Ron Paul's comments on the bailout. sm
Posted By: LVMT on 2008-09-25
In Reply to:
Dr. No is still working for us in Congress.
Dear Friends:
The financial meltdown the economists of the Austrian School predicted has arrived.
We are in this crisis because of an excess of artificially created credit at the hands of the Federal Reserve System. The solution being proposed? More artificial credit by the Federal Reserve. No liquidation of bad debt and malinvestment is to be allowed. By doing more of the same, we will only continue and intensify the distortions in our economy - all the capital misallocation, all the malinvestment - and prevent the market's attempt to re-establish rational pricing of houses and other assets.
Last night the president addressed the nation about the financial crisis. There is no point in going through his remarks line by line, since I'd only be repeating what I've been saying over and over - not just for the past several days, but for years and even decades.
Still, at least a few observations are necessary.
The president assures us that his administration "is working with Congress to address the root cause behind much of the instability in our markets." Care to take a guess at whether the Federal Reserve and its money creation spree were even mentioned?
We are told that "low interest rates" led to excessive borrowing, but we are not told how these low interest rates came about. They were a deliberate policy of the Federal Reserve. As always, artificially low interest rates distort the market. Entrepreneurs engage in malinvestments - investments that do not make sense in light of current resource availability, that occur in more temporally remote stages of the capital structure than the pattern of consumer demand can support, and that would not have been made at all if the interest rate had been permitted to tell the truth instead of being toyed with by the Fed.
Not a word about any of that, of course, because Americans might then discover how the great wise men in Washington caused this great debacle. Better to keep scapegoating the mortgage industry or "wildcat capitalism" (as if we actually have a pure free market!).
Speaking about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the president said: "Because these companies were chartered by Congress, many believed they were guaranteed by the federal government. This allowed them to borrow enormous sums of money, fuel the market for questionable investments, and put our financial system at risk."
Doesn't that prove the foolishness of chartering Fannie and Freddie in the first place? Doesn't that suggest that maybe, just maybe, government may have contributed to this mess? And of course, by bailing out Fannie and Freddie, hasn't the federal government shown that the "many" who "believed they were guaranteed by the federal government" were in fact correct?
Then come the scare tactics. If we don't give dictatorial powers to the Treasury Secretary "the stock market would drop even more, which would reduce the value of your retirement account. The value of your home could plummet." Left unsaid, naturally, is that with the bailout and all the money and credit that must be produced out of thin air to fund it, the value of your retirement account will drop anyway, because the value of the dollar will suffer a precipitous decline. As for home prices, they are obviously much too high, and supply and demand cannot equilibrate if government insists on propping them up.
It's the same destructive strategy that government tried during the Great Depression: prop up prices at all costs. The Depression went on for over a decade. On the other hand, when liquidation was allowed to occur in the equally devastating downturn of 1921, the economy recovered within less than a year.
The president also tells us that Senators McCain and Obama will join him at the White House today in order to figure out how to get the bipartisan bailout passed. The two senators would do their country much more good if they stayed on the campaign trail debating who the bigger celebrity is, or whatever it is that occupies their attention these days.
F.A. Hayek won the Nobel Prize for showing how central banks' manipulation of interest rates creates the boom-bust cycle with which we are sadly familiar. In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, he described the foolish policies being pursued in his day - and which are being proposed, just as destructively, in our own:
Instead of furthering the inevitable liquidation of the maladjustments brought about by the boom during the last three years, all conceivable means have been used to prevent that readjustment from taking place; and one of these means, which has been repeatedly tried though without success, from the earliest to the most recent stages of depression, has been this deliberate policy of credit expansion.
To combat the depression by a forced credit expansion is to attempt to cure the evil by the very means which brought it about; because we are suffering from a misdirection of production, we want to create further misdirection - a procedure that can only lead to a much more severe crisis as soon as the credit expansion comes to an end... It is probably to this experiment, together with the attempts to prevent liquidation once the crisis had come, that we owe the exceptional severity and duration of the depression.
The only thing we learn from history, I am afraid, is that we do not learn from history.
The very people who have spent the past several years assuring us that the economy is fundamentally sound, and who themselves foolishly cheered the extension of all these novel kinds of mortgages, are the ones who now claim to be the experts who will restore prosperity! Just how spectacularly wrong, how utterly without a clue, does someone have to be before his expert status is called into question?
