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Rush's new bottom.

Posted By: Lurker on 2006-10-25
In Reply to:

 I do not listen to Rush but I saw this on television and read it in the paper. Michael J. Fox has done a commercial for the democrat running in Missouri who is pro stem cell research. He is obviously having a really bad day or his Parkinson's has progressed since I last saw him. Anyway, Rush said that Fox was **acting,** flailing all over the place, that he knew Fox had Parkinson's but that he has never seen any symptoms of it before this political ad. He said Fox might have stopped taking his medication so that he would flail around more, but if not, then he was acting.  Unfrigging believable. I have seen Fox unable to sit still or stop moving many many times even while taking medication over the years. I think he was diagnosed in 1994 so 12 years later he has probably deteriorated quite a bit. This just struck me as so mean-spirited. Knocking the homeless, the mentally ill, etc. is one thing, disgusting in my opinion, but to accuse a sick man of faking it is snake belly low. People in glass pill bottles should not throw stones.

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There are bottom feeders of all...
stripes, tis true, but we are talking about Coulter here. She also is an embarassment along the lines of Rush and O'Reilly. There are many conservative personalities who do not engage in outright cruelty directed towards specific individuals or groups.
The bottom line is....
from 1870 to the 1960's the majority of elected Democrats in Congress, with the help of a small minority of southern Republicans, effectively denied African Americans the right to vote for 90 years FOLLOWING the civil war. If you are saying that seeking their freedom and giving them the right to vote is a "liberal" movement, then it was the Republicans in majority, not the Democrats in majority, who were the "liberals" of that time.

In my mind, we are all tied up in semantics. The passion and commitment to something that to each of us is morally right is not liberal nor conservative. It is a human characteristic. None of us, I suppose, are truly liberal or truly conservative. It is a mixture. Some "liberals" agree with me that abortion is morally wrong and are against it for that reason, yet still consider themselves liberals. Some "conservatives" (such as Guiliani) do not agree on abortion and are pro choice, yet still call themselves conservative. I made a comment on the conservative board regarding the fires in California and was accused of sounding like a "bleeding heart liberal." So, in essence, over time people have identified certain characteristics and tried to put them in a liberal or a conservative box. And because we are human, and because we are different and have different ideas, we do not fit into boxes and ideas cross over. Hence, no true liberals or true conservatives....and that fact does not bother me at all, though it does bother some.

It is just that some of us love the labels more than others, I guess; the labels make them feel good, like they are affiliated with something noble...and what the labels mean to us individually, and some get very angry if someone questions the label.

I guess my prefrence is not to be labeled.

And that is what it is...a label, in the grand scheme of things. Because no one can really agree on what it means. Everyone puts their own personal spin on it. That is the nature of the human condition.
Bottom line
Obama is going to win, that's what counts.
He must do something right, if the majority wants Barrack Obama.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart ...sm
for posting this, though I feel that it falls on deaf ears. Sadly the bigots and racists are still in denial. I am old and white and it is hard to pull the wool over my eyes too. I voted today for Obama/Biden. The going will be rough for whoever wins, but I have hope with Obama and I have not had this much hope in a long time.
try this one. Look at the table at the bottom
bottom line...
After the attack of 9/11 something HAD TO BE DONE.

What other options were there?

Doing nothing was sure not an option.

That IS the bottom line...
That's the only reason it is being offshored. It has nothing to do with "free trade" and everything to do with corporate greed.
The bottom line is....(sm)

Torture does not provide reliable confessions.

Torture has not and will not "save American lives."  If it has done anything, it has put more lives at risk.

Waterboarding was used in WWII against US personell by the Japanese.  We prosecuted those who used torture and executed them.  Why?  Because it was against the law.  And what did the Japanese get for their efforts with torturing?  False information and a bad reputation.  What makes you think we'll get anything different from that?

The only thing torture is good for is revenge.  That's not what this country is about, and its not what I'm about.

