that now he is pres-elect, that we should be respectful and supportive in as much as possible. he may well surprise even me and change some of his positions and prove to be a much better leader than i would expect. i for one, will be praying for his wisdom and judgment. or maybe he voted the way he said he voted nm Why they voted for him... obama fan: "I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage because if I help him[Obama], he’s gonna help me.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI Any questions? Get a grip, I am happy not to be associated with voters like this. Like I said, the ones who voted for him either think he is their precious EVERYTHING, were too scared about the economy and were willing to vote for ANYTHING, or the ones who just voted for him because he is BLACK! Not too much of an intelligent vote either way!! Flame all you want! You mean he voted something besides Who knew? I do believe that it was voted on whether or not we went to war in Iraq and I do believe that many Dems were on board at that time as well as many Americans. It only became a problem with some when they realized how much money it was costing. Personally, I feel we should leave the middle east alone and let them kill each other. However, when they strike on US turf.....they best get ready for a strike back. As for the stuff that Obama has been handed.....I know his job can't be easy and I wouldn't take it no matter how much money I was offered......but I still cannot condone what he is doing. Taking the rights away from Catholic hospitals and making them perform abortions or lose their funding. The continued bailing out of banks with big bonuses being slipped in there. So many people in our government who have been appointed to positions and getting caught for not paying taxes but getting a get out of jail free card. Obama not crooked? I'm sorry but look at the state he comes from. Illinois is full of crooked politicians. His associations alone make me question his morality. His attendance to a church of hate was overlooked as nothing. There are just so many things stacked against this man and yet so many people refuse to see it or just let it slide like it is nothing. Obama has had enough free passes. This is my country and I have a right to question my government. To me this is not the time to be going to other countries and telling them how arrogant the US is and how everything is our fault. Just like every time Obama opens his mouth about his spending....he continually brings up Bush's spending instead of admitting his own excessive spending. I'm tired of the government giving CEOs crap for having private jets when government officials waste more taxpayer money on planes, etc. It is just ridiculous. It is like the whole lot of them preaching "do as I say and not as I do." Absolutely ridiculous. I just hope that come election time, we get some of these people out of office.....Frank, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid........ They may have voted for what some people want, but not everyone agrees with SSM. we actually voted in 2004....SM http://ideamouth.com/voterfraud.htm state by state, counties too.......... ![]()
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