Oh, and did you notice that the bailout is now being called a "rescue plan"? I guess "bailout" wasn't sitting too well with the American people.
The very people who with somber faces tell us of their deep concern for the spread of democracy around the world are the ones most insistent on forcing a bill through Congress that the American people overwhelmingly oppose. The very fact that some of you seem to think you're supposed to have a voice in all this actually seems to annoy them.
I continue to urge you to contact your representatives and give them a piece of your mind. I myself am doing everything I can to promote the correct point of view on the crisis. Be sure also to educate yourselves on these subjects - the Campaign for Liberty blog is an excellent place to start. Read the posts, ask questions in the comment section, and learn.
H.G. Wells once said that civilization was in a race between education and catastrophe. Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow. For the truth is the greatest weapon we have.
In liberty,
Ron Paul
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I actually really like Ron Paul...
I plan to vote for Barack Obama (bash him if you want - I cannot be swayed!), but I checked out Ron Paul's website awhile back, and it seems like he has a pretty great record. I wouldn't mind if he got elected. I think both Obama and Paul seem to have one great quality in common - integrity!! People can call me foolish if they want, but I go with my gut feeling a lot through life (serving me well so far), and I have a good feeling about both of these men. They seem like decent, honest men - well, honest for politicians at least. :)
I like Obama because he talks about the things that mean the most to my family, and I really think he has what it takes to bring our divided nation back together somewhat, but if a Republican makes it to office, I hope it's Paul.
Exactly what Ron Paul has said over and
He has repeatedly tried to remind everyone of our constant intrusion into the middle east, invading their soil and they resent us for that. Oil, oil, oil is the reason and I am still amazed at how so many people still believe that is not the reason we're over there. Carter screwed up so bad decades ago and things have just gotten worse since. Obama doesn't know squat about middle eastern affairs and it scares me to death to think he could possibly be running this country one day.
Ron Paul.....
Not nominated because he went against everything the government bureaucracy wanted. He wanted VERY LIMITED government, NO taxes on individual citizens, do away with the IRS, stop taking away civil rights, NO national ID, free markets, and here's the kicker, return to SOUND MONETARY POLICIES. Now, that's why he wasn't nominated but look at the crap hole we're in now.
He never has gone alone with capitol hill's garbage and has stood up against them at every turn.
He has preached the coming of this very thing which we are bailing corporate greed's sorry butts out right now and they just scoff, smirk, and laugh at him.
I sat on this board and read harsh comments about him but yet most of them had to do with nothing more than his age. The very things they are screaming about now are the very things he warned again and again about and begged us to be involved in what is going on with our government and police THEM, not the other way around. But no, we end up with Obama and McCain. What a trade off.
So, do you think Ron Paul is serious
candidate or just a wasted vote? I'm not liking neither Obama nor McCain at this point, and I've been researching Ron Paul a little bit. I don't know that I'm leaning towards him, just curious if he has a viable chance in this election.
It seems worthless to vote for someone you know won't get enough of the votes to actually win the thing. Any thoughts? Does Ron Paul have enough supporters to get voted in?
Ron Paul
Yes, he has never veered one bit from his beliefs. He is not swayed by lobbylists and the good ole boy system... he has continued to try to speak for America but sadly enough to deaf ears. Everybody wants tax relief but when this man said he would do everything he could to get the IRS abolished, were there any takers? Yea, but not by the mainstream media. You rarely got to see him on there. At the very least, he would have given us a flat tax. I don't hear either candidate talking flat tax, which would be a very quick fix with lasting benefits. But, of course, that's too easy....government couldn't afford all the crap they're used to dishing up for us.
Ron Paul
G20 by Ron Paul
We do have someone, Ron Paul. sm
He is not a perfect public speaker, but he tells it like it is. During an interview with Cavuto, this guy said if he was an American he would vote for Ron Paul.