Then on your list of bottom feeders

Don't forget Al Franken and Michael Moore just to name a few examples.  Oh, and don't forget liberal internet columnist  Deborah Frisch who told a conservative foe:

*if someone shot you and your 'tyke' it wouldn't slow me down one iota.' She also wrote that she hopes 'no one Jon-Benets' the child* -- a reference to the brutal murder of a young Colorado girl ten years ago -- and made disturbing sexual remarks about the boy.   *I reiterate: If some nutcase kidnapped your child tomorrow and did to her what was done to…Jon-Benet Ramsey, I wouldn't give a damn.*

That is bottom feeding in all its glory.  Ann may have a big mouth, but I don't think she's ever threatened to kill someone's kid and/or sexually abuse them.

Bottom line, Taiga....
did Murtha or did Murtha not say "The surge is working?" Yes, he did. Why did CBS choose not to print all the disclaimers? You got me, I don't know. As to Murtha adding the disclaimers, he probably suddenly remembered he is going to have to talk to Pelosi come Monday. I don't blame him, I would be backpedaling too. lol.
Okay. This is exhausting. Bottom line...
I did not say Teddy you are a liar. Nor will I. Only you know for sure if you are lying. And you have said ad nauseam you don't care what I think or say, so why do keep protesting so much? Sigh.

What I believe or do not believe does not matter at this point to anyone but me. I vote we stop whipping this dead horse.
i like the idea of starting at the bottom
giving the common people a break rather than sticking us from behind. I don't know what the monetary amount should be per mortgage. I heard Whoopi this morning throwing out the idea of 25% to the people who have taken out mortgages since 2003. One of the gals on the view also talked about these people who were given these loans that were very low interest at the beginning and then after a few years had the interest raised. Why can't the mortgage companies offer them a lower interest rate again? At least they would be getting something!! They are all greedy. I think the idea of bailing the mortgage companies out is disgusting. I realize people should never get in over their heads to begin with but these mortgage companies and any government official who had a hand in it were out for themselves, thinking in the end they were going to win..... no loss to them.... well guess what? they got a little too greedy and I think rather than slapping their little hands, THEY should be the ones to pay the price. I don't care if it's Rush's idea, Whoopi's, etc... How about for once our government listens to the PEOPLE of this country rather than looking out for their own butts.
tax cuts?? just look at the table at the bottom
Well said. That is the bottom line. I have already voted....sm
for Obama/Biden and am proud of my choice. No one should ever legislate what a women can do with her own body, or a man's for that matter, but abortion is the subject here. As is with everything in life, I believe we will all have to answer for all our choices throughout our lives. That is between you and your God. Abortion could definitely be dramatically reduced if there weren't so many barriers to education and birth control and less talk about the "welfare mother" when women do choose not to have an abortion. I think that the main problem is that people are very judgemental. I am old, and, overy the years, I have learned that the old saying "walk a mile in my shoes" before your judge me probably should be either one of the Constitutional Amendments or one of the Ten Commandments.

I think that when judgement day comes, God is going to ask me, what did you do for your fellow human beings out of the goodness of your heart that did not benefit you directly in any way. Did you love your neighbor (even your enemies) as yourself? Did you bear false witness against your neighbor and spread rumors, get down and dirty because of differences of opinion in an election or in your daily life? That is what I imagine God is going to ask me in a few years and I am thinking about how I am going to answer.
The bottom line is that he's not lying about it. It's just
where do you people come from? the bottom of the gene pool?
in anyway!!!
Geez. Well, just proved that the bottom of the barrel...
had not been reached until just now. What a nasty, sick comment.
Bottom line: Either way, WE lose. At least, if the bill
doesn't pass until it strips the wall street & banking criminals of their ill-gotten gains, then EVERYONE will have to pay. But as the bill is currently written, WE have to pay. We're screwed, either say. Once this dies down a bit, I'm pulling every cent out of the stock market forever. I don't want my hard-earned savings, what little there is, going to making shysters rich.
Bottom line...are you in favor of infanticide? nm
Bottom line....O will raise DH and my taxes, sorry, it's not for

those who are lazy. Try working hard for a change and not expecting the gov't to give you a handout for once. WAAAH, please pay for my healthcare, pay for my kid's college, help me out because I don't want to take responibility for myself, I would rather let the gov't do it all and then when it doesn;t work out, I can blame them too. When O wins I can't wait to see this board in a year with all the people complaining about the broken promises, higher taxes, etc. It will be worth the wait.

Bottom line, no one can renounce the citizenship...sm
of an American citizen, period, whether they are adopted by a noncitizen or not. Obama had the right to claim Nigerian citizenship at age 21 but did not.
Bottom line here. O does not claim to be messiah
Anybody who subscribes to such nonsense on any level whatsoever is the one who is confused.....VERY confused.
Aren't we NOWat the bottom? How much lower can it get?
Therefore we need CHANGE.

'You don't seem to understand.' Favorite sentence of McCain addressing Obama.
But, it did not happen with Clinton and that is the bottom line
Why, oh why do the people continue to uphold a president who has wound up at the bottom of the barrel as far as what kind of presidency he had. Very good riddance. Yes, we can.
So,. bottom line, I am European born
and I have proven that my grammar and spelling is better than yours.

Sometimes I make some typos, but last not least this is a froum and on this forum there is no 'typo police' applied, not even 'grammar and spelling police.'

Go and take your meds, I bet you swallow tens of those every day and night, and pray!

Geeeezzzzzzz. And I thought they had already found the bottom of the barrel...
I don't believe that, but if she did, what the heck difference would it make???
maybe if you would have paid better, you wouldn't have had to scrape the bottom of the barrel -nm
and jobs that pay min. wage often have to scrape the bottom of the barrel - nm
I saw that clip earlier today and it is exactly right. And you can bet your bottom dollar on this...
Alarmist video? Who knows. Scare tactics? Who knows, but one thing I believe is there will be class war fare, food riots, and when Obama has taken all our guns away, then what???

It has happened in the UK with Sharia Law, in Australia they confiscated all guns, France with their huge Muslim population, and it sure as H.E. double-hockey sticks can happen here. And if Obama gets elected, you can take that to the bank. He will strip mine our country to its bones.

My DH has a saying..the tree of freedom has to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots. Or words to that effect.
Perez Hilton is a troll and bottom feeder.....
He serves no useful purpose in this life or any life. I agree with Miss California though. Marriage SHOULD be between a man and a woman. Sorry Perez, but I guess I would lose the pagent too.

Bottom line...they made a 68 million dollar PROFIT.
PROFIT is AFTER expenses. So I am thinking they are doing pretty darn well, don't you? They are not in it for the goodness of their hearts.

And it says plainly on the website they will take checks for anything but abortions. So that says to me cash or credit card. IF there is another explanation for that, please share.

It has been awhile since there was a bombing or a shooting, and I don't condone either. Killing abortionists or bombing clinics is not the answer. Changing minds and providing alternatives is the answer. But going with the flow and remaining quiet while mass murder of the unborn goes on is something I cannot do, and sorry if I find it horrifying that PLanned Parenthood makes such a KILLING for killing. THere is THAT.
The mainstream media hogs you speak of are actually those bottom dwellers at MSNBC and
broadcast news, NOT Hannity or any of those to whom you refer. 

What an evil, hateful, intolerant, ignorant person, but that explains the following he has with some on these boards.  Birds of a feather stay together.  Maybe it makes them feel more powerful somehow.  If they weren't so hateful, I might even feel sorry for some of these poor misguided souls. 

There seems to be an increasing movement of hate and intolerance in this country, wrapped around the Bible and the flag, neither of which is undeserving of such sacrilage by people who claim to love God and country. 

It's becoming scarier every day to be an American who (1) might not belong to the "right" religion (no pun intended), (2) who thinks that Bush is taking us backwards in time, and (3) who supports our troops by wanting them to come home to their families safe, alive and intact, and to only be used when absolutely necessary, not at the whim of a president who has lies and who can't be trusted.

Rush is all over this, too. nm
Rush is Right Again

Who said anything about Jesus?  Maybe I'm a Jew! 

If you go to Rush's w/s, you'll see his "official Obama criticizer," aka "Bo Snerdley."

And speaking of the Jews, it was a Dem. strategist who made the comment in FL that the Jews wouldn't vote for a black man.  That may well be on Rush's w/s as well.  Even Rush hadn't heard that one.

Y'all just make this way TOO easy  too much fun for me!