Actually, was not a Ron Paul fan, but the more I
comments (sm)
PK, I agree with some things you say, certainly not all, but you talk about the righer Bush goes the lefter you go. My question is this, do you think it's healthy to let ONE PERSON change your whole ideology? I think that's way too much influence for one person to have on your life. I don't think it's healthy. You are most likely a wonderful person, but like many on the left you have let the fear of Bush really cloud your view. I don't think he's the greatest president we have ever had, but he's certainly on the scoundrel that you and others here make him out to be. I think the problem with leftward thinking as a whole is that it basically says I, as an upper middle-class taxpayer, have to take care of everyone's woes even if their woes are self-inflicted, criminally obtained, or the result of being just plain lazy. Really, in the end when I stand before God I'm only going to have to answer for myself. I do give to others, so I'm not a selfish hog, but I don't think its right for the government to tell me I have to take care of someone else who is capable taking care of themselves. I'm for helping the truly downtrodden, incapacitated, and mentally disabled, but social programs as a whole are sham and downright theft. I don't want that for Iraq or America. I think it's far time that Americans start taking responsibility for themselves and get over the victim mentality and expecting the nanny state to do everything for us.
Anyway, your post was enlightening, and really the first non-angry post I've ever read from you.
Didn't realize it was a nasty attack, thought I was addressing a point you made about videos being truth and the written word not the truth. Thinking back on the history of propanda films in this country as well as others I disagreed and was trying to use logic.....and some humor.
As far as cut and paste, unless the board administrator says we can no longer do this I will probably continue to do it on the LIBERAL board, especially if it provides documentation for a point I am trying to make. Researchers and newspapers do it often. That said, here's another cut and paste quote, but don't know who said it:
The US has become the new Webster's definition of irony: Even though most Americans, most American lawmakers, and most American military commanders had long protested the usefulness of their presence in Iraq, ironically they still considered their own government a democracy.
This reminds me of Cheney commenting that basically he didn't care what the American people thought of the war or what they wanted. I thought we were supposed to be his boss.....
Thank you for your comments....... sm
You proved my point right here.
"As far as the "man on the street" interviews, it's obvious there are a lot of people in the United States who are ill informed and/or just ignorant, to the point it would be funny if it weren't so tragic. Otherwise, they would have known Obama's views on choice and Iraq..."
These are the very people who put Obama in office. These are the people who saw a charismatic young leader, just as the uninformed or misled people in other countries who do not know our issues and/or who have only been allowed to see what their governments want them to see on television.
I don't think France feels too "friendly" towards America/Bush right now, and it hasn't been too long ago that Mexico was rising up stating that Texas was still theirs and they planned on taking it back.
I do enjoy a good debate and hope that you or anyone else takes what I say here personally. I think we all have America's best interests at heart based on our own opinions but just come at it from different backgrounds/situations. Have a blessed day!
Most of these comments.......
are just about 5 years old or older.......Saddam lived in a dangerous neighborhood, I'm sure he wanted his neighbors to think he had truckloads of weapons. BUT, when the CIA could find no evidence of WMDs - their information was quashed and our govt outed a CIA agent in retribution (Valerie Plame) which is treason. It took years for the real truth of the matter to come to light........maybe that's why Clinton didn't rush on in there and hang Saddam......Iraq had nothing to do with 911 - now look at the cluster in Afghanistan that got left to simmer in the meantime.............sheesh......I blame Bush - it wasn't about WMDs (or they wouldn't have hidden the fact there were none) - it was about OIL.
Here are some comments about this
Some comments I read are:
"It can’t be understated what an insult this is to the American People, Sovereign (whether any individual Citizen understands this, flees from the responsibility for this or would change this) over their nation and its government. It is a betrayal, and may, indeed, be treasonous.
It is appropriate that Obama has, in bowing to a foreign potentate in this picture, shown his @ss to the American People; an act that would have been a capital offense had his position been reversed. It would have been inappropriate for him to genuflect before the British monarch, no matter how many neo-Tories there may be among us.
This particular potentate has, among his titles, acknowledgment of his status as keeper of the Holy Places of Islam, and thus singling out Abdullah of the Saudis for such a sign of respect should disturb, deeply, any American left who understands the United States and its history.
It strains credibility to believe someone representing State didn’t tell Obama what constituted a proper stance. He much have overruled that advice, and singled out this particular potentate for this gesture."