Rush is Right

If you actually studied this stuff you'd know what you're talking about.  Even Greta played the soundbyte of what he said.  It was printed on his web page, and is probably still there. 

I don't have time to get into having studied this literally all my life.

Regardless, if you think that having a Socialist in the White House is the answer and that border security means nothing, then vote away for one.  Ironically, the person who wrote the book "Real Change" before Obama picked it up as his buzz word was Newt Gingrich.  You may have no idea who he even is.

Try looking at JusticeOnTheBorder.com or EyesOnTheBorder.com if you want to compare what Obama & Clinton said about opening our flood gates even more as they pandered to all the illegals. 

You probably also had no idea that he has over 20 million listeners daily.  Literally nobody can touch him.  When you're on top, they always try to topple you. 

Rush is NO racist.  Even so, there's no law against it, whether it be black against white, white against black, etc.

I can't even believe when read things like this. 

Have a nice day.

I LOVE RUSH!! Rush's show is so informative and entertaining at the same time. At least we still have someone who tells the truth about our government.
Re: Rush
Rush is common sense, huh?  Do you consider being a blatant racist common sense? He lets it be known that he hates minorities and women, and as far as he is concerned all women are brainless individuals who should not have rights. Do you truly consider what he spews as gospel?  He is one of the most toxic media personalities I have ever had the misfortune to listen to as many others feel he is, and he offers nothing of value to the true COMMON SENSE American public. The citizens of this country, whether white, black, red, yellow need to be brought together to make a  change, whether you like Obama or not, whether your party affiliation is Republican or Democrat.  I look at our current state and it saddens me that these individuals whom we have entrusted have continually messed over us and we STILL believe what they say and do - look at what we have endured for the past eight years and will for years to come.  It's criminal. 
Rush Limbaugh sm
I stopped listening to him when he started calling us feminazis. I can't believe that big load of (expletive) is still allowed on the air. Not only is he ignorant, he's a hypocrite and a druggy and if he's trying to impress someone, it's not me.
You are losing it for us, Rush.
"Whether you agree with the fact that it's going on or not, we all have come to the decision that it's best that we win it. You haven't even joined us on that. You hope we lose it. You want to lose it because you want to embarrass the leaders of the country. What must your lives be like?"

First of all, there is no war to be won. Our enemy cannot be destroyed by brute force. Our enemy hides among the population, lives among the people. They have no strongholds we can attack, no supply lines we can cut, and no army we can outmatch and outgun on a traditional battlefield. We are fighting on their terms, but we have refused to acknowledge that. I ask you, what do you think Rush means when he talks about "winning the war in Iraq?" What does he envision as victory? The end of all violence against American targets? Complete and total peace? When Iraqis welcome our soldiers into their homes, and hug and kiss them in the streets? The insurgency is a disease. We have tried to destroy the infections that we have encountered, but we have not found a cure. We cannot prevent it, we cannot vaccinate against it. So long as American forces remain in Iraq, there can be no peace. You cannot convince the average Iraqi that we are there for his benefit, when his brothers have been killed by our soldiers, his home bombed by our planes, his life governed and monitored by our Army. So long as our soldiers patrol their streets, the Iraqis cannot be free, and the insurgency will continue. The hard truth is, the Bush administration does not know what to do in Iraq. They do not know how to achieve victory, because they do not know what victory should mean.

Leave Iraq. Bring our soldiers home. Apologize to the Iraqi people. Has anyone in the Bush camp ever thought of that? We are not fighting the Iraqi people as a whole. We are fighting various elements within the population. We owe the Iraqi people an apology, for invading their lives and killing their innocents (and because it was accidental does not excuse us from our responsibility). It is wrong to hate the Iraqi people. The vast majority of them are victims, caught in the crossfire. But the longer we remain in Iraq, the more noncombatants will join the insurgency, and become our enemies. The insurgents don't need to recruit new members; we are providing the people with reasons to join the fight against us, merely by doing what we are currently doing in their country. It is the propaganda that people like Rush spread that creates more and more hate, and makes it harder and harder to really and truly win the war in Iraq.
blowhard rush
But it is okay for the blowhard, Rush, to rag on people, lie about people, diss people?  Make a joke about people and their struggles?  The minute someone proves what Rush is all about and you freak out.  Tell me, if the article by Olbermann about Rush is not true, why has Rush's transcript where he is putting down on Sheehan been removed from his website?  Why has he denied stating derogatory remarks about Sheehan?  He knows he did because we have it in the net and on video.  You know, it bugs me that blowhards spout their hate and intolerance, bugs me for sure but it bugs me even more when you can't own up to your remarks.  If he stated it, he needs to come clean and we all know he stated it, as the proof is in the net.
Now you know how Rush feels. sm
Only he really IS deaf. 
Rush is a Band... nm
and he's a blow-hard.
Is Rush for real?

Did anyone hear R. Limbaugh's comments?  I only caught part of it, but it sounded like he was talking about liberals as though we are satan or something.  "You can't let them do this, or you can't let them do that".  All the time saying "them" like it's a dirty word.  Years ago I used to like him.  Now he disgusts me.   Now more than ever do we need a democrat president - just so I can see their faces and hear them whine.....oh wouldn't that be good.

You all have proven Rush right ...

no meaningful dialogue, just name-calling. 

Rush Limbaugh

hero of the great unwashed said SP was a "babe", "could wear a skirt", had "definable ankles."   I thought sexism was sexism whether complementary or derogatory.  I'll know more after my bath.


Why the rush for the bailout

There Is No Crisis--Summary by: Chris BowersTue Sep 23, 2008 at 16:22

Things are getting a little suspicious about this crisis.

1) Why did the Bush administration suddenly declare a crisis during the final two weeks when Congress would be in session during his presidency? Is it maybe because, after the election, Congress would know it wasn't dealing with Bush anymore?

2) If this is such a sudden crisis, why is it that the Bush administration was drawing up the plan for this bill for months beforehand?

3) Why is it that Congress is supposed to bail out many banks and firms that are actually quite successful and profitable right now, and not just those that are failing?

4) Why is Paulson blatantly lying to Congress about oversight?

5) Where did the $700 billion figure come from?

6) Why is Paulson urging that debate on the matter be held after the legislation is passed?The burden of proof should always be placed on those who are demanding a huge government bailout, not upon those who are skeptical that one is needed. And yet the questions keep mounting, with no answers in sight.

I am not saying that there is no need for government intervention. I am saying that the case for a $700 billion bailout is far from having been made. Until the case is made, there is no need to go forward. We will elect a new President in 42 days. We swear in a new Congress in 103 days. What is the rush? Why does this all of a sudden need to be done while the Bush administration is still in charge? The case hasn't been made, and answers are slow in coming, if they come at all. Chris Bowers :: There Is No Crisis--Summary

In your rush to judgment,
the reason for the 2-day delay might have been family related, rather than campaign related? Obama's great-uncle and sister were in attendance when she was released from the hospital.

Like any other human being, he has brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. Even in the most dyfunctional families and in those whose life circumstances keep them miles apart, often times they come together around a death bed to offer their support. His grandmother's 86th birthday is Sunday. Perhaps the timing had to do with coordinating his visit with the presence of other family who needed a day or 2 to "drop everything" and catch a plane. Who can really know the exact reason?

My prayer for Madelyn Dunham is that she has the strengh to hold on long enough to to turn 86 and to see her grandson be elected the next President of the United States. My guess is that she will be doing just that.
Rush Limbaugh
I'm surprised I haven't seen Rush Limbaugh's name mentioned on this board.  Talk about a nut job!!
According to Rush, one voter who was
ex-military and had to push through the 2 of them earlier was told that the "black people were going to win the election."
Rush is a sensationalist....(sm)

The whole point of his show is to create controversy.  Rush isn't just to the right....he's beyond right field.  So, Gingrey had to grovel and apologize to Rush because he disagreed with him and ticked off his *base.*  So, now we know who the *base* is.  I was actually expecting that, and I personally hope it stays that way.  It makes it easier for dems to win elections. 

The funny thing to me is that Obama just mentioned Rush's name in what I took to be a joke.  The pub party is so desparate for leadership that they took it to heart and managed to elevate Rush to a position of supposed power.  Good luck defending Rush's background.....the drugs, the comments, etc.....ROFL.