Another poster wrote -
I’ve read elsewhere that some people attempt to rationalize this bow-to-the-Saudi-King by Barack Obama as Obama somehow participating in “another country’s protocol” — which is rubbish given the Office that Barack Obama holds (the President of the United States of America bows to no other country, no ruler, to no one — this represents our nation, the U.S.A., as a sovereign nation subservient to no one else, no ruler, no other nation, our nation as a republic unto itself).
These were quotes taken from the second link down on this website.
Neoconservatism, per Ron Paul.
Vote for Ron Paul
He has my vote, too.
Voting for Ron Paul
Go Ron Paul!
Would love to see a true statesman like Ron Paul be President of our country.
A politician is a man who thinks of the next election; while the statesman thinks of the next generation. -James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888)
I am sure that even shocked Ron Paul. sm
I would say he has some fringe support. I do not think he has any control over that, but overall he is uniting people across parties, colors, ages, religions etc. Who else is doing that? Looking for idealistic youth, you will find a lot of them at Ron Paul rallies.
I do not like Tucker either. I have seen posts on other sites that MSNBC is going to or has fired him. Maybe he does not want to be a paid shill anymore. There is even a Save Tucker website.
I supported Ron Paul too...but
Ron Paul is not in the race anymore. He was a good candidate and I was behind him 100%. Even he is in agreement with Barack on certain issues (no not all of them but some of them). And yes Hillary does need to step down. She will tear the party apart so much that we will be seeing a win for McBush. She has so much bad baggage attached to her that if she was to win the nomination McBush would win hands down over her. Yes everyone should be allowed to vote but we should also know that there will only be two candidates come election time. If anyone wants to write in someone else and not vote for McCain or Obama then its just a waste. If people think its going to make a difference it won't. Those votes will just go in the trash can.
For those who supported Ron Paul sm
Great article in the Rocky Mountain News.
Ron Paul has performed a great service for the Republican Party
By Jeff Wright
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Largely unappreciated and attacked by his own Party Congressman Ron Paul has, in fact, done a great service to the Republican Party this election season. Paul enlarged the Republican ‘tent’ to again include disaffected core Republicans, Independents and real Conservatives who have been forced outside that ‘tent’ in the last two decades.
Paul uses classic Republican language to defend that point of view which demands small-government, constitutionally-oriented, fiscally-responsible and true free-market adherents actually be recognized and accommodated, rather than just paying lip-service to those positions.
Most importantly, that message has motivated a generation of young people to join the Party who are technically savvy, constitutionally-smart and extremely enthusiastic about spreading the message of freedom, liberty and free markets. They have been inspired by a candidate who really understands and believes in a Republic and, one would think, be embraced by incumbent Republican Party members.
However that, it seems, is not the case. Too many existing Republicans do not understand the language of those positions any more and can’t speak it in public. It also seems the NeoCon members are intent on forcing out of the party the very people that represent its future. I urge my Republican brothers and sisters to reject such collectivist, herd mentality which is indicative of Democrats while being logically and historically repugnant to Republicans.
In the 1960s and 70s that same “insurgent” group within the party was represented by Goldwater/Ronald Reagan conservatives. For those of you who don’t remember, the “Reaganites” were ostracized and isolated throughout that period right up to the 1980 election, when they were fully embraced. That is why in March of 1980, even former President Gerald Ford was still quoted as saying, “.....the Man is unelectable,” seven months before Reagan was elected President. It is worth noting that Congressman Paul was one of only 4 Congressman who endorsed Reagan in 1976.
However, the Goldwater/Reaganites were never treated as badly as the Paulites have been this season. The NeoCon/establishment faction within the Party has diligently worked to eliminate all true vestiges of the real Reagan Revolution from the party, as exampled by their behavior this election season. They have but one thought: Power and control at any cost. Yet, the record shows they keep losing running against historic principles of the Party.
They are attempting to make stillborn the Paul movement. Why? Because we are strong supporters of the original values of the Party? My friends, we are being weakened further by the poor leadership of that NeoCon faction and its adherents. Check the record.
The results since 2004 have been abysmal. In Colorado, while having a 200,000-vote advantage of registered Republicans over Democrats, we have lost the State Senate and the House, the Governor’s mansion, the Treasurer’s seat and two Congressional seats.
Nationally, we already have lost the US House and Senate and it is nearly a foregone conclusion we will lose 25-30 more House seats and 6-9 Senate seats in November.
In early tests, we have already lost seats in Illinois, Louisiana and Mississippi. Seats that Republicans have held for decades. The damage is mounting. We are CONTINUING to lose Governor’s seats left and right. The Democrats are out-raising us in funding $3 and $4 to one (in Congress $6 to $1) as noted recently by Republican Congressional leaders. The leadership should be forced to explain where it is that we have a winning strategy in constantly compromising our historic principles rather than firmly re-establishing them each generation? That is what the Founders taught.
From McKinley to Taft to Goldwater to Reagan, this Party used to promote and celebrate the core Republican message and historical principles of the Party. That seems to be all but banished from the party, except to pay it lip service. The result of that banishment are, and will be, clearly evident in the election results this November and after. If establishment Republicans persist in ostracizing and obstructing every attempt for the classic Republican message to have a voice in the Party, than who are Republicans, really? I did not spend the last 33 years as a conservative to start voting for liberals. Please join me today in supporting and promoting what should be the real message of the Republican Party in 2008 and beyond. Send the message to the Party leadership that we no longer support any further erosion of this party’s principles! Don’t allow them to keep rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Regardless of whether or not you would ultimately have voted for Congressman Paul, every Republican should have respected the message. That was the Republican way for the first 140 years of this party. At this point, even if he wins, John McCain will likely be another Millard Fillmore presiding over the complete demise of the Whig Party from 1850-54.
Obama is NOTHING like Ron Paul....
I thought about Ron Paul but
there were quite a few things I didn't agree with him on plus I didn't think he had a snowball's chance of winning.
For Ron Paul Fans.
He thinks McCain is the better man. He stated he doesn't even know what the O is all about.
This is why the powers that be behind the scenes made sure Ron Paul didn't get proper media coverage and couldn't get his message out there........too many agendas in governments around the world. We do need to keep our butts out of matter what happens, the middle east will always and has always been fighting. Surely the U.S. doesn't think WE will be able to suddenly stop all that. All we are doing is making matters worse by taking sides at this point. If Israel feels the need to counter attack or invade the gaza strip, regardless, we need to stay out of it. Let them do what they need to do and we need to stay out.
Ron Paul is soooo right!!!
Ron Paul has been so right all along. We just keep throwing more and more money, printing more money, just wasted, all of it! Government is not supposed to be in the business of economic planning for this country....that's not a free society! Government has NEVER done ANYTHING worthwhile with our money other than blow it............they have no business in the private sector.
All the CEOs they sit up there and grill....what have they found out? Nothing....and they never will. Government can't get anything right.
I want the platform that Ron Paul ..
originally ran on back in the 1980's - term limits. Let congress do 4, 5, or 6 years and then go home and get a job like the rest of us. The founding fathers never intended pols to remain at the trough on the Potomac for decades, collecting and peddling influence and serving special interests. Besides, with 300+ million of us I'm certain we could find a new crop every few years who are capable and willing to serve their country for a term.
Paul says in Corinthians
that we will all stand before Christ:
2 Corinthians 5:10, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."
So Christians will be judged based on the works they do AFTER salvation, and rewarded/chastised according to such. That's part of the motivation of Christians doing good works.
But you are right, as far as getting into heaven, Christians will not face condemnation if they have sincerely confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
For Ron Paul fans. sm
The article is on Huff Post, but is positive. There have been a few good articles there lately on Dr. Paul since his transparency bill (HR 1207) now has more than half the House as cosponsors.
The World's Most Popular Congressman
I wasn't much of a Ron Paul fan and (sm)
didn't vote for him, but if he had been treated more fairly, my opinions may have changed. As of now, they're beginning to change.
There are a lot of things the federal government have no business sticking their noses into. Last time I heard, Ron Paul had nailed most of them down.
Since I'm beginning to become disillusioned with both the Republican and Democratic parties, I just may vote for Paul (if he's still running) during the next election.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our money, frist by inflation and then by deflation; the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks) will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered"
-President Thomas Jefferson
here's your bailout
I think that all the CEOs of the big three along with all their members of the board and whatnot, all the big wigs, that have made millions screwing people over for years and years should dip into their OWN pockets and sell a few houses, cancel a few vacations, cash in a few money markets and get their own companies out of debt. Then, when the books are balanced, the people who have been making 80,000 a year to push a button should take a pay cut and NOT go on strike and live like the rest of real America. Then they should be fine.
if they fail, do you realize it would affect everyone. Millions of jobs in the auto industry alone. If people don't have jobs, they can't spend money anywhere. Stores will start to close, etc. It will affect everyone.
I totally agree 1000% with your analysis - the only time these greedy CEO's give a hoot about us is when they see their profits increase. You can bet your last five cents that if one of us went to them asking for money - they would call the police!! It would be interesting to see the salaries of CEO's in Europe as opposed to what these guys continually fleece us for...![](
About That First Bailout
Do you remember who told us "we had to act now or we might face dooms day (sic)" with all that bailout money? It was Hank Paulsen and George Bush. We may as well have flushed that first TARP payment down the toilet. There was no accountability, and no one knows where all that money went.
At least the present stimulus package has accountability built into it and some limits as to what can and can't be done with the money.
mccaffrey comments
Then we have General (or whatever his designation) Barry McCaffrey stating we should send our sons and daughters to war cause the country needs them..On Countdown with Olbermann, he stated the govt must ask the people to send their sons and daughters..I have an answer for him..NO, not my son, not my daughter..I could see if this was a legitimate war (are any wars really truly legitimate..cant we resolve our crises without murder and mayhem..geez) but the Iraq war?? Heck no..never..Bush, you and your idiotic murderous administration got us into this, send your daughters to Iraq.
More inappropriate
Your neocon party rhetoric is disturbing.
Politician comments
This is one thread I can't help posting to. First, I want to say that I absolutely hate the new p.c. term "clearly." Clearly this, clearly that from news anchors, talk show hosts, you name it.
As for the comment by Michelle Obama, if she is proud of her country "for the first time" then she's running a little late in my opinion. I've been a Democrat all my life but no more. The color of the candidate's skin has nothing whatsoever to do with anything, I don't care if he is pea green with orange stripes. Obama scares the bejeezers out of me!! Read about him and listen to him and learn. I'll not be voting for him. I would not have voted for Hillary. Why? Doesn't matter if she's a woman or not. I have no respect for her. I certainly don't admire her for standing by her man.
As for McCain, his stupid comment I think speaks for itself and doesn't show a lot of intelligence. Secondly, he is too old. While I admire his military service, I think if we like the condition of our country now, we'll enjoy more of the same and worse under his leadership.
Listen to both politicians. They both want to give amnesty to illegal aliens and I am dead set against it. Reagan (and I'm no fan of his either) tried that and now we have at least twice as many to deal with as we did then. It is purely political, get the votes whereever they can.
Then there's the matter of our country being sold off to foreign investors one piece at a time and the huge national debt to China. What happens when they call in their mortgage? Will they demand, California, Texas and maybe Alaska or will they just take over the whole danged country?
As for voting in this election????? I probably will just stay home for the first time since I've been old enough to vote. We don't even have a candidate to vote for that is the lesser of the evils in my opinion. I think the last good leader we had was Harry Truman, "walk softly and carry a big stick."![](
Exactly! I see no comments from the Pubs.
So did you have any intelligent comments about what you saw...
Or were you just posting to spew your schtick?
Yeah, we get it. You don't like conservatives.
Was that your point? Because that's old news and adds nothing to the convo.
And the comments toward Elizabeth...
Hasselbeck weren't rude??
With these comments - see message
I would rate you no different than Rush Limbaugh. He's such a pig, and your comment about what she wore shows me you have no idea of any of the substance of her debate.
The only thing you have correct is that she smiled and she looked sharp. Very much Vice Presidential. Play back the tape and you will not see one wink or smirk.
Biden on the other hand. He seems so uncomfortable the look on his face was so painful almost like he had hemorrhoids or a severe case of intestinal gas. Everytime she came back with a fact he had a blank look on his face and then he'd say something and snap his head towards her as if he thought he could intimidate her. She was intelligent enough not to take the bait and she does not get intimidated. Good for her! She showed me she can stand up to anyone.
Biden told at least 10 lies tonight. Wonder how he's going to explain that away (I'm sure he will find a way).
Gov. Palin was described as brilliant, and had a level of skill we haven't seen since President Regan. They said she explained things so articulately and in a fashion everyone understood.
What she has shown me tonight is she understands the economy and how to get things done and she and John McCain will be fighting for us. Not more of the same with O'No/Biden.
Her comments are not hateful, considering
the general consensus is that Palin has hurt McCain more than his connection to Bush. By the way, MrsM never said she hated Palin, but she obviously has a strong opinion about her, and MrsM did not personally attack by namecalling anyone else on here for their opinion. And yet another example of twisting someone's words to suit their own agenda. McPalin has taught you well, Grasshopper.
Same comments made over and over
Your comments are expected, ...the next
poster was correct...useless to talk to any Obama supporter sometimes at all. Why should I type out ad nauseum all of Obama's statements, when you don't remember them at all, and them blame me for "obviously not remembering." cheap shot, yet again.
You should really listen to Rush sometime. You might learn something and expand your mind. But wait, liberals think with their hearts, not their minds.
Cancel that. Just carry on with your own, bigoted opinions.
I would like to hear some comments
members of the 9/11 victims on this issue.
This is exactly the type of comments we don't need.
Discuss issues but don't post snide remarks. Simple as that. Worship has no place on this board.
Try following the trail of comments you are
Your ignorance is showing. If you notice the SUBJECT line I was responding to, you would understand. Try reading EVERYTHING before you spout off. You make yourself look very foolish.
Thanks. Here are just a couple comments
It is true. People can disagree without getting nasty. I think everyone gets in a dander when they feel they are being attacked for their beliefs/opinions.
I did vote for him and fully supported him while he was running against Hillary. All I knew was (to me) she was one of the worst people to run for office. She had no clue, road on the coattails of her husband. Everything good he did she claimed it as hers, but everything bad he did she had nothing to do with. Her lies were so blatant and then when she came out and told the public the reason she was staying in (in case something (too horrible to mention) happened to Obama, she'd be right there and even brought up JFK's name (or maybe it was RFK - one of the Kennedy's)). I just thought that was the worst worst worst ever. She may have been thinking and hoping for it but to actually say it just truly made me realize how much more I disliked her and the thought of her getting in literally made me nauseous. I also voted for Obama in the primaries because I said enough of the Clintons, they destroyed what little faith I had in the democratic party back then (I voted for Bill the first time but not the second) and all their crooked deals and illegal doings going on while they were in there, there was no way in you know where I wanted any of that crowd back (who knew Obama was going to bring them all back - Arrrrggggg - that's my word of frustration). After the primary's ended I started reading and hearing more and more about Obama's plans and speeches, etc. I thought to myself, well listening to his voice give speeches would be much better than listening to McCain with his "my friends" every other sentence he speaks, but then listening to Obama it got to a point where I'd just be counting how many uh, uh, umm, er, uh, uh. I even had some bets with friends who would get the closest number would buy the other a beer. HA HA. Anyway...I do say give the guy a chance, but I know that a lot of dems would be all over McCains back if he had gotten elected.
What I am seeing and hearing and reading is not very hopeful. I listen to the economist who know what's going on and have the solutions. It looks like a pretty dim future and I'm not blinded like a lot are with Obama's speeches. I want to know the truth and I'm not getting it from them (go figure).
What I don't like is that Obama is no different than all the other politicians out there. He lied to us during his campaign just like all the other presidents lied to us about what they would do. He kept boasting about change but he's not bringing change. He keeps spewing this hope message. Well its now time to put hope to work and stop talking about it as though he is still campaigning.
However, I respect anyone who has a difference of opinions. They (like me) are entitled to the way they feel. Like my mom used to say to me, I may disagree with you, but I respect you and people can have conversations without getting nasty.
Well..........your comments speak for themselves........
As per one of your earlier posts: "People in this country don't care if another attack happens on our soil, just as long as a democrat is sitting in office." What do you call that? How do you know what people care about? Seems as though you are only interested in your own "thoughts" and "feelings."
I agree with 'm',especially with her comments
about the animal kingdom.
When we say 'You live like an animal,' we mean this as an insult.
as an insult.
His comments were very clearly understood....